thegaybachelorsims · 5 years
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Up until that time, Joseph and I were home-schooled, by Uncle Michael and his wife, Bea, along with Timothy Goth’s two children, Lena and Corbin.  Timothy was Grandfather Alex’s youngest brother.  He married later in life to a young witch from Newcrest and moved into the Goth Manor across the street when his mother, and grandfather passed.
 Lena was a year older than I, and Corbin was a year younger than Joseph. Lena however was not as skilled as I or, Joseph for that matter.  Corbin was intellectually gifted, but had very few magic abilities. Lena and I were like minded, and we naturally became close as children.  Corbin and Joseph were inseparable.  Birds of a feather, you could say.  But the four of us were close, very close. Not being in the public school system, we never really saw other children so we really had no other friends.
Even though mother said time and time again that the discussion of me going to Alexandria to the Realm House was not up for discussion, Jules continued to make it her goal to bring it up at every opportunity.  Anytime I disobeyed, any time I was sneaky, or any time I did anything that she didn’t like.  Which to be honest was quite often. Finally by the end of that summer, Jules had won. They had cornered Joseph when they found the bowl we used to cast the fake spell in our room. He told them everything. About the spells, and about all the gifts I had, and about using them to get what I wanted not only from them, but on Corbin and Lena. But not even Joseph knew everything. He had no idea at that time that I had vampiric gifts of mind control and compulsion. But Jules knew, and soon she was able to convince Mother, Michael and Bebe.
But all that ended that summer and when school was to begin, Joseph, Corbin and Lena and myself were ALL sent to Alexandria, under the watchful eye of my mother, who was the Realm Master at the time, Simon Brouchard and of course, Jules.
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thegaybachelorsims · 5 years
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Not even an hour later, Alex gets a knock on his door…
ALEX- “Come on in, it’s open…
Lena Goth enters and walks slowly towards Alex.
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LENA- “Master Goth…”
ALEX- “What is it Lena, are you okay?  You seem upset.”
LENA- “Did I see him?”
ALEX- “See who dear?”
LENA- “Tiberius, I thought I saw him earlier down in the lobby is he here?”
ALEX- “Yes, Lena, Ty was here. I called him to come here----
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LENA- “But why!??  Why now after all this time? Is he still here, I want to talk to him.”
ALEX- “I’m sorry Lena, but he left. He went to see Elias. It may very well be the last time he is able to see him alive, and I thought it important that he talked with him.”
LENA- “So that is why you called him home, is that why he was here?”
ALEX- “Yes, dear. What other reason would I have to bring him here?”
LENA- “Did he say anything, I mean did he ask about me?”
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ALEX- “No, Lena, he didn’t mention anything other than wanting to see his grandfather. Darling, I know you still have a place in your heart for him, but you are engaged to Declan now. Tiberius could not give you what you want, Lena, you know that.”
LENA- “I just need closure, Uncle Alex. I mean he left without saying anything to me, other than that note that just said goodbye...Is he coming back??...I mean here?  Is he coming back to the realm?”
ALEX- “I am afraid not, Lena. I am sorry.”
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