biohazard-4ever · 5 months
How do you imagine Leon as a boyfriend? :333
For both our indulgence and Claire's :D
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This got me while I'm still a little dry of HCs. I have been out of the fandom for quite some time (7 years) and am returning only now so, I don't have many HCs to share with... Yet... So, this will definitely be a little messy and not as good! But I'll definitely comeback to this on later dates and update it constantly.
Are you ready? Are you? (COMPLETELY SFW HCs btw)
Oh, you pressed Read More. You sure are ready!
Maybe you'll want to accuse him of being too aloof for not giving you the satisfaction of telling about his whereabouts. Your friends might even accuse him of being toxic for keeping these "shady" secrets.
If you press him too much, he may let it slip that he is working under a "legal governmental organization" (The president himself, cough) that deals with really complicated things and he would rather not put you in the middle of all this. He is doing this to protect you, damn it! Can't you understand it?
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His work will often be a problem in your relationship... It is something with the potential to kill him out of stress, yet, it is something he does not discuss with you at all. Don't take it as if he does not trust in you enough to share his burden. He just isn't allowed to.
Every time he comes home, you are shocked about the new scars and/or bruises he appears with. All you know is that he travels a lot, has excellence with guns and martial arts, and the more you think about it, the scarier you get. You're no fool... You know that whatever Leon is dealing with in his work, certainly has the full potential of killing him (and you).
PDA. Please, if you are not into it... Well, what are you doing with the one guy that will imprint on someone as a duckling?! There are days he leaves work and goes back home for lunch just because he wants to feel your scent and hold you for a few extra minutes!
You are his piece of normality, and he wants to keep things that way... Maybe you read somewhere about this "conspiracy theory" where "Zombies and Bio-weapons exist". He immediately pulls your attention to check the pup store! The Golden Retrievers pups are on sale!
Leon is not content that you/Claire have to deal with this in any form or way. But he will not dictate how you/she should live your life. This is your fight too, all he gotta do is do his job twice as well so that YOU will not have to deal with it. He is the pawn at the front line, if back-up organizations need to take action, he already failed his job.
He will show up in the Terra Save HQ. Yes, he will pull his Government I.D at the entry lobby while demanding access to her office in the Non-Governamental Agency. He has lunch to deliver to his girl/wife and he wants to enjoy lunch break by her side!
Every birthday is celebrated as a miracle. It is like being borne again. One more year while living this crazy life? And you two get to celebrate it together? Insane.
IF HIS S/O CAN GET PREGNANT, he will feel a little more of urgency to do just so. You know...? You two live a very dangerous job and... Leon wants to leave a piece of him to you (or have a piece of you, in the worst-case scenario, for him). If not the case, he is completely as eager to adopt a child with you.
They will lay in bed on lazy weekends with their lips touching all the time while talking about sweet nothings. His hands inside their shorts' back pocket. Kneading their hips and buttcheeks lovingly.
When walking through the streets with his S/O, if cold or windy, he will put their hand inside his jacket's pockets while holding their hands.
Leon does a lot of things that, for him, it is only natural and he does not really notice he IS doing it until his S/O points it out, like, when having dinner at a restaurant or just at the table of their dining room... If his S/O leans down to try and fetch something that fell or is under their chair that requires them to lean down and reach under the table, Leon will stretch his arm to cover the table's edges closer to his S/O so they won't get hurt or hit themselves when they sit back.
He has two phones. One exclusively for his work, and one his S/O has complete and free access. When they're ready to sleep, Leon will put his phone on the bed on its side working as a mini-TV. His arm works as his S/O's personal pillow while you two watch videos and whatnot (tiktok, youtube, Netflix... You name it)
Leon does not like anything that has to do with BITES. Just. Don't. Not. No funny. And especially, DON'T BITE HIS NECK UNLESS YOU WANT TO BE PUT IN A SLEEPER HOLD. Don't worry, he will grow to accept kisses and wet, sloppy kisses there. Just try and understand it, poor boy has it rough, and often his neck seems to have a red target in it whenever he is out on an assignment.
Sweet messages are not uncommon. Leon acts as an eager youngster in love and you're his first ever sweetheart! He loves to BE in love. He daydreams about your life together and expectations.
He is not a shy guy or antisocial, and maybe his easy-going personality may trigger some jealousy from his S/O but, please, don't hold it against the man. Leon is a Human-people and he loves social interactions. As he said to Buddy after inviting him to drink some beers: "I like company". And it shows! He also invited Mike for a few drinks after they returned to the USA from Spain. (RIP Mike)
Leon loves shopping. Have you seen the man's jackets and watches he uses on a daily bases? His BIKES? Leon is a good-looking guy and he knows it. He wants to stay well-dressed and always presentable. Proud to always be seen as "the handsome boyfriend of his S/O" He even would use that as his first name if you would allow it. (You don't :( ) So, be prepared for a lot of walking and clothes shopping with him!
