#Lendard Arc
animeniacfan · 2 years
Mashima, We Need to Talk About Pacing
Mashima might be having some issues with the pacing because his manga is stalling #EdensZero #Edens #Zero
Edens Zero Chapter 212 Review/Recap Mashima, we need to talk about your pacing problem. And I do say that it’s a problem. You keep introducing these villains, only to have them offed like they’re nothing. It’s not good writing, Mashima! Source-MangaSee, Kodansha Comics Recap Source-MangaSee, Kodansha Comics As Justice and Homura face down Aconella, she proceeds to sic her “children” on the…
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semsentido · 9 months
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FORESTA ARC (112-133):
- Chapter 122: They meet and Creed captures Homura (by Justice's order) with his Ether Lock, shrinking her into a palm-sized cage. - Chapter 124: Creed thinks that Homura is pretty. - Chapter 126: Because of Xenolith's attack: "Gravity Center" Creed dropped Homura's cage. To avoid Victory stepping on her, Creed unlocks her cage, releasing her and restoring her to normal size. As Homura leaves the scene, Creed is seen blushing while looking at her. - Chapter 130: Creed is seen looking at pictures of Homura while blushing.
NERO 66 ARC (139-169):
- Chapter 151: They run into each other. Homura remembers him. though she (accidentally) calls him "forgettable man in glasses" and (embarrassed) he tells her that his name is Creed.
- Chapter 152: As they have the same goal (stop Shura from using the all-link) Creed proposes they work together. Homura says she doesn't trust him and Creed assures her he would never lie to someone as beautiful as her.
- Chapter 154: An embarrassed Homura asks Creed to stop following her, to which he responds that there's nothing he can do since they're going in the same direction.
- Chapter 159: Creed reveals his real name, Seiji, to Homura and that he comes from the same planet as her, Oedo. She's surprised to know that he belongs to the shogunate family of Oedo.
- Chapter 160: After discovering Creed belongs to the Shogunate family of Oedo Homura apologizes to him for the way she was been acting with him. Creed says she should treat him the same as always, as they aren't in Oedo and the cosmos are free. He says his objective is to change the old ways of their home planet, which Homura says is a wonderful idea, and smiles at him. Creed thinks Homura's smile is too beautiful for words. As they agree to work together to destroy the all-link system they are found by Jesse who points a gun at them and asks Creed to get away from Homura. As Creed prepares to use his ether on Jesse, Jesse fires at him, shooting him in the chest. As he's falling, Creed confesses his feelings to Homura and dies.
- Chapter 161: Homura closes Creed's eyes. When asked who Creed is, she replies he is "a friend from home". While crying, she says everyone that gets close to her goes away (ie dies).
- Chapter 168: Jesse says to Justice that Homura was the one who killed Creed. That she seduced and then killed him. Meanwhile, Homura hopes that Creed (his body) made it back to his ship/crew.
X495 ARC (170-180):
- Chapter 171: with a sad expression, Homura remembers Creed.
LENDARD ARC (181-220):
- Chapter 211: Homura offers Justice assistance in the battle against Acnoela. He remembers that Jesse said that Homura was the one who killed Creed.
- Chapter 216: Justice admits that it doesn't make sense that Homura killed Creed.
- Chapter 232: On Universe 0, Homura and Creed met during a sword match when they were kids. Homura injured him in the presence of the Shogun, Creed's father, thus Homura was to be beheaded. Despite his injury, Creed stood in defense of Homura, asking his father to show mercy. In the end, Valkyrie, Homura's master, was beheaded in Homura's place.
- Chapter 234: On Universe 0 Homura meets Valkyrie, she is surprised to see that Valkyrie is alive since she was beheaded. Valkyrie says that Creed/Seiji was the one who repaired her.
Episode 19 (Episode 44): adapts chapter 122.
Episode 20 (Episode 45): adapts chapter 124.
Episode 21 (Episode 46): adapts chapter 126.
Episode 22 (Episode 47): adapts chapter 130.
