#Leonel Costa
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Bobi (11 May 1992 – 21 October 2023) was a male purebred Rafeiro do Alentejo dog cared for by Leonel Costa of Conqueiros, Leiria, Portugal.
On 2 February 2023, Bobi was confirmed as the first dog on record to live to the age of 30, along with being the oldest dog on record to ever live.
On 11 May 2023, Bobi turned 31.
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petnews2day · 3 months
Bobi loses 'world's oldest dog' title, posthumously
New Post has been published on https://petn.ws/qsOaG
Bobi loses 'world's oldest dog' title, posthumously
STORY: Location: Conqueiros, Portugal (arrow tool) Bobi loses his title as the ‘world’s oldest dog” Guinness World Records say they found no conclusive evidence that the now-deceased dog lived for more than 31 years It launched the review following complaints by some veterinarians who raised doubts over his age Bobi’s owner, Leonel Costa, did not […]
See full article at https://petn.ws/qsOaG #DogNews #Bobi, #ConclusiveEvidence, #Dog, #GuinnessWorldRecords, #LeonelCosta, #Portugal
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piononostalgia · 2 years
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Leonel González
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xa-americanax · 2 years
                                                             São Paulo, 16 de junho de 2022.
Antes eu costumava escrever pensando que daqui uns anos eu leria orgulhosa de mim, mas muito pelo contrário. Me tornei uma aversão de mim, não tem do que se orgulhar, não há progresso nem evolução como pessoa, como ser Francielly. Como eu costumo dizer para pouquíssimas pessoas, eu apenas regredi. Não me desenvolvi como pessoa. A cada dia que passa fico mais pressa no meu casulo, ao ponto de não conseguir nem mais escrever nada. Não há mais conexão com o meu mundo interior, não consigo encontrar o caminho de volta para casa, e o pior, não consigo mais voltar assim como também não consigo avançar meus passos. Vejo apenas vultos e nevoeiros, não consigo mais me conectar com nada, muito menos me sentir viva, melancólica, triste, orgulhosa ou qualquer sentimento e sensação possível. Me tornei um nada, uma pessoa medrosa, uma pessoa sem vida, tenho vergonha de mim. Tenho vergonha de mim diante do Vinicius, diante da Leticia, diante do Kevin e do Bruno. Não consigo mais ter certeza de nada, não consigo mais ter persistência de nada, não consigo mais acreditar e me reconhecer em nada. 
Me pergunto quem sou eu para chegar no Vinicius e pedir para ficar com ele. Tudo o que mais queria, dizia, escrevia e pensava era que ele conhecesse uma outra pessoa, queria que ele estivesse e gostasse de alguém do nível dele. E hoje me pergunto que nível é esse? Minha autodestruição me fazia pensar isso, que ele merecia alguém melhor, que eu não era boa para ele. Eu não confiava nele por medo. Eu estraguei tudo, tudo e tudo. Eu matei o Vinicius, eu matei todas as borboletas dele, e agora carrego esse amargo da vida. Esse amargo na boca e pensamento, e pior ainda que não posso ser egoísta ao ponto de só agora depois de 5 anos dizer que eu quero tentar.
Eu amei o Vinicius, a minha maneira mas amei. E agora é tarde, amei na hora errada, no momento errado, no mês errado, no ano errado. Sinto esse peso das minhas próprias atitudes, sinto minhas consequências sendo jogadas na minha cara. Me sinto presa, sem saída. 
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dertaglichedan · 7 months
Bobi, the world's oldest dog ever, dies aged 31
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The world's oldest dog ever has died at the age of 31 years and 165 days.
Guinness World Record holder Bobi, a purebred Rafeiro do Alentejo, passed away at his home in Portugal on Saturday.
His death was announced on social media by a veterinarian who met Bobi several times.
"Despite outliving every dog in history, his 11,478 days on earth would never be enough, for those who loved him," wrote Dr Karen Becker.
Bobi became both the world's oldest living dog and the oldest dog ever in February - beating an almost century-old record for the latter title.
The previous oldest dog ever was Australia's Bluey, who died in 1939 at the age of 29 years and five months.
Bobi's grand old age was validated by the Portuguese government's pet database, which is managed by the National Union of Veterinarians.
The identity of Bobi's successor to the title of world's oldest living dog has not yet been revealed.
Bobi lived his whole life with the Costa family in the village of Conqueiros, near Portugal's west coast, after being born with three siblings in an outbuilding.
