#Latam ranking
charlotte-of-wales · 1 year
Turns out he can go to football during his hols
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bloodyke · 2 years
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was tagged by @m1lfhunters to do the last 6 months of spotify instafest thing so here's mine!
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latino-america · 3 months
Los 600 discos de Latinoamérica
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Conocí a José Juan en Buenos Aires, junto con Jéssica su esposa y Natalia, su nena. Por amigos en común, nos encontramos por esas latitudes y me comentaron que además de sus trabajos, ambos nutrían sus proyectos personales; él como periodista musical y ella como escritora de literatura infantil. Par de capos.
Los años pasaron, seguimos en contacto y este 2024 José Juan estrenó un proyecto en el que tenía una pandemia trabajando.
A manera de novedad, diversificando los famosos listados de cada fin de año de "los mejores discos de equis género", "los mejores discos del mundo", etc, donde lo más que vemos de Latinoamérica es un Bad Bunny, José Juan se lanzó junto con otros periodistas melómanos de diferentes latitudes de la América Latina a crear el ranking que nos merecemos: el de nuestra música.
Después de años de investigación y escucha, el proyecto salió a la luz. Se los presento:
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Un enorme acervo musical para que conozcas la música de nuestra región desde una perspectiva contemporánea. Entra, curiosea, da clic y escucha.
Agradecida con los chicos por animarse a crear esto. Hagámoslo grande.
Entra la proyecto aquí:
Lee y escucha algunas entrevistas que ha tenido este listado:
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umgeorge · 4 months
george russell ls interviewed during the press conference on media day, monaco - may 23, 2024 (transcript under the cut)
Interviewer: "George, coming to you now, a lot of positive comments coming out of Mercedesa fter the race on Sunday at Imola. Where is the car better after this latest raft of upgrades?" George: "Yeah, the car's definitely more balanced through the lap now. We were struggling a lot, at the start of the year, balancing the high to low speed corners, and I think we have made progress. When you look at the gap to Red Bull, when you look at the gap to the rest of the midfield, we have moved forward, but I do think it's fair to say Ferrari and McLaren have moved forward at the same rate, so we need to keep on working, bringing those upgrades to the car, and the whole team are working flat-out right now to bring those upgrades as quick as possible." Interviewer: "You've finished fifth here for the last two years. Do you have the performance to finish higher than that on merit?" George: "As the guys have been saying, Monaco's so challenging. There's so many disruptions throughout the whole weekend, and you just need to find that sweet spot. The track's evolving so much, it's getting faster and faster; often up to three seconds quicker in qualifying than it is in a practice one, two. Even if you have a good Friday, you need to be ready to adapt moving into Saturday, and we saw today… I was in the engineering meeting and there was bright blue sunshine, and then I came out andit was pouring down with rain, so that could add some spice to things." Interviewer: "Do you think the low speed performance of the car will help you?" George: "I think we've known all season that we struggle to balance high to low speed. We can either get it quite competitive in the low speed and we struggle in high speed, or vice versa, so we are hoping that with relatively consistent corner speeds at this circuit that we should be slightly more competitive."
[time jump] NOT SHOWN: Journalist: "Albert Fabrega, ESPN Latam. Do you think that deleting the quickest lap time of a driver causing a yellow or red flag during qualifying, it could be a good system for a particular track like this one, for example?" NOT SHOWN: Esteban Ocon: "I think, if I'm correct, that's being looked at by the FIA. I think recently we've discussed that in some drivers' meetings, that a situation where a driver would cause a red flag would be monitored. So I think that should be something sensible to be doing, because we've seen in the past drivers causing issues and the others not being able to do a lap. Yeah, that should be something that the FIA monitors, I think." George: "Yeah, I agree with Esteban. We obviously have laps deleted all the time in qualifying for track limits. I think if you were to cause a yellow flag or red flag, you should probably have your best lap deleted. Yeah, nothing more to say there."
