#Legistlative Council
panicinthestudio · 6 months
Hong Kong passes new security law, raising max. penalty for treason, insurrection to life in prison, March 19, 2024
Hong Kong’s opposition-free legislature has unanimously passed new homegrown security legislation, making treason, insurrection and sabotage punishable by up to life in prison, and rejecting Western criticism that the law would further restrict the city’s freedoms. Hong Kong Free Press
Hong Kong adopts contentious law giving government more power to quash dissent, March 19, 2024
Hong Kong's legislature unanimously passed a new national security law on Tuesday ( March 19), introducing penalties such as life imprisonment for crimes related to treason and insurrection, and up to 20 years' jail for the theft of state secrets. France 24
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whatisonthemoon · 1 year
David Keene, Gary Jarmin, Sean Moon & the Second Amendment Foundation
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▲ Pictured:  Alan Gottlieb, pastor and guns rights activist
From an old post from “Don Diligent,” posted May 27, 2020
A recent post on WIOTM takes us to an article about David Keene and his support of the Algerian Military Junta: https://www.algiersherald.com/former-nra-president-david-keene-writes-propaganda-piece-to-prop-up-military-junta/
Oh, how some things never seem to change. Mr. Keene was a close colleague of Gary Jarmin at the American Conservative Union (ACU) in the mid-1970s. Jarmin had been Neil Salonen’s top lieutenant for the Leadership Freedom Foundation (FLF) up until 1974. That year, Bo Hi Pak, apparently ,sent out our dear brother Gary, to work for Mr. Moon in an “underground” capacity with the ACU. 3 years ago I posted about Gary Jarmin and the ACU, plus some of his other connections.
One name that I didn't mention in that 3 year-old post was Alan Gottlieb. Gottlieb worked closely with Jarmin at the ACU. Here’s a partial list of the ACU Board Members as it looked in 1976. Gary Jarmin was the ACU Legislative Director that year:
*M. Stanton Evan (Chairman)
*Thomas S. Winter (Vice Chairman)
*Jameson G. Campaigne, Jr. (Secretary)
*Daniel Joy (Treasurer)
*Rep. Philip Crane (NOTE: 1st U.C. Congressman ever to sit down with Sun Myung Moon. Neil Salonen was present at this meeting)
*Alan Gottlieb
*David A. Keene (NOTE: On Board of Directors of the American Council for World Freedom (ACWF) along with Neil Salonen)
*Stefan Possony (NOTE: On Board of Directors of the American Council for World Freedom (ACWF) along with Neil Salonen)
*Phyllis Schalfly (NOTE: On Board of Directors of the American Council for World Freedom (ACWF) along with Neil Salonen)
*Gary Jarmin - ACU Legistlative Director
https://www.fec.gov/files/legal/murs/203.pdf, p.153, p.48
So what does all this have to do with Sean & Justin Moon? For those of you that didn’t watch the Freedom Festival last year (sponsored by Kahr Arms), Alan Gottlieb was the keynote speaker. That’s right!…the very same Alan Gottlieb that worked with “undercover Moonie” Gary Jarmin back in the 1970’s! Gottlieb founded the Second Amendment Foundation (SAF) in 1974, which is the exact year that Gary Jarmin went “undercover” for the Moon Organization. Coincidence? You be the judge! Here’s an article that talks about Gottlieb’s participation at Sean & Justin’s event:
Now, as many of you know, Gottlieb is not the only person that has worked with Sean & Justin. Besides Gottlieb, there is Larry Pratt & Oliver North. And all these men, along with Gary Jarmin, have been members of the Council for National Policy. This is a fascist organization, that pulls strings from behind the scenes affecting U.S. Policy. I’m sure you all noticed, that I included this organization in the title of my 3-year-old post. I made my case then, that the Moon Organization had/has close ties with the CNP.
If you’d like to know more about the CNP, here’s a podcaster that can fill you in on a lot of their history:
Sean & Justin! Remember! I’m always watching you!
‘til the next,
Don Diligent
Related articles below
What kind of members were Michael Warder and Gary Jarmin?
