#Laparoscopic Surgery in Secunderabad
Best Laparoscopic Surgeon in Hyderabad - Dr. N.S. Babu
Looking For Laparoscopic Surgery in Hyderabad? or a Laparoscopic surgeon in Secunderabad? Dr. N Subrahmaneswara Babu is a renowned Surgical Gastroenterologist and Laparoscopic Surgeon in Hyderabad with +15 years of experience in the field of surgeries. He has a special interest in Laparoscopic surgeries. Laparoscopic surgery has operations within the abdominal or pelvic cavities. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy and Laparoscopic appendicectomy are the most generally performed surgeries. Dr. N Subrahmaneswara Babu is the best Laparoscopic surgeon in Hyderabad for such surgeries with his vast experience.
What Is Laparoscopic Surgery?
Laparoscopic surgery is also known as keyhole surgery. This is an advanced method of surgery. It allows the surgeon to access the pelvis and abdomen without making large incisions. In laparoscopic surgery, the Surgeon makes several little incisions that measure around 0.5-1.2cm. Then the surgeon inserts a narrow tool with a small camera and light at the end, called the laparoscope, through the small incision into your body.
When Is Laparoscopy Surgery Recommended?
Dr. N Subrahmaneswara Babu is an expert in Laparoscopic Surgery in Hyderabad. He suggests laparoscopic surgery to diagnose and treat the following conditions:
Pelvic pain or mass formation
Abnormal accumulation of fluid in the pelvic region
Inability to conceive
Tubal pregnancy
Ovarian cyst or tumor
Scarring from pelvic infection
What are the benefits of laparoscopic surgery?
Dr. N Subrahmaneswara Babu is a highly-qualified and experienced laparoscopic surgeon in Hyderabad. He always explains the advantages of laparoscopic surgery to his patients to make informed decisions. The benefits of laparoscopic surgery are as follows:
Less pain
Very small scars
Lower Blood Loss
Less tissue cutting
Reduced Risk of Infections
Quick healing as the scar is small
Stay for fewer days in the hospital
Types of Laparoscopic Surgery:
Dr. N Subrahmaneswara Babu is an outstanding laparoscopic surgeon in Hyderabad. His forte is advanced laparoscopic gastrointestinal surgery. Here are the laparoscopic surgeries provided by Dr. N Subrahmaneswara Babu:
Colorectal surgery: Colorectal surgery treats problems in the intestines. Colorectal surgery is used to describe different surgical procedures to treat diseases of the lower gut. It can be used to treat conditions like piles, colon and rectal cancer, hemorrhoids, anal fistula, congenital disabilities, diverticulitis surgery, and stoma creation & revision
Upper GI surgery: Upper gastrointestinal surgery is performed to treat pathologies of either the upper gastrointestinal tract, gall bladder, pancreas, liver, etc. It can be used to treat conditions like gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), diaphragmatic hernia repair, duodenal perforation repair, stomach cancer, etc.
Bariatric surgery: Bariatric surgery is a type of surgery used for weight loss. These surgeries make changes to your digestive system to support you lose weight. Sleeve gastrectomy, Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, and Mini gastric bypass are the types of Bariatric surgery
HPB Surgery: HPB surgeries include the treatment of benign and malignant diseases of the liver, gallbladder, pancreas, and bile ducts. It involves CBD Exploration, Open HPB Cancer Surgeries, Subtotal Cystogastrostomy, Cystogastrostomy
Laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair: Dr. N Subrahmaneswara Babu also specializes in TEP – Total extraperitoneal pre-peritoneal repair and TAPP – Transabdominal pre-peritoneal repair.
Why Dr. N S. Babu is the best Laparoscopic surgeon in Hyderabad?
He has more than 15 years of experience as a Laparoscopic surgeon.
He provides his patients with excellent treatment and considerate and acute care, assuring their quick recovery.
Dr. N S. Babu values communication and takes the time to explain medical conditions and treatments to his patients to understand their health concerns.
Dr. N S. Babu will provide you with a friendly and honest opinion regarding your suitability for surgery, putting your safety and well-being as the priority.
How to book an appointment for laparoscopic surgery With Dr. NS Babu?
You can fill out the patient form on our website www.hillsgastrocare.com. Once your appointment form is submitted, a team of medical coordinators will reach out to you at the earliest and fix an appointment with the laparoscopic specialist Dr. N.S. Babu according to your schedule. or You can also directly connect with our medical coordinators through the contact number 09490808080. The medical coordinator will listen to your query and connect you with the laparoscopic doctor near your area and book an appointment consecutively.
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dineshreddy10 · 7 months
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drreddy · 8 months
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dinrshreddy · 9 months
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drmsskeerthi · 7 days
Oral Cancer
Looking for the best oral cancer surgeon in Hyderabad ?, Look no further than Dr. M.S.S. Keerthi one of the best surgical Oncologist in Hyderabad. She completed her MCh (Surgical Oncology) from Cancer Institute (WIA) Adyar, Chennai in 2021. With over 15+ years of experience in performing various cancer surgeries, she currently work as a Sr. Consultant Surgical Oncologist and laparoscopic and robotic Surgeon at Tulasi Hospital, and Evoke Clinic at Secunderabad, Telangana.
Dr. M.S.S Keerthi has treated more than 10,000+ oral cancer patients and she is one of few oncology surgeons who perform Minimal Access (keyhole) Surgery i.e. Laparoscopic and robotic Surgery to offer her patients a smooth & pain-free recovery from oral(mouth) cancer.
What is Oral (mouth) Cancer?
Oral cancer, also known as mouth cancer, is a type of head and neck cancer that can affect various parts of the mouth, including the lips, tongue, cheeks, throat, and other oral structures. Timely diagnosis and appropriate treatment are crucial for managing oral cancer. 
Stages of oral cancer
Oral cancer, like other types of cancer, is constantly offered to determine the extent of the disease and companion treatment opinions. The staging system generally used by Dr. M.S.S Keerthi  for oral cancer is the TNM system, which stands for Tumor, Node, and Metastasis. Here is a brief overview of the stages
Stage 0( Carcinoma in situ):Abnormal cells are present but haven’t invaded near tissues. This stage is considered precancerous.
Stage I: The tumor is fragile and localized, usually lesser than 2 centimeters in size, and has not spread to nearby lymph swellings or distant spots.
Stage II: The tumor is larger than in Stage I but still localized, usually between 2 to 4 centimeters, and has not spread to nearby lymph swellings or distant blots.
Stage III: The tumor is larger and may have invaded nearby tissues or structures. It may also involve near lymph bumps but has not spread to distant spots.
Stage IV: This stage is further divided into
Stage IVA: The tumor has grown larger and may have invaded near structures or lymph bumps.
Stage IVB: The tumor has spread to nearby lymph bumps or structures and may have grown into near tissues.
Stage IVC: The cancer has metastasized( spread) to distant spots in the body, similar as the lungs, liver, or bones.
Treatment and prognosis for oral cancer depend on stage, tumor location, overall health, and other factors. Beforehand- stage( I and II) cancers have better outcomes than after stages. Thorough staging evaluations are essential for developing treatment plans.
