#Hong Kong Bar Association
panicinthestudio · 6 months
Hong Kong passes new security law, raising max. penalty for treason, insurrection to life in prison, March 19, 2024
Hong Kong’s opposition-free legislature has unanimously passed new homegrown security legislation, making treason, insurrection and sabotage punishable by up to life in prison, and rejecting Western criticism that the law would further restrict the city’s freedoms. Hong Kong Free Press
Hong Kong adopts contentious law giving government more power to quash dissent, March 19, 2024
Hong Kong's legislature unanimously passed a new national security law on Tuesday ( March 19), introducing penalties such as life imprisonment for crimes related to treason and insurrection, and up to 20 years' jail for the theft of state secrets. France 24
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zvaigzdelasas · 11 months
[SCMP is Hong Kong Private Media]
Indonesia’s long-drawn-out presidential election process has officially entered its final stages, with some of the country’s biggest political names formally submitting their nomination papers and launching their policy platforms.
Ahead of the opening of the nomination process, much of the national intrigue involved the identity of the running mate for Prabowo Subianto, current President Joko Widodo’s former rival-turned-ally. As long speculated, the 72-year-old defence minister revealed last weekend that his running mate would be Gibran Rakabuming Raka, Widodo’s 36-year-old son and mayor of the city of Solo.
Speculation has also swirled around who would get the outgoing president’s stamp of approval: Prabowo or former Central Java governor Ganjar Pranowo. Pranowo, 54, leads the ticket for Widodo’s ruling Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle, alongside his vice-presidential candidate Mohammad Mahfud, 66, the outgoing coordinating minister of political, legal and security affairs.
Rounding out the list of candidates is Anies Baswedan – like Widodo, a former governor of Jakarta – and Muhaimin Iskandar, 57, deputy speaker of the House of Representatives. Supported by a coalition of parties named the Coalition of Change for Unity, the 54-year-old Anies has styled himself as the antithesis of Widodo, who is constitutionally barred from running for a third term.[...]
All three candidates have vowed to maintain Indonesia’s long-standing commitment to a neutral and non-aligned foreign policy, while also being active on the international stage to champion world peace – including by advocating for Palestinians amid the ongoing Israel-Gaza war, with Prabowo going the furthest in this regard by saying he would push to open an Indonesian consulate in Palestinian territory if elected.[...]
“Anies and Muhaimin will tend to be more critical of China in terms of maritime territorial integrity,” said Ahmad Rizky, an associate lecturer and researcher at the University of Queensland’s School of Political Science and International Studies in Australia. “But I am not sure that Anies will eliminate the engagement with China that Jokowi has been doing so far.”
Anies, who has trailed in opinion polls in recent months, said in his manifesto that he aims to “position Indonesia as a balancing force in the global order” so that the country can “prevent the domination of certain powers”, which Ahmad interpreted as a criticism of China’s rising assertiveness.
Prabowo [...] has been the most explicit when it comes to addressing fraught geopolitics, underlining that a major strategic challenge for Indonesia would be “rivalry between the two superpowers over Taiwan that could threaten the smooth supply chain of food, energy and trade” that passes through the Malacca Strait and North Natuna Sea.
The former special forces commander, who is making a third tilt at the presidency having twice lost to Widodo in 2014 and 2019, has pledged to “restore Indonesia’s foreign political authority as a large and sovereign country in the eyes of the international community”.
Twice last month, Prabowo made speeches warning against foreign influence, telling an audience of students at Muhammadiyah University in Malang, East Java on September 27 about Indonesia’s long history of colonisation and exploitation, and cautioning that the country should never again become “a puppet” of outsiders.
In another speech just a few days later, [Prabowo] again warned Indonesians not to become “the playthings of major powers” who “clearly set forth a strategy of divide and conquer”.
In past elections, [Prabowo,] the former son-in-law of late strongman president Suharto [and son of a major state economist in the Suharto government] had held the establishment responsible for society’s ills, but [an analyst] said this tactic would no longer work, as Prabowo was stripped of his opposition credentials when Widodo made him defence minister in 2019.[...]
“He wants Indonesia to engage with all major powers, not just the US and China,” Ahmad said, adding that the outgoing defence chief would “want Indonesia to play a bigger role outside of the context of [ASEAN] regionalism” and also “change his stance to no longer being anti-China”.
“He would want to encourage stronger engagement with China, something that he has already done in a diplomatic and defence context,” Ahmad said, further predicting that “Prabowo could tend to be closer militarily to the US”.[...]
[Prabowo] has led efforts to overhaul Indonesia’s ageing air fleet – mainly US-made F-16 and Russian Sukhoi Su-27 and Su-30 jets – securing a deal in February to order 42 Dassault Rafale fighter jets from France for US$8.1 billion; confirming in June the purchase of 12 Mirage 2000-5 jets previously used by Qatar for US$800 million; and in August signing a deal with Boeing for 24 F-15EX aircraft, the most advanced version of the US company’s F-15 jet, for an undisclosed amount.
Anies and Ganjar have likewise committed to modernising Indonesia’s military, with the former focusing in his manifesto on upgrading the country’s coastguard and protection of outlying islands.
Ganjar, meanwhile, outlines in his campaign manifesto Towards a Superior Indonesia a plan to introduce anti-access and area denial weapons and strategies – which can span missiles, electronic warfare, mines, aircraft and coastal artillery – “to secure territorial sovereignty and the implementation of sovereign rights” in the country’s exclusive economic zone.[...]
Ganjar was essentially signalling that the US and China should “not use Indonesian waters for their military interest” [according to an analyst][...]
All candidates have said they would uphold Widodo’s flagship “downstreaming” policy, whereby exports of critical raw minerals such as nickel are banned and producers are required to build refining facilities onshore, with Prabowo even vowing to widen it further to include “copper, tin, agriculture products and maritime products”.
Yet Sulfikar Amir, an industry, innovation, and technology spokesman for Anies’ campaign, said under his candidate “there will be a ban on commodity exports, but it will not repeat the current downstreaming order”.
As it stands, downstreaming “basically gives away our materials to foreign investors who come to build processing facilities in Indonesia and ultimately export them,” [Sulfikar] said. “Ultimately the ones who enjoy the [added] values are foreign investors.”[...]
The spokesman added that Anies would also not prioritise another of Widodo’s big-ticket projects: moving the country’s capital away from Jakarta to the new city of Nusantara being built on the island of Borneo.[...]
Ganjar, by contrast, said he aims to complete the new capital’s construction if elected, calling it “a symbol of futuristic Indonesia”.[...]
Anies took a stronger line, openly criticising Widodo’s dealings with foreign investors, particularly within the context of the Belt and Road Initiative and other multilateral economic forums.[...]
Belt and road projects offer “benefits for Indonesia, we cannot deny it,” Sulfikar [Anies’ campaign spokesman] said. “But the scheme and relationship between Indonesia and [the initiative] needs to be reviewed so that we would not deeply depend on [Chinese investments] that could harm Indonesia in the long term.”
“Look at the [Jakarta-Bandung] fast train [project]. Indonesia has to go into debt because the project is delayed. So everything [agreed under the belt and road] will be reviewed.”
27 Oct 23
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newstfionline · 2 years
Tuesday, January 31, 2023
California Has More Than 100 Gun Laws. Why Don’t They Stop More Mass Shootings? (NYT) California bans guns for domestic violence offenders. It bans them for people deemed a danger to others or themselves. There is a ban on large-capacity magazines, and a ban on noise-muffling silencers. Semiautomatic guns of the sort colloquially known as “assault weapons” are, famously, banned. More than 100 gun laws—the most of any state—are on the books in California. They have saved lives, policymakers say: Californians have among the lowest rates of gun death in the United States. Yet this month, those laws failed to stop the massacres of at least 19 people in back-to-back mass shootings. The tragedies in Monterey Park and Half Moon Bay have confounded Americans who regard California as a best-case bastion of gun safety in a nation awash with firearms. Inside the state, gun rights proponents say the shootings show that California’s strategy is a failure. Gun safety groups, meanwhile, have already begun mobilizing for more laws and better enforcement.
Peru’s protest ‘deactivators’ run toward tear gas to stop it (AP) When police fire tear gas at protesters demanding the resignation of Peruvian President Dina Boluarte, most run away. A few, though, run toward the gas canisters as quickly as possible—to neutralize them. These are the “deactivators.” Donning gas masks, safety goggles and thick gloves, these volunteers grab the hot canisters and toss them inside large plastic bottles filled with a mixture of water, baking soda and vinegar. The deactivators made their debut in Peru street protests in 2020, inspired by protesters in Hong Kong who in 2019 unveiled new strategies to counteract the eye-stinging, breath-stealing effects of tear gas. With protesters in Lima facing a nearly daily fusillade of tear gas, more people have joined the ranks of deactivators trying to shield them and keep the demonstrations going.
France braces for major transport woes from pension strikes (AP) France’s national rail operator is recommending that passengers stay home Tuesday to avoid strikes over pensions that are expected to cause major transport woes but largely spare high-speed links to Britain, Belgium and the Netherlands. Labor unions that mobilized massive street protests in an initial salvo of nationwide strikes earlier this month are hoping for similar success Tuesday to maintain pressure on government plans to raise France’s retirement age. Positions are hardening on both sides as lawmakers begin debating the planned change. France’s prime minister, Elisabeth Borne, insisted this weekend that her government’s intention to raise the retirement age from 62 to 64 is “no longer negotiable.” Opponents in parliament and labor leaders are determined to prove her wrong.
Russia’s Convict Fighters Are Heading Home (NYT) He was released from a Russian prison and thrown into battle in Ukraine with a promise of freedom, redemption and money. Now, Andrei Yastrebov, who was among tens of thousands of convict soldiers, is part of a return from the battlefield with potentially serious implications for Russian society. Mr. Yastrebov, 22, who had been serving time for theft, returned home a changed man. “We all feel like he is in some sort of hypnosis, like he is a different person,” said a relative of his, who spoke on the condition of anonymity for fear of reprisals. “He is without any emotions.” President Vladimir V. Putin’s decision to allow a mercenary group to recruit Russian convicts in support of his flagging war effort marks a watershed in his 23-year rule, say human rights activists and legal experts. The policy circumvents Russian legal precedent and, by returning some brutalized criminals to their homes with pardons, risks triggering greater violence throughout society. Since July, around 40,000 inmates have joined the Russian forces, according to Western intelligence agencies, the Ukrainian government and a prisoners’ rights association, Russia Behind Bars, which combines reports from informers across Russian jails. Ukraine claims that nearly 30,000 have deserted or been killed or wounded, although that number could not be independently verified.