The Curious Case of Gary Jarmin
Inside Moon’s Washington
More on Gary Jarmin
From Korea with love (1974) - includes an interview with Gary Jarmin before going “undercover”
The Unification Church and KCIA: Some Notes on Bud Han, Steve Kim, and Bo Hi Pak
Watergate, Contragate, and Foreign Campaign Contributions
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newscountryindia · 4 years
Uddhav Thackeray Gets Past Huge Hurdle, Keeps Chief Minister's Job
Uddhav Thackeray Gets Past Huge Hurdle, Keeps Chief Minister’s Job
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Uddhav Thackeray had declared that he and his family have assets worth Rs 143.26 crore
Maharashtra Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray has been sworn in as a Member of Legislative Council which facilitates his continuation in office beyond May 28.
There were no elections held for nine seats in the legislative council and Mr Thackeray was elected unopposed, something he had…
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mellointheory · 2 years
what's another word for political leaders. like if iwas gonna say "we have a meeting with the [POLITICAL FIGURES] in the city" and referring to like. the governor and various other figures on the council?? what would i say. legistlation? political branch? fuckin. idk. help pls.
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laulink · 5 years
got any monochrome headcanons?
- I think I already mentioned it, but @good-rwbyaus opened my eyes with one of their skits on Weiss singing for Blake (and their kids). Since then, one of my favourite headcanons is that Weiss will sing for her girlfriend/wife and, later on, for their children. The evening lullaby becomes sort of a tradition that Weiss wouldn’t break for the WORLD. Even when she’s away, she calls her children right before bedtime to ask about their day and sing them the lullaby Willow used to sing to her when she was a child (Willow herself was taught this lullaby by her father, Nicolas, who learned it from his own father. It is one of Nicolas’s and Willow’s dearest memories with their respective fathers and it becomes one of Weiss’ favourite things to do for her children). When her children grow up, Weiss starts singing the lullaby to them less and less, seeing as they don’t need it as much anymore to fall asleep, but she will still sing it to Blake sometimes, especially when she has nightmare, and her children pick up singing and an instrument to sing other songs with their mother. I actually imagine that most of the RWBY character songs in the show will be written and sung by their children based on their parents’ experiences and lives.
- when Blake and Weiss get married, I imagine them taking both of their names, resulting in them being called Blake and Weiss Belladonna-Schnee. This is because Weiss, as expressed in the series, is still attached to her family name and wants to erase her father’s legacy with it by writing her own legacy over his. So she wouldn’t abandon her name upon marriage. Blake is similar in that she wants to keep her family name because of its history for the Faunus : Ghira Belladonna was the one who created and led the original White Fang for years, is the chief of Menagerie and both him and Blake had a hand in creating the New White Fang and taking down the old one. Because of that, I think that Blake would want to keep the Belladonna name because of its significance for recent Faunus history. At the same time, joining the Belladonna and Schnee names show that the two sides of the war between Faunus and Humans can live together without one upping or swallowing the other, in equality. Both Blake and Weiss liked the message it sent, and so they decided to join their names and pass both of them down to their children.
- after Jacques was arrested, the company was returned to Willow, seeing as how Whitley was too young to run it. But Willow has a hard time balancing her family situation, this new, stressing job and trying to recover from her addiction, so, after the war, she asks Weiss for help, seeing as she was actually taught, when she was still heiress, how to manage the company. Long story short, Willow, Weiss and Whitley all work together to keep the SDC running and undo all the shit Jacques did and give their workers better working conditions, equal pay, etc. A few years later, the SDC is finally on the right track, all the racist shits on the board of directors were forced to sell their shares to the Schnee family and, at about the same time as Weiss’ wedding with Blake occured, Willow gave Weiss ownership of the company. The organisation didn’t change though, Willow kept her position in the company, but she felt Weiss deserved this. Weiss took the opportunity to change the company’s name to the Belladonna-Schnee Dust Company, to show that the company was taking a fresh start with a new CEO, a new name and new policies in terms of human/Faunus equality.