Types of oral cancer:
Oral cancer encompasses several types, primarily categorized by the specific tissues or cells where the cancer originates within the oral cavity and nearby structures. Some common types include:
Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC): This is the most current type, generally forming in the thin, flat cells lining the oral cavity.
Verrucous Carcinoma: A less aggressive form of scaled cell carcinoma, constantly set up on the mucous membranes of the oral cavity.
Mucoepidermoid Carcinoma: Arises from the salivary glands and can occur in the oral cavity.
Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma: Another type forming from the salivary glands, constantly seen in the palate.
Lymphoma: Lymphomas can develop in the lymphoid tissue of the oral cavity or throat.
Melanoma: While less common, melanoma can develop in the oral cavity, constantly forming in pigmented cells.
These are just a many examples, but oral cancer can arise from various tissues and structures within the mouth and throat, each with its unique characteristics and treatment considerations
Signs and Symptoms of Oral (mouth) Cancer:
Symptoms of oral cancer can vary, but some common signs to watch for include:
Pain or discomfort: Persistent pain in the mouth or throat, which may be associated with swallowing or speaking difficulties.
Ulcers or sores: Non-healing sores, lumps, or patches in the mouth that can be red or white.
Changes in speech or voice: Hoarseness or changes in the way you speak.
Difficulty swallowing: Known as dysphagia, it can indicate a throat or esophagus problem.
Unexplained bleeding: Any unexplained bleeding from the mouth.
Loose teeth: Teeth that become loose without any apparent dental issue.
Swelling: Swelling or lumps in the neck or mouth.
Weight loss: Unexplained weight loss.
Bad breath: Persistent bad breath that doesn’t improve with oral hygiene.
According to the best oral cancer surgeon in Hyderabad, Dr. MSS Keerthi it’s important to note that these symptoms can also be caused by conditions other than oral cancer. However, if you experience any of these symptoms persistently for more than two weeks, it’s essential to seek evaluation and diagnosis by a healthcare professional
Precancerous Conditions:
As per Dr. M.S.S Keerthi ,precancerous conditions in the oral cavity relate to abnormalities or lesions that have the eventuality to develop into oral cancer if left undressed. These conditions serve as warning signs and indicate an increased threat for the development of oral cancer. Some common precancerous conditions include:
Leukoplakia: White patches or markers that develop on the inner stuffing of the mouth. These patches can’t be scraped off and may indicate cellular changes that could lead to cancer.
Erythroplakia: Red patches or lesions in the mouth that may indicate more severe cellular changes than leukoplakia and have a advanced trouble of progressing to cancer.
Oral submucous fibrosis: A condition characterized by the buildup of fibrous tissue in the mouth, constantly associated with betel nut chewing. It can lead to limited mouth opening and an increased trouble of oral cancer.
Actinic cheilitis: Also known as solar cheilitis, this condition involves damage to the lips from long- tenure sunshine exposure, leading to exhaustion, cracking, and potentially precancerous changes.
Oral lichen planus: An autoimmune condition that causes inflammation and undyed, lacy spots in the mouth. While utmost cases are benign, some forms may boost the trouble of oral cancer.
Dysplasia: This term refers to abnormal changes in the cells of the oral mucosa that may indicate a precancerous condition. Dysplasia can be graded as mild, moderate, or severe, depending on the extent of cellular changes.
Dr. MSS Keerthi explains  the diagnosis of oral cancer typically involves a combination of physical examination, imaging tests (such as CT scans or MRIs), and biopsy (tissue sampling) to confirm the presence of cancer cells. Diagnosing oral cancer typically involves the following steps:
Clinical Examination: A thorough physical examination by a healthcare provider, dentist, or oral surgeon to check for visible signs of cancer in the mouth.
Biopsy: If suspicious lesions or growths are found during the clinical examination, a biopsy is performed. This involves removing a small tissue sample from the affected area for examination under a microscope to confirm the presence of cancer and determine its type and stage.
Imaging Tests: Various imaging tests such as CT (computed tomography), MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), and PET (positron emission tomography) scans are used to assess the extent of the cancer, identify its precise location, and determine if it has spread to other areas.
Staging: Staging is the process of determining the size and spread of the cancer. Staging helps in planning treatment and predicting the prognosis.
Treatment Options:
According to Dr. M.S.S. Keerthi thebest cancer specialist in Hyderabad says that the choice of treatment for oral cancer depends on factors such as the stage of cancer, the location of the tumor, the patient’s overall health, and the presence of any comorbid conditions. The main treatment options for oral cancer include:
Surgery: Surgical removal of the cancerous tissue is a common approach. Types of surgical procedures include tumor resection, neck dissection to remove affected lymph nodes, reconstructive surgery to restore the appearance and function of the mouth, and dental rehabilitation if teeth are affected.
Radiation Therapy: Radiation therapy uses high-energy beams to target and destroy cancer cells. It can be delivered externally (external beam radiation) or internally (brachytherapy) in the case of oral cancer.
Chemotherapy: Chemotherapy involves the use of drugs that target and kill rapidly dividing cancer cells. Common drugs used for oral cancer include cisplatin, 5-fluorouracil, and paclitaxel. Chemotherapy may be used in combination with other treatments.
Targeted Therapy: Targeted therapy focuses on specific molecules or pathways involved in cancer growth. In some cases, targeted therapies are used to treat oral cancer, such as cetuximab, which targets the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR).
Immunotherapy: Immunotherapy enhances the body’s immune system to recognize and attack cancer cells. Checkpoint inhibitors like pembrolizumab and nivolumab have shown promise in the treatment of some oral cancers.
Why Choose Dr MSS Keerthi for Oral(mouth) Cancer treatment in Hyderabad:
Expert Oncologist: Dr. MSS Keerthi is described as an expert surgical oncologist with more than 15 years of experience in performing various cancer surgeries. Having specialized in Surgical Oncology from the Cancer Institute, she’s likely to retain a deep understanding of Oral cancer and its treatment.
State-of-the-Art Facility: The citation of a state- of- the- art facility suggests that the medical structure where Dr. MSS. Keerthi practices are equipped with improved technologies and ultra modern amenities. And other installations like wheelchair accessible, cleaned toilets and proper consulting rooms.
Clinic Location: Dr. MSS Keerthi practices at Tulasi Hospital and Evoke Clinic in Secunderabad, Telangana.
Diagnostic Services under one Roof: The availability of diagnostic services in the same facility can streamline the diagnostic process for patients. Having all necessary tests and services like lung cancer treatment , liver cancer treatment , etc.in one location may lead to a more efficient and coordinated approach to diagnosis and treatment planning.
Experienced & Trained Staff: Dr. MSS Keerthi is supported by experienced and trained staff, which implies a collaborative and well-coordinated approach to patient care.
Personal Care, Every Time: Dr. MSS Keerthi is noted for her compassionate and tailored approach to patient care, which includes listening to patients’ concerns and working closely with them to establish personalized treatment programs.
