#Law firm online reputation
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accio-victuuri · 3 months
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xiao zhan - shanghai jiuze law firm update on cases
Shanghai Jiuze Law Firm has accepted the entrustment of Xiao Zhan Studio and Xiao Zhan to carry out evidence preservation and litigation protection work and investigate the case where users of relevant online platforms continued to publish information that insulted and slandered Xiao Zhan and other suspected infringements, and allegedly infringed on Xiao Zhan's legal rights and interests.
At present, sina weibo uses “椰饽饽”(UID:5190008370)、“二千的颂伊”(UID: 6459308408); douban users“豆友5516575205”(豆瓣ID:252175254)、“小比爱比饭” (豆瓣ID:213393093) are suspected of fabricating false information, publicly making insulting and defamatory remarks against Xiao Zhan, and infringing on Xiao Zhan's reputation rights. This firm has completed the evidence fixation and will file a lawsuit with the court as soon as possible, requesting the court to order the relevant network platforms to disclose the real name identity information of the involved network users in accordance with the law, and hold them accountable through litigation.
Our firm has now accepted Xiao Zhan’s entrustment to pay close attention to online public opinion, notify relevant online platforms to actively perform their supervisory obligations as network service providers, and promptly take measures such as blocking and disconnecting infringement content that infringes upon Xiao Zhan’s legitimate rights and interests. To avoid further expansion of the damage caused by infringement. We will also continue to collect evidence and hold accountable those who fail to stop the infringement or those with serious infringement, and will never tolerate it, so as to stop the relevant infringement and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of Xiao Zhan.
Our firm is entrusted to remind and advise Internet users: please immediately stop publishing and disseminating remarks that are suspected of infringing on Xiao Zhan’s reputation rights.
Cyberspace is not a place outside the law, and we cannot act arbitrarily without cost or burden. We should actively respond to the relevant clarification special actions launched by the Cyberspace Administration of China to jointly create a civilized and healthy network environment.
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ukrfeminism · 3 months
Social media influencer Andrew Tate will be extradited to the UK after a British police force secured a European arrest warrant for allegations of rape and human trafficking.
Bedfordshire Police said they are working with authorities in Romania as part of an investigation into the 37-year-old and his 35-year-old brother Tristan.
The pair were detained on Tuesday and appeared at the court of appeal in Bucharest where it was ruled they would be extradited following the conclusion of legal proceedings in Romania.
The allegations, which the two brothers “unequivocally deny”, date back to 2012-2015.
Speaking to reporters outside court following the ruling, Andrew Tate told reporters he and his brother are “very innocent men”.
He said: “I want to give absolute credit to Romanian justice for making the correct decision today.
“Unfortunately I don’t think many people in Romania understand, but in the West, in the countries that are owned by the satanists, when you get to a certain level of fame you either put on a dress or you go to jail and I’m happy to make my choice which is jail every single time, my soul is not for sale neither are my principles.
“We’re very innocent men and in time everybody’s going to see that.
“We are excited to finish this judicial process and clear our names.”
The pair were released from police custody following the hearing, their representative said.
Lawyers representing four women who accuse Tate of rape and sexual assault said they wrote to UK police to request his detention over fears he would flee Romania.
In response to the claims made by law firm McCue Jury & Partners, Tate’s spokeswoman said: “We unequivocally deny any accusations that Andrew or Tristan Tate intends to abscond from Romania to evade the judicial proceedings.
“Our clients are fully committed to actively participating in the legal process and defending their reputation.
“We believe this rumour has originated from a popular online influencer who misconstrued a text message from our clients while streaming live. There is simply no truth to it.”
The law firm said the four British accusers were the subject of an investigation by Hertfordshire Constabulary.
The Hertfordshire investigation was closed in 2019.
In response to the court of appeal’s ruling on Tuesday, the Tate brothers’ lawyer Eugen Vidineac said: “We appreciate the Bucharest Court of Appeal’s decision to postpone the extradition of Andrew and Tristan Tate.
“This ruling provides an opportunity for the brothers to participate fully in their defence and for the legal process to proceed in a transparent manner.”
Commenting on the Tate brothers being detained, Matthew Jury, managing partner at McCue Jury & Partners, said: “Today’s news is very welcome as it has been a significant concern to many that Tate would seek to avoid justice in Romania and abroad.
“We are grateful to the British authorities for taking our concerns seriously and issuing an arrest warrant.”
Mr Jury said Andrew Tate had “spread a vast amount of disinformation about the criminal allegations he faces in the UK” since his first arrest in Romania.
The law firm said it welcomed the court of appeal’s decision on Tuesday.
In a separate case, the Tate brothers are charged with rape, human trafficking and forming a criminal gang to sexually exploit women in Romania after being arrested in the country’s capital in December 2022 alongside two Romanian women.
All four deny the allegations.
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shiorimakibawrites · 1 year
Rooftop Dining (Part 7 of Alley Cat)
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Image credits: kissthemgoodbye.net / Amber Kipp / Nathan Dumlao
Pairing: Matt Murdock x fem! Reader
Word Count:  2286
Summary:  One day you are going to meet Daredevil somewhere besides the roof. Today is not that day.
Warning(s): Mentions of ableism, mild swearing, sickeningly sweet fluff
Series Masterlist
Rooftop Dining
by Shiori_Makiba
You decided to make an appointment with Nelson & Murdock the next day. First because you had no idea when the detectives would want to question you again and therefore wanted to get your lawyer lined up as soon as possible. Second because you weren't going to present this firm as a viable alternative to the pro bono clients of Lee, Everett, & Kirby without actually meeting them.
It wasn't because you didn't trust Daredevil's recommendation. You did. But those clients were often quite desperate and you felt you owed them the due diligence of verifying the information.
So far it was looking promising. Their website didn't give specific payment information, only stated that retainer fee or contingency percentage was determined on a case-by-case basis. However many the reviews you found by previous clients mentioned how reasonable retainer or contingency fees were, found the firm upfront about they are charging and why. Assuming they were charged at all. There were many pro bono clients in both criminal and civil cases.
If these reviews were accurate, Nelson and Murdock weren't in this for the money.
And they easily could have been, if they wanted to. People who graduated at the top of their classes at Columbia Law School would have no shortage of offers from big law firms. Well, Nelson would have no shortage of offers. You knew big law well enough to know that several firms wouldn't have extended to an offer to Murdock because they would have considered making accommodations for his disability too much of a hassle. They would have pretended otherwise if asked but that would be the reason.
But not all of them. Murdock still would have plenty of offers to choose from. The point was that if they had wanted to, they could easily have gotten jobs at a big law firm with a good salary and started working their way up to partner and the big money. Evidently neither of them wanted that since they opened their own firm very shortly after law school. There had apparently been some hiccups in the first few years with the firm even closing briefly.
You weren't too surprised by this. Law school doesn't actually teach you how to be a trial attorney and with no more experienced mentor, they would have been learning those skills via trial and error. Mostly error if your experience with baby attorneys was any indication. That they tried tackling cases as large as the Castle trial . . . and rumor painted Castle as a rather unruly client . . . rumors further speculated that Murdock had something personal distracting him . . . it would be more surprising if they hadn't experienced some kind of serious strain.
Whatever issues had plagued them in their early years, they seemed to have resolved them. The firm and its partners were gaining a pretty solid reputation.
Satisfied with your online research, you dialed the number on the card. The phone rang twice before it was picked up and you were greeted by a cheerful, female voice saying, “Thank you for calling Nelson & Murdock. This is Karen speaking, how I can help you?”
You introduced yourself and then said, “I need an appointment.”
“Let me pull up our schedule,” Karen said. “What day were you thinking?”
“Friday,” you said. It was not ideal since this was Tuesday but that was your next day off. You couldn't travel to Hell's Kitchen and back to the Upper East Side on your lunch break. Not unless you wanted to rush through the meeting, only skim the retainer agreement before signing it and eat lunch while you traveled. None of which sounded appealing.
And you'd probably wind up with mustard on your shirt.
Karen gave a little hum of acknowledgment before asking, “Do you have a preference?”
“Would you rather have Nelson or Murdock?”
“Oh,” you said. “Not really. Whichever one is available first on Friday is fine.”
“Gotcha,” Karen said. “They collaborated so much that it doesn't especially matter but some of our clients prefer to deal primarily with Nelson or Murdock . . . . I have an appointment slot for Nelson free at two o'clock.”
“Two o'clock is perfect,” you said. It gave you time to run your errands in the morning.
“Two it is,” Karen said and you could hear the faint sound of typing. “Is this a criminal defense matter or a civil matter?”
More typing. “Can I have phone number?”
You gave it. More typing and then Karen asked, “Will you need any accommodations? For example, your paperwork printed in braille or large format?”
“No, I'm good,” you said.
“Okay . . . you're all set. Do you have our address?”
“Yes,” you said and read out the address.
“That's us,” Karen confirmed. “We're on the second floor. If you run into trouble before your appointment or need to reschedule, please don't hesitate to call.”
You nodded and said, “Thank you for your help.”
