iss600 · 13 hours
Oh No, I Have a New Ship
That's right, I awaken from my annual "forget I have Tumblr and not post for ages" phase and I'm here to both stake my spot in the Skylanders tag once more...and also announce that I have found a new ship. Now, this isn't my first Skylanders ship I've ever shipped, that's Stealthslinger and I still love that with all my heart.
But, rarepairs seem to be where I find my calling because I've found one that I cannot stop thinking about. It's to my own detriment, I'll be honest because I've since rewritten Phantom of the Opera for these guys specifically and the SWAP Force by extension. This is what your brain is like on rarepairs and a 7 year fascination with Phantom of the Opera. Don't do rarepairs and a franchise, kids. Or else.
Anyway, please enjoy my 4th favorite Skylander Free Ranger who I would love to ramble about and his earthy boyfriend Doom Stone who I will let @doomstonee ramble about. She's got it covered from what I've browsed. By the way, this is the best piece of fanart of these two I've seen and I love it. Encapsulates the spinners so well.
Lastly, enjoy this image dump. All renders, some I just cobbled into one image.
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P.S.: Maybe I'll post about my Skylanders A.U. and fangames. Maybe.
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iss600 · 4 months
The Little Spitfire (Committing to the Joke)
I would recommend reading the document but I'll crosspost below the "Keep Reading" line. Warning, it's very long.
As this is Tumblr and the place for all sorts of weird things, I bring you mine. Probably the strangest thing I put effort into writing. 6 pages of what amounts to a joke idea.
If anyone has an idea of who Eric and Triton should be, tell me, because I don't. At all. I'm so lost.
T.L.;D.R.: The Little Mermaid but it's the Skylanders as the cast instead, primarily the SuperChargers.
The Little Spitfire
(Committing to the Joke)
Somewhere high above and beyond your imagination is an adventure in fantasy. The Little Spitfire is a joke taken way too far and one that I have committed to solely for the meme. It is a Skylanders take on the story of The Little Mermaid (1989), replacing the original cast with our own flame-spirit SuperCharger Spitfire, optimistic lark Stormblade, gloomy Dreadwalker Nightfall and many more.
The Context
This joke came about while I was brainstorming cutscene dialog for a cutscene in my fan-game. This cutscene took place in an underwater kingdom and I was listening to "Under the Sea" to give some ambience. What I had come up with was that all Skylanders of all elements had been magically protected against the waters and were now swimming freely beneath the waves, making their way to an underwater palace. Spitfire and Stormblade would be chatting as they swam, with the conversion involving Spitfire expressing difficulty/confusion at swimming. Stormblade would then suggest he "does it the mermaid way" and would “demonstrate” what she meant (furiously wiggling and spasming up and down like a maniac). Spitfire would then copy her (much more fluidly and gracefully due to his merman-esque body shape). The conversation would then go as follows.
Spitfire: For some reason, I feel like I should get up on a rock and sing about being part of the world above. Stormblade: Same honestly. Can we do that later? Spitfire: Absolutely.
The reason that the conversation would go this way is for 3 reasons:
This fan-game establishes that all Skylanders are fans of Earth media and consume a lot of it. Spitfire alongside others is quite familiar with Disney movies like The Little Mermaid.
The fan-game itself is very musical in its mechanics, so Spitfire having the urge to sing isn't that strange. In fact, singing is a necessary requirement for unlocking the main power in the story. Specifically, it’s working together with others and being in-sync with one another as well as being able to work in harmony that’s necessary. Singing and dancing being the easiest way to achieve that so that’s what everyone’s been doing. That's why Stormblade asks if they're going to sing later. She sees it as an offer to both have some fun and try and work together to harmonize.
Spitfire is willing to humor Stormblade's optimism and slightly odd suggestions like accepting offers to sing karaoke with her or play dancing games with her. If she wants to sing and dance all silly after a mission, he’s happy to join her. It’s not his usual style, but he doesn’t mind it, plus the above reasons of harmonizing would give him good reason to do it too.
Now, I didn’t disregard this at all, because quite frankly, I like merfolk way too much and I saw Spitfire having a tail similar to them as the perfect opportunity to make the above conversation into a wonderful brick joke that still made sense in the setting (I’m imagining either a full theater production of it, or just those two singing on a rock on the beach for fun). To quote myself: “I’ll be honest, it’s the fact he doesn't have legs. I was like "yeah, I can merman this”. I mentioned this in the Portal Masters Lounge Discord server and user “Firedanne” asked the following:
“Does he dream of living up in the sky and collect raindrops and pieces of shot down planes?”
I said “no, but that’s a great idea” and quickly the two of us realized that it made a lot more sense than Spitfire being a merman under the sea (which already doesn’t make a lot of sense, full admittance). And…well, the joke went from there and it did not stop. After replaying the official soundtrack for The Little Mermaid, I decided to do it for the meme and bring you all…whatever this can be considered. Crack post, probably.
The Actual Idea
Summary: Deep inside the volcanoes of Skylands, fire-spirit Spitfire lives in a glowing arcadia of magma and flames. But Spitfire wishes to live amongst the clouds, however his father King X* forbids him from realizing his dreams. One day, after saving the life of Y*, a creature from the air, Spitfire finds himself smitten with Y and makes a deal with a devious deadly witch to become an Air creature and must earn Y’s love before time runs out.
*X and Y are placeholders because I don’t actually know who will fill those positions. More on that below.
The Plot
The plot would be the movie’s plot albeit with potential for some minor modifications to it, either to be more Skylanders-y or just because. Not entirely sure but I see the plot as having the same beats and basic layout but being somewhat different in execution. It absolutely has the songs though, I’m not getting rid of that.
One of the most significant plot changes would be the role of Flounder if Stormblade takes that role. Stormblade would be a being of Air who would be Spitfire’s best friend and also his wingman, assisting him where necessary and such. Essentially, she’d be a much more extraverted and adventurous Flounder who’d act as Spitfire’s wingman and on-land ally (she’d be a secondary protagonist almost). Because in canon, the two get along and seem to be on friendly terms, I can imagine Stormblade as Spitfire’s good friend and the one who tells him all about the sky, brings him stuff, goes exploring with him etc. Plus, the opportunity for both to duet songs like Part of Your World and Stormblade soloing Kiss the Girl is a lot of fun to imagine.