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grimmywrites · 4 years
For @LadyShezkasTea on Twitter.
Request: Mr. X/Leon, A/B/O
The horrors awaiting Leon in the RPD trigger a stress heat. While short, they are notoriously fierce and the rookie has no choice but to barricade himself in the Night-Duty room and hope he can sweat it out. Of course, barricades aren't much use against an alpha who can single-handedly lift a helicopter.
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peppaarteira · 5 years
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A partir de testimonios de personas de diversas edades que nacieron o vivieron en el Cerro de Montevideo, construimos un relato colectivo sobre los hilos de resistencia centrales a la identidad de la Villa del Cerro.
Los relatos compilados mediante entrevistas escritas y grabadas, hablan del paso del tiempo y de la práctica de guardar, recordar y defender momentos, lugares y objetos significativos para la historia política del barrio.
A modo de contra-monumento se instalaron en distintos puntos del barrio, semillas de diente de león (panaderos) convertidas en objetos escultóricos.
Titulo: Semillero de leonxs
Lugar: Villa del Cerro https://goo.gl/maps/tzUvn2noCo266kGr9
Fecha: Martes 19 de noviembre
A las vecinas que se arrimaron, a les que compartieron de todas las maneras una historia o vivencia en el barrio gracias la ternura y la atención de lxs vecinas demuestra el amor profundo por la historia de ese barrio luchador!
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likeaflxwerose · 8 years
É o seguinte, a Amy cismou que quer ganhar aquele golfinho ali e eu já tentei acertar essas garrafas umas quinze vezes, mas parece que me rogaram uma praga porque não tô conseguindo acertar em nenhuma e ela está ficando cada vez mais impaciente, não é, Ames? Enfim, você vai ter que usar sua boa mira pra dar o golfinho de pelúcia pra sua sobrinha se não ela faz greve da gente. Estou torcendo por você. @leonx-rp
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noahdvs · 7 years
Levantou um pouco atrasado naquela manhã, a noite havia sido pesada e com Sarah no hospital era provável que o dia seguiria a mesma linha, antes de começar suas tarefas precisava tirar os cavalos do estábulo, sua irmã fazia isso toda manhã logo cedo. Seguiu a passos largos até os equinos, percebendo de longe que alguns já se encontravam do lado de fora pastando, considerando que não havia pedido a ninguém para realizar a tarefa, só podia ser Sarah, era mesmo teimosa. —— Sarah? —— Parou na porta do estábulo, a figura que estava ali definitivamente não era Sarah. —— Leon... O que você tá fazendo aqui? @leonx-rp
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brightestclaire · 7 years
∞ - for my muse to run their hand up your muse’s thigh (leon)
A noite já havia chegado e o jogo de basquete que acontecia no parque acabado, todavia, a conversa entre Leon e Claire estava sendo tão prazerosa que permanecer naquele banco de concreto próximo à quadra vazia não parecia ser uma má ideia. A portuguesa achava o rapaz bastante divertido devido às constantes provocações por parte dele a fim de irritá-la ou desafiá-la, embora todas fossem completamente falhas. Entretanto, num ponto da conversa, o assunto e as intenções por trás dele pareceram bastante ambíguos e Claire não sabia ao certo como interpretar o que acontecia. Na verdade, não sabia até um arrepio tomar conta de seu corpo devido ao toque da pele grosseira da mão masculina sobre sua coxa ultrapassando os limites impostos pela saia do vestido que usava. Respirando fundo para se recompor, a mulher virou o rosto na direção do loiro com um sorriso repleto de malícia. — Acho que você pode fazer melhor que isso, Leon— murmurou pousando a mão sobre a dele como se o permitisse ir além.
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brightestclaire · 8 years
👅 your muse offering mine oral /leon
Imaginar o corpo de Leon sobre o seu horas atrás parecia ser algo que realmente nunca viria a acontecer, mas agora que acontecia, Claire só podia aproveitar ao máximo. Beijavam-se intensamente sobre a cama de dono desconhecido e todo seu corpo parecia esquentar à medida que o homem espalhava toques e apertos por ele. Envolvendo os quadris alheios com suas pernas e suas mãos na nuca dele, a morena buscava diminuir ainda mais a distância já inexistente entre eles. Seu desejo por mais era crescente. Quando Leon interrompeu o beijo oferecendo o que seria uma proposta para avançar com o que faziam, Claire abriu um sorriso travesso como se comemorasse internamente por isso — E você ainda pergunta?— murmurou selando os lábios do outro rapidamente e esperando que ele descesse pelo seu corpo para fazer o que queria.
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