#Lap Cystectomy
newhologram · 1 year
Surgery consult: Doc wants new ultrasound, then can sched bilateral sterilization + cystectomy (lap or robotic). They’ll take pics of endo/resect bad lesions if possible. Looking like late August/September. She did say recovery may be longer because of my comorbid disorders. Oof.
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adhithilaser · 2 years
Laser Fissure Surgery in Hyderabad
Any surgical situation might be dealt with first by us. They are frequently the first line of treatment for seriously ill or injured patients and must use a variety of methods to balance out such patients, including thoracostomies, cricothyroidotomies, compartment fasciotomies, and emergency laparotomies or thoracotomies to halt death. Say goodbye to chronic pain and discomfort caused by anal fissures with our state-of-the-art Laser Fissure Surgery! Our minimally invasive procedure uses advanced laser technology to repair and heal fissures with minimal downtime. Say goodbye to painful and embarrassing symptoms and hello to a life without discomfort. Book your appointment now and get back to feeling your best!
Common Surgeries are: -Gall Bladder Treatment -Lap Overian Cystectomy -Appendicitis -Bariatic Surgery (Obesity Surgery) -Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy
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definitecure · 3 years
  Lap Cystectomy - Definite Cure
Removing an ovarian cyst may seem like a major surgery. The good news is that the advanced LAP Cystectomy procedures at Definite Cure help you get
READ MORE....Home - Definite Cure - Definite Cure
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alj4890 · 4 years
12 Days of Ficmas
Day 9
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(Bryce Lahela x F!MC*Chris Valentine) in a Choices Open Heart one shot.
A/N Bryce’s plans don’t seem to be going like he wanted for Christmas with Chris. 
12 Days of Ficmas writers and readers list
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Song Inspiration: Christmas Without You by Ava Max
Going Home
December 19th...
Bryce finished stacking his luggage by the door. He looked around at all the Christmas decorations he had talked Chris into buying with a touch of bitter irony.
This was supposed to be their Christmas.
Leave it to his family to find a way to mess up yet another part of his life.
"You forgot to pack this." Chris walked in with a small box wrapped in green paper. The red ribbon on top had been hastily tied into a lopsided bow.
He chuckled while pointing it out. "Sloppy stitch work Dr. Valentine."
"This is why I don't operate." She slipped her arms around his waist. "I leave that up to you."
He pressed a lingering kiss to her lips. "I really don't want to go."
She hugged him tight. "I know."
He set the gift on top of his bags, while keeping her in his arms. "I wish you were able to come with me."
"Me too." She murmured.
He pressed his forehead against hers, for once unable to think of something humorous to say to break the tension.
If his little sister had not called two weeks ago with an outrageous request, he would be able to stay in Boston and enjoy Christmas for once. He could follow through with all the plans he had made with the very reason he had gotten excited again for the holiday.
His Chris.
He knew how lucky he was. The love of his life had survived being poisoned six months ago and he had been given another chance to show her just how much she meant to him.
And Bryce had held nothing back.
All the special dates he made after her recovery had led to a proposal on Thanksgiving Day.
Sienna had nearly choked on a piece of turkey she had popped in her mouth when he dropped down on a knee in front of all their friends.
Chris had said yes, making that a day Bryce knew would always hold a special sort of thankfulness in his heart.
Plans were made for Christmas and New Year's Eve that night. Schedules were studied while the couple began to think of ways to balance everything.
Which was why Keiki's phone call had been unexpected. Like her older brother, she had decided that she needed space from their parents. She had not been in any rush to return home to Hawaii and was happily settled in the bordering school Bryce had found for her.
He and Chris visited her often and she in turn came for the occasional weekend here and there.
Bryce had been floored when she asked him to go with her back to Hawaii for Christmas.
Two weeks ago...
"You want me to do what?!" He asked, ignoring the stares from other doctors sitting in the lounge.
"Mom and Dad have been calling me for a few weeks now." Keiki explained. "They really want us to try and be a family again."
"No." He didn't bother to hide his bitterness. "I have nothing to say to them."
"Please Bryce." She pleaded. "I--after running away...I can't face them on my own."
Bryce ran a hand through his hair, gripping a handful in frustration. "Keiki, I haven't seen them in ten years. Do you have any idea how uncomfortable it is going to be for all of us if I'm there?"
"But they want to try." She said again. "Couldn't you try too?"
"I probably can't get time off." Bryce clutched on to that excuse. "I'm still a--"
"I asked Chris to check before I called." Keiki admitted.
"You did what?" He demanded. "Why would you--"
"Because I thought you wouldn't bother checking until the last minute then say you weren't able to take off work." She grumbled.
Bryce blinked in surprise. His little sister knew him too well.
"Anyway," Keiki huffed, "since it is kinda a family emergency, they are giving you a week off. The nineteenth until the twenty-sixth."
Bryce dropped his head back. Seeing no way out of this, he groaned into the phone.
"Please do it for me." Her voice had softened, worried he might not go.
Unable to resist when she dropped her typical teenage attitude, he promised to pick her up on the nineteenth from school.
Keiki whooped and began to say thank you over and over again. "You're the best!"
"Remember that when you buy me a present." He added before telling her he needed to go.
Bryce decided to find his helpful fiancée and thank her for this.
After searching the diagnostic floor with little success, he found Chris in the cafeteria.
She was reading a medical journal while picking at a salad.
She jumped when he swooped in from behind and kissed her cheek. Her delight at seeing him disappeared when he sat down without a word or smile across from her.
"What's wrong?" She asked, reaching for his hand. "Did something happen with Mr. Wallace's bladder cystectomy?"
"No, that went well." He laced his fingers with hers. His eyes dropped down to the princess cut diamond engagement ring he had given her, sparkling under the florescent lights. "Keiki called."
"Oh?" Chris pretended a new interest in her salad. "How is she?"
"Thrilled that someone I know and love happened to do the impossible and got a third year surgical resident off for Christmas."
Her cheeks colored. "I wonder who could do such a miracle?"
"Chris." He sighed her name. "You know I have no desire to see my parents."
"Yeah, but after you talked to your mom about Keiki's bordering school--"
"That was brief compared to spending a week with them." Bryce countered, slouching in his seat. "At least you'll be there as a buffer."
The woman he adored began to squirm in her chair.
"Oh no, no no." He gripped her hand. "Come on, Chris! You're not making me do this alone?"
"I wasn't able to take off. Dr. Ramsey always goes to his Dad's place for Christmas. Since June left, it's just me and Baz working the diagnostic department." Chris pushed her tray to the side. "I'll be working Christmas Eve so that Baz can be with Zaid and their parents. Apparently there is some kind of twin holiday tradition they have involving Santa and his elves."
Bryce softly cursed under his breath. "I'm not spending Christmas away from you. This is our first one as a couple." He reminded her. "I'll tell Keiki she has to face Mom and Dad on her own."
"No!" Chris reached for his other hand. "I love that you want to spend it with me as much as I do with you, but your sister needs you right now." She then shrugged as if it was no big deal. "I'll be working and sleeping the holiday away."
She swallowed against that lie, knowing all her own holiday plans she had dreamed of with him were destroyed. Having Christmas Day off would be incredibly lonely. Their friends were either working a different shift or finding a way home to see their loved ones. Her own parents were leaving for their yearly trip to Switzerland in a few days.
She would be completely alone this holiday season.
"I really don't want to do this without you." Bryce tugged her out of her chair and into his lap.
Ignoring her frantic whispers that there were people around, he cupped her cheek and kissed her.
"I don't want you to either." She whispered, giving in to the need to kiss him once more. "I'll be just a phone call away."
"Not good enough." He grumbled before giving her a half-hearted smile. "But it seems I have no choice since the two bossy women in my life are guilt tripping me." He squeezed her close before letting her get up. "I'll see you this evening after your rounds."
Chris smiled warmly at him. "Can't wait."
December 19th...
"Cheer up!" Chris shook him a little. "You'll be in Hawaii. Warm, sandy beaches--"
"That would be more inviting if you were there." His lips curved into a suggestive smile. "I'm picturing all kinds of bikinis--" he jumped when she swatted his backside.
She cleared her throat to continue. "As I was saying. You'll get to surf. See old friends--"
"Enemies. Exes. People who hope every Lahela dies some horrific death." He muttered.
"Why would you be seeing exes?!" Chris jerked back, eyes narrowing on his face. "Is there something I should know about, Lahela?"
He snorted in his laughter. "Nothing at all. I was only trying to think of the worst things I could see on this trip."