Leonel Costa, who was eight years old at the time, said his parents had too many animals and had to put the puppies down, but Bobi escaped.
Mr Costa and his brothers kept the dog's existence a secret from their parents until he was eventually discovered and became part of the family, who fed him the same food they eat.
Apart from a scare in 2018 when he was hospitalised after suddenly collapsing due to breathing difficulty, Mr Costa said in February that Bobi had enjoyed a relatively trouble-free life and thought the secret to his longevity was the "calm, peaceful environment" he lived in.
However, he had experienced trouble walking and worsening eyesight prior to his death.
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letterman-blog · 1 year
World’s oldest dog Bobi : Guinness record holder at 30
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February 12, 2023 shows Bobi, a 30 year-old Portuguese dog that has been declared the world's oldest dog by Guinness World Records, at his home in the village of Conqueiros near Leiria.
Leonel Costa, 38 years old, owner of Bobi, a 30 years old Portuguese dog that has been declared the world's oldest dog by Guinness World Records, sits next to his pet at their home in the village of Conqueiros near Leiria.
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Just two weeks before announcing Bobi as the world's oldest living dog, Guinness gave a 23-year-old chihuahua mix from Ohio, Spike, the title. A slightly younger purebred chihuahua from Florida, TobyKeith, also held the title more than once in the past year.Leonel Costa describes Bobi as "one of a kind" – adding that the family is "very happy and grateful to life for allowing us, after 30 years, to have Bobi in our daily lives." Bobi has lived his whole life in the village of Conqueiros, in Leiria, Portugal, with the Costa family, Guinness said.
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In addition to Guinness' verification, Bobi's age has also been confirmed by Sistema de Informação de Animais de Companhia, a database for pets authorized by the Portuguese government and managed by Sindicato Nacional dos Médicos Veterinários, the country's national union of veterinarians.
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djmusicbest · 5 days
Beatport In The Remix 2024: Minimal / Deep Tech
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- Artists: Beatport DATE CREATED: 2024-05-08 GENRES: Minimal / Deep Tech Tracklist : 1. Fedo - Compromice(Okain Remix) 2. Nic David - Your Power(Laidlaw Remix) 3. WLAD, Thurman - Get Up(Harrison BDP Remix) 4. Costas - Ring Mod(Gunnter Remix) 5. Elvi (SE) - Suggestive(Kim April Remix) 6. Jesse Jacob - Roll On (Hush Hush's Undaground Mix)(Hush Hush Remix) 7. Cristina Lazic - Luna(Mihai Popoviciu Remix) 8. Lolah - States Of Euphoria(Cristina Lazic Remix) 9. Toollbox - Meissy(Jhobei Remix) 10. La La - none of yours(DJ ADHD + Chloé Robinson remix) 11. Guy From Downstairs - Fanta Tribal(Reboot`s Orangina Rebubble) 12. Nahuel Barral - Strike(Capeesh Society Remix) 13. Origins Of Time, Anas M - Spring Summer(Andrey Djackonda Remix) 14. Kellie Allen - The Bass(Jansons Remix) 15. Chicks Luv Us - Express Yourself(Seb Zito Remix) 16. Emiliano Leonel - Proton(Coral O'Connor Remix) 17. Peter Pixzel - Truth(Alexkid Remix) 18. u z z v - Nine(Marko Read the full article
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muznew · 5 days
Beatport In The Remix 2024: Minimal / Deep Tech
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- Artists: Beatport DATE CREATED: 2024-05-08 GENRES: Minimal / Deep Tech Tracklist : 1. Fedo - Compromice(Okain Remix) 2. Nic David - Your Power(Laidlaw Remix) 3. WLAD, Thurman - Get Up(Harrison BDP Remix) 4. Costas - Ring Mod(Gunnter Remix) 5. Elvi (SE) - Suggestive(Kim April Remix) 6. Jesse Jacob - Roll On (Hush Hush's Undaground Mix)(Hush Hush Remix) 7. Cristina Lazic - Luna(Mihai Popoviciu Remix) 8. Lolah - States Of Euphoria(Cristina Lazic Remix) 9. Toollbox - Meissy(Jhobei Remix) 10. La La - none of yours(DJ ADHD + Chloé Robinson remix) 11. Guy From Downstairs - Fanta Tribal(Reboot`s Orangina Rebubble) 12. Nahuel Barral - Strike(Capeesh Society Remix) 13. Origins Of Time, Anas M - Spring Summer(Andrey Djackonda Remix) 14. Kellie Allen - The Bass(Jansons Remix) 15. Chicks Luv Us - Express Yourself(Seb Zito Remix) 16. Emiliano Leonel - Proton(Coral O'Connor Remix) 17. Peter Pixzel - Truth(Alexkid Remix) 18. u z z v - Nine(Marko Read the full article
