#Lapine would visit Griar :P
eruden-writes · 2 years
Lapine & Griar - Part 2 (Human x Werewolf)
Summary: When Lapine found herself lost in the woods, she didn't expect to run into a ranger caught in a trap. She especially didn't anticipate walking in on him - ahem - trying to relieve some Heat Night pressure.
After an awkward first meeting, Griar escorts Lapine back to his cabin, intent to head back out and enjoy some -thrope debauchery.
Will he find someone to ease the carnal heat? Or is he SOL and stuck with a human in his home?
[Previous] [Masterlist]
Nudged right against the face of a cliffside, Griar’s cabin was everything Lapine expected on the outside. It looked like something out of a Thomas Kincaid painting. A log cabin, surrounded by vegetation on one side - a garden, maybe - and a pile of winter’s leftover firewood on the other. The positioning seemed odd, though. Flush against a cliffside?
When Lapine entered, she understood why.
It was like a ‘bigger on the inside’ situation and far more modern than she expected. A full kitchen to the right. A desk, with a computer, and some bookshelves to the left. Strewn about, there were bits and pieces she’d expect of someone living in the woods; traps, animal bones, fishing equipment. Knowing Griar’s profession and species, however, Lapine wondered if the little hoard was just items he found while on patrol.
It was the other half of the cabin that shocked her. The far wall of the cabin didn’t even exist. It was like it had been sheared off by the cliffside. In its place, a huge cavern loomed. A television, a couch, a pile of pillows, more bookshelves, a bookcase of what looked like board games, more odds and ends, and two corridors that led off to other areas. 
“Those lead to other lycan rangers’ cabins.” Griar answered to her dumbstruck expression. He gave a shrug as he set his pack down by the computer. “Like wolves, we’re social. A lot of us even raise families while in the forest guard, too. Family legacy rangers are a thing.”
After Griar gave her a tour - briefly telling her to eat whatever she wanted from the kitchen, showing her where the bathroom was, and giving her the password for the tech-magic Wi-Fi - he disappeared down the cave corridor to his personal living space. Presumably to freshen up before getting his dick wet.
Lapine didn’t mind being left alone. In fact, she preferred it. It meant she could snoop around without feeling awkward about it. After pulling the charger from her bag and plugging in her phone, she poked about the kitchen. The cabinets housed mismatched dinnerware and the pantry held an assortment of dried goods. In the fridge, plant-based meat laden the shelves, interspersed with produce. She grabbed a yellow-orange nectarine, biting into it as she turned to the rest of the home.
Trodding into the cavern-esque side, her eye gleaned over the shelves with board games. The demographics ranged from simple little kid games to roleplay games with more complex objectives. There were adult games, with adult themes, but nothing worse than what you’d spot while walking the superstore toy aisles.
The books drew her next and there were quite a lot for a personal collection. Faintly, she wondered if most of them were left from previous inhabitants or donated to stock the cabins. Of all the bindings, however, one caught her eye.
Well, the author’s name caught her eye. 
Griar Peterson. 
Biting down on the nectarine and holding it in her mouth, Lapine wiped her hand off on her jeans before reaching for the book. Eyeing the cover, it seemed to be a series of research and memoir-like essays about flora, fauna, and even people in the area.
Flipping the book open, Lapine gleaned over the table of contents, before finding an essay that looked promising. Turning to the page, she held the book in one hand and read while her other hand went to the nectarine.
The passage she chose ended up being a personal account of searching for a child who disappeared while hiking with their family. Concerns grew the longer the search lasted, especially with no body to be found. Mountain lions are known for snatching smaller animals up, after all.
In the end, a mountain lion did, indeed, have the child. In a way. A nature-bound felithrope, she had lived her whole life in the wild and recently lost her kits. Driven with grief, she nabbed the kid, caring for it as her own.
In time, the rangers managed to return the child safely to their family and also get mental healthcare for the felithrope through an ursathrope therapist. 