- Blake is shit at dancing modern dances because she doesn’t understand the moves and most of them recquire her to more or less dance on her own, so she doesn’t have a partner, to move with, but, thanks to Weiss, she discovers that she is actually pretty good at ballroom dancing. It is lucky because it’s one of Weiss’ favourite things to do and Blake, as a good romantic, has always dreamed of waltzing with her lover. They will always dance together when there’s an opportunity to do so, be it at a party or a festival, and sometimes even in the privacy of Weiss’ office or their bedroom when the night is getting long and they just want to hold each other close and sway to the rhythm of a music Weiss is humming. 
- I like to think that Weiss and Blake would live in the Schnee Manor with Willow, Winter, Whitley and their respective partners and children. Willow would want to stay in the house her father built and reclaim it as her own and her children wouldn’t want to leave her alone in this big Manor. Plus, they figure that if they all live together and without Jacques, they might actually make good memories in this house. Ruby and Penny would join them with their daughter too whenever they are in Atlas and Jaune, Ren, Nora and their children would also be welcomed to stay over whenever they visited their friends. (Yang is married to Winter so she’s there all year long, much to Weiss’ (fake) dismay =P) Thanks to all those people, the Schnee Manor becomes a warm, happy, lively place =) The fact that the children get to grow up all together and see their aunts and uncles on a daily basis is a big plus for everyone involved.
- Weiss works for the BSDC and Blake is a member of the High Council of the White Fang, but they still take missions as Huntresses from time to time (since Salem’s disappearance wouldn’t make the Grimm disappear). They can’t always take their missions together, but always try their best to do so. And because the BSDC is so pro-Faunus rights, they work together closely on improving working conditions for the BSDC employees while the BSDC provides official support and funds for the White Fang. Sometimes, Blake and Weiss will sit through a Kingdom’s Council meeting to discuss new Faunus rights laws and accomodations and let me tell you, Blake and Weiss Belladonna-Schnee are a mean combo to deal with. They have different approaches and domains of knowledge when it comes to Faunus rights and legistlation, which means that they complete each other’s arguments and points toward the proposed laws. The progressive Councilmen and Councilwomen who want to propose laws for Faunus rights can always turn to them for advice or to ask them to come defend it during a meeting. Their racist counterparts always pale when they hear that the Belladonna-Schnee couple is going to attend and speak during the meeting x)
- on a related note, Weiss and Blake are literally the strongest, most awesome, most ICONIC power couple Remnant has EVER seen. It’s kinda scary, actually, for some people, how powerful the Belladonna-Schnee family is. Not only are Blake and Weiss extremely strong and skilled Huntresses, they also have a lot of wealth, political power and a great reputation, not to mention how powerful and influential their loved ones and family members are. Blake Belladonna-Schnee is a war hero, as is her wife, is one of the most respected members of the High Council of the White Fang, the most respected and influential organisation for Faunus rights all across Remnant, and her father is Ghira Belladonna, highly respected former leader of the White Fang and actual chief of Menagerie. Weiss Belladonna-Schnee is the owner of one of the largest companies in all of Remnant, is one of the richest people of the world and is the sister of General Schnee, the leader of the strongest military in Remnant. Both of them have ties to all the other war heroes that helped save the world from Salem, one of which is married to the first synthetic human able to produce an aura and another is the daughter of a Maiden who is also the Headmistress of Haven Academy AND Willow Schnee’s lover (yes, I headcanon that Raven will be redeemed, become Haven’s Headmistress and grow closer to Willow to the point where they start dating. Fight me)
- Weiss, upon becoming a mother, learned how to bake cakes and cookies (Yang was the one who taught her) because she wanted to do something nice for her children to eat all on her own, no cake butler involved. Blake would join her when she had the time (usually when the children were napping) and either help or try to steal as much dough as she could depending on her mood. When she was feeling more teasing, the baking session would quickly devolve into a food fight, leaving both women covered in flour, milk and eggs, but also laughing their hearts out. As the children grew up, this became a family activity and the food fights, while less common because Weiss and Blake tried to be responsible adults in front of their children, were even more funny with the kittens involved~
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onpoli · 6 years
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The Ontario NDP is apparently preparing to use Standing Order 52, a legistlative rule which states that “no motion, or amendment, the subject-matter of which has been decided upon, can be again proposed during the same Session” in their attempts to fight back against the PC Party’s cuts to Toronto City Council.