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diarioelpepazo · 3 months
Esta competencia se realiza en Rabat, Marruecos. El criollo está clasificado para los Juegos Olímpicos Paris 2024, que se realizarán del 26 de julio al 11 de agosto. Logró colgarse una medalla de plata para Venezuela en los Juegos Panamericanos de Santiago 2023. Su participación en París sería la segunda de mayor edad de la historia [caption id="attachment_102630" align="aligncenter" width="432"] Leonel Martínez y el encargado de negocios. Foto Cortesía[/caption] Con gran orgullo acompañamos al atleta venezolano Leonel Martínez, clasificado para los Juegos Olímpicos Paris 2024, durante su participación en la Copa del Mundo de Tiro Deportivo en Rabat, Marruecos, que se realiza del 4 al 13 de febrero. De esa manera se expresó el encargado de negocios de Venezuela en Marruecos, Oscar Nasser Nabil Solórzano, quien recibe y le brinda todo su apoyo al tirador deportivo venezolano, en nombre del Gobierno bolivariano, y del pueblo venezolano en general. Leonel Martínez, un zuliano nativo de Ciudad Ojeda, Costa Oriental del Lago de Maracaibo, logró colgarse una medalla de plata para Venezuela en los Juegos Panamericanos de Santiago 2023, que le valió el cupo olímpico para París 2024, evento que se realizará del 26 de julio al 11 de agosto. Así, el atleta, 40 años después llega de nuevo a unos Juegos Olímpicos, ya con 60 años cumplidos, luego de tener un debut en Los Angeles en el año 1984, donde compitió en la prueba mixta de foso. Esa espera de 40 años entre dos participaciones olímpicas, sería la segunda mayor de la historia. La primera se trata del jinete japonés Hoketsu Hiroshi, especialista en adiestramiento, que esperó 40 años entre su debut en casa para los Juegos de Tokio 1964, y su regreso en Beijing 2008, con 67 años de edad. Para recibir en tu celular esta y otras informaciones, únete a nuestras redes sociales, síguenos en Instagram, Twitter y Facebook como @DiarioElPepazo El Pepazo/Prensa consulado Milan
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Portogallo: è morto Bobi, il cane più vecchio del mondo
È morto a 31 anni Bobi, il cane più vecchio del mondo. Nato e cresciuto in Portogallo, nella provincia di Leiria, Bobi era sopravvissuto alla mattanza dei suoi fratelli grazie al colore del pelo, che lo aiutò a mimetizzarsi fra la legna mentre gli altri cuccioli venivano dati via dalla famiglia di Leonel Costa, che non poteva tenerli e, si sa, furono poi uccisi. Il piccolo Leonel all’epoca aveva…
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atletasudando · 8 months
Los u18 extienden su fiesta en el Ibero de Lima
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Los equipos de España y Brasil, cada uno con 7 medallas de oro, lideran el primer Campeonato Iberoamericano de la categoría u18, cuya segunda y penúltima jornada se cumplió este sábado en la Videna (Lima), confirmando un muy buen nivel en la mayoría de las pruebas. Colombia ya acumula seis títulos y dos de ellos llegaron a través del velocista Deiner Guaitoto, quien este sábado dominó los 200 metros llanos en 21.68, tras su victoria del hectómetro en la jornada anterior. Esta prueba, entre las damas, fue también para uan colombiana, Yesenia Sánchez, quien marcó 24.84. Una de las notas de la jornada la dio el argentino Agustín Coronel (FOTO PODIO ) con su triunfo en los 400 metros llanos, donde marcó 47.41 y terminó delante del ecuatoriano Ian Andrey Pata (47.87) -el flamante campeón de 400 vallas- y del brasileño Carlos Eduardo Lara Domingos (48.44). Coronel estableció el nuevo récord argentino de la categoría, dejando atrás el de 47.62 que tenía más de cuatro décadas de vigencia. En damas, el título de esta prueba fue para la brasileña Amanda Miranda da Silva (55.76), quien venía de obtener los 400 vallas. Los 110 metros con vallas permitieron ver en acción al flamante recordman sudamericano, el brasileño Vinicius de Brito, quien marcó 13.65. En esta prueba también el español Mario Stefanov (13.86) y el chileno Ramón Fuenzalida (13.97) corrieron por debajo de los 14 segundos. La prueba femenina de los 100 metros vallas quedó para la española Elsa Badal Costa con 