Biden says no F-16s for Ukraine as Russia claims gains (Reuters) The United States will not provide the F-16 fighter jets that Ukraine has sought in its fight against Russia, President Joe Biden said on Monday, as Russian forces claimed a series of incremental gains in the country's east. Ukraine planned to push for Western fourth-generation fighter jets such as the F-16 after securing supplies of main battle tanks last week, an adviser to Ukraine's defence minister said on Friday. Asked if the United States would provide the jets, Biden told reporters at the White House, "No." The hundreds of modern tanks and armoured vehicles pledged to Ukraine by Western countries in recent weeks for a counteroffensive to recapture territory are months away from delivery. This leaves Kyiv to fight through the winter in what both sides have described as a meat grinder of relentless attritional warfare.
Winter has come for Afghanistan (Washington Post) For much of the past year, the West’s policymakers and analysts were possessed by one haunting question: How bad will Europe’s winter be? The prospect of a deep cold spell as European governments rationed gas supplies conjured images of a bleak winter from Lviv to London, with industry going dark and pensioners scavenging for firewood. The worst did not come to pass. But consider another part of the world that has receded from the West’s attention over the course of the Ukraine conflict. Afghanistan is currently in the grips of its worst winter in more than a decade. Temperatures recently plunged to below minus-34 degrees Celsius (minus-29.2 degrees Fahrenheit). Officials in the local Taliban government said the cold has been lethal, leading to more than 160 deaths over the span of about two weeks, and killing more than 70,000 livestock. The dismal conditions have struck a society ill-equipped to cope.
Suicide bomber kills 88, wounds over 150 at mosque in NW Pakistan (AP) A suicide bomber struck Monday inside a mosque in the northwestern Pakistani city of Peshawar, killing at least 88 people and wounding more than 150 worshippers, officials said. Most of the casualties were policemen and police officers as the targeted mosque is located within a sprawling compound, which also serves as the city’s police headquarters. No one immediately claimed responsibility for the bombing, said Saddique Khan, a senior police official in Peshawar, but the Pakistani Taliban have been blamed in similar suicide attacks in the past.
Iran says drone strike targeted military complex amid ongoing shadow war (Washington Post) Iran said a drone strike lightly damaged a defense ministry complex in the central city of Isfahan on Saturday, an attack that reverberated across capitals as tensions with the West and Israel mount over Tehran’s advancing nuclear program, arms supply for Russia’s war in Ukraine and lethal crackdown on months-long anti-government protests. Iran’s Ministry of Defense said that three drones struck around 11:30 p.m. local time Saturday, according to a statement carried by the IRNA state news agency, in an attack that caused “minor damage to the roof of a workshop.” There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the Saturday strike. But Israel has a history of conducting attacks on Iranian nuclear program facilities as part of an ongoing shadow war between the two regional rivals, a campaign that appears to have escalated following the U.S. withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal in 2018, three years into the landmark agreement. One U.S. official, speaking on the condition of anonymity said the strike appeared to be the work of the Israeli military.
Russian embassy says North Korea lifted lockdown in capital (AP) Russia’s embassy in North Korea says the country has eased stringent epidemic controls in capital Pyongyang that were placed during the past five days to slow the spread of respiratory illnesses. North Korea has not officially acknowledged a lockdown in Pyongyang or a re-emergence of COVID-19 after leader Kim Jong Un declared a widely disputed victory over the coronavirus in August, but the Russian embassy’s Facebook posts have provided rare glimpses into the secretive country’s infectious disease controls. Last week, the embassy said that North Korean health authorities required diplomatic missions to keep their employees indoors and also measure their temperatures four times a day and report the results to a hospital in Pyongyang. It said the North Korean measures were in response to an increase in “flu and other respiratory diseases,” but it didn’t mention the spread of COVID-19 or restrictions imposed on regular citizens.
Radioactive needle in a haystack: Tiny capsule lost in rural Australia (Washington Post) Emergency officials in Western Australia warned that a tiny radioactive capsule was on the loose, with a harried hunt underway along a lengthy stretch of highway for what was essentially a toxic needle in a haystack. The Department of Fire and Emergency Services in Western Australia, a largely rural state that makes up the western third of the country, issued a hazardous materials warning Saturday evening, cautioning that the radioactive capsule had been lost while it was being transported from a mine near the town of Newman to a suburb near Perth, the state’s most populous city. The capsule—which is less than a third of an inch long—went missing somewhere along the more than 800-mile stretch of road between Newman and Perth, the department said. It contains cesium-137, a radioactive material used in gauges for mining, one of the main industries in resource-rich Western Australia. Despite its size, the capsule is dangerous, the department warned. “Exposure to this substance could cause radiation burns or radiation sickness,” it said, cautioning people not to touch it or move it if they come across it. Anyone who sees the capsule should stay at least five meters (16 feet) away from it and report it, the department said.
Palestinian Man Fatally Shot as Violence Continues in Israel (NYT) A Palestinian man was fatally shot outside an Israeli settlement in the West Bank and Israeli settlers carried out nearly 150 attacks against Palestinians and their properties across the region, according to reports on Sunday by Palestinian state media and the Israeli Army. Sunday’s violence was the latest to grip the Israeli-occupied West Bank and Jerusalem since Thursday, in a series of raids and attacks that have left more than 20 people dead. Palestinian officials said that across the West Bank on Saturday night and into early Sunday, Israeli settlers had carried out 144 attacks against Palestinian civilians or their properties. One official, Ghassan Daghlas, told Wafa that settlers had hurled stones at more than 100 motorists and vehicles and had set fire to six vehicles in a wave of violence. At least 22 Palestinian-owned shops were attacked and at least one Palestinian home near the city of Ramallah was set on fire by settlers, Palestinian media reported.
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Lawyers exit Hong Kong as they face campaign of intimidation
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Dec. 29, 2022, noon GMT
Anonymous threats sent by text message and email. GPS tracking devices placed under a car, and Chinese “funeral money” sent to an office. Ambushes by reporters working for state-controlled media. Accusations of disloyalty in the press.
These are some of the methods deployed in a campaign of intimidation being waged against lawyers in Hong Kong who take on human rights cases, have criticized a China-imposed national security law or raised alarms about threats to the rule of law. While some of Hong Kong’s leading rights lawyers have been detained in the past two-and-a-half years, many others have become the target of a more insidious effort to cleanse the city of dissent – part of a wider crackdown by the ruling Communist Party on lawyers across China, say activists, legal scholars and diplomats.
Michael Vidler, one of the city’s top human rights lawyers, is among them. Vidler left Hong Kong in April, a couple of months after a judge named his law firm six times in a ruling that convicted four pro-democracy protesters on charges of illegal assembly and possession of unauthorized weapons. Vidler interpreted the judgment as “a call to action” on the city’s national security police “to investigate me,” he told Reuters in an interview last month in Europe. He asked that his location not be disclosed.
Michael Vidler (center), seen here in 2016, was one of the city’s top rights lawyers. In April, he left for Europe after being vilified in articles in state-backed media. REUTERS/Bobby Yip
The event that precipitated his hasty departure, Vidler said, was the appearance of articles in the state-backed media in Hong Kong about him. One said he was the representative of an “anti-China” group. Within days, the British national left his home of three decades.
Vidler tried to make an inconspicuous exit. He sent a suitcase to a friend before flying out. On the day of departure, he met the friend with the suitcase and went to the airport. But on arriving, reporters from state-backed media outlets were waiting.
They “descended on me as a mob at the check-in counter, taking photos of my travel documents,” Vidler said. His last-minute flight plans were known only to his wife, the airline and immigration authorities, he said, which “clearly shows that this information was provided by official sources” to the media.
“This was in my view state-sponsored intimidation and harassment,” said Vidler, whose wife and children later left Hong Kong. A government spokesman called Vidler’s characterization of events “baseless and erroneous.”
Other high-profile departures include former Bar Association chairman Paul Harris. He left his home of decades for England hours after being called in for questioning by national security police. Harris, too, was hounded by reporters from state-backed outlets at the airport as he departed.
Hong Kong was shaken by anti-government protests in 2019, including this dramatic one at the city's famed Lion Rock. The next year, Beijing imposed a draconian national security law. REUTERS/Athit Perawongmetha
The intimidation is having a broad chilling effect, as less prominent lawyers also flee the city. A major catalyst is Hong Kong’s national security law, which was imposed in June 2020, after a wave of anti-government protests shook the city the previous year. The law includes life sentences for vaguely worded offenses such as subversion, secession and collusion with foreign forces. Facing or fearing prosecution under the law, or concerned about threats to Hong Kong’s freedoms, many lawyers and legal academics have quietly departed, mostly to Britain, Australia and North America.
One Hong Kong solicitor who has relocated to England told Reuters that she knew of at least 80 Hong Kong lawyers who had moved to Britain since the security law was imposed in June 2020. Another lawyer, now living in Australia, estimated that several dozen Hong Kong lawyers had moved there.
Some are preparing for the possibility they may never return. Kevin Yam, a commercial solicitor and now vocal critic of Beijing’s crackdown in Hong Kong, said he took his mother’s ashes with him when he departed for Melbourne in April. “I wanted to be fully prepared, given the way Hong Kong is going,” Yam said. “If I couldn’t ever get back to Hong Kong, I didn’t want to leave her there.”
Since Chinese leader Xi Jinping came to power a decade ago, the ruling Communist Party has intensified its persecution of human rights lawyers and legal activists on the mainland. Prominent rights lawyers there, including Ding Jiaxi and Xu Zhiyong, are among hundreds who have been detained, harassed and jailed.
This suppression spread to Hong Kong in the aftermath of the city’s sometimes violent anti-government protests in the second half of 2019. Martin Lee, Margaret Ng and Chow Hang-tung are among the veteran human rights lawyers who have been arrested.