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Hi Morri, happy WBW🎉 I'm curious about a Call of Shadows' worldbuilding, but I have so many questions I don't where to start! Would you mind info dumping a little, and sharing random facts about the world?
Hello, and thanks for the ask!! Before we get started, let me link you some important asks I've already answered about the world of Call of Shadows
Magic 101
Religion + Mythology
Worldbuilding Tag for CoS (has a lot of other random bits in it)
Now, on to the fun part.
The kingdom where CoS takes place is a monarchy, previously governed by Dorian's parents. Below the monarch, who has the final say in all law-making, is a council of nobles, representing various provinces, regions, and major cities around the kingdom. They are supposed to act as representatives of their people, and bring forth legistlation that will help them. Do they always do that? Hell no.
Magic first appeared in the Kingdom over a thousand years before this story starts. About 1,000 years ago, there was some kind of large war, that likely resulted in the current border divisions of the kingdoms, though the details are rather nebulous.
Magic is largely regarded as good and useful, with the potential exception of mind mages, and the definite exception of shadow mages.
The kingdom to the East of the kingdom where the story takes place, has been in little to no contact with the main kingdom over the past few centuries. This is partly assumed to be due to the mountains along their border, but also perhaps due to differences in beliefs. The kingdom to the east highly values magic and learning, and is a center of knowledge. The main kingdom more highly values work and wealth, rather than knowledge. The eastern kingdom is Dorian and Ash's hopeful destination when they're on the run from the Huntsman.
To the south is a desert kingdom with whom the main kingdom has an alliance.
Umm... I'm not sure what else to say that wasn't already covered in another ask. CoS is my secondary WIP, and I haven't been working on it much really. I need to do a lot more thinking and worldbuilding, but it's not coming to me as easily as the worldbuilding for ATQH did.
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wetalkradionetwork · 3 years
LBTQ Resources
“Celebrating diversity & enhancing equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer North Texans.”GENDER AND QUEER NORTH TEXANS.
June is Pride Month! We know that members of the LGBTQIA+ community face discrimination in several ways. Here are 20 national and local organizations that have been created to help members of the LGBTQIA+ community. 
National Resources
Amnesty International - amnestyusa.org
Amnesty International states on their website, “We work both at home and abroad to tackle the most pressing human rights violations.” This is a good resource for people all over the world to use when their human rights have been violated.
Family Equality Council - familyequality.org
Family Equality Council advocates for LBGTQ+ issues. They educate families, speak out about equality, and fight to protect LGBTQ+ people.
National Center for Transgender Equality - transequality.org
The National Center for Transgender Equality educates transgender people about their rights and takes action by supporting legistlation that protects the rights of transgender people, like the Equality Act. 
National LGBTQ Task Force - thetaskforce.org
The National LGBTQ Task Force is a great tool for members of the LGBTQ+ community. They use their resources to mobilize their members to take action and to stay informed. 
The Trevor Project - thetrevorproject.org
The Trevor Project website states, “Our trained counselors are here to support you 24/7. If you are a young person in crisis, feeling suicidal, or in need of a safe and judgment-free place to talk, call the TrevorLifeline now at 1-866-488-7386.” This is a great place to reach out to if you or a loved one needs help.
OutServe-SLDN - sldn.org
OutServe-SLDN is “a united voice for the LGBTQ military and veteran community - and our modern military families.” Their mission is to make a real difference in the lives of LGBTQ servicemembers, military spouses, veterans, and family members through advocacy, education, and support. 
National Resources for POC
API Equality - LA - apiequalityla.org
Their mission is to empower “Asian and Pacific Islander communities to achieve LGBTQ, racial, and social justice.” Their campaign aims to increase access to mental healthcare and holistic community wellness for LGBTQ people.
Audre Lorde Project - alp.org
The Audre Lorde Project focuses on creating resilience uplifting the LGBTQ community in the New York City area. They have events multiple times a year to bring together LGBTQ+ people of color and heal as a community.