13.73, delante de la chlena Catalina Rozas (13.87) y la brasileña Beatriz Camargo Monteiro (13.92). Murilo Henrique dos Santos Silva le aportó otro título a Braisl con sus 7.18 m. en salto en largo y en el sector de lanzamientos, Alberto Rodrigues dos Santos Filho expulso un gran nivel con sus 58.67 m. en disco, tras haber escoltado a su compatriota Alessandro Borgs Soares en bala. Cuatro hombres estuvieron por arriba de los 50 metros en disoc, cokn segundo puesto para el chileno Kevin Huang con 54.42, tercero para el ecuatoriano Jordan Ayioví con 52.16 y cuarto para Alessandro con 50.60. En lanzamiento de jabalina surgió el argentino Leonel Agustín Landriel con 63.97, proviniendo de la misma escuela (el profesor Gustavo Osorio en Marcos Paz) donde brillara anteriormente el gran Braian Toledo. El español Carlos Dorado se llevó el título del salto triple con 14.81, delante de una dupla de colombianos (Santiago Therán con 14.63 y Pablo Daniel Buelvas con 14.10). Y el mexicano Darío Axel Rodríguez se proclamó como el atleta más completo, al reunir 7.139 puntos en el decathlon, una de las mejores expresiones técnicas hasta el momento. La medalla de plata fue apra el español Iker Moreno con 6.656 y el bronce para el chleno Max Moraga con 6.534. En damas hubo títulos para la colombiana Karol Ximena Luna en 3.000 (10:31.44), su compatriota Angie Rivas en salto en largo (5.65) y las  españolas Ona Bonet (1.78 en salto en alto), Andrea Njimji Tankeu en disco con 47.19 y Erika Sellart en jabalina con 47.33. En la marcha de los 5.000 metros, las ecuatorianas confirmaron su tradición con el 1-2 a través de Karen Litardo (23:1.0) y Katherine Barreto (23:30.4).   Read the full article
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At 30 years and 266 days old, a Portuguese dog named Bobi was crowned the world’s oldest dog ever on February 1, breaking an almost century-old record, per Guinness World Records (GWR).
The previous titleholder, an Australian cattle dog named Bluey, was born in 1910 and lived for 29 years and 5 months. 
Bobi has lived in Conqueiros, a small Portuguese village, for more than three decades. But he almost didn’t survive past infancy, Leonel Costa, his owner, tells GWR. 
Costa was just eight years old when Bobi’s litter was born in the family’s woodshed in 1992.
Costa’s father, a hunter, decided the family had too many animals already, so they couldn’t keep the puppies. 
“Unfortunately, at that time, it was considered normal by older people who could not have more animals at home … to bury the animals in a hole so that they would not survive,” Costa tells GWR. 
The day after they were born, Costa’s father quickly entered the woodshed and stole the puppies while the mother dog, Gira, was out.
For the next few days, Costa and his brothers were devastated. However, they noticed Gira continued to visit the shed, despite her puppies supposedly no longer being there.
Curious, the brothers followed her and discovered a single tiny puppy safely hidden in a pile of logs.
They kept the puppy, Bobi, a secret from their parents until his eyes were open.
“We knew that when the dog opened its eyes, my parents would no longer bury it,” Costa tells GWR.
Bobi is a purebred Rafeiro do Alentejo, a breed often used to guard property and livestock.
These dogs normally live about 12 to 14 years, but Bobi has survived for twice as long—and then some. 
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“That really is an unusual thing,” Erik Olstad, a veterinarian at the University of California in Davis, tells the Washington Post’s Andrea Salcedo.
“Owners will always ask me, ‘How can I make my dog live the longest life that they can?’ That’s a loaded question because there are so many variants that go into life expectancy.”
Costa attributes Bobi’s long life to his diet of unseasoned human food, his freedom to roam unleashed through the forests and farmland close to home, and the calm countryside in which he grew up. 
“Of course, our love and affection throughout his life have also helped,” Costa tells Reuters’ Catarina Demony and Miguel Pereira.
Apart from one health scare in 2018, Bobi has lived a relatively healthy life. 
The dog’s longevity has been confirmed by the SIAC, a pet database authorized by the Portuguese government and managed by the National Union of Veterinarians.