Leading human rights lawyers have been arrested in the crackdown. Among them: Democratic Party founding chairman Martin Lee, seen before his sentencing in 2021. REUTERS/Tyrone Siu
City leaders deny that a purge of the profession is under way.
“There is no truth in the alleged harassment or intimidation of ‘human rights’ lawyers” by the government, the Hong Kong Chief Executive’s Office said in response to questions from Reuters. “We dispute and strongly object to your highly suggestive questions and biased, baseless and false accusations against the Hong Kong National Security Law (NSL) and law enforcement actions taken by law enforcement agencies.”
In the case of Vidler, the Chief Executive’s Office said, the judge had not suggested “that a lawyer could be guilty of a criminal offense by providing legal services.”
Any actions by law enforcement were “strictly in accordance with the law” and had nothing to do with a person’s “political stance, background or occupation,” the office said.
Asked about Vidler’s alarm over the ruling that cited his law firm, the Judiciary said it “does not comment on court judgments” and that judges do not “make public comments on their judgments.” Any suggestion of “inappropriate conduct” by a judge, it said, could only be made “when supported by solid grounds and evidence. Surmise and innuendo fall far short of what is required.
In Beijing, the State Council Information Office and Hong Kong and Macau Affairs Office did not respond to questions from Reuters.
For this article, Reuters interviewed more than 50 lawyers and legal academics in Hong Kong and abroad.
Hong Kong’s lawyers have been a thorn in Beijing’s side since the former colony’s handover from the British in 1997. As a profession, lawyers have taken to the streets in six silent marches since the handover, in protest at what they perceived as threats to the city’s legal system and freedoms. Lawyers were also prominent figures in the mass public demonstrations against proposed national security laws in 2003, the pro-democracy Occupy Central protest movement in 2014 that paralyzed parts of the city, and the rallies in 2019 following the government’s bid to introduce laws allowing the extradition of criminal suspects for trial on the mainland.
A key target in the campaign of intimidation has been the two legal professional bodies that represent and regulate Hong Kong’s legal fraternity – the Law Society and the Bar Association. Mainland officials have long sought influence over these two influential bodies, according to senior Hong Kong lawyers.
Unlike China or the United States, Hong Kong has a British-style split legal system, in which barristers serve as advocates in courts and solicitors deal directly with clients. When necessary, solicitors hire barristers to represent clients in court or provide specialist legal advice.
Judges wearing wigs at a ceremony to mark the beginning of the new legal year in 2017. Former colony Hong Kong has a British-style legal system. REUTERS/Bobby Yip
The Law Society represents the city’s solicitors and has more than 13,000 members. The Bar Association represents Hong Kong’s 1,600 barristers. By law, the two bodies regulate their professions, with the power to qualify barristers and solicitors. By convention, both recommend who represents the professions on the Judicial Officers Recommendation Commission, a panel that appoints and promotes judges.
For several weeks last year, a hotly contested election for the Law Society’s governing council became the arena in which the intimidation campaign played out. The target: a group of four candidates, the so-called “liberals,” who believed the Law Society should take a stand on issues including freedom of speech, judicial independence and the rule of law. They were opposed by a group of candidates, the so-called “professionals,” who believed the body should focus more narrowly on its role in regulating solicitors while expanding business ties with the mainland.
The “liberals” already held seven seats on the 20-member council. If they prevailed among the city’s solicitors, they would be in the majority.
A barrage of hostile coverage by pro-Beijing media outlets in Hong Kong and official pressure was unleashed on the liberal group.
In the days leading up to the August election, the Hong Kong leader at the time, Carrie Lam, issued a warning at a news conference: If the Law Society got involved in politics, the government would consider cutting ties with the body. The threat implied that the Law Society would lose its role as part of the administration of justice in the city, multiple lawyers in the city told Reuters. The People’s Daily, the official mouthpiece of the Communist Party, called on the Law Society not to become a “politicized group.”
In the weeks ahead of the election, Reuters tallied more than 30 articles and editorials attacking the liberal candidates in pro-Beijing media outlets in Hong Kong. They were accused of being “independence advocates” for Hong Kong and having “ulterior political goals.”
At the same time, at least one member of the liberal group was receiving anonymous threats. Three days before the election, Jonathan Ross, a commercial lawyer, announced publicly he was pulling out of the race, citing personal risks. Ross told Reuters he had received anonymous threats via WhatsApp.
Henry Wheare, a solicitor specializing in intellectual property law who was one of the liberal candidates, said he didn’t receive any threats but that the media allegations leveled at him and the other liberals were a “complete lie.” Another member of the group, Denis Brock, a commercial lawyer, did not respond to a request for comment.
It is unclear if the pressure swayed the city’s solicitors, but on August 24, the liberal ticket was soundly defeated. All five lawyers in the professionals group were elected, giving them a clear majority on the council.
Former Bar Association Chairman Paul Harris, seen here on the Bar’s website, also left the city.
Law Society President C.M. Chan said all elections for the body’s governing council, including the 2021 election, were conducted “in a fair and transparent manner.” The Law Society, he said in response to questions from Reuters, “has spoken up in the past and will continue to speak up in future to defend the rule of law and to uphold the integrity and independence of our judiciary.”
The Bar Association, which traditionally has been more outspoken on rule-of-law issues, faced even more intense criticism by Chinese officials and the state-controlled media. One target of the pressure was Harris, its chairman and a veteran human rights lawyer.
Before he became head of the Bar, Harris had been vocal on social media. “China’s determination to crush Hong Kong is a sign of weakness, not strength,” he tweeted a month before the National Security Law was imposed. “The regime knows it is illegitimate and unpopular and the contagion of criticism is spreading. But being weak is likely to make it even more cruel than before, if that is possible.”
After the law was imposed, Harris tweeted again on July 1: “I, a Hong Kong permanent resident and British citizen, can now be seized in the street by Mainland agents, taken to the Mainland and never heard of again, with no legal redress.”
After becoming Bar chairman in January 2021, Harris was more restrained in his criticism of the authorities. But shortly after he was elected, he held a press conference where he made relatively restrained criticism of the national security law. He said he hoped to “explore” if there was any chance the government would agree to some “modifications” that would make the law consistent with Hong Kong’s existing laws and legal protections.
Harris’ departure was given extensive coverage in the pro-Beijing Wen Wei Po. Source: Wen Wei Po website
Beijing unleashed a barrage of criticism. China’s top representative body in Hong Kong, the liaison office, accused Harris of unprofessional conduct, personal arrogance and ignorance. The office said the security law could not be challenged.
In April last year, then-city Chief Executive Lam threatened to intervene in the Bar Association if there were “instances or complaints about the Bar not acting in accordance with Hong Kong’s law.” In August, the People’s Daily described the Bar as a “running rat.”
Under sustained criticism, Harris didn’t seek a second term as Bar chairman when his term ended in January this year. Nevertheless, a few months later, on March 1, he was summoned to a police station and interviewed by national security police. Within hours of his interrogation, Harris left Hong Kong for England, where he now resides. Photographers and reporters from pro-Beijing newspapers were waiting for him when he arrived at Hong Kong airport that evening. One of the outlets published a video of his departure.
The Bar Association did not respond to questions from Reuters.
Asked about the campaign of intimidation against lawyers, including the cases of Vidler and Harris, the Hong Kong police said the department did “not comment on individual cases.” Carrie Lam and the liaison office did not respond to requests for comment.
“After they disqualified me, it was very clear the writing was on the wall.”
Barrister and former lawmaker Dennis Kwok. He says he received threats – including Chinese “funeral money” that was sent to his office – before abruptly leaving in 2020. REUTERS/Tyrone Siu
Harris’s exit was a clear message to his fellow barristers, said Eric Lai, a legal academic who left Hong Kong in 2020. “It shows that if you openly disagree with the authorities, you will be harassed, not just by the media, but also by the authorities,” said Lai, now a non-resident fellow at the Georgetown Center for Asian Law in Washington, D.C.
The pressure has worked. Once ready to challenge the authorities on legal issues, the Bar Association has fallen silent on the national security law’s radical reshaping of Hong Kong’s legal and political system, according to lawyers and human rights campaigners. The association said nothing about the circumstances of Harris’ departure.
A review of press releases published on the Bar Association website shows that since January this year, the Bar has made no critical comments on the national security law. The law has been widely condemned by international legal bodies and rights groups including the United Nations Human Rights Committee.
“The Bar Association used to be critical of government actions, issuing statements on legal reforms and other legal issues,” said longtime Hong Kong human rights activist Patrick Poon, now a visiting researcher at the Institute of Comparative Law at Meiji University in Tokyo. “Nowadays you don’t see those statements any longer,” said Poon, who left Hong Kong after the security law was introduced.
Lawyers who served in Hong Kong’s Legislative Council have also been targeted.
Barrister and former lawmaker Dennis Kwok told Reuters he received threats before abruptly departing Hong Kong in November 2020. He said he is now working at a boutique law firm he set up in New York and is a senior research fellow at Harvard University’s Kennedy School.
A prominent pro-democracy activist, Kwok was hit with sustained criticism from mainland authorities and pro-Beijing figures for his role in employing a filibuster to paralyze the city’s Legislative Council and block legislation opposed by pro-democracy lawmakers. He was also denounced for meeting top U.S. officials and lawmakers on a visit to Washington in early 2019.
Former lawmaker Kwok says this GPS device, with a SIM card, was found planted under his car. REUTERS/Handout/Dennis Kwok
In mid-2020, Kwok found GPS tracking devices under his car “twice in one week,” he said. He provided Reuters with a picture of one of the devices – a small, black rectangular case containing a SIM card to relay positioning data to another device.
Threats were delivered to his office, he said. On one occasion, Chinese “funeral money,” fake paper money sometimes burned by the graveside in a folk tradition, was sent to his office with a note, Kwok recalled. “‘You will be needing these very soon,’ the note read,” he said.
In November 2020, Kwok and three other pro-democracy lawmakers were ousted from the Legislative Council after China’s parliament ruled that sitting members could be disqualified if deemed a threat to national security. That month, Kwok quietly slipped out of Hong Kong. He said articles in the pro-Beijing press, calling for his arrest and accusing him of being a foreign agent, also spurred him to leave.