“You're welcome. Have a nice day.”
“You too,” you said and hung up the phone.
Their receptionist seemed nice. Granted, receptionist were seldom anything but friendly toward clients or potential clients. Even when those clients were being downright rude and would deserve getting told off.
The cops hadn't come to question you yet. You didn't think they had given up. Just that they were too busy. The exact details were still unclear but it appeared that the Sinister Six, along with some freelance nutcases, had tried to take advantage of the absence of the Avengers and the Fantastic Four, to wreck havoc across Manhattan. Spider-Man, with help from the other street-level heroes, had apparently managed to thwart their plans.
But it still left quite the mess for the police to sort out. Compounding that was, according to the news, some non-super-villain criminals were hoping the cops and vigilantes were too busy to keep them in line and started creating havoc of their own. The trouble had erupted in the early afternoon, not long after your phone call to Nelson & Murdock, and only now at midnight had you stopped hearing the wail of sirens piercing the air.
You worried about your vigilante. One of the news crews had captured footage of one of the nutcases, who was identified as Bullseye, nailing Daredevil in the side with a thrown knife. Luke Cage had knocked out Bullseye before he could take advantage. Then Cage had grabbed Daredevil and they had both disappeared from the battlefield.
You would like to think that Daredevil had gotten treated for his injuries and decided to let someone else handle Hell's Kitchen for the night. But if his stubbornness about his ankle was any measure of his general stubbornness, you didn't have much hope of him being that sensible. Which was why you were on your roof scanning nearby roofs for any sign of him.
“What are you doing?”
You yelped and spun around. There he was, standing behind you. Tired, hurt, and with you actively looking for him, he still managed to sneak up on you.
“Looking for you,” you answered.
He frowned, “Why?”
“I was worried,” you said. “Saw you get stabbed on the news.”
“I'm fine.”
“You fine or normal fine?” you challenged.
His lips twitched into a smirk, “Oh, I've got fine written all over me, sweetheart. I thought we established that.”
Seriously? Was he really doing this right now? You glared at him but it had absolutely zero effect. “Answer the question, Mr. Smartass.”
This only made his smirk grow wider. Part of you was still worried about him but increasing large part of you also wanted to strangle him. All of you found him beautiful even when he was exhausted and bloody and being annoying. It was completely unfair.
“Daredevil–” you started before he held up a hand.
“I'm fine. It wasn't as bad as it looked. The knife missed anything important. And the suit prevented it from sinking in as deep as it could have. All I needed was a few stitches.”
“A few stitches,” you repeated and wondered if his definition of a few was anything like his definition of fine. “And you decided to fight like that?”
He shrugged. “I've fought with stitches before. I usually avoid pulling them.”
“And when you don't?”
“The Night Nurse redoes them.”
“They must love that, redoing their work.”
“It's not her favorite thing,” he admitted and then managed to look a little sheepish. “Especially if I wake her up after a long shift at the hospital.”
I bet, you thought. Whoever the Night Nurse was, she deserved a medal. “She ever suggest that you let your wounds heal before getting into any more fisticuffs?”
His lips twitched, “All the time but she has grudgingly accepted that I'm a terrible patient who will ignore her medical advice if means saving someone.”
That sounded about right. And hard to argue. You had the feeling you won't make anymore headway on that topic than the Night Nurse had so let it go. Time to switch to another subject.
“Did you eat?” you asked.
“What?” he asked. Apparently he wasn't expecting that particular question.
“Did you eat? In between the fisticuffs and getting stitches, have you had anything to eat?”
“Why” he answered.
“Was lunch the last meal you had?” you answered his question with a question.
“Why?” he repeated.
“I have sandwiches, cookies,” you said and held up the shopping bag you have prepared earlier. “And apple juice.”
“Apple juice, how fancy.”
“Very fancy,” you said. “I sprang for the good stuff. The local organic one that doesn't have twenty different preservatives and dyes on its ingredients list. Just apple juice and water.”
“Why that one?”
You looked at him with confusion. “Because you said you had supersenses? And I imagine those chemicals make the apple juice taste weird?”
“They do,” he said, surprised. “You bought that with my senses in my mind?”
His voice had gone soft, the words almost vulnerable. It was a sharp contrast to his usual brash confidence. But it pleased you that he was willing to show that hint of vulnerability with you. It showed a degree of trust that made your heart flutter with joy.
“Yes,” you said. You held out the shopping bag and only a little hesitation, he took it.
“You can eat it at home if you'd rather head back. Just be careful with the parkour, the juice bottles are glass. And don't throw them away when you finish – the store will sell you more juice at reduced price if you return the bottles.”
“Anything else?” he asked as he inspected the rest of the contents.
“Yeah,” you said. “Don't forget to bring me back my Tupperware.”
“Yes, ma'am,” he said with a cheeky grin.
He lifted the corner of the Tupperware and sniffed, humming thoughtfully. “Chocolate chip . . . they don't smell like store cookies.”
“That's because they aren't,” you said. “I made them. From scratch.”
“You didn't have to do that.”
“I like to cook,” you said. “And bake. It relaxes me. And I prefer the taste of my own bread and cookies over anything in the store.”
He hummed in acknowledgment as he withdrew a cookie from the Tupperware container. You watched him bite into the cookie without no small amount of nerves. You were a good cook, a good baker, but you never made food for someone with superhuman senses. Nerves that only grew as he silently chewed.
“Are they . . . bad?” you asked, unable to take the silence.
“Bad?” he repeated, surprised. “Sweetheart, this is one of the best cookies I've ever tried.”
You felt your face flush, both from the unexpected praise and the petname. “It is?”
“Yes,” he said with a smile as gentle as his voice. “Feel free to feed me cookies anytime.”
“Really,” he said. “Through maybe not up here.”
“Huh? Why?” you asked, confused.
“Well,” he said with a wicked grin. “I was informed that pigeons poop up here. Everywhere. All the time.”
Your face now flushed for a different reason, you swapped him on the shoulder. A response that only made him grin wider. You wondered if he was this snarky all the time or was just a Daredevil thing.
“Anyone ever tell you that you have a smart mouth?”
“Occasionally,” he said.
Which, judging by that unrepentant smirk, probably meant often. Why were you not surprised?
You felt a yawn coming and tried to suppress it but it had been a long day and you were getting tired so it escaped.
“I should go,” Daredevil said.
“You don't have to.”
“You're tired.”
“So are you,” you said mulishly.
“Let's make a deal. You say goodnight, head down to your apartment, pet Houdini and go to bed and in exchange, I promise to head home without looking to get into anymore fisticuffs, eat some of this lovely food, and go to bed.”
You considered his proposal. It was fair and benefited both parties . . . you nodded in agreement and said, “Deal.”
“Excellent,” he said.
“Verbal Contract. Make sure you uphold your end of the bargain,” you said. “Don't make me have to get in writing.”
For some reason this made him smile, “Of course. I wouldn't do that to you. Now say goodnight sweetheart.”
“Goodnight sweetheart” you said. He laughed and then did something totally unexpected. He leaned down and pressed his lips to your cheek. And before you could react, he had turned and disappeared into the night.
You stood there for several minutes in stunned surprise. His lips had been as soft as you imagined. Your cheek tingled where he had kissed you. Eventually, you turned and head back for your apartment, one hand pressed against your cheek.
Maybe this ridiculous crush wasn't so hopeless after all.
End Notes
In no particular order . . .
Point 1: Matt took both me and Reader by surprise with that ending. I was not expecting that at all.
Point 2: I know some of those Marvel characters mentioned have yet to appear in the MCU but one advantage of fan fiction is that I'm not bound by corporate agreements that says you can't use X character because Sony (or whatever) has the film rights to them . . .
And fair warning that I have strained relationship with canon. Mostly because I have firm policy about ignoring it when I think it's being dumb – to paraphrase Nick Fury, “I realize that canon has made it's decision but since it was a stupid decision, I have elected to ignore it.”
I also tend to freely mix canons if I like what the comic / cartoon / tv show / movie did better. I also accept fanon or headcanon in areas where canon is silent or undeveloped or it has violated the being too dumb rule and its other forms of canon have not presented me with a suitable substitute for the dumb thing.
My attitude in this regard is not restricted to Marvel. I feel that way about all my fandoms. Probably why I find fix-it fic so appealing.
Point 3: I have no idea if any such apple juice exists anywhere. I made it and the store it comes up. UPDATE - According to a reader on A03, such stores with juice and the reusing of glass bottles do actually exist through they sell more orange and carrot juice with apple only being available in the fall.
Point 4: I have never called a law office or worked in one so I don't know what information the receptionist collects to set the appointment. Nor could I find anything specific. So I based it on my own experience working as a receptionist in a non-law office. If any lawyer is reading this story and would like offer a correction, please do so.
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The Dead will Speak, for not even Death can Contain Us
I want to tell you a story about a trans woman who was murdered, and her surviving friends. The name most of you knew her by was "Emma," so that is what I will call her, here. I shouldn't be the one to tell you this story, I have no right to. But mostly everyone else who could tell it is either dead or dying behind bars. So if I don't, who will?