Black Transman Inc - blacktransmen.org
Their website states, “Black Transmen, Inc. provides positive and affirming support to enrich the lives of transmen thru EmpowerHIM. The EmpowerHIM program offers self empowerment through mentoring, access to resources, and financial assistance to support his healthy transition and leadership development.” This is a good resource for transgender people of color across the nation.
Incite! - incite-national.org
Incite is working to end violence in their homes, communities, and states to create a safer world for women of color.
Muslims for Progressive Values - mpvusa.org
Muslims for Progressive Values has a goal of reflecting Islam as “a source of dignity, justice, compassion, and love for all.” They have counseling services and use their resources to advocate for human rights.
National Black Justice Coalition - nbjc.org
The mission of the National Black Justice Coalition is to “end racism, homophobia, and LGBTQ+/SGL bias and stigma.” This organization is working to create policies that advance equity for black individuals, families, and communities. 
Trans People of Color Coalition - transpoc.org
The Trans People of Color Coalition creates visibility and safe space for transgender people of color.
Resources in North Texas
North Texas Pride - northtexaspride.com
“North Texas Pride advocates unity, equality and community integration for LGBTQ and allies through forums and events that promote pride and self-acceptance, education and awareness, and social interaction.”
Coalition Aging LGBT - cfa.lgbt
“Our Mission: Improve and protect the quality of life of older LGBT adults in North Texas through coordination and collaborations for health, housing, advocacy, financial security and social services.”
Trans-Cendence International - transcendint.org
“Trans-Cendence offers peer led support for transgender/gender diverse individuals as well as peer support for those surrounding them.”
PFLAG Denton - pflag.org
“PFLAG is the first and largest organization for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ+) people, their parents and families, and allies.”
Transgender Education Network of Texas - transtexas.org
“TENT is an organization dedicated to furthering gender diverse equality in Texas. We work to accomplish this through education and networking in both public and private forums. Through our efforts we strive to halt discrimination through social, legislative, and corporate education.”
Dallas Voice - dallasvoice.com
“The premiere media source for LGBT Texas.”
GALA North Texas - galanorthtexas.org
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David Keene, Gary Jarmin, Sean Moon & the Second Amendment Foundation
A recent post on WIOTM takes us to an article about David Keene and his support of the Algerian Military Junta:
Oh, how some things never seem to change. Mr. Keene was a close colleague of Gary Jarmin at the American Conservative Union (ACU) in the mid-1970s. Jarmin had been Neil Salonen's top lieutenant for the Leadership Freedom Foundation (FLF) up until 1974. That year, Bo Hi Pak, apparently ,sent out our dear brother Gary, to work for Mr. Moon in an "underground" capacity with the ACU. 3 years ago I posted about Gary Jarmin and the ACU, plus some of his other connections:
One name that I didn't mention in that 3 year-old post was Alan Gottlieb. Gottlieb worked closely with Jarmin at the ACU. Here's a partial list of the ACU Board Members as it looked in 1976. Gary Jarmin was the ACU Legislative Director that year:
*M. Stanton Evan (Chairman)
*Thomas S. Winter (Vice Chairman)
*Jameson G. Campaigne, Jr. (Secretary)
*Daniel Joy (Treasurer)
*Rep. Philip Crane (NOTE: 1st U.C. Congressman ever to sit down with Sun Myung Moon. Neil Salonen was present at this meeting)
*Alan Gottlieb
*David A. Keene (NOTE: On Board of Directors of the American Council for World Freedom (ACWF) along with Neil Salonen)
*Stefan Possony (NOTE: On Board of Directors of the American Council for World Freedom (ACWF) along with Neil Salonen)
*Phyllis Schalfly (NOTE: On Board of Directors of the American Council for World Freedom (ACWF) along with Neil Salonen)
*Gary Jarmin - ACU Legistlative Director
https://www.fec.gov/files/legal/murs/203.pdf, p.153, p.48
So what does all this have to do with Sean & Justin Moon? For those of you that didn't watch the Freedom Festival last year (sponsored by Kahr Arms), Alan Gottlieb was the keynote speaker. That's right!...the very same Alan Gottlieb that worked with "undercover Moonie" Gary Jarmin back in the 1970's! Gottlieb founded the Second Amendment Foundation (SAF) in 1974, which is the exact year that Gary Jarmin went "undercover" for the Moon Organization. Coincidence? You be the judge! Here's an article that talks about Gottlieb's participation at Sean & Justin's event:
Now, as many of you know, Gottlieb is not the only person that has worked with Sean & Justin. Besides Gottlieb, there is Larry Pratt & Oliver North. And all these men, along with Gary Jarmin, have been members of the Council for National Policy. This is a fascist organization, that pulls strings from behind the scenes affecting U.S. Policy. I'm sure you all noticed, that I included this organization in the title of my 3-year-old post. I made my case then, that the Moon Organization had/has close ties with the CNP.