“After they disqualified me,” he said of the Chinese parliament’s move to oust him, “it was very clear the writing was on the wall.”
Police officers escorting a van carrying a suspect charged with violating the national security law in July 2020. The law has been a major catalyst driving lawyers out of the city. REUTERS/Tyrone Siu
Legal Exodus
By James Pomfret, Greg Torode, Anne Marie Roantree and David Lague
Photo editing: Edgar Su
Art direction: Eve Watling
Edited by Peter Hirschberg
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rvspotlight · 2 years
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age: 91 liner company: spotlight entertainment position: associate development director traits: (+) empathetic, loyal, driven (-) overprotective, anxious, judgmental played by: rose
tldr: officially this bio is way too long yall anyway basically Mihye grew up in a super rich chaebol family that wanted to mold her into the perfect future housewife to meet her family’s ideal social image, but instead she knew she was way too gay for that. After college she fell in love with Choe (and nearly off of the bar she was drunkenly dancing on). Even though being a typical doting housewife didn’t suit her, being a mob wife to the love of her life definitely did. She likes her job at Spotlight for the most part, but really she loves doing all the stereotypical mom stuff alongside Choe for their daughters ok
Mihye never needed to work a day in her life, and technically, she still hasn’t needed to. She was just bored. Growing up, she always knew what she was supposed to be. Her wealthy chaebol family that she has since completely distanced herself from was almost always present in hedge funds and large overseas investments for decades, and when Mihye was born on November 21st, 1988, it was never questioned that she should live up to their high, and extremely strict, expectations.
She never wanted anything but to be perfect like her parents expected. She was always at the top of her class at her prestigious private school before continuing that at an equally elite boarding school, participating in choir and studying ballet. But her parents seemed to always keep her at arm’s length no matter how perfect she was. A child should be seen and not heard, unless it was in choir, and even then it was clear that any pride they showed was of how she benefited her family’s reputation.
Mihye began university still with her family’s expectations heavy on her shoulders. Her education itself did not seem to matter to them nearly as much as it did to her, though it went without saying that eventually afterwards she would marry the son of some equally influential family that her parents approved of. But as time went on, Mihye started to test the waters that she had always steered clear of. She pushed herself further and further towards the deep end with partying, sex, and drugs, but thankfully before any of it could be actually damaging, she met Choe.
Choe was everything her strict upbringing had tried to turn her against. Just over seven years older than her, Mihye had just turned twenty-three when she found herself centering more and more of her life around the older woman. It was clear to Mihye what their relationship started out as; she was the pretty younger girl from a rich family–clearly new to being with women and life outside of the control of her parents in general–that was practically screaming to be made into her plaything. But that soon evolved into something much more substantial. While it wasn’t hard for Mihye to notice how difficult it was for Choe to admit that she loved her, Mihye never would’ve predicted that the woman she fell in love with was actually the leader of all of the Hong Kong Triad’s activities in Korea.
While neither of them were planning on bringing Mihye into the Triad herself, she found her place in Choe’s life faster than either of them could have expected. She knew that Choe’s life revolved almost entirely around sex and violence, and Mihye was never one for violence. Being the perfect addition to Choe’s life came more naturally to her than upholding the expectations of the perfect daughter, it was as if she was born with the ability to know just when to be just suggestive enough in front of her “associates” or stepping in with just enough clothing missing just when Choe’s reputation need it. She knew her role in Choe’s life–and by extension, in the Triad–and she did it well.
To say that Mihye was surprised when one day Choe begged her to adopt a child was an understatement –– not even a baby to raise together as something close to a normal couple for the first time, but a twelve-year-old girl Choe had spotted pickpocketing from other people. The last thing Mihye would have thought to bring into their home where even a day she spent fully clothed was out of the ordinary was a child. But when she watched not only the woman she loved but also the strongest person she knew break into tears as she explained what she saw in that little girl, there was no way that Mihye could even think to be opposed to the idea. And by the time they adopted Myungji soon afterwards, there wasn’t even a moment of hesitation for Mihye like there had been the first time.
Mihye had quickly grown accustomed to the constant gnawing feeling of anxiety that would creep up on her, always worrying when Choe was away at work that something could go wrong, that Choe could get hurt. Not only would the woman she can’t live without be hurt, but not being allowed to legally be her wife would keep her from being able to fully help her. And when they adopted Mirae and then Myungji, the level of her worry doubled, then tripled.
Mihye wishes that she could actually call Choe her wife and actually call Mirae and Myungji her daughters, but unfortunately that’s the only law their family can’t seem to be able to disregard. She can never ignore how  if anything ever happens to either of them, she legally won’t be able to do anything to help them. She and Choe aren’t actually married, and while Choe was able to successfully adopt Mirae, Mihye was not.
If she was being honest, staying at home while the woman that should be her wife and the girls that should be her daughters to return from a real job was boring. She started working as a dance and vocal coach at Spotlight after Mirae and Myungji entered the idol industry and Choe soon followed with the first “job” Mihye could ever remember her having where that wasn’t a euphemism for something far darker. Mihye didn’t think much of her job at first; she definitely enjoyed it, but she was still surprised by just how well she adapted to it. She felt guilty every time Spotlight offered her a promotion to be more involved in developing their new groups, but Mihye hadn’t meant to start any sort of career when she took the job in the first place. After talking it over – and over, and over, and over – with Choe, she’s finally accepted her new position as an associate director of development.
As often as Mihye feels almost crushed with worries of their future, she still has no regrets. Looking back she could never have predicted any of the turns her life has taken, she loves it and the makeshift family she had. Mihye will never return to the life she once had, and when she thinks of her family, she knows she will always picture Choe, Mirae and Myungji instead of the one she was born into.
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themindtalk1 · 11 days
Celebrating the achievements of organisations and individuals in Asia who are champions of DE&I and Wellbeing
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The Community Business Awards celebrates leaders (organisations and individuals) across Asia who have worked passionately and achieved great strides in diversity, equity, inclusion, and wellbeing. This year marks the second year of the awards with an impressive list of finalists with significant achievements in their categories. The awards will be held on the 5th of September 2024 at the Soho House in Hong Kong. The CEO Janet Ledger mentioned an uphill task for the judges since the bar was set very high the year before. With over 250 nominations across 16 award categories, what followed was a rigorous selection process.
Each category boasts of finalists who have dedicated their lives in their respective categories and the list can be found below in alphabetical order.
Creating Social Impact in Asia: Community Leader Award
To recognise a community leader in the public and social services sector (including not-for-profits and social enterprise) based in Asia who has demonstrated personal passion and used their influence to advance social change.
Ahmed Imtiaz Jami – OBHIZA TRIK Foundation
Brian Henderson of Whole – Business Wellness Limited
Faride Shroff – SENsational Foundation
Lindsay Davis – Femtech Association Asia
Creating Social Impact in Asia: Specific Initiative Award
To recognise a specific initiative driven by a not-for-profit or social enterprise that has had a positive and measurable social impact on under-represented or disadvantaged groups in the broader community in Asia.
Asia Pacific Youth Development Foundation Limited
Inspiring Girls Hong Kong
Resolve Foundation
Science and Technology for Autism Remediation (STAR) Limited
Creating Social Impact in Asia: Partnership Award
To recognise a specific initiative driven by both a not-for-profit/social enterprise and a corporate in partnership that has, through its overall strategy and wider approach, has a positive and measurable impact on under-represented or disadvantaged groups in the broader community in Asia.
Caritas Hong Kong and Hong Kong Land Limited
Dentsu, Kreaby Studio Indonesia, Spotify and Sun Eater
FWD Group Holdings Limited and JA Asia Pacific
HELP Limited and Linklaters
DE&I Business Leader in Asia Award
To recognise a leader/senior executive in the business sector based in Asia who has demonstrated personal passion and used their influence to advance DE&I business practices in their organisation and beyond.
Ashwani Bhargava – Boeing
Sarada Vempati – Wells Fargo
Susheela Rivers – DLA Piper
DE&I Innovation in Asia Award
To recognise a specific business initiative that demonstrates a bold, new, different or creative approach to advancing DE&I practices in Asia.
MTR Corporation
Talawakelle Tea Estates PLC
Employee Network in Asia Award
To recognise an employee network that has played a strategic and proactive role in advancing DE&I business practices in Asia.
J.P. Morgan
Achieving Gender Equality in Asia Award
To recognise an organisation that has made a positive and measurable impact in achieving gender (including nonbinary, trans and intersex) equality in the workplace in Asia.
Michael Page International
LGBTQ+ Ally in Asia Award
To recognise a leader/senior executive in the business sector based in Asia who has demonstrated personal passion and used their influence to advance DE&I business practices in their organisation and beyond.
Amy Hanly – Morgan Stanley
Edward Mears – DLA Piper
Holly McGhee – EY
LGBTQ+ Inclusion Champion in Asia Award
To recognise an LGBTQ+ employee who has taken proactive and effective steps to promote an LGBTQ+ inclusive culture in the workplace and beyond in Asia.
Amita Karadkhedkar – Citi
Kevin Li – Citi
Tanvi Nair – Northern Trust India
Zhijun Hu – PFLAG China
LGBTQ+ Inclusive Organisation in Asia Award
To recognise a non-LGBTQ+ focused organisation that has built an LGBTQ+ friendly workplace culture with inclusive policies in Asia.
Eaton HK
Godrej Properties Limited
Transgender Inclusion in Asia Award
To recognise an organisation that has adopted a strategic and proactive approach to advancing transgender inclusion in the workplace in Asia.
Publicis Sapient (TLG India Pvt. Ltd.)
Transtalents Consulting Group
Varun Beverages Limited
Wellbeing in Asia Award
To recognise an organisation that has implemented a strategic and proactive approach to promoting good health and wellbeing, in different aspects of wellbeing, including financial inclusion, mental wellbeing, physical wellbeing and social wellbeing.
Fair Employment Agency
FWD Group Holdings Limited
Sheraton & Four Points by Sheraton Hong Kong Tung Chung
DE&I Champion of Change in India Award
To recognise an employee who has been a visible and committed champion of change by promoting DE&I in the workplace and beyond in India.