"Better be the worst." She grumbled, allowing him to once again pull her close. "Or else you will encounter a fiancée colder than the winters here in Boston."
He shook with laughter as he kissed her again. "I love you so much, Chris."
She gently caressed his cheek, giving that somewhat special, secretive smile she had just for him. "I love you too."
He checked the time and reluctantly let her go. "I better get going before Keiki calls again." He gathered up his bags, insisting Chris remain inside where it was warm. "I won't be able to leave if I see you standing out there alone."
She bit back her tears. "Be careful and call me when you get a chance."
"I will." He slung the last piece of luggage over his shoulder. "I want you to actually rest and sleep on your days off. None of that study fest you try and sneak in."
"I promise." She reached over and pulled his coat closed for him.
Bryce ducked down and stole one last tender kiss before slipping out the door. He flashed that same charming smile that still made her feel butterflies. "Later, Valentine."
Chris knew she couldn't say goodbye back without choking up. She merely waved with a smile, eyes blurring with the tears that were threatening to spill over.
She closed the door, pressed her head against it, and finally allowed herself to cry.
Later that night...
"I'm here." Bryce stepped out on the balcony of his old bedroom. "We just finished dinner."
"How did it go?" Chris asked, readjusting her phone as she finished doing the dishes.
"Great. Just great." He replied. "We said hello. Awkward pauses. Questions about school. Awkward pauses. The hospital. Even longer pauses with avoiding eye contact. Then Kiki decided to break the tension by telling them about our engagement. Blah, blah, blah. They want to meet you. Hope I actually invite them to the wedding--"
"Of course we will invite them!" Chris dropped the pan she was scrubbing. "You told them that, right?"
Bryce hesitated. "No. I indicated that we were still up in the air on the guest list."
"BRYCE!" Chris shouted. "Get in there and tell them that I want them at our wedding! They're your parents!"
"See, this is why I needed you to come." He snapped. "I don't want to be here. I don't want to talk to them. I have nothing in common with these people!"
"They're YOUR parents!" She snapped back. "Get over this crap and try and develop some type of relationship with them. Do it for yourself, Kiki, me, and any children we might one day have!"
A couple of beats of silence went by.
"Children, huh?" Bryce teased.
"Well, yeah." Chris mumbled. "One of you in the world is clearly not enough for me."
He couldn't stop the goofy smile forming at that. "I know the world needs more of you, Valentine."
Bryce loved hearing her stutter at his compliment.
"Anyway," she said in a softer tone, "Try and find a way to be around your family."
"I guess I do owe it to all the little Lahela's we will have." He leaned against the railing. "We're having six, right?"
"Six? Why not eight?." Chris joked, calling his bluff.
"How about two?" He countered as he quickly did the math for putting eight people through college.
"It's a deal." She checked the time and sighed. "I need to head to the hospital."
"Okay." He told her again that he loved her before ending the call. Taking one last glance at the ocean, he walked inside to speak to his parents.
A couple of days went by with everyone in the Lahela household walking on egg shells. Each person seemed to keep the conversation impersonal. Generalizations were made on the weather, possible activities were suggested, and uncomfortable silences were falling at alarming rates.
The only time Bryce felt a little like his normal self was when he was either talking to Chris or alone with Keiki.
One morning, it all came to an end.
After taking his little sister out for a sunrise surf, Keiki had suggested they surprise their parents with breakfast.
"We can make it ourselves!"
"I hope you mean bowls of cereal." He teased. "Because even those are pretty much a hit and miss for me."
Keiki rolled her eyes. "You're a surgeon! Surely between the two of us we can come up with something."
"I'm not cooking while in the operating room." He added. "Edenbrook frowns on that."
She elbowed him in the ribs.
"And I'm out." He snickered at annoying her. "I can't handle a skillet with bruised ribs." He dodged her next attack. "Much less crack an egg."
Keiki chased him into the Lahela mansion, threatening to crack an egg over his big head. Their laughter caused their parents to look up from their morning coffee.
"Good morning." Their mother called out.
The two stopped in their tracks.
"Morning." Keiki greeted.
She and Bryce stood in the foyer, making sure they weren't tracking sand in.
"Did you have a good time?" Their father asked.
"Yeah." Bryce rubbed the back of his neck. "Smooth waves all morning."
His mother chuckled fondly. "There were so many mornings when you were little that I couldn't find you. Your father kept me from freaking out by showing me your favorite surfing spot."
"I suggested getting a houseboat to live in so we could see you more often." Their father teased. "But your mom had this weird fixation that home meant one on land."
Keiki glanced back and forth between her parents and brother. This was the first time anyone mentioned something from the past.
Bryce hated that he felt that familiar tug to his heart when it came to childhood memories. He had a good life for the most part. His parents might have committed crimes, but they had treated him well in their own way.
They had always been busy, flittering to one event or planning one to show off the Lahela fortune. But in between those moments, they had tried to be parents. They weren't perfect, especially when compared to stories his friends shared about holidays with family and such.
But maybe, maybe they weren't that horrible.
"Keiki and I were going to try our hand at making breakfast for all of us." He found himself saying. "We'll try not to burn the house down."
Tears came to his mother's eyes. With a choked laugh, she nodded. "That--that is very thoughtful of you."
"Thank you." His father's voice was raspy with emotion. "We promise to eat whatever you serve." He tried to joke. "Good thing we have a son who's a doctor."
Keiki pulled on Bryce's arm. "Let's do this."
Feeling a little guilty that an offer to cook had affected his parents to such an extent, Bryce decided to give it his all and make this a breakfast none of them would forget.
Edenbrook, Dec. 23...
"And don't forget to test--"
"Ethan, shouldn't you be on the road by now?" Chris interrupted. "The weather is only going to get worse."
"Is this your way of trying to keep me from repeating the lab work I want done?" He countered.
She held up a readout. "Did it last night."
An expression of approval appeared on his face. "Well done, Rookie."
"A compliment? It really is Christmas." She teased.
He snorted while gathering his things. "Enjoy. It only happens once a year."
"Tell your dad, I said Merry Christmas." She yelled out as he left.
He waved in acknowledgement without looking back.
Chris dropped her head on the table, softly groaning in misery.
"And then there was one." She sat up and focused once more on her research of skin irritations, frowning at this being her holiday treat.
Lahela Mansion...
"Our Bryce is not only one of the top surgeons, he is also engaged to a brilliant doctor."
Bryce forced a smile as his mother continued to pull him from one group to another. Lucky for him, he was only meant to stand there and appear delighted with life.
He wasn't really in the mood to socialize.
He glanced across the room and saw that his dad was doing the same with Keiki. The siblings shared a mutual glance of resignation.
After that one breakfast, their parents were ready to show the world that the Lahela's were still a prominent family that deserved awe and respect.
He hated being paraded like this. The only reason he still smiled was he felt a little guilty still over keeping them out of his life for so long. It surprised him that their parents had practically become recluses when Keiki also left. Having both their children move across the country to try and escape the Lahela name had been the wakeup call they needed.
Things still weren't what they once were, yet there was no denying the effort his parents were putting forth in the hopes of finding a new normal.
The only thing was, Bryce wanted to go home.
And home meant anywhere Chris was.
He felt his phone vibrate in his pocket and excused himself.
Opening up the image Chris had sent made his brow furrow in confusion. It was some type of weird skin rash.
He then burst into laughter when he read the words she had typed under it.
This could be the eggnog talking, but does this guy's rash look like a fat reindeer to you?
He set his drink down and began to text back.
This is why I love you.
He smiled in anticipation as he waited for her response.
Who knew skin rashes had this kind of effect on you?
And? He sent back.
And I love you too.
Keiki sneaked over and peeked at his phone.
"Is that a reindeer?" She tilted her head to the side.
"Maybe." He put his phone back in his pocket.
He leaned against the doorframe, quietly observing the party.
"You don't have to stay." Keiki whispered.
"I know." He ran a hand through his hair. "But it won't kill me to hang out another hour at this party."
"I mean, you don't have to stay here for Christmas." She corrected.
"I thought you wanted me to."
"I did. Or do. But now that things have been talked about, I don't mind being alone here with Mom and Dad." Keiki explained. "I know you must miss Chris."
"I do." His mind began to whirl with possibly leaving. "You don't think it would upset our parents if I up and left?"
"Not if you tell them why."
He slung his arm around her shoulders and pressed a kiss to the top of her head. "You know, for little sisters, you aren't that bad?"
She rolled her eyes while fighting a grin. "I guess you aren't the worst either."
