letterman-blog · 1 year
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Oh this is so cute absolutely adorable
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slepyneses · 7 years
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follow me 😊 instagram @lerakoturanova
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letterman-blog · 1 year
Dog Falls Asleep On Her Rescuer’s Lap After Realizing She’s Been Saved
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Bella spent most of her life confined to a small kennel at a city shelter in Romania. Howl of A Dog rescued her and, as they were on her way to the veterinarian, she immediately fell asleep on her rescuer’s lap. She was so exhausted but seemed to know she was finally safe and in good hands.
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“She was so trusting and relieved to be finally saved. She didn’t care about anything else, only wanted to take a nap in someone’s arms” her rescuer’s wrote.
Watch the sweet moment in the video below and share it with your friends.
An update states that Bella has been adopted and now he is living a happy life.
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letterman-blog · 1 year
Seven Remarkable Dogs Who Became Heroes in History
1__ Hachiko: The Legendary Dog of Loyalty
Hachiko is a Akita dog that became famous in Japan for his remarkable loyalty to his owner. Every day, Hachiko would walk his owner to the train station and return to the station to pick him up after work. However, one day his owner passed away at work and never returned to the train station. Hachiko continued to wait for his owner at the train station every day for nine years until his death. Today, there is a statue of Hachiko at Shibuya Station in Tokyo to commemorate his loyalty.
2__ Balto: Chú chó kéo xe anh hùng của Alaska
Balto was a Siberian Husky who led a team of sled dogs during the 1925 serum run to Nome, Alaska. The serum run was a life-saving mission to deliver diphtheria antitoxin to the town of Nome, which was experiencing an outbreak of the disease. Balto led the final leg of the mission and delivered the serum to Nome, saving countless lives. Today, a statue of Balto stands in New York City's Central Park in honor of his bravery.
3__ Laika: The Trailblazing Space Dog
Laika was a stray dog from Moscow who was selected by the Soviet space program to become the first animal to orbit the Earth. In 1957, Laika was launched into space aboard the Sputnik 2 spacecraft. Although the mission was successful in demonstrating that a living organism could survive in orbit, Laika did not survive the flight. She became the first animal to die in space, but her sacrifice paved the way for future human space exploration.
4__ Trakr: The Hero German Shepherd of 9/11
Trakr was a German Shepherd who was involved in the search and rescue efforts following the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center in New York City. Trakr helped locate the last survivor found in the rubble, a police officer who was trapped beneath the debris. For his bravery, Trakr was named "Dog World Magazine's" "World's Most Heroic Dog" and was awarded a prize by Pedigree dog food company. Trakr also went on display at the U.S. National Museum of Natural History in Washington D.C. In 2015, Trakr passed away at the age of 16.
5__ Chips: The Courageous War Dog of WWII
Chips was a German Shepherd who was trained to serve in World War II and participated in many campaigns across Europe. Chips captured several German soldiers and was injured during battle, but recovered afterwards. After the war, Chips was awarded many honors and was inducted into the "Dog Hero" category of the U.S. Army's military museum.
6__ Appollo: The Bravery of a 9/11 First Responder
Appollo was a German Shepherd who was trained to serve in the New York Police Department and participated in the response to the 9/11 attacks. Appollo helped locate and rescue many victims from the rubble of the North Tower and was named "Dog Fancy" magazine's "Hero Dog of the Year" in 2002.
7__ Cairo: The Loyal and Fearless Navy SEAL Dog
Cairo was a Belgian Malinois who was trained to serve in the U.S. Navy SEALs and participated in the raid on Osama bin Laden's compound in Pakistan in 2011. Cairo worked alongside the SEAL team on many dangerous missions and became a symbol of courage and loyalty in the U.S. military. After retiring, Cairo was awarded the American Red Cross and American Humane Association's "Hero Dog" awards.
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letterman-blog · 1 year
World’s oldest dog Bobi : Guinness record holder at 30
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February 12, 2023 shows Bobi, a 30 year-old Portuguese dog that has been declared the world's oldest dog by Guinness World Records, at his home in the village of Conqueiros near Leiria.
