#Last one before mermay xoxo
apoptoses · 5 months
Girl I know I'm a whole week late but life and several heat waves have kicked my ass recently BUT I FINALLY FINISHED IT!!! And I felt so... full afterwards?! Pierced through my psyque and left me truly gorged 🥹
It definitely felt like a spiritual, emotional, sexual sequel to that first Copley fic. A natural, inevitable outcome of that first encounter, and you absolutely get the feeling that neither of them could have escaped it, and I loved the fact that you had them both acknowledge that!
Also loved how heavy it was, in every way, almost like if heaviness in Daniel's stomach manifested itself in every action and every word spoken, with Armand trying to recapture his long lost life in Venice, of a boy that had known what true hunger was and then had had the world at his feet. I was on my knees!!! Also I might or might not have spent minutes in bed trying to figure out what swallowing a crunchy songbird whole must be like and GAGGED (and also thought about that one scene in Succession lmao you know the one).
AND this paragraph right here might now be part of my @apoptoses hall of fame? "Daniel tips his face into his hand and shudders. Armand only drank but a little from him. He’s still unnaturally cold and that’s soothing to him in a bizarre way. No other mortal he’s known would want the comfort of a monster like him. Only the boy who died half a millenia ago, the one that’s now the creature stroking his living lover’s face." BANGER OF ALL TIME!!! Where would we be without you? Hopefully we'll never have to find out xoxo DA ❤️❤️
DA 🥹🥹🥹
I had to acknowledge the Copley because like, that happened at the start of the relationship right? And this is kind of at the tail end, right before things get rough and Daniel starts taking off. So I think it's not as cuddly as my usual stuff because of that, but I don't think this level of pushing Daniel up against an edge would work if it was?
Like Armand is being a little more sadistic, a little more selfish, and even if Daniel is choosing to play into it I think somehow this is further than they usually go because Armand is desperate for something here. They're both aware things can't last forever. SAD!!!
lmao listen, technically I knew about orotlans from hannibal but it's tom and greg that are in my mind forever now thinking about them. I've read eating them described as a bizarre mix of crunching bones, bursting fat and the flavor of cognac and I really, really want Armand to convince Daniel to eat one 🤣 Because if he can't handle a bone-in chicken nugget then how is he gonna handle drinking blood!!
Gosh I think about Amadeo's attraction to the monster that his master was, and the way that's reflected in Daniel being attracted to him while he's conscious of what he is and like!! The parallels!! They're two sides of the same monster fucker coin and I think that's why he's Armand's big love!! No other vampires they know understand what it's like to live with and love the monster that eventually makes you a monster too.
ANYWAYS I'm still sorry this was kind of a feel-bad fic lmao I think maybe it's slightly less lovable than my other stuff but I'm glad you're into it!!! It was such a labor to concoct.
I do have a very very small something for mermay (featuring bianca!!) so i hope you like that too 🥹
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carewyncromwell · 1 year
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Just because they've been in my sketchbook a long while and I haven't done anything with them since they didn't really turn out the way I wanted...here are a few unfinished doodles I've done over the last year!
Starting with the top left, we have Carewyn and Merman!Orion, as referenced in that one short Mermay AU I did a year ago with Carewyn as a performer on Coney Island --
In the midst of Carewyn singing this song, however, the other four members of the Circle of Khanna were startled to realize that the Manta – who’d been curled up out of sight in the tank at the far corner of the stage – had actually gotten up off the ground and floated up to the top of the tank, sticking his head out above the water and resting it down on his arms perched on the edge of the tank so he could listen. His eyes had even drifted closed while Carewyn was singing, as if relaxing. And when Carewyn stopped singing and actually looked up at him, his black eyes softened noticeably, and he nodded slowly and approvingly.
On the top right, we have an unfinished 10-year-old!Jacob, 2-year-old!Carewyn, and the old Bach family cat Ella under the Christmas tree, as referenced in this one short fic I did earlier this year around Father's Day --
As Jacob told the story [of Hansel and Gretel], he took every opportunity he could to make Carewyn laugh, putting on his best imitation of his snippy English teacher when reading for the woodcutter’s wife and a cackling, “old-lady” voice for the witch. It entertained both Carewyn and Jacob greatly. Carewyn liked the first story so much that Jacob went on to read two more – Little Red Riding Hood and Cinderella – after which Carewyn started to nod off. Her head drooped down onto her brother’s shoulder, and Jacob smiled fondly down at her before, taking care to avoid Ella the cat, he slid both himself and his little sister out from under the tree and scooped her up so he could carry her upstairs to bed. The old Siamese cat proceeded to follow Jacob and Carewyn upstairs, only breaking off once Jacob had put Carewyn to bed and closed the door.
Next, on the bottom left, we have Jacob's usual look while working as a barman for the Three Broomsticks, as referenced in this drabble I set during Carewyn's seventh year. (I didn't finish this one because seriously, Jacob, your muscled arms will be the death of me.)
The bottom middle obviously is Ghost-Bride!Carewyn from my Haunted Mansion AU, featuring the infamous clock featured in the original ride -- I'd been visiting Disneyland on one of my days off work that day, and while re-riding the Haunted Mansion (my personal favorite ride), I started drawing her in the queue and then finished her up while eating lunch at the Golden Horseshoe. I actually got a few families looking over my shoulder both in the line and at the restaurant watching me work, which made me blush! XD
And finally, thanks to some asks and prompts earlier this year making me remember how much I love him, the bottom right is my Marauder Era boy Ed Rosier and his OTL Regulus Black, back in their school days. Ed's face claim is Sebastian Stan, and when Ed was young, he used to dye his hair blond the way Seb has in some of his lesser-known non-Marvel-associated films (such as I'm Not Here). Ed did this as to better set himself apart from his older brother Evan, who Ed was constantly confused for, due to the two brothers' strong visual similarity, as well as constantly overshadowed by. It was only after losing Regulus, being disowned by his family, and learning of his brother's death that Ed went back to his natural hair color, making him much more resemble Seb as Bucky Barnes. Regulus's inspiration for this sketch was everyone's favorite fancast for him, Timothee Chalamet, even if personally I imagined Regulus having straight hair and looking much more like Skandar Keynes while originally reading the books.
Much love, all! Hugs and kisses! xoxo
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