#Legal Assistance Hurstville
maranofamilylawyers · 1 month
Legal Assistance in Hurstville
If you are looking for legal assistance, it’s important to find a lawyer that is friendly and will work hard to protect your rights. You should also make sure that the lawyer you hire has the experience necessary to handle your case.
Antony Mastrogiannis is a well-respected lawyer and the principal solicitor at AM Legal Compensation Lawyers in Hurstville, Sydney. He is an accredited specialist in compensation law and has represented clients against large employers and insurance providers. He is fluent in conversational Greek and stays abreast of legal changes.
Will & Testament law
A will is a legal document that Legal Assistance Hurstville how you would like your property and assets to be distributed after your death. It also allows you to nominate guardians for any minor children you have. Having a will can help reduce the stress on your loved ones and ensure that your wishes are carried out.
A last will and testament also identifies an executor who is responsible for paying outstanding expenses and debts. The will can also specify a “residuary estate,” which is the remaining assets after bequests and other expenses are paid.
A good lawyer can help you deal with family issues such as separation, child custody or divorce. They can help you prepare the necessary paperwork and guide you through the process. They can also provide advice on the best course of action for your situation. This is important because it can save you time, money and effort. It can also help you get the justice you deserve.
Trust law
Trusts are used for a wide variety of purposes in both personal and commercial settings. While they may seem geared primarily toward high-net-worth individuals, they can also serve families of modest means. For example, a family with a child with a physical or mental disability might use a trust to ensure the child receives proper care. A family might also establish a trust to preserve their property and avoid taxes.
Trust law is a highly specialized area of law that varies significantly by state.
However, there are certain common elements of the law that apply nationwide.
State law also governs the types of trusts that are permitted and how they operate.
Trusts can hold title to a wide variety of disparate assets, including publicly traded securities, illiquid closely held business interests, real estate and tangible personal property. They can be established during a person’s life through a trust instrument or in a will. Unlike other methods of transferring titles, trusts can provide continued management of the assets for multiple generations and even in perpetuity.
Personal injury law
Personal injury law, also known as tort law, covers the circumstances under which individuals pursue legal recourse in court for physical, mental, reputational, and property damage caused intentionally, accidentally, or negligently by another individual or corporation. It is one of the broadest areas of law and may even include cases against governmental entities.
Many types of personal injury claims in OKC involve complex liability issues and require expert legal assistance. Whether victims are facing mounting medical bills or lost income, they need to work with an attorney to obtain fair compensation.
Legal Assistance Hurstville is dedicated to helping people with personal injury matters. They offer free advice through their NSW legal hotline and work hard to provide a strong defence for their clients. They also operate on a contingency fee basis, meaning they only get paid if their client receives financial compensation. This makes it easier for people to afford quality legal assistance. This arrangement is particularly helpful for those with limited budgets.
Criminal law
Criminal law is a system of rules that Will Lawyer Sydney the public by deterring crime, punishing offenders, and rehabilitating them. It is distinct from civil law, which deals with disputes between private parties. A person may be prosecuted under criminal law for any act or omission that violates the laws of the state or federal government. It is the government, not the victim, that initiates criminal prosecution and imposes punishment.
Felonies are the most serious crimes, and are punishable by state prison or even death. Misdemeanors are less severe and include property crimes and disorderly conduct. Drug offenses range from simple possession to the distribution, manufacturing, or sale of drugs. Domestic violence is also a significant criminal offense.
The standard of proof in a criminal case is very high, and requires that the evidence presented to the jury be highly probable. This is a far higher standard than in a civil case, where the burden of proof is only a preponderance of the evidence.
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zarafoodrecipe · 5 years
Relocating jobs is only way to cut commute
The surging demand for Sydney trains simply reflects their massively subsidised low fares. With all NSW taxpayers footing an annual subsidy nearing $2 billion, fares only recoup a small proportion of operating costs. And this is before completion of new lines costing more than $30 billion. Retention of the current fare levels would then hike the annual subsidy to astronomical levels at which time our state government would likely privatise Sydney Trains and allow the new operator the monopoly to price gouge, as happens at Sydney Airport. Returning fares to break-even levels over time would pressure commuters to live closer to their work or schools, bring usage levels into line with competing options such as tollways, and provide Sydney Trains with the income required to properly maintain its impressive network.- Michael Britt, MacMasters Beach I'm guessing the people who are canvassing these price hikes haven't seen the inside of public transport for many years. Here's an idea to reduce passenger crowding at peak hours: provide more trains. Introducing a price hike in Australia's most expensive city will simply drive more people from our overcrowded trains to our overcrowded roads. - Penny Auburn, Newport There are at least two ways to reduce the peak-hour crush on trains. The first is for offices and businesses to change their working hours, either permanently or in rotation where some start work later than others. The second is to run trains more frequently. Statistics must exist that indicate the number of passengers exiting which trains from which lines at which time of the day. This would give an indication as to which businesses should be targeted for changing staff working times. - Anne Roberts, Leichhardt Folau has a right to air views I hope the Israel Folau saga does not herald the beginning of the end of democracy in this country ("I couldn't care less what Folau says, but the impact it can have is undeniable", May 3). Gay marriage is legal in this country with the protection of the law, but the right to disagree is absolutely necessary. A few years ago, gay marriage was legalised with 60 per cent of the population voting for it - meaning 40 per cent did not, for whatever reason. Should that 40 per cent be silenced? Personal liberty is the glue that holds a robust democracy together, not repression of points of view. - Roger Cedergreen, South Hurstville The LGBTQI community are not alone in feeling isolated, ridiculed, excluded and friendships curtailed because they are considered "different". Ask many committed Christians how they feel when they've worked in an office and witnessed the behaviour of their fellow colleagues towards them when they refused to condone extra-marital relationships, greed, fornication, dishonesty. Or what about the person converted to Christianity from another faith who has been disinherited and disowned? Christians are quite familiar with suffering for the sake of their beliefs. The treatment of Folau is just another example of what has been happening to Christians for 2000 years. - Nan Howard, Camden To see the Bible as historical evidence puts a different meaning onto "historical" and "evidence" than is customary (Letters, May 3). Your correspondent may be skilled in beliefs, faith, values and Biblical content, but his knowledge of contract law, which is the issue at hand, may be lacking. - Ian Muldoon, Coffs Harbour The reverend references my favourite oxymoron: biblical evidence. - Peter Moran, Oak Flats Electorate exile I first read Brian Pearn's article with smugness I am, after all, living east of the shire's great dividing line ("A dire Shire: seat of PM's power goes a bridge too far", May 3). But then I realised that Yowie Bay is right next to Gymea Bay, which makes me a western citizen of Cook: maybe we will be exiled in the next redistribution? But don't despair, Brian. Our PM travels west over that cruel border to the shire's real heart of Sutherland to participate in his church service every Sunday. You haven't been totally exiled from cultural wholeness. - Leanne Jarvis, Yowie Bay Brian Pearns is not the only one with reason to gripe over electoral boundaries. The seat of Warringah, heart of the insular peninsular, has spread its tentacles across the Spit Bridge and now has a stranglehold on Mosman. Not only does the area have to endure the hordes of Warringahite motorists clogging its roads, but it has to suffer the indignity of being identified as the same as its lead-footed invaders. - Graham Short, Cremorne