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music-b0x · 2 years
Unpopular Opinion: I enjoyed Kaede more than Aoi.
I'm not gonna try to be objective about this so this'll be more of a rant I needed to express.
It's true that Kaede felt rushed despite Lendard having more chapters than the other arcs, primarily because both Crow (who was, in fact, Cure) and Acnoella (who was apparently Elsie's mum) showed up and were offed.
But some people have mentioned that the good stuff in this arc have outweighed the bad (which, to be honest, are just pacing issues) and that's exactly my opinion as well.
The reason why I think the good outweighs the bad is pretty subjective. I think finding out who Ziggy is is one of the most important things this story has to offer. The adventure to Mother as well.
I felt like there was just too much going on in the Aoi Cosmos saga that the crew unnecessarily put themselves through, after Foresta. As cool and interesting Shura and Nero were as villains, their story almost felt like a huge detraction from the adventure space vibes the Sakura Cosmos presented. I will agree that Shura also having gravity Ether Gear and the presence of some parallelisms made during the battles between Shiki and Shura and Ziggy and Nero contributed to foreshadowing who Ziggy truly was, but those didn't stop me from ultimately feeling like Aoi overstayed its welcome.
Kaede Cosmos seems to have suffered the opposite problems - trying to get rid of too many powerful villains who were set up to be the biggest threats in a short span of time.
But the good is that we finally find out who Ziggy is, we understand that reaching Mother is ultimately linked to saving humanity, we learn even more about the origins of the Edens Zero, and we get the best freaking panel in the entire series:
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(LOL, well, it may not be the best panel objectively and I'm probably the only one who would ever claim so, but for me, it just carries a certain weight that lingers. It could be the angst.)
So, I guess what I'm trying to say is that the reason why I enjoyed the Kaede Cosmos saga more than Aoi is because it once again emphasises why this story is called Edens Zero. Not Shiki and Friends. But Edens Zero. To somewhat add to my point, notice how the Sakura Cosmos was involved and was visited by the crew during the Kaede Cosmos saga. Whatever started in the Sakura Cosmos has some relevance to what is happening in the Kaede Cosmos. Aoi Cosmos has little to no relevance now.
Contrary to what a lot feel, I also think that the Edens One being the final villain is perfect, or at least, on brand for this manga, true to its themes of machines having hearts (that means evil hearts, too). I would very much prefer seeing a widescale space battle against machines and AIs who are wreaking havoc against humanity, posing actual threats to our crew, than a belatedly introduced human villain who might again disappoint if they fail to live up to the hype. Even if that human villain happens to be evil!Rebecca.
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charlierejouis · 2 years
Quick Notes: Chapter 211
Let’s go!
Typical chill cover to distract readers from the typical Mashima darkness.
Hey look, it’s a flashback! Who could have seen this coming after the last chapter.
Looks like I was right not to trust Jesse for what happened. And Justice, apparently. (Don’t know if I should actually trust Jesse of all people.)
Why is Jesse like this? “Let’s talk about my parents. They lived here... on Lendard.” Okay, I’m not going to hold you. That makes sense.
I know that a lot of people are mad about Mashima killing off Gowen and Hyoga, but it’s not as if they were doing anything else in the series. Also, these aren’t close to the most devastating deaths in the past 50 chapters.
“Why is there so much death everywhere I go...?” You’d get along much better with Homura than you’d think. Also, just get the gravestone ready for Justice now.
Speaking of which, I’m mad he’s still blaming Homura for that. Least favorite of the Sieghart clones. (I’ve gotta get onto my list of least favorite things of this series one day.)
“If I defeat you, the dragons will stop attacking right?” The Dragons Don’t Stop Attacking After Acnoella is Defeated.
“I don’t know why...” Go on, say it. “...but I I have a bad feeling about it...: There we go!
I don’t know that Elsie is knowingly the traitor, but she’s likely connected and that’s concerning for obvious reasons. It also happens that I don’t think she survives the arc. These thoughts are unrelated.