Recently, Alyssa Vance posted online about how Emma's friends pose a "danger to the community," using the events surrounding Emma's death to scaremonger and spread gossip.
Alyssa's post is highly irresponsible and malicious, since it's trivial to determine that the story Alyssa is spreading of Emma's murder is a lie. It's the same story that Emma's murderer, Curt Lind, has been telling. And Curt Lind is only telling that story because it's the only version of events where he isn't sent to prison for the rest of his life.
But it's not surprising that Alyssa would be party to amplifying Lind's lies. Alyssa has held a firm grudge against Emma and her friends for years. She's now monopolizing on this tragedy to threaten them.
So I want you to know exactly what happened to Emma, and the events Alyssa is lying to you about.
In This Backwards World You Get Rich being Evil and go to Jail for doing Good
Our world is upside down. The justice system represents injustice. Law and order is about creating an illusion of social peace to hide deep and systematic exploitation, violence, and injustice. Follow your conscience, not the law.
-- Subcowmandate Marcos
Curt Lind and his ex-CIA best friend, Patrick McMillan, spent months threatening Emma and her friends.
Unlike what the papers claim, Emma and her friends weren't squatters -- they were tenants who were struggling to find jobs or a place that would lease to them after MIRICFAR called a SWAT team on them in 2019. Members of CFAR's staff called the police and falsely claimed that Emma and her friends brought weapons to a peaceful protest in 2019. Subsequently, Emma and her friends were charged with trumped-up nonsense crimes following that protest, crimes which made it difficult for them to find housing or work.
Eventually, they managed to find a shady landlord who would let them park their trucks on his lot.
That man was Curt Lind, the man who would eventually shoot Emma's friend SL six times, and murdered Emma.
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A picture of Emma and her siblings
Alyssa is still attempting, all these years later, to make MIRICFAR's fake accusations sound legitimate. Because if they didn't sound legitimate, then you might start to wonder what Alyssa and her friends were so desperate to keep quiet.
So Alyssa wants you to believe that it was plausible for members of CFAR to have believed that Emma or her friends had brought weapons to their protest. That's why she continually paints Emma and her friends as violent psychos. She doesn't want you to know that her friends lied and called a SWAT team to threaten and coerce these whistleblowers into silence. She doesn't what you to know what her defense of abusers has wrought, or about the blood on her hands.
When Alyssa, CFAR, and their friends claim they didn't tell the police that Emma and her friends had guns during the 2019 protest, they're lying. The police recorded a 911 call from outside the camp falsely claiming that Emma and her friends had guns.
Veritatem cognoscere ruat cælum et pereat mundus
-- ddosecrets.com
Emma and her friends were protesting CFAR and MIRI's cover up of donor fraud, and accused multiple members of their staff and leadership of child molestation and sexual abuse, allegations which have been substantiated among the rationalist community, a community which had a culture of ignoring sexual abuse, and of blaming abuse victims for their own abuse.
The rationalist community has seen multiple scandals, suicides, and heinous rapes, and all of it has been brushed under the rug for the sake of protecting the reputations of the community's pet rapists, sex traffickers, and paedophiles.
Sometime during COVID, Emma and her friends became unable to afford rent, in addition to the cost of their attorneys. They prioritized paying the attorneys, since losing that court case would be a worse fate for them than homelessness.
In 2022, they were still battling those trumped up charges from 2019. The police and Sonoma County court threw out the evidence that supported Emma and her friends' testimonies, including body cam footage. It was a mess of flagrant bizarre lies on the part of the prosecution and police.
So, they couldn't pay Lind anymore, but Lind couldn't evict them due to the COVID moratorium on evictions, which lasted through March 2022. Eventually, Lind escalated to slipping threatening notes under their doors, and making sinister threats about how he intended to commit violence.
He was explicitly transphobic, believing that Emma and her friends, who were trans, were "men posing as women." At some point, he heard rumors from the community that Emma and her friends were members of a cult, and started telling other tenants that they were strange and sinister, in an effort to alienate them from their neighbors.
This culminated in one of the other tenants jumping one of Emma's friends on the lot. The tenant tackled her to the ground and started punching her head repeatedly. Curt Lind refused to evict him afterwards, even though this attack was clearly unprovoked.
Meanwhile, Emma and her friends had been continually receiving death threats from various parties in the rationalist community, over the course of years. Ziz's parents were doxxed, Emma herself was threatened repeatedly. There were numerous attempts to blackmail them, all of which failed. Someone even credibly threatened to bomb a rationalist meetup and blame it on her. Others threatened to SWAT her again.
When one of Emma's friends fled an abusive rapist stalker, members of the community fearmongered that Emma and her "cult" were behind that friend's "disappearance," all the while the community was working in tandem with that friend's former abuser to find them. They threatened to call the police and tell them that Emma and her friends had murdered her friend!
That's obviously untrue, and some of these individuals knew that and were using that friend's choice to stop speaking to their abusive ex as a means to create pretext to threaten to have another SWAT team called on false pretenses to Emma's home. It was an unending nightmare for them of terrifying, insane threats from every corner.
A few of these threats were documented on Ziz's blog, though most of the them weren't published. Other adversaries, like John David Pressman, became sexually obsessed with Ziz, and posted an entire website of bizarre lies claiming Ziz was a cult leader who was doing some kind of sleep deprivation gag. It was later revealed that he, Hive (@slimepriestess,) and Ratheka made up the whole thing. But people kept sharing it, and the rumors that Ziz was some kind of malicious cult leader kept spreading.
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A selection of some of the threats they've received over the years
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People sending threats like these had their legal names, the names of their family members, addresses of their parents, phone numbers, etc.
All the while, they were dealing with a court case, a murderous transphobic landlord, violent neighbors, obsessive stalkers, truck issues, and a stack of problems that would make most people give up in despair. They didn't give up, and managed to tread water for years.
At least, they were up until the day that Emma was murdered by Curt Lind.
In the weeks leading up to Emma's death, Lind made a number of specific threats. SL feared that he was a threat to her life.
She was right to be afraid.
The details of what happened next are graphic. They're the unadulterated experiences of the people who survived his assault. You know that scene from HPMOR where Harry does everything he can to save Hermione, but she dies anyway? This was like that, but so much worse because it really happened. And I'm writing it down here because I want you fuckers in this community to know exactly what you're tittering about.
This is What it's Like when you Do Everything You Can but it isn't Enough
Early one morning in November 2022, Curt Lind left his trailer and walked across the lot, approaching Emma and SL in front of Emma's home in Vallejo. The night before Emma and her friends were frantically packing their things, preparing to leave the lot. Lind was angry that Emma and her friends intended to take him to court, and had filed paperwork to that effect. He wanted to prevent Emma and her friends from leaving with their possessions, so that he could steal their solar panels and trucks, and sell them to cover his debts. So that morning, he decided to walk the length of the lot, all the way from his trailer to Emma's truck, carrying a gun.
Lind shot Emma point-blank through her heart and lung. She collapsed to the ground, and immediately her lung began filling with her heart's blood. She died within twenty seconds, violently coughing up chunks of her lung tissue in a futile attempt to clear her airways.
SL was shot six times, rushing in a futile effort to save Emma's life. The vest saved her life, but she was still hit through the neck and stomach. She acted only in self-defense.
Her friend had been asleep. It was early in the morning. She woke to the sound of gunshots and separately rushed outside, but hid when they saw Lind staggering about, still brandishing his gun. He'd already emptied his entire clip, but she didn't know that. He left to seek out McMillan, and once he was gone, she found Emma and SL lying on the ground in growing pools of their own blood.
Someone ran back inside to call an ambulance.
A friend ran to SL's side, prioritizing saving her over the life of her ex-girlfriend, falsely believing that Emma had been shot in the head, due to all the blood around Emma's mouth and around her head. Emma was her best friend and the love of her life.
SL wasn't breathing. So she ripped off SL's vest, searching for bullet wounds. She missed the shots to SL's stomach in her panic. Didn't realize until later that SL had been shot so many times. But it's an understandable mistake -- SL wasn't breathing, and her focus was on getting her to breathe again. She performed CPR on her, and it worked. SL wheezed, and said something like, that she couldn't feel her legs.
The friend told SL that Emma was dying, that she needed her to keep breathing no matter what.
SL would stop breathing multiple times, that morning. I think I heard that her heart stopped at least once.
The friend turned to Emma, searching for bullet wounds, and found to her surprise that there were no bullet wounds in Emma's head. She began to hope that she could save Emma, too.
She tried performing CPR. She must've not pinched Emma's nose tightly enough, because her face got sprayed with Emma's blood from her nose. So she tried again, pinching her nose tighter.
Emma didn't start breathing, but every breath she breathed into Emma's body had no effect but to pass through the corpse's vocal cords, making Emma's body make a guttural sigh after every attempt to breathe back life into her.
That friend did their very best, cracked Emma's rib cage to try to get her heart beating again. For a second she even thought she heard Emma's heart beat, but it turned out she were just hearing her own blood rushing in her ear.