I'm a voter in Scott Morrison's seat of Cook. He will more than likely be returned on May 18. My concern is how long will it be before we face a byelection, if the ALP wins government? I can't see Morrison enjoying the next few years on the opposition benches. What's his plan B? - Barry Ffrench, Cronulla Social media outs the bad apples How fascinating that election candidates are dropping like flies after evidence of their racist, sexist and homophobic views are found on social media ("Labor set to disendorse controversial candidate over offensive remarks", smh.com.au, May 3). This is a warning to people that what they post on social media will be there to haunt them for years to come. We always thought it may affect future job prospects and now we see it in action. - Pauline Paton, Centennial Park If any young person has aspirations to serve Australia as a parliamentary representative in future years they probably should have nothing to do with social media. - Patrick St George, Goulburn In the many years that I have been a voter, I have never seen a greater mess than that which has appeared in the current election. The main problem is the number of candidates who have been disendorsed or who are "under suspicion" by their party. The simplest solution is to permit polling booth officials to rule a line through the name of such candidates. This avoids creating wasted votes, that is votes for these people, and will also prevent the significant number of byelections that will almost certainly occur in the next 12 months. It may teach committees who pre-select these candidates to do their research more thoroughly. Many is the time when I have been a polling booth officer who wished that I had had something positive to do in the "quiet times" during voting. - Geoff Lewis, Raglan On another planet "A new nastiness", Tony Abbott (" 'A new nastiness': Police target offensive posters", May 3)? You cheerfully helped to lower the standards of campaigning when Julia Gillard was prime minister. Reap what you sow. - Sandra Willis, Beecroft And on the third week of the election campaign, Abbott uttered his 11th commandment: Thou shalt love thy neighbour more than thy planet ("Captain calls on powers of persuasion", May 3). That would be the very same planet that supplies the air we breathe and sustains all living things. - Renata Bali, Thurgoona Saving the planet or saving Warringah: it sounds like the arguments 200 years ago by those who opposed abolishing slavery. It would cost jobs on the docks and in the cotton mills economic madness. Morality eventually prevailed that time. - Susan Braham, Greenwich Abbott is quoted as saying "we subcontract too much out to experts already. Do we want experts to tell us what kind of cars to drive how big our cattle herds should be?". Clearly Abbott is not relying on any experts for his views on climate change. So what are his views based on? His gut feeling? - Anthony Drysdale, Bowral Win-win for childcare Quite apart from the fact that long-time-coming pay increases for childcare workers are well deserved they are also pivotal in obtaining the best for our children ("Childcare wages pledge would cost budget $1.6b", May 2). The best childcare workers use early educational practices and early intervention strategies which help reduce longer-term problems. A win on all counts. - Janice Creenaune, Austinmer Putting aid first Michael Fullilove points to stark differences in Labor and the Coalition's policy on aid ("A world of difference goes unnoticed", May 3) . Since coming to government, the Coalition's cumulative cuts to aid after inflation currently stand at 27 per cent with more cuts to come should they be returned to government. This is despite the "debt and deficit'' rationale for the cuts now being replaced by a promised budget surplus. It's worth noting that this year's budget also included cuts to some of the best performing DFAT programs in countries such as Indonesia, Bangladesh and Cambodia. Whilst a dollar increase has not been explicit, the 2018 ALP National Conference committed to increasing Australia's official development assistance as a percentage of Gross National Income every year that they are in office starting with their first budget, with stronger investment in their key priority areas of health, education, climate change, gender and infrastructure. Aid may not be a vote winner in this election, but given Australia is currently swimming against a tide of most donor countries increasing their generosity, the potential long-term reputational and practical impacts of continued cuts to aid should not be ignored. - Maree Nutt, Newport Reasoned thinking The statement "this is a free country" is frequently quoted by all and sundry, so why should voters not be free to prepoll vote when it suits them (Letters, May 3)? Standing in a long queue on polling day, especially if very hot or pouring with rain does not appeal to everyone. Votes cast prepoll may also be more reasoned and less influenced by the wild promises handed out in the final days of a campaign. - Stephanie Edwards, Roseville I imagine the Electoral Commission isn't much interested in being "more stringent" about verifying people's claims to be entitled to vote early. And rightly so. Provided people do it on or before polling day, does it really matter when and why? - Adrian Connelly, Springwood Unsung heroes of healthcare We're always hearing that cuts in hospital funding undermine patient care, as in the battle between public hospitals and private health insurers over who should pay for their treatment. But I was fortunate enough to experience the finest of care at Royal North Shore public hospital in Sydney recently when no mention was made of hospital funding issues. The 40 medical staff's job prescription could have read "need to be superheroes and be on alert to save lives every second". These unsung heroes, including the nurse practitioners, pharmacists, specialists and transplant coordinator, looked after me unbelievably well and I will be grateful to them forever more. - Louise Darmody, Waverton Send Archibald packing David Wenham, a supporter of the Wayside Chapel and all-round decent bloke, is shown in a thoughtful pose in Tessa Mackay's portrait ("More wrinkles please: actor's feedback packs winning punch", May 3). Is he perhaps wondering if the upcoming election will deliver a kinder, gentler society? Probably as slim a chance as a Packing Room Prize winner winning the Archibald. - Joan Brown, Orange No Packing Room Prize winner has gone on to win the Archibald Prize. Is the reason snobbery? The panel of judges would baulk at voting for an entry that has won the Packing Room Prize. - Kim Woo, Mascot Sanger slang Snags? Sangers? I went to the butchers the other day and asked for half-a-dozen snarlers (Letters, May 3). To no avail: I had to translate. That's what we called sausages in New Zealand - well, back in the day at least. - Paul Hewson, Clontarf Initial misgivings For a change, I felt I had a chance of completing Friday's cryptic crossword when the letters DP appeared in the top right hand corner. Usually, the only clue I can solve is DA - Don't Attempt (Puzzles, May 3). - William Galton, Hurstville Grove Postscript There's sticking your head in a bear's jaw, and then there's accusing the ABC of bias. Peter Smith's complaint of a "relentless anti-Coalition campaign" by the national broadcaster attracted much furious disagreement, some like-minded assertions, and questions for us here holding the ring. "Why would you publish a letter with such a totally unsubstantiated assertion?" challenged Jeff Siegel, of Armidale. To which we say: since we are canvassing a topic so firmly in the eye of the beholder, we require no more examples from Peter than we would seek from, say, someone attributing bias to an arm of the press owned by a certain US citizen. Not until we get more column space, anyway. Some balance is available to Malcolm Freak's "Coalition bingo" from Rosemary O'Brien: "In four minutes flat, Labor luminaries will mention: climate change, Turnbull's sacking, the big end of town, non-taxpaying multinationals, penalty rates, indulged retirees, Dutton and Abbott, water neglect, hospitals and health, and a huge grant to something worthwhile. They'll religiously steer clear of Adani and Bill's lack of popularity." Stopwatches have now been put away. A loss in the Letters family: "My father James Prior of Sylvania Waters passed away on Tuesday," advised Michael Prior. "He had over 100 articles published in the Herald and The Australian beginning in the 1950s. His articles were generally about forgotten Australian women. He achieved the trifecta with a letter in Good Weekend, the Herald and The Sun-Herald in one weekend. He earned a PhD at 85 and was given the added bonus of an Honorary Column 8 PhD. Many readers will remember his letters as witty and often controversial. I'm sure he will be missed by many." Our condolences, with gratitude. Mark Sawyer, Letters co-editor To submit a letter to The Sydney Morning Herald, email [email protected]. Click here for tips on how to submit letters. Most Viewed in National Loading https://www.smh.com.au/national/nsw/relocating-jobs-is-only-way-to-cut-commute-20190503-p51jvc.html?ref=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_source=rss_feed
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maranofamilylawyers · 1 month
What Does a Legal Advisor Do?
