#Lemme have a moment but the way I drew his facee and hair!! Ughh so good!!!
leronboi · 1 year
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I wanna thank @/808gigawatt again for the nice pics of the chair!! :)
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Also the original pic. Uhh the Kale drawing is filpped cuz I drew his hair on the wrong side haha
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logans-chestnuts · 5 years
As You Are, Part 8*
A/N: Finally posting this replacement part that the Nipple Police deemed too naughty for Tumblr. 
I am also replacing my awful banner with this gorgeous art by @giggleberts. Thank you, dearest!!!!!
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Logan had sneaked away and called you just before your alarm was set to go off again. You only spoke for a few minutes but it reassured you that he was taking whatever you had seriously. This would have been the perfect time to cool things off and reconsider the cons of being together without the incredible heat that existed between you distracting you, but if he was weighing his options, apparently there were more pros than cons at this point.
And you were as infatuated as ever, but now with a little more knowledge of who he was and genuine affection added in to the mix. Logan was unlike any man you had ever met. He was funny, smart, sexy and so inappropriate. You should probably be offended by some of the things he had said to you but he was so damned cute about it. He could charm the panties off a nun with that mischievous smile, and if he added a wink the Mother Superior would probably join in for a threesome.
Yeah, you were in deep and getting deeper.
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The morning flew by. You were busy with work and that was how you liked it. You had sent a few texts to Logan throughout the day but for the most part you had been buried in your cube with headphones on, researching and writing.
You had no plans for the weekend because you hadn’t returned calls or texts all week as you had been completely engrossed in Logan. That would need to change, of course. You had good friends and your life couldn’t be put on hold for a man, he would need to fit in with your friends and…oh my, your family. Could Logan behave around family?
You decided to do some grocery shopping and laundry that night. You couldn’t live on Chinese leftovers forever, though statistically they would spoil before they ran out.
Logan had said he would probably have to go out drinking after meetings as it was a cultural thing, so you figured you either wouldn’t talk to him much or he’d drunk dial you. You were kind of hoping for the drunk dial as you had a feeling Logan was hilarious when plowed.
Your phone rang as you had settled in on the couch with a book and you grabbed it and saw Future Husband. Why hadn’t you changed that yet?
“Hi Logan,” you answered happily.
“Hey, what’re you doing?”
“Reading and doing laundry. How’d you sleep?”
“Lousy. Weird dreams. You doing anything this weekend?”
“Too bad you’re not doing me.”
“That is too bad. But there’s plenty of time for that when you get back,” you said cheerfully.
“I don’t have to be anywhere for a couple hours. Video chat?”
“I am not having video sex with you, Logan,” you answered matter-of-factly.
Logan laughed. “You know me so well. And we’ve only been together a couple months.”
“Four days.”
“Like I said, couple months and we still haven’t had sex.”
“I bet we have in your mind.”
“Like we haven’t in yours. Remember, I know what a dirty girl you are, now.”
“This is true. You do inspire some pretty lewd thoughts. In fact, I’m guessing that you’re doing one of my lewd thoughts even as we speak.”
“And what do you think I’m doing?”
“Hmmm whatever could you be doing?” you said as if you didn’t know perfectly well what his long, sexy fingers were doing.
“Oh no, gotta say it if you wanna see it.”
“Well, this isn’t video chat. And I wanna see it in person. So I can see up close and personal. And taste.”
“Y/N,” he groaned. “That is so hot. Your mouth has been driving me crazy. I keep picturing your lips wrapped around my cock and I get a hard-on wherever I am. And the way you rubbed your tongue…ughh it felt so fucking perfect.”
“That was just a quickie. Not my best work, to be honest.”
“Then I might die with my cock in your mouth.”
“Like hell. I have a lot of other plans for you, babe.”
“Oh God please tell me,” he said, his voice getting breathless.
“Rather show you.”
“I can’t believe I’m fucking stuck on another continent. Hop a plane. Seriously, I’ll buy you a ticket.”
“Do you know when you’ll be home yet?” you asked hopefully.
“No. Hopefully Tuesday or Wednesday. I need to play fucking etiquette games and they haven’t even told me what the problem is yet. I am so fucking frustrated.”
“I can’t imagine. So you should relax now. Talk to me. About anything.”