Book An Appointment:-
Dr. MSS Keerthi  provides the best treatment for various cancer diseases in Secunderabad and Hyderabad. For more information about our comprehensive treatment options, or to request an appointment with the best surgical oncologist in Secunderabad, Hyderabad call +91 94908 08080 or Click onBook Appointmentfor online booking
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Best Gynecologists in Secunderabad
Gynecologists in Secunderabad
Dr. Namratha, (MD/OBGYN) is the Chief Gynecologist and Fertility Specialist with 24+years of experience working in the Gynecological and Fertility Field. She is a renowned laparoscopic surgeon and has done many surgeries successfully. She is very passionate about her work and reaches the cause of the disease to find a cure. She is a patient-centered doctor who strives to provide a thorough explanation of the medical issues so that she can choose the best treatment option for them. Dr. Ashwini (Gynecologist) is a renowned gynecologist in Hyderabad. It is rightly said a good doctor can make a lot of difference in your treatment journey. Both these doctors are adaptive and ambitious, and have kept their calm and focused in most difficult cases. Their expertise includes but is not limited to labor ward skills, high-risk pregnancy management, Laparoscopic surgeries, pre-cancer diagnosis, fertility treatments, and other health conditions related to women’s bodies. Let’s have a look at the services we offer.
General OPD
Women’s reproductive system is rather complicated, we are here to help you by diagnosing and treating your various health issues. White discharge, vaginal infection, UTI, STD, family planning procedures(oral contraceptive pills, injectable, copper T, multi-load, etc), tuberculosis, or any other infections or disorders you can consult us. Lower back pain is also very common among women. Let’s look into it.
Lower back pain
Lower back discomfort is a frequent symptom of PMS, a condition that affects the majority of women during their menstrual cycle. Severe lower back discomfort, on the other hand, could be a sign of endometriosis, a more serious ailment. We provide comprehensive treatment for this.
We provide comprehensive and utmost care during pregnancy and childbirth. We have successfully delivered healthy babies in the most complicated cases. Be it vaginal delivery or C-section we have mastered the skills of both. We also provide treatment for high-risk pregnancies. Almost every woman is aware of the excruciating pain that a woman goes through during natural birth, which is considered the most terrible type of pain. Some women experience greater pain during delivery than others. With the advancement in science now you can opt fora way to bring your baby into the world without suffering, you can have a painless vaginal delivery.
Painless delivery
The painless delivery is the same as a regular natural delivery, however, the pain during labor is minimal. So, a painless birth is essentially a normal delivery without the pain! An epidural injection is injected into the lower back so the drugs are released around the spinal cord.Uterus contracts and stretches with considerable energy during labor to push the baby out. Contractions, in particular, are the primary cause of labor pain. As the labor progresses, the uterus contracts and the cervix expands to move the baby out. The discomfort induced by uterine contractions travels from the uterus to the brain via the network of nerves in the backbone or spine during labor. Due to epidural, these signals could not reach the brain and there is no minimum pain in normal delivery. These injections are safe. And painless deliveries are safer too.
Best Gynecologists in Secunderabad
Gynecological surgery
Any surgical procedure involving the uterus, ovaries, cervix, fallopian tubes, vagina, and vulva, as well as the organs and structures of the female pelvic area comes under gynecological surgery. There are a variety of reasons why a woman may require gynecological surgery. Some of them are listed below.
An abdominal hysterectomy is a surgical procedure that removes the uterus through a small incision in the lower abdomen. During the surgery, one or both ovaries and fallopian tubes may be removed depending upon the medical condition of the patient.
Vaginal Hysterectomy
Vaginal Hysterectomy is a surgical procedure for the removal of the uterus through the vaginal canal.
Ectopic pregnancy
When a fertilized egg implants and grows outside the main cavity of the uterus, it is called an ectopic pregnancy. The most common site of an ectopic pregnancy is the fallopian tube. Sometimes the fallopian tube may also burst due to an ectopic pregnancy. It is a life-threatening condition that required emergency surgery.
Medical termination of pregnancy(MTP)
Medical Termination of Pregnancy, or MTP, is a method of ending a pregnancy by the use of medications. It is possible to terminate a pregnancy with drugs in the early stages (7-9 weeks); otherwise, surgery is required. We carry out this procedure in accordance with government guidelines
Torsion cyst emergency
A fluid-filled sac inside or on the surface of the ovary is known as an ovarian cyst. It usually develops during or shortly after ovulation. Sometimes these cysts can become large enough to burst or rupture. The larger the cyst, the more likely it is to cause ovarian torsion. The blood flow to the ovary can be stopped by ovarian torsion, causing permanent damage to the ovary. In most severe cases surgeries are required.
All daycare surgeries
Day-care surgeries are procedures that allow patients to recover quickly from surgery and be ready to return home usually the same day.
Infertility treatment
Getting pregnant is not easy for some couples. If you are not able to get pregnant despite trying for a year you should consult a doctor. After a proper diagnosis, the cause for your infertility can be known, and accordingly, we will provide you with the treatment. Our treatment includes simple ovulation stimulation cycles to more advanced assisted reproductive techniques. Some of our services are
Female infertility Treatment
Male infertility treatment
PCOD/PCOS treatment
Recurrent miscarriage treatment
Egg freezing
Sperm bank
Egg Donation
Gynecological Laparoscopy:
This is a very simple and daycare procedure doctors can better look at the organs in your belly. Only one or two very small incisions are made instead of cutting a whole abdomen. This method can be used to diagnose various medical disorders as well as take tissue samples that are examined. It can also be used as a treatment method. Your doctor can also perform less invasive laparoscopic surgeries for various medical disorders
A laparoscopy is performed when you’re lying down with your head lower than your feet in a slightly inclined position. During surgery, you’ll be given general anesthesia to relax your muscles and avoid discomfort. After that, a tiny incision near the umbilicus is made. Usually, it is half centimeters long, this incision is used to introduce the laparoscope. Your abdomen is enlarged to make it easier to see your organs by introducing Co2 gas. It is not harmful at all.  Surgical equipment for obtaining tissue samples or removing scar tissue may be included with the laparoscope. A second incision may be made at the pubic hairline by your provider. This incision creates a second passage for instruments used for minor surgical procedures.
You’ll normally spend approximately an hour in a recovery room after surgery. You will be discharged from the hospital the same day. The recovery period is minimal.
Laparoscopic surgery is done to treat the following medical conditions
Ectopic pregnancy
Ovarian cysts
Hysterectomy(removal of the uterus)
Pelvic adhesions
Tubal Ligation
Diagnosis of infertility causes
Other pelvic disorder
Tubal Ligation / Family Planning Procedures
Birth control or family planning procedure or technology are the methods used to prevent unwanted pregnancy. It could be done through laparoscopy or general Tubectomy. Commonly known as tubal sterilization, is a long-term contraception procedure for women. It is a surgical procedure that prevents the egg produced by the ovary from reaching the uterus by blocking the fallopian tubes. And thereby preventing pregnancy.