[time jump] Journalist: "Roldan Rodriguez from DAZN, Spain. A question to George: Last race your teammate said that he would prefer Kimi Antonelli in Mercedes in next year. I would like to know your opinion, who is in pole next year for Mercedes?" George: "Yeah, I think Kimi's a fantastic driver. Obviously racing in Formula 2 this year, but he's no doubt gonna be a Formula 1 driver in the future. And he's a fellow junior driver, as well, coming through the ranks as I did with the team, so I think it makes for a great opportunity for Mercedes, building into the future. But, as I said before, I'd welcome anybody as my teammate. I feel like I've got a pretty good teammate right now, as it is, so yeah, welcome anybody."
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sudaca-swag · 2 months
Como habitante de un país que lit votó para destituir a una dictadura quiero compartir un poco de cómo fue ese proceso ya que no es una solución hermosa, perfecta y que abre las puertas al progreso cómo están queriendo hacer ver desde hace días en redes. Uruguay para salir de la dictadura transó un pacto con los milicos y la derecha, fue una recontra mierda y los efectos los vemos hasta hoy en día: no sabemos dónde están los desaparecidos, no todos los exiliados lograron volver por diversas razones, los torturadores están libres y viviendo la gran vida, etc. El pacto declaraba que a las elecciones se iban a presentar solo aquellos candidatos avalados por el régimen, y que de caer el régimen se los absolvía de los crímenes cometidos durante la dictadura.
El periodo de transición que habrá durado unos cinco a diez años sino más fue difícil, se habían instalado en todas las cúpulas de los organismos públicos como la educación, salud, senado, etc agentes de las FFAA o sus aliados que legislaban y actuaban a su gusto, la dictadura habia sido sobre todo un plan para instaurar el neoliberalismo avalado por las élites uruguayas, Estados Unidos y europa, ellos ganaron mucho, tanto en tierras que se apropiaron como empresas y negocios que armaron en torno a distintas cosas. Además, tras la vuelta a la democracia (si así se le puede llamar a haber tenido que elegir a dos candidatos aprobados por las FFAA) fue marcado igualmente por persecución tal vez no tanto ideológica pero sí por ejemplo por aspecto y porte (las razias eran muy comúnes y la policía muy violenta).
La dictadura iba a caer de cualquier manera por h o por b, en toda latam ya estaban cayendo los regímenes y ya no daba para más el desgaste, la gente se empezaba a animar a protestar mucho más, la inflación era un disparate al punto que estábamos en los peores rankings del mundo, y el plan neoliberal ya estaba completo, lo único que les quedaba hacer era arreglar la salida sin que les cayera un quilombo arriba al perder el poder del estado, y bueno, ahora están todos en sus mansiones o viviendo en el exterior sin haber nunca pagado ninguna condena. Uruguay no fue hasta después del 2004 que comenzó a levantarse para ser lo que es hoy bajo la era progresista de los gobiernos de izquierda del 2005 al 2019.
A lo que voy es que el caso de Uruguay es particular a su situación y su contexto internacional y nacional, no se puede extrapolar a la situación venezolana, pero lo único que voy a decir sobre Venezuela es que lo dulce pica los dientes, cualquiera que te prometa una solución sencilla para un problema difícil desde cualquiera de los dos lados te esta mintiendo, hay opciones para Venezuela pero no va a ser abrazándose a una ultraderecha que responda a intereses extranjeros como van a salir de esta situación, la solución va a venir del pueblo, de los menos privilegiados que forman al 90% y va a ser tarde o temprano porque ningún régimen se sostiene eternamente si la voluntad popular está en contra.