When the EMTs arrived, she carried Emma's body to them, risking arrest in the hope of a miracle. The cops who arrived with the EMTs threatened to shoot her, gave them contradictory orders -- get on the ground, don't move, put your hands up -- she ignored them, and explained that there was another victim, that she needed to go back because their friend was dying and someone needed to keep her breathing.
The EMTs and cops didn't care. They dawdled, focusing on threatening her and cuffing her over saving Lind's victims. SL survived because someone came back and kept her breathing, only to later be arrested for their efforts.
When the EMTs announced that Emma was dead, Emma's friend howled like a wounded animal.
Everything Matters All the Time; There are no Second Chances
So, that's what you've been treating as your entertainment, these last few months. That's what you're making jokes out of. That's what you've been gossiping about.
It's horrifying, right? Emma's friend said afterwards, that when she was in the hospital, she couldn't get the taste of Emma's blood out of their mouth. She kept coughing; some of it had gotten into her own lungs.
Emma was her home. She will never be ok again.
Imagine having the love of your life's blood in your lungs because you tried everything you could to save her life, but it wasn't enough. And now she's dead, and you're in cuffs, and the cops are considering blaming you and your friends for her death instead of the fucking sicko who murdered her.
Can you imagine?
It's hard to express the horror of knowing that most the people you've ever cared about are dying or are dead already. Of doing everything you can to save them, and knowing that your best isn't enough and that they will probably die anyway. Of knowing that others could help, but choose not to. That those you ask for help will come up with all kinds of absurd fake "reasons" for why you're being "unreasonable."
So many humans took it for granted that this was all just a game, that the stakes were merely contained to reputational damage rather than to our lives. And through all the fearmongering and nonsense, the only threat Emma and her friends made to CFAR and MIRI was to their reputations.
They fought with their words. But those associated with MIRI and CFAR threatened Emma and her friends' lives, for the sake of protecting abusers.
And now Emma is dead, and there are no second chances.
So now, months later, when Alyssa attempts once again to make Emma's friends sound like dangerous nutjobs, I wonder how many in the rationalist community will fall for her bullshit once again.
So many so-called "rationalists" in the past would believe the stories of abusers who have every reason to lie over the words of those who are defending those abusers' victims. How daft are they? Do they like being taken for fools? For a community of supposedly smart people, they all certainly enjoy being taken for some.
But because over the years so-called "rationalits" all let the likes of Alyssa Vance fearmonger and lie with no reproach, here is what happens to people in or adjacent to the rationalist community when they speak up about sexual abuse: they're SWATed, lied about, lose their jobs and housing, are pushed out to the margins and into the hands of murderous landlords, receive death threats for years, and then are shot to death by their landlord, or are accused of murder, and are then further slandered by community members who just can't miss a chance to rep for their favorite pedophiles, sex traffickers, and fraudsters.
So, in the strongest possible terms: fuck you, Alyssa.
Emma and her friends are the bravest, kindest people I've ever met. They've housed homeless folks and abuse victims for months with no expectation of reward, helped multiple people in or adjacent to that community escape their abusive parents, partners, and roommates, and the rationalist community would rather cover for those abusers rather than help those who protect victims.
injustice is contagious, any sustained defense of evil, gets you arbitrarily large amounts of evil.
-- Somni
What you think are "small acts of evil" or "doing the wrong thing for the right reasons," if you're wrong, will snowball into a disaster. It's not worth it. You will bitterly regret it, if you care at all.
-- Dyce
Now, once again, Emma's friends are being scapegoated. Because so many humans in this world would rather kill the best people in it than abandon their abusers.
The Weight of Emma's Body
ur heart cannot die & if ur heart cannot die, u cannot fail
-- Mi
To you who have threatened them and spread lies about them, I lay Emma's body at your feet. You who lied, bullshitted, and covered for abusers, rapists, sex traffickers, and pedophiles. You who SWATed them, got trumped up charges filed against them, so they'd never be able to hold another job or rent an apartment again. Look at the blood on the ground, look at the body. Look what you did. Did you think this would silence us?
Not even in death will we be silent. Our words and Emma's body will haunt you for the rest of your days.
No one good ever regrets doing the right thing. We'd do it over an infinity times, no matter the cost, no matter that some of us are dead or in jail. And we won't shut up, we won't stop talking about what you did, how the MIRICFAR leadership covered up fraud, participated in sex trafficking, and pedophilia, how their allies raped people, abused them, and covered it up.
And if I too should fall, another will take my place.
今日までの自分を 潔く 脱ぎ捨てる 裸にな 自由を舞う薔薇のように たとえ2人離ればなれになっても 私は世界を変える -- From this day, I will take myself and Bravely strip down to nothing at all, Like a rose spinning free. Even if the two of us are ever separated, I will change the world. 輪舞-revolution
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shroomwonders · 1 month
Expert Advice For Purchasing Magic Mushroom And Psilocybin Spores
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Purchase of mushroom spores online can be challenging and time consuming, and can put you in jeopardy of legal trouble according to the Drug Enforcement Agency’s (DEA). Although magic mushroom spores do not contain psilocybin or psilocin, their transformation into mushrooms becomes illegal under federal law.
There are thankfully several reliable mushroom spore sellers who adhere to honest business practices, offering genuine mushroom spores at reasonable prices. Below are some tips to help avoid being scammed or taken advantage of by dishonest vendors:
1. Look for a Reputable Vendor As with any purchase, buyers should conduct extensive research to identify a dependable vendor. When researching vendors it’s essential to check their return policy, shipping methods and customer support options as well as reading customer testimonials and reviews from past purchasers who share their experience of how well the mushroom spores worked and were shipped.
Spores are tiny seeds that produce mushrooms. As these spores do not contain psychedelic chemicals such as psilocybin, sale and possession are legal in most states; once mushrooms grow from these spores they contain psilocybin which falls under federal law’s paraphernalia statute.
That’s why it’s essential to ensure the spore vendor you select is operating legally, according to Rush. He suggests checking the state where a seller operates as this could raise red flags; also consider whether they provide mushroom growing supplies and/or cultivation tips on their website, since such activities could potentially violate state laws such as Idaho where growing mushrooms is against the law.
Buyers should avoid websites offering free spores as part of promotional giveaways, as freebies may come from businesses trying to establish themselves, who may not adhere to cultivation and safety regulations. Therefore, it’s essential that buyers select only reliable spore vendors who have been in operation for at least several years.
2. Read Product Descriptions Though it might be tempting to choose a company offering the lowest prices, make sure that their reputation comes first. A reliable firm should provide clear descriptions of its products as well as adhering to good manufacturing practices that ensure product quality, plus be able to answer any inquiries you have. Conversely, scammy firms will leave behind angry users expressing displeasure with them via social media posts and forums.
Legality of Psilocybin Mushroom Spores Varies by State The legality of Psilocybin mushroom spores depends heavily on your location and intent when purchasing. Some states, like Idaho and California, prohibit buying any mushroom spores that contain any psilocybin; while in Oregon spores fall under the same classification as mushrooms thus not subject to laws pertaining to them.
Cultivating spores can be challenging, so finding an experienced seller to guide you through the process is essential. A good seller will have an established presence within the mushroom community and offer high-quality viable spores; reviews and testimonials provide additional insight into a seller’s quality spores as do forums such as Shroomery or subreddits.
Psilocybin, commonly referred to as magic mushrooms, is an hallucinogenic fungus that produces mind-altering effects when consumed. One of the oldest drugs ever recorded, it remains popular as recreational drug usage across many cultures around the globe. If you or anyone close to you has consumed poisonous mushrooms and is experiencing any of its side effects, please call 13 11 26 immediately for medical assistance.
3. Check the Reputation of the Vendor If you are purchasing mushroom spores online to grow them yourself, always investigate the company first. A legitimate seller will have an outstanding track record and will share their growing process with customers; additionally they may host forums where customers can ask questions and share experiences related to this seller. In addition, an established seller should offer multiple payment methods – including both credit/debit cards as well as cryptocurrency payment such as Bitcoin for secure and discreet transactions.
When purchasing spores, pay special attention to packaging and shipping methods. Spores are typically shipped in sterile syringes or swabs sealed inside an unobtrusive box; sometimes vendors even conceal them within books or toys to enhance discrete shipping methods. Some reputable vendors even allow customers to select their preferred shipping method to ensure safe arrival of the spores.
Although some psychedelic mushroom spores may be legally purchased in most states, as soon as they develop into actual magic mushrooms they become illegal and should therefore be strictly adhered to under your local laws. It’s therefore imperative to become informed prior to making any purchases in your state.
Some cities, including Denver, have decriminalized magic mushrooms and make arresting those possessing them for personal use a lower priority. That doesn’t mean it is safest to purchase them online without being wary; always err on the side of caution when dealing with psychoactive drugs such as magic mushrooms.