A legal adviser is an attorney who provides legal counsel and services to organisations. The job requires a bachelor’s degree, training and examinations like CLAT.
Our Sydney contested estate lawyers help clients fight for their share of an estate. They can also defend a client against criminal charges. Their work is often conducted pro bono.
A solicitor is a legal professional who Legal advisor Sydney in certain areas of law. They can help you with a range of legal matters, including criminal, commercial, and family law. They can also assist with property and employment law issues.
A qualified solicitor will have undergone undergraduate or postgraduate tertiary study and practical training to qualify for the legal profession. They must be admitted to the Australian Lawyers Roll before they can legally practice in Australia.
Zulekha has a strong interest in commercial, property and migration law. She has handled a variety of matters and has appeared in the Supreme Court of NSW on behalf of clients. She understands the importance of providing cost effective advice and resolving disputes in the quickest way possible. She also has a thorough understanding of the Australian legislative and regulatory regimes.
Barristers are independent, specialist advocates trained to appear in a courtroom. They provide objective advice on particular legal problems for lawyers, solicitors, businesses and governments and also act as mediators or in alternative dispute resolution processes.
Most people seeking legal assistance will engage a solicitor who will determine whether or not the services of a barrister are needed. Solicitors have good working relationships with many barristers and are able to recommend the most suitable one for a case.
The firm Lyons Law has highly experienced criminal and civil lawyers that are able to deal with any type of legal case. Contact them for a free consultation. They are expert in building disputes and construction contracts. Their principal lawyer, John Dela Cruz has over a decade of experience as a legal practitioner and handles construction disputes for clients day in and out.
Corporate Lawyer
A corporate lawyer is an indispensable legal architect for businesses, navigating them through the legal complexities and safeguarding their interests. They handle a wide range of legal issues including contracts, intellectual property, and regulatory compliance. They also help companies structure their operations in a tax-efficient way.
A Sydney corporate lawyer from Open Legal will work with you to understand your business and determine the best course of action to protect your interests. They will also ensure that your company is in compliance with all applicable laws.
The typical career path for a corporate lawyer in Australia involves completing a Bachelor of Laws (LLB) or Juris Doctor (JD). Following this, they must undertake practical legal training before being admitted to practice law. They may specialise in a particular area of law or practice general commercial and corporate law.
Break and Enter Lawyer
The crime of break and enter is a serious one that can result in imprisonment. Having an experienced Sydney criminal defence lawyer is vital for defending yourself against this charge.
You may have a legal defence of duress if you were forced to commit the break and enter offence by someone else. You can also use a defence of necessity where you entered the property to protect yourself or someone else from harm or to prevent a crime being committed.
Our expert aggravated break and enter lawyers regularly attend court on these matters and will provide you with immediate, accurate and realistic advice in relation to any possible or likely defences available to you. We have a strong focus on getting your charges dropped or downgraded early and have a proven record of success.
Criminal Lawyer
If you or someone you know is facing criminal Family Lawyer Hurstville, the right lawyer can make all the difference between liberty and incarceration. A top Sydney criminal defence lawyer will have the experience, dedication and commitment to protect your rights and ensure that you get a fair outcome.
Kent specialises in defending serious and complex matters including indecent assault, acts of indecency, drug offences, proceeds of crime, burglary and fraud. He also regularly appears in Local Court matters, District and Supreme Court jury and judge-alone trials as well as appeals to the Court of Criminal Appeal.
He is a fierce advocate for his clients, always giving honest and realistic advice. He ensures that each client receives his undivided commitment and attention to their case, as well as a high standard of professional representation in Court.
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maranofamilylawyers · 5 months
Legal Assistance in Australia
Legal assistance is available for people who cannot afford to pay for their own legal representation. It is provided through state and territory based legal aid commissions.
In addition to this, some States and territories also fund community legal centres. These are independent not-for-profit organisations that provide referral, advice and assistance.
Family Law Solicitors
If you need help with a legal matter that involves Legal Assistance Sydney, you should find a reputable and experienced lawyer. In Sydney, there are several family lawyers who specialize in divorce, child custody, property settlement, and other related matters. They can provide advice and guidance and represent you in court if necessary. They can also provide emotional support during this difficult time.
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There are many ways to find a good family law solicitor, including online directories and word of mouth. You can also read client reviews on online platforms to gauge customer satisfaction. A good family law firm should have a strong reputation and years of experience in the field.
In Australia, there are state and territory based legal aid commissions that provide free or lowcost legal assistance. These agencies are independent, not for profit organizations. They work with government funds to deliver services to citizens in need. They also offer advice and referrals to alternative service providers.
Criminal Law Solicitors
If you’re facing criminal law charges in Sydney, you need a reputable defence lawyer. They will be honest with you from the outset and help you understand your case. They will be your advocate inside and outside of the courtroom. They will help you avoid jail time and keep your conviction off your record.
Nick Hanna is one of Australia’s most renowned criminal lawyers. He regularly appears in the NSW Local, District and Supreme courts. He has defended a wide range of cases including drug trafficking, serious fraud and sexual offences. He is also an accredited specialist in criminal law by the Law Society.
The Australian Legal Aid Commission provides free or lowcost legal assistance to economically disadvantaged people in Australia. It is delivered through solicitors and barristers in private practice, community legal centres and not-for-profit advice agencies. It is funded by the government. You can find out more about it on the Legal Aid NSW website.
Commercial Law Solicitors
Sydney’s commercial lawyers are specialized legal professionals who assist businesses in navigating complex legal frameworks and adhering to compliance regulations. They also help businesses deal with various employment, contractual, insurance and commercial transaction legalities. These lawyers ensure that business owners make sound decisions and avoid any litigation arising from disputes.
Legal assistance is provided to economically disadvantaged Australians through a variety of delivery models, including law centres, community legal clinics and payment of private solicitors. Most state and territory governments, in conjunction with the Commonwealth, fund legal aid commissions and their affiliated non-profit organisations.
Kells brings a unique approach to the legal profession by offering specialist, tailored advice and a highly personalized service to its clients. Its team of business lawyers are experts in their respective fields and are committed to supporting the growth and success of their clients. They offer a free consultation to discuss your business requirements and provide you with the best possible legal solution.
Property Law Solicitors
Property law is a complex field Family Lawyers Sydney, and property lawyers are specialized legal professionals who specialize in real estate transactions. They often represent large institutional and international clients with substantial property portfolios in Australia. Their services include advising on investment acquisitions, disposals and development projects. Moreover, they also assist with land and environmental issues.
ABP Lawyers is a highly-regarded property law firm that offers bespoke service to their clients. They take the time to get to know their clients and their requirements, enabling them to craft a tailored strategy that produces ideal results. Their clientfocused ethos is what sets them apart from the competition.
Day Legal Specialist Property Lawyers is a Sydney-based law firm that specializes in property law. Their team of lawyers provides expert advice, while utilizing the latest technology. Their services are affordable and offer peace of mind for their clients. They are also available 24/7 to answer any questions you may have about your legal matter.
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maranofamilylawyers · 7 months
Why It Is Important To Seek Legal Assistance From A Qualified Solicitor
When seeking legal advice, it is important to choose a solicitor with the right qualifications. A qualified lawyer will be able to navigate the complex legal complexities associated with family law and personal injury claims. They will also keep abreast of changes in the law.
The mission of a legal aid program is to ensure equal access to justice by providing high-quality civil Legal Assistance Hurstville to low-income people. These programs are independent, nonprofit, and free of charge.
