#Lauren Ambrose voice: I don’t…NOT look like this person…
novelconcepts · 1 year
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Genuinely, if there was going to be one nom, it had to be this one. The casting is off the charts. (Shout out to Lynskey and the show as a whole also being nominated, but like. This casting. I will never be over it.)
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oddcoupler222 · 5 years
Merry Christmas! I’m a big TWW fan and in anticipation for the published version I was wondering if you could share us the scene in the epilogue where Marg surprises Prof Sansa mid lesson. I vaguely remember the funny twitterverse pic you made for this scene but would love a written version! 😊🎁
Merry Christmas back!
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for reference :)
Eliza didn’t sign up for Women in Contemporary Westerosi Lit merely because Professor Stark was teaching it -- she wasn’t weirdly obsessed with the woman. But she wouldn’t say she didn’t jump at the class when she’d seen that her favorite professor was teaching it.
Even though this was officially Professor Stark’s first semester teaching, Eliza would never forget how she’d been the TA in her first year in university. Dr. Lannister had been a great professor but intimidating at times, whereas Sansa - as a grad student in her final semester - had always had time, patience, and a perfect way of explaining to 18-and 19- year old freshmen about how to go about analyzing literature.
And now, two years later, she was finding out that the internship or whatever, wherever Sansa had gone had made her teaching even better. 
Did you know that Colleen was in this class? Oh wait. Of course you did.
The note her friend, Sara, slid across their shared table jarred her out of taking notes as Professor Stark lectured.
She flipped Sara off as discreetly as she could even as her eyes flickered two rows ahead of her own and three seats to the left. And a wistful sigh escaped her. 
It’s not like she’d known Colleen would be in the class for certain - even though she had a work study job at the registrar office. But she’d thought it would be a pretty good bet, considering Colleen Durand had been in almost all of the social lit electives most semesters. She knew, because of all of these shared classes, that Colleen’s minor was in literature, just like Eliza’s was.
Though Colleen was an Anthropology major, unlike herself. She liked that about her, enough to have spent about two hours reading about what the fuck economic anthropology -- Colleen’s specialty -- was a year and a half ago, when they first shared a class. The first time she’d tossed back her honey blonde hair all perfectly tousled and readjusted her perfect posture as she sat in a front row seat and took immaculate notes -
(notes that Eliza had managed the courage last semester to ask to borrow even though she hadn’t needed them. Using it as a conversation starter was pretty much moot, though, when she then psyched herself out and like. She borrowed the notes, which meant that now, Colleen thought she was dumb or something? Like she couldn’t take her own notes? And then her dumbass roommate at the time had spilled coffee on her desk and got it on Colleen’s pristine notebook)
Peeking up to make sure she wasn’t about to be caught sneaking notes like she was in fourth grade, she scrawled back, We’ve been in class for three weeks and you’re just noticing?
Sara had no qualms about being caught. Well, unlike you, I don’t have a radar for her. It’s not my head that pops up the second she steps into the dining hall, like some bloodhound who caught a scent.
You make me sound like a stalker. Now shut up before Prof Stark notices.
Calm down. She’s chill as fuck. And you make yourself sound like a stalker. golden haired goddess. the light dusting of freckles on her nose. her cute cardigans. those perfectly elegant long fingers that write those amazing notes -
The last thing Eliza wanted was to lose any respect from Sansa and definitely didn’t want to get called out in front of Colleen, who most assuredly already thought she was a dumbass.
Even if she had 0 chances with that gorgeous specimen of a woman, she didn’t want her to think she was a true moron. Also:
Shit u right. But I never promised I wouldn’t bring up drunk Eliza being upsetti spaghetti - “i bet shes probably straight. i hate that she prob thinks im dumb. i have an internship in the red keep!!!!! shes not the kind of person who would care about my twitter. i have over 10000 followers!! i am FUNNY! but she is too good for my dumb lesbian human humor!” what does that even mean -
Friendship canceled, thanks for your service. Your severance package is the nothing you deserve.
She turned to rip the paper away from Sara before she could write anything back, just in time to notice the back door to the room creak open. Which was kinda weird because -- what is the point of coming to class if you’re a half hour late?
She flickered her eyes to the front of the room, noticing that Professor Stark’s back was to the room as she wrote on the SmartBoard. This interloper was pretty fucking luck-
“Holy shit,” she breathed, eyes wide.
She started hitting Sara’s thigh under the table, in rapid succession. She and Sara met two years ago, when they’d joined the LGBT Alliance on campus and they’d bonded immediately. For several reasons, one of which being that they were both political science majors.
Political science majors who’d both moved to King’s Landing for college and met the year that Margaery Tyrell came out as a lesbian and won the Small Council election and announced very publicly that she was dating the very professor standing in the front of the room at this very moment.