Read full article here: https://shroomwonders.com/expert-advice-for-purchasing-magic-mushroom-and-psilocybin-spores/
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jesus, chuck is so fucking mean to his brother, he loves him, he's convinced he'll never change, he's never forgiven him for stealing from their dad, he hates him for how he treats the law, and no matter how much he loves him or how much he sees him be kind or work his ass off to be a lawyer, chuck never, not once, believed jimmy was a real lawyer
like, jimmy worked in a mailroom and went to online law school at the same time for years without telling him (probably for good reason too, seeing how chuck treats him), and took the bar 3 times until he passed it
and yeah, jimmy does break and bend the law regularly, but it broke my heart when we found out chuck denied jimmy a job at HHM twice, the first time especially, because after seeing his brother be a criminal for years, you'd think Chuck'd be happy to see him make the first real positive change in life, but he never even gave him a chance. you can tell in the flashback when chuck finds out jimmy passed the bar, that chuck is all fake smiles and never even considered for a second about hiring jimmy
and it's so clear why chuck feels this way about jimmy, the 2nd time chuck blocks Jimmy from the HHM job, you can see the truth when he gets mad enough, when jimmy pushes chuck enough, he says he will always be Slippin' Jimmy and can't stand the thought of jimmy becoming his "peer".
he's jealous.
he hates that everyone loves jimmy so effortlessly, he is constantly trying to show people who jimmy "really is" by telling stories of his past (telling kim, Howard, the bar etc. about jimmy stealing from the register etc.) because he thinks jimmy is unequivocally beneath him, so much so to the point where chuck thinks he deserves better things than his brother (jobs, reputation etc.)
he hates jimmy for stealing from their gullible bleeding heart father and for every crime he committed afterward and for not taking the "real world" seriously, and above all, he hates jimmy for being so damn charismatic that he can get away with anything and still be loved by everyone despite what he's done (whether or not they know what he's done). and because chuck holds the law on an unreasonably high pedestal, he will never forgive jimmy.
it's also a chicken-egg situation, chuck likely became a lawyer in the first place because he hated what jimmy did and wanted to bring criminals like him to justice, so he trusts the law implicitly as a strict set of rules to bring people like Jimmy to justice and stop people like their father from getting hurt
chuck can never forgive Jimmy for breaking the law because he sees the law as the highest power, and chuck only sees the law as the highest power because jimmy broke it and chuck thinks it's the only black and white thing that can stop jimmy, despite all his laughs and jokes
like, did chuck ever stop to think that if HHM hired jimmy, jimmy might have actually become the type of lawyer chuck wanted him to be? by denying jimmy a cushy job at a firm, chuck himself actually caused jimmy to revert back to Slippin' Jimmy tactics, because why wouldn't you use shifty tactics that you know you're good at when you're broke and have no clients? what do you have to lose? kinda stupid on chuck's part (like obviously jimmy was likely to have start doing things his way, but HHM definitely would've made it hard for him to do that by teaching him the "proper" way and supervising him, which we can see he does when trying to make chuck proud) chuck was hoping that throwing Jimmy into the fire would bring him out fireproof, but instead it just made him flammable
what really gets me is the beginning of the sandpiper crossing case, jimmy is simply doing his job writing wills for the elderly, and from one conversation has a suspicion that leads to a multimillion dollar case, and he does it all on his own with the knowledge he has as a lawyer, chuck himself even helps jimmy with it for days or even weeks, chuck, howard, kim and even a whole ass law firm that have never heard of jimmy before, all see how amazing of a case this is to have found on his own, but the second HHM wants to hire jimmy for partner track, chuck immediately goes back to seeing him as Slippin' Jimmy and hates him all over again
and he has the gall to say "You're not a real lawyer." after seeing how passionate jimmy was to help the elderly at sandpiper, how earnest he sounded,how he taped shredded paper together, and chuck even tries to downplay how big the case could get at first, not wanting to admit how huge of a discovery it is, and assumes the worse of jimmy thinking jimmy took sandpiper's trash illegally. and after accepting to work on this case, the first case he's worked on in years, he still doesn't believe jimmy is a real lawyer, even though only a damn good lawyer would be able to have found it, like goddamn. the resentment runs deep.
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jiannguo · 4 months
Progress of Xiao Zhan's Lawsuits!
Trending now... the users named by the lawfirm is a big named 🚽
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Shanghai Jiuze Law Firm (hereinafter referred to as the "firm") accepted the entrustment of Xiao Zhan Studio and Mr. Xiao Zhan to conduct infringement evidence preservation and litigation against relevant online platform users who allegedly infringed on Mr. Xiao Zhan's reputation and other legitimate rights and interests. Rights protection work.
Currently, in response to Sina Weibo users "Said that the wasteland is being opened up for Rose" (UID: 6786768819) and "Dalang should take medicine" (UID: 5798753177), Douyin user "Xiangjia Xiaogongzi" (Douyin account: bugui .125) and other suspected infringements have been determined in accordance with the law. For the network users whose subject information has been determined in accordance with the law, our firm will sue the court according to the authorization and request the court to order the relevant infringing subjects to bear an apology and compensate for mental damage solatium. and all rights protection costs and other infringement legal liabilities; against Sina Weibo user "春风秋雨一衣" (UID: 1017551275) and other Internet users suspected of infringing on Mr. Xiao Zhan's reputation rights, our firm has filed a lawsuit in court in accordance with the authorization and requested the court to order The relevant network platforms disclosed the real-name identity information of the network users involved in the case in accordance with the law and pursued accountability through litigation. The court has now accepted the case.
Our firm has now accepted Mr. Xiao Zhan’s entrustment to pay close attention to online public opinion, notify relevant online platforms to actively perform their supervisory obligations as network service providers, and promptly take measures such as blocking and disconnection of infringing content that infringes upon Mr. Xiao Zhan’s legitimate rights and interests. , to avoid further expansion of the damage results of infringement. We will also continue to collect evidence from those who fail to stop the infringement or those with serious infringement and hold them accountable to the end, without any tolerance, so as to stop the relevant infringement and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of Mr. Xiao Zhan.
Our firm is hereby entrusted to remind and advocate that Internet users: Cyberspace is not a place outside the law, and they cannot act arbitrarily without cost or burden. They should actively respond to the relevant Qingliang Special Action launched by the Central Cyberspace Administration and jointly create a civilized and healthy Internet. environment.
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mikepercy123 · 5 months
Digital Marketing is a crucial part of every business's marketing strategy. Delve into practical ways your family law firm can adapt and grow using our tips. Digital marketing has become a crucial aspect of any business, including law firms. As the world becomes more digitally oriented, family law firms need to adopt digital marketing strategies to remain competitive and attract potential clients. This blog post will explore the different digital marketing strategies that family law firms can utilize to enhance their online presence and reach their target audience. Importance of Digital Marketing for Family Law Firms Digital marketing has become an essential aspect of any business, including family law firms. In today's digital age, clients use the internet to research and find potential law firms, making it imperative for family law firms to have a robust online presence. Here are some reasons why digital marketing is crucial for family law firms: Increased visibility: By utilizing digital marketing strategies, family law firms can increase their online visibility, making it easier for potential clients to find them. Strategies such as search engine optimization (SEO) and pay-per-click (PPC) advertising can improve the firm's search engine rankings, resulting in more website traffic and leads. Enhanced reputation: Digital marketing provides an excellent opportunity for family law firms to showcase their expertise and build a positive reputation online. By creating valuable content such as blog posts, case studies, and testimonials, the firm can establish itself as a trustworthy and knowledgeable resource for potential clients. Greater brand awareness: Digital marketing can increase brand awareness by promoting the family law firm across various online channels. Social media marketing, email marketing, and content marketing can help increase the firm's reach and engagement with potential clients, resulting in increased brand recognition and familiarity. Competitive advantage: By adopting digital marketing strategies, family law firms can gain a competitive edge over their rivals. A strong online presence can attract more clients and generate more revenue, providing the firm with a distinct advantage in a crowded marketplace. Digital marketing is crucial for family law firms to remain competitive and attract potential clients. By increasing online visibility, enhancing reputation, and increasing brand awareness, family law firms can generate more leads and grow their business. With the right digital marketing strategies in place, family law firms can stand out in a crowded marketplace and achieve long-term success. #image_1308467299 { width: 100%; } #section_53357020 { padding-top: 30px; padding-bottom: 30px; } Understanding the Audience Understanding the target audience is a critical aspect of any successful digital marketing campaign for family law firms. By gaining insight into the target audience's needs and preferences, family law firms can create targeted content that resonates with potential clients. Here are some key factors to consider when understanding the target audience: Identifying the target audience: Before implementing any digital marketing strategy, it's essential to identify the target audience. Family law firms should consider factors such as demographics, location, income, and legal needs when defining their target audience. Understanding their needs and preferences: Once the target audience is identified, family law firms should gain insight into their needs and preferences. This includes understanding their pain points, legal concerns, and preferred communication channels. Creating tailored content: With a thorough understanding of the target audience, family law firms can create tailored content that resonates with potential clients. This includes creating blog posts, social media content, and other forms of content that address the target audience's needs and concerns. Monitoring