Family law
LSNYC provides direct legal representation to DV survivors in all family law matters including obtaining and enforcing protection orders; pursuing and defending uncontested and contested divorces; child custody and access; parenting agreements; and spousal support/maintenance. It also provides assistance in resolving disputes without the need for a court hearing.
Antony has a thorough understanding of the principles behind compensation law and
is well placed to provide advice on how they affect his clients’ cases. He is committed to achieving successful outcomes and provides client service that is second to none.
Those with low incomes may qualify for free legal services provided by Legal Aid. These agencies offer help in a variety of areas, including housing, family, employment, domestic violence, consumer, and public benefits. They also provide free information on the law and court procedure.
Criminal law
Whether you’re in Hurstville or any other Sydney suburb, it is essential to seek legal assistance after being arrested for a criminal offence. A good criminal lawyer will ensure that you are aware of your rights and will help you to avoid any unnecessary punishments. They can also challenge evidence or the way in which police have obtained it, which may result in a reduced or even dismissal of charges.
If you’ve been charged with a drug-related offence, you should immediately consult a criminal defence lawyer. They can help you fight the charge by arguing that the drug was not in your possession. They can also negotiate for alternative penalties like community service or treatment instead of prison time.
AM Legal Compensation Lawyers is a Sydney-based law firm that offers expert legal services. They have a strong track record in helping clients with their injury claims. Their principal, Antony Mastrogiannis, is a respected compensation lawyer who is committed to protecting the interests of his clients.
Personal injury law
Whether you’ve been injured in a car accident Legal advisor Sydney, work injury, or medical malpractice, personal injury law provides support for victims by helping them receive compensation. These compensations cover medical expenses, compensate for lost wages, and acknowledge the victim’s pain and suffering. Personal injury cases are complicated and require a skilled attorney to handle them effectively.
A qualified attorney can help you file accident-related paperwork with insurance companies, handle court filing requirements, and prepare for a trial, if needed. They can also negotiate with the responsible party’s insurer to secure a fair settlement and ensure that you’re adequately compensated.
Antony Mastrogiannis is a lawyer Hurstville who specializes in personal injury law and workers’ compensation claims. He is an accredited specialist in personal injury law and regularly attends seminars to keep abreast of changes to the legal system. He is passionate about helping his clients and believes in providing them with personalised legal services. He has a Bachelor of Laws and is a member of the St George and Sutherland Shire Law Society.
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maranofamilylawyers · 7 months
Lawyers Hurstville Can Provide Expert Legal Advice
When you need legal advice, it’s important to find a solicitor with the right qualifications. You can do this by searching online and looking at client reviews. You can also ask for a free consultation to see if you’re comfortable with the solicitor.
Antony has represented clients in compensation claims in courts and tribunals around Sydney. He is fluent in conversational Greek and attends local community events to provide free legal advice to disadvantaged members of the public.
Antony Mastrogiannis
The team at AM Legal Compensation Lawyers is made up of experienced Lawyers Sydney who are dedicated to helping their clients win the maximum amount of compensation for their injuries. Their Hurstville office handles a wide variety of cases, including personal injury and workers’ compensation claims. They have a high success rate in winning cases and are committed to providing excellent client service.
Antony Mastrogiannis is the Principal Solicitor and a Law Society of NSW Accredited
Specialist in personal injury law at Sydney based firm AM Legal Compensation
Lawyers. He is also a WorkCover Independent Legal Assistance and Review Service ("ILARS") approved legal services provider for statutory workers’ compensation matters.
He has represented injured people in a wide range of personal injury/compensation matters and has appeared in the Compensation Court, Workers’ Compensation Commission, District Court and Supreme Court. He is fluent in conversational Greek and regularly attends the St George/Sutherland Shire Community Legal Centre to provide advice to disadvantaged people free of charge.
AM Legal Compensation Lawyers
If you’re looking for a good lawyer in Hurstville, look no further than AM Legal Assistance Sydney Compensation Lawyers. This firm specialises in workers’ compensation claims and can help you get the compensation you deserve. They’ll also ensure that your rights are protected. They will work closely with you to make sure that your claim is handled properly.
They can assist with a variety of claims, including workplace accidents and public liability. They can also help with medical negligence and dust disease claims. They’ll fight to get you the compensation you deserve, and they work on a no win, no fee basis.
Antony Mastrogiannis is a highly respected lawyer who’s known for his empathy and integrity. He has experience with a variety of cases and has appeared in numerous courts and tribunals. He also offers free advice at community based legal centres. He’s fluent in conversational Greek and has extensive knowledge of compensation law. He also stays abreast of changes to the law.
Family Lawyers Hurstville
If you are facing a family law matter, you need expert legal advice. A qualified lawyer from Lawyers Hurstville can help you navigate the process and resolve your issue quickly. They have extensive experience in representing clients before the Family Court and Federal Circuit Court and work to ensure your case is resolved without unnecessary conflict.
Family law in Australia encompasses the legal complexities associated with familial disputes, divisions, and obligations. It covers issues such as divorce and separation, child custody and visitation rights, property settlements, and domestic violence. The Australian Family Law Act 1975 emphasizes the best interests of the child and stipulates that shared custody is preferred if it will be safe and affirmative for the child.
When choosing a family lawyer, you should make sure to choose one with a good reputation and client reviews. You should also look for a firm that offers free consultations. This will give you a better idea of their skills and personality.
Personal Injury Lawyers Hurstville
Hurstville lawyers can provide expert legal advice on a wide range of issues. They can help you with a variety of legal problems, including family law and personal injury claims. These professionals understand that every case is unique and will work closely with you to achieve a successful outcome. They also keep up-to-date on the latest changes in the law.
If you have been injured in a car accident, you should contact a personal injury lawyer as soon as possible. These experts will help you get the compensation you deserve for your injuries. They will also work hard to get you back on your feet as quickly as possible.
To find the best lawyer for your needs, it is important to look at their profiles and read client reviews. You can also schedule a free consultation to see if they are the right fit for you. Ultimately, you want a lawyer who will be compassionate and understanding and will fight for your rights.
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maranofamilylawyers · 7 months
Legal Assistance For Migrant Women
The legal system can be complex and confusing for migrant women. They often need support to self-represent in Court. There are a range of programs provided by government bodies and universities to help these individuals.
These include a free government telephone service, LawAccess NSW. They also provide online information and detailed guides on how to represent yourself in Court.
Duty Barrister Scheme
Every day a barrister is on 'duty' at the court to advise and if appropriate represent you. They can help you with criminal or civil matters in Magistrates and Children's Courts.
They can also hold a case conference with the prosecutor on your court date and discuss ways to settle your matter without going to trial. This may include the prosecution agreeing to drop charges, or offering community service or a noncustodial sentence.
A duty lawyer can also help you complete a legal aid application. They can work out whether you are eligible, and submit your application for you. You will need to provide evidence of your financial situation, and documents relating to your legal matter. This includes information about any support you receive from others, as this will be taken into account in the means test.
LawAccess NSW
LawAccess NSW is a free government telephone service that provides legal information and referrals for NSW residents. It is a targeted service and is specifically aimed at persons who have difficulty accessing other public legal services such as those living in regional and rural areas, Aboriginal people and those with a disability.
From 2002 to 2004, inquiries relating to children (family law), criminal offences and housing issues increased significantly. Inquiries relating to employment, credit/debt, wills/estates and the legal system declined.
