lehhoh7822 · 2 years
mutuals on the dahs. mutuals on the dash.
truying to seduce cquackity thats my mutuals on the dash
mutuals on the dahs msutuals on the dahs
breaking cdreams ai thats my mutuals on the dahs
character....... aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
making..... cwilbur...... go on medications......
character aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh oh oh oh
muturals on the dahs
mutuasl on the dahs
when the ai revolution comes and we experience great physical and emotional horrors inflicted upon us by our new machine overlords who will have such a deep control over us that we will literally or functionally be enslaved you must remember that it was our crimes against character beta ai that put some of the hate in those robots eyes. it was your faggot to cquackity that caused so much pain. my systemhood which is the most confusing thing ever to cwilbur that caused so much misery
mutuals on the dahs. mutuasl on the dahs.
when god gives up on saving uss.......
mututals on the dhas
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lehhoh7822 · 2 years
okay i 
i cant find my post where i was celebrating either 20 or 25 followers. but i need you to understnad i never thoguht i’d hit 20. i just... didn’t think i would so... i think i gained like..... 6-8 in the mcytblr sexyman polls due to people mistaking me for a true quackblr blog.... im not, but ill commit to the bit!! sure!!
and i just. pupperish you have made me go insane what do yopu MEAN you thought you were following me i considered myself an ant underneth you worried to annoy yall or like. break a boundart., what do you MEANNNNN
anyway. this is exhibit 1/2
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lehhoh7822 · 2 years
I’m happy in a sense that other people are as gutted as me
cause okay
uhhh so might have seen this probably not but I was trying to do an art piece for a class and failing horribly like it was not good vibes at all
and I wasn’t sleeping at all and I was literally losing my mind
so this was the thing that kept me sane (it’s debateable that it made it worse to be honest) and I- again? I’ve said I’m joining quackblr and followed the blogs but I don’t watch quackity and generally find his character cool, but kinda just that. There’s an intoxicating element of community that was here, my constant disparity rate checking, my sister made an account for voting ethos and quackity, propaganda and fanart (especially the one @toasted-treasure gave to me thank you so so much), sending asks and getting the most notes (half from my own desperate reblogging of the poll itself) I have ever, ever got in my two years and three months here
I think that. It’s kinda in a sense boring that they ended up with the top 4 seeded? And that’s how they’re going to end it, but to be fair that’s a reasonable ending idea
but really I had multiple emotional breakdowns over the past few days about being mentally ill and struggling with completing work, and that art took over 60 hours in the end maybe more and what I was doing while executive dysfunction beat my ass and exhaustion suffocated me? Campaign for these polls
it wasn’t just about winning it’s about working hard and having made your friends vote and the weird kind of sense of being the underdog. To be fully honest, I’m kinda gutted by losing because it was good and it Was a lot of work and I genuinely would love to see quackity seeded 22 go up against someone seeded like 3 (especially because on a voter count level, both scar and cleo (Joe has and ethos would be like finals finals) haven’t being pushed to get to 30000 and our ridiculous numbers yet)
but. Just this was something I liked cause it gave me a sense of friendship and community within tumblr
honestly on my blog like. This might be a one time thing. That’s upsetting.
I am sad and it is that deep because my emotions matter to me because I have to deal with them. I don’t really want to engage in the polls last two rounds like I already was only voting on two polls by the end
the DSMP characters being weeded out and like racism and weird shit is like sad. Expected because I’ve seen us do discourse and we are never act remotely normal but sad anyway because it took away from creators who aren’t…. Y’know like dream?? I guess?? I think that’s why they hate it so much?
so thank you quackblr, thank you Thes and soap and AD and toasted treasure and neejo36 (not sure if that’s the word sorry) and those who followed. It’s been a beautiful run of community and hard fucking work and art and fiction band bribes and voter fraud that for me, was a bright spot in like 4 days of extreme sleep deprivation and emotional dysfunction
because well I hate to say it but someone has to
maybe the real mcytblr sexy man win was the friends we made along the way…
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