#Le Discoursé
sorrowschengmei · 2 years
the fact nowadays we need a whole ass term with clear definitions to just say 'person who doesnt care about wtf everyone is shipping/the tropes they enjoy' is depressing ngl
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harrowscore · 4 years
No, not that "superheroes are the new USA mythology" bullshit again
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mutantbanner · 2 years
like if you HONESTLY think you're Morally Superior than people who actually spend their lives fucking like, advocating for marginalized populations and volunteering and protesting, because you spend all your time getting involved in Le Twitteur Discoursé and tell people who watch MCU movies to kill themselves... You seriously gotta reevaluate your priorities here lol
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systlin · 4 years
Re a fairly recent ask abt "pan=transphobic," there exist pansexual people who frame pansexuality as "like bi but includes trans people." I'm not into Le Discoursé enough to know for sure but I'm pretty sure they're distinctly a minority within pan people? But for that group of pan people the attitude feels simltnsly like "we're so much more Woque than bi people" and also "trans people aren't really members of the gender they say they are but we still like them." Hence the pan=transphobic takes.
Weird. I guess there are some exclusionary weirdos everywhere.
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You ever seen the blog "canonlgbtcharacteroftheday"? It's a blog dedicated to listing all of the canonical LGBT characters in fiction. Rose is on it as bisexual and the mods tend to attract a discourse by defending her as bi from naysayers.
I have indeed seen that blog and reblogged that post! I’m a little mixed on my feelings, since she’s not CANNON anything- other than not straight. She could be pan or ace or questioning or a lesbian, we don’t actually know for sure, but at the same time I don’t think she could be more obviously multiple-gender attracted while still being in a committed relationship with a woman and while being written by a straight man. I am sad that they attract le discoursé, it’s… it’s just really unfortunate
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justmonicca · 7 years
(2/2) So FE12 is very much recycled from FE11 but 12 has a customizable main unit. The tutorial chapters are playing as a new recruit in Marth's army and you play through it with a few other characters who stick with you through the whole game. It really gives you a much stronger sense of investment because the game takes the time to establish that these are your friends - not just random soldiers you can throw into battle. Compared to FE11 where you just control Marth and a buncha dudes.
Good continuation! I like your involvement in Le Discoursé
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sorrowschengmei · 2 years
if you think you can anthagonise and mock me on my posts you're getting BLOCKED
I'm a Xue Yang apologist. i assume you are too if you make content of him. if i find out you're not you get blocked. simple as that
i don't want to fight and if you're here to try to start a commotion you can eat this big fat block. I'm here to agree with ppl, i already have the whole world to disagree with
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