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kind of applied for a job at an american company based here n i feel like im going against my core beliefs cri but it's like the same industry i interned in and the crazy thing is the same jobs they just want u to be a high school graduate i 'hv' an undergrad plus xp in the field whereas the local based company i interned at ask for a whole bunch of things like at least 1 yr xp depending n usually a degree or diploma in admin so like i mean i also applied to the un so ... for the un it's like my biggest attraction is tht one of their official langs is french so i can actually feel like im using my degree even tho the um department? division? i applied to deals with latam n said span wld be nice tho not necessary so ah idk but my appli is still under consideration which is at least good right now my rankings are library un n the american one not too keen on the ice cream parlour but thts not really a long term plan hopefully n i have no hope bc i did apply two years ago so i think everything else i alplied for thus far clearly arent getting back to me so i really need to look for more places to apply bc like the idea of being unemployed in sept ummmmm no n we're almost half way thru july
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zevfern · 1 year
¡Viva Almyra! LATAM influenced Headcanons about Claude/Khalid, El Rey De La Unificación.
Parentage: born in Imperial Year 1162 to Tiana von Riegan and the King of Almyra (whom I can't think up a good name for, give me your headcanon names in the tags).
Childhood: Khalid was raised in a mixed household, living with his father's two children from a past marriage (his father divorced his wife a few years before meeting Tiana). His older step brother Shahid, as established in Three Hopes, didn't respect or care for him due to his mixed heritage, as did his older sister Zakiya (who would move out of the palace at the age of 16 after she married another Almyran noble). This abuse would escalate as Khalid grew older, and unfortunately for him both of his parents were too busy to discipline Shahid or his friends, but instead encouraged Khalid to defend himself.
Education: Khalid was educated in both the physical and liberal arts by the royal scholars of Almyra. His mother, going against the wishes of his teachers, made sure he would also learn Fodlanese as early as possible in his development (which is why Claude can speak without an obvious accent, though if you pay attention he enunciates certain words differently.) He's given a crash course in Leicester politics after crossing the border with his grandfather Oswald.
Identity: Khalid is proud to have been born Almyran, but resents the fact that his Fodlan ancestry is seen as a detriment by Almyrans like his step siblings or other members of his father's court. Likewise, Claude does enjoy living in Fodlan but hates that his appearance causes many, especially the Gloucesters, to suspect his character, just like in Almyra. His dream of breaking down barriers between the two nations is a more selfish dream than you'd think.
Claude at Garreg Mach: regardless of route, upon arriving at Garreg Mach, Claude is very skeptical of Rhea, seeing her and her Church of Seiros as an analogue of the priesthood in Almyra, which preaches nationalism and racial supremacy proven in combat as the principles Almyrans should live by. In the Hopes timelines where Claude leaves the monastery early, this perception festers into a hatred of Rhea strong enough to have him cooperate with Edelgard in her war against the Church, but in the Houses timelines he grows out of this preconception after first hand experience with Rhea and Seteth proves to him that the Seiros faith isn't directly reinforcing Fodlan's shortcomings as he can say for Almyra. Byleth (in my playthroughs named either Rorann or Katrina), and their appointment as professor also raises questions for Claude, specifically what Rhea sees in Byleth, but theses stay unanswered in all routes other than Verdant Wind.
(many of these headcanons are based on personal experience as an immigrant myself. I think Khalid/Claude experiences both the best and the worst aspects of being an immigrant due to his status as high ranking nobility which does not change when he crosses the border, but also being visibly of a race deemed inferior by many in the country he lives in.)
Up next: specific Verdant Wind Claude headcanons featuring my male Bylethsona, Rorann Eisner.