If you'd like to know more about the CNP, here's a podcaster that can fill you in on a lot of their history:
Sean & Justin! Remember! I'm always watching you!
'til the next,
Don Diligent
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ubuntunews-blog · 5 years
Bowling Green City Council puts hold on plastic bag legistlation
Bowling Green City Council puts hold on plastic bag legistlation - https://ubuntu.news/bowling-green-city-council-puts-hold-on-plastic-bag-legistlation/ After months of consideration, the city of Bowling Green is putting its plastic bag legislation on hold. City council voted 5-2 in favor of tabling the legislation
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knowpgh · 7 years
Signups available for Pittsburgh hearing on affordable housing via Google Alert - "urban redevelopment authority" pittsburgh
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vileart · 7 years
Cardboard Dramaturgy: Adrian Jackson @ Edfringe 2017
Following its hugely successful UK tour, acclaimed theatre company Cardboard Citizens comes to the Edinburgh Festival Fringe for the first time with its critically acclaimed production Cathy, featuring the original cast.
Cardboard Citizens presents
Venue: King Dome, Pleasance, Edinburgh Festival Fringe 2017
Dates: Wed 2 August – Sat 26 August, (not 9th, 14th, 21st), 3.30pm
Cathy premiered last autumn
following Cardboard Citizens one-off theatrical re-staging of Ken Loach’s seminal work Cathy Come Home at the Barbican. 
Inspired by the iconic film, award-winning playwright Ali Taylor’s (Cotton Wool, OVERSPILL) new play continues Cardboard Citizens exploration of the state of housing and homelessness. 
The powerful and emotive show, which transfers to the Edinburgh Festival Fringe in Cardboard Citizens’ 25th anniversary year, is directed by Cardboard Citizens Artistic Director Adrian Jackson and explores how life might be for a Cathy today.
Based on true stories, this timely reflection looks at the social and personal impact of spiralling housing costs and the challenges of forced relocation out of city centres experienced by many people on council waiting lists.
While the UK tour featured a Forum Theatre section, following the performance of the play, Edinburgh audiences will experience a similar style of interactive theatre called Legislative Theatre. This will offer audiences a chance to voice their opinion at every performance, take action, express their views and contribute to the proposal of new housing laws. 
The new format follows the high-profile performance of Cathy at the House of Lords earlier this year when the company presented to MPs the top five housing laws suggested by audiences on the UK tour.
Reprising their roles in the show are: Alex Jones, Amy Loughton, Cathy Owen and Hayley Wareham.
First broadcast in 1966 on the
BBC, Cathy Come Home, the inspiration for Cathy, depicts a young family’s slide into homelessness. The first screening of the film led to public outrage at the state of housing in Britain and became a defining cultural landmark, demonstrating the power of art to effect social and political change. 
Of the Cardboard Citizens staging last year, Ken Loach said: “There are more people made desperate by having no home now than when Cathy Come Home was first made. Then, we still had council housing… Now, we only have the market. And the market has failed. It gives us luxury apartments in tower blocks for investors while families live in over-crowded single rooms. The lesson from Cathy is that we need to plan – for council housing, for secure jobs alongside the houses and for a proper infrastructure for schools and healthcare. All the rest is propaganda.”
Cathy premiered in October at London’s Pleasance Theatre with The Stage commenting in its four star review: "At a time of escalating house prices and entrenched inequality, a touching and troubling productions like this may be just as urgent now as they were half a century ago."