To say that she (and Sara) spearheaded the online community when it came to freaking out over Margaery Tyrell and Sansa Stark’s relationship as two stunning, brilliant, fucking amazing women who were soft as fuck together, would be an understatement. And despite the facts that they lived in the same city, that she took a class with 1/2 of the ultimate power couple, and that she had an internship at the workplace of the other, she’d yet to see them in the same physical space.
Until now.
“Seven hells, what,” Sara hissed in a whisper as she grabbed the hand slapping her thigh.
All she could do was point behind Sara, as Margaery fucking Tyrell - as gorgeous as ever - slid discreetly into the seat in the back corner of the room.
Margaery had enjoyed King’s Landing University in her time here. She’d enjoyed her courses for the most part and some of her peers. Mostly, she’d enjoyed conquering college as a part of conquering yet another step on the journey of her life.
But for as much as she enjoyed her time here when she was done, she hadn’t looked back. It was a footnote on her way to the rest of her life, regardless of how fun or successful a footnote it was.
The first time she’d stepped back into the KLU campus had been almost three years ago, that first fateful time she’d tracked down Sansa after they’d had sex. Back when Sansa had been a TA stuck in her little office, looking unbearably hot and cute all at once in her glasses and sweater.
Now, Sansa was still looking hot and cute all at once, as she commanded this class. Her girlfriend stood in the front of the tiered seats and she no longer was flustered or seemed at all nervous about being in front of the group. No, she was in control, and the form-fitting black top with her hair pulled over her shoulder was just doing delicious things to Margaery.
She paused in the middle of her lecture to laugh at a comment made by a studious looking blonde sitting in the front row. And Margaery sighed, unable and unwilling to stop the smile that took over her face as she turned her head to watch Sansa.
Even though her girlfriend had been officially teaching at KLU for almost a month, this was the first time Margaery’s schedule allowed for her to witness it.
She’d seen Sansa pace around their apartment in the evenings before starting the 3 courses she was teaching, practicing bits and pieces of her analysis. She’d laid in their bed, stroking her hand over Sansa’s stomach, as her girlfriend had excitedly told her about her students and the insights they’d had.
Moving in together a few months ago was truly the most genius idea Margaery had ever had.
But today? Her Small Council meeting had been pushed back for two hours. Which perfectly opened up the time for her to witness the final hour of Sansa leading her Women in Contemporary Westerosi Lit class.
“Thank you, Jess, for bringing up Lauren Ambrose’s use of metaphor. I want you to break into your new groups that I emailed to you over the weekend and spend five minutes going over the notes you should have from last weeks reading to come up with any metaphors you found and then we’re going to play a little game with them. Eliza, Colleen, and Michael. Sara, Alysanne, Jon. So on and so forth.”
The students rearranged themselves as Margaery stayed hidden in the back of the room, watching with rapt attention. As Sansa turned from lecture to analyzing the text through a question-dodgeball type game she must have made up.
Even though Margaery hadn’t expected to be bored - because she could watch Sansa do anything and everything and not be bored. Even brushing her teeth, somehow. But she was actually interested in the material, the way Sansa spoke about it.
The hour flew by and at the end of it, as everyone was starting to pack up their belongings, Margaery made her move.
She cleared her throat. “Excuse me, Professor Stark. Any homework?”
She was fairly certain she heard one student state, “I’m dying,” but she was mostly focused on the way Sansa turned, eyebrows already high on her forehead because Margaery knew she recognized her voice.
Gods, but she loved those blue eyes and the way they widened. She smirked as she saw the way her girlfriend’s lightly glossed lips parted in surprise.
“What...” Sansa held her eyes for a long moment before she shook her head. She ran her eyes over her students who were starting to depart. “Um - your assigned reading is online. You all know my office hours if you have any questions about your next paper. Thanks for the, um,” those eyes flickered back to Margaery’s and held, “The discussion.”
She waited a few moments, just watching Sansa make her hands busy by gathering her papers at the front desk, furtively throwing looks over at Margaery. She waited until the majority of the students were gone, with just a couple young women taking their time in the front, before she gathered her jacket over her arm and slid her bag over her shoulder and made her way down.
“What are you doing here? It’s Tuesday, you have your Small Council meeting at 10:30?” 
She never thought she would love having someone know her schedule by heart and check in with her about it. But damn, she loved that Sansa knew it all.
She loved knowing Sansa’s. She loved knowing she could look up at the clock on a given day and know, in general, what Sansa was up to. She even loved sharing a Google calendar.
“It was postponed, so I hightailed it to see my -” she slid her gaze to the group of students that she clocked as purposefully taking forever to pack up, and held back the myriad of adjectives that she would save for when they didn’t have an audience. It was something they were still getting used to. “- beautiful girlfriend. I just really wanted to see you in action.”