The Veterinary Medical Service of the Municipality of Leiria also confirmed Bobi’s birth date, per GWR. 
In addition to earning the record for the oldest dog ever, Bobi has also ousted Spike, a 23-year-old chihuahua mix, as the oldest living dog just weeks after the title was given to Spike. 
“It’s a feeling of pride we can’t explain,” Costa tells Reuters.
“Some people told us we wouldn’t make it ... but we knew Bobi’s age and were sure the exams would only prove what we already knew.”
NEW: Oldest Dog Ever - Guinness World Records
Bobi has been officially confirmed as the oldest dog ever recorded by Guinness World Records.
Born in Portugal in 1992, Bobi lives with human Leonel Costa.
"We are really happy and grateful to have Bobi with us after 30 years", said Leonel.
Leonel believes that living free in nature, without being tied to chains, and being fed healthy food, in addition to love, helped Bobi to have a longer life.
"I believe Bobi deserves this Guinness World Records title and I, as his owner, have a duty to give him all the best and honor him in every way for this success in life", completed Leonel.
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Bobi and Leonel Costa
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petnews2day · 3 months
Bobi loses 'world's oldest dog' title, posthumously
New Post has been published on https://petn.ws/aWghk
Bobi loses 'world's oldest dog' title, posthumously
STORY: Location: Conqueiros, Portugal (arrow tool) Bobi loses his title as the ‘world’s oldest dog” Guinness World Records say they found no conclusive evidence that the now-deceased dog lived for more than 31 years It launched the review following complaints by some veterinarians who raised doubts over his age Bobi’s owner, Leonel Costa, did not […]
See full article at https://petn.ws/aWghk #DogNews
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piononostalgia · 2 years
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Leonel González
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redenoticia · 10 months
Novela "Amor Perfeito": Gilda anuncia seu casamento com Orlando
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Novela "Amor Perfeito": Marê arma um plano para que Orlando se case com Gilda e salve Marcelino. Marê e Orlando explicam seu plano de resgate a Marcelino para os religiosos. Orlando insinua a Marcelino que ficará com ele. Orlando anuncia a Gilda que decidiu se casar com ela. Gilda fica exultante com a decisão de Orlando de se casar com ela. Orlando revela a Marcelino o plano que bolou com Marê para salvá-lo de Gilda. Marcelino comenta com Neiva sobre o plano de Marê contra Gilda. Gilda anuncia seu casamento com Orlando aos funcionários do hotel, e logo todos na cidade ficam sabendo. Cenas previstas nos resumos dos próximos capítulos da novela "Amor Perfeito". Sinopse “Amor Perfeito”: No interior de Minas Gerais, perto da Bahia, desponta a cidade fictícia de Águas de São Jacinto, famosa por suas águas termais que atraem pessoas de todos os cantos, atrás de seus benefícios. O empresário Leonel Rubião (Paulo Gorgulho) comanda esse império materializado na mais suntuosa edificação da cidade, o Grande Hotel Budapeste, e é em um acordo para explorar as águas subterrâneas nas terras do prefeito Anselmo Evaristo (Paulo Betti), que os dois se mantém firmes nas mais altas posições dessa elite local. No elenco “Amor Perfeito” estão Levi Asaf, Camila Queiroz, Diogo Almeida, Mariana Ximenes, Thiago Lacerda, Alan Rocha, Allan Souza, Ana Cecília Costa, Analu Prestes, Antônio Pitanga, Babu Santana, Barbara Sut, Bernardo Berro, Beto Militani, Breno de Filippo, Bruno Montaleone, Bruno Quixotte, Bukassa Kabengelle, Carmo Dalla Vecchia, Carol Badra, Carol Castro, Chico Peluccio, Christovam Neto, Cristiane Amorim, Cyda Moreno, Daniel Rangel, Davi Queiroz, Genezio de Barros, Glicerio Rosário, Gustavo Arthidoro, Isabel Fillardis, Iza Moreira, João Fernandes Nunes, Jorge Florêncio, Juliana Alves, Karen Coelho, Karen Marinho, Kenia Barbara, Kyvilin Padilha, Lucy Ramos, Malu Dimas, Maria Gal, Mestre Ivamar, Musipere, Paulo Betti, Paulo Gorgulho, Paulo Mendes, Raquel Karro, Rose Lima, Tonico Pereira, Tony Tornado, Valentina Melleu, Vitória Pabst, Ygor Marçal e Zezé Polessa. RedeNoticia Read the full article
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archanimaux · 1 year
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