Perimenopause and menopausal Care
Menopause is the end of a woman’s menstrual cycle. Menopause transition, also known as perimenopause, begins around 40 ( several years before menopause). It’s the point at which the ovaries start to produce less estrogen. It usually begins in women’s 40s, but it can begin as early as their 30s. Smoking, genetics problems, removal of ovaries can be reasons for the same. In both these conditions, women can face various health issues due to hormonal imbalance. Mood swings, hot flushes are some of the common symptoms. We provide the treatment plan for these menopausal phases.
The hormone estrogen plays a crucial role in keeping your joints healthy and lubricated. Menopause causes low levels of estrogen, which can make bones weak and brittle and more vulnerable to cracks. It can also produce symptoms including aching joints and stiffness specially in the knees, shoulder and hips. Menopausal joint pain is a type of joint pain that occurs after menopause. We take care of all these issues due to menopause and provide effective treatment.
Adolescents Gynecology
Adolescent gynecology, as the name suggests, deals with gynecologic issues that affect young women or teenage girls as they approach puberty. They have a lot of hormonal rise leading to
This includes
Pain in Breasts
Abnormal vaginal discharge
No/Irregular menstrual Cycle
Adolescent endometriosis
Facial hairs/acne(hormonal imbalance)
Apart from the above-mentioned, many psychosexual issues would arise. Due tothe rise in hormones or hormonal imbalance lot of changes happen in their body, their appearance would start changing, menstruationcycle will start. And also they will start developing an interest in the opposite sex.At this moment many questions arise in their mind. Parents could not answer all. Having the opportunity to speak with a medical professional about all of such issues guarantees that young women have access to accurate and dependable information. Doctors can explain in detail what’s happening in their bodies and answer all their psychosexual questions which sometimes they could not discuss with their parents. Furthermore, these office visits are fully anonymous, allowing them to express questions in a safe and supportive way. We explain everything to parents and teenagers about what is happening in their bodies and the reasons for the same. This will help to understand the reasons for changes going on in their bodies and make their journey smooth.
Gynecological Pre-cancer screening
All types of cancer that can arise in or on a woman’s reproductive organs and referred to as gynecological cancer. These Include
Cervical cancer
Uterus cancer
Breast cancer
Cancer in ovaries
Cancer of the Vulva
Vaginal cancer
A pap test in combination with other tests can be done to diagnose the pre-cancerous cells in the cervix. Anendometrial biopsy can be done to take the sample in case of uterine cancer. Mammography can be done in cases of breast cancer.
Ultrasonography is a diagnostic medical process that involves the transmission of high-frequency sound waves into the body’s deeper organs to produce their images. This treatment allows your radiologist to see or see your interior organs, veins, and tissues without having to make an incision. It aids in the analysis of the fetus’s growth and any malformations that may exist. It can be done in infertile patients for follicular monitoring or in pregnant ladies to identify the growth of the fetus or in women who have any abnormality in the pelvic
Ultrasonography in gynecology
Gynecologic ultrasonography, sometimes known as gynecologic sonography, is the use of medical ultrasound to examine the female pelvic organs, including the bladder and recto-uterine pouch. It also helps in identifying medically significant abnormalities in the pelvis. It can be used to identify the cause of any abnormal bleeding, ectopic pregnancy, cyst etc. During infertility treatment, highly used for the follicular study.
Ultrasonography for Fetal Monitoring
During pregnancy, an obstetric ultrasound is commonly conducted every three to four weeks to check the fetus and the pregnant mother’suterus.Fetal monitoring is done during pregnancy to identify the following
Confirm pregnancy location
Number of babies and their gestational age
Babies growth and if they have any birth defect
Study the placenta and the level of amniotic fluid
Investigate fetal position or any other complication.
There are two types of ultrasounds
Transvaginal ultrasound is a type of ultrasound in which a device called a transducer is put in your vagina to send out sound waves and collect the reflections during this type of prenatal ultrasound.
Transabdominal ultrasonography is a type in which a transducer over your abdomen is moved to examine.
Other important ultrasounds include
Color Doppler ultrasound
Sound waves are used in Doppler ultrasound to detect blood flow in arteries. It is used to examine blood circulation in the fetus, uterus, and placenta during pregnancy.
Cardiotocography (CTG)
During pregnancy and labor, cardiotocography (CTG) is a technique for monitoring the fetal heartbeat and uterine contractions.
If you have heavy menstrual cycles and severe cramping, or if your doctor needs to understand more about your reproductive health, a hysteroscopy may be advised. They can get a good look at your cervix and uterus during the procedure, which can help them figure out what’s wrong.
We provide all women’s health care services under one roof. If you suffer from any discomfort contact us. A team of proven track recors is waiting to help you.
Call or WhatsApp : +91 9676677667, +91 9989432345
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thanish · 1 year
Gynecology in Secunderabad - Kasturi Hospital
When it comes to women's health, it is crucial to have access to high-quality gynecological services. Gynecology In Secunderabad, Kasturi Hospital stands out as a premier healthcare institution dedicated to providing comprehensive gynecology services. This article highlights the exceptional gynecology care offered at Kasturi Hospital, emphasizing their expertise, state-of-the-art facilities, and patient-centric approach.
Experienced and Skilled Gynecologists: Kasturi Hospital prides itself on having a team of experienced and skilled gynecologists. These professionals have extensive expertise in the field of gynecology and obstetrics, ensuring that patients receive the highest quality care. With their depth of knowledge and clinical acumen, the gynecologists at Kasturi Hospital are well-equipped to diagnose and treat a wide range of women's health conditions.
Comprehensive Gynecological Services: Kasturi Hospital offers a comprehensive range of gynecological services to address various aspects of women's health. Their services include routine check-ups, preventive care, diagnosis and treatment of gynecological conditions, family planning, fertility evaluation and treatment, antenatal and postnatal care, and gynecological surgeries. This comprehensive approach ensures that women can access all necessary care under one roof.
Advanced Diagnostic and Treatment Facilities: Kasturi Hospital is equipped with advanced diagnostic and treatment facilities, allowing gynecologists to provide accurate diagnoses and effective treatments. Gynecology In Secunderabad The hospital utilizes state-of-the-art technology and diagnostic tools to assess and monitor women's health. This ensures that patients receive timely and accurate diagnoses, enabling the gynecologists to develop personalized treatment plans.
Minimally Invasive Surgeries: Kasturi Hospital is known for its expertise in performing minimally invasive gynecological surgeries. The gynecologists at Kasturi Hospital utilize advanced laparoscopic and hysteroscopic techniques whenever possible. These minimally invasive approaches offer several advantages, including smaller incisions, reduced post-operative pain, shorter hospital stays, and faster recovery times.
Reproductive Health and Fertility Services: Kasturi Hospital recognizes the importance of reproductive health and offers a range of services to support women's fertility. Their gynecologists provide comprehensive fertility evaluations, offer counseling on family planning and contraception, and provide guidance on optimizing reproductive health. For those facing infertility challenges, the hospital offers assisted reproductive technologies (ART) such as in vitro fertilization (IVF) and intrauterine insemination (IUI) to help couples achieve their dream of parenthood.