“What do you have there?” The words made Lapine jump from her spot on the couch. She didn’t even realize she had sat down while reading. She whipped around, staring over the back of the couch at a much cleaner Griar. He had traded his dirty, bur-covered, slightly bedraggled clothes for a fresh plaid button-up and dark jeans. 
Griar’s eyes flicked down to the book, which Lapine held up like a barrier. He snorted, but a smirk curled at a corner of his lips. “Of all the books, you chose that one.”
“So?” Lapine frowned, trying to focus on his face. Those jeans hugged snug to his hips and thighs in a way that should’ve been illegal. Glancing down at the book, she flipped to the beginning of the passage she had just finished. She thought to mention what she had just finished, but ultimately decided against it. It would probably put a damper on his plans for the evening. 
Instead, she settled on a vaguely curious, “I’m surprised you have time to write. Your job seems pretty intensive.” 
“During the winter, the excitement dies down,” came his quick answer as he paced from window to window near the front, checking the locks and drawing the curtains closed. “Anyway, I’m going to go. Stay in this cavern, that way the other rangers know you’re my responsibility. Don’t wait up!”
And, just like that, Griar was slamming the door behind him, barefoot and heading off into festivities.
Lapine stared at the door after he was gone. Outside, faint howls and keening echoed through the night. A heat traced up her spine as she realized, with a jolt, that she was probably listening in on -thropes fucking. And Griar was going to be among them, soon. 
Hunching her shoulders, Lapine tried to drive the thought from her mind with more reading. 
Four entries later and Lapine’s eyes burned with exhaustion. She set the book down on the arm of the couch and closed her eyes. Faint on the air, she thought she could hear a forest full of howling and caterwauling. It put ‘loud sex’ into perspective. Lapine pressed her lips together as she wondered just what the -thropes were getting up to out there.
Obviously, humping, but was it just one-to-one? Did they jump from partner to partner? Or was it a veritable orgy out there? Her cheeks warmed just considering the options. Maybe it depended on the individual’s preference. 
She caught her bottom lip under her teeth, faintly wondering what Griar’s preference was. For a brief moment, the image of him in the midst of a writhing mass of nude bodies bloomed in her thoughts. Lapine groaned, throwing herself backward onto the couch and pressing her palms to her face. She wouldn’t be able to look him in the eye if she imagined further. Not to mention, if he could scent her while hanging upside down in a tree, he could certainly catch a whiff of horny human.
The heat in her lower belly burned, though. It’d just get worse the longer she ignored it. 
Lapine sighed, one hand trailing down her front as the other curled into the crux of her neck and shoulder. Griar wouldn’t be back tonight. He said so himself.
Surely, it was safe to indulge herself.
Her hand slipped beneath her waistband and slid beneath her panties. As soon as her fingers teased through her slit, slick coated her fingertips. Her toes curled into the cushion of the couch, inhaling sharply. Lapine hadn’t realized she’d been this worked up.
Closing her eyes, she considered her usual fantasies. When she’d focus on one, however, golden-green eyes would intrude. Lapine swallowed, her fingernails digging a little into her neck as she imagined sharp canines skirting her vulnerable flesh. That thought led to wondering what scraggly stubble, just a bit shy of being called a beard, would feel like against her throat, her breasts, her thighs. Her body tingled, just imagining the sensations, coupling them with the thought of nipping teeth and a languid tongue.
Her chest rose and fell, heavily, as her hand at her neck trailed down her chest. Through her shirt and her bra, she groped at her breast. Would he be gentle or rough? Would he scrape his teeth against her nipple, before sucking hard? Or lap at it gently, coaxing gentle moans from her?
Lapine tried not to focus on the ‘he’ she was imagining.
What would it be like, she wondered as her fingers swirled slowly around her clit, to be pinned down by large, calloused hands? To have hips needily roll against her, an erection straining against the fabric separating them?