Sansa did that biting her lip and swaying a little closer thing that Margaery still adored, “What’d you think?”
She swayed a little closer and consciously lowered her voice. “I think... that I absolutely understand what exactly you meant when you say that watching me in action does something to you.”
Sansa, always genius, keenly caught on to keeping her voice so low and mirrored her, “Oh yeah? You want me to talk about metaphor in the bedroom?”
Margaery lifted an eyebrow, considering. “You know... I wouldn’t hate it.”
The giggle-snort that left Sansa made her stomach dip as she laughed.
“I’ll keep that in mind. Do you have time for lunch?” Sansa reached out and tangled their fingers easily, Margaery’s hand instinctively turning to take her girlfriends.
It was the worst timing for her watch to beep, signifying the timer she’d left for herself in order to cut back through the city to the Keep in time for her meeting.
Genuinely regretful - they didn’t get enough lunches together lately - she sighed. “Not today. But dinner - I’ll bring it.”
Sansa smiled warmly at her, squeezing her hand. She gave her students a fleeting look, before she tugged Margaery in and pressed those soft, pink lips to hers.
She hummed in contentment as she pulled back. “I’ll see you at home, darling.”
She stole another kiss before she left with a grin.
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bookcub · 7 years
So if Kvothe is Hamilton. . .
Who are the other characters? (this is kind of mess, so hang in there) 
Here are some character parallels: 
Denna is Burr- I have no idea why I feel like this is obvious to me (I’ve felt this way since I wrote my first KKC/Hamilton thing) but I feel like Denna is going to cause/be Kvothe’s downfall in some way. And they are so connected (like Hamilton and Burr) but there’s also this tension between them
Wil is Lafayette- Outsider who is has found a new home with his friends, who is incredibly dedicated to them, the voice of reason who also knows how to have fun (also, I feel like he would be a good general, like good at seeing the bigger picture, brave and ready to fight, but not making rash decisions, and staying loyal to his cause and his soldiers) 
Sim is Laurens- A legit cinnamon roll who is often underestimated and will fight for what he believes in and lay down his life for his friends. Also, low key gay for Kvothe and Wil. (not trying to foreshadow his death, but it comes with the territory) 
Fela is Hercules Mulligan- Wait, hear me out. She goes undercover to distract Ambrose, she is often absent in day to day events, but she is always there at the end of the day, and ready to support her friends. 
Auri is Eliza- Not because I ship Auri and Kvothe romantically, but I feel like in the way married people make a new family, they have made a family with each other and incredible protective of each other. (on another level, Chronicler, Kote, and Bast could be Eliza as they are literally telling Kvothe’s story) (Kote literally telling it, Chronicler documenting it for future, and Bast in the past spreading word so someone would find Kote) Okay, or like even music could be Kvothe’s Eliza, because it also carries on his legacy and maybe his true love in the world. (So many Elizas) 
Devi is Angelica- Again, not romantic ship, but the undeniable chemistry between to geniuses who just love to find like minded people. Not to mention, Lin says Angelica is the smartest person in Hamilton’s world and I think the same thing about Devi so… 
Ambrose is Thomas Jefferson- The constant battles, always on opposing sides, feuds appearing childish to outsiders. Look, it’s just kind of obvious (I think) 
The Chancellor is Washington but Kvothe high key wants Elodin to be his Washington
Felurian is Maria Reynolds- They actually really have nothing in common except the main characters have sex with them when they should have just said no. 
Hemme is John Adams- This is simply so I can have John Adams rap directed towards Hemme
Brandeur is James Madison - He doesn’t really do much besides back up Hemme (and often Ambrose) (this one is a bit of a stretch) 
Mola as The Doctor- I mean, they both work in medicine. . . (I’m scrambling here) 
Auri could have been Phillip Hamilton but I like the idea of her living forever instead of dying young, so she shall stay Eliza (also, she is not a child, or younger than Kvothe, but rather an equal) 
King George III is the Chandrian- The overarching villain, but not always directly interacting with Kvothe and everyone knows that they are evil, but also, not always taking the threat seriously and an underestimated villain.  
(lol just imagine Kote, Chronicler, and Bast trying to be the entire chorus as they try to tell the story and fill in the gaps in the story that aren’t explicitly stated
(I don’t know what you guys expected, but you all responded to my kkc/hamilton post, so here you go) 
@happinessisntfun @writersarea @princeofthornz @kvothbloodless @druggeddraccus @seriously-sherlock @frei-rancken @twostepsfromtemerant @whatsupitskatie @melanoia @the-awkward-math-writer @dracoproblems @officialwashburne @kingkilling-and-stormlight @waves314 @dreamcrazyel @triggeremen9t @nepalpratras @iinstiigated @whatthehorsedoicallthisblog
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