He squeezed her close, grinning when she hugged him back. "I'll talk to them after the party."
"This means I get to open my gift from you early, right?" Keiki asked.
"Gift? From me?" He placed his hand to his head. "Was I supppsed to get you something?"
Bryce grunted when she punched his bicep.
"I take everything nice back I ever said about you." She sniped back.
"Easy there, Ms. MMA. Some of us need our arms for work." He nodded toward the tree. "Your gift is wrapped in the candy cane paper."
She stood on her tiptoes to see over the crowd. "Is it anything from my list?"
"Of course it is. Do you honestly think I have any clue what a fifteen year old girl likes?" He reminded her. "Plus Chris made sure we got exactly what you wanted."
Keiki hugged him again. "I'm so glad you came with me."
He gently patted her back. "Me too, kid."
Dec. 23rd, a few hours later, Honolulu International Airport...
"I understand that what I'm asking is the impossible." Bryce took a deep breath. "If you can get me as close to the east coast, I'll pay extra and drive the rest of the way if needed."
"Sir, we are having to cancel a number of flights due to weather." The ticket agent explained. "Your flight is for the twenty-sixth."
"I know. But I need to be home tomorrow." He repeated. "I'll fly anywhere. It doesn't have to be a direct flight to Boston."
The agent began to type while the line of people behind Bryce grumbled at the hold up.
"The closest I can get you is a five hour layover in Dallas." She typed some more. "You can then be on standby for a flight to Grand Rapids or I can book you in our economy class to Chicago which has a two hour layover in San Diego and another two hour layover in Houston."
"Chicago." He decided.
She printed out his new ticket. "Departs from Gate B-9 in one hour."
"Thank you." He hurried over to security.
Dec. 24th, around four a.m. Chicago...
"I need something with four wheel drive." Bryce added.
"Yeah, you and everyone else." The car rental rep snickered. "It's Christmas Eve in the Midwest. You'll be lucky to leave here with a car that isn't a convertible with the top down."
Bryce ran his hand through his hair. "Just give me whatever you got."
"Huh." The rep's eyes widened. "Must be your lucky day. We have one SUV left."
Bryce felt the first glimmer of hope since his last three turbulent flights. "I'll take it."
Dec. 24th, Boston...
It is going to be a white Christmas for Boston. Snow has been falling and will continue with a possible accumulation of eighteen inches. Some areas of the country are expecting up to twenty-
Chris changed the channel while getting ready for a long night at work. Her mood had been less than cheerful the more she thought about being alone tomorrow.
That and she had not heard from Bryce at all.
He's probably at another party, she thought. Maybe his family planned something special.
"Get your head right, Valentine." She told her reflection. "Nobody wants a depressed doctor missing her fiancé."
She searched her closet for something more festive to wear, hoping it would brighten her mood and her patients'. After choosing a red knit dress, she snagged a gingerbread cookie and headed out into the snow.
Somewhere in the snow...
"A cup of coffee, please." Bryce checked the time again and softly groaned.
He had been driving since around five in the morning. With all the snow, the fifteen hour drive seemed to be growing longer and longer. He still had another five hours at the very least until he made it to Boston.
His phone chimed with a message from Chris.
Merry Christmas Eve! I miss you and hope you're having a good time.
He took a sip of the coffee and debated on whether or not to tell her what he was really doing. Typing out that he missed her too, he decided to remain quiet on how he was spending the night before Christmas.
Dec. 25th, 8:00 a.m., Boston...
Chris trudged through the snow, playfully kicking up some of it. The night shift had thankfully been quiet for the most part. She had been able to go to the children's ward and play some Christmas themed games with them and their families.
Seeing their excited faces went a long way in helping lift her spirits.
Some of the staff had brought in some holiday treats and even Dr. Banerji brought in some homemade wassail in a crockpot to help stay warm in the snow.
Chris found a Secret Santa gift on her desk when her shift ended. Smiling, she opened it up to find a green cashmere scarf. Wrapping the soft material around her neck, she pulled on her snow boots and left in a much better mood than she had arrived in.
Humming Christmas carols, she continued to her apartment. She decided that this Christmas on her own would be spent in pajamas and dozing on the couch with A Christmas Story on continuous loop.
She was on the third verse to We Wish You a Merry Christmas when she unlocked the door.
"We won't go until we get some," she sang as she tossed her keys on a side table. "We won't--"
"Well, if you insist." Bryce said suggestively.
She stopped in her tracks. Her jaw dropped as she stared at him.
"Should we exchange presents before we get some or after?" He laughed when she launched herself into his arms, squeezing him tight.
"What are you--how--" she sighed into his kiss, snuggling closer.
"I wanted to spend Christmas at home." He told her.
"But you were home." She reminded him. "With your family."
"That's not home anymore." Bryce backed her to the sofa.
"So you're saying Boston has become your new home?" She laughed when they fell onto the cushions.
He gazed down at her, thinking of all the emotions she made him feel. His voice turned sincere as he smoothed her hair out of her eyes.
"Funny thing is, it isn't the place so much as the reason why this is now home." He pressed a sweet kiss to her cheek before brushing his lips against hers as he spoke. "Wherever we are, as long as you're there, then that is where I will call home."
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drvgpareek · 5 years
Dr Venugopal Pareek Bariatric Surgeon
Consultant Bariatric & Laparoscopic Surgeon
More Than 10000 Laparoscopic Surgeries Done Personally in Last 13+ Years. Laparoscopic work includes Diagnostic lap, Lap Appendix, Lap Cholecystectomy, PCOD, Lap Ovarian Cystectomies, Lap Hysterectomies, Lap Hernia Repairs, Single port surgeries and open Surgeries including Colonic and Hepatobiliary.
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aighospitalsblog · 2 years
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The Department of Urology at AIG Hospitals offers a comprehensive urology care and treatment for common urological problems like prostate diseases, urinary stones, infections, malignancies, and strictures of the urethra. The department consists of experienced consultants who have expertise in handling all type of cases and is supported by advanced technology & world-class infrastructure to deliver an exemplary service.
Minimally invasive surgery
At AIG hospitals we are doing all advanced minimally invasive surgeries including laparoscopic and retroperitoneoscopic surgeries regularly.
Surgeries offered-
Lap/retroperitoneoscopic -simple nephrectomy
Partial nephrectomy
Radical prostatectomy
Radical cystectomy
Renal transplantation
At AIG one of the most experienced best kidney transplant hospital in Hyderabad team including the transplant surgeons and nephrologists are there with exposure of more than 3000 kidney transplants.
All types of complex kidney transplant procedures like multiple vessels, 2nd and 3rd transplants are performed.
Pediatric Urology
All urological diseases and congenital malformation related to genitourinary organs are dealt, with the best of care and surgical expertise.
Surgeries offered
Lap pyeloplasty
Open pyeloplasty
Reimplant surgery
Valve fulguration
Hypospadias repair
Mitrofanoff procedure
All key hole and endoscopic surgeries for stones.
Reconstructive urology
All kind of urethral reconstruction like end -2 anastomotic, graft and flap urethroplasties are regulary performed with very good results.
Pelvic fracture urethral distraction defects are also managed well with excellent outcome.
Major ureteral reconstruction like ileal replacement and yang montie procedure, failed pyeloplasty, augmentation ileocystoplasty etc are also performed regularly as many referred cases come to us we are giving affordable kidney transplant cost in Hyderabad.
All type of uro oncological cancers are treated here with comprehensive care including the medical and radiation oncologist.
Surgeries for kidney, bladder, prostate, adrenal, testes and penile cancers are performed with latest technologies with minimally invasive approach
Urological ailments of females like UTI, urinary incontinence, ureterovaginal/vesicovaginal fistula are routinely treated in the department.