“Tell me what you’re wearing.”
You laughed and said, “Baggy t-shirt and gym shorts.”
“Youuuuu said anything. I wanna talk about your panties.”
“Fine. White cotton granny panties.”
“Bullshit, I didn’t see a single pair of white cotton in your underwear drawer.”
“Logan Delos! You went through my underwear drawer?”
“Y/N Y/L/N you thought I wouldn’t?”
“Eh. OK, good point. They’re purple boyshorts.”
“And you, darling? What panties are you wearing?”
“Ha! I’m not.”
“OK underwear.”
“Still not. I don’t wear them to bed.”
“You did at my house.”
“What would you have done if I slept naked?”
“Run screaming.”
“So I kept ‘em on.”
“That was very considerate of you.”
“Show me your tits.”
“Not that considerate.”
“It’s almost like you don’t care that I have my hand on my hard cock, stroking it and –”
“Hmmmm?” he asked innocently.
“Did I mention that you have the biggest cock I’ve seen in person?”
“Noooo,” he groaned. “Good to know.”
“Yeah. You are going to stretch me out, baby.”
“Fuck yeah, you’re gonna be so tight.”
“I’m going to lick, kiss and bite every inch of your body.”
“I can’t wait to eat that pussy of yours. I’m gonna make you beg for my cock.”
“Mmmm how about I beg now?”
“Yeah lemme hear that, baby,” he groaned.
“Please, Logan, please fuck me with your big, hard cock. I wanna feel you inside me deeper than I’ve ever been fucked.”
“Aaahhh fuck Y/N baby gonna fuck you so hard,” Logan moaned, panting.
“I’m going to wrap my legs around you and hold you in me until I cum all over your cock.”
“Oh yeah baby, I wanna feel you cum while I pound that pussy.”
“Then I wanna feel all that hot cum inside me when you can’t take it anymore and you shoot your load in my wet pussy.”
Logan came then with a shout of your name and a series of loud groans.
“Goddamn Logan, you are so fucking hot. I have never wanted a man like I want you.”
“Fuck. There’s a load of cum all over me that says you’re the hot one.”
“I want it.”
“You’re going to get more than you can handle.”
“Now I wish it had been video chat. I want to see. What are you doing to me, Logan?”
“Hopefully making you as fucking horny as you make me,” he said, still a little short of breath.
“Well that goes without saying.”
“I didn’t hear you get off.”
“No, I want you to feel me get off the first time.”
“You trying to get me hard again?”
“You said you had a couple hours,” you answered mischievously. “And I do have this fantasy of riding your cock…”
“Scratch that, I don’t think I’m going to get soft to need you to get me hard again.”
“Mmmmm yummy,” you sighed. You listened to his breathing even out, could feel him relax after his orgasm.
“Was that true? About me being the biggest?”
“Oh God yes.”
“I’ll also be the best,” he said arrogantly.
“Of that I have no doubt.” you replied. “So we’re in bed together, you just came, I’m sure I did…what are we doing?”
“Shower. Possibly shower sex.”
“Then what?”
“I’m not a cuddler, Y/N.”
“You aren’t?” you asked in complete surprise.
“Thennnnn…what was watching TV on the sofa with my head on your chest? And what was sleeping together without sex?”
Logan didn’t respond for a moment. “Huh. You turned me into a cuddler.”
“Really,” you said skeptically. “You seemed pre-loaded with a cuddle mod when I got you.”
“I will cuddle with you after sex, but if you tell anyone I’ll deny it.”
“I can live with that. Nobody else has to know that you’re sweet.”
“Sweet?? Fuck that, I am not sweet. I’m a cold-hearted manwhore,” Logan said, sounding offended. “If you think we’re gonna sync up our periods or something, you got the wrong guy.”
“Um, OK.”
“I gotta go clean up. Call ya back.”
“Ok –”
When your phone rang a bit later you let it go to voicemail. You weren’t in the mood for Logan’s constant resistance to any kind of feelings.
You texted a couple friends and found that they were out at a club celebrating a promotion. You quickly tossed your phone on the table to charge while you went and got dressed for clubbing.
You chose a skin-tight black mini skirt and red draped backless top with criss-crossed spaghetti straps in back and sky high red heels. Your makeup was perfect with winged eyeliner and bright red lippy. Your hair you left down in soft waves.