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dykemd · 1 year
ok babe rank ur favorite countries in latam 🤔
1. i could
2. never
3. pit these
4. bad bitches
5. against
6. each other
33. argentina
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speed-seo · 8 days
Technical SEO Excellence for LATAM: A Granular Approach
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Technical SEO forms the bedrock of your LATAM SEO strategy. A fast, secure, and mobile-friendly website is essential for providing a seamless user experience and pleasing search engines. Let's break down the key steps to achieve technical excellence in the LATAM context:1️⃣ Website Speed Optimization:- Page Load Time: Aim for a page load time of under 3 seconds, especially on mobile devices. Use tools like Google PageSpeed Insights and GTmetrix to identify bottlenecks and optimize accordingly. - Image Optimization: Compress images without compromising quality. Use appropriate formats (WebP, JPEG 2000) and consider lazy loading for images below the fold. - Caching: Implement browser and server-side caching to store frequently accessed data and reduce server requests. - Content Delivery Network (CDN): Distribute your website's static content across multiple servers globally to reduce latency and improve load times for users across LATAM. - Responsive Design: Ensure your website adapts seamlessly to different screen sizes and devices. - Mobile-Friendly Navigation: Simplify menus and navigation for touchscreens. - Font Size and Readability: Use fonts that are easy to read on smaller screens. - Mobile Page Speed: Prioritize mobile page speed optimization as mobile usage is prevalent in LATAM. - HTTPS Encryption: Secure your website with an SSL certificate to protect user data and boost search rankings. - Regular Security Audits: Conduct regular security audits to identify and address vulnerabilities. - Secure Content Management System (CMS): Choose a CMS with robust security features and keep it updated. - XML Sitemap: Create and submit an XML sitemap to help search engines discover and index your pages. - Robots.txt: Use robots.txt to control which pages search engines can crawl and index. - Internal Linking: Implement a logical internal linking structure to guide search engine crawlers and users through your website. - Schema.org: Implement schema markup to provide search engines with additional context about your content, potentially leading to rich snippets in search results.   - Local Business Schema: If you have a physical presence in LATAM, use local business schema to provide accurate information about your business to search engines. - Hreflang Tags: If you have multiple versions of your website for different LATAM countries or languages, use hreflang tags to tell search engines which version to show to users in each location. - Language Declarations: Use the lang attribute in your HTML to specify the language of your content. - Currency and Units: Display prices and units of measurement in the local currency and system for each target market. - Regular Audits: Conduct regular technical SEO audits to identify and fix any issues that might be hindering your website's performance. - Use SEO Tools: Utilize tools like Screaming Frog, DeepCrawl, or SEMrush Site Audit to crawl your website and identify technical problems. - Internet Infrastructure: Be mindful of varying internet speeds and connectivity across the region. Optimize your website for slower connections. - Local Search: Optimize for local search by claiming and verifying your Google My Business listing and other local directories. - Voice Search: With the increasing popularity of voice assistants, optimize your content for voice search queries.Conclusion:Technical SEO excellence is crucial for achieving success in the competitive LATAM market. By prioritizing website speed, mobile optimization, security, crawlability, structured data, internationalization, and regular audits, you can create a technically sound website that delivers a superior user experience and ranks well in search engines. Remember, technical SEO is methodological process. Stay up-to-date with the latest best practices and technologies to ensure your website remains at the forefront of technical excellence. Read the full article
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Uruguay, con un notable crecimiento en energía eólica, desciende en el ranking del WEF, ocupando el puesto 33. Brasil y Chile lideran en LATAM, mientras Suecia encabeza el ranking global. La ONU insta a duplicar la generación de energía renovable para evitar una crisis ambiental. #EnergíaRenovable #CambioClimático
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teragames · 3 months
Grupo Lala, la marca de lácteos más elegida en AméricaLatina: Brand Foodprint 2024
La marca de lácteos más elegida en AméricaLatina por parte de "Brand Foodprint 2024" es @UnVasoDeLala.