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kaizen2345 · 3 years
Dr. Satish Pawar
Dr. Satish Pawar is a Leading Cancer Specialist at CARE Hospitals - Hi-tech City, Hyderabad. He is expert in advanced Laparoscopic surgeries in surgical Dr.Satish Pawar is a proficient and experienced surgeon in the field of oncology. He is Senior Consultant and Head of Surgical oncology department at Care Hospitals, Hyderabad. He is expert in advanced Laparoscopic surgeries in surgical oncology such as Lap Wertheims, Lap primary and Interval Cytoreduction, Lap AR/APR/Hemicolectomy, Lap Radical Nephrectomy/ Cystectomy/ Gastrectomy/ Esophagectomy Lung (VATS). His fields of expertise include nerve sparing Laparoscopic Radical Hysterectomy,
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kaizenoncology12345 · 3 years
Dr. Satish Pawar
Dr. Satish Pawar is a Leading Cancer Specialist at CARE Hospitals - Hi-tech City, Hyderabad. He is expert in advanced Laparoscopic surgeries in surgical Dr.Satish Pawar is a proficient and experienced surgeon in the field of oncology. He is Senior Consultant and Head of Surgical oncology department at Care Hospitals, Hyderabad. He is expert in advanced Laparoscopic surgeries in surgical oncology such as Lap Wertheims, Lap primary and Interval Cytoreduction, Lap AR/APR/Hemicolectomy, Lap Radical Nephrectomy/ Cystectomy/ Gastrectomy/ Esophagectomy Lung (VATS). His fields of expertise include nerve sparing Laparoscopic Radical Hysterectomy,
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kaizens-blog · 3 years
Dr Satish Pawar is an efficient and best Surgical oncologist. Presently he is providing services as Senior Consultant and Head of Surgical oncology department at Care Hospitals, Hyderabad. He is expert in advanced Laparoscopic surgeries in surgical oncology such as Lap Wertheims, Lap primary and Interval Cytoreduction, Lap AR/APR/Hemicolectomy, Lap Radical Nephrectomy/ Cystectomy/ Gastrectomy/ Esophagectomy Lung (VATS).Call now 915 414 3858/59/60
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artemisgurgaon · 4 years
Dr. Anjali Kumar is an alumnus of prestigious Lady Hardinge Medical College and possesses over 28 years of post-graduate experience in the field. She is a renowned gynecological endoscopic surgeon, having done certificate course in endoscopy from Ethicon endo-surgery institute and world association of Laparoscopic surgeons and has till date performed many complicated gynecological laparoscopic and hysteroscopic surgeries (Total laparoscopic hysterectomies ,Laparoscopic assisted vaginal hysterectomies, Lap ovarian cystectomies, laparoscopic fertility enhancing surgeries, Laparoscopic Myomectomies and Operative Hysteroscopic surgeries).
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Laparoscopic Hysterectomy
What is Laparoscopic Hysterectomy?
Dr.Mahindra Borse is working as a consultant at Deenanath Mangeshkar Hospital and he is known for his exclusive gynecological endoscopic surgical skills. He is a well known Laparoscopic Hysterectomy Surgeon Pune.
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Laparoscopic Hysterectomy is defined as a procedure of removal of the uterus. Making a hole in bally button small camera inserted in it. The Laparoscopic Hysterectomy surgeon performs the operative procedure while observing the image in the camera.
Laparoscopic hysterectomy surgery treats for cancer & infections, Menstrual period stopped after the surgery.
Performing Laparoscopic Hysterectomy for
Uterine fibroids
Abnormal uterine bleeding
Endometrial hyperplasia
Cancer of the uterus
Uncontrollable bleeding after childbirth 
Benefits of Laparoscopic Hysterectomy
It requires very few incisions, which results in less blood loss, Also less scarring and less post-operative pain.
It requires very few incisions, which results in less blood loss, Also less scarring and less post-operative pain.
Shorter hospital stay. In most cases, LH patients are discharged the same day or require an overnight stay, versus a three-to-four-day stay for traditional hysterectomy patients.
Little to no blood loss as a result of smaller, shallower incisions.
Lower risk of abdominal infection and other complications.
Less pain. Patients generally can use a non-narcotic pain reliever if one is needed, as opposed to IV morphine or other prescription painkillers often given to patients who have a traditional hysterectomy.
Faster recovery time. LH patients typically return to normal activities within one to two weeks, compared to four to six weeks for traditional hysterectomy.
Minimal scarring. In many patients, the scars become virtually unnoticeable.
Types of Laparoscopic Hysterectomy
Total Laparoscopic Hysterectomy
Laparoscopic myomectomy- removal of fibroids
Lap ovarian cystectomy- removal of the ovarian cyst wall.
Laparoscopic Colpopexy for vault prolapse (post-hysterectomy).
Lap sling surgeries for uterine descent in nulliparous women.
Minimally invasive Neovagina formation for Vaginal Agenesis
Laparoscopic salpingostomy, salpingectomy
Lap ovarian drilling for PCOD ( polycystic ovaries)
Laparoscopic removal of Endometriotic cysts
Operative laparoscopy for Deep infiltrating endometriosis (DIE): excision of all endometriotic lesions
Lap adhesiolysis.
Lap Neosalpingostomy (fimbrial blocks of fallopian tubes)
(LTR) – Tubo-tubal Anastomosis
Lap metroplasty for bicornuate uterus
Lap removal of rudimentary horn and the noncommunicating horn of uterus ( congenital anomalies )
fixation of ovaries to prevent recurrence of torsion – Lap Oophoropexy
Lap removal of ambiguous gonads ( Genetic disorders) to prevent cancers
Preventive oophorectomy in cases of breast cancer
Lap cystocele repair
Lap enterocoele repair
For more details contact Dr.Mahindra Borse has experience of more than 13, 000 endoscopic surgeries in the last 10 years. He is well known for his fertility-enhancing Hysteroscopic and Laparoscopic surgeries, Also do tertiary level endoscopic surgeries like hysterectomy, myomectomy, Tubo-tubal anastomosis( tubectomy reversal), surgeries for uterine prolapse, vaginal vault prolapse, neovagina creation( for vaginal agenesis), endometriosis surgery and radical surgeries for cancer of endometrium and cervix. He is the best Laparoscopic Hysterectomy surgeon Pune.
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ABIM: Oncology
ABIM syllabus can be found here Let me know if you find any errors Sources: UWorld, MKSAP 16/17, Rizk Review Course, Louisville Lectures, Knowmedge (free version)
Lung cancer (clinical presentation and diagnosis)
Small cell:  associated with hyponatremia/SIADH, Lambert Eaton (like MG but fatiguable); Tx: chemotherapy + whole brain radiation if good response to chemo Non-small cell:  CT/PET, MRI brain –> Tx: stage I - surgical, stage II - surgery + chemo, stage III - chemo + XRT +/- surgery, stage IV - chemotherapy alone (1)  Squamous cell carcinoma:  associated with smoking, hypercalcemia, Pancoast tumors (cause Horner’s: ptosis, miosis, anhydrosis) (2)  Adenocarcinoma:  not associated with smoking (3)  Large cell carcinoma:  associated with SVC syndrome (4)  Bronchogenic carcinoma:  associated with cluster of painless, firm/hard cutaneous metastases *AE of chest XRT is CAD
Breast Cancer
- Screening:  mammogram >50yo or >35 with high risk * if palpable mass:  ALWAYS BIOPSY (even if not seen by mammo) * if in situ –> no need for LN biopsy * if positive LN –> axillary LN dissection (AE: UE lymphedema) *if >1cm or LN+: give adjuvant chemo * do NOT perform mastectomy if metastized * if mastectomy, add XRT if: (1) dermal invasion, (2) close margins, (3) 4+ LNs - Dx:  mammogram/US –> Bx –> ER/PR/Her2neu status - DCIS Tx: lumpectomy + local rads = simple mastectomy (for tumor >5cm) +/- if ER/PR+ –> 5 years of hormonal therapy (1) premenopausal: Tamoxifen (SERM; AE: clots, endometrial cancer), (2) postmenopausal: Anastrazole/Letrozole (AI) +/- if Her2neu+ –> get an ECHO to ensure good heart function, give Trastuzumab (- LCIS Tx: observe or b/l mastectomy (won’t be tested because controversial)
Neoplasm of the head and neck
Thyroid nodules and thyroid cancer: (1) Medullary thyroid cancer: associated with both MEN II syndromes, RET gene; elevated calcitonin –> hypercalcemia; Tx: surgical neck dissection (2) Papillary thyroid cancer:  aggressive, associated with BRAF (like melanoma); Tx: surgery + radioiodine (3) Follicular:  Tx: surgery + radioiodine (4) Anaplastic:  very poor prognosis
Gastrointestinal or hepatic cancer