And just to be a bitch you took a full length selfie in front of your mirror and texted it to Logan with the message, Going out with friends. TTYL.
Logan’s first instinct when he got the text was to throw his phone across the room. Controlling that urge, he looked at you making a kissy face at the mirror and drew the conclusion that you were done with his bullshit. So much for ‘probably.’
Were you going to go find someone and bring him home to fuck because Logan had hung up on you? Logan’s next instinct was to go find someone to fuck and send you a pic. Two can play the selfie game.
Except…he didn’t want to go fuck someone else. You were in his blood, he wanted you. And he definitely didn’t want you fucking anyone else.
L: I’m sorry I was a dick and now you’re going out with your friends instead of talking to me. I deserve it. Have fun. You look beautiful.
You got the text in the back of the taxi on the way to the club. You would rather be home with Logan, or at least talking to him. But you knew that Logan would trample any woman who didn’t stand up to him once in a while. You refused to be a doormat no matter how crazy you were about him.
Y: Not here to serve you. I will have fun. Thanks for the compliment.
L: Babe…I don’t know what kind of temper you have yet, but I know what I’d do here and I’m gonna ask you not to.
Y: I know exactly what you’d do. And you’d send me a selfie while you did it. Right?
L: Yeah
Y: I’m not you.
L: I know
“Fuck!” Logan screamed in frustration. Why was this shit happening when he was 10 time zones away? He looked at the time and realized he had to get ready for a barbecue at the Aoki CEO’s home. He wanted to get on a plane and go grab you and drag you off to a deserted island so no other man could touch you or look at you.
He decided he needed to move the etiquette bullshit along. He needed to get home to his life now that he had a chance at one.
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You didn’t have fun. You tried to dance with your friends and had a few too many drinks, even danced with a guy for a minute when he started dancing with you, but when he put his hands on your hips you pulled away and sat back down. His hands were wrong. You only wanted Logan’s hands on you.
You only wanted Logan.
Which was completely impractical and just begging for a broken heart. Why would you fall for the least suitable human on the planet to give you what you dreamed of: someone who would love you and think of you first thing when he wakes up and last thing before he goes to sleep, and all the rest of that romantic crap? He would never settle down with one woman.
It might be time to accept that and put him in the past.
“Hey,” your friend Kate said. “You’ve been quiet tonight. Who’s the guy?”
You smiled a little. Kate had known you since high school. You had roomed together at college and you were as close as sisters. Needless to say, Kate had been through every relationship you’d ever had with you and she could read you.
“I met him earlier this week.”
“And you’re already this sad? Honey, that doesn’t sound good.”
“I know.”
“Who is he? Where’d you meet him.”
You walked outside together so you could hear each other talk and you told her everything, ending with Logan’s diatribe of being a cold-hearted manwhore when you called him sweet, followed by his subsequent request that you not go fuck someone else for revenge.
“Well he sounds like a hot mess,” Kate said after a moment of silence.
You laughed way harder than the joke called for, letting out some of your pent up emotions. Then you walked over to another girl and paid her $10 for a cigarette and came back to a disapproving Kate.
“I’m completely, head over heels mad about him, Kate. I look at him and I see forever. And it’s ridiculous! I’m not like this!”
“No, you aren’t,” Kate said speculatively. “You don’t do impulsive. You never have. But this guy got to you.”
You nodded and said, “I have no idea what he sees in me. I am nothing like any of the women he usually dates. And he says that’s part of what attracted him. And I’m as mean to him as everyone else, so he knows I’m a smartass. He’s gorgeous and smart and funny and sexy and his smile is just perfection. He could get any woman he wanted. And he told me he’s been an asshole to women in the past. What about me would make him change that?”
“What about you wouldn’t? Maybe he sees what I do. You’re beautiful and smart and funny and brave and real! Plus I’m guessing he sees a few things I don’t. Coz I don’t want to have sex with you.”
You laughed a little at her joke.
“Sweetie, you’re more than enough for any man. Any issues that he has are his, not yours.”
“Thanks, but if I want to be with him and he pushes me away, pretty sure that’s about me.”
“No, not really. I mean, you said his family is messed up right?”
“Well, we all know boys with Mama issues are nightmares.”