Leonel Costa, 38 years old, owner of Bobi, a 30 years old Portuguese dog that has been declared the world's oldest dog by Guinness World Records, sits next to his pet at their home in the village of Conqueiros near Leiria.
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Just two weeks before announcing Bobi as the world's oldest living dog, Guinness gave a 23-year-old chihuahua mix from Ohio, Spike, the title. A slightly younger purebred chihuahua from Florida, TobyKeith, also held the title more than once in the past year.Leonel Costa describes Bobi as "one of a kind" – adding that the family is "very happy and grateful to life for allowing us, after 30 years, to have Bobi in our daily lives." Bobi has lived his whole life in the village of Conqueiros, in Leiria, Portugal, with the Costa family, Guinness said.
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In addition to Guinness' verification, Bobi's age has also been confirmed by Sistema de Informação de Animais de Companhia, a database for pets authorized by the Portuguese government and managed by Sindicato Nacional dos Médicos Veterinários, the country's national union of veterinarians.
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letterman-blog · 1 year
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letterman-blog · 1 year
Tips for Caring for Your Dog
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Tips for Caring for Your Dog
1__Feed a balanced and appropriate diet:
Providing your dog with a balanced and appropriate diet is essential for their overall health and wellbeing. Make sure to choose high-quality dog food that is appropriate for your dog's age, size, and activity level. Consult with your veterinarian if you are unsure about what to feed your dog.
2__Provide fresh water:
Make sure that your dog has access to clean and fresh water at all times. Refill their water bowl regularly and keep it in a clean and easily accessible location.
3__Exercise regularly:
Regular exercise is important for your dog's physical and mental health. Make sure to provide your dog with enough opportunities for exercise and playtime, depending on their breed, age, and energy level.
4__Practice good hygiene:
Keeping your dog clean and healthy is important for preventing illness and maintaining their overall health. Regular grooming, such as brushing their coat and teeth, trimming their nails, and cleaning their ears, can help keep your dog healthy and happy.
5__Keep up with vaccinations and preventive care:
Regular visits to the veterinarian for vaccinations and preventive care can help keep your dog healthy and protect them from a variety of illnesses.
6__Provide a safe and comfortable living environment:
Make sure that your dog has a safe and comfortable living environment that is appropriate for their size and needs. Provide them with a cozy bed, toys to play with, and a designated area for eating and drinking.
7__Provide adequate vitamins and minerals:
Ensure that your dog is getting adequate vitamins and minerals through their diet or supplements. If you are unsure about providing your dog with proper nutrition, consult with your veterinarian for guidance.
8__Seek appropriate treatment for illness or injury:
If your dog is sick or injured, take them to the veterinarian for diagnosis and treatment as soon as possible. Prompt treatment can help your dog recover more quickly and reduce the risk of illness spreading.
9__Provide toys and entertainment:
Provide your dog with appropriate toys to help them relieve stress, avoid destructive behavior, and stimulate their curiosity. Additionally, spend time playing with your dog and engaging them in outdoor activities.
10__Love and care:
Finally, let your dog know that you love and care for them. Regular interaction and providing love and care can help your dog feel secure, comfortable, and happy.
Caring for your dog is an ongoing process that never stops. Make sure to take your dog to the veterinarian for regular checkups and seek out helpful resources to learn how to care for your dog to the best of your ability.
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letterman-blog · 1 year
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letterman-blog · 1 year
Practical Tips & Tools For Looking After Your Dog In A Heatwave!
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With a heatwave upon us, keeping your dog hydrated and cool is really important!
In this article we look at:
 1.  Practical Tips for keeping your dog cool.
2.  Dog Cooling Beds or Mats- the benefits of picking a Dog Cooling Bed or Mat i.e. a dog bed or mat with inbuilt cooling option (does your dog sometimes sleep on tiled or concrete areas – this may be a sign he gets too warm in his bed).