See you
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edensjelsie · 2 years
Ok so once again just looking for a place to write all my thoughts down. So in this chapter we once again had Justice behaving very differently than we would expect. Can we address the fact that he tended to her wounds? Elsie received a very serious stab wound and he bandaged it up! Not just that but several other minor wounds. I’ll be honest…I wasn’t expecting that. I expected him to angrily stew in a corner and stare at her the entire time. I’m kinda bummed Mashima didn’t let us get to see that but anyway, I digress. And like the average reader Elsie also questions why he hasn’t killed her yet, he says it’s too easy. Too easy? Now idk about you but I genuinely don’t think he’s ever going to even come close to killing her. I simply don’t think he can go through with it. Why? He keeps coming up with excuses. First he lets her walk away from him at Foresta, then he saves her from near death, and now he has her weak and vulnerable in front of him but still refuses to kill her because it’s too easy. And when Elsie says she was taught to kill as soon as you had the opportunity or you would regret it later what does he do? He ignores her. He is avoiding going into detail about why he’s not killing her. This tells me that he himself hasn’t come to terms with his reasoning, and he’s not gonna start anytime soon.
Him saying he wants her on trial first is actually laughable. I really laughed. Idk it just seems so anticlimactic. He almost killed Shiki for his potential and friendship with Elsie without a second thought. But Elsie, who he’s been chasing after his whole life and who he believes to be one of the greatest evils, gets a trial? What does he even think Elsie will get sentenced to? All the OSI have said Elsie doesn’t really hurt citizens, she only loots planets, and I guess the traffic violations. What will that get her? Community service? No he’s clearly just putting off killing her for some reason.
I also think it’s kind of presumptuous of him to expect Elsie to go along with his plan to escape Lendard. As far as she knows, leaving with Justice will lead to certain death. Whereas if she stays on Lendard there’s still a chance she could make it out with her crew. I fully expect to see her try to escape from Justice, the question is when and how. I’m guessing the Acnoella fight is coming soon, maybe her crew will show up at the end of the fight and take her back? But it would also be super interesting to get a prison break arc 😩 especially since all the OSI are gonna be there. I think it’d be cool if the arc ends with the EZ crew on Lendard + Elsie getting arrested and then it’s up to the crew still on the EZ ship to set them free. It’ll give them more screen time.
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animeniacfan · 2 years
So Everyone one Lendard Might be Sus?
So Everyone one Lendard Might be Sus?
Edens Zero Chapter 210 Review/Recap So, first, you’re telling me that Ziggy, the one that Shiki’s been fighting half of the story now, might not even be the real big bad? Not only that, but I was right about Ziggy not truly being evil. However, it would seem that I was wrong about him having a split personality. According to Ziggy, someone on-planet is sus. And that sus person is the real enemy…
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animeniacfan · 2 years
Lendard is Gone! And So are Elsie and Justice!
Lendard is Gone! And So are Elsie and Justice!
Edens Zero Chapter 216 Review/Recap You may remember how I dubbed the relationship between Justice and Elsie the one ship I refuse to board. Considering how dangerously narrow-minded Justice’s worldview is, that seemed like a good decision. But then it looked like Justice was finally going to grow past this when he realized that Elsie’s not evil. Then, Mashima decided to write the two off, along…
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animeniacfan · 2 years
This is Some Ultron Meets Skynet Stuff Going On!
This is Some Ultron Meets Skynet Stuff Going On!
Edens Zero Chapter 215 Review/Recap Okay, so, umm… what the heck? Of all the ways this could’ve gone, I didn’t expect it to go like this. Of all the beings that could end up being the true enemy…I didn’t expect it to be a ship. This is some Skynet meets Ultron nonsense going on here.  Source-Kodansha Comics, MangaSee Recap Ziggy is dead, and Pino is safe. However, as Shiki points out, he knew…
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animeniacfan · 2 years
RIP Grandpa Ziggy! I Totally Called It, Mashima!
