#Lawrence Cremin
The family is the institution in which children have their earliest education, their earliest experiences in the learning of languages, the nurturance of cognitive, emotional, and motor competences, the maintenance of interpersonal relationships, the internalization of values, and the assignment of meaning to the world. Furthermore, the family is the institution within which children first develop ... their educative styles - their characteristic ways of engaging in, moving through and combining educative experiences over the lifespan. Given the changes in the structure, composition, and character of American families since World War II, and particularly during the past two decades, one would have reason to expect a far greater range and diversity of early education - to wit, a far greater range and diversity of languages, competences, values, personalities, and approaches to the world and to its educational opportunities.
Popular Education and its Discontents by Lawrence A. Cremin (©1990) Chapter 2: The Cacophony of Teaching
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herevawiwu · 2 years
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david558me · 4 years
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thierrytillier-blog · 6 years
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((( Vlak 3 ,,,
Contributors to VLAK 3 include
Ali Alizadeh, Guillermo Suarez Ara, Louis Armand, David Ashford, Zoe Beloff, Stuart Barnes, Bill Berkson, Charles Bernstein, Edmund Berrigan, Johannes Birringer, Sean Bonney, Michael Brennan, Nicole Brossard, Pam Brown, Robert Carrithers, Andrei Codrescu, Joshua Cohen, A.D. Coleman, Jennifer Cooke, Chris Crawford, Becky Cremin, Emily Critchley, Eric Cummings, Vincent Dachy, Steve Dalachinsky, Stephan Delbos, Jaroslav Divis, Vadim Erent, Allen Fisher, Steven J. Fowler, Ulli Freer, Christopher Funkhouser, Drew Gardner, Susana Gardner, Glass-Steagall Fraction, Filip Gordi, Catherine Hales, Vaclav Havel, John Hawke, David Hayman, Jeff Hilson, Jack Hirshman, Travis Holloway, Stewart Home, D.J. Huppatz, Peter Jaeger, Ivan Martin Jirous, Antony John, Jill Jones, Keith Jones, Pierre Joris, Robert Kiely, John Kinsella, Chris Kraus, Tom Leonard, Ruark Lewis, Erri De Luca, Richard Makin, Tom Mandel, Matt Martin, John Mateer, Aodan Mccardle, Mark Melnicove, Drew Milne, Peter Minter, Tara Mokhtari, Jeroen Nieuwland, Maldo Nollimerg, Damien Ober, Ryan Ormonde, Richard Parker, Olga Pekova, Marjorie Perloff, Holly Pester, Bern Porter, Michal Rehus, Jakub Repicky, Joan Retallack, William Rowe, David Ruzicka, Ryan Scott, Seekers of Lice, Ladislav Selepko, Josef Skvorecky, Philippe Sollers, Josef Straka, Stephanie Strickland, Benjamin Tallis, Thierry Tillier, Anthony Tognazzini, Adam Trachtman, Lawrence Upton, David Vichnar, Mckenzie Wark, Jacqueline Waters, Carol Watts, Karen Weiser, Michael Zand, Kamil Zbruz, Slavoj Zizek. …
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gloriitron · 8 years
Whenever we need a revolution, we get a new curriculum; which is to say, more than we acknowledge, our public schools lie at the center of our own civilization. When the tides shifts, as in the course of things it must, there will be another crest of criticism. And perhaps wee will have learned something from the last wave.
Lawrence cremin
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The educator Frederick Packard lamented that the schools were failing dismally in even their most fundamental tasks. He charged on the basis of personal visits to classrooms that nine out of ten youngsters were unable to read a newspaper, keep a simple debit and credit account, or draft an ordinary business letter. The writer James Fenimore Cooper was ready to grant that the lower schools were developing a greater range of talent than was the case in most other countries, but he pointed to what he thought was the superficiality of much of the work of the colleges and bemoaned the absence of genuine accomplishment in literature and the arts. ... A writer in Gunton's Magazine charged that as schooling had spread it had been made too easy and too entertaining. "The mental nourishment we spoonfeed our children," he observed, "is not only minced but peptonized so that their brains digest it without effort and without benefit and the result is the anaemic intelligence of the average American schoolchild."
Popular Education and its Discontents by Lawrence A. Cremin Chapter 1: Popular Schooling
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Using comparative data on child rearing in Russia and the United States, Bronfenbrenner catalogued the many situations in which adults and children interact freely in Soviet families, neighborhood centers, schools, youth programs, farms, shops, factories, and government bureaus, with certain common civic and moral goals held constantly before them. He then pointed to the relative paucity of such interactions in the United States, where television watching and peer group activities have tended to replace adult-child associations. "As we read the evidence," Bronfenbrenner concluded, "both from our own research and that of others, we cannot escape the conclusion that, if the current trend persists, if the institutions of our society continue to remove parents, other adults, and older youth from active participation in the lives of children, and if the resulting vacuum is filled by the age-segregated peer group, we can anticipate increased alienation, indifference, antagonism, and violence on the part of the younger generation in all segments of our society - middle-class children as well as the disadvantaged." By way of remedying the disruptive trends in the process of socialization in American society, Bronfenbrenner recommended a series of reforms, all designed to increase opportunities for children to associate with adults in realistic social situations where they could undertake genuine responsibility for worthwhile tasks.
Public Education by Lawrence A. Cremin Chapter 3: Public Education and the Education of the Public
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