After that, the rest of the plot changes would boil down to some slightly different scenes, different dialog (but with the same intentions) and so forth. Since the story would take place in the sky, the setting would also be different, but that wouldn’t really affect things all that much aside from some wording changes.
The Characters
Here’s the current cast list as it stands. The question marks mean I don’t know if that person I picked really fits at all, but it also means I don’t know who would be in that role at all.
Ariel = Spitfire Flounder = ? Sebastian = Dive-Clops? Scuttle = Smash Hit? Prince Eric (Y) = ? King Triton (X) = ? Ursula = Nightfall
Spitfire would be a flame spirit prince who lives beneath the surface in a massive volcanic kingdom. This is to keep his “no legs, merman tail” thing; now he has a reason to swim everywhere and also explains why as a flame spirit, he can’t simply fly upwards (and on that note, he doesn’t have his wings either, or his technical enhancements; he is pure fire and rock-body). He is stuck underground, but sneaks above onto the surface to explore and collect things that fall from the sky, birdwatch etc. He’d go to the witch and that’s where he’d get his wings and tech enhancement, but of course, he’d give up his voice and have the “get a kiss before 3 days is up” condition.
Now, here’s where it gets tricky for me. On the one hand, I could make Stormblade the Eric of the story (so she would be the Y character) and it would work perfectly fine. But on the other hand, I’ve also got another role for her, an expanded-upon version of Flounder’s role as detailed above and that also works perfectly. Both options for her work out really well because her canon relationship with Spitfire makes her ideal for both positions (as detailed in the plot section). I’m torn about what to do with her because if not her, I don’t know who would be the Eric role. It could be a man or a woman, but I’ve got no clue who I’d pick. I know who I wouldn’t want, but the elimination game hasn’t been super helpful.
The easiest role to choose however is definitely Nightfall as Ursula. She’s a Dreadwalker, she’s got the spooky colors, she’s menacing-looking, she has the tentacled hair and she absolutely would kill it singing “Poor Unfortunate Souls”. And while she’s not evil in personality, her personality would make her a more believable Ursula in comparison to say, Splat. Nightfall being of the Dark element also helps; she’s opposite to bright fire and daylight.
The roles of Sebastian and Scuttle were also OK to come up with, but I’m not too sure about them all. I went with Smash Hit for Scuttle because he’s a rather weird fellow, so he fits with Scuttle’s rather strange self. Dive-Clops is Sebastian solely because he’s the smallest of the cast (I’m talking about him suitless, mind you) and I thought it would be hilarious to put him in a crab costume, or something like that. However, neither of them are Fire or Air elementals, so in the context of the story, it doesn’t make all that much sense.
The role of King Triton is completely up in the air. I have no idea who could, would or should be in his role in the slightest. I know it should probably be a Fire elemental, I just don’t know who. The role of Eric is also unknown for reasons detailed in Stormblade’s entry above. I don’t have a set person at all; the closest I got to someone who wasn’t Stormblade is Ka-Boom and that was for a joke where Ka-Boom auditions and Spitfire struggles to drag him places, and also gets crushed underneath him because of size differences (to me, Ka-Boom look bigger than pretty much every Skylander by a large margin). It was not a serious consideration at all, full disclosure. I don’t have a serious consideration for Eric except for maybe Stormblade as discussed above.
The Music
I’m weak and I always make playlists and this joke is no exception. Obvious edits where necessary are obvious.
Fathoms Below: Opening song.
Part of Your World: Sung by Spitfire (maybe Stormblade too, depends on her role).
Under the Sea: Sung by whoever ends up being Sebastian.
Part of Your World (Reprise): Sung by Spitfire and no one else.
Poor Unfortunate Souls: Sung by Nightfall.
Kiss the Girl: Sung by whoever ends up being Sebastian or by Stormblade, depending on her role.
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iss600 · 11 months
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School Days
It's another day at school for Freddy and his friends, but when a case of murdered children long thought to have gone cold arises, the gang can't help but investigate as the ghosts of the past rear their heads with a thirst of justice. Rated MATURE for death, violence, self-harm and more.
Hey everybody. I write fanfiction and I just published chapter 3. That might not sound like much, but this series is 5 years old; chapter 3 is a big accomplishment. So, I’m advertising it out, kind of. Enjoy. Please read. I need more reviewers for feedback and I cannot keep annoying my one friend.
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iss600 · 11 months
The World and Lore of Hermit Heroes P.4
SEE PREVIOUS PARTS FOR INFORMATION! Continuing from the note there, in this post I delve into the lore of the Fairies and the Witches and their forms. Given how they're very separated from the rest of the lore, they needed their section.
This is part three of the lore post on my Hermit Heroes project.
KEY: LoliRock Lore | Mysticons Lore | Miraculous Ladybug Lore | Winx Club Lore | Sailor Moon Lore
Parts of this Series
Part 1 (Empire of Ephedia, Creation of the Mysticons, Fall of Ephedia) - Here
Part 2 (The Miracles & Creation of The Miraculouses, The First Sign of The Listeners) - Here
Part 3 (Empires SMP S1, Formation of Sirenix, The Sirenix Quest, The Solar Soldiers of Mezalea, Fall of the Empires) - Here
Part 4 (Fairies & Witches, Fairy Forms and Witch Forms) - YOU ARE HERE
Part 5 (Current Time) - Here
Fairies & Witches
Departing away from the kingdom politics, we focus on the fairies and witches. While both belonging to the same species, they are magical opposites: fairies draw their magic from positive emotions and use the light side of magic while witches draw their power from negative emotions and use the dark side of magic. Though they appear to have clear lines, fairies and witches are both equally capable of being good and evil, following the rule of "it doesn't matter what it is, but how it's used" as either can use their powers for good or evil, depending on what they wish. Fairies and witches can also become the other, it's simply a matter of shifting the main source of power from one to the other. Some believe that one could be both, however it's unknown if that's possible.