As with all Cardboard Citizens productions, a proportion of tickets for the Edinburgh Festival Fringe run will be made available to people with experience of homelessness at £1.
Cathy follows Cardboard Citizens’ Home Truths, which features the world premieres of nine new plays exploring the history of housing. 
What was the inspiration for this show? 
Cathy Come Home is a seminal film, which changed the public debate about homelessness. We thought it was timely, on its 50th anniversary and 25 years since Cardboard Citizens was founded, to revisit its content and see what has changed (and what has not). What would a Cathy de nos jours look like? Would a family be broken up in the same way today, or have we learned more compassion?
Is performance still a good space for the public discussion of ideas? 
The proof is in the pudding: we played the show to
nearly 6000 people on its UK tour, followed by a Forum Theatre debate. In every venue there was vigorous participation. To end the show we invited the audience to suggest new housing laws that should be enacted to improve the situation. We collected hundreds of ideas and presented the most popular five after a special performance at the House of Lords in January this year, to accompany the second reading of the Homelessness Reduction Bill. Who says theatre does nothing?
How did you go about gathering the team for it? 
We try to employ people with experience of homelessness when we can- in this case, we started with two actors out of four with this experience, one of whom sadly left during rehearsals because of health reasons. The show’s designer Lucy Sierra has collaborated with us before, and the stage management team were also old Cardboard Citizens’ friends. Many Cardboard Citizens’ members also appear in the filmed and recorded extracts that are integrated into the show.
How did you become interested in making performance? 
I acted for a bit at university and found that directing was more fun. I always wanted to make theatre which spoke about important stuff. I founded Cardboard Citizens in 1991 after working with a group of street-dwelling homeless people who were living in what was then called Cardboard City, the underpass now occupied by the IMAX in London’s Southbank.
Was there any particular approach to the making of the show?
Our inspiration, Cathy Come Home, used vox-pops and true stories researched and woven together in a form which is close to documentary but with the full intensity of narrative and fiction. We followed the same formula. We have many homeless people around us at Cardboard Citizens, so there was no shortage of stories for us to base the show on.
Does the show fit with Cardboard Citizens’ usual productions?
We seek to tell untold stories, and we try whenever possible to stimulate debate. Homelessness is on the rise, after some years when the trend went the other way. We must not get used to stepping over bodies on the street – theatre can help us remember that this is not necessary or right.
What do you hope that the audience will experience?
They will be moved (if past form is anything to go by) and they will think about their own lives; I hope they will be angered, provoked into action.
What strategies did you consider towards shaping this audience experience? 
We are experienced at stimulating debate – this show played in theatres, hostels and prisons during its premiere run in autumn 2016/winter 2017. For us it is also a goal to ensure that at any performance, even in theatres, the audience will be mixed, and will include people who have experienced homelessness themselves. This enriches the debate.
Adrian Jackson (director) is the Founder, Director and Chief Executive of Cardboard Citizens. Adrian founded Cardboard Citizens in 1991 and since then he has directed over 30 productions for the company, devising and writing many of them including Pericles and Timon (with
RSC) The Beggar’s Opera (with ENO),The Lower Depths (with London Bubble), Mincemeat (winner of Evening Standard award) and Home Truths (currently running at The Bunker in London).  He directed his own play, A Few Man Fridays at Riverside Studios in 2012, and Kate Tempest’s Glasshouse in 2013. In 2013 he also wrote and performed an intervention in Elmgreen/Dragset’s installation Tomorrow at the V & A. Adrian also teaches the Theatre of the Oppressed methodology all over the world.
Ali Taylor (playwright) trained at
the Royal Court Young Writers’ Programme. His first play Cotton Wool at Theatre503 won the 18th Meyer Whitworth Award. Ali went on to be one of the winners of ‘Metamorphosis08’, a new play competition run by the Churchill Theatre, Bromley, for his play Overspill. It was performed at the theatre before transferring to Soho Theatre. His writing for young people includes two plays for Polka Theatre: Sticks and Stones and an adaptation of The Machine Gunners (shortlisted for the Brian Way Award). His work also includesConspiracy (RWCMD/Gate Theatre), Under My Skin (Pegasus Theatre), Fault Lines (Hampstead Theatre) and his radio plays for BBC Radio 4 including Eight Feet High And Rising and Cinders. 
