#Letor 1
bmachine-blog1 · 6 years
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Bomber Letor 1 of the squadron AR 19, autumn 1917, Le Bourget
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124letras · 6 years
Updates de Mayo
Hola, mis queridos letores. Aquí los updates de este mes:
1. Sé que no he publicado, pero he tenido algunos problemas de salud y estoy empezando con mi diplomado, lo que me ha hecho difícil organizarme.
2. Posts: Sé que cambio el calendario de publicaciones seguido, pero bue... Voy a postear una vez a la semana contenido original y voy a  “rebloguear” alguna cosilla extra en Twitter o Facebook, igual una vez por semana. El contenido original será una semana un texto y a la otra una palabra nueva o cita inspiradora de algún escritor famoso. Los “reblogs”, serán de otros blogs de escritura.
3. Estoy comenzando un proyecto de un mes sobre redes sociales para compartir sus textos (y ser publicados). Voy a andar publicando mis cuentos sobre el Archipiélago Perdido del Pacífico en estas redes sociales para escritores durante un mes y les contaré cuáles son los resultados y si les recomiendo dichas redes sociales, so... stay tuned!
4. En la semana les voy a compartir un bello template para crear personajes que espero les sirva. Estará en PDF y en una bella Google Spread Sheet, por si quieren moverle algo y personalizarlo.
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dream-hopper · 7 years
Day 1
Day 1. "Yes! No, Mom, I promise it's only going to a school trip, nothing more. No, no really, there aren't-MOM!" you yell into your phone, "Jeez, I will call you once I get on the plane, okay? I promise I'll tell you if anything changes." You hang up the phone, stepping into a near by coffee store, it was one of your favorites when it came to quick coffee. You orded your usual order, and went on your way. As you were stepping onto the crosswalk, you noticed a taken apart phone on the side of the road, searching around you to make sure no one else was going to take the phone, you spead up ahead before an oncoming car ran you over, and snatched it. Putting the battery and the phone itself in your bag, and walking to your Uber. The plain was about fifteen minutes away, and you thought you'd charge the phone and see who it belonged to from there. The terminal was hell, as usual, but you finally managed to stop in a little cafe store near your gate to relax with your stuff. Putting a charging base into a wall outlet, you charged the phone. It was a nice phone, about a couple models old, but still nice. It turned on without much trouble, and you noticed how there we're any personal info on it when you tried to look for contacts. The screen background was of a sun and a blue sky, but aside from that, nothing to personal, when suddenly, a notification icon popped up at the top of the screen, saying that a chatroom had opened. Checking your own phone, you saw that you still had about a half an hour till your flight. Sucking in a shaking breath, you open the chatroom. Instead of a nice atmospheric chatroom like one you're used to, you're introduced to a bunch of bianry code in green text, when "Unknown" came into the chat. "This guy's weird, go to somebody's house?!" You whisper under your breath. "What's wrong with this...omg what if he's a kidnapper?!" Typing a quick, "no, you're creepy," you hide the phone to not be interested or freaked out anymore. The stranger sent you a picture of him, telling you that he's just a koreen boy that needs help with this. You felt uneasy, thinking that you're about to land in South Korea for a school trip. Putting aside everything, you say that you'll help him. Your flight is uneventful, aside from the letorous old men that sat next to you. You met up with your classmates and checked into the hotel that you'd be staying at. Your Korean wasn't that bad, but you still needed work, because the man behind the register laughed when you asked him for your room key. Your friend had told you later that you asked for your chicken toes, instead of room key. Before settling down too much, you packed a nice dress in your backpack, sweats, a shirt, and other nessecities, because you were about to head to the gym, when you remembered "Unknown". Checking the cell phone, you saw that there was an address. It was in the middle of the city, it seemed, so that surprised you. You told your friends that you'd be out for a little bit, and you'd catch up with them later. Downtown was busy, but the city lights were gorgeous, even as you were taking the bus to the apartment. It was very nice, tall and looked very clean. There were a few old people in the lobby, catching up with what seemed to be their younger family members. You made your way to the elevator and texted