Fairy & Witch Forms
Fairies and Witches are limited in their abilities and require transforming to increase power for different purposes such as combat. Fairies, when transforming, gain wings and the ability to fly, whereas Witches do not but can fly, and both are quite strong when in this state. There are different levels of power one must obtain if they wish to get stronger than they are normally, dubbed "fairy forms" or "witch forms". To obtain these forms and become full-fledged Fairies or Witches, fairies and witches are required to perform different actions.
Fairies rely on concepts of self-growth and selflessness such as believing in oneself, overcoming a personal weakness and sacrificing oneself for another to rank up. Witches rely on unlocking their forms through somewhat-oppositional methods: pride in oneself, forcing oneself to do something one hates and overpowering a harrowing threat. These methods seem different on paper but are quite similar in practice.
Once the final form has been obtained, there become an unlimited amount of forms that can be unlocked, however all of these subsequent forms are very specific and serve a singular purpose, whereas the first three are general forms used for all sorts of things. One thing that all forms have in common however is that all have a sort of weakness and counter, meaning that new forms can be quite necessary in some cases.
There are 3 basic forms: Winx, Charmix and Enchantix for Fairies, and Jinx, Gloomix and Disenchantix for Witches.
Winx/Jinx: The most basic of forms, all fairies and witches are able to unlock this form. When in this form, Fairies gain wings whereas Witches simply get a power boost. Both also get an outfit change of a basic one-piece or two-piece outfit with minimal color variation and simple shoes. Fairies and Witches can only stay in this form for 1 hour before needing to recharge their powers and detransforming.
Charmix/Gloomix: A temporary upgrade to the Winx and Jinx forms. This form is unique in that it's appearance is that of a small charm object and it can be called upon while already-transformed or as a way of transforming into the Charmix/Gloomix-enhanced-Winx/Jinx form, instead of transformed into it immediately. This gives a temporary power boost to a Fairy or Witch's powers and gives them more versatility however it drains the user's energy much quicker so it must be used carefully. When used, the user gains a charm and an item that assists them in some form such as a bag or gourd or radio.
Enchantix/Disenchantix: The final form needed to become a fully-fledged Fairy or Witch, Enchantix/Disenchantix gives a massive power boost. Fairies gain larger and more powerful wings while Witches gain an immense boost to their flight ability. Both are able to withstand extreme winds, weather and more. They also gain new outfits with more color variety. Enchantix/Disenchantix also gives those who earn it additional things such as the ability to produce a special substance known as Fairy Dust for Fairies and Witch Powder for Witches. This dust incredibly potent and can reverse spells, undo things, close portals and more. Fairy Dust and Witch Powder is stored in a bottle locked with a charm. To open, one must draw a specific symbol and then open the lid. This is to prevent the wrong hands from using it. The wings of Fairies drip Fairy Dust as well; Witches do not have anything like this. Lastly, Enchantix/Disenchantix grants the power of of Miniaturization. Through cleansing one's soul of impurities using Fairy Dust/Witch Powder, one can shrink down to a small size and travel to places inaccessible otherwise. Some of these places are pocket dimensions, others places where time and space do not flow the same.
After these forms are a list of higher forms achievable once Enchantix/Disenchantix has been acquired.
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iss600 · 11 months
The World and Lore of Hermit Heroes P.3
SEE PREVIOUS PARTS FOR INFORMATION! Continuing the story, we now talk about the Miraculouses and how they were formed, as well as the formation of the Solar Soldiers.
This is part three of the lore post on my Hermit Heroes project.
KEY: LoliRock Lore | Mysticons Lore | Miraculous Ladybug Lore | Winx Club Lore | Sailor Moon Lore
Parts of this Series
Part 1 (Empire of Ephedia, Creation of the Mysticons, Fall of Ephedia) - Here
Part 2 (The Miracles & Creation of The Miraculouses, The First Sign of The Listeners) - Here
Part 3 (Empires SMP S1, Formation of Sirenix, The Sirenix Quest, The Solar Soldiers of Mezalea, Fall of the Empires) - YOU ARE HERE
Part 4 (Fairies & Witches, Fairy Forms and Witch Forms) - Here
Part 5 (Current Time) - Here
Empires SMP S1
Eventually, empires once more were formed where Ephedia once stood. The empires of The Grimlands, The Crystal Cliffs, The Cod Empire, The Lost Empire, House Blossom, the Ocean Empire, Gilded Helianthia, Pixandria, Mythland, Rivendell & The Undergrove were built and thrived on the grounds, each kingdom soon able to feel the influence of the magic that lived there, though only three empires could actually wield the magic there. Those empires were Gilded Heliantha, The Ocean Empire and The Crystal Cliffs. Grand Wizard GeminiTay was the first to master this magic, with Queen Lizzie being the second. It was believed that Farmer Queen Pearl was also able to use this magic but it is unknown if she ever did as she died with her empire before any information could be obtained.
Formation of Sirenix
When Queen Lizzie ate the Ocean Orb and gained her Blue Axolotl form, she also received a special gift of power known as Sirenix. This magic was the essence of the Ocean and formed from the Ocean's Blessing that was granted to Lizzie, who became its power source and known as the Life of Sirenix. Sirenix was a counter of sorts to the biggest weakness of Fairies and Witches, water. Water disrupted their magic, so Sirenix allowed for free use of it underwater without the negative repercussions.
Along with this new power source, Lizzie was given a special series of items know as Sirenix Boxes. These boxes held the Guardians of Sirenix, creatures who were created when Lizzie became the source and would forever protect her and Sirenix itself.
The Sirenix Quest
In order to ascertain who would and wouldn't be allowed to wield Sirenix power and protect the Ocean Empire, Queen Lizzie held the Sirenix Quest, a trial of riddles that would test those who wished to obtain Sirenix.
For Fairies, it required them to find six gems: Empathy, Courage and Self-Confidence on land and Resilience, Creativity and Balance underwater. These gems would then be placed inside the Source of Sirenix, a giant glowing pearl with spots carved inside for the gems to be lain. For Witches, it required them to find six pieces of the a circlet, three on land and three underwater. These pieces would then be crafted into the Abyssal Charm, a circlet that would be cloned into however many Witches had found and brought it back.