Pregnancy Care and Support: Kasturi Hospital offers comprehensive antenatal and postnatal care to ensure the well-being of expectant mothers and their babies. The gynecologists closely monitor the progress of pregnancy, provide regular check-ups, perform necessary screenings and tests, and offer prenatal counseling. They guide and support women through the entire pregnancy journey, from conception to delivery and beyond.
Women's Health Education: Kasturi Hospital believes in the importance of educating women about their health and well-being. The gynecologists actively engage in patient education, providing information on topics such as menstrual health, contraception, sexual health, menopause, and preventive care. By empowering women with knowledge, Kasturi Hospital enables them to make informed decisions about their health and take proactive steps to maintain their well-being.
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Conclusion: Kasturi Hospital in Secunderabad is committed to providing comprehensive and exceptional gynecological services. With their team of experienced gynecologists, advanced facilities, and patient-centric approach, the hospital ensures that women receive the highest quality care for their reproductive health needs. Whether it's routine check-ups, fertility evaluations, pregnancy care,
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sreemanju12 · 1 year
Best Gynecologist Doctor in Secunderabad
Kasturi Hospital in Secunderabad has a team of experienced and qualified gynecologists who provide a wide range of gynecological services. Based on patient reviews and feedback, some of the best gynecologists at Kasturi Hospital in Secunderabad are:Dr. K. Jyothsna Reddy - She is a well-known gynecologist with over 15 years of experience. She specializes in high-risk pregnancies, laparoscopic surgeries, and infertility treatments.Dr. T. Jyothi - She is an experienced gynecologist with over 10 years of experience. She specializes in prenatal care, infertility treatments, and minimally invasive surgeries.Dr. L. Archana Reddy - She is a skilled gynecologist with over 8 years of experience. She specializes in obstetrics, gynecological surgeries, and infertility treatments.
These gynecologists at Kasturi Hospital provide personalized care and attention to each patient, and they use advanced technology and techniques to diagnose and treat various gynecological problems. It's important to consult with a gynecologist who specializes in your specific medical condition, so I recommend researching the doctor's expertise and patient reviews before scheduling an appointment. More info
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kasthuri4 · 1 year
General Surgeon In Secunderabad
Are you in search of a  General Surgeon In Secunderabad ? Kasturi Hospital's general surgery program is renowned for its achievement rate and dedication to delivering top-notch care to individuals needing surgical treatments. Additionally, they provide emergency surgeries related to trauma and minimally invasive procedures including laparoscopic surgery. Their General Surgeon is dedicated to providing you with the best care possible and looks forward to helping you achieve your health care goals. At Kasturi Hospitals, we prioritize your health and well-being, and we are proud to offer the services of a highly skilled and experienced General Surgeon.
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drravichander11 · 2 years
Best Surgical Oncologist In Hyderabad | Dr.Ravi Chander
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Oncology is the study of cancer. A surgical oncologist is a doctor who specializes in the surgical treatment of cancer. A good surgical oncologist should have a strong understanding of both surgery and cancer, as well as the ability to work with other doctors to provide the best possible care for the patient. Dr. Ravi Chander is one of the Best Surgical Oncologists in Hyderabad. He has over 25 years of experience in the field of oncology and has been instrumental in developing newer and better ways to treat cancer. He has also authored several books on cancer and its treatment.
Dr.Ravi Chander's Qualifications
Dr.Ravi Chander is one of the best surgical oncologists in Hyderabad with over 20 years of experience. He has done his MBBS from Osmania Medical College, Hyderabad, and MD (General Surgery) from Gandhi Medical College, Secunderabad. He has also completed his DNB (Surgical Oncology) from Apollo Hospitals, Chennai. He has worked as a Consultant Surgical Oncologist at various hospitals like Yashoda Hospital, Global Hospital, and Care Hospital in Hyderabad. He has also published many papers in national and international journals.
Why Choose Dr. Ravi Chander?
There are many reasons to choose Dr. Ravi Chander as your surgical oncologist. Dr. Chander is a highly skilled and experienced surgeon, who has performed countless surgeries over the course of his career. He has a wealth of knowledge about cancer and its treatment, which allows him to provide his patients with the best possible care. In addition, Dr. Chander is a compassionate doctor who genuinely cares about his patients and their well-being. He will take the time to listen to your concerns and answer any questions you may have. You can be confident that you are receiving the highest quality of care possible when you choose Dr. Chander as your surgical oncologist.
What is Surgical Oncology?
Surgical oncology is the branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of cancer. A Surgical Oncologist is a Doctor who specializes in this field.
The most common type of cancer surgery is called a lumpectomy, which is the removal of a tumor from the breast. Other common types of cancer surgery include:
- Mastectomy: the removal of all or part of the breast
- Esophagectomy: the removal of all or part of the esophagus
- Gastrectomy: the removal of all or part of the stomach
- Colorectal resection: the removal of all or part of the colon or rectum
- Pancreatectomy: the removal of all or part of the pancreas
Cancer surgery can be performed as open surgery, meaning that the surgeon makes an incision in the skin to access the affected area. It can also be performed laparoscopically, meaning that the surgeon makes small incisions and uses a camera to guide their instruments. The type of surgery depends on many factors, including the type and stage of cancer, as well as the patient’s overall health.
What are the types of cancer that can be cured by surgery?
There are various types of cancer that can be cured by surgery. However, the most common type of cancer that is cured by Surgery is Breast Cancer. Other types of cancer that can be cured by surgery include ovarian cancer, endometrial cancer, cervical cancer, and fallopian tube cancer.
When should you consult a Surgical Oncologist?
If you have been diagnosed with cancer, or if your doctor suspects that you may have cancer, you should consult a surgical oncologist. A surgical oncologist is a doctor who specializes in the Surgical Treatment of cancer.
A surgical oncologist will work with you to develop a treatment plan that is best for you. In some cases, surgery may be the only treatment necessary. In other cases, surgery may be combined with other treatments such as chemotherapy or radiation therapy.
The decision to undergo surgery is a personal one. You should discuss the risks and benefits of surgery with your surgeon and make sure that you are comfortable with the decision before proceeding.
How can Dr.Ravi Chander help you?
Dr.Ravi Chander is one of the Best Surgical Oncologists in Hyderabad. He has vast experience in treating cancer patients and has successfully performed many surgeries. He has a very high success rate and his patients are always highly satisfied with his treatments. He provides the best possible care to his patients and ensures that they get the best treatment possible.
Contact Information
Dr.Ravi Chander is the best surgical oncologist in Hyderabad and has over 25 years of experience in this field. He has worked at some of the best hospitals in the city and has been instrumental in setting up a number of cancer centers across Hyderabad. He is currently working as a senior consultant at the Apollo Cancer Institute and is also the director of the center. Dr.Ravi Chander's expertise lies in diagnosing and treating all types of cancers. He has a special interest in ovarian cancer and has helped many women battle this disease. He is also an expert in minimally invasive surgery and has performed hundreds of surgeries using this technique. If you or someone you know has been diagnosed with cancer, then you should definitely get in touch with Dr.Ravi Chander. You can contact him at his clinic or through his website.