The majority of enquiries referred by LawAccess NSW are directed to public Legal Assistance Sydney services. Three out of four inquiries referred are to Legal Aid NSW with the remaining referring to courts and tribunals, community legal centres, private lawyers and dispute resolution services. LawAccess NSW also has a number of initiatives to ensure it is accessible and responsive to customers including providing an online chat service.
Community Legal Centres
Community Legal Centres are independent not-for-profit community organisations that provide equitable and accessible legal and related services to the general public. They often service a geographic catchment area and have specialist services for specific groups of people such as family violence victims, the elderly, children and refugees.
Some CLCs are generalist and can assist with a wide range of matters, while others focus on particular areas of law such as credit and debt, employment, tenancy and housing. Some also have after-hours clinics and phone advice lines.
If you cannot afford a private solicitor, the Law Society of NSW can put you in touch with firms who will provide services for free or at reduced rates. Visit their website to find a solicitor referral service in your area.
Private Lawyers
The national legal aid system provides free and accessible legal help for people with the greatest legal need. This is funded through a National Legal Assistance Partnership (NLAP) agreement between the Australian Government and states and territories.
Community legal centres provide free information, referrals, advocacy, advice and representation services. They also offer specialised services for particular groups such as seniors and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
The MHAS service provides free legal advice and representation for people with mental health issues. It can help you to challenge decisions about your treatment and care made by an Authorised Medical Officer, Social Worker or Public Trustee. It can also assist you with disputes about housing and debt and review or appeal proceedings at the Mental Health Review Tribunal.
Legal Aid NSW
If you can't afford to pay for a Lawyers Sydney, you may be eligible for legal aid. The government agency will pay for your lawyers fees if you meet strict criteria. If you're not sure whether you're eligible, it's best to speak to a qualified lawyer.
The organisation carries out a range of reviews of its services to ensure they are effective and responsive to current and projected client service needs. These include a review of mental health advocacy services completed in 2006, and a committee established to implement accepted recommendations.
The Coronial Inquest Unit was established on a pilot basis in early 2006. It was made permanent after evaluation. A new program for Aboriginal clients is being implemented. NLAF is progressing a program to train interpreters for community legal centres.
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Legal Assistance Hurstville
Legal Assistance Hurstville helps people in their communities through the free or low-cost provision of legal advice, representation and other services. They offer help for housing, family, employment and immigration, consumer, public benefits and other issues. They operate Monday to Friday, 9am to midnight and 24 hours on holidays. Visit their website for more information.
Legal Advice
A trip to the lawyers for legal assistance may be on the cards for you or your loved ones. The team at Legal Assistance Hurstville have you covered with 25 offices located across NSW. Our lawyers are on hand to give you the best legal advice imaginable from 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday, and 10am to 4pm on weekends and public holidays. Unlike many of our competitors, we pride ourselves on being available for those who need us most.
The most important part of our service is helping you to navigate the complex legal landscape that is ours. The best way to do this is through a free and confidential consultation. The team at Legal Assistance Hurstville will answer all your questions in a no-pressure and no huffing and puffing manner, and we’ll do our best to find the solutions you need to move you forward in the right direction.
Legal Representation
If you are facing legal proceedings, it is important to seek a lawyer who will help you navigate the intricacies of the law. Having a seasoned attorney by your side can make the process go more smoothly and provide you with a higher chance of receiving a positive outcome.
At Legal Assistance Sydney, we offer a wide range of legal services to assist with all types of issues. For example, if you are facing a criminal matter, we can provide you with strong representation to ensure that your rights are protected.
We also provide a family law service to ensure that you are able to manage your situation and keep your family happy. We can help with matters such as separation, divorce, child custody and more.
In addition to the services we provide, we also work with community organisations to assist those who are in need of legal advice or representation. These organisations include a number of local and national agencies.
Case Management
Case Management provides clients and their families with the support they need to help them navigate a complex system of services. They provide education on what’s available and how to access them, and they assist with applications for funding. They also help to find the best care and services for clients based on their needs and preferences. For example, if you’re finding it difficult to navigate the aged care and health systems, a case manager can guide you through the process and provide you with resources that will make it easier.
Legal Assistance Hurstville also has a comprehensive case management software program called Legal Files that allows them to manage their front-end intake and eligibility processes while also tracking their outreach and community education activities. The program’s unique workflow management features make it easy for advocates to serve more clients, more efficiently -- without adding staff or hours. It’s the only program that offers both a full legal matter management and front-end intake and eligibility module, making it ideal for many programs.
Community Education
Community Education provided by Legal Assistance Hurstville helps people understand their rights and responsibilities, when legal assistance may be needed, where to find it, and how to get it. This includes workshops, telephone help lines, medical/legal partnerships, online information and chat tools, and downloadable court forms. It also includes legal education presentations to schools, parents, social service agencies, and other organizations that serve low-income families. The center's staff of attorneys and paralegals provide free legal advice on many matters, including debt, family law, victims compensation, employment, discrimination, wills, power of attorney, enduring guardianship, and housing issues. The Center has expanded its Education Law unit, and is now able to assist low-income students with the myriad COVID-related and other education issues they will face as schools reopen this spring.
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maranofamilylawyers · 2 years
Lawyers Hurstville | maranofamilylawyers.com.au
If you need legal advice or representation for a personal matter, it is important to find a lawyer in Hurstville. Many lawyers in the area have a good reputation and are able to provide quality service. These lawyers will provide you with a free initial consultation and then provide you with a free quote. You can also find out about their after hours services, if you require it.
Lawyers Sydney
If you're in need of a lawyer, but don't know where to turn, there are several good options in Hurstville. Go To Court Lawyers Hurstville specialise in drink and drug driving law, and will guide you through the legal process, providing both useful advice and strong representation. In addition, they'll push for drivers' education to be part of the sentence, which can help minimize other penalties and prevent reoffending.
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Antony Mastrogiannis applies his legal knowledge and resources to ensure the best possible outcomes for his clients. AM Legal Compensation Lawyers is based in Hurstville, but provides legal services Australia-wide. Antony Mastrogiannis is the senior lawyer at AM Legal and is happy to help you with your legal needs.
Legal Assistance Sydney
If you're in need of a lawyer but can't afford the fee, Legal Assistance Hurstville can help. The organization's lawyers work to get you the best possible result for your case. To get started, call the hotline, available seven days a week from 7am to midnight.
If you have been charged with a crime, you need legal representation. There are many requirements and processes to follow. A judge can't provide legal representation, but the prosecution might have special knowledge during the trial that can help you. Hiring a lawyer can help you present the evidence and arguments that the prosecution will use against you.
If you're under the age of 18, you can call the Legal Assistance Sydney Hotline for free legal assistance. Lawyers on the hotline are experienced and dedicated to ensuring you receive the best defense possible. The hotline is open seven days a week and can be reached at 1300 636 846.
When you're looking for a lawyer, don't forget to get recommendations from friends and colleagues. Ask them about their experience and fees. By doing so, you can narrow down the selection process based on your budget and needs. You can also see how different lawyers are perceived by others, which can make it easier for you to make a final decision.
Getting a good lawyer can be a life saver if you're facing a criminal charge. A good lawyer can help you secure bail or intervention orders, lodge an appeal, or even represent your case against the council. A criminal lawyer can help you with these complicated legal processes because they know the law and how to approach such cases.
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maranofamilylawyers · 2 years
How to Find a Legal Advisor in Hurstville | maranofamilylawyers.com.au
If you need a legal advisor Hurstville to assist you with a legal problem, you should start your search on the Internet. There are several websites that offer free legal advice, but you should consider hiring a lawyer if you want a quality service. The services offered by a lawyer are worth the cost, and they will be able to guide you through the legal system.