For this challenge, Fairies were granted Harmonix, and Witches, Disharmonix, a temporary form akin to Sirenix and Dark Sirenix, but far less powerful and only needed for completion of the quest. The Guardians of Sirenix were also instructed to aid those who undertook the quest, and if one succeeded, their Guardian could grant them a singular wish, the limits unknown. All information of the quest, the history, everything one could wish for was compiled by Lizzie into the Sirenix Book, intended to forever live on.
The Cosmic Crystals and Solar Shards
Shortly after the wedding between Queen Lizzie and King Joel, Joel found himself enraptured in a very specific item found in the Crystal Cliffs. Magical shards from a series of crystals known as "Cosmic Crystals" had been uncovered by Grand Wizard Gem. These crystals were originally from an End, a very special End, a space farther away than anyone could know.
Pieces of these crystals had broken away and were dubbed "Solar Shards" for the bright golden color they held, akin to that of the sun. These shards held immense power that could transform and imbue those who used it with very special powers derived from all sorts of places. King Joel of Mezalea would go on to fashion them into a special pen that allowed them to become the Solar Soldiers of Mezalea.
The Solar Soldiers of Mezalea
Throughout the time of the many Empires, a furious foe named Xornoth had made itself known to them all. With corruption rising, many empires were on edge. Shortly after the wedding between Queen Lizzie and King Joel, Mezalea and The Ocean Empire had been seeking out ways to defend themselves against Xornoth's power. Joel, who had been tinkering with the Solar Shards with Gem, decided to take inspiration after those who wielded Ephedian magic (Lizzie, Katherine, Shubble "Shrub/Shelby", Pearl and Gem) and created the "Solor Soldiers". Their name was for how they were meant to act as the royal navy of Mezalea.
The Solar Soldiers were a group of empowered individuals, similar in nature to the Ephedian Empresses except this time, they were not limited by the rules of Ephedia's magic, instead running on their own rules for the power they wielded. These individuals were trained to be effective warriors on land, sea, sky and stars. Their leader was, of course, Joel himself known as Sailor M (short for Mezalea) and he held the power of the weather, often employing the use of dry wind and mesa-like conditions to battle foes.
Fall of the Empires SMP 1
Unfortunately, no matter what was done, Xornoth and other events lead to the fall of the many empires. The Ocean Empire drained away as did the Cod Empire. The Grimlands was destroyed into an unsalvageable mess, House Blossom and Undergrove burned up, Rivendell ripped apart by an earthquake and the Lost Empire completely destroyed. Worst of all, Gilded Helianthia burned away and took its queen with it, killing Farmer Pearl whereas the rest survived. Only Pixandria was able to stand the destruction, but even it still fell eventually.
Before the oceans had drained, Lizzie was able to bind herself as the Life of Sirenix to a pearl which she placed in the heart of her empire alongside the Sirenix book. Once the oceans drained, she lost herself and with who she was, Sirenix was nearly lost, only surviving by the pearl which held the part of Lizzie now lost. As for the Solar Soldiers, they were killed and items scattered about. Even Joel was killed, though he would manage to be reincarnated devoid of memories soon after.
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iss600 · 11 months
The World and Lore of Hermit Heroes P.2
SEE PART 1 FOR INFORMATION! Continuing the story, we now talk about the Miraculouses and how they were formed, as well as the formation of the Sailor Soldiers.
This is part two of the lore post on my Hermit Heroes project.
KEY: LoliRock Lore | Mysticons Lore | Miraculous Ladybug Lore | Winx Club Lore | Sailor Moon Lore
Parts of this Series
Part 1 (Empire of Ephedia, Creation of the Mysticons, Fall of Ephedia) - Here
Part 2 (The Miracles & Creation of The Miraculouses, The First Sign of The Listeners) - YOU ARE HERE
Part 3 (Empires SMP S1, Formation of Sirenix, The Sirenix Quest, The Sailor Soldiers of Mezalea, Fall of the Empires) - Here
Part 4 (Fairies & Witches, Fairy Forms and Witch Forms) - Here
Part 5 (Current Time) - Here
The Miracles, Kwamis & Creation of The Miraculouses
Shortly after the fall of Ephedia and the Mysticons, a group of magic-users known as the "Miracles" who were highly attuned to the world of animals and the universe began working on a new method to give the world the heroes it desperately needed should yet another attack occur. With their knowledge of the universe, they worked to to create a communication link with the Kwamis, anthropomorphizations of universal concepts such as Creation, Destruction, Empowerment and such.
Originally formless, the Kwamis were simply beings who existed, flowing through the world itself. Though they could not speak with the material world, they were able to commune with the Miracles through their attunement to the world. And through this attunement and years of work, the Miracles were able to create jewelry and accessories that allowed Kwamis to not only manifest physically to interact, but also to inhabit them and bestow magnificent powers to the wearer. These items were called "Miraculouses" as their creation was heralded as a "miraculous and magnificent creation" in the Miracles' goals.
Because of the connection to animals that the Miracles held, Kwamis took the form of animal-like creatures, and therefore, the wearers would turn into animal-themed heroes and be given abilities themed after their animal. However, these powers were not infinite and Kwamis would eventually need rest, especially if they used their specific ability; they would only have 5 minutes after such a use before the Kwami would need rest and food to recharge back to full power. Kwamis are also susceptible to illness and if pushed too far, or worse, the Miraculous is damaged, the Kwamis will suffer greatly.
Through the use of potions and other magic, Kwamis would be able to gain new powers or additional powers to aid them in different situations e.g. underwater battles, battling in space etc. Kwamis were also able to "unify": the fusion of two or more Miraculouses and Kwamis to add even more power to the holder.
The First Sign of The Listeners
After The Watchers had taken down Ephedia, a new branch of creatures had come about. Calling themselves "The Listeners", these blind creatures had ears in every world, able to listen to anything and everything, however, they too were not without some limits, limits which the Miracles would take advantage of as best they could. As a rule, they swore to maintain secret identities as they knew that speaking of themselves could risk them being found out and killed, or worse, turned against their fellow heroes. They also enchanted the Kwamis with a spell that prevented them from speaking their holders' names.
