#Lemoru artz
monstersofsilence · 5 months
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stand alone post for the sketches I did for the VERY LATE JUDGEMENTS
keep in mind I did them all one after another hence why they are
rough sketches. quick ones as well
anyway first up is the detective himself!
still love Lemoru and his design <3
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monstersofsilence · 2 years
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monstersofsilence · 2 years
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I drew random peeps of mine .w.
more so ones I haven’t drawn in a while to see how they look like with my current [SLIGHT] improvements
from left to right!
Lemoru | Vexias
Kalikn | The Dragonrider (Galina’s ancestor)
I haven’t drawn them in so long ;w;
especially Lem or Kal. I have been wanting to draw them even if it’s a quick sketch
The Dragonrider was one I wanted to draw for so long. the character concept has been on my mind for SO long owo;;;
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monstersofsilence · 3 years
⏮ show me a younger lemoru!!!
Send ⏮ to meet a younger version.
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All the cadets stood in a row. All of them were done doing the obstacle course and, per usual, not all them made it through in a timely manner. Lemoru stood straight as he can be, breathing heavily through his nostrils, sweating from the course he had done but ultimately fail. The drill Sergeant yelled and cursed at all of them.
He and every single person there are all cadets. Though apparently the Fleet expects a lot more from new up-and-coming soldiers.
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monstersofsilence · 3 years
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I had this weird idea in the back of my mind
“what if I draw Lemoru as a female...”
and this is the result that was kept leeched in my mind for quite a while .w.
even drew a female version of Axxiom because Lem just can’t enough of the guy (sarcasm =u=)
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monstersofsilence · 3 years
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stand alone pic of a flustered but concerned Lem ;0
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monstersofsilence · 4 years
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a detective is ready for the yule ball :3
and NO. I didn’t draw a fedora to be funny. his whole thing is 1950s fashion .w.;;;;
it’s literally one of the hats they wear around the 50s so please. have mercy on me ;w;
I literally based this character on detectives around the 1950s era
that’s it uvu
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monstersofsilence · 3 years
7 or 9 for Lemrou :0c
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date night threads ;D
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monstersofsilence · 4 years
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random sketches! c:
haven’t done some in a while and I have been wanting to do some
Lemoru when he joined the Fleet (having short, spiky hair and still having his other horn)
Calrin before he got his amnesia (had slightly shorter hair but still in a ponytail and still had his other horn)
a happy Merlee uvu (I haven’t drawn her in a while... I love her, okay ;w;)
and Kiliko already in the Halloween spirit!
Lem’s and Cal’s hair were... something different. not something I’m used to drawing but I still wanted to do it anyway. Lemoru’s hair was quite easy. sort of took inspiration on how goddesstrolls did with their one character (or from what I remembered) and tried to replicate it? I’m still bad at it and it’s the first time I’ve drawn hair like that .w.
Calrin’s, however, was difficult. I wanted his old hair to look more like that one character from Yakuza 0, Majima. I’m not great with pulling that kind of thing off and this is the end result of it ;w;
I’ll possibly try it again in the future. for now. I’m sorry if it doesn’t look great uwu;;;;
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monstersofsilence · 4 years
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three new trolls finally done!
Vexias Calisi (’nother goth girl... listen I just like goth/punk girls ;w;)
Lemoru Xenett (Fleet detective)
OMEN (cult member that worships higher demonic beings)
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monstersofsilence · 4 years
Lemoru in D2 or D3
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the man needs a vacation
or retire
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monstersofsilence · 3 years
Arveli: Dear, I set us up the tastiest picnic lunch! Do you have time? ^^
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LEMORU: Oh! That's nice of you to do! Um... do I have time? Well, I mean... No... No, no. I have time!
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monstersofsilence · 3 years
✘ - one thing that frightens, disturbs, or disgusts them - for any troll you've been thinking about lately
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"I don't want to fail. I don't want to disappoint those I must save... I've failed twice...
Losing my friend and many others in battle when I was in the Fleet... and losing someone else who... entrusted me to protect them...
I have kept to myself for so long only because I don't want to develop any sort of relationship... and then what if something happens to them? They're in danger and I can't save them? I'd fail them... I'd fail myself. I couldn't be better... What am I if I can't save those who puts their full trust in me?"
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