“Ha. Yeah we’ve both had our share of Mama’s boys.”
“But this is the opposite. He’s not running because nobody can love him like Mommy…he’s running before you can leave him, like Mommy did.”
You shrugged, “The results are the same. He runs and bangs any of the dozens of women that are available to him at any given time and I wind up with my heart in a million pieces because I actually care for the jackass.”
Kate put her arm around you and you laid your head on her shoulder. You still didn’t have a clue but at least you weren’t alone.
You decided to head home. Kate stayed outside with you until your Uber got there and hugged you and put you in the car with a promise to come by for coffee tomorrow.
You looked at you phone for the first time since you had arrived at the bar. There were a couple texts from Logan and one had an attachment. You opened the text and saw a selfie of Logan pouting with his lower lip stuck out
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that had the caption, “I’m sorry :(“ and the body of the text said Unsolicited dick pic.
And you laughed.
L: Don’t give up on me yet
Y: Let me know when I should, OK?
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Logan grabbed his phone from his pocket when he felt your text and relief flooded his body. Despite the faux pas of looking at his phone at a social event, he tapped out an answer.
L: Can’t say that I will. I think you’re too good for me.
Y: Don’t be a dumbass. I might love you some day.
L: I got downgraded from pretty sure, huh?
Y: When you get home I’ll let you make it up to me.
L: I plan to. You’ve been upgraded to pretty sure.
Y: Damn, shitty timing for you.
L: I’m sorry. I don’t mean to push you away.
Y: You do a fucking dead-on impression of it.
L: Are you still out?
Y: On my way home.
L: Already?
Y: This guy I really like hurt my feelings and put me in a shitty mood. Didn’t feel like dancing.
L: My girlfriend had a similar issue earlier.
Y:  WTF Logan you have a girlfriend??? You fucking asshole. I swear to Christ you keep finding new ways to destroy me. If you can tear me up this much in less than a week then your girlfriend has all my sympathy. Go fuck yourself. I am so done with you.
You powered your phone down and put it in your bag, utterly disgusted with the tears streaming down your cheeks.
L: Jesus Christ Y/N I meant YOU!! You are my girlfriend!!!!
Your Uber pulled up in front of your building and you climbed out and stormed into your apartment. You left your phone on the charger in the living room and then got ready for bed.
Your pillow smelled like Logan. You flung it across the room and slept fitfully without it.
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logans-chestnuts · 7 years
As You Are, Part 8
 Pairing: Logan x Reader
Warnings: Language, Smut
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Part 7
Logan had sneaked away and called you just before your alarm was set to go off again. You only spoke for a few minutes but it reassured you that he was taking whatever you had seriously. This would have been the perfect time to cool things off and reconsider the cons of being together without the incredible heat that existed between you distracting you, but if he was weighing his options, apparently there were more pros than cons at this point.
And you were as infatuated as ever, but now with a little more knowledge of who he was and genuine affection added in to the mix. Logan was unlike any man you had ever met. He was funny, smart, sexy and so inappropriate. You should probably be offended by some of the things he had said to you but he was so damned cute about it. He could charm the panties off a nun with that mischievous smile, and if he added a wink the Mother Superior would probably join in for a threesome.
Yeah, you were in deep and getting deeper.
The morning flew by. You were busy with work and that was how you liked it. You had sent a few texts to Logan throughout the day but for the most part you had been buried in your cube with headphones on, researching and writing.
You had no plans for the weekend because you hadn’t returned calls or texts all week as you had been completely engrossed in Logan. That would need to change, of course. You had good friends and your life couldn’t be put on hold for a man, he would need to fit in with your friends and…oh my, your family. Could Logan behave around family?
You decided to do some grocery shopping and laundry that night. You couldn’t live on Chinese leftovers forever, though statistically they would spoil before they ran out.
Logan had said he would probably have to go out drinking after meetings as it was a cultural thing, so you figured you either wouldn’t talk to him much or he’d drunk dial you. You were kind of hoping for the drunk dial as you had a feeling Logan was hilarious when plowed.
Your phone rang as you had settled in on the couch with a book and you grabbed it and saw Future Husband. Why hadn’t you changed that yet?
“Hi Logan,” you answered happily.
“Hey, what’re you doing?”
“Reading and doing laundry. How’d you sleep?”