In harrowing battles, the Miracles were able to beat back The Listeners and forced them to retreat, but the Miracles were now old and could no longer continue their duties. So, they set about searching for the next hero to take their place, passing down the Miraculouses and choosing those who were of noble heart and mind to fight evil. The knowledge of this all was compiled into the "Grimoire" which held all of the magic, the spells, the methods and more that the Miracles had charted down in relation to the Miraculouses and the Kwamis. The Miraculouses themselves were stored in special boxes called "Miracle Boxes" to keep them safe and would be passed down for generations through hundreds of different hands from different places. Miraculouses slowly oved away from being inherited to being gifted by the Box Holder, leading to all sorts of strange teams of strange creatures, but all defined by their heroism.
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iss600 · 11 months
As I Upload H.H. Lore, I Forgot to Mention...
That I added Sailor Moon to the series. Joel is now sailor Moon. That's all, folks. Just had to add that.
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iss600 · 11 months
The World and Lore of Hermit Heroes P.1
Sorry, had to get that out of my system for the Empires SMP peeps. Now, to note, I am mixing lore of several different TV shows and their worlds together so some things will be changed and messed with. I am a stickler for canon so this will be minimal but there is some stuff here and there that will be changed to fit the world.
I'll also add links to anything that might need further reading. Bits of lore that relate to a specific show will be color-coded to make it easy for anyone unfamiliar with the series to know what show it links to. In events where the majority of the text is lore-linked, only hyperlinks will be colored since otherwise it'd be a massive wall of text with one color and that's hard on the eyes after some time. Repeated mentions of the same thing will only be color-coded once, otherwise every mention of something like "Ephedia" would be colored and that might get annoying (it certainly did for me).
KEY: LoliRock Lore | Mysticons Lore | Miraculous Ladybug Lore | Winx Club Lore | Sailor Moon Lore
Parts of this Series
Part 1 (Empire of Ephedia, Creation of the Mysticons, Fall of Ephedia) - YOU ARE HERE
Part 2 (The Miracles & Creation of The Miraculouses, The First Sign of The Listeners) - Here
Part 3 (Empires SMP S1, Formation of Sirenix, The Sirenix Quest, The Solar Soldiers of Mezalea, Fall of the Empires) - Here
Part 4 (Fairies & Witches, Fairy Forms and Witch Forms) - Here
Part 5 (Current Time) - Here
Empire of Ephedia
So, let's start at the beginning with the Empire of Ephedia. This empire used to span the massive world of Empires SMP S1 from end to end. It was closed off, hiding away from the world. It was comprised of several smaller empires, the capital one being the kingdom of Gemima and it's capital of Drake City. Ephedia is where Crystal Magic was born, the magic type innate to every citizen born of Ephedia. Because of this, all Ephedians, young and old were capable of casting this magic and because it was so vital to their very existences, they would experience many side effects of the power such as longer lifespans upwards of 300 years, slower aging once grown and changes to appearance. Hair would change color while in the presence of Ephedian magic, becoming colorful and shiny with white magic.
While every citizen was able to use Crystal Magic, it was women who were strongest and most able to do so. This made Ephedia a strict queen-monarchy with a Queen reigning as the supreme ruler of Ephedia's empire whereas smaller empires had either a king or queen as their monarch. The King of Ephedia was instead a protector and ruled over the military and might of a kingdom, sworn to defend the kingdom. The women who wielded Crystal Magic would undergo a process known as "Shanila" when she was approximately 15 though younger cases around 12 have occurred (dubbed "early Shanilas"). Shanila is the stage at which a girl's power has grown enough that it can now progress even further, often likened to that of a caterpillar becoming a butterfly.
While Crystal Magic was often white magic, it also held a dark counterpart known as black magic. Black magic could not heal and would hurt both the caster and victim whenever used, so it was often used for evil purposes, necessitating a defense against its use. Since women were the most capable of magic, it was the princesses of every kingdom who were tasked to defend against black magic. Princesses were gifted items that allowed them to transform into an upgraded form, one that boosted their magic and powers and changed their outfit to one with a symbol on it, often one related to their kingdom or themselves. Most symbols were unique to the person but many times multiple princesses shared symbol types.
Creation of the Mysticons
Over time, Crystal Magic grew in strength, eventually attracting the attention of a race of powerful creatures, ones who could see, here, speak and do things with unknown limits to their power. They wanted the magic for themselves and attempted to destroy the empire of Ephedia to obtain it. Realizing that their very existence was in danger, the Ephedians created the Dragon Disc, forged in Gemima's Celestial Forge, an item that could imbue four chosen heroes with its own magic type and abilities, different from Ephedia's Crystal Magic.
These heroes were dubbed the "Mysticons" and were gifted lotus-shaped belt buckles to transform into the Dragon Mage, the Ranger, the Striker and the Knight. Their powers were each connected to an animal which could be called upon and summoned with a magic bracer colored to each animal and activated with a short phrase. A spellbook known as The Codex was also crafted, able to boost and increase the power of the Mysticons when used. The Mysticons were the most powerful force in the entire empire and would guard the many empires alongside the royal families of each one.
The Dragon Mage was the leader of the team, capable of calling upon the power of the Green Dragon. They wielded the Dragon Mage Staff and their special ability was called "Telekinesis". The Dragon Mage specialized in magic and sorcery, able to defeat enemies at any distance as well as commanding the element of fire.
The Ranger was the second-in-command, capable of calling upon the power of the Blue Wolf. They wielded the Ranger Bow and Arrows and their special ability was called "Super Speed". The Ranger specialized in expert marksmanship and ranged combat, defeating enemies from any distance without a sweat.
The Striker was the heart of the team, capable of calling upon the power of the Yellow Phoenix. They wielded the Striker Energy Hoops and their special ability was called "Pixie Blast". The Striker specialized in confusion and chaos, using explosions and whatever trickery they could to defeat enemies with pure madness.
The Knight was the tank of the team, capable of calling upon the power of the Pink Unicorn. They wielded the Knight Energy Sword and their special ability was called "Shield". The Knight specialized in melée combat, offensive and defensive moves, protecting the team and attacking with power, force and strength.