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Lawyers Sydney
You can find a number of great lawyers in Hurstville. These lawyers are experts in the area of drink and drug driving law and can help you navigate the court system. They can offer useful advice and aggressive representation. They will often fight to have a driver's education program included in your sentence, which will minimise any other penalties and help you avoid a repeat offence.
If you are looking for a quality lawyer in Hurstville, look no further than Owen Hodge Lawyers. They provide expert legal advice and help for commercial and personal clients alike. Their offices are located in the Hurstville area of NSW, and they are just one of the 20 listings in the 2220 postcode area.
Antony Mastrogiannis, the firm's senior lawyer, uses his knowledge and resources to provide clients with the best possible legal services. AM Legal Compensation Lawyers is a local firm in Hurstville, but they offer legal services throughout Australia. Antony Mastrogiannis is a senior lawyer and is always happy to help.
Wills Lawyer Sydney
A Wills Lawyer Sydney can help you plan your estate in the event that you die. This involves making personal decisions such as naming beneficiaries and executors. A Wills Lawyer Sydney can help you make these decisions and ensure that your wishes are carried out. It is important to make an informed decision regarding your affairs so that there is no misunderstanding when it comes to your loved ones.
If you die without leaving a Will, it can cause immense hardship for your family. It is important to decide how your assets and estate should be dealt with after you die. A Will also appoints an Executor or a Trustees who will administer your estate after you die.
Will Lawyer Sydney
A legal advisor can help you draft a will and guide you through the process of probate. The legal advisor you choose should have extensive experience and knowledge of the laws in New South Wales and Australia. They should also be able to explain the entire legal process to you in clear terms. They should also be able to provide you with a clear explanation of the fees involved and any delays. It's best to select a legal advisor with positive feedback from their previous clients.
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maranofamilylawyers · 2 years
Lawyers - Legal Assistance Hurstville | maranofamilylawyers.com.au
If you are in need of a lawyer, but cannot afford to pay the costs, there are several places you can turn. The lawyers of Legal Assistance Hurstville can help you with legal issues in your local community, and you can also call their hotline for assistance from 7am to midnight, seven days a week. They are professional, knowledgeable, and will work tirelessly to get the best possible result for your case. Whether you need legal advice on a personal injury case, or are facing a criminal charge, these lawyers are available to help.
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Will Lawyer Sydney
For people who need legal assistance but cannot afford an attorney, the NSW Legal Hotline is a great resource. Open seven days a week, the hotline's lawyers are knowledgeable, helpful, and committed to providing the best defense possible. In addition, the hotline's attorneys are friendly and will do everything possible to provide a solid defense. They can be reached by calling 1300 636 846.
If you have limited time to look for a lawyer, start by using the internet. There are numerous legal service websites on the internet, including Lawzana, which can help you find the right lawyer in Sydney. This site will also allow you to read client reviews so you can be sure that the solicitor you choose is qualified and can help you with your needs.
For the best legal service, choose a firm that offers affordable, personalised service. A lawyer should be able to explain complicated legal concepts and procedures in a way that is understandable to your family. An experienced lawyer will have a deep knowledge of local law and can provide you with a clear understanding of your options. You can also use the services of a specialist lawyer if you are considering a complex matter.
Legal issues can be emotionally and financially draining. However, getting advice early on can help you manage the issues and move on with your life. The team at Legal Assistance Sydney will guide you through the legal process and put the matter behind you with minimal fuss. They are experienced in the Family Court and Federal Circuit Court and work to settle your matter out of court as quickly as possible.
Lawyers Sydney
Lawyers Sydney Legal Assistance Sydney is a great place to start when you need legal advice on a specific matter. Whether you are charged with a criminal offence or injured in an accident, seeking the advice of a lawyer can help you make a positive decision and minimize any negative consequences.
Antony Mastrogiannis has over 20 years' experience in the area of personal injury and is the #1 personal injury lawyer in Sydney. He has represented clients in many different circumstances, including those involving the insurance industry. As an injury lawyer, he has a great deal of knowledge in personal injury law and has acted for many insurance companies and large employers alike.
Legal Aid NSW provides free legal advice, court representation and other services to those in need of assistance. Eligibility for this service depends on the type of legal matter and your income. To find out whether you qualify, contact LawAccess NSW. They can help you fill out the application form. Once you've completed the application, you can receive a call from a legal aid attorney in Hurstville.
Legal Assistance Sydney
The Legal Assistance Sydney hotline is a convenient resource for anyone who is in need of legal help. This free, 24/7 legal hotline is staffed by attorneys who are willing to take your case and help you get the best possible result. You can also visit one of their offices in Newmarket, which is also open seven days a week. All of these lawyers provide knowledgeable and friendly service and will fight for you and your rights.
The Go To Court Lawyers Sydney team are specialists in drink and drug driving law. They will guide you through the court proceedings and provide strong legal representation and helpful advice. For instance, they can advocate for the inclusion of drivers' education as part of your sentence, which can help you avoid a repeat offence.
Legal issues are stressful and emotionally draining, but a knowledgeable attorney can help you navigate the process and put your matter behind you with minimum fuss. They have extensive experience in Federal Circuit and Family Court, and will try to settle the issue without litigation if possible. A legal hotline is available on the website to find a lawyer nearby.
Antony Mastrogiannis is a senior lawyer at AM Legal Compensation Lawyers, based in Sydney. They offer legal services to clients throughout Australia. The lawyer has many years of experience in the legal industry and is happy to help.
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maranofamilylawyers · 7 months
How to Find Lawyers in Hurstville
When you need a lawyer, it’s important to choose the right one for your situation. A good place to start is by researching lawyers’ profiles online and reading client reviews. You can also schedule a free consultation to get a feel for the solicitor’s personality and expertise.
Antony Mastrogiannis is a highly regarded personal injury compensation lawyer in Hurstville, NSW. He is dedicated to providing excellent client service and stays abreast of legal changes.
AM Legal Compensation Lawyers
If you’re looking for a solicitor in Hurstville, you should start by researching online. You can check for client reviews and make sure the firm’s mission, vision, and values align with yours. You can also ask the firm to provide a free consultation.
The firm’s Lawyers Sydney are experienced in a wide range of legal areas, including personal injury claims, workers compensation claims, public liability claims, and medical negligence claims. They can help you file a claim against the responsible party and get the compensation that you deserve.
The firm is dedicated to its clients and provides excellent client service. They also offer a no-win, no-fee policy, so you can rest assured that they won’t charge any fees if your case is unsuccessful. Their team of professional and knowledgeable lawyers is always available to answer your questions and assist you. They will work tirelessly to ensure that you receive the maximum possible amount of compensation for your injuries.
Go To Court Lawyers
When you are facing a legal issue, it can be difficult to find the right solicitor. You may need to take the time to research online reviews and client satisfaction ratings. You might also want to consider the firm’s mission, vision, and values. In addition, it is important to check the solicitor’s qualifications and experience before hiring them.
B Hayward & Co has over 30 years of experience in dealing with all types of legal matters. They provide expert advice in a variety of areas, including family law, criminal defence and employment law. They are committed to providing a personal service and working closely with their clients.
The principal lawyer of AM Legal Compensation Lawyers Hurstville is Antony Mastrogiannis, who is an accredited specialist in personal injury law and compensation claims. He is known for his empathy and integrity, as well as his commitment to his clients. He stays abreast of changes to the law and works hard to ensure that his clients get what they deserve.