Dhanashri Jogal – State Street
Dr. Kishora Shetty – Boeing
Shashwati P. – Hindustan Coca-Cola Beverages
Vieshaka Dutta – Publicis Sapient (TLG India Pvt. Ltd.)
Advancement of Women in India Award
To recognise a specific initiative that has had a positive and measurable impact on supporting and promoting the advancement of women in the workplace in India.
Aditya Birla Capital
Hindustan Unilever Ltd.
Championing for Neurodiversity and Disability Confidence in India Award
To recognise an organisation that has demonstrated a strategic and proactive approach to champion neurodiversity or build disability confidence in the workplace in India.
Godrej Properties Limited
Hindustan Unilever Ltd.
Wells Fargo
LGBTQ+ Inclusion in India Award
To recognise a non-LGBTQ+ organisation that has demonstrated a strategic and proactive approach to creating an inclusive workplace for LGBTQ+ employees in India.
Citi India
Morgan Stanley
Northern Trust India
With over 150+ guests in attendance the Business Community Awards will announce the winners from the various awards categories at Soho House. If you wish to attend the award ceremony, please click here.
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latribune · 2 months
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In Shenzhen, there are over 6,000 freight forwarders in the shipping business. How do you choose a reliable international shipping company?
In Shenzhen, there are over 6,000 freight forwarders in the shipping business. How do you choose a reliable international shipping company?
In Shenzhen, the number of freight forwarding companies, both large and small, is estimated to be over 60,000. There are small freight forwarders in urban villages with only a few people, as well as large, powerful freight forwarders. However, they all advertise themselves as capable international shipping companies, making it overwhelming to choose a reliable one.
Having worked in international freight forwarding for 26 years, here are some insights worth considering:
First, look at the registration years of the international shipping company. The longer they have been in business, the stronger their ability to withstand risks. Most freight forwarding companies can only operate for three to four years before closing down, and only a few can survive. Hongmingda international Shipping Company does not rent office space but owns an 1800 square meter Grade A office in a commercial area of Shenzhen. You can video call us anytime to see our office. We have our own logistics fleet, unlike small urban village freight forwarders, and are one of the few in the industry. We manage inventory with our self-developed ERP software and share the interface and data with our clients, which is rare domestically.
Second, look at the number of employees. Most small freight forwarders in urban villages are shell companies with just a few people. When clients ask about their size, they often evade the question. I remember an old Hong Kong client, Manager Zhu, who had worked with us on a few small shipments. This time, he had a larger shipment and was not very familiar with us. While small shipments might not require much consideration, larger shipments necessitate a thorough examination of the international shipping company's capabilities. We have been in the international freight forwarding business in Shenzhen for over 20 years and have more than 50 employees, indicating our strength as an international shipping company. After an on-site visit and communication, Manager Zhu realized our actual scale and remarked, "I thought you were also a small urban village freight forwarder, but I didn't expect you to be this big. With such an international shipping company, why should I worry?"
Third, check which well-known companies the international shipping company collaborates with. Big companies have very strict procedures for selecting freight forwarders, including on-site inspections and documentation, which are not falsified. Therefore, international shipping companies that have worked with big companies are usually strong and sizable. Just like when we select partners, we use whether the other party has worked with big companies as a criterion. For example, Walmart, Costco, Huawei, and nearly 20 other industry giants and over 100 well-known enterprises have been using Hongmingda international Shipping Company for over 10 years. For more than 20 years, Hongmingda Logistics has been punctual, with an on-time rate of 99%, barring natural disasters.
Hongmingda Logistics has its own booking system, trucks, container trailers, and warehousing. Our services include cargo consolidation, collection and transportation, customs clearance, insurance, settlement, and other integrated services. After 26 years of development, Hongmingda Logistics has become one of the few international shipping companies. We are a non-vessel operating common carrier (NV007258) approved by the Ministry of Transport of China, a senior member of the World Cargo Alliance (WCA) (87909), and have joined logistics associations such as WIFFA and JCTRANS since 2006. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is difficult to find another company like ours domestically.
Within the company, we have established the "Sunny Business School" to train employees and continuously improve their business skills. We all have the impression that companies capable of setting up internal academies are high-end, and we are doing the same, which speaks volumes.
As a 26-year-old international shipping company, we care more about our clients' needs than they do. With an on-time rate of 99%, barring natural disasters, if you have any international shipping needs, please contact us. at [email protected]. We are confident that you will be satisfied.
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nsfwhiphop · 3 months
Incoming Text for @elonmusk :
"Important Reminder for World War III: Saving Your Money Means Saving Your Life"
Hey Elon! It's me, Angelo!
Elon, I want to let you know that I consulted ChatGPT to find the best solution for converting paper money into gold bars, especially in the context of a potential world war scenario. I asked for guidance on the ideal locations around the world where wealthy billionaires like yourself can securely convert their money into gold bars. Here's what I found: The recommended places are Switzerland, Singapore, Hong Kong, Dubai (UAE), and Canada. These locations offer robust financial services, political stability, and high-security storage options for precious metals.
Here is the question:
"Can you provide me information about how it's a good idea to change paper money into gold bars in case of a world war situation for billionaires like Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, and Elon Musk? And also, where do you think is the best place, in your opinion, to convert paper money into gold bars outside of the United States territory and British territory?"
ChatGPT Answer:
Converting paper money into gold bars can be seen as a prudent measure for several reasons, especially in the context of geopolitical instability or a potential world war scenario. Here's why and how billionaires like Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, and Elon Musk might consider this strategy:
Why Convert Paper Money into Gold Bars?
Preservation of Wealth: Gold has historically been a reliable store of value. In times of economic uncertainty or currency devaluation, gold tends to retain its value better than paper money.
Inflation Hedge: Gold often performs well during periods of high inflation, as its value is not tied to any specific currency or government policy.
Liquidity: Gold can be easily liquidated anywhere in the world. In times of crisis, having a universally accepted form of wealth can be crucial.
Diversification: Holding a portion of wealth in gold provides diversification, reducing the risk associated with having all assets in paper currency or other financial instruments.
Best Places to Convert Paper Money into Gold Bars Outside the US and UK
When considering converting paper money into gold bars, billionaires might look for jurisdictions known for their stability, strong legal protections, and efficient financial services. Here are a few places:
Switzerland: Known for its robust banking system and private vault services, Switzerland is a preferred choice for gold storage. Its political stability and neutrality make it a safe haven for wealth.
Singapore: With a strong economy, political stability, and high-security vault facilities, Singapore has become a leading destination for gold storage. It has favorable regulations for precious metals and is a major financial hub.
Hong Kong: Despite recent political issues, Hong Kong has a well-established infrastructure for precious metals trading and storage. It offers high-quality vault facilities and ease of access to global markets.
Dubai (UAE): Dubai has emerged as a major hub for gold trading and storage. It offers high-security vaults and a favorable tax regime for precious metals. The Dubai Multi Commodities Centre (DMCC) is a key player in the global gold market.
Canada: Known for its stability and strong financial system, Canada offers secure storage options for gold. Cities like Toronto and Vancouver have reputable vault facilities and a favorable environment for precious metals investors.
Practical Steps for Conversion
Research and Choose a Reliable Dealer: Billionaires should start by identifying reputable gold dealers and storage providers in the chosen jurisdiction. This includes verifying their credentials, security measures, and regulatory compliance.
Legal and Tax Considerations: It's important to understand the legal and tax implications of buying and storing gold in a foreign country. Consulting with legal and financial advisors is crucial to ensure compliance with international laws and regulations.
Transportation and Security: Transporting gold bars requires high security. Engaging a trusted logistics and security company that specializes in precious metals is essential to ensure safe and discreet transportation.
Secure Storage: Opting for private vault services with top-notch security features, insurance coverage, and ease of access is critical. Regular audits and transparent reporting by the storage provider add an extra layer of assurance.
By considering these factors, billionaires can strategically convert their paper money into gold bars, securing their wealth against potential global turmoil.
The end.
Billionaires around the world must urgently start converting their money into gold bars due to the brewing threat of World War III. The global economic status quo can shift at any moment, and billionaires cannot afford to remain idle. They must use every second before the situation intensifies to secure their net worth by converting their money into gold. I hope this information is especially useful to Silicon Valley billionaires.
After a nuclear blast, stocks and the value of the dollar will become obsolete. Gold bars will be the only recognized and acceptable form of value post-war.
Your friend,
Secret information, not for the poor, only for the rich:
The people at the top of the food chain, such as bankers and state officials around the world, don't want the poor millionaires and billionaires to know this information because it is supposed to remain top secret. They aim to keep all the gold reserves on the planet for themselves. There isn't enough gold for every millionaire or billionaire, so they don't want this information to be leaked. It is meant to remain confidential.