Fall of Ephedia & The Aftermath
Unfortunately, the combined powers could not prevent Ephedia's fall and the massive empire collapsed, taking every smaller empire inside of it with it. Drake City of Gemima took it the worst as the Mysticons were killed in the very heart of the city with the Dragon Disc and Codex shattering into 4 pieces and hidden by what remained of Ephedia's forces. The only remnant of Ephedia that remained to current knowledge is Crystal Magic which was passed down through stories and tales. After the destruction of its home, Crystal Magic was unstable and only able to be used by certain people. Meanwhile, the Mysticons remained dormant, pieces still scattered and for thousands of years, they were never called upon.
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iss600 · 1 year
Frysta: 1946
My take on the Little Nightmares series. My A.U. takes the direction of combining The Nowhere with real-world history. Expect color-coding as there's often so much stuff that it's the best way to make things easy. One thing to note is that VLN and LN are both yellow: VLN is a lighter yellow but since Tumblr doesn't have that, it'll be the same yellow as LN. And despite TSoN happening before LN3, it will always be listed below LN3 things (so orange goes above purple) because it's a podcast. This A.U. treats it as both the prequel of LN3 and a sequel-DLC/sidequest/addition to LN3, if that makes any sense.
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The Details
1946 refers to the year my A.U. takes place, one year after World War ||. The world that it takes place in is a Nowhereified version of our own with vague "countries".
The world is split into 4 locations: The Frozen North (Europe-inspired), The Blazing South (Africa-inspired), The Wild West (N.&.S.-American-inspired) and The Distant East (Asian-inspired & Oceania-inspired). Each of these areas have a very specific country that influences them with the rest of the continents having different pieces of their respective countries added in here and there.
The story is split into several parts:
Part 0: The Nest
Part 1: The Maw
Part 2: The Pale City
Part 2.5: The Nightmares
Part 3: The Spiral
Part 0 is a prolog oneshot that sets the groundwork for what happened to Raincoat and Six and Red-Scarf. The story actually starts with The Maw; since it was written prior to LN2 being a confirmed prequel, The Pale City is the sequel to Six's journey on The Maw during LN1. And because it was finished before Part 3, The Spiral will also be a sequel. Noone's story in Part 2.5 won't be written out either as it's already been told and the characters involved will be part of The Spiral instead.
Lastly, I named about near every single character there is, and I do mean nearly every single one. I have a list topping 70+ named characters, each with meaning and everything. Since the summaries and future posts will use the A.U. names, here's the guide to the main characters right off the bat. The guides with the rest of them will follow soon after
Raincoat - Raina Corinn Alv
Six - Six/Sasha Kazeko Kenshin
Runaway Kid - Sevrino Hjälte Forsstrom
Mono - Mono/Marco Martello Manson
Low - Laurent Corbeau
Alone - Ally McAonar
Noone - Ruth Oona Outis-Modie (in future posts, she will always be called "Oona")
And now, onto the details.
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Part 1: The Maw
Deep within The Pale City lies The Maw, a restaurant of child slaves, orphaned and abandoned, working to survive in this cruel world. Rumors fly about workers being slain and eaten by the gluttonous Guests when they outlive their usefulness; others say they were caught and branded a member of the Nome Samhälle and only the most daring of dreamers say they escape their servitude. Regardless of these rumors, Sasha refuses to bow to the will of the Governess and will escape The Maw or die trying.
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Part 2: The Pale City
The Maw may be over, but The Pale City still chokes the citizens and leaves a world destitute of morality. Viewers glue themselves to their TVs and radios as they wish to escape and ignore the bombed out buildings and sinkholes from war. While Sasha may dislike Marco, the two will need to work together if they wish to survive and shut down the infernal Signal Tower that mocks them from high above, watching and waiting. Nowhere stands no chance if it stays.
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Part 3: The Spiral
Outside, deep in the deserts far out in Nowhere stands The Spiral, a desolate land of eternal energy, efficiency and suffering. Stone buildings crumble as whipping winds of sand stir up across the many cities inside of it. From the Necropolis to the Fun Fair, only evil lurks and lives here, if anything does indeed dare exist in the harsh conditions. Laurent and Ally dare challenge these ideals, scavenging and surviving as they search for a way out. Laurent holds out hope; Ally wants answers.
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Raincoat: Technical and smart with a side of kindness, caring and a maturity a few years beyond her age, Raincoat is legend among the orphans. A determined survivalist, inventor, builder and escapist, she left the orphanage in a hot air balloon years ago, but was caught and enslaved by the Pretender. Her enslavement hasn’t put out her escapist fire though and people know she’s still cooking up the perfect escape plan. Now if only she could get rid of the Pretender.
Six: A lonely orphan, determined to survive, Sasha is a cheerful but jaded and brainy survivalist. She’s resolute in escaping the servitude and death in The Maw and never stops moving forward in her plans. As an orphan, she learned she had to depend on or trust only herself and she isn’t one to make friends or help others. Never one for teamwork, Sasha prefers to be a lone wolf and is capable of surviving her world just fine without anyone else. The hunger pains she gets do hinder her but she refuses to let them cripple her attempts and will satiate them with anything she can regardless of what it is. While she has no fighting skills at her disposal, her lighter and brains are more than enough for her.
RK: Never one for being confined, Sevrino made a name for himself for his hundreds of attempted escapes from servitude in The Maw and the orphanage itself. Time after time, he would escape; a determined fire in his soul fueled by cleverness and deviousness with a dash of trickery and stealth aiding him each time. Even his ankle shackle didn’t kill his spirit for escape and adventure. Eventually, he was caught by the Lady and branded a Nome; but Sevrino took it in stride, priding himself in his new status with the Nomes and now, he acts as their ambassador between the world and them.
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Mono: A perceptive, hardened survivalist steadfast and resolute in surviving the horrors of Pale City, Marco isn’t one to ever give up, becoming uncommonly single-minded when he sets himself a task. Having lived his life in perpetual prosecution and forever on the run for a sin that is not his, he’s detached himself from his emotions and personality, numbing himself completely and becoming a sociopath out of survival. Purposeful and headstrong with a mysterious power in his blood, Marco is a tough and determined soul who’s always prepared to fight off any threat that comes his way. The bag on his head is worn to ensure his personality and emotions are forever hidden and to offer him traces of escapist respite in forgetting that the world hates him and wishes he fails but he knows it won’t hide him forever.
