#Lawful Evil Equinox Janeway
grissomesque · 2 years
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Excuse me, what is this please. I opened a new tab and there's a discover option and Google has chosen this for me??
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ultralaser · 5 years
“we deleted the doctor’s ethical subroutines so now he’s evil like us and does the evil things we ask”
that’s not sufficient, the doctor doesn’t do moral things just because he’s programmed to, not after five full years of serving as a member of a heroic starfleet crew (and one who btw DOES NOT SLEEP and therefore has been awake 24/7 doing like, reading and research and watching tv or whatever ppl do for fun in the future)
this is a dude who served under KATHRYN JANEWAY and the writers are pretending that ‘ethical programming’ is the only thing keeping him from doing murders and nazi torture science and shit?  no
removing the doctor’s ethical subroutines wouldn’t turn him from lawful good to chaotic evil, it would turn him from lawful good to CHAOTIC GOOD
the doctor would be straight up lying to captain ransom about how he’s reprogramming seven to be more subservient, while actual outfitting her with a head-mounted laser and access codes to the equinox’ main computer so they could shut down the ship, free the kidnapped aliens, and then wait for janeway to catch up
the ppl who write these storylines need to learn that there are more than two options on a dnd alignment chart
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