Her body throbbed at the thoughts, toes curling into the couch cushion. Involuntarily, her hips jerked up, seeking a dick that was only in her thoughts. Against her fingertips, her clit became a hard nub, burning with sensitivity.
Short, breathless huffs caught in her throat, her muscles tensing and her inner walls flexing, wanting penetra-
A key rattling in the door yanked Lapine from her fantasy. She gasped, quickly pulling her hand from her pants and pushing herself into a sitting position. Her eyes snapped to the door just as Griar pushed it open. 
In the split second she saw him, he didn’t look much different. There were no dirt marks or scuffs or - from what she saw - scratches. He looked as clean as he did when he left. The second thing she noticed was the scowl of frustration on his lips.
The look only lasted a second. Even from the couch, she could hear him inhale deeply through his nose. His gaze snapped up, immediately on her. Shame at being caught clenched at her stomach, but an anticipatory heat licked up her spine. 
Almost immediately, Griar threw himself backwards, out the door, slamming it shut behind him. Lapine stared, her heart thrumming and breath still ragged from adrenaline. What just happened?
Outside, back pressed against the wall near the door, Griar crouched. His chest heaved, still taunted by the aroma of pheromones. He clenched his eyes shut, running crooked fingers through his hair. The image of Lapine, flushed and breathing hard, teased him further. 
He nearly jumped out of his skin with her soft voice eked through the door. He couldn’t help noticing the tinge of breathlessness still on her words.
“Don’t,” he growled, fingernails digging into his scalp. “What were you doing?” 
Lapine paused on the other side of the door. Heat flared across her cheeks again, but it wasn’t like she could lie. He already knew. “Masturbating.”
“I figured that, but wh-” Griar cut himself off. It was a heat night. Pheromones were heavy in the air and he had told her what he was going to go do. Humans were prone to carnal desires, just like -thropes, and he wasn’t exactly coy with his plans for the evening. He shook his head roughly. “Nevermind. Don’t answer that.” 
“I’m sorry.” Lapine winced to herself. She hadn’t expected him to come back, hadn’t expected to see him until he’d been sufficiently satisfied. Judging from his reaction, however, she’d been wrong. “Are you going to be okay?” 
“Just… just get away from the door,” he sighed. The scent of her, so close and unclaimed for the evening, raked over his skin.  “I can take care of this myself.” 
Lapine pressed her lips together, debating with herself, before finally asking, “What if I help you?” 
Griar fell so quiet on the other side of the door, Lapine wondered if he left. She jumped when he finally replied, “You’re not obligated to help me, timid rabbit.” 
Lapine frowned and, this time, she cracked the door open. Griar’s head snapped to the opening door, eyes wide. A red flush tinted his cheeks and it seemed his stubble had grown just a little thicker. She only opened the door a crack, so he could see her eyes and her serious expression. “What if I want to help? One-hundred percent of my own volition.”
But that small crevice of space was enough to wash her scent over him again. His nose flared, unable to fight the temptation of inhaling her aroma. Hunger burned in his gut, worsened by the fact he’d been wandering out in the woods full of fucking -thropes. Muscles in his jaw flexed, his eyes nearly glowing in the night.
Various reasons swarmed his thoughts, despite the red haze of hormones. She was a human and, therefore, fragile. But he’d known other lycans bed humans without issue. It was just a matter of being careful and listening. How could he be sure she wasn’t offering out of a sense of duty, though? Maybe she felt guilty for leaving him hanging in the tree or she felt bound to help him, since he was doing his job and helping her. In an effort to get hold of himself, Griar’s teeth sunk into his bottom lip, enough to be painful but not enough to bleed.
“Look, you seemed pretty excited for tonight and I know it kind’ve sucks to have to sit with a burning horniness.” Like an itch you could scratch, successfully. Oh yeah, she’d been there plenty of times. “You seem like a good person and you’re attractive, so - unless you don’t want me - I’m offering.”
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