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Low: The optimist to Ally’s realist, Laurent is able to hold his masked head high as he treks through a world that cannot tolerate his presence. Out in The Spiral, he’s glad to have company although some company is less wished for than others. Unlike many, his hope remains eternal as he searches for the way home, obsessive in nature and relentless in finding salvation and peace.
Alone: The incurably curious tinkerer, Ally is the realist of her friendship and keeps her head level. She’s not here to leave or simply survive, she’s here to live and find out what’s wrong with the endlessly-running underground that is The Spiral. She’s Laurent’s best friend (even nicknamed him) and she’s proud of herself, accomplishments and friendship without fail. Sometimes cocky and aggressive, she’s far from insane like those that wish her dead.
Noone: Oona is a haunted soul, plagued by nightmares and sickness of unknown origins for all. With a lot on her plate, she tries her best but the things she sees, hears and feels are less than pleased with her unwanted appearances and overstayed welcomes. Though her residency with doctors doesn’t do much for her, she’s determined to rid herself of these horrors before she dies trying or worse happens.
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iss600 · 1 year
The fact that it's taken well over 22 days to compile my Little Nightmares stuff so I can post it is incredibly uncool. This is what I get for not updating it since before Little Nightmares 2 came out. Plus, Hermit Heroes lore is taking forever because now it's 4 parts, a timeline and each are incredibly long.
Anyway, incoming.
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iss600 · 1 year
H.H. Lore is Pain; Have Some Little Nightmares
Writing all this lore is taking so much time. I swear, it feels like it never ends. Anyway, lore's going fine. In the meantime, I have some old Little Nightmares stuff that I've recently been updating since I haven't touched it since December 2020. It'll be posted later.
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iss600 · 1 year
LOOOOORRREEEEEE...is in the Works
As the title says, I'm currently writing up the lore. In fact, I've been writing up the lore for a month now. It has taken forever and currently stands at 4 different parts toping a good 1k or more words. It's a long on and I'll try and make it as extensive as I can. Do expect there to be more parts though eventually; I'll probably add more stuff.
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iss600 · 1 year
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HermitCraft, a magical and wondrous world in the greater MineCraft server hub. Every day has new adventures, new shenanigans and a strange series of riddles here and there. Quests are abound; are you ready to join the party?
Series Involved: HermitCraft, Evo SMP, Empires SMP & The Life SMP mixed with LoliRock, Miraculous, les Aventures de Ladybug et Chat Noir, Mysticons & Winx Club.
"Hermit Heroes" is a multi-fandom idea that combines the above SMPs together with lore and concepts from the above TV shows to make this absolute monstrosity of an alternative universe. I...really don't have a better explanation outside of "I like these shows and I got too into combining them together" so...enjoy I guess.
Anyway, onto the actual thing. It primarily takes place in the HermitCraft world (a big combo of all seasons worlds into one big thing) with guest appearances by other folks of other SMPs here and there, and sometimes even going to those SMPs. The lore of Empires is heavily intertwined alongside Evo's lore to make this very magical-girl-superhero-action plot of different groups working to achieve a goal. The big thing though is the Watchers, the Listeners and the species that makes them as they place a giant role in the story like some season-long villain.
Now, to the best part, the characters. These are just the mains for now and they're aren't super detailed at the moment as I'm still working out all of the notes and information gathering needed. And a thing to note, I grouped all of the main characters up to keep track of them easier. I find that large casts are OK so long as they're digestible and easy to remember with manageable groups and such.
The groups and the show they're from are as follows: The Yes Wings Club & The No Wings Club (Winx Club), Ephedian Empresses (LoliRock), Hermit Heroes/Miraculous Mob Wranglers (Miraculous Ladybug) and Three Musketeers (Mysticons).
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The Yes Wings Club & The No Wings Club
Grian: Grian's apart of 3 different groups: The Yes Wings Club, the No Wings Club and the Hermit Heroes/Miraculous Mob Wranglers. He is the Witch of Chaos, Fairy of the Ardent Sun and the hero Red Rooster a.k.a Poultry Man the hero of Entropy. He's also a Watcher named Xelqua, but that's not important...right? Grian is someone unable to be bound to one thing, always many things at once and watching what madness may occur from his multitude of powers.
Cleo (ZombieCleo) & Etho (EthosLab): The two other members of the No Wings Club (no Iskall, sorry. I know he's the actual founder but he doesn't really work in this version of the group. He has his own thing). Their name, besides being a play on the Yes Wings Club and the actual No Wings Club, also works to describe them because witches don't have wings and don't need them to fly, whereas fairies do.
Cleo is the Witch of Puppetry, able to manipulate both inanimate and animate to people's...delight.
Etho is the Witch of Mystery with darkness, deception, trickery and stealth as his domain.
Impulse (ImpulseSV), Wels (Welsknight), Pearl (PearlescentMoon), Scar (GoodTimesWithScar), Tango (TangoTek) & Jimmy (SolidarityGaming): The many members of the Yes Wings Club with the canon founding members and my own personal additions. These people (and eventually Jimmy) make up the Yes Wings Club, with their sparkly fairy wings (natch, given the name) and sparkly outfits.
Impulse is the Fairy of Lightning, able to harness the power of electricity to shock his foes and fly through the sky; just don't high-five him when he lands.
Wels is the Fairy of Metal, defending his friends with the power of sword, shield and steel beams flying at you.
Pearl is the Fairy of the Gleaming Moon (Pearl, Fairy of the Pearlescent Moon just doesn't sound right sadly, and all other synonyms were too long) and can use the powers of the moon itself such as light, reflection, truesight and moon big; watch out for gravity.
Scar is the Fairy of Nature (or Landscaping, or some other word if I can find one that fits) and with the power of his fairy animal Jellie, he can teraform any enemies back where they belong, or accidentally unleash Scarra again.
Newest fairy on the block is Tango, Fairy of Redstone, flying through battle with pulses, power or he'll just yeet a massive pile of dust in your face, whichever works (he's the team's Tecna basically).
And then there's Jimmy, a later addition down the line who finds himself to be the Fairy of Animals...and maybe something more.