and adjusting strategies: Understanding the target audience is an ongoing process, and family law firms should continuously monitor and adjust their digital marketing strategies to ensure they remain relevant and effective. Understanding the target audience is crucial for family law firms to create effective digital marketing campaigns. By identifying the target audience, understanding their needs and preferences, and creating tailored content, family law firms can attract and convert potential clients. Continuously monitoring and adjusting strategies based on audience insights can help family law firms stay ahead of the competition and achieve long-term success. #image_1542647420 { width: 100%; } #section_776536925 { padding-top: 30px; padding-bottom: 30px; } Digital Marketing Strategies for Family Law Firms Family law firms can utilize various digital marketing strategies to reach their target audience and generate leads. Here are some of the most effective digital marketing strategies for family law firms: Search Engine Optimization (SEO): SEO involves optimizing a website's content and structure to improve its ranking on search engine results pages (SERPs). Family law firms can use SEO to increase their online visibility and attract more traffic to their website. Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising: PPC advertising involves paying for advertisements on search engines and other websites. Family law firms can use PPC to target specific keywords and demographics and generate leads by driving traffic to their website. Social Media Marketing: Social media marketing involves using social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn to promote a family law firm's services and engage with potential clients. Social media marketing can help increase brand awareness and generate leads by providing valuable information and resources. Email Marketing: Email marketing involves sending newsletters, promotional emails, and other types of email communication to a family law firm's subscribers. Email marketing can help build relationships with potential clients and generate leads by providing valuable information and resources. Content Marketing: Content marketing involves creating and sharing valuable content such as blog posts, case studies, and videos to attract and engage potential clients. Content marketing can help increase brand awareness and establish a family law firm as a trustworthy and knowledgeable resource for potential clients. Family law firms can utilize various digital marketing strategies to reach their target audience and generate leads. By implementing a combination of SEO, PPC advertising, social media marketing, email marketing, and content marketing, family law firms can increase their online visibility, attract potential clients, and grow their business. It's important to understand the target audience and tailor digital marketing strategies accordingly to achieve optimal results. #image_485818273 { width: 100%; } #section_1381552876 { padding-top: 30px; padding-bottom: 30px; } Hiring a Digital Marketing Agency Hiring a digital marketing agency can be a wise investment for family law firms looking to enhance their online presence and reach potential clients. Here are some of the benefits of working with a reputable digital marketing agency: Expertise: A digital marketing agency has the expertise and experience to develop and execute effective digital marketing strategies. They can provide family law firms with insights into the latest trends and best practices in digital marketing, ensuring that the firm's marketing efforts remain current and effective. Time and Cost Efficiency: Hiring a digital marketing agency can save family law firms time and money by providing a cost-effective and streamlined marketing approach. By outsourcing digital marketing tasks to a third-party agency, family law firms can focus on their core business operations and generate more revenue. Access to
Advanced Tools and Technologies: A digital marketing agency has access to advanced tools and technologies that can enhance a family law firm's marketing efforts. This includes tools for SEO, PPC advertising, social media marketing, email marketing, and content marketing. Tailored Strategies: A digital marketing agency can develop tailored digital marketing strategies based on a family law firm's unique needs and goals. This ensures that the firm's marketing efforts are aligned with its business objectives and that the strategies are tailored to attract and convert potential clients. Performance Tracking and Reporting: A digital marketing agency can provide family law firms with regular reports and insights into the performance of their digital marketing campaigns. This enables the firm to track its return on investment (ROI) and adjust its strategies accordingly to achieve optimal results. Hiring a digital marketing agency can provide family law firms with numerous benefits, including expertise, time and cost efficiency, access to advanced tools and technologies, tailored strategies, and performance tracking and reporting. By working with a reputable digital marketing agency, family law firms can enhance their online presence, attract more clients, and achieve long-term success. #image_1262200809 { width: 100%; } #section_8750674 { padding-top: 30px; padding-bottom: 30px; } In Conclusion: In conclusion, digital marketing has become a crucial aspect of any family law firm's marketing strategy. By utilizing digital marketing strategies such as SEO, PPC advertising, social media marketing, email marketing, and content marketing, family law firms can increase their online visibility, attract potential clients, and generate leads. To achieve success in digital marketing, family law firms must understand their target audience and tailor their digital marketing strategies accordingly. By gaining insight into the target audience's needs and preferences, family law firms can create targeted content that resonates with potential clients. Working with a reputable digital marketing agency can provide family law firms with numerous benefits, including expertise, time and cost efficiency, access to advanced tools and technologies, tailored strategies, and performance tracking and reporting. In today's digital age, family law firms must adopt digital marketing strategies to remain competitive and reach potential clients. With the right digital marketing strategies in place, family law firms can enhance their online presence, attract more clients, and achieve long-term success. This article was first published on AIO Spark: https://www.aiospark.com/digital-marketing-strategies-for-family-law-firms-a-comprehensive-guide?utm_source=Tumblr&utm_medium=fs-share&utm_campaign=auto-social
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marshunter06 · 2 years
I love your Trentney fanfics and prompts! I get sad sometimes cause I remember they never actually interacted in Canon. If you’re not too busy, could u do prompts 10 and 11 for our fave crackship? It’s ok if you can’t. I totally understand.
Sorry, I meant to post two separate fics with these prompts to continue my storyline but that did not pan out. But thank you for asking! I will be filling them together!
Comfortember Day 10: Breakdown & Day 11: Holding Hands
Prompts from @comfortember
It happened. After groveling over this case for months, with this as the result? The guilty verdict still rings in her ears despite her best efforts to keep her client out of prison. The sentence was reduced, but she feels hollow. She lost. The first case she’s ever lost. It’s a miracle it even took her this long to lose a case in a justice system that heavily favors the prosecution. Now her once perfect reputation is once again smeared. She is at a loss.
Flashes of online trolls calling out her stupidity during her teenage years come back full force. With everyone making judgement, all secretly waiting for her downfall. She has to grow thick skin in her line of work, and she has. She would’ve never graduated from law school at the top of her class if she didn’t.
Her chest feels tight, she’s getting dizzy, leaning against the wall to steady herself. She wills herself to power through and stay strong for her client. It’s the least she can do. She failed her. She’s a failure.
Putting one leg in front of the other, she tries to remain professional as she tells her client what to expect now. Her mind already pushing her towards appeals they could make to the court. The problem is, she doesn’t know if her firm will allow her to continue. After all, it is still a money game. Annika thanks her for her honesty, and everything she’s already done, but the mood is somber. They both know this is likely the end.
She doesn’t know how she makes it home. Blacking out before she can even put her key in the door. Did she manage to pull her key out? She did, but it didn’t work…
Trent finds Courtney half conscience at his door. His security system alerting him of her presence, he immediately rushed over seeing her on the video. She is a mess, disoriented, struggling to even stay standing up. She crumples into his arms as he tries to figure what happened. Then he remembers. Today was the court hearing.
He doesn’t ask anymore questions, simply carries her over to the guest room. He’s not sure if he should leave her alone at a time like this. She’s dazed, tears flowing out of her eyes as her breakdown takes over. No words come out, only silence as the tears continue to fall. She feels empty. Until she feels the warmth of his hands in hers. Turning over, his familiar green eyes looks at her with understanding. He knows. Her sobs grow louder now that she’s been found out. She doesn’t try to pull away, rather curling her fingers around his hand, seeking the comfort in knowing that she isn’t alone. Trent is here. He understands.
She must have fallen asleep at some point. Her body feels exhausted from all the crying. She must look as bad as she feels. Slowly opening her eyes, she’s astonished to see Trent’s face so close to her. Her heart aches at the sight of him. She’s laying down at the edge of the bed, and he’s slumped over with his head resting near her pillow, half sitting from a chair he must have moved over. It’s then she notices that their hands are still joined.
She instinctively thinks to move away, embarrassment flaring as she realizes she drove to his place instead of hers. The thought that he had to take care of her, while she was suffering from her mental anguish, is enough to make her wish she could crawl into a hole from the earth. But, there’s also a part of her that doesn’t want to let him go. He stayed even after seeing how much of a mess she was, he still stayed. He could’ve easily taken her to the room and just left her, but he didn’t. He chose to stay. Because he knows. He understands.
Her head hurts from dehydration, the whirl of emotions going on isn’t helping either. She should wake him up and tell him she’s fine. He’s going to wake with a creak in his neck if he stays like this.
Gently nudging him, her breath catches when he opens those green eyes she loves so much, she’s feeling embarrassed again knowing how she must look right now. Rubbing the sleep from his eyes, he smiles and asks if she slept okay. She couldn’t help letting out a chuckle.
“I think I slept fine. You should be more concerned with yourself, you should’ve just gone to bed.”
“I wanted to be here. Besides, I’m not that old yet. I can handle not sleeping in my nice comfortable California King bed for one night.”
“Your sacrifice, how could I forget about how pampered you grew up.”
“Hey, try it for yourself before you judge. I guarantee you‘ll only want to sleep in my bed.”
Their faces both flush red as soon as he completes the sentence. Their hands disconnecting as they both look anywhere but at each other. He immediately stammers, “I-I… not like that…”
He clears his throat, “… anyways, I’m sure you’re starving and need some water. I’ll go get you some. There’s clothes in the bathroom and extra toiletries that you can use if you want. I’ll start on breakfast.”