Stomach cancer:   - Dx: upper endoscopy with ultrasound > CT scan - Tx: surgery, chemo, XRT - MALT lymphoma:  Tx: PPI and H.pylori Abx Colorectal cancer: - Tx: stage 1-2: resect, III: resect + chemo, IV: FOLFOX chemo +/- resect + Bevacizumab - f/u with CEA Q3-6mo for 2 years, then Q6months for 3 years - f/u with CT chest/ab/pelvis every year for 3 years - f/u with colonoscopy 1, 3, and 5 years post-treatment - Rectal cancer: Tx stage II-III: (1) chemo/XRT –> surgery or (2) surgery –> chemo Pancreatic carcinoma other than pancreatic endocrine tumors: - Trousseau venous thrombophlebitis (migratory VTEs), jaundice, palpable GB - stage I (pancreas) Tx: resection - stage II (duodenum) - stage III (LN) - stage IV (other mets) Tx: Gemcitabine *confused for autoimmune pancreatitis (because of mass); differentiate with biopsy; AIP has elevated IgG Hepatocellular carcinoma: - associated with Hep C > chronic Hep B - if nodule <1cm needs screening abdominal US Q6mo –> if >1cm: contrast CT/MRI liver (arterial phase enhancement) - if AFP>100, don’t have to biopsy –> Tx: resection / liver transplant > EtOH/radioablation > chemotherapy/Sorafenib Other CT abdomen findings: (1) Cavernous hemangioma: early peripheral nodular enhancement with delay in filling from periphery to center; don’t have to treat (2) Hepatic adenoma: associated with OCPs; early rapid loss of enhancement –> resect (3)  Focal nodular hyperplasia:  central stellate scar –> don’t have to treat
Urologic cancer
Renal clear cell carcinoma:   - presents as upper abdominal mass with hematuria; erythrocytosis (elevated Hb), hypercalcemia, and acute varicocele - associated with von-Hippel Lindau (retinal and cerebellar hemangioblastomas and RCC) - Dx: CT ab, pulmonary “cannonball” nodules/mets on CXR, if bone pain: elevated ALP - Tx: nephrectomy Transitional cell carcinoma: - painless hematuria - Dx: cystoscopy - Tx: TURBT –> intravesicular BCG; if muscle invasion: radical cystectomy Prostate cancer: - Dx: exam with elevated PSA –> transrectal US-guided prostate Bx - Gleason >7, PSA >15, large tumor or bone pain –> bone scan and CT ab/pelvis - penetrates prostate capsule Tx: XRT –> f/u PSA and rectal exam Q6-12mo - LN involvement/mets/elevated serum acid phosphatase Tx:  total hormonal ablation with 4-6mo Leuprolide (LHRH agonist to be given with antiandrogen Flutamide to prevent tumor flare)/Goserelin –> refractory: Docetaxel Testicular cancer: (1) Non-seminoma (embryonal, teratoma, choriocarcinoma): elevated AFP, hCG; Dx/Tx: inguinal orchiectomy (DO NOT BIOPSY) +/- chemo if spread (2) Seminoma: elevated hCG; Tx: radiation; if disseminated: platinum-chemo
Gynecologic cancer
Ovarian cancer: - may present with bleeding, dyspareunia, ascites (SAAG <1.1, ascites protein >2.5), peritoneal carcinomatosis - associated with HNPCC, infertility, early menarche, late menopause - Dx: pelvic U/S –> stage with ex-lap - Tx: stage I = surgery; stage II-IV: platinum-based chemo –> follow with pelvic exa, and CA-125 Q2-4mo for 2 years (do NOT need routine US) * if BRCA1 or 2+ –> offer oophorectomy at 35yo or after child-bearing * Dermatomyositis (anti-Jo1) is associated with ovarian cancer –> TVUS Endometrial cancer: - Dx: with biopsy - Tx: surgical resection of cervix/uterus/adnexa + XRT +/- chemotherapy; if high risk surgical patient, XRT only Cervical cancer: - Dx: punch bx or colposcopy bx - stage I Tx: LOOP/conization or if finished babies, hysterectomy WITHOUT dissection - stage II-IV Tx: XRT + cisplatin
CNS tumors
GBM: most common and aggressive adult intraparenchymal tumor - ring-enhancing with central necrosis and hemorrhage Meningioma: most common primary brain tumor (extraparenchymal, extradural) - insidious diffusely enhancing, partially calcified +/- dural tail; Tx: observe or surgery if symptomatic Oligodendroglioma:  rare, MRI = non-enhancing homogeneous intraparenchymal lesion Schwannoma: benign nerve sheath tumor ~CNVIII (hearing loss/tinnitus) - MRI shows enhancing lesion at cerebellopontine angle vs. Pseudotumor cerebri:  headaches worse in the morning + papilledema and visual changes in an obese person on Accutane - Dx: CT/MRI to r/o tumor and dural venous sinus, LP shows elevated ICP - Tx: Acetazolamide, repeat lumbar puncture –> if progressive visual loss: neurosurgery
Skin cancer
Squamous cell carcinoma:  preceded by actinic keratosis Basal cell carcinoma: raised pearlescent with telangiectasia Melanoma: Dx: wide excision + if >1mm deep, sentinel LN biopsy; additionally treat with IFN if >4mm or +LN
Hematologic malignancies (see ABIM: Hematology)
Assorted endocrine tumors and endocrine manifestations of tumors (see ABIM: Endocrine)
Malignancy associated hypercalcemia: (1) squamous cell (2) RCC (3) medullary thyroid cancer (elevated calcitonin)
Oncologic emergencies
SVC Syndrome :  associated with large cell NSCLC - Dx: biopsy tissue > mediastinoscopy/thoracotomy - if previously untreated: give chemo - if previously treated: XRT +/- chemo Fever and neutropenia: - Tx: with broad spec Pseudomonal abx (Cefepime) until PMN>500 - if no improvement in 2 days, add Vanc - if no improvement in 5 days, add Itraconazole Spinal cord tumors and compression: - Dx: Gad-enhanced MRI - Tx: steroids, surgery, XRT Cardiac tamponade from neoplastic pericarditis: - JVD, tachycardia, pulsus paradoxus - Tx: pericardiocentesis Tumor lysis syndrome: - elevated uric acid, potassium, phosphate - N/V/D, heart failure, seizures, syncope, death - PPx: Allopurinol, Rasburicase Hypercalcemia  - elevated Ca, decreased PTH, normal/decreased Vit D3 and Phos - Tx: NS Hyponatremia (SIADH): - associated with small cell - Tx: fluid restrict or if symptomatic, Na<120: 3% Saline + Lasix
Complications of cancer and its treatment
- give Morphine –> translate it to long-acting forms - Palliative O2 not helpful in absence of hypoxemia - Radiation toxicity: CAD, hypothyroidism, lung disease; breast, lung, esophageal cancer - Toxicity bear (borrowed from my Step 1 notes - Second Aid): –> Asparagine: neurotoxicityCisplatin:  ototoxic/nephrotoxic; Tx: Amifostine –> Vincristine/Vinblastine:  "Christ my nerves, Blast my bones" - Vincristine = peripheral neuropathy - Vinblastine = myelosuppression –> Bleomycin: pulmonary fibrosis –> Doxorubicin: cardiotoxic; Tx; Dexrozoxane (for cardiotoxicity), Dimethyl-sulphoxide (for ROS ulcers) –> Cyclophosphamide:  Acrolein = nephro/bladder toxic (Tx: Mesna); also SIADH effects (Tx: Demeclocycline) –> Methotrexate: nephrotoxic (Tx: Leucovorin), myelosuppression (Tx; Filgrastim)
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Cancer of unknown primary
- axillary LN? –> biopsy comes back adenocarcinoma –> mammogram –>if neg: MRI breast - high cervical LN? –> PET/CT scan of head and neck - osteoblastic mets? –> PSA test for prostate adenocarcinoma - ascites, peritoneal carcinomatosis? –> ovarian cancer, Dx: ex-lap - young woman with retroperitoneal poorly differentiated mass? –> germ cell cancer; Tx: platinum chemo
Cancer screening (see ABIM: Screening)
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bharatiyamedia-blog · 5 years
Retired Nurse Who Could not Cease Clawing Herself Feared Liver Transplant
http://tinyurl.com/y6oe4g7z Leslie Lavender was discovering it more and more troublesome to reside with the itching (Representational) Leslie Lavender knew that the outfit she wore to her youthful daughter’s wedding ceremony in April 2017 was uncommon for the mom of the bride. However darkish pants and a long-sleeved prime, she determined, have been one of the best ways to cover the harm brought on by an incessant itch impervious to antihistamines, dietary modifications and particular lotions. “I used to be simply clawing at myself,” recalled Lavender, then 60, of Stockton Springs, a tiny city 110 miles north of Portland, Maine. The retired nurse practitioner spent greater than a 12 months seeing quite a lot of specialists, all mystified by the issue that was ruining Lavender’s life. A session with a Boston-area skilled in June 2018 proved to be pivotal. He made the elusive connection between Lavender’s unrelenting itching and an occasion that had occurred almost a decade earlier. “When he stated, ‘I will help you,’ ” Lavender recalled, “it was a miracle.” In January 2010, whereas on the final night time of a cruise across the Panama Canal, Lavender skilled a extreme gallbladder assault. She had suffered assaults earlier than, however this incident was a lot worse. The sharp stomach ache left her doubled over for hours. “I come from a protracted line of girls who’ve ended up shedding their gallbladders,” she stated, referring to her mom and grandmother. At dwelling in Northern Kentucky, the place she and her husband, Michael, an obstetrician-gynecologist, have been then dwelling, Lavender underwent an ultrasound, which revealed a peanut-sized gallstone blocking her gallbladder. The pear-shaped organ sits beneath the liver and shops bile, which aids within the digestion of fats. Quickly afterward Lavender underwent a laparoscopic cholecystectomy, a typical operation to take away the gallbladder. The minimally invasive surgical procedure entails extracting the organ by small incisions reasonably than a single massive one. Laparoscopic surgical procedure guarantees much less ache and a sooner restoration than