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Ephedian Empresses
Gem (GeminiTay) & Stress (StressMonster101): Two princesses searching for their third, each hailing from a series of kingdoms that once were a part of the grand empire of Ephedia, thousands of years ago.
Gem, the princess of Dawn and master slayer with her lovely demeanor and lovelier head collection of every foe who's ever threatened her friends, family and subjects.
Stress, the princess of Allimonstrum is all for getting gorgeous and getting together with friends, being a bubbly and outgoing friend to all or a monstrous nightmare of pure power to all who oppose her.
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Hermit Heroes/Miraculous Mob Wranglers
Doc (Docm77) & Zedaph: The animal hero and "anti-hero" of the server, the Hermit Heroes are here to wrangle mobs in a miraculous manner or save the day.
Zedaph, a.k.a. Worm Man is the hero of Renovation with his Kwami "Aannee", able to dig through the Earth and save the city with his shovel and the art of confusion fu.
Doc a.k.a. Ziegrün is the hero-sometimes-villain of Empowerment with his Kwami "Kapper" and trusty goat horn, capable of empowering as many creatures as Doc sees fit whether it be to mess with some Hermits, help a hero out or akumatize a particularly upset Hermit into causing chaos, though Doc swears that he would never do such a thing.
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Three Musketeers
False (FalseSymmetry from HermitCraft), Sausage (MythicalSausage from Empires) & fWhip (from Empires): The trio of Mysticons searching for their Ranger, this band of heroes have sworn to protect the Empires of new and old, as well as a certain land of hermits from danger.
False is the Mysticon Knight, always searching for her fellow team members with a broken Dragon Disc and no Codex in sight, but even with all the trials and tribulations, the queen of heads, hearts and body parts refuses to fall to darkness.
Sausage is the Mysticon Dragon Mage, also searching for a certain knight to aid in the quest for the Codex and the magic stolen from his history by more than just an angry king.
fWhip is the Mysticon Striker, a goblin who saw three gold rings one day, went "mine!" and nominated himself Striker, though the Disc did vouch for him so he thankfully got to stay.
And with this playlist for the AU linked here, I leave this place with everything you read here.
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iss600 · 1 year
The Blog's Hub Area
So, I love organization, and Tumblr doesn't do folders. And I am not gonna make a million different pages for each individual thing when I barely post. So, here's an organized post of all the tags I use. Every single post I've ever made has one of these on it.
---• ☆ Main Stuff ☆
Artistic Endeavors: Art and W.i.P.'s I've made and drawn. If anything like bases are used or specific people's works, I'll provide credits in the description with links.
Responsive Reblogs: Posts I've reblogged to respond to their contents or to comment on them. This exists because I could never find out how to leave comments on posts and still have trouble doing so (I swear the button just never pops up sometimes).
Saying Stuff: These are posts I make to actually say something. Usually not related to any of these other things; it's really just me talking.
---• ☆ Fandom & Fanworks ☆
Fanfiction: Miscellaneous fanfiction-related posts.
Endonette Content: Anything I post that's related to the ship Endo 02 x The Marionette.
Frysta: Posts relating to "Frysta: 1946", a Little Nightmares A.U. of mine. The basic plot is that it mixes the real world and the world of Little Nightmares into one univere-ish. It also has a crossover currently in the works with the "Little Runaways" series by a very good friend of mine named @serivory. This crossover is known as "Tales of The Tenabox".
ISS600's Hermit Heroes: Posts relating to "Hermit Heroes", a crossover idea of mine that involves the following: HermitCraft, Evo SMP, Empires SMP & The Life SMP mixed with LoliRock, Miraculous, les Aventures de Ladybug et Chat Noir, Mysticons & Winx Club. The reason it has my name in it is in case someone else is using the name "Hermit Heroes" for anything. that way you can tell which belongs to who.
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iss600 · 1 year
Some H.H. Team Rancher for Your Troubles
So, for the “Hermit Heroes” thing, being a gremlin of the Life SMP, I couldn’t resist a little Double Life fun and after a few too many Rancher fics, I ended up doing the following. Incoming wall of context because I have never talked about this before until now.
Tango, having recently discovered that he is the Fairy of Redstone, has been enjoying fighting monsters and learning magic with the rest of the Yes Wings Club (Impulse, Wels, Scar, Pearl), the No Wings Club (Cleo, Etho) and Grian who doubles as both a Fairy and Witch (because Grian is the kind of man to be every side with every power at once). One day, stuff happens and Jimmy stops by, does a bit of a lore dump of his past and one way or another (I’ll plan for it later), Tango realizes that Jimmy could be a fairy. And he turns out to be right, so now Jimmy and Tango are doing their fairy thing together with the rest of the crew.
Then Enchantix time hits, and one by one everyone gets their Enchantix. Grian and Jimmy are the last ones to earn theirs and Grian gets his by pulling off a Tecna-worthy level sacrifice of “never do that again or else because we love you” proportions. So, riding off that absolute terror of what Grian did, Jimmy is jumpier than a Mexican Jumping Bean, and when Tango gets knocked out taking a hit for Jimmy, the gloves come off and Jimmy goes full “leave my Rancher alone”, kicks the enemy back and shows so much sacrifice and care in his actions that he gets his Enchantix.
T.L.;D.R. Tango, Jimmy and some others are Winx Fairies, Tango and Jimmy have Rancher moments and Jimmy saves his Rancher and powers up because of it.
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iss600 · 1 year
Hermit Heroes: First Post
Don’t expect a lot of actual content for this outside of some drawings and scripts so that’s something I’ll knock out of the way first.
Anyway, this is an idea of mine I came up with recently and it’s basically HermitCraft x Evo SMP x Life SMP x Empires SMP x Winx Club x LoliRock x Mysticons x Miraculous Ladybug. The Yes Wings Club are fairies (No Wings Club are witches), False and some Emperors are Mysticons, Gem and Stress are Ephedian princesses and Zedaph and Doc are Miraculous heroes. I’ll upload some more lore stuff later once I have it all compiled so stay tuned I guess. This Tumblr will finally live again...kind of.
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iss600 · 2 years
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Covers for my fanfiction series.
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