#Le Consentement
lemaldusiecle · 4 months
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Le Consentement (2023)
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Le Consentement, Vanessa Filho (2023)
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philippebresson · 1 year
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An Eye for an Eye
Rappel des faits : vingt-quatre heures après la sortie du livre de V. S. "Le consentement" début 2020, le parquet de Paris avait ouvert une enquête pour viols sur mineurs de moins de 15 ans. Très bien. G. M. a donc fait l'objet en 2020 d'une enquête préliminaire. Tant mieux.
"Sauf rebondissement, l'enquête s'oriente, pour cause de prescription, vers un classement sans suite", lisait-on dans les colonnes du Monde en octobre 2021. Dommage, sans doute.
Loin de moi l'idée de défendre l'homme visé par cette enquête, mais quelque chose me dérange dans l'adaptation du livre de V. S. au cinéma prévue pour octobre 2023, dans le contexte sus-cité.
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Si Vanessa Filho avait réalisé son film "Le consentement" en s'inspirant de l'histoire relatée par V. S. dans son livre éponyme et en changeant le nom des personnages, c'eût été différent. Mais le livre s'étant vendu à des milliers d'exemplaires, on peut facilement imaginer que l'idée d'une adaptation littérale fut reçue comme "pain béni" par les producteurs et autres investisseurs pour qui, on le sait, la fin justifie les moyens.
Pourtant, tant que la justice n'a pas statué, il s'agit bien de "la parole de l'une contre celle de l'autre". De quel "droit" met-on en scène dans un film de cinéma des personnages existants dont certains, on s'en doute, n'ont pas donné leur "consentement", quand il s'agit d'un dossier aussi litigieux que celui-là ?
Purplewashing, again and again ?
Lui a fait d'elle son héroïne littéraire autant que sa victime ; elle (à son corps défendant peut-être) fait de lui, héraut-bourreau de son adolescence, un héros de cinéma.
Sous les yeux ébahis-ébaudis d'un public complice toujours plus avide de scénari à la mode Law of Retaliation (Lex Talionis, Eye for an Eye, Loi du Talion), leur histoire continue... Et c'est bien ça le plus pervers dans une relation perverse : ça ne s'arrête jamais.
(P. B.)
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whorejolras · 7 months
me in the brick club chat in february: "detailed analysis and discussions of sex work and feminism with modern and canon era sources"
me in the brick club chat in 6 months: "so here's why enjolras and grantaire are lesbians"
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bri-does-art · 7 months
Will you be leaving Tumblr?
Most likely.
From the looks of it, our data has already been compiled and will be handed over tomorrow (I don't have details, the article is locked behind an account creation pop-up) so there's little that can be done for what's already been posted.
I have very little faith that asking those giants to take out our data is going to lead anywhere. There is no obligation in the contract for them to do so.
And even if I were to opt-out, (if that's even going to work at all, remember how well "opting-out" of Tumblr Live worked?) do I really want to keep giving my engagement to a website that feels free to do that kind of scummy shit behind the backs of their userbase? No warning, no talks, no transparency at all? This sits really wrong with me.
So, unfortunately, I most likely will leave Tumblr.
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jloisse · 10 months
Ils veulent parler aux émotions et aux instincts des foules qu'ils pensent irrationnelles, prêtes à avaler les mensonges les plus grossiers.
Ces méthodes ont été utilisées en 1916 pour faire accepter l'entrée en guerre des États-Unis auprès de l'opinion publique américaine : il était déjà question de mensonges à propos de bébés embrochés dans des bâillonnettes par des soldats allemands en Belgique.
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pia-writes-things · 2 years
Aujourd'hui, c'est l'anniversaire de la première fois que j'ai vu KV1, mais aussi de mon entrée "officielle" dans le fandom !
Et je voulais toustes vous dire une grand MERCI ! L'année 2022 a été une des années les plus bizarres de ma vie, faites de hauts très hauts et de bas très bas, et la série, le film et vous toustes m'avez accompagnée et donné plein d'amour et permis de ne pas devenir totalement folle ou déprimée pendant certaine périodes.
C'est aussi grâce à vous que je me suis améliorée en écriture, grâce à vos commentaires trop choupi qui me redonnaient le sourire et la motivation à chaque fois !
Donc voilà, je voulais vraiment vous dire un grand merci : sans le fandom, mon année aurait été un peu moins belle, un peu plus sombre et un peu plus morne qu'elle ne l'a été, donc merci, vraiment.
Spéciale dédicace à @saecookie pour m'avoir fait découvrir l'univers, présenté au fandom et beta-reading quasi toutes mes fics KT, à @moon-arts02 pour avoir pris tellement de temps pour illustrer Remonter la pente et refaire mes journées, et pour son cadeau du secret santa incroyable, à @dagonet pour tous les gifs qui me remettent dans mes feels de la meilleure des manières, à @pigeonneaux pour les fanarts magnifiques, à @sloubs pour les takes incroyables sur KT (mais aussi sur AA, réel queen behaviour sur ces takes là), à @ironist-lady pour les fanfics Pendranièvre incroyable et à @superiorkenshi pour être le meilleur lutin du secret santa à qui offrir quelque chose <3
Mais globalement, merci à TOUSTES !! Je suis trop contente de faire partie du fandom, je vous aime toustes d'amour et j'espère pouvoir continuer comme ça looongtemps <3
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bellshazes · 1 year
calling the third life punishments for armor wearing extra-judicial assassinations is unfair because it implies third life had a justice system. it really only had a chorus of bloodthirsty ghost-spectators in the end which could be a judiciary if you wanted I guess
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z0r0z · 2 years
i rly want to write intoxicated sex but i don't want to get grief from the weirdos on here who think any alcohol/drug consumption = absolutely unable to consent
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lys-9-10 · 2 years
Seeing this popular post in the Les Mis fandom about how the focus of Fantine's story in the book isn't the "horror of prostitution", it's the "horror of poverty". The post is correct in many ways – it is indeed the case that most of Fantine’s chapters in the Brick focus on her descent into poverty.  But I think the OP’s discussion is missing something very crucial...