the standard open process. Greater than 90 p.c of all gallbladder elimination operations at the moment are carried out laparoscopically, however this technique might restrict the surgeon’s means to see and may end up in harm to the bile ducts – a doubtlessly deadly mistake if not handled promptly. Bile duct accidents are estimated to happen in 1 in 1,000 laparoscopic operations and fewer typically throughout open procedures. Lavender’s operation appeared routine. She was discharged after spending an evening within the hospital. However per week later, she started vomiting and developed intense stomach ache. “I will die,” she instructed a health care provider who despatched her for a CT scan, which revealed swimming pools of fluid in her stomach. Medical doctors found a bile leak and admitted her to scrub out the caustic bile and repair the issue. Three days after she was discharged for the second time, Lavender was again within the hospital, unable to maintain a mouthful of water down. Medical doctors readmitted her and carried out a process to position a brief drain, which was eliminated after six weeks. After the third operation, the surgeon instructed Lavender that she had an uncommon anatomical variation known as an adjunct bile duct, also called a duct of Luschka, which was closed off to stop additional leaks. The subsequent few months have been rocky. Lavender developed a debilitating an infection brought on by clostridium difficile micro organism, which might consequence from the usage of antibiotics. She slowly recovered and later that 12 months moved along with her husband 1,100 miles north to the coast of Maine. Within the years following her surgical procedures, Lavender stated she by no means skilled a recurrence of extreme ache. However she did not really feel solely nicely. “I used to be main a principally regular life and watching my food regimen,” she stated. Acid blockers and different medicines did not appear to assist, so she stopped taking them. Throughout routine physicals, her internist in Maine famous a persistently elevated degree of alkaline phosphatase (ALP). Elevated ranges of ALP can point out liver or bone issues. “I questioned it, however no person appeared too involved about it,” recalled Lavender, who stated docs deemed the elevation inconsequential. The itching began in March 2017, whereas Lavender was in Omaha visiting her older daughter. “It was simply insane,” she stated. “I ran by a listing of prospects: Do I’ve a rash? Hives? An allergy? What am I consuming?” Nothing appeared to elucidate it. And little appeared to alleviate it. “I used to be a multitude,” she recalled. She had scratched a lot that her legs and arms have been crisscrossed by offended welts, which typically turned contaminated. Lavender’s internist despatched her to a dermatologist, who ordered intensive lab checks to rule out a number of myeloma and different cancers, in addition to a number of autoimmune ailments that may trigger intense itching. The dermatologist gave her a steroid ointment and prescribed a big dose of oral steroids, which quelled the itching. However the ointment made Lavender’s pores and skin so skinny it started to tear. And when she stopped taking oral steroids, the itching got here roaring again. A second dermatologist, whom she noticed in January 2018, stated he thought her drawback was not dermatologic. He despatched her to a hematologist, who ordered a CT scan and intensive blood checks. Every little thing – besides the elevated ALP – was regular. The hematologist despatched her to a gastroenterologist in Portland. After ruling out cirrhosis and liver most cancers, he instructed Lavender he suspected sclerosing cholangitis, a liver illness brought on by irritation or scarring of the bile ducts. Michael Lavender remembers the gastroenterologist telling him that his spouse may very well be headed for liver failure and may want a transplant in 4 or 5 years. In obvious anticipation of that chance, he referred Lavender to Roger Jenkins, a liver transplant skilled at Lahey Hospital & Medical Middle in Burlington, a Boston suburb. Jenkins, a pioneer of liver transplantation, is emeritus chair of surgical procedure at Lahey, which operates one of many busiest liver transplant packages within the nation. By the point she received to Lahey in June 2018, Lavender was despondent. She was discovering it more and more troublesome to reside with the itching that had eluded each identification of its underlying trigger and efficient remedy. And the concept she may want a transplant was overwhelming. “I instructed Michael, ‘I like you, however I am not having a liver transplant,’ ” she recalled. In preparation for her go to, Jenkins obtained her data from Kentucky and Maine. “What you actually should do is return in time,” he stated. The reply appeared clear, Jenkins stated, and appeared thus far to one thing that occurred throughout Lavender’s gallbladder surgical procedure. It appeared that the surgeon had mistakenly sewn Lavender’s proper hepatic bile duct closed, mistaking it for an adjunct duct. (Hepatic ducts drain bile from the liver.) Over time, subsequent scans and checks have been repeatedly misinterpret as displaying a left and proper hepatic duct, when actually they have been two branches of the left duct. Lavender’s liver was the supply of the itching. “Miraculously,” Jenkins famous, the proper lobe of the organ had not atrophied as can be anticipated. “That is extraordinarily uncommon,” he stated, “however not exceptional.” One cause the error might have gone undetected so lengthy, Jenkins speculated, could be that Lavender’s anatomy differs from the norm in an unspecified approach. “Most accidents from a lap chole[cystectomy] are acknowledged on the time,” Jenkins stated. A couple of years earlier than he noticed Lavender, Jenkins had handled a younger girl with an analogous gallbladder harm. Jenkins beneficial eradicating the proper lobe of Lavender’s liver to cease the itching; the left lobe ought to develop to compensate for the lacking portion. The opposite possibility concerned intensive reconstructive surgical procedure that Jenkins stated won’t work. Lavender, the surgeon wrote in his session word, was “in agony” from the itching and had stated she “did not need to reside” if the issue couldn’t be mounted. Lavender was floored – and thrilled. “He simply knew,” she stated of Jenkins. “I felt that the Lord had despatched me to the proper place.” The three 1/2 hour operation, carried out 9 days later, went easily. It took a number of weeks for the itching to fade solely and about 5 months earlier than the crushing postoperative fatigue Jenkins had warned her to count on disappeared. Exams present that the left lobe of her liver has grown as anticipated. “I really feel nice,” she stated. Lavender needs docs had paid extra consideration to her irregular ALP, which had grow to be more and more elevated through the years. “No person noticed that because the canary within the coal mine,” she stated. Her expertise, she famous, is a reminder that minimally invasive surgical procedure doesn’t essentially imply uncomplicated or risk-free. “You should not suppose that nothing can go improper,” she stated. (Apart from the headline, this story has not been edited by NDTV workers and is printed from a syndicated feed.) (function(d, s, id) {var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];if (d.getElementById(id)) return;js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id;js.src = "http://connect.facebook.net/en_US/sdk.js#xfbml=1&version=v2.5&appId=213741912058651";fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);}(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk')); Source link
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sanjay236-blog · 5 years
Laparoscopy Surgeon in Indore - Dr. Sheela Chhabra at Pushp Clinic
Gynaecologist Dr. Sheela Chhabra is a famous laparoscopy Surgeon and obstetrician specialist in Indore. Being one of the best Laparoscopy surgeon in the town she takes care of Total Laparoscopic Hysterectomy, Laparoscopic Ovarian Cystectomy, Lap Ectopic Pregnancy, Diagnostic Hysteroscopy with Laparoscopy for Infertility, Lap Pco Drilling, Lap Tubal Ligation, Lap Endometrium Or Chocolate Cyst and Laparoscopic Myomectomy For Fibroids.
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anupsingh11-blog · 6 years
IVF 100 Guarantee In Ahmedabad | ElaWoman
The Refund Guarantee is offered to help you with IVF treatment fee. This software makes positive that when receiving all the required IVF treatment offerings if you nevertheless don't get a live birth (baby) then most of your money is refunded. This program is to ensure that Ela Partner Hospitals work absolutely to the fulfillment of its Patients and we as Ela we're in a position to help you obtain the best Success Rates hazard possible.