“Lousy. Weird dreams. You doing anything this weekend?”
“Too bad you’re not doing me.”
“That is too bad. But there’s plenty of time for that when you get back,” you said cheerfully.
“I don’t have to be anywhere for a couple hours. Video chat?”
“I am not having video sex with you, Logan,” you answered matter-of-factly.
Logan laughed. “You know me so well. And we’ve only been together a couple months.”
“Four days.”
“Like I said, couple months and we still haven’t had sex.”
“I bet we have in your mind.”
“Like we haven’t in yours. Remember, I know what a dirty girl you are, now.”
“This is true. You do inspire some pretty lewd thoughts. In fact, I’m guessing that you’re doing one of my lewd thoughts even as we speak.”
“And what do you think I’m doing?”
“Hmmm whatever could you be doing?”
“Oh no, gotta say it if you wanna see it.”
“Well, this isn’t video chat. And I wanna see it in person. So I can see up close and personal. And taste.”
“Y/N,” he groaned. “That is so hot. Your mouth has been driving me crazy. I keep picturing your lips wrapped around my cock and I get a hard-on wherever I am. And the way you rubbed your tongue…ughh it felt so fucking perfect.”
“That was just a quickie. Not my best work, to be honest.”
“Then I might die with my cock in your mouth.”
“Like hell. I have a lot of other plans for you, babe.”
“Oh God please tell me,” he said, his voice getting breathless.
“Rather show you.”
“I can’t believe I’m fucking stuck on another continent. Hop a plane. Seriously, I’ll buy you a ticket.”
“Do you know when you’ll be home yet?” you asked hopefully.
“No. Hopefully Tuesday or Wednesday. I need to play fucking etiquette games and they haven’t even told me what the problem is yet. I am so fucking frustrated.”
“I can’t imagine. So you should relax now. Talk to me. About anything.”
“Tell me what you’re wearing.”
You laughed and said, “Baggy t-shirt and gym shorts.”
“Youuuuu said anything. I wanna talk about your panties.”
“Fine. White cotton granny panties.”
“Bullshit, I didn’t see a single pair of white cotton in your underwear drawer.”
“Logan Delos! You went through my underwear drawer?”
“Y/N Y/L/N you thought I wouldn’t?”
“Eh. OK, good point. They’re purple boyshorts.”
“And you, darling? What panties are you wearing?”
“Ha! I’m not.”
“OK underwear.”
“Still not. I don’t wear them to bed.”
“You did at my house.”
“What would you have done if I slept naked?”
“Run screaming.”
“So I kept ‘em on.”
“That was very considerate of you.”
“Show me your tits.”
“Not that considerate.”
“It’s almost like you don’t care that I have my hand on my hard cock, stroking it and –”
“Hmmmm?” he asked innocently.
“Did I mention that you have the biggest cock I’ve seen in person?”
“Noooo,” he groaned. “Good to know.”
“Yeah. You are going to stretch me out, baby.”
“Fuck yeah, you’re gonna be so tight.”
“I’m going to lick, kiss and bite every inch of your body.”
“I can’t wait to eat that pussy of yours. I’m gonna make you beg for my cock.”
“Mmmm how about I beg now?”
“Yeah lemme hear that, baby,” he groaned.
“Please, Logan, please fuck me with your big, hard cock. I wanna feel you inside me deeper than I’ve ever been fucked.”
“Aaahhh fuck Y/N baby gonna fuck you so hard,” Logan moaned, panting.
“I’m going to wrap my legs around you and hold you in me until I cum all over your cock.”
“Oh yeah baby, I wanna feel you cum while I pound that pussy.”
“Then I wanna feel all that hot cum inside me when you can’t take it anymore and you shoot your load in my wet pussy.”
Logan came then with a shout of your name and a series of loud groans.
“Goddamn Logan, you are so fucking hot. I have never wanted a man like I want you.”
“Fuck. There’s a load of cum all over me that says you’re the hot one.”
“I want it.”
“You’re going to get more than you can handle.”
“Now I wish it had been video chat. I want to see. What are you doing to me, Logan?”
“Hopefully making you as fucking horny as you make me,” he said, still a little short of breath.
“Well that goes without saying.”
“I didn’t hear you get off.”
“No, I want you to feel me get off the first time.”