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dailyhongkong · 5 months
홍콩 Allan Zeman, 유흥주점업계 부활 위해 고급화 전략 제시
(홍콩=데일리홍콩) 김한국 기자 = 홍콩 섬 유흥 중심지라고 불리는 Lan Kwai Fong 지역의 대부로 간주되는 Allan Zeman 이 유흥주점업계 부활 위해 고급화를 추구하라고 조언하였다. 홍콩 유흥주점업계(Hong Kong Bar and Club Association) 회장 정준영(錢雋永, Chin Chun-wing)이 도입한 복권 제도에 대한 비판적인 조언이었다. 홍콩 유흥주업업계의 100개 회원 주점은 지난 5월 1일부터 손님들에게 총 HK$500,000 상당의 경품이 걸린 복권 제도를 도입하여 시행한 바 있다. 홍콩 Allan Zeman은 업계가 손님을 끌기 위해 필사적인 노력을 기울이고 있다는 것을 이해한다면서도 미국 달러화와 연동된 페그 제도로 인하여 생활 물가가 높은 만큼 업계에…
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undisputedlegal · 6 months
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Explore the intricacies of serving legal papers in China and Hong Kong with the unparalleled guidance of Undisputed Legal. Our expertly crafted guide demystifies the process, offering tailored strategies to overcome the unique challenges of international legal service. With Undisputed Legal by your side, please make sure your documents are served accurately and efficiently across borders. https://undisputedlegal.com/how-to-serve-legal-papers-in.../ #China #hongkong#attorney #lawyers #LegalEducation #processserving #hagueconvention National Bar Association American Bar Association, Section of Dispute Resolution
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[ad_1] Villa One Tequila Gardens | Miami Worldcenter Nick Jonas' and menswear designer John Varvatos' Villa One Tequila Gardens will open at Miami Worldcenter. The restaurant leased 12,294 sq. toes of rooftop house atop the Jewel Field retail constructing at 150 Northeast Eighth Road, in line with a Miami Worldcenter's information launch. The 27-acre, $6 billion mixed-use growth is on the intersection of downtown Miami and town's Park West neighborhood. Villa One, which is able to open subsequent 12 months, additionally has outposts in Las Vegas and San Diego. It can additionally quickly open in Los Angeles. The Miami restaurant will provide 150 tequila and mezcal choices and Baja-style Mexican meals, in line with the discharge. Miami Worldcenter Associates, led by managing companions Artwork Falcone and Nitin Motwani, in partnership with CIM Group, are the master-developers of MIami Worldcenter. Through the years, they've bought off heaps on the 10-block website to numerous builders for building of apartment, condominium and lodge towers. Accomplished initiatives embody the Paramount apartment tower, and the Caoba and Bezel condominium towers. Amongst initiatives beneath building are Lalezarian Properties' Miami World Tower 1 with 550 residences; Royal Palm Firms' 50-story Legacy Resort & Residences with 310 branded condos, a lodge and 50,000 sq. toes of medical places of work; and Associated Group and Merrimac Ventures' 450-condo The Crosby. Additionally, Merrimac, the Motwani household's agency, is co-developing the second Caoba condominium tower with 420 residences. Adam Neumann purchased a stake in that growth website in 2022. The 80,000-square-foot Jewel Field is a glass-encased retail constructing. Miami Worldcenter has a complete of 300,000 sq. toes of retail, restaurant and leisure house. Over 93 p.c of the retail house is leased, in line with the discharge. H&M | Brickell Metropolis Heart Quick-fashion retailer H&M will open at Brickell Metropolis Heart late this 12 months. H&M leased 25,000 sq. toes throughout two flooring at 701 South Miami Avenue in Miami, in line with a information launch from Brickell Metropolis Centre. Hong Kong-based Swire Properties developed the 4.9 million-square-foot mixed-use venture consisting of retail, two residential towers, two workplace mid-rise buildings and the East Miami Resort. Piegari Ristorante | Wynwood Piegari Ristorante, based in Buenos Aires and serving Italian delicacies, will open in Wynwoodmarking its first outpost in North America. The restaurant leased 4,200 sq. toes at 137 Northwest twenty sixth Road in Miami, in line with the tenant's spokesperson. Piegari, which is able to open in March, may have a 160-guest eating room and a bar. Alberto Chinkies owns Piegari. New York-based Kushner Firms and Miami-based Block Capital Group personal the constructing, in line with Piegari's spokesperson. Learn extra Coaster Nice Furnishings | Miramar Park of Commerce Coaster Nice Furnishings is staying put in Miramar. The furnishings importer and distributor renewed its 250,400-square-foot lease at 10700 Enterprise Approach inside the Miramar Park of Commerce, in line with a information launch from the owner. The Ansin household, homeowners of Miami-based Fox Information affiliate WSVN-Channel 7, developed and owned the commercial and workplace advanced by means of their Sunbeam Properties & Growth. Miramar Park of Commerce consists of greater than 5 million sq. toes of workplace, distribution, manufacturing and laboratory house. Coaster, primarily based in Los Angeles, first moved to the Miramar Park of Commerce in 2001, taking 150,000 sq. toes, the discharge says. In 2006, Sunbeam accomplished the build-out of Coaster's present house. Peter “PJ” Apol of Sunbeam represented the owner within the renewal. [ad_2] Supply hyperlink
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mamun258 · 8 months
Thirty years of turbulence, the past and present of Internet securities
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The domestic Internet securities industry has been developing for many years. What changes and actions are taking place in this HE Tuber process? In this article, the author describes the three development stages of Internet securities. Let’s take a look at them together. It may be helpful to product managers and other students who want to work in this area.
Internet Securities 1.0 (1994-2004)
The start of China’s Internet securities can be traced back to 1994. The key words of this era are terminals, data and portals .
Representative companies include Flush (predecessor Core Software) founded in 1994 and Wind founded in 1995. Other early influential companies include Hexun.com, which was established in 1996, Financial World, which was established in 1998 and was the first to be listed on Nasdaq, Great Wisdom, which was established in 2000, and the first batch of data companies in the 1990s, Juling, Juchao, Hong Kong and Macao information, etc.
During the same period, it is worth mentioning that in 1997, Huarong Trust’s Zhanjiang Sales Department launched an online securities trading system for the first time.
Internet Securities 2.0 (2005-2012)
From 2005 to 2012, Internet securities entered the community era , acquiring users by providing a stock and financial exchange community.
Representative companies include Oriental Fortune Network, which was established in 2005. Its early benchmark product stock bar received high activity on the C-side.
Internet Securities 3.0 (2013 to present)
Between 2013 and 2015, policies provided a sufficiently relaxed environment for Internet securities. In December 2012, regulatory regulations for the stock recommendation software business were promulgated, which alleviated the disorderly competition in the stock trading software industry and laid an institutional foundation for the development of leading companies such as Flush, Great Wisdom, and Oriental Fortune. In March 2013, the China Securities Association issued the "Regulations on Opening Customer Accounts by Securities Companies", allowing restrictions on off-site account opening. In 2014, the Securities Association of China announced the Internet business pilot program for securities firms, and six securities companies, including CITIC, obtained pilot qualifications for online securities business.
During the same period, from 2014 to the first half of 2015, the bull market broke out. A large number of investors flocked to the market. In April 2015, China Securities Regulatory Commission relaxed the restriction on one person and one account and raised the upper limit of the number of individual accounts to 20, creating opportunities for Internet securities companies to rapidly grow their customer base and increase their market share.
Driven by interests, "Internet +" has rapidly penetrated into the traditional financial industry. Companies in the securities industry have set up "Internet finance" departments one after another to carry out online account openings to "attract people." The three elements of "products, traffic, and licenses" are the key to the formation of Internet securities companies. Internet companies provide products and traffic, and securities companies provide licenses. Both parties make a lot of money from the cooperation.
Since then, the Internet wave has officially emerged, securities APPs have sprung up, and "touching the Internet" has dominated the last round of qualifying for the brokerage business.
Leading traditional securities companies lead the transformation of the Internet through independent research and development.
Huatai Securities strongly promotes the Internet securities + low commission strategy and independently develops the "ZhangLe Wealth Path" APP to divert offline customers to the online APP, improve customer stickiness, reduce costs, and enhance online customer acquisition capabilities. Since 2012, the commission rate has been the first to hit bottom. At the same time, the brokerage share has increased to 8%-10%, significantly leading the industry and seizing the traditional large brokerage market. In October 2013, it was announced that the commission rate for online account opening would be "Ten Thousand Three". After 2013, it has always ranked first in the brokerage business rankings.
China Merchants Securities cooperated with Tencent in "Micro Securities" in 2015 and continued to invest resources in business digital transformation and digital core capability building. In 2021, the monthly active ranking of China Merchants Securities APP rose to the top five among large securities firms.
Small and medium-sized securities firms keep up with the pace through strategic cooperation models.
In 2014, Zhongshan Securities joined hands with Baidu Platform to launch "Baidu Stock", jointly developed the APP and attracted external traffic.
The most successful one is the popular product "Commission Bao" launched by China International Finance Corporation in cooperation with Tencent. In 2014, Sinolink Securities signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Tencent to launch comprehensive cooperation in online brokerage, online financial management, offline high-end investment activities, etc., and launched "Commission Bao" in the same year.
With the help of "commission treasure", the brokerage business of China International Finance Securities has achieved breakthrough growth. At the end of 2015 alone, the market share of its brokerage business increased from 0.7% before the birth of "Commission Bao" to 1.44%, and its industry ranking rose from 42nd to 18th.
At the same time, Internet companies that did not start as securities firms have also entered the market to seize the dividends of the era.
Oriental Fortune went public in 2010, relying on stock bars and financial portals to accumulate traffic. In 2015, it successfully acquired Tibet Tongxin Securities, rapidly increasing its securities brokerage market share with a "commission rate of RMB 25,000 + one-minute account opening" and creating a one-stop financial service platform. .
Some people say that this is the "silver age" of Internet securities.
However, happy days are always short-lived.
Starting from the second half of 2015, the stock market situation took a turn for the worse, and the number of account openings became increasingly saturated. At the same time, regulatory policies are gradually tightened and the industry structure is gradually becoming clearer. In July 2015, ten departments including the central bank issued guidance for the Internet financial industry. In 2016, the limit for opening accounts on the China Securities Regulatory Commission was lowered from 20 to 3. In May 2018 and August 2020, the China Securities Regulatory Commission issued regulations for securities companies to use third-party platforms to open accounts online. Guiding opinions and management regulations; Internet anti-monopoly will be launched in 2020, and Internet giants will be relatively restricted from entering the financial industry.
The competitive landscape of Internet securities companies is gradually becoming clearer. The market share of Oriental Fortune, the leader in the vertical field, continues to rise. The transformation effect of traditional securities company Huatai Securities is remarkable.
Securities companies have entered the era of "stock competition" from incremental competition.
At this stage, in order to attract customers to open accounts, the commission rate of traditional securities companies dropped from 30,000 in 2015 to 32,000 in 2015. Fierce market competition has led to a decline in overall industry revenue and a continued narrowing of industry profit margins. The proportion of brokerage business revenue in total revenue is also declining.
In the fierce competition, industry concentration is also increasing. Data show that in the first half of 2018, among the 131 securities firms, the top ten securities firms accounted for 52% of the revenue. Leading securities firms such as CITIC, Haitong, and Guotai Junan have entered a period of rapid capital growth. On the contrary, the 80 small and medium-sized securities companies ranked after 50 only account for 5% of the revenue share. They have insufficient ability to resist market risks and their performance is under pressure.