For Patients Using Their Own Eggs
Shown underneath are among the key elements which can be taken into consideration for participation inside the Refund Guarantee Program. If you have any of these problem, you can't eligible for the Refund Program. The refund application is designed for patients doing both conventional or donor egg cycles, and can not be used with frozen donor eggs or embryo adoption.
Ovarian Cystectomy for Endometrioma
FSH levels over ordinary limits
Untreated Hydrosalpinx
Insufficient Antral Follicle Count
Abnormal uterus
 How many cycles are blanketed in this package deal?
The IVF refund assure package deal includes three IVF cycles in it. This enables the couples to attempt once more, although the first IVF cycle is not a success. More the wide variety of IVF cycles done, greater are the probabilities of getting pregnant and inshore that you are getting IVF 100 Guarantee In Ahmedabad .
Advantages of IVF refund guarantee bundle over single cycle IVF?
Here are a number of the most important advantages of IVF refund guarantee package over single cycle IVF:
IVF refund assure package helps the couples to get back a positive a part of general quantity of IVF package paid before the commencement of IVF procedure.
These sorts of refund packages assist the individuals to have a peace of thoughts with appreciate to budget in addition to the success of IVF treatment.
The fine part of IVF refund assure bundle is that the chances of multiple dropping out with the IVF procedure are reduced to an appreciable extent. This takes place because no couple wants to lose the quantity, which is paid back in case of 3 unsuccessful IVF cycles.
Hence, this package increases the probabilities of having pregnant in a enormous manner.
 Pratham IVF and Urology Clinic
Pratham IVF And Urology Clinic because its inception in 2004, is the leading IVF Clinic with very excessive success charge in IVF. Pratham IVF and Urology Clinic is an IVF and Urology Clinic placed in Vastrapur, Ahmedabad. The Clinic changed into installed inside the year 2013 which presents treatment relating to Infertility and Prostate Problems. Furthermore, it gives numerous services together with IVF, IUI, Gynecology Laparoscopy, Pregnant Women Counseling, Laparoscopic Sterilization Treatment and Proton Therapy Treatment. The group of experts here focuses on supplying professional services and reports to couples who had confronted IVF treatment screw ups in the beyond this center gives you IVF 100 Guarantee In Ahmedabad.
Dr Dharmesh Kapadia based Pratham IVF Center with the purpose of assisting sufferers with personalized attention and care that isn't feasible in larger clinics. His aim became no longer to construct the most important hospital in India, but a smaller health center that offers exceptional and customized treatment to each of his patients.
Pratham IVF and Urology Clinic are recognized for cordial surroundings at the clinic, advanced lab infrastructure, know-how of our docs and transparency of the complete process. We without a doubt recognize the privacy of our patients and use popular measures to shop their private statistics. The sufferers who fail no matter of all the efforts inside the first cycle are presented successive IVF cycle at a totally discounted charge.
Services : In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)Pregnant Women Counseling Proton Therapy Laparoscopic Sterilization
Location : Vastrapur, Ahmedabad
Rating : 3.8 / 5
  Dr. Dharmesh Kapadia
Dr. Dharmesh Kapadia is a Clinical Embryologist,Infertility Specialist and General Physician in Vastrapur, Ahmedabad and has an revel in of 16 years in these fields. Dr. Dharmesh Kapadia practices at Pratham IVF & Urology Clinic in Vastrapur, Ahmedabad. He finished MBBS from Sardar Patel University in 1999 and Master of Clinical Embryology from Monash University, Australia in 2003.
Dr. Dharmesh Kapadia being instrumental in developing few IVF centres throughout the kingdom has been serving inside the area of ART for eleven years now. Him being a really perfect and precise aggregate of IVF Specialist & Clinical Embryologist gives his sanatorium an facet over other facilities in context of clinical pregnancy charge and take domestic infant charge.Thousands of IVF pregnancies are below his belt and he has optimized protocols for embryology methods and clinical infertility exercise which is giving extraordinary outcomes. He may be very widely recognized inside the nation for his ICSI and Vitrification skills.  He assures you most moral, scientific and proof primarily based treatment at his middle.
Services : In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF), Leukorrhea Treatment
Location : Vastrapur, Ahmedabad
Rating : 3.5 / 5
 Dr. Kaushal Kapadia
A dynamic clinician with suitable expertise of medical infertility is the chief consultant in our team. He is properly updated with modern advances within the subject of scientific infertility. He seems after, ovarian stimulation, oocyte pick out up and embryo transfer techniques. Under his steering our sanatorium has optimized ovarian stimulation protocol in this sort of way that we are heading in the direction of “OHHS Free Clinic”. His vicinity of hobby in laparoscopic surgical procedures are, Myomectomy, Total Lap Hysterectomy, Hysteroscopic tubal cannulation, Hysteroscopic septum resection and Hysteroscopic polyp elimination.
Dr. Kaushal Kapadia is a gynecologist and infertility expert based totally in Vastrapur, Ahmedabad. He has completed his MBBS from Government Medical College, Bhavnagar in 2004 and MS in Obstetrics and Gynecology from Gujarat University in 2010. Later, he pursued Diploma in Endoscopy from Kiel University in Germany in the year 2014. Dr. Kaushal makes a speciality of gynecology laparoscopy, in vitro fertilization (IVF) and intrauterine insemination (IUI).  Dr. Kaushal Kapadi is currently a member of Indian Medical Association (IMA) and Federation of Obstetrics and Gynecological Societies of India (FOGSI). Presently, Dr. Kaushal is working towards at Pratham IVF and Urology Clinic
Services : Gynaecology Laparoscopy, Leukorrhea Treatment, In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF)
Location : Vastrapur, Ahmedabad
Rating : 2.8 / 5
  Mayflower Womens Hospital
Mayflower Womens Hospital - Ahmedabad has amazing healthcare gadget. It has notably informed clinical experts and has trendy diagnostic and treatment facilities. It has well certified nursing experts and paramedical body of workers. The health center gives you global-class healthcare services. It offers advanced treatment. It is controlled with the useful resource of main medical specialists. The medical institution offers more than a few maternity and gynaecological treatment. It has top notch clinical understanding and infrastructure and this center gives you IVF 100 Guarantee In Ahmedabad.
Mayflower Womens Hospital in Ahmedabad is well-known in India and foreign places. Many doctors and scientific experts from special components of the world come at the sanatorium for seminars & workshops. The health center has several properly prepared speciality labs. It consists of Obstetrics (Maternity) , Gynaecology, Endoscopy (Laparoscopy) Surgery, Infertility (Male & Female) IVF (Test-Tube Baby), Paediatrics & Neonatal care, Anaesthesia and Fetal Medicine Unit. The health facility has a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) and Labour Ward. Patients are treated well with the aid of using Consultant Obstetricians, Gynaecologists or Paediatricians, Consultant Anaesthetists and supporting personnel participants.
Services : Advanced Laparoscopy Surgery DNA Fragmentation Test Donor Sperm / Egg Program Egg Freeing
Location : Memnagar,  Ahmedabad
Rating : 3.9 / 5
Dr. Jaya Patel
Dr. Jaya Patel is an infertility and IVF specialist with considerable experience in treating patients with variable and complex fertility troubles. Dr. Jaya Patel is a reputable working towards gynecologist at Mayflower Women's Hospital. Dr. Jaya’s major focus is to prioritize the needs of the patients and therefore cater the desired services to the patients. She understands the troubles of the patients and treats them primarily based on the affected person necessities in addition to her know-how. Her areas of specialization consist of infertility treatment including IVF (Test Tube Baby) and IUI. You can find extra details of Dr. Jaya Patel at www.Elawoman.Com
Services : Intrauterine insemination (IUI), In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF), High Risk Pregnancy Care
Location : Memnagar, Ahmedabad
Rating : 3.0 / 5
If you have any query regarding any kind of infertility issue or IVF, you can give us a call at +91-7899912611.
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Dr Preety Aggarwal Gurgaon | Elawoman
Dr Preety Aggarwal Gurgaon
Dr Preety Aggarwal Gurgaon is an infertility specialist and obstetrician in Gurgaon. She has treated several patients suffering from infertility issues and gives every patient the best medical care. She is the Medical Director for Gynaecology and Obstetrics at the Cloudnine Hospital. 