“You trying to get me hard again?”
“You said you had a couple hours,” you answered mischievously. “And I do have this fantasy of riding your cock…”
“Scratch that, I don’t think I’m going to get soft to need you to get me hard again.”
“Mmmmm yummy,” you sighed. You listened to his breathing even out, could feel him relax after his orgasm.
“Was that true? About me being the biggest?”
“Oh God yes.”
“I’ll also be the best,” he said arrogantly.
“Of that I have no doubt.” you replied. “So we’re in bed together, you just came, I’m sure I did…what are we doing?”
“Shower. Possibly shower sex.”
“Then what?”
“I’m not a cuddler, Y/N.”
“You aren’t?” you asked in complete surprise.
“Thennnnn…what was watching TV on the sofa with my head on your chest? And what was sleeping together without sex?”
Logan didn’t respond for a moment. “Huh. You turned me into a cuddler.”
“Really,” you said skeptically. “You seemed pre-loaded with a cuddle mod when I got you.”
“I will cuddle with you after sex, but if you tell anyone I’ll deny it.”
“I can live with that. Nobody else has to know that you’re sweet.”
“Sweet?? Fuck that, I am not sweet. I’m a cold-hearted manwhore,” Logan said, sounding offended. “If you think we’re gonna sync up our periods or something, you got the wrong guy.”
“Um, OK.”
“I gotta go clean up. Call ya back.”
“Ok –”
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When your phone rang a bit later you let it go to voicemail. You weren’t in the mood for Logan’s constant resistance to any kind of feelings.
You texted a couple friends and found that they were out at a club celebrating a promotion. You quickly tossed your phone on the table to charge while you went and got dressed for clubbing.
You chose a skin-tight black mini skirt and red draped backless top with criss-crossed spaghetti straps in back and sky high red heels. Your makeup was perfect with winged eyeliner and bright red lippy. Your hair you left down in soft waves.
And just to be a bitch you took a full length selfie in front of your mirror and texted it to Logan with the message, Going out with friends. TTYL.
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Logan’s first instinct when he got the text was to throw his phone across the room. Controlling that urge, he looked at you making a kissy face at the mirror and drew the conclusion that you were done with his bullshit. So much for ‘probably.’
Were you going to go find someone and bring him home to fuck because Logan had hung up on you? Logan’s next instinct was to go find someone to fuck and send you a pic. Two can play the selfie game.
Except…he didn’t want to go fuck someone else. You were in his blood, he wanted you. And he definitely didn’t want you fucking anyone else.
L: I’m sorry I was a dick and now you’re going out with your friends instead of talking to me. I deserve it. Have fun. You look beautiful.
You got the text in the back of the taxi on the way to the club. You would rather be home with Logan, or at least talking to him. But you knew that Logan would trample any woman who didn’t stand up to him once in a while. You refused to be a doormat no matter how crazy you were about him.
Y: Not here to serve you. I will have fun. Thanks for the compliment.
L: Babe…I don’t know what kind of temper you have yet, but I know what I’d do here and I’m gonna ask you not to.
Y: I know exactly what you’d do. And you’d send me a selfie while you did it. Right?
L: Yeah
Y: I’m not you.
L: I know
“Fuck!” Logan screamed in frustration. Why was this shit happening when he was 10 time zones away? He looked at the time and realized he had to get ready for a barbecue at the Aoki CEO’s home. He wanted to get on a plane and go grab you and drag you off to a deserted island so no other man could touch you or look at you.
He decided he needed to move the etiquette bullshit along. He needed to get home to his life now that he had a chance at one.
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You didn’t have fun. You tried to dance with your friends and had a few too many drinks, even danced with a guy for a minute when he started dancing with you, but when he put his hands on your hips you pulled away and sat back down. His hands were wrong. You only wanted Logan’s hands on you.
You only wanted Logan.
Which was completely impractical and just begging for a broken heart. Why would you fall for the least suitable human on the planet to give you what you dreamed of: someone who would love you and think of you first thing when he wakes up and last thing before he goes to sleep, and all the rest of that romantic crap? He would never settle down with one woman.
It might be time to accept that and put him in the past.
“Hey,” your friend Kate said. “You’ve been quiet tonight. Who’s the guy?”