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Hernia Surgery Specialist in Hyderabad.
Being a highly experienced and dedicated Gastroenterologist in Hyderabad, Dr. N. Subrahmaneswara Babu also Specialist in hernia repair surgeries. Moreover, he is an expert in laparoscopic hernia repair procedures.
Dr. N. Subrahmaneswar Babu is an experienced hernia specialist in Hyderabad. And he is a leading surgical gastroenterologist with +15 years of experience in the field of hernia surgery. It provides safe surgical experience through less painful laparoscopic surgery.
Dr. N. S. Babu is currently working as a Consultant Surgical Gastroenterologist and Hernia Surgery Specialist at EVOKE Clinics, Secunderabad, and Apollo Hospitals Hospital, Hyderabad, who relieves you of your hernia.
At EVOKE Clinics, Secunderabad, and Apollo Hospitals Hospital, Hyderabad, we provide satisfactory care to hernia patients that cannot be found anywhere else in the world. Some call it excellence. Here Dr. N Subrahmaneswara Babu  says, the best hernia treatment in Hyderabad will be done at EVOKE Clinics, Secunderabad, and Apollo Hospitals Hospital, Hyderabad.
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What is a Hernia?
A hernia is the protrusion of an organ through the structure or muscle that usually contains it. The condition occurs most often in the abdominal wall when the intestine pushes through a weak spot in the wall. The most common abdominal wall hernia is an inguinal hernia. Men are eight to 10 times more likely than women to develop an inguinal hernia, and the risk rises with age: Occurrence is most common in people ages 75 to 80.
Abdominal wall hernia repair is one of the most typical types of surgery. More than 3 million hernia repairs are performed each year in India. And worldwide these surgeries are estimated to top 20 million annually. The majority of hernia repairs make it extremely important for people to be aware of their options—for surgery, anesthesia, and postoperative pain relief.
Let’s know the Causes of Hernia.
According to  best GI surgeon in Hyderabad and  hernia specialist in Hyderabad Dr. N. S. Babu, says  both men and women can get a hernia. A hernia develops when an organ or tissue is pushed out by pressure from an opening or weakened muscle in the patient’s fascia. This weak region may be present from birth or develop later in life.
Weak abdominal wall (from aging, genetics, previous surgery)
Straining (from heavy lifting, coughing, etc.)
Chronic constipation
Fluid buildup in abdomen
Other factors like age, genetics, and overall health can also contribute to hernia development.
What are the Hernia symptoms?
The symptoms of a hernia may include:
A bulge or lump in the affected area
Pain or discomfort in the affected area, especially when lifting or straining
A burning or aching sensation at the site of the bulge
Weakness or pressure in the affected area
Nausea and vomiting (in cases of incarcerated or strangulated hernias)
Different Types of hernias?
Some of the most common types of hernias are explained below.
Inguinal hernias, in the internal groin area, occur when the intestine protrudes through either of two passages in the lower abdominal wall called inguinal canals.
Femoral hernias, in the upper thigh/outer groin area, occur in deeper passages called femoral canals. They are much less common than inguinal hernias and are far more likely to occur in women than in men.
Ventral hernias occur through an opening in the muscles of the abdomen. There are three types of ventral hernias:
Epigastric hernias occur above the belly button.
Incisional hernias are caused by a weakening of the abdominal muscle resulting from an incision made during a previous abdominal surgery.
Umbilical hernias, which occur near the belly button, are most common in newborns, especially those born prematurely. These hernias usually close on their own by the time the child turns 4. Umbilical hernias can be more problematic when they occur in adults.
Hiatal hernias occur when the upper part of the stomach bulges into the chest through a small opening (the hiatus) in the diaphragm. The hiatus allows the esophagus, which carries food from the mouth to the stomach, to pass through the diaphragm.
These are some of the most common types of hernias, and a healthcare professional can diagnose and recommend the appropriate treatment.
How is Hernia Treated?
Hernia treatment is based on the type, size, location, and severity of the hernia. In some cases, a doctor may recommend watchful waiting if the hernia is small and not causing any symptoms. Medications such as pain relievers, anti-inflammatory drugs, or muscle relaxants can relieve pain and reduce swelling. A hernia truss, a supportive device worn over the hernia, can help reduce discomfort and prevent the hernia from becoming larger. Hernia surgery is the most common treatment, which involves repairing the weak muscle or connective tissue using open, laparoscopic, or robot-assisted methods. Making lifestyle changes such as losing weight, avoiding heavy lifting, and quitting smoking can also help prevent hernias or reduce their size. Consult a doctor for the best treatment option for your case.
What are the options for hernia surgery?
Hiatal hernia symptoms are treated with medication, but most other types of hernias require surgical repair, There are two main types of hernia surgery: open surgery and laparoscopic surgery. The type of surgery recommended depends on the location and type of hernia, as well as the patient’s overall health and preferences. Here are some of the options for hernia surgery:
Open hernia surgery: The surgeon makes a cut in the groin to view and repair the hernia. After repairing the hernia, the surgeon uses stitches alone or stitches and a piece of mesh to close the abdominal wall. The mesh is designed to support the weak area of the abdominal wall where the hernia occurred.
Laparoscopic hernia surgery: The surgeon makes several small cuts in the lower abdomen and inserts special tools to view and repair the hernia. The surgeon typically uses a piece of mesh to close and strengthen the abdominal wall. There are some surgeons who opt for robotic repair, which means they sit at a console controlling robotic arms that perform the surgery.
Robotic Surgery: This is a type of laparoscopic surgery that uses a robotic device to assist the surgeon in making precise movements during the procedure.
Mesh Repair: In this type of surgery, a synthetic mesh is used to reinforce the weakened area of the abdominal wall, reducing the likelihood of recurrence.
Suture Repair: In this type of surgery, the weakened area of the abdominal wall is repaired using sutures (stitches) without the use of mesh.
These are some of the options for hernia surgery. A healthcare professional can recommend the best option based on the individual patient’s needs and circumstances.
How to Manage Pain After Hernia Surgery?
Hernia surgeries generally do not cause a high level of post-operative pain, and pain can be managed with medications. These pain relievers can be supplemented with opioids, although this often is not necessary.
Limiting the use of opioids helps avoid negative side effects, including problems urinating after hernia surgery, which have been known to occur in a minority of patients after inguinal hernia repair. Postoperative urinary retention occurs most often in people over age 50, especially males. Taking medications as directed prior to surgery, including medicines for benign prostatic hyperplasia, which is caused by enlargement of the prostate, also helps prevent postoperative urinary retention.
Under medical direction, measures might also be taken before surgery to limit postoperative pain and nausea. Consult your physician or anesthesiologist about whether these are appropriate options for you.
Recovery After the Hernia Surgery:
Recovery after hernia surgery typically takes several weeks, but the exact timeline depends on several factors such as the type of surgery, the patient’s overall health, and the location of the hernia. Here are some tips for a smooth recovery after hernia surgery:
Follow Doctor’s Instructions: Following the doctor’s instructions for wound care, physical activity, and pain management is crucial for a successful recovery.