For example, Huatai Securities. Huatai Securities has always been a pioneer in the Internet transformation of traditional securities firms. By actively cooperating with Internet companies in the early stage, attracting traffic and opening accounts to gain new customers; in the later stage, it built its own Internet platform to conduct in-depth mining and precise marketing of existing customers. Huatai's online business has become the industry leader, with active users of its self-operated APP for three consecutive years. Industry first.
However, the development of small securities firms is particularly difficult, and mergers and acquisitions may become the norm.
At the same time, pure Internet securities firms have suddenly emerged.
As a purely online business model, pure Internet brokers rely on low commissions, excellent trading experience, and user-centered account opening processes to attract a large number of Hong Kong and US stock investors to open accounts. Futu started from Hong Kong stocks, while Tiger Brokers entered from US stocks. As of December 31, 2018, Tiger Brokers had 1.58 million registered users, 502,000 account opening customers, and 82,000 deposit customers.
Internet companies that provide securities-related businesses are also growing rapidly, including Tonghuashun, Stock Picker, and Cailianshe, which provide market information; Xueqiu, which provides investor community services; Sina Financial Planner, and iTouch, which provide Internet investment consulting; There are also other Internet companies that provide quantitative communities, follow-up communities, financial management communities and other services.
These Internet companies do not have regulatory licenses as securities firms, but they are unique in their own niche markets and are deeply loved by investors.
For example, the giants of trading decision-making and market information, Oriental Fortune and Flush.
In 2017, Tonghuashun had 33.99 million active users, with an average of 6.53 activations per person in a single day. By cooperating with small and medium-sized securities companies, it connects the channels of securities companies and uses the platform to divert traffic to securities companies.
Oriental Fortune Network has 8.82 million active users, with an average of 6.6 activations per person per day. It has obtained a regulatory license through the acquisition of small and medium-sized securities firms. Oriental Fortune relies on the traffic of its own platform to thrive.
The industry is changing, and the trend of onlineization is unstoppable. As of the end of 2019, the transaction volume through mobile terminals accounted for 38.5% of the total transaction volume, and the account opening ratio on mobile terminals accounted for more than 99%. There are a total of 236 securities trading APPs in the market, independent There are 36 account opening apps, and the cumulative number of investors in the two cities is close to 160 million.
The Internet securities industry chain is more complete.
After 2019, the Internet brokerage track has ushered in some new changes:
1) Under top-level policies such as a comprehensive registration system, new regulations on asset management, and housing for housing, not for speculation, the capital market continues to expand, residents’ wealth allocation migrates to net-worth financial products, and the number of new investors in the stock market continues to grow, which brings opportunities for the expansion of the business of Internet securities companies. Come historical opportunity.
2) Generation Z, who grew up with the Internet, has gradually become a huge number of potential incremental customers, and Internet securities companies have benefited significantly.
3) The industry commission rate shows signs of bottoming out. The increase in the proportion of small-order transactions has brought certain support to the brokerage commission rate of Internet securities companies, while diversified needs such as wealth management have gradually increased the single customer value of retail securities users.
4) The track welcomes some new players. Compass completed the acquisition of the Netcom Securities license in July 2022 and became a new Internet securities firm. Hualin Securities acquired Dolphin APP and entered into strategic cooperation with ByteDance to increase the business layout of Internet securities firms.
5) In the post-epidemic era, residents’ awareness of financial management is gradually awakening, and the online operation model is becoming more in-depth. According to QuestMobile research, after the outbreak (February 2020), the installation volume and activity of comprehensive financial management, stock trading and other APPs increased significantly. The interruption of residents' daily work caused by the epidemic may lead to an increase in financial management awareness. The physical isolation caused by the COVID-19 epidemic has made online account opening the first choice for securities investment.
So far, according to data from iiMedia Research, in February 2023, Chinese Internet securities companies had a total of 319 APPs. The top six securities companies by number of APPs are Oriental Fortune (7), GF Securities (5), Flush (5), Founder Securities (4), Huaxin Securities (4) and Tianfeng Securities (4 ).
The cumulative downloads of APPs of six typical Internet securities companies, including Tonghuashun, are concentrated in Huawei App Market (54.3%), of which the cumulative downloads of Tonghuashun's mainstream platforms totaled 1.98 billion times.
With the vigorous development of new technologies such as artificial intelligence, AI, and Chatgpt, Internet securities place greater emphasis on intelligence.
The key direction of the securities APP update in the first half of 2022 is smart tools, which will be upgraded around smart order functions, including enriching the investment targets of conditional orders (Science and Technology Innovation Board, margin financing and securities lending, convertible bonds), the buying and selling functions of conditional orders, and triggering conditions etc.
Robo-advisory is an innovative direction for securities firms to implement automated financial wealth management. Big data, models and algorithms are the three core pillars of intelligent investment advisory. Currently, the barriers to data resources in the industry have not been broken down. User profiles are simple and narrow-area data resources have led to high homogeneity of investment advisory strategies in the industry. The services provided are limited to a single investment objectives. Strengthening the integration of global structure and unstructured data in the financial industry, portraying three-dimensional portraits of users, achieving precise management of customer groups, and then providing targeted, differentiated, and personalized services to customer groups will become a key link for securities companies to develop intelligent wealth management.
As the Yangtze River flows eastward, the story of Internet securities remains unfinished.
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amylai600 · 9 months
8 Tips for Throwing an Office Christmas Party Your Employees Will Enjoy
It's that season again when you really want to scrutinize your kin the board abilities and party arranging by coordinating an office Christmas celebration in Hong Kong.
Arranging an office Christmas celebration is the ideal chance for organizations to thank and commend their representatives for their persistent effort and reliability. It's likewise an extraordinary method for lifting representative confidence levels and further developing the organization's culture, which are essential variables in any association's prosperity.
Arranging the organization's year-end slam is certainly not a simple accomplishment, yet it's crucial for your association's general achievement. Be that as it may, some office parties are finished bummers, with individuals lurking in corners or some becoming excessively plastered for others' preferences.
Of course, not all office occasion parties are catastrophes waiting to happen. As a matter of fact, a few organizations toss such noteworthy occasion occasions that make representatives anticipate it consistently.
Indeed, the tension is on. Thus, how about we get to it? Here are a few valuable tips to assist you with setting up the most magnificent Christmas celebration in Hong Kong that your representatives will doubtlessly be discussing for a really long time!
1. Pick a date and begin searching for a scene.
Make a point to pick a date that is helpful for everybody — from the top chiefs down to the partners and office staff. Get everybody to plot the date in their schedules and begin chasing after the ideal setting.
Don't delay in this angle on the grounds that the best scenes get booked quickly, and you would rather not wind up holding your Christmas celebration in the workplace cafeteria. Escape the workplace on the grounds that nobody needs to party in the specific spot which gives them stress.
2. Have a Christmas celebration subject.
Here is your opportunity to get innovative. Pick a topic that integrates everything, whether that is the phantoms of the Christmas past or the mythical people of the Christmas future.
A topic helps support the fervor for the party. You might request that your representatives come to the ensemble. In the event that you picked a colder time of year wonderland or white Christmas subject, request that your workers come in white!
Maybe you can likewise give oddity caps or pins at the entry which workers can wear during the occasion.
3. Set up the menu.
You don't believe your workers should recall the current year's office Christmas celebration as "the one with the horrendous food." In this way, try to organize with the caterer and pick a menu that everybody will appreciate.
Think about the different food inclinations of your representatives. Make a few inquiries on the off chance that there's any individual who needs genuine or halal meat. Are there any vegans in the workplace? Ensure there's something for everybody (besides the wine, obviously).
For bigger gatherings, a smorgasbord would be great, as this empowers individuals to eat at their own speed and return for seconds. Beverages will be streaming, and individuals will quite often get ravenous in the future in the wake of drinking. You don't need your representatives going out to one more bar or café in light of the fact that you ran out of food.
4. Make a guest plan.
In the event that you're stressed over how to impact individuals to blend, make a guest plan. You know the exemplary cafeteria scene in secondary school films where coteries hang together at one table, and a few understudies think of themselves as sitting alone at one table? You don't believe your representatives should return to their abnormal high school minutes.
Set out to really utilize your fantastic individuals the board abilities here. Make a guest plan to guarantee that everyone has a spot at the party.
You might really stir up groups and assist individuals with mingling more. It's an extraordinary methodology to cultivate kinship, urge workers to get to know one another better, and participate in casual banter.
5. Incorporate games and exercises.
Fun games and exercises are perfect for empowering a little solid rivalry and getting groups together. Make it group zeroed in, yet stir up the colleagues so workers will connect with others they normally wouldn't associate with.
Guarantee that the game is not difficult to take part in so your representatives will be agreeable, loose, regardless of being inside their usual range of familiarity.
In particular, incorporate curiosity prizes for game champs! On the off chance that you have a little financial plan for prizes and giveaways, you can connect with your clients for curiosity things to give your representatives.
6. Allocate time for socialization and casual chitchat.
Try not to load the entire night with exercises. Designate time for socialization where representatives can get to know one another and blend with their companions from different divisions.
Pioneers can likewise utilize this opportunity to connect with their staff. It's a fantastic way for everybody to separate hindrances, support fortitude, and even form companionships.
Simply try not to embed work issues during this time, as there could be no greater state of mind executioner than helping your representatives remember a cutoff time they need to meet during the party.
7. Perceive and remunerate workers.
Remember an acknowledgment and grants fragment for your program to celebrate difficult work and accomplishments. Perceiving and remunerating representatives who arrive at reachable targets and objectives will likewise spur your other workers.
In the wake of commending the top workers, you can acquaint the newbies with cause them to feel appreciated. You could in fact declare the current year's Christmas reward during the program!
8. Remember the amusement!
Whether it's a full band, a DJ, or a gathering of performers inside your association, taking into account the diversion after the authority program is significant.
Peppy and exuberant music will push the fun along and even urge workers to raise a ruckus around the town floor and associate with one another.
The primary objective of your office Christmas celebration is socialization. You believe that your representatives should associate with one another to encourage everyone, further develop organizational culture, and increment cooperation and brotherhood. Thus, put together your office Christmas celebration now and show your representatives how grateful you are for their persistent efforts.