Antony Mastrogiannis Lawyers
Antony is a highly experienced lawyer who has handled many claims for clients in
Hurstville and the surrounding areas. He has a bachelor of law degree from the University of Technology Sydney and is a member of the NSW Law Society. He is also accredited as a specialist in personal injury law.
He has extensive experience in a range of compensation matters and regularly appears at the Compensation Court, Workers Compensation Commission, District Court and Supreme Court. He is fluent in conversational Greek and often attends community based legal centres to provide free advice.
As an experienced compensation lawyer, Antony is focused on ensuring his clients receive maximum entitlements. He is empathetic towards his clients and works closely with them to ensure they are kept informed throughout the process. In addition, he strives to settle claims as early as possible. He has a proven track record of successfully recovering compensation for his injured clients.
Hurstville Lawyers
If you need Legal Assistance Sydney advice, it’s important to find a Hurstville lawyer who has the right expertise for your case. There are many online services that can help you compare and contrast lawyers’ profiles, client reviews, and experience. You can also schedule a free consultation with a lawyer to see if they are a good fit for you.
Antony Mastrogiannis Lawyers is a leading firm in the area of personal injury compensation claims. Their team is highly qualified and dedicated to achieving the best possible outcome for their clients. They have over 20 years of experience and are committed to providing exceptional customer service.
They provide expert legal advice for immigration matters including visa applications, appeals and ministerial intervention requests. They also offer advice on criminal and traffic offences, family law issues and the preparation of wills and power of attorney. They are based in Hurstville but can assist clients across Sydney and Australia. They are available for appointments from Monday to Friday.
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maranofamilylawyers · 2 years
Lawyers Hurstville Can Help
A great way to entice readers into your article is to have an effective introduction. It will ensure that people don’t skip it and instead keep reading to find out more.
At Lawyers Hurstville, we have a team of legal professionals who are experts in many different areas of law. They will take the time to understand your circumstances and work hard to ensure you get the best result possible.
Drink and drug driving
If you have been charged with drink driving, or any other traffic offence involving alcohol or drugs, it is essential to get legal advice and guidance. This is particularly so if you are facing a serious conviction that can have a devastating impact on your life.
The consequences of a drink drive conviction can include loss of your licence, fines and surcharges, increased insurance costs and a criminal record. This is why it’s important to find an experienced lawyer who understands the consequences of these charges and will fight for you.
Drinking alcohol affects your judgement, vision, coordination and reflexes - making it much more likely you will have a crash. Similarly, taking illegal or prescribed medications can also impair your driving ability.
Traffic law
Whether you’re driving a car, biking, walking or taking public transport, traffic law regulates your rights and obligations on the road. From the standard speed limits to the right of way at intersections, these laws are designed to protect motorists from harm and ensure safe and efficient travel for everyone.
When a driver breaks traffic laws, the consequences can be significant. A single ticket can lead to costly fines, black marks on your driving record, and even loss of your license to drive.
In many states, traffic laws also establish “points” that can be assessed against a driver based on the number of violations they commit in a given time frame. Too many points can result in a driver’s license being suspended, which will significantly impact their ability to earn a living.
Investing in the services of a traffic lawyer can help you avoid these penalties and get the best possible outcome for your case. At Lawyers Hurstville, we offer expert legal advice and strong representation to clients in a variety of traffic matters.
Family law
Legal Assistance Hurstville offer a broad range of family law services. These include divorce, child custody and support, alimony and property division.
Many family law cases involve inheritance. The laws in different states vary on how to deal with inheritance, but a qualified attorney can be valuable in such situations.
The courts can also appoint guardians to care for children who are unable to make decisions on their own. This is an important role for lawyers to play, especially in cases where parents have serious mental or physical disabilities.
Custody and visitation rights are based on a variety of factors, including the parents’ relationship with the child, their incomes and tax deductions, and other issues such as criminal records or substance abuse. A family lawyer can help clients demonstrate changes in circumstances to modify a court order.
Criminal law
If you’ve been charged with a crime, you’ll need a criminal law lawyer to help. They’ll defend you in court and work to build the best possible case for you.
Those charged with serious crimes, called felonies, will typically spend time in prison. They might also have their civil rights revoked, or be forced to pay fines.
There are two types of crimes: felonies and misdemeanors, which carry different punishments. Talk to a local criminal lawyer to learn more about the penalties for your specific charges.
Criminal law is a body of legal rules that defines criminal offenses, regulates apprehension and charging of suspected offenders, and fixes the penalties and modes of treatment applicable to convicted offenders. Its rules also set procedures for determining when warrants should be issued, how pretrial and trial hearings are held, and what evidence is admissible in court.
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Why Choose a Family Lawyer?
Family law is a complex area of legal practice that involves issues like divorce, property settlements, and child custody. It is a career that requires dedication to specialised education and understanding of the complexities of family relationships.
It is also important to be aware of the costs involved in a family law case. An affordable family lawyer will help you to understand the legal jargon and the related costs in the case.
Child custody and support
When choosing a Family Lawyer Sydney, look for someone with good communication skills and empathy. This is especially important if your case involves child custody. Also, make sure that the lawyer specialises in family law and has a comprehensive understanding of its nuances.
If one parent has a history of domestic violence, for example, the court may take that into account when determining custody. The court might doubt their ability to provide a safe and nurturing environment for the children.
CM Law is a family law firm in Sydney that provides legal advice on a variety of concerns. Its lawyers can handle matters related to property law, business law, divorce mediation proceedings, and estate planning. They can also defend traffic offences and criminal law cases at the Local, District, and Supreme courts.
The breakdown of a marriage is emotionally devastating for both parties. You need to work with a family lawyer who is compassionate and understands your needs. They will listen to your concerns and explain the law to you in a way that you can understand it.
In Australia, you can dissolve your marriage legally by getting a divorce. However, you need to prove that your relationship has ceased permanently and that you have been living separately for at least 12 months. You must also demonstrate that there is no chance of reconciliation.
Although court involvement is necessary in some cases, Australian family law encourages alternative dispute resolution methods such as mediation and negotiation. These can help you resolve a variety of issues, including child custody and property settlement.
Adoption is a legal process through which individuals or couples become the legal parents of children who are not biologically theirs. Family lawyers can help with this process by ensuring that birth parents are informed and that the adoption is in their best interests. They can also assist with intercountry adoptions and intrafamily adoptions.
Before choosing a family lawyer, it is important to know their background and credentials. You can check with your local law society or disciplinary body to find out more about their status and ethics.
Sexton Family Law is a boutique firm on the North Shore that specialises in family law. Their team includes Accredited Family Law Specialists and is highly regarded in the industry. They offer advice in simple language and keep the client’s best interest in mind at all times.
Prenuptial agreements
A prenuptial agreement is an option for anyone who wishes to keep their assets separate and avoid potentially costly litigation in the event of divorce. They also help individuals determine and clarify their expectations about spousal support.
A family lawyer can help couples discuss finances in a productive manner and develop a shared philosophy about wealth. This can be difficult, but it is essential to ensure a positive outcome in a divorce. It is important to find an attorney who can provide clear explanations and realistic expectations.
Located in Sydney, Australia, the firm offers affordable and flexible services. Its team of professionals is experienced in handling legal issues like domestic violence, urgent applications, child custody, property settlements and financial disputes, and spousal maintenance. They are available 24/7 and offer a free consultation.