Consider the following scenario: A man whom a woman has entrusted to care for her daughter turns on that woman and says “If you don’t have sex with me, I will turn your grievously ill daughter out into the streets in the dead of winter, where she will certainly die.” So the horrified, desperate woman has sex with him. That man would (or should!!) be charged with rape. The woman would be the victim of the very traumatic experience of rape. 
This is essentially Fantine’s situation. Except instead of being coerced by the threat of her daughter’s death into having unwanted sex with only one man, she’s coerced into having unwanted sex with multiple men multiple times a day. In other words, she’s essentially suffering the trauma of that rape victim multiple times a day. 
The horror of Fantine's prostitution is not only, as the OP suggests, about her being stigmatized/criminalized by the police. It is about that #MeToo nightmare. Even if Javert hadn't been an ass to Fantine, she would still be in the horrific situation of being forced by desperation to repeatedly have unwanted sex.
Fantine was not a freely consenting sex worker who had a genuine desire to engage in that profession. Hugo’s emphasis on Fantine’s poverty serves to drive this point home – he is clear that prostitution was her last resort and literally the only option she saw to make enough money to keep Cosette from dying. As such, I think the point of Hugo’s poignant descriptions of Fantine’s poverty is not only to illustrate the horror of poverty itself (though certainly that too, and I agree with the OP that other adaptations of Les Miz could have emphasized that part more) but also to illustrate the horror of being coerced by desperate circumstances into unwanted sex/unwanted prostitution.
Hugo says: “What is the true story of Fantine? It is the story of society’s purchase of a slave. A slave purchased from poverty, hunger, cold, loneliness, defencelessness, destitution... We say that slavery has vanished from European civilization but this is not true. Slavery still exists, but now it applies only to women and its name is prostitution.” 
Now to be clear,  I don’t agree with this quote’s blanket statement that prostitution/sex work = slavery. Obviously people enter the sex industry with varying degrees of autonomy, and not everyone faces the same level of extreme desperation that Fantine did.
But my purpose in including the quote is to show that Hugo does strongly make the point that the crux of Fantine’s poverty saga is that it forced her into prostitution. He views that coercion into prostitution as a central part of Fantine's tragedy. And I think the OP downplayed/overlooked this....
I just felt compelled to say something about this, because I've been noticing a trend of people forgetting to consider the importance of sexual consent when it comes to sex work. Thanks to #MeToo, most people are now quick to understand the injustice of someone being pressured into sex in non-commercial contexts... but seem less quick to understand this when it comes to commercial sex (ie. sex work).
If we want a #MeToo culture where sexual consent matters, standards for consent need to be applied across the board, wherever sex happens - including in sex work.
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tengoku-au · 2 years
Why did LE not rob that unconscious Day6 member?
It's complicated. Elly is returning to Tengoku after a long time away and it's not for anything GOOD. She's travelling alone because she's been alone for a while and it's what she prefers. But she saw him laying in the dirt and she felt like she needed to do something. Plus she figured she would just give him water to see if he was even alive. If he was dead, who cared? She'd rob him and be done with it. But he wasn't dead and she couldn't just leave him. (Especially because like... if he isn't from around here and he goes into Tengoku unprepared, he's a dead man anyway.)
She dragged him to a cave, a natural shelter in the last stretch of wilderness before the city and just waited for him to wake up. He slept a while and she just kind of sat beside the fire and bode her time and waited. She was half-expecting him to just up and die anyway.
But, sure enough, morning broke and Younghyun woke up.
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woestruckalex · 5 months
i just watched the most disgusting movie about pedophilia im gonna throw up
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awesomefridayca · 6 months
Home Video: The 2024 Canadian Screen Award Nominees and Where to Buy, Rent, or Stream Them
It’s nearly time again for the Canadian Screen Awards, which will take place from May 28th to 31st, 2024. This year’s crop of nominees represents stellar Canadian filmmaking. Last year saw some changes in the acting categories. Last year, they were made gender-neutral (and the number of nominees increased to eight). This year, they have been separated into awards for comedy and drama, still with…
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ladyelainehilfur · 7 months
While I hope that the efforts people on Tumblr take will do considerable damage to ai generation data sets, nothing will be more effective than big corporations that rely on creative art (newspapers, ad agencies, publishing companies, etc) acknowledging the data sets are pulling from their copyrighted content as well, leading them to sue the absolute hell out of these companies, maybe in a nation-wide class action-type lawsuit.
It's easy to ignore one artist who does draws as a hobby, or even a career artist speaking up against image generation, but I need heads to roll when these corporations and big celebrity names start going after AI. I know some are forging ahead with AI, hoping to save on future costs, but for the sake of creative careers, the big people need to team up with the little people to pressure Congress to either outlaw the monetization of past, present, and future AI images, or compensate all users with data stolen to fuel image sets.
If artificial explicit images of Taylor Swift could cause the White House to scramble promising a bill to protect citizens from AI abuse, a lot more could happen a lot more quickly to preserve our work as artists from people too lazy to simply pick up a pen and learn (or properly pay an artist) like the rest of us.
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jade-curtiss · 1 year
El pop a 5 ans dans un contex politik: tu di oué a toute mé fa tassion mé toé tu kont po
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bellshazes · 1 year
keep forgetting I have had chapter 5 of du contrat social du droit de vie & de mort open in a tab for a month or more. I just think it's neat.
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