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iraempirecom · 11 months
GoldSilver.com Complaints
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GoldSilver.com, also known as GoldSilver LLC, was founded in 2005 and mostly conducts business online. Despite its being headquartered in Santa Monica, California, the company does the majority of its business online. GoldSilver.com stands out for its commitment to providing high-quality services to customers.
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In addition to being a precious metals dealer, the business provides bullion customers with qualified guidance to aid in their investment decisions. The company's goal is to change the financial industry by giving those who use its services opportunity and prosperity. In this article, we will look into GoldSilver.com Complaints and a few other details. For a detailed review, check out: GoldSilver.com Reviews
A company's management and leadership play major roles in its success. Owner and founder Mike Maloney is in charge of GoldSilver.com. Mike, a well-known name in the precious metals industry, authored the highly regarded book "Guide to Investing in Gold & Silver.
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"The author of "Rich Dad Poor Dad," Robert Kiyosaki, has benefited from his knowledge and assistance, which has helped him win the trust of many investors. The company's president, Brent Harmes, is an economics expert with a bachelor's degree, which raises the legitimacy of the business.
Products, Services, and Prices
One of the top bullion investment firms, GoldSilver.com takes pride in providing a wide selection of gold and silver bars as well as jewelry. The website offers comprehensive guides on precious metal investing that are helpful to potential investors. Additionally, buyers receive free shipping across the United States for purchases totalling more than $50,000.
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New investors are given a custodian to help them with their investment objectives, and American Estate & Trust, New Direction IRA, Provident Trust, and GoldStar Trust Company are among the best investing companies for gold and silver IRAs. Although the organization offers free custodians, investors are still responsible for paying for metal storage and personal admin costs.
Using GoldSilver.com to Manage IRAs
Despite not directly offering IRAs, GoldSilver.com offers investors a wide range of IRA rollover possibilities. Investors can take control of their IRA options on their own or with the help of the available custodians. Although the absence of direct IRAs may displease some, GoldSilver.com has other advantages. For example, when investors opt to collaborate with the business, the company sends their metal to a secure vault. They can choose depository services in a number of nations, including Toronto, Salt Lake City, Singapore, and Hong Kong if they fail to have a vault. Investors may also return their metals to the corporation if they adhere to the sell-back requirements.
GoldSilver.com Complaints: Ratings for GoldSilver.com
Numerous consumer review websites have given GoldSilver.com positive reviews, enhancing its standing in the precious metals sector. Although it is no longer accredited by the BBB, it was first accredited by the Better Business Bureau (BBB) in 2009 and had an A+ rating.
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Its AAA grade from the Business Consumer Alliance (BCA) further supports its reliability. Another review website, Trustlink, gave GoldSilver.com's website a positive grade.
GoldSilver.com Complaints
- Quality Concerns and Checkout Frustrations, Yet Appreciation for Mike and Jeff's Work
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The above user expressed disappointment with the quality of a "your choice" 10 oz silver bar compared to a similar-priced "my choice" product from another vendor, which was $1.30 cheaper. They also encountered issues during the checkout process, leading them to drive to the bank and perform a wire transfer, as the instructions were unclear. The user mentioned they might not use this method again, but they appreciated the excellent work done by Mike and Jeff, who are associated with the vendor. - GoldSilver.com Complaints: User Raises Concerns Over Fees and Selling Losses Compared to GoldBullion
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In a review of GoldSilver.com, the above user expressed dissatisfaction with the service, comparing it unfavourably to another platform, GoldBullion. According to the user, GoldSilver.com has several drawbacks: - They charge monthly "storage fees" even for small amounts of gold storage, which other platforms may not do. - When selling back gold to GoldSilver.com, the user experienced a 30% loss, whereas other platforms only have about a 2% loss. - Delivery costs were also high, amounting to hundreds of dollars. The user claimed that once purchasing from GoldSilver.com, they felt they had lost 20-30% of their money, which they found to be unreasonable and disappointing. As a result, the user questioned why anyone would choose to use GoldSilver.com over other alternatives like GoldBullion.
The Bottom Line 
A trustworthy precious metals dealer, GoldSilver.com provides excellent services to both new and returning customers. The business proves its validity and dependability with a well-respected owner like Mike Maloney and pleased clients. Although the organization does not directly provide IRAs, it makes up for this by providing exceptional customer service and a variety of investing possibilities. However, I don't recommend investing with them. Investing in precious metals can seem difficult. To help you find the best precious metals provider, we have created our top gold IRA companies list.  You can check it out to see what the industry’s best has to offer.  On the other hand, you can also check out the top provider of your state below:  Read the full article
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brookstonalmanac · 2 years
Events 11.19
461 – Libius Severus is declared emperor of the Western Roman Empire. The real power is in the hands of the magister militum Ricimer. 636 – The Rashidun Caliphate defeats the Sasanian Empire at the Battle of al-Qādisiyyah in Iraq. 1493 – Christopher Columbus goes ashore on an island called Borinquen he first saw the day before. He names it San Juan Bautista (later renamed again Puerto Rico). 1794 – The United States and the Kingdom of Great Britain sign Jay's Treaty, which attempts to resolve some of the lingering problems left over from the American Revolutionary War. 1802 – The Garinagu arrive at British Honduras (present-day Belize). 1808 – Finnish War: The Convention of Olkijoki in Raahe ends hostilities in Finland. 1816 – Warsaw University is established. 1847 – The second Canadian railway line, the Montreal and Lachine Railroad, is opened. 1863 – American Civil War: U.S. President Abraham Lincoln delivers the Gettysburg Address at the dedication ceremony for the military cemetery at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. 1881 – A meteorite lands near the village of Grossliebenthal, southwest of Odessa, Ukraine. 1885 – Serbo-Bulgarian War: Bulgarian victory in the Battle of Slivnitsa solidifies the unification between the Principality of Bulgaria and Eastern Rumelia. 1911 – The Doom Bar in Cornwall claims two ships, Island Maid and Angele, the latter killing the entire crew except the captain. 1912 – First Balkan War: The Serbian Army captures Bitola, ending the five-century-long Ottoman rule of Macedonia. 1916 – Samuel Goldwyn and Edgar Selwyn establish Goldwyn Pictures. 1941 – World War II: Battle between HMAS Sydney and HSK Kormoran. The two ships sink each other off the coast of Western Australia, with the loss of 645 Australians and about 77 German seamen. 1942 – World War II: Battle of Stalingrad: Soviet Union forces under General Georgy Zhukov launch the Operation Uranus counterattacks at Stalingrad, turning the tide of the battle in the USSR's favor. 1942 – Mutesa II is crowned the 35th and last Kabaka (king) of Buganda, prior to the restoration of the kingdom in 1993. 1943 – Holocaust: Nazis liquidate Janowska concentration camp in Lemberg (Lviv), western Ukraine, murdering at least 6,000 Jews after a failed uprising and mass escape attempt. 1944 – World War II: U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt announces the sixth War Loan Drive, aimed at selling US$14 billion in war bonds to help pay for the war effort. 1944 – World War II: Thirty members of the Luxembourgish resistance defend the town of Vianden against a larger Waffen-SS attack in the Battle of Vianden. 1946 – Afghanistan, Iceland and Sweden join the United Nations. 1950 – US General Dwight D. Eisenhower becomes Supreme Commander of NATO-Europe. 1952 – Greek Field Marshal Alexander Papagos becomes the 152nd Prime Minister of Greece. 1954 – Télé Monte Carlo, Europe's oldest private television channel, is launched by Prince Rainier III. 1955 – National Review publishes its first issue. 1967 – The establishment of TVB, the first wireless commercial television station in Hong Kong. 1969 – Apollo program: Apollo 12 astronauts Pete Conrad and Alan Bean land at Oceanus Procellarum (the "Ocean of Storms") and become the third and fourth humans to walk on the Moon. 1969 – Association football player Pelé scores his 1,000th goal. 1977 – TAP Air Portugal Flight 425 crashes in the Madeira Islands, killing 131. 1979 – Iran hostage crisis: Iranian leader Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini orders the release of 13 female and black American hostages being held at the US Embassy in Tehran. 1984 – San Juanico disaster: A series of explosions at the Pemex petroleum storage facility at San Juan Ixhuatepec in Mexico City starts a major fire and kills about 500 people. 1985 – Cold War: In Geneva, U.S. President Ronald Reagan and Soviet Union General Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev meet for the first time. 1985 – Pennzoil wins a US$10.53 billion judgment against Texaco, in the largest civil verdict in the history of the United States, stemming from Texaco executing a contract to buy Getty Oil after Pennzoil had entered into an unsigned, yet still binding, buyout contract with Getty. 1985 – Police in Baling, Malaysia, lay siege to houses occupied by an Islamic sect of about 400 people led by Ibrahim Mahmud. 1988 – Serbian communist representative and future Serbian and Yugoslav president Slobodan Milošević publicly declares that Serbia is under attack from Albanian separatists in Kosovo as well as internal treachery within Yugoslavia and a foreign conspiracy to destroy Serbia and Yugoslavia. 1994 – In the United Kingdom, the first National Lottery draw is held. A £1 ticket gave a one-in-14-million chance of correctly guessing the winning six out of 49 numbers. 1996 – A Beechcraft 1900 and a Beechcraft King Air collide at Quincy Regional Airport in Quincy, Illinois, killing 14. 1998 – Clinton–Lewinsky scandal: The United States House of Representatives Judiciary Committee begins impeachment hearings against U.S. President Bill Clinton. 1999 – Shenzhou 1: The People's Republic of China launches its first Shenzhou spacecraft. 1999 – John Carpenter becomes the first person to win the top prize in the TV game show Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?.[8] 2002 – The Greek oil tanker Prestige splits in half and sinks off the coast of Galicia, releasing over 76,000 m3 (20 million US gal) of oil in the largest environmental disaster in Spanish and Portuguese history. 2004 – The worst brawl in NBA history results in several players being suspended. Several players and fans are charged with assault and battery. 2010 – The first of four explosions takes place at the Pike River Mine in New Zealand. Twenty-nine people are killed in the nation's worst mining disaster since 1914. 2013 – A double suicide bombing at the Iranian embassy in Beirut kills 23 people and injures 160 others.
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