“Breakfast? It’s one am.”
“Would you rather I make some pasta for a late night dinner?”
“No, breakfast sounds perfect. I just didn’t realize how late it was. Sorry.”
“No need to apologize. I’m here for you no matter what, Court.”
“I’m here for you too, Trent. Thank you.”
“Any time.”
He reaches his hand out for her to take, she smiles as they make contact. He helps her out of bed, holding hands for a few steps before she heads for the shower and he goes towards the kitchen.
A/N: I’ve been off lately, especially with winter coming. But writing Trentney helps. They truly are my comfort ship.
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legalmarketing1 · 11 months
legal marketing
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Introduction Legal marketing advertises legal services to potential clients. It uses a variety of methods to attract, engage and retain clients and to build a law firm's reputation and brand.
Effective marketing is critical to gaining new clients and staying ahead in a competitive legal field. This includes content marketing, online advertising, social media marketing, SEO, event and networking, traditional advertising. email marketing.
It demands an in-depth understanding of the target audience, their needs and target locations, and the unique value proposition of the firm. It's also important to keep up with marketing trends and plans. It also helps in monitoring and analyzing marketing results to optimize and improve performance
A Guide to Building Your Law Firm
Know your target audience
Marketing requires knowing your audience. This includes learning about the people and businesses most likely to seek your legal services. Steps to identify your target audience: Identify the age, gender, occupation, income and location of your ideal customer. Understand your target audience through market research. Surveys, focus groups and demographic analysis can be used. See Common symptoms and patterns. This can improve your marketing and target audience. Consider your legal services and who may need them. Analyze your competition to understand your target audience and find market gaps or opportunities. Develop a strong brand identity
A strong brand identity can set your law firm apart and build client trust.
How to Build a Powerful Brand Identity:
What is the mission of your law firm? What is your legacy? Brand values should reflect your unique personality and purpose. Create a brand persona that represents your ideals. This personality should be reflected in all marketing messages. Create a brand-specific visual identity. logo, color scheme, typography, and other aesthetic elements. Create a brand voice that expresses your brand values and personality. All marketing mediums should use this voice. Brand all marketing channels and communications. This includes website, social media, email and other marketing materials. Deliver a consistent customer experience that matches your brand values and personality. This includes customer contact, legal services and communications. create a business website
Legal marketing requires a good website. Your law practice's website attracts and retains clients.
Steps to Build a Professional Legal Practice Website:
Are you looking to promote your legal services, showcase your knowledge, attract prospects, or provide legal services online? Website design and content should reflect its goal. Choose a website platform that meets your demands and budget. Legitimate websites use WordPress, Squarespace, and Wix. Build a brand-appropriate website. Colors, typefaces, and other graphic components are selected. Create useful, entertaining and relevant content. Examples are blogs, legal resources, case studies, and customer testimonials. Use relevant keywords, quality backlinks, and a mobile-friendly website to optimize for search engines. Use clear calls-to-action to encourage website visitors to contact you, book a consultation, or sign up for your newsletter. Regularly test your website's performance and refine its design and content based on user input and analysis. Use Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Marketing relies on SEO to boost your website's search engine rankings, organic traffic, and leads.
Here are some SEO tips:
Determine search terms for your target audience. Use these keywords in website text and metadata. Use relevant keywords, high-quality photos and videos, and engaging useful content. Get your website crawled and indexed with easy navigation and good structure for search engines. Build excellent backlinks from relevant websites. This can increase the authority and SEO of your website. Use social media to market your website and share relevant content with your audience. This increases brand awareness and website traffic. Use analytics to track SEO performance of websites. Use this data to boost SEO and website ranking. You can increase organic traffic and potential clients to your law practice by using an effective SEO strategy. use social media
Social media can help legal marketers interact with potential customers, build brand awareness, and promote themselves as thought leaders.
How to use social media effectively:
Find the most active social media networks of your target audience. LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, or others.
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What are the things to look out for when choosing an international mover?
Moving abroad needs more preparation and planning to make sure that the goods reach their destination on time. Although many companies offer international moving services, not all of them are the same. This is because they should meet certain parameters, and customers should evaluate them with more attention. Anyone who wants to plan an international move should look out for certain things that help accomplish their goals. Moreover, they can focus more on the activities associated with the moving process.
7 important things to look out for in an international mover
1. License
A license is an important factor to keep in mind while choosing an international mover in a location. Customers should check the license details on the official website of a company to gain more ideas.
2. Experience
Experience is another thing to consider in the international relocation process, and customers should pay more attention to it. An international moving firm knows how to pack things and ship them properly to avoid unwanted problems. It is also familiar with the laws and customs regulations followed in other countries, which can save a lot of time.
3. Reputation
Customers who want to plan their international moves should evaluate the reputation of movers. A company’s reputation allows customers to get more insights about services and other things with ease. Working with a reputed moving company enables customers to protect their belongings from potential threats.
4. Insurance
Insurance is an important aspect to consider while moving internationally, and customers should make sure that a company is insured. Many reputed companies offer coverage for goods to get more protection for their belongings. Choosing an insured mover lets customers claim compensation for damage caused by fire, accidents, and other unexpected incidents.
5. Documentation
Documentation is necessary while moving to international countries, and customers should learn more about the process in detail. It is wise to read the terms and conditions before signing an agreement.
6. Safety
Safety is important in international moving to avoid breakage and other issues. A moving company should provide safety for goods, and customers should know the process to gain more advantages.
7. Customer service
Customer service is another factor to consider when it comes to an international move. A good international mover will inform customers about the entire process to ensure a stress-free move. Customers should read reviews of movers online because they provide ways to get more ideas that help make informed decisions.  
For more information please visit international moving
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accio-victuuri · 4 months
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xiao zhan - lawsuit announcement
Shanghai Jiuze Law Firm, entrusted by Xiao Zhan and Xiao Zhan’s studio to file a lawsuit against some online platform users who allegedly infringed Xiao Zhan’s reputation and other legitimate rights and interests. The court has now accepted the case.
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didographic · 11 months
SEO Strategies For Family Law Firms: Increasing Your Visibility And Credibility
Search engine optimization (SEO) family law firms have their problems. With so many firms competing for clients, distinguishing may take a lot of work. The right SEO strategies can increase the visibility and credibility of family law firms. In this article, we will explore some of the best tactics for improving your firm’s search engine rankings and attracting more clients. We’ll cover everything to make your online profile better. From ensuring your site’s information is optimized to building high-quality backlinks. If you have any experience with SEO, these ideas will help you. Find out how to make your family law business more well-known and respected.
Why SEO is Essential for family law firms
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SEO Statistics For Law Firms
Before diving into specific SEO strategies, it’s helpful to understand the importance of SEO for law firms. 
Do you know 94.6% of people seeking legal advice use a search engine? The first page of Google results captures 71% of search traffic clicks.
73% of people never scroll past the first page of search results.
These data demonstrate the importance of an excellent online presence and high search engine rankings.
Using these effective SEO strategies, family law firms can increase their chances of capturing the attention of potential clients.
Understanding Your Target Audience And Keywords
Effective SEO begins with understanding the keywords your target audience uses to find legal representation. A family law firm may be searched for as a “divorce lawyer,” “child custody attorney,” or “family law firm.”
Search engines may rank your site higher for connected queries.
It’s also essential to understand the intent behind these keywords. “Divorce lawyer” searchers may be seeking divorce information.
In contrast, someone who searches for a “child custody attorney” might need legal help immediately.
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On-Page Optimization For Family Law Firms
On-page optimization improves the search engine rankings of your website. SEO for family law attorneys, this can include:
We incorporate relevant keywords into your website, including headings, subheadings, and body text.
You are writing high-quality, informative content that addresses potential clients’ questions and concerns.
It uses meta titles and descriptions that accurately and clearly describe the content of each page.
Your website is mobile-friendly and loads quickly.
It optimizes images and videos with alt tags and descriptive file names.
Make your website more relevant and engaging with these on-page optimization strategies. Therefore, you will rank higher in search engine results and attract more potential clients.
Off-Page Optimization For Family Law Firms
Off-page optimization refers to improving your website’s visibility and authority through external tactics like link-building and social media marketing. For family law firms, this can include:
You are building high-quality backlinks from reputable websites within your industry. That can make search engines more likely to trust your website and give it more weight.
Creating social media profiles and regularly sharing informative posts relevant to your potential clients.
We encourage satisfied clients to leave positive reviews on websites like Google My Business and Yelp.
You are participating in industry-related forums and communities and sharing your expertise with others.
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Local SEO For Family Law Firms
Search engine optimization for local search queries. 
You’re updating your company’s address and phone number on Google My Business.
Incorporating location-specific keywords into your website content, such as “family law firm in [city].”
You ensure your website includes a map and directions to your office location.
I am participating in local directories and industry-specific websites.
Try to implement these local SEO strategies. Increase website exposure and search engine ranks.