3.  Dog Cooling Vests.
Heat Stroke in Dogs:
Remember, dogs don’t perspire like humans, they cool down primarily by panting, and are more prone to dehydration and overheating / heat stroke.
This is particularly true of older or overweight dogs, dark coloured dogs, and brachycephalic breeds (i.e. short nosed and flat faced dogs) such as Shih-Tzus, Pekingese, Pugs, English Bulldogs, French Bulldogs, Boxers etc.
Signs of heatstroke in dogs include drooling, reddened gums, vomiting, diarrhoea, mental dullness or loss of consciousness, uncoordinated movement, collapse.
Practical tips for keeping your dog cool and safe
Avoid walking your dog during intense heat, early morning or evening walks are best as it’s cooler. If the pavement is too hot for your hand, it’s too hot for their paws. Opt for shaded routes and exercise your dog on grass where possible. Always have fresh cool water available and access to shade from the sun. If necessary, create your own DIY shade using an umbrella, cloth, shade screen or other alternative. Give your dog homemade frozen treats. Fill up a paddling pool and set it out in the shade for your dog to splash about in to cool off. Think about using sun cream on exposed body parts, such as the nose and tips of their ears. Wet some towels and set them out in the shade for your dog to lie on.
Dogs in Cars
Don’t leave your dog in a car, even for a few minutes: leaving a dog unattended in a vehicle during hot weather, even for as little as 10 minutes, can prove to be fatal. On a 22-degree Celsius day, the temperature inside a car could rise by 11 degrees in just 10 minutes. Leaving a window open is not enough!
Dog Cooling Pads / Dog Cooling Mats to help keep your dog cool and safe.
A dog cooling mat / bed is essentially a dog bed with an inbuilt cooling feature, the workings of which vary by make and model.  Some use water, some a gel insert that you refreeze in advance of each use, others use weight / pressure-activated cooling gel with a life of up to three hours, while other recharge automatically.
Note that dog cooling mats that are elevated / raised off the ground allow for better airflow and function more effectively.
When picking a bed or mat, make sure:
Design: make sure the design does not allow your dog gain access to the gel, especially if he’s a super chewer!
Size: in terms of size, can it support your dog’s body weight.  Some, like the Green Pet Shop Dog Cooling Mat with a 15 lbs weight limit, are specifically designed for small dogs.
Elevation: as stated above, elevated dog mats / beds are better for keeping your dog cool.
Portability: if you include your dog in your travel plans (well done!), how will it fold up to fit in your car?
Washable cover: self-explanatory.
Filling: There are a wide range of choices when it comes to the filling including Gel (some but not all non-toxic).
Freezing / Time limit: If opting for a model that requires freezing, do you have space in your freezer for a large cooling mat?  Plus, how long it will stay cool?
Heat: there are options that double as a microwaveable heating pad, which could be good for locations with cold winters, older dogs with arthritis etc.
Dog Cooling Vests
Dog Cooling Vests / Coats are vests that keep your dog cool once the vest itself is kept moist by pouring water on it. It’s a very simple concept: you wet the material of the vest / coat, then put it on the dog and as it dries, it keeps him cool.
Things to think about when picking a Dog Cooling Vest:
Size: It’s important that the fit is right. Always refer to manufacturer’s guidelines when determining a size, and rely on your dog’s measurements, rather than his weight, to obtain the best fit.
Time: how long will vest function effectively?
Reflective material: this will help protect your dog’s back and sides from the sun’s rays, which helps keep them even cooler.
Reflective strips: for safety during dark hours.
Make sure that the cooling vest that will work with your dog’s harness or collar.
Pick a cooling vests that will keep your dog’s fur cool and dry.
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letterman-blog · 1 year
Are you a bot or is this an actual person? Sorry if you’re a real person but you followed me a little bit ago and I really can’t tell. Most people have their likes and following hidden and also ur blog is new which is making it hard to tell
My name is quang, im from viet nam
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