Get Adequate Rest: Getting enough rest is important for the body to heal, so avoid strenuous activities and get plenty of sleep.
Gradually Increase Physical Activity: Gradually increasing physical activity as directed by the doctor can help reduce swelling, improve circulation, and speed up recovery.
Manage Pain: Pain medication as directed by the doctor, ice packs, and other pain management techniques can help relieve pain and reduce swelling.
Avoid Strenuous Activities: Avoid heavy lifting, pushing, or pulling for several weeks after surgery to give the incision time to heal.
Eat a Healthy Diet: Eating a healthy diet that is rich in protein, vitamins, and minerals can help promote healing and improve overall health.
Recovery after hernia surgery is typically uneventful, but following these tips can help ensure a smooth and successful recovery. If there are any concerns or complications, it’s important to reach out to the doctor for advice.
Why choose Dr. N Subrahmaneswara Babu as Hernia Surgery Specialist in Hyderabad?
The Professional Summary Of Dr. N.S. Babu – Best Hernia Surgery Specialist in Hyderabad
Experience and expertise: Dr. Babu has extensive experience and expertise in hernia surgery, making him a trusted and reliable specialist in the field.
High success rate: Dr. N. S. Babu has a high success rate for hernia surgeries, which is a testament to his skills and abilities as a specialist.
Patient reviews: Patients who have undergone hernia surgery with Dr. N. S. Babu have reported high levels of satisfaction, which can be seen in their positive reviews.
Advanced surgical techniques: Dr. N. S. Babu is known for using advanced surgical techniques that lead to faster recovery times and fewer complications.
Personalized care: Dr. N. S. Babu provides personalized care to his patients, taking the time to understand their individual needs and working with them to develop a tailored treatment plan.
Who Is the Hernia Surgery Specialist in Hyderabad?
Dr. N. S. Babu and their team has a dedicated and caring approach and will seek to find you the earliest appointment possible with one of the best hernia surgeon in Hyderabad – Dr. N. S. Babu for your needs. For more information about our comprehensive treatment options, or to request an appointment with the best gastro care clinic in Hyderabad. Call us on 9443355668.
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drmsskeerthi · 2 months
Lung Cancer surgeon in Hyderabad
If you are searching for the best lung cancer surgeon in Hyderabad, then you have come to the right place. Dr. M.S.S Keerthi is asurgical Oncologist in Hyderabad with a over 15+ years of experience in lung cancer disease, she has performed more than 3000+ lung cancer surgeries. She is currently working as a Senior Consultant Surgical Oncologist, laparoscopic and robotic Surgeon at Tulasi Hospital and Evoke Clinic in Secunderabad, Telangana.
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Choosing Dr. M.S.S Keerthi for the lung cancer treatment in Hyderabad will be profitable as she take personal care for the patients suffering from lung cancer.
Lung Cancer:​
Lung cancer is a complex disease with various types and stages, necessitating a range of treatment options tailored to individual cases. The choice of treatment is determined by factors such as the type and stage of the cancer, the patient’s overall health, and their preferences. 
Types of lung cancer
There two types of lung cancer that include:
Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC): This is the most common type, comprising about 85% of lung cancers. Subtypes include adenocarcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and large cell carcinoma.
Small cell lung cancer (SCLC): Although less common, SCLC tends to grow and spread more quickly than NSCLC.
Causes of lung cancer:
Dr M.S.S Keerthi is best cancer specialist in Hyderabad, explains the causes of lung cancer that includes:
Smoking: Tobacco smoking, including cigarettes, cigars, and pipes, is the leading cause of lung cancer. It’s responsible for the maturity of cases.
Secondary Smoke: Exposure to smoke from other people’s cigarettes, cigars, or pipes can also increase the threat of lung cancer.
Radon Gas: Inhalation of radon, a naturally being radioactive gas that can transude into structures, is another significant cause.
Asbestos: Exposure to asbestos filaments, frequently in workplaces like construction spots or ockyards, increases the threat of lung cancer.
Air Pollution: Dragged exposure to high levels of air pollution, both out-of-door and inner, can contribute to lung cancer threat.
Family History and Genetic Predisposition: A family history of lung cancer and certain inheritable factors can increase an existent’s vulnerability to the disease
Lung cancer can exhibit a wide range of symptoms, which are important to recognize for early detection and timely treatment:
Persistent Cough: A chronic cough that persists for several weeks or months, especially if it worsens over time. Coughing can be a response to irritation or obstruction caused by a tumor in the airways.
Coughing up Blood (Hemoptysis): Coughing up blood, even in small amounts, is a concerning symptom that should not be ignored. It can be an indicator of lung cancer, as tumors can damage blood vessels in the airways.
Chest Pain: Lung cancer can cause chest pain, often characterized by a dull ache or sharp discomfort. This pain may be felt deep within the chest or under the ribs.
Shortness of Breath (Dyspnea): Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath is a common symptom, particularly in advanced stages of lung cancer when the tumor affects airway function or spreads to the pleura (lining of the lung).
Unexplained Weight Loss: Significant and unintentional weight loss can be an alarming sign of lung cancer. Cancer-related weight loss is often due to metabolic changes and a loss of appetite.
Fatigue: Unexplained fatigue and weakness can result from the body’s response to cancer. The disease can divert energy and resources away from normal body functions.
Hoarseness: A change in the voice, such as persistent hoarseness, can be a symptom of lung cancer when the tumor affects the recurrent laryngeal nerve or invades nearby structures.
Recurrent Lung Infections: Frequent lung infections, such as bronchitis or pneumonia, can be a sign of lung cancer. Tumors can block airways, making it easier for infections to take hold.
Wheezing: Wheezing is a high-pitched whistling sound while breathing and may be associated with the narrowing of airways due to a tumor.
It’s important to note that these symptoms can also be caused by other, non-cancerous conditions. However, if you experience any of these symptoms, especially if they persist or worsen, it’s essential to consult with a  experienced oncologist like Dr. M.S.S Keerthi .
According to Dr.M.S.S Keerthi diagnosing of lung cancer involves a series of tests and procedures to confirm the presence of cancer and determine its specific characteristics:
Chest X-rays: Chest X-rays are often the first step in screening for lung abnormalities. They provide a basic overview of the lungs and may reveal the presence of tumors or abnormalities.
CT Scans: Computed Tomography (CT) scans are more detailed and can provide cross-sectional images of the lungs, allowing healthcare professionals to assess the size, location, and characteristics of any detected masses.
Biopsy: A biopsy is the gold standard for confirming a lung cancer diagnosis. During a biopsy, a small sample of tissue is obtained from the suspected tumor for examination by a pathologist. This helps determine the type and stage of cancer.
Staging: Once diagnosed, lung cancer is staged to determine the extent of its spread. Staging involves assessing the primary tumor’s size, lymph node involvement, and the presence of distant metastases. Staging ranges from 0 (localized) to IV (advanced/metastatic), which guides treatment decisions. Staging helps oncologists select the most appropriate treatment plan and predict prognosis.