You smiled a little. Kate had known you since high school. You had roomed together at college and you were as close as sisters. Needless to say, Kate had been through every relationship you’d ever had with you and she could read you.
“I met him earlier this week.”
“And you’re already this sad? Honey, that doesn’t sound good.”
“I know.”
“Who is he? Where’d you meet him.”
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You walked outside together so you could hear each other talk and you told her everything, ending with Logan’s diatribe of being a cold-hearted manwhore when you called him sweet, followed by his subsequent request that you not go fuck someone else for revenge.
“Well he sounds like a hot mess,” Kate said after a moment of silence.
You laughed way harder than the joke called for, letting out some of your pent up emotions. Then you walked over to another girl and paid her $10 for a cigarette and came back to a disapproving Kate.
“I’m completely, head over heels mad about him, Kate. I look at him and I see forever. And it’s ridiculous! I’m not like this!”
“No, you aren’t,” Kate said speculatively. “You don’t do impulsive. You never have. But this guy got to you.”
You nodded and said, “I have no idea what he sees in me. I am nothing like any of the women he usually dates. And he says that’s part of what attracted him. And I’m as mean to him as everyone else, so he knows I’m a smartass. He’s gorgeous and smart and funny and sexy and his smile is just perfection. He could get any woman he wanted. And he told me he’s been an asshole to women in the past. What about me would make him change that?”
“What about you wouldn’t? Maybe he sees what I do. You’re beautiful and smart and funny and brave and real! Plus I’m guessing he sees a few things I don’t. Coz I don’t want to have sex with you.”
You laughed a little at her joke.
“Sweetie, you’re more than enough for any man. Any issues that he has are his, not yours.”
“Thanks, but if I want to be with him and he pushes me away, pretty sure that’s about me.”
“No, not really. I mean, you said his family is messed up right?”
“Well, we all know boys with Mama issues are nightmares.”
“Ha. Yeah we’ve both had our share of Mama’s boys.”
“But this is the opposite. He’s not running because nobody can love him like Mommy…he’s running before you can leave him, like Mommy did.”
You shrugged, “The results are the same. He runs and bangs any of the dozens of women that are available to him at any given time and I wind up with my heart in a million pieces because I actually care for the jackass.”
Kate put her arm around you and you laid your head on her shoulder. You still didn’t have a clue but at least you weren’t alone.
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You decided to head home. Kate stayed outside with you until your Uber got there and hugged you and put you in the car with a promise to come by for coffee tomorrow.
You looked at you phone for the first time since you had arrived at the bar. There were a couple texts from Logan and one had an attachment. You opened the text and saw a selfie of Logan pouting with his lower lip stuck out that had the caption, “I’m sorry :(“ and the body of the text said Unsolicited dick pic.
And you laughed.
L: Don’t give up on me yet
Y: Let me know when I should, OK?
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Logan grabbed his phone from his pocket when he felt your text and relief flooded his body. Despite the faux pas of looking at his phone at a social event, he tapped out an answer.
L: Can’t say that I will. I think you’re too good for me.
Y: Don’t be a dumbass. I might love you some day.
L: I got downgraded from pretty sure, huh?
Y: When you get home I’ll let you make it up to me.
L: I plan to. You’ve been upgraded to pretty sure.
Y: Damn, shitty timing for you.
L: I’m sorry. I don’t mean to push you away.
Y: You do a fucking dead-on impression of it.
L: Are you still out?
Y: On my way home.
L: Already?
Y: This guy I really like hurt my feelings and put me in a shitty mood. Didn’t feel like dancing.
L: My girlfriend had a similar issue earlier.
Y:  WTF Logan you have a girlfriend??? You fucking asshole. I swear to Christ you keep finding new ways to destroy me. If you can tear me up this much in less than a week then your girlfriend has all my sympathy. Go fuck yourself. I am so done with you.
You powered your phone down and put it in your bag, utterly disgusted with the tears streaming down your cheeks.
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L: Jesus Christ Y/N I meant YOU!! You are my girlfriend!!!!
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Your Uber pulled up in front of your building and you climbed out and stormed into your apartment. You left your phone on the charger in the living room and then got ready for bed.
Your pillow smelled like Logan. You flung it across the room and slept fitfully without it.
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Part 9
@drinix @giggleberts 
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