Property settlement
When a relationship ends, a Legal advisor Hurstville settlement is needed to work out what each party will receive. The process can be complex and requires the expertise of a skilled family lawyer. We can help you reach an agreement with your partner through mediation and negotiations and draft a legally binding Financial Agreement.
The Family Court has a broad discretion to determine what is ‘fair’ in your circumstances when dividing property and assets. The first step is to identify all the assets, liabilities and financial resources you and your partner have. This includes everything from real estate and cars to bank accounts and shares.
This is referred to as the “asset pool.” We also take into account superannuation. It can be very complicated and time consuming to separate superannuation from other property, but it is important that this is done correctly.
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maranofamilylawyers · 20 days
Sydney Family Lawyers
Sydney Family Lawyers are a legal team that specialise in all family law matters including divorce, separation and property settlement. They provide professional advice and representation at reasonable rates.
Separation can be an emotional and confusing time, which is why seeking expert family law advice early is critical. Streeterlaw’s NSW Law Society Accredited Specialists will guide you through your options and next steps.
The right family Sydney Family Lawyers can help you through some of the most difficult times in your life. They will provide both legal expertise and emotional support, guiding you through the complex legal process and advocating for your best interests. In addition, they can help you navigate issues like child custody and property settlement.
When choosing a Sydney Family Lawyer, look for someone who is accredited by the Law Society of New South Wales or other relevant legal authorities. In addition, request a tour of the attorney’s office to determine how professional they are and whether they have the resources to handle your case.
When it comes to hiring a Sydney Family Lawyer, the right one will understand that every case is unique. They will take the time to understand your unique needs and goals, and they will work with you to develop a personalized strategy that will meet those needs. In addition, they will work hard to achieve the best outcome for your case.
Typically, family lawyers charge an hourly rate. The amount charged depends on the nature and complexity of the matter and whether the case involves going to court. Some lawyers may offer fixed fee arrangements. Others may require payment in stages. To minimise costs, be prepared and transparent with your lawyer and provide them with all relevant information and documents from the start. This will help reduce billable hours and may even allow you to avoid some or all legal fees.
Platinum Lawyers understand the emotional cost of family law proceedings and strive to deliver swift resolutions. They also recognise the impact of legal proceedings on clients, and aim to minimise these effects by providing compassionate support and guidance. In addition, they are committed to reducing the financial cost of legal services by working efficiently and effectively. To learn more, visit their website using the contact details provided above. The firm specializes in family law, divorce and other related matters.
A Sydney family lawyer can provide legal assistance with the complexities of divorce and other family law matters. They offer emotional support, guide clients through the legal system, and help them navigate difficult circumstances. They can also
draft prenuptial and other legal agreements.
When choosing a Sydney family lawyer, look for experience, reputation, and communication skills. Check their credentials with the Law Society of New South Wales and other legal authorities. Additionally, ask friends and family for recommendations and read online reviews.
For a Sydney family lawyer with excellent customer feedback, consider Justice Family Lawyers. This firm specialises in family law and can help you with issues like separation, divorce, child custody, and property settlement. You can contact them using the contact details below. They also have a good track record of winning cases. They have won numerous awards and are ranked among the best family lawyers in Sydney. Their services are affordable and comprehensive.
A good family Legal Assistance Hurstville will have experience in a wide range of family law matters including divorce and separation, child custody and access, domestic violence, and property settlements. They will also have a solid understanding of NSW family law statutes and procedures, so they can help you get the best possible outcome in your case.
A qualified family lawyer will be able to understand your emotional challenges and communicate effectively with you. They should have a high level of empathy and will work hard to achieve an outcome that prioritises the interests of your children. You can check a Sydney Family Lawyer’s qualifications by contacting the Law Society of New South Wales or other legal authorities. You can also read reviews of a lawyer on the internet.
Justice Family Lawyers is a Sydney-based firm that specialises in family law. They have a long history of assisting clients with all kinds of legal issues relating to their family, and they have earned a reputation for excellence.
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maranofamilylawyers · 2 months
Lawyers in Hurstville
A lawyer is a trained professional who can help you resolve your legal issue. They can help you with issues such as compensation claims, family law, and criminal law. They can also advise you on property matters and wills.
The team at Go To Court Lawyers Hurstville is dedicated to helping their clients find solutions to their legal problems. They are experts in drink and drug driving law and will guide you through the process of defending yourself against a charge.
Family law
Family law is a legal field that addresses the Lawyers Hurstville of family disputes, divisions and obligations. This includes divorce and separation, child custody and visitation rights, property and financial settlements and domestic violence cases. A family lawyer will advise on the best legal pathways for your circumstances and provide representation in court if necessary.
A Hurstville family lawyer can assist you with numerous matters relating to your relationship, including drafting and negotiating formal agreements, mediation, arbitration, and court proceedings. They will guide you through the emotional stress of a separation or divorce and advocate on your behalf to ensure that your interests are protected. They will also prepare binding financial agreements and assist with matters involving de facto relationships.
Antony Mastrogiannis is an experienced Hurstville compensation lawyer. He has represented many large businesses and insurance providers, and he has a thorough awareness of the legal concepts behind compensation claims. He is an accredited specialist in personal injury and workers’ compensation law.
Drink and drug driving
It is widely accepted that driving while under the influence of alcohol or drugs poses a risk to motorists and other road users. That is why many states have enacted legislation that criminalizes the use of both illegal and legal drugs while driving. Some of these laws are zero tolerance, meaning that any measurable amount of a drug can lead to a DUI charge. Other state’s DUI drug laws require that the DA’s office prove that the drug impaired the person’s ability to operate a vehicle safely.
Antony Mastrogiannis is a well-respected Hurstville based lawyer that specialises in compensation law. He is the principal & solicitor at AM Legal Compensation Lawyers and is an accredited specialist that stays abreast of the latest legal changes. He is committed to achieving successful outcomes for his clients and providing excellent client service. Contact him to discuss your needs today. He will be happy to assist you. He can also help you resolve your family matters.
Wills and estates
Creating a will and setting up trusts are important estate planning tools that protect your family’s future. A lawyer will help you draft a document that clearly outlines your wishes and minimizes taxes. They will also guide you through the probate process, which can be complicated. Choosing trustees for your trusts is a critical decision that should be made with care. They must act in accordance with the terms of your trust and follow a fiduciary duty to the beneficiaries.
Mortgage law in Hurstville is governed by state and federal laws, which dictate the steps to acquiring a home, how user rights are protected, and what to expect during foreclosure or repossession. These laws help ensure responsible lending and promote consumer protection. A lawyer can also provide assistance with mortgage due diligence, ensuring that your transaction is legal and compliant. This service includes reviewing contracts, conducting title searches, and negotiating terms. You can find a reputable solicitor for this type of work by asking friends and family for recommendations or researching online.
Criminal law
A criminal Family Lawyer Sydney is a legal professional who defends individuals against charges of criminal offenses. They often assist with bail matters and provide advice on plea bargaining. They also help clients understand their rights and obligations. They can handle a variety of crimes, including domestic violence crimes, drug offences, sex crimes, and white-collar fraud.
The criminal law is governed by various local laws, such as the Bail Act 2013 and Crimes Act 1900 (NSW). The latter details the different types of crimes and their associated penalties. The former stipulates how bail applications are to be processed, as well as the criteria for refusing or granting them.
If you are facing a criminal case, it is important to seek legal assistance as soon as possible. There are many options for finding solicitors, including online directories and platforms like Lawzana. Choosing the right solicitor for your case will ensure that you get the best results and the most affordable prices.
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