Proper diagnosis is critical for creating an effective treatment strategy tailored to the individual patient’s needs.
Treatment Options:
As per ,Dr. M.S.S Keerthi treatment options for lung cancer are diverse and are chosen based on the cancer type, stage, patient’s overall health, and other factors. Here’s a more detailed overview of the main treatment options:
Surgery: Surgical removal of the tumor and surrounding tissue is a common approach for early-stage lung cancer. The specific procedure used depends on the tumor’s location and size. Surgical options include lobectomy (removal of a lobe of the lung), pneumonectomy (removal of an entire lung), wedge resection (removal of a small portion of the lung), and video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS), a minimally invasive technique.
Radiation Therapy: Radiation therapy uses high-energy X-rays to target and destroy cancer cells. It’s employed for various stages of lung cancer. External beam radiation is the standard approach, while stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT) is used for early-stage tumors, delivering precise and highly focused radiation in a few sessions.
Chemotherapy: Chemotherapy involves the use of drugs to kill or inhibit rapidly dividing cancer cells. It’s employed in various stages of lung cancer. The choice of chemotherapy agents depends on the cancer type. First-line chemotherapy is the primary treatment, and second-line chemotherapy may be used if the initial treatment is ineffective.
Targeted Therapy: Targeted therapy medications are designed to interfere with specific molecular abnormalities in cancer cells. EGFR inhibitors target the epidermal growth factor receptor, while ALK inhibitors target the anaplastic lymphoma kinase gene. These treatments are particularly effective in cases with specific genetic mutations.
Immunotherapy: Immunotherapy is an innovative approach that stimulates the patient’s immune system to recognize and attack cancer cells. Checkpoint inhibitors, such as PD-1 and PD-L1 inhibitors, can block proteins that inhibit the immune response. CAR-T cell therapy is a groundbreaking treatment that involves genetically modifying a patient’s  cells to specifically target cancer cells.
These treatment options are often used in combination or sequentially, and the choice of treatment is highly individualized. The patient’s oncology team considers factors such as cancer type, stage, overall health, and genetic markers to create a tailored treatment plan.
Surgical Procedures:
Surgery is a critical component of lung cancer treatment, especially for early-stage cancers. Different surgical procedures are used based on the tumor’s characteristics:
Lobectomy: A lobectomy involves removing one of the five lobes of the lung. This procedure is commonly used for early-stage lung cancer when the tumor is confined to one lobe. The remaining lung tissue can compensate for the lost lobe’s function.
Pneumonectomy: In cases where the cancer is larger or affects the entire lung, a pneumonectomy may be necessary. This procedure involves the complete removal of one lung. It’s a more extensive surgery with a more significant impact on lung function.
Wedge Resection: For small, localized tumors that are peripherally located in the lung, a wedge resection may be performed. This procedure removes a small, wedge-shaped portion of lung tissue containing the tumor while preserving the majority of lung function.
Video-Assisted Thoracoscopic Surgery (VATS): VATS is a minimally invasive surgical technique used for various lung cancer procedures. It involves small incisions and the use of a video camera to guide the surgeon. VATS often results in less postoperative pain and faster recovery compared to traditional open surgery.
Surgical decisions are made based on the tumor’s size, location, and stage, as well as the patient’s overall health and lung function. Surgical outcomes can vary, and the surgeon aims to balance cancer removal with preserving as much healthy lung tissue as possible.
Supportive Care:
Supportive care is an integral part of managing lung cancer, focusing on the overall well-being and quality of life of the patient. Here’s a closer look at supportive care:
Smoking Cessation: For patients diagnosed with lung cancer, quitting smoking is a crucial step in preventing further damage to the lungs and improving overall health. Support and resources are available to help patients overcome addiction.
Pulmonary Rehabilitation: Pulmonary rehabilitation is a structured program that helps patients with lung cancer improve lung function and overall physical fitness. It includes exercises, education on lung health, and strategies for managing symptoms.
Palliative Care: Palliative care is a specialized medical approach focused on symptom management, pain relief, and improving the quality of life for patients with advanced-stage lung cancer. It can be provided alongside curative treatments and is not limited to end-of-life care. Palliative care aims to address physical, emotional, and psychological aspects of the patient’s well-being.
Incorporating supportive care alongside curative treatments can help patients cope with the physical and emotional challenges of lung cancer, enhance their comfort, and improve their overall quality of life.
Why Choose Dr MSS Keerthi for Lung Cancer Treatment in Hyderabad:-
Expert Oncologist: Dr.M.S.S. Keerthi, an accomplished surgical oncologist with over 15 years of experience, specializes in vibrant cancer surgeries. Her expertise, especially in Lung Cancer treatment, stems from her specialization in Surgical Oncology at the Cancer Institute.
State-of-the-Art Facility: The citation of a state- of- the- art facility suggests that the medical structure where, Dr.M.S.S. Keerthi practices are equipped with improved technologies and ultra modern amenities. And other installations like wheelchair accessible, cleaned toilets and proper consulting rooms.
Clinic Location: Dr. M.S.S. Keerthi practices at Tulasi Hospital and Evoke Clinic in Secunderabad, Telangana.
Diagnostic Services under one Roof: The availability of diagnostic services in the same facility can streamline the individual process for patients. Having all necessary experiments and services like stomach cancer treatment, esophagus cancer treatment, & targeted therapy in one position may conduct to a more effective and coordinated path to diagnosis and treatment planning.
Experienced & Trained Staff: Dr. M.S.S. Keerthi is supported by experienced and trained staff, which implies a collaborative and well-coordinated approach to patient care.
Personal Care, Every Time: Dr. M.S.S. Keerthi is noted for her compassionate and tailored approach to patient care, which includes listening to patients’ concerns and working closely with them to establish personalized treatment programs.
Book An Appointment:-
Dr. MSS Keerthi  provides the best treatment for various cancer diseases in Secunderabad and Hyderabad. For more information about our comprehensive treatment options, or to request an appointment with the best surgical oncologist in Secunderabad, Hyderabad call +91 94908 08080 or Click on Book Appointment for online booking
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Gynecologists in Secunderabad
Dr. Namratha, (MD/OBGYN) is the Chief Gynecologist and Fertility Specialist with 24+years of experience working in the Gynecological and Fertility Field. She is a renowned laparoscopic surgeon and has done many surgeries successfully. She is very passionate about her work and reaches the cause of the disease to find a cure. She is a patient-centered doctor who strives to provide a thorough explanation of the medical issues so that she can choose the best treatment option for them. Dr. Ashwini (Gynecologist) is a renowned gynecologist in Hyderabad. It is rightly said a good doctor can make a lot of difference in your treatment journey. Both these doctors are adaptive and ambitious, and have kept their calm and focused in most difficult cases. Their expertise includes but is not limited to labor ward skills, high-risk pregnancy management, Laparoscopic surgeries, pre-cancer diagnosis, fertility treatments, and other health conditions related to women’s bodies. Let’s have a look at the services we offer. Call or WhatsApp : +91 9676677667, +91 9989432345
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