RIP Grandpa Ziggy! I Totally Called It, Mashima!
Edens Zero Chapter 214 Review/Recap Dang it, Hiro Mashima. It’s like you’re not even trying at this point. I thought he was starting to throw us for a loop with his end to the Aoi War arc when he killed Witch for real. Then he went and had Ziggy kill Pino to make Shiki pull a Super Saiyan 2. However, I’ve read Mashima’s work to recognize when he’s following a pattern, which he was. At least he…
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animeniacfan · 2 years
Stop Using Death to Toy With us, Mashima!
Stop Using Death to Toy With us, Mashima!
Edens Zero Chapter 213 Review/Recap So, there’s this trend that can be found in Hiro Mashima’s manga regarding character death, and it’s not one I’d praise him for following. His previous work, Fairy Tail, was known for putting supporting characters into positions where the only outcome seemed to be death. Rather than following through on that, and thus carrying the emotional impact going…
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animeniacfan · 2 years
I Think Lendard Might be Cursed, Guys
I Think Lendard Might be Cursed, Guys
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animeniacfan · 1 year
Elsie is Back and Happy Now?
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charlierejouis · 1 year
Quick Notes: Chapter 235
Let’s go!
My heart is full! I haven’t seen Human Pino in quite some time, outside of the second OP for the anime. Yeah, still gotta get on that post...
The Shining Stars reactions to Valkyrie feel on brand.
“Paul the panty thief? He’s a member of congress in this world?” Honestly, he might be a step up compared to some of the congressmen we have in our world.
Are we going to see positive Jelsie in this universe? I’m only asking because I can’t imagine needing to go to Lendard in this universe. Then again...
Mashima making female characters going naked into a good thing? It’s times like this I question how I can get people I know into this series.
It’s crazy how there’s four more people to get, (five including Rebecca’s mom) but the only one that feels important is Laguna. That’s what happens when you get a bunch of non-combatants on the EZ Crew.
From now on, I’m going to abbreviate the EDENS ONE into EO. Pino being made to destroy the EO reminds me of the start of the EO arc. Though, that might be an interesting thing to talk about later.
A lot of people aren’t happy about things being happy in this world. I know we’re all waiting for the other shoe to drop. But, ironically, this helps raise tension because even more is on the line than before.
New boss looks threatening. It took me a while to realize it was supposed to be abbreviated into ONE Void. That’s the only way I’m going to remember this boss’ name.
See you!
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animeniacfan · 2 years
Demon King Unmasked! Who is Ziggy Really?
Sorry that this took so long, but here's my review for #Edens #Zero #Edenszero
Edens Zero Chapter 202 Review/Recap Ever since the return of those flash-forwards, is readers are more confused than ever about Edens Zero. What do they mean? Why is Ziggy bent on killing Mother? Why does he think Shiki is a threat to the universe? There’s actually a theory that Ziggy might be a future version of Shiki. Now that theory might be getting some credence. This week, Ziggy gets…
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animeniacfan · 2 years
So Killer and Hermit Were Friends, Too?
So Killer and Hermit Were Friends, Too?
Edens Zero Chapter 194 Review/Recap This is getting out of hand. Since the fight between the Crew of Edens and the Dark Stars began, we’ve been getting visions of the Shining Stars and Dark Stars. First we had Witch and Wizard. Then Valkyrie and Brigandine, and Clown and Sister? Now, we have Killer and Hermit to go along with all of this. What is going on, Mashima? Source-MangaSee, Kodansha…
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animeniacfan · 2 years
"Zombie Nurses." So Dumb, it Works
“Zombie Nurses.” So Dumb, it Works
Edens Zero Chapter 191 Recap/Review I’m sorry that it took so long for me to write this, but I’ve been very busy for the past week. Edens Zero wound up being on the lower priorities list as a result. Now that I’ve finally gotten the chance to sit down and read it, it was worth it. Two words: zombie nurses. A concept so dumb that it works in the end. Source-Kodansha Comics,…
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