Alex Jones (multi-role male) is best known for his role as Clive Horrobin in the long running BBC Radio 4 Contemporary drama The Archers and subsequently Archers & Ambridge Extra, as well as over 100 other radio plays including Heartlands with BBC Radio 4 producer Jane Marshall, The Old Curiosity Shop and Albion Tower (winner of the Gold Sony Award). Recently he played Keith Loader in BBC's Doctors, other television and film includes Jane Eyre, Fourth Arm, The Specials, Birds Of A Feather, Back Up, Boon & Hardcases, Faster, Harder, Longer and the BAFTA nominated film Rhubarb And Roses. His theatre credits include Shakespeare And Various Irish Extracts for the University of Birmingham (dir. Gwenda Hughes), The Mysteries at Coventry Cathedral for Belgrade Theatre (dir. Barry Kyle), Gilgamesh (dir. Claudette Bryanston), I'm A Minger (dir. Amy Bonsall) and productions at Birmingham Repertory Theatre including Of Mice And Men, Swamp City, Ash Girl and The Tempest.
Amy Loughton’s (multi-role female) theatre credits include: Dear Uncle, Neighbourhood Watch (both Stephen Joseph Theatre/No 1 Tour/59E59 New York), A View From The Bridge (Theatre by the Lake, Keswick), Peter Pan (New Vic, Stoke-on-Trent), Women, Power and Politics (Tricycle Theatre), Nation (National Theatre), Apart from George (Finborough Theatre), Blueprint for Write by Numbers (Bike Shed Theatre), Sergeant Jackson in Almost Near (Finborough Theatre), Theatre Cafe Festival (Company of Angels) and The Killing of Sister George (Dramatic Productions). Her film credits include British features Crowhurst (Great Point Media) and Aux (Evolutionary Films). TV credits include Talking to the Dead (Sky/Warp Films), EastEnders, Holby City and Emma (all BBC).
Cathy Owen’s (Cathy) theatre credits include: Home Truths (Cardboard Citizens, The Bunker), This Wide Night (Clean Break, Soho Theatre UK Tour), The Last Valentine (Almeida), Silent Engine(Pentabus, Fringe First Winner), Kolbe’s Gift (Leicester Square Theatre), Edwina: A Cautionary Tale for Grown Ups (The Stadsteatern, Stockholm, BAC), Mother Courage and her Children (National Theatre of Wales), A Chaste Maid in Cheapside (Almeida UK Tour), Macbeth (Ludlow Festival), Shrew'd: Taming of the Shrew and The Tamer Tamed (Arcola), Marisol (Southwark Playhouse). Her Television credits include The Bill (TalkBack Thames); Casualty; Crown Prosecutor (BBC) and The Life and Death of Philip Night (YTV/Waller Films).
Hayley Wareham (Danielle) trained at the Oxford School of Drama. Work since graduating includes: This Secret Life (Tour) Strawberry Starburst (Brockley Jack Theatre) and Is This Rape: Sex on Trial (BBC3). Hayley has just completed the Soho Theatre Writers' Lab.
   Director: Adrian Jackson
Writer: Ali Taylor
Dramaturg: Sarah Woods
Researcher: Alison Cain
Assistant Director:  Emilia Teglia
Designer:  Lucy Sierra
Lighting Designer: Mark Dymock
Sound Designer:  Matt Lewis
About Cardboard Citizens
Cardboard Citizens is an award-winning theatre company and one of the world’s leading practitioners of Forum Theatre. We have toured across hostels, day centres and prisons for the past 25 years, bringing theatre to the most marginalised in society. Through bold and immersive theatre, we break down conventional divisions between audiences and performers. Past productions include the Evening Standard Award-winning Mincemeat, Pericles and Timon (with RSC) The Beggar’s Opera (with ENO), The Lower Depths, A Few Man Fridays and Home Truths, which is currently playing at London’s The Bunker.
from the vileblog http://ift.tt/2s0GpFh
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