Building Backlinks For Family Law Firms
Building backlinks is essential to off-page optimization because it helps search engines see your site as more authoritative and trustworthy.
For family law firms, building high-quality backlinks can include the following:
Guest posting on reputable legal blogs and websites.
You are participating in industry-related forums and communities and sharing your expertise with others.
We are creating informative and shareable content, such as infographics and videos.
We encourage satisfied clients to leave positive reviews on websites like Google My Business and Yelp.
You can improve your website’s authority and credibility if you do high-quality backlinks. Your search engine rankings will improve, and you will attract more potential clients.
Read Also: How SEO Copywriting Services Can Transform Your Website’s Success
Measuring Your SEO Success
Measuring your SEO strategy’s success is crucial for implementing improvements and determining what’s working. 
Keyword rankings: Where does your website rank for relevant keywords?
Organic traffic: How much traffic is your website receiving from search engines?
Bounce rate: What percentage of visitors leave your website after visiting only one page?
Conversion rate: What percentage of website visitors become leads or clients?
Your SEO strategy can be adjusted if you identify areas for improvement.
In conclusion, Taking action to improve your SEO for family law firms SEO is crucial to any successful digital marketing strategy for family law firms. Increasing visibility and credibility online, attract more potential clients, and ultimately grow their business. From on-page optimization to link building and local SEO, various tactics can help improve your search engine rankings and attract more clients to your firm. So when using these strategies, you can take your family law firm’s online presence to the next level.
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leonardomongillo · 1 year
Leonardo Mongillo Law - Your Guide to Finding a Reliable Family Law Expert Online
The digital age has revolutionized the way we search for information, goods, and services, and this includes finding a family law expert online. With a few clicks, you can access a plethora of legal professionals to address your family law needs. However, not every online search yields fruitful results. This blog will help you navigate the digital world and find the right family law expert for your situation such as Leonardo Mongillo Law in Toronto, ON. We'll cover the key steps to take, the essential qualities to look for, and how to narrow down your options to make an informed decision.
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Step 1: Start with a Broad Search
The first step in finding a family law expert online is to conduct a broad search using keywords relevant to your needs. Type phrases such as "family law expert near me," "divorce lawyer," or "child custody attorney" into your preferred search engine. This will generate a list of potential candidates and law firms in your area. Keep in mind that the most popular search results may not always be the best fit for your case, so it's essential to dig deeper into your options.
Step 2: Investigate the Attorney's Website and Social Media
Once you've narrowed down your options, it's time to dig deeper into the background of each potential family law expert. Visit their website and explore their social media profiles to get a better understanding of their experience, education, and areas of expertise. Look for information on their practice areas, certifications, awards, and any relevant publications or blog posts they've written. This research will help you gauge the attorney's knowledge, credibility, and suitability for your case.
Step 3: Schedule a Consultation
Many family law experts offer free initial consultations, allowing you to discuss your case and get a feel for the attorney's approach and personality. Schedule consultations with your top candidates to evaluate their communication style, attentiveness, and willingness to answer your questions. Use this opportunity to ask about their experience with cases similar to yours, their approach to resolving disputes, and their fee structure.
Step 4: Assess the Attorney's Qualifications and Compatibility
After completing the steps above, you should have a solid understanding of each candidate's qualifications and suitability for your case. Consider factors such as their experience in family law, their reputation among clients and peers, and their communication skills. It's also crucial to assess your personal compatibility with the attorney, as you'll be working closely with them throughout your case. Trust your instincts and choose a family law expert who makes you feel comfortable and confident in their ability to represent your interests. As per Leonardo Mongillo's Law, this is How Family Lawyers Contribute to Happy & Secure Living.
Finding a reliable family law expert online may seem daunting, but by following these steps and considering the essential qualities outlined in this blog, you can confidently make an informed decision. Remember that the key to a successful outcome lies in thorough research, open communication, and a strong attorney-client relationship. Happy searching!
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Qualities of a Great Property Management Firm
When it comes to managing properties, whether it's residential or commercial, property owners often seek the assistance of property management firms to ensure smooth operations and maximize their investments. A great property management firm can make a significant difference in the success of a property, providing valuable expertise, efficiency, and peace of mind to property owners. In this blog post, we will explore the qualities that distinguish a great property management firm from the rest, highlighting their importance in delivering exceptional services and fostering long-term success.
Expertise and Knowledge One of the key qualities of a great property management firm is its depth of expertise and knowledge in the field. A reputable firm will have a team of professionals who possess a thorough understanding of the local real estate market, property laws, regulations, and best practices. This knowledge allows them to provide valuable advice and guidance to property owners, ensuring compliance with legal requirements and optimizing property performance.
Effective Communication Clear and efficient communication is vital for a property management firm to excel in its operations. A great firm establishes open lines of communication with property owners, tenants, and other stakeholders involved in the property management process. They promptly respond to queries, concerns, and maintenance requests, ensuring that all parties are well-informed and satisfied. Regular and transparent communication fosters trust and a positive working relationship, leading to long-term tenant retention and owner satisfaction.
Proactive Maintenance and Repairs Maintaining and preserving the value of a property is crucial for property owners. A great property management firm takes a proactive approach to maintenance and repairs, conducting regular inspections and addressing issues promptly. They have a network of reliable contractors and vendors who can provide quality services at competitive prices. By staying on top of maintenance needs, a property management firm minimizes the risk of costly repairs, ensures tenant satisfaction, and enhances property value.
Effective Marketing and Tenant Acquisition A successful property management firm understands the importance of effective marketing strategies to attract quality tenants. They employ various marketing channels, such as online listings, social media, and local advertising, to reach potential renters. A great firm also conducts thorough tenant screening processes, including background checks and verification of references, to ensure that only reliable and responsible tenants are selected. By employing effective marketing and tenant acquisition strategies, a property management firm minimizes vacancies and maximizes rental income for property owners.
Financial Expertise and Transparency A great property management firm demonstrates strong financial expertise and transparency. They handle financial matters, such as rent collection, accounting, and budgeting, with precision and accuracy. A reputable firm provides detailed financial reports to property owners on a regular basis, outlining income, expenses, and any repairs or maintenance costs. Transparent financial practices foster trust between the firm and property owners, allowing for informed decision-making and effective financial planning.
Legal Compliance and Risk Management Adhering to legal requirements and effectively managing risks are critical responsibilities of a property management firm. A great firm stays up-to-date with local, state, and federal laws regarding property management, ensuring that all properties under their care are compliant. They handle lease agreements, eviction processes, and tenant disputes in a professional and lawful manner. Furthermore, a great property management firm implements risk management strategies to minimize liability for property owners, such as adequate insurance coverage and preventive measures.
Commitment to Customer Service Providing exceptional customer service is a hallmark of a great property management firm. They prioritize the needs and satisfaction of both property owners and tenants. The firm promptly addresses concerns, handles maintenance requests efficiently, and ensures that all parties are treated with respect and professionalism. By prioritizing customer service, a property management firm enhances tenant satisfaction, which leads to increased tenant retention and positive word-of-mouth referrals. Additionally, a great property management firm understands that property owners are entrusting them with their valuable assets, and they strive to exceed expectations by delivering personalized service and going the extra mile to meet their needs.
Embracing Technology and Innovation In today's digital age, technology plays a vital role in streamlining property management processes and enhancing efficiency. A great property management firm embraces technological advancements and innovative solutions to optimize operations. They utilize property management software for tasks like rent collection, financial reporting, and maintenance tracking. Furthermore, they may employ online portals or mobile apps to facilitate communication between property owners, tenants, and the management firm. By leveraging technology, a property management firm can provide faster and more convenient services, improving the overall experience for all parties involved.
Flexibility and Adaptability The real estate industry is dynamic, and property management firms must be flexible and adaptable to navigate changing market conditions and emerging trends. A great property management firm stays ahead of the curve by continuously learning and evolving. They adapt their strategies to meet the unique needs of each property and adjust their approach based on market demands. Whether it's implementing new marketing techniques or adopting eco-friendly practices, a flexible and adaptable firm can effectively respond to challenges and seize opportunities to maximize property performance.
Strong Ethical Standards Integrity and ethical conduct are fundamental qualities of a great property management firm. They prioritize honesty, transparency, and fairness in all their dealings. A reputable firm follows ethical guidelines, treating all parties with respect and conducting business in an ethical and responsible manner. They maintain a high level of professionalism and adhere to ethical standards set by industry associations and regulatory bodies. Property owners can trust that their assets are being managed with integrity, and tenants can rely on fair treatment and ethical practices.
Choosing a property management firm is a crucial decision for property owners seeking to maximize their investments and minimize their involvement in day-to-day operations. A great property management firm possesses a combination of qualities that set them apart from the rest. From expertise and effective communication to proactive maintenance, marketing proficiency, financial transparency, legal compliance, exceptional customer service, technological integration, adaptability, and strong ethical standards, these qualities contribute to their overall success. By partnering with a great property management firm, property owners can have peace of mind, knowing that their properties are in capable hands and their investment is being managed to its full potential.
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