Grupo Lala, empresa mexicana líder en la industria de alimentos saludables y nutritivos, obtuvo la quinta posición en el ranking general del Brand Footprint – Latam 2024. Este informe especializado evalúa el desempeño de las compañías de bienes de consumo de rápido movimiento. La empresa se consolidó como la marca más elegida del sector lácteo a nivel latinoamericano, destacándose en las…
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palavradigital-blog · 3 months
Em 2023, latino-americanos gastam acima das taxas globais
Kantar publica seu prestigiado ranking anual das marcas de consumo mais escolhidas na América Latina. Em 2023, os consumidores da América Latina não apenas investiram mais em compras para o lar, como aumentaram os gastos a um ritmo mais rápido do que a média global e a inflação do mercado local. Números do Brand Footprint LATAM 2024, relatório produzido pela Kantar, líder em dados, insights e…
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▪️Passando por um momento de instabilidade financeira, escancarado pelo pedido de recuperação judicial, a Gol pode perder parte de sua frota, assim como pilotos; entenda o caso
➡️ https://abrir.link/PlUAJ
▪️O Fórum PANROTAS 2024 está logo aí! Entre os diversos painéis, teremos Azul, Latam, CVC, Iberia, Bancorbrás e ICH debatendo distribuição. Não perca, será no segundo dia, 6 de março, às 11h20; as inscrições estão abertas até 29/02
➡️ https://abrir.link/aqnyy
▪️Também teremos a Omnibees trazendo um levantamento exclusivo com dados da hotelaria em 2023 e as projeções para 2024. A pesquisa feita com base nos dados do BI da empresa terá, entre os destaques, um ranking com os top dez destinos no corporativo e no lazer
➡️ https://abrir.link/ZNBnJ
▪️A campanha Agente Tá On, da Azul Viagens, mostrou em sua última realização, no Carnaval de Salvador, que cresceu em engajamento, além de ter passado a distribuir prêmios em dinheiro; saiba tudo sobre a edição de 2023 do evento de premiação, que foi para lá de especial
➡️ https://abrir.link/MPzbz
▪️A ViagensPromo deu mais um passo para garantir o processo de internacionalização da marca e das suas operações pela América Latina e, para isso, passará a contar com o apoio do recém criado Departamento de Incoming, com uma executiva à frente dele
➡️ https://abrir.link/cWCQu
▪️Uma nova greve da Lufthansa amanhã (20) atingirá sete aeroportos da Alemanha até o dia 21 de fevereiro; os passageiros afetados por cancelamentos de voos serão informados por e-mail ou pelo app da companhia aérea
➡️ https://abrir.link/MUfmY
▪️Entusiasmada pelo crescimento acelerado projetado para o setor hoteleiro na América Latina, a BWH Hotels decidiu também investir em sua expansão na região com uma série de novos projetos em desenvolvimento, incluindo aberturas no Brasil, ainda em 2024
➡️ https://abrir.link/cResv
✅ Não quer ficar de fora do que acontece no nosso trade? Atualize-se primeiro que todos no Facebook (portalpanrotas), no Instagram (@portalpanrotas) e no LinkedIn (Panrotas)
✅ E, claro, acesse também o nosso portal:
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digitalandy · 7 months
Ocya Ilha, Barra da Tijuca, Rio De Janeiro
Reaching this restaurant is part of the experience. Uber is leaving you at the end of a small street in front of the river where a basic boat is then bringing you to the place navigating across a series of salted water channels and lakes all surrounded by houses and restaurants.
This place is the second venue of this enterprise that has its original restaurant in Leblon. Ranked in the top 100 of Latam the food is mainly playing around dry aged fish.
The location is anyway the most interesting part of this restaurant as the food is quite ordinary and somehow uninspiring. The catch of the day is served grilled and with a set of sides including rice, falofa and fries.
Service is very slow and completely unorganized. However, the location, the way to the reataurant on the boat and the sunset over the water, is definitely worth the visit.
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norteenlinea · 11 months
Top Ranking LATAM Best Hospitals 2023 medirá a los mejores hospitales de la región
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lucypaynter · 1 year
Página De Ejempl
Página De Ejemplo Más De 6 Mil Personas Pasaron Através De Expo Costa Cannabis Y Posiciona A Mar Del Plata Como Sede De Nuevos Eventos Content Ranking De América Delete Sur En Manuseio Y Desarrollo Para Mobile Banking – Índice De Tbi Unit ¿cuánto Se Puede Hacer Como Cordialidad? Argentina: Lotería Chaqueña Anunció Una Nueva Edición De Deporbingo Para Apoyar A Los Clubes De La Provincia Latam…
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