She was previously the Senior Consultant in Obstetric and Gynaecology at the Cradle Gurugram. With a vast experience in Gynecology and Obstetrics, Dr. Preety Aggarwal has successfully delivered more than 5000 babies in Gurugram and other surrounding areas. She is well versed in Laparoscopic and Gynaecological Procedure including lap hysterectomy and ovarian cystectomy, endometriosis. She has a high rate of success in natural childbirth even in complicated pregnancies.
Services:-  IVF,IUI,infertility specialist and obstetrician
Location:- Gurgaon Sector 47, Gurgaon
Timing:-    MON, WED, FRI 9:00 AM-3:00 PM
Rating :-  3.9 / 5
Gurgaon Fertility Centre
Gurgaon Fertility Centre is a Fertility and Gynecology Centre in Sector 14, Gurgaon. The Services Provided by way of the Hospital are IVF, Fertility Treatment, Surrogacy, IUI (Intrauterine insemination), Embryo Freezing, Semen Analysis and Egg Freezing. The Centre make certain that the Intending parent and egg donors,Surrogates are given the very best level of personalised care and interest.
This is valuable to their values on which they offer their scientific services. Their professionals are continually handy to counsel Patients and help them with Patients queries and troubles. Their patient care philosophy and practices and greater than set us other than other clinics and is one of the most important reasons for his or her achievement.
GFC has its Units Located in Gurgaon, Hyderabad and Bengaluru which can be all Major Indian Cities and epicenter of Indian Economy. We offer you an get admission to to the whole thing that is required to make your Journey to Parenthood a exceptional achievement.At Gurgaon Fertility Centre, our team of Consultants, Surgeons, and complete workforce in GFC are committed to deliver the maximum innovative treatment Procedures for our Patients.
Services:-  IVF,IUI,Embryo Freezing
Location:- Sector 14, Gurgaon
Timing:-    Monday - Saturday, 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Rating :-  4.6 / 5
Grace Fertility Centre
Grace Fertility Centre is a IVF Centre in Gurgaon. The services provided through the clinic are Infertility Evaluation/ treatment, IVF, ICSI, Egg Donor, PCOD/PCOS, Male Fertility Assessment, Surrogacy, Laparoscopy, Embryo Freezing and Egg Freezing. Our centers are designed with global elegance facilities and our laboratories ready with the maximum advanced gadget, to ensure that our treatments in shape the highest worldwide standards.
There facilities are designed with global elegance centers and our laboratories prepared with the most superior device, to make sure that our treatment healthy the very best international standards. Panel of high-quality, experienced medical doctors in teamwork with particularly professional and devoted medical and medical teams, have helped many humans find out the joys of parenthood.
Grace Fertility Centre is a Gynecology & Obstetrics Ultrasonology Clinic in Gurgaon Sector 57, Gurgaon. The health facility is visited by using infertility professional like Dr. Reubina Singh. The timings of Grace Fertility Centre are: Mon-Sun: 10:00-20:00. Some of the offerings provided by the Clinic are: PCOD/PCOS Treatment,Ultrasound Imaging,Gynae Problems,IUI and High Risk Pregnancy and many others. Click on map to discover guidelines to attain Grace Fertility Centre.
Grace Fertility Centre is a boutique fertility health center in Vancouver that seeks to provide you a rather personalized and tailored treatment to obtain your dream of parenthood. Continuity of  care is supplied, in the course of by the same physician, for all your scientific processes such as ultrasounds to create a scenario of familiarity, comfort and privacy. We welcome all parents or people wishing to grow to be parents.
Many languages apart from English are spoken on the Centre inclusive of Mandarin, Cantonese and Spanish to name a few.
A full range of fertility treatment are provided on website online which include, ovulation induction, IUI, IVF, egg freezing, donor eggs, surrogacy, preimplantation genetic screening (PGS) and pre-implantation genetic prognosis (PGD).  In addition help packages to optimize fitness and relieve stress are to be had to enhance treatment final results and beyond.
To help ease the economic burden discounted treatment cycles are provided to assist make fertility treatments extra cheap for all specifically those requiring repeat cycles.
Services:-  IVF,IUI,IVF, Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI)
Location:- Sector 57, Gurgaon
Timing:-    Monday - Saturday, 10:00 am - 3:00 pm
Rating :-  4.4 / 5
Yadav Hospital Nandanee IVF & Fertility Centre
Yadav Hospital Nandanee IVF & Fertility Centre is a Surrogacy and IVF middle situated in Gurgaon Sector 10A, Gurgaon. This is a main IVF health center which gives offerings like In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF), Intrauterine Insemination (IUI), Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI), Freezing of Sperms/Embryos/Oocytes, and Cryopreservation / Vitrification. 
The gynecological issues like Pelvic Pain, Hyperandrogenism, Follicular Cyst of Ovary, Blockage inside the Fallopian Tube, Endometriosis, and Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome/Disease (PCOS). High- Risk Pregnancy Care, Hysterectomy (Abdominal/Vaginal), Gyne Laparoscopy, Hysteroscopy/Laparoscopy, Fertility Assessment & Treatment, and Normal Vaginal Delivery (NVD) are some of the other specialties offered with the aid of the medical institution.
Dr. Shalini is the journeying gynecologist on the health center. Click on the map to get the directions to attain Yadav Hospital Nandanee IVF & Fertility Centre. If you have  a question in your mind related to Best Surrogacy Treatment in Gurgaon get answers from us at elawoman.com.
Services:-  IVF,IUI,IVF, Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI)
Location:- Sector 10A, Gurgaon
Timing:-    Monday - Saturday, 10:00 am - 2:00 pm
Rating :-  4.3 / 5
Prime IVF Centre
Prime IVF Centre is an IVF Clinic placed in Sector 23A, Gurgaon. The healthcare services offered on the centre consist of Infertility assessment, In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), Intrauterine Insemination (IUI), Surrogacy, Egg and Embryo Donation procedures. The middle also offers offerings along with Testicular Sperm Aspiration (TESA), Microsurgical Epididymal Sperm Aspiration (MESA), Hysteroscopy, Egg Freezing, Embryo Freezing, Polypectomy, DNA Fragmentation and Semen Analysis tactics. Prime IVF Centre affords excessive exceptional healthcare facilities to the patients travelling the centre.
The clinic is open 24 hours in an afternoon to offer its offerings to each sufferers. The patients acquire required healthcare centers which advantages patients to a fantastic quantity. Dr. Nishi Singh who is an experienced IVF doctor working towards at Prime IVF Centre. She has a working towards enjoy of a parents of and a half of decades in treating patients with infertility treatment. She makes a speciality of Infertility assessment, In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), Intrauterine Insemination (IUI), Egg and Embryo Donation strategies. Click on the map to attain Prime IVF Centre comfortably.
Location:- Sector 23A, Gurgaon
Timing:-    Monday - Saturday, 10:00 am - 5:00 pm
Rating :-  4.3 / 5
Max Hospital
Max Hospital is one of the leading hospitals of Gurgaon (Gurugram) and turned into mounted  in the year 2000. Max Hospital has various branches across Delhi NCR. This branch is situated in Sushant Lok 1, Gurgaon. Max medical institution's center ethos are rational treatment, affected person satisfaction and safety. The Pediatric Department has a fully useful level three NICU and PICU and has a network unfold throughout 14 hospitals with treatments concerning 29 specialities.
They offer a selection of offerings which includes Egg Donation, Laser Surgery, Male Hypogonadism, Surrogacy and Minimally Invasive Urology, Fibroid Removal, Cyst elimination and DNA Fragmentation underneath one roof. Acclaimed medical practitioners namely Dr. Parul Chopra Buttan, Dr. Deepika Sood, Dr. Sonia Malik, Dr. Suman Lal, Dr. Meenakshi Sauhta, Dr. Garima Sawhney, Dr. Deepa Dewan, and Dr. Rachna Singh exercise at Max hospital. Click at the map to get the guidelines to reach Max Hospital, Sushant Lok 1.
Max Hospital is one of the main hospitals of Gurgaon. Its specialists have handled five lakh+ sufferers throughout 25+ specialties like Cardiac Sciences, Minimal Access and Laparoscopic Surgery, Neurosciences, Urology, Orthopedics, Aesthetics and Reconstructive Surgery and Nephrology. It has a 74 bedded healthcare facility prepared with an endoscopy unit, Radiology and pathology diagnostics and different support specialties.
Services:-  IVF,IUI,IVF
Location:- Sushant Lok I, Gurgaon
Timing:-    Monday - Saturday, 10:00 am - 3:00 pm
Rating :-  3.8 / 5
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