Unknown Y/N: Okay, I'm here, which floor is it? Unknown: 14th floor, second door at the end of the hallway to the right. Y/N: How do you know that?;;; Unknown: Well, Unknown: It's a long story, and i've put you through enough today, right ^^; Y/N: Whatever... Passing a couple girls on the way to the room, you finally made it to the door, but saw that, unlike the rest of the rooms with a normal key, there was a passcode. Unknown: See, nothing bad, Unknown: Is there a password.? You decided to play with him, see how much he knows about this place. Y/N: nope, don't see one. Unknown: Really? are you sure? Y/N: Lol jk there is. Unknown: lol you're funny. He gave you the passcode, and you went in. The room when you first go in was very spacious. A bed that folded into a couch was in the corner next to a locker set, a computer, and a desk. On the far right wall, ther was a door that lead to the rest of the apartment. Suddenly, you heard a loud beep go off on the cell phone. The chat was destroyed, and in its place was a normal chatroom, with five different people. Your body was shaking, worrying that something went wrong and that you were going to be in a lot of trouble. They didn't notice you enter at first, talking about jobs and midterms for a while, when 707 started freaking out. It took a while, but you were finally about to say hello. They responded with just as much concern as you first were made aware of. It was when you were called 'fake' that you got offended and said. Y/N: I'm (y/n), i'm the most confused one here, who are you all? This triggered you to learn of Zen and Yoosung, the lonely college boy and actor. Cute, but very pushy. Jumin, the CEO guy for a big corp. in Korea, with Jaehee as his assistant, and Seven. He's not so bad, he means well, but he's really scatter brained. You couldn't focus on what was happening too much in the chat, when suddenly V came into the room. You thought that everything happening was too much, and the fact that they were so trusting with the information they were giving out to a total stanger troubled you. Wasn't this supposed to be a "secret chatroom for members only"? As they were talking, you decided to look around the room, not doing any real harm but just because you couldn't stay still. You looked in the lockers, and you saw amazing clothing. Possibly not your right size, but they were about there. The next room had a hallway that lead to the main bedroom and the bathroom just across the hall. Which meant this was the living room. Not a very well thought out living room, considering how buisness it looked. You turned your attention to the screen again, and Seven had asked you not to mess with anything. Turning bright red, you sat on the bed. V left the room after explaining what his thoughts were on the matter, and you being offered a job. Your mind was filled with confusion and disbelief as Jumin asked if you wanted to join the RFA. Not answering right away, and thinking what would happen if you did, you decided, sure, it's not like they're serious or anything. Everyone left the chatroom, and you saw the full features of the phone, on how very much like Fakebook it was, with profiles and everything. Seven called you about an hour after you'd settled down. He told you how boring his work was, and how he wished he could be at the space station instead. You laughed and told him to build a ship then. You both laugh at this, when he stopped and said; "Oh, so when I did a background check on you, sorry about that by the way, I noticed you were a student from America staying here for three weeks at the near by hotel. I called your Teachers and everything and told them that you were, well, busy I guess. They didn't like that for some reason." "Woah woah woah, so what am I supposed to do then? I have classes and stuff!" "That's easy, I had all your future lessons and homework sent to the apartment, and also I had my maid pick up your stuff from the hotel, so don't worry about that. Jumin said that he'd repay you for the expenses for the hotel and the drive here." "That's very sweet of him but, oh, i just heard a knock on the door hold on." "Take me with you lolol." You opened the door and saw your luggage and a large folder of paperwork. You groaned as you fell to your knees, thinking about how much more work this is going to be for you. "I know, it's a lot of work, but if you need help with anything just talk to me." "Thanks, Seven." "No problem-o! 707, defender of justice will never let a damsel stay in distress!" You laughed, telling him that was pretty funny. He laughed along and said that he had to go, work and all, and you groaned out "Same." Hanging up your phone, you felt strange about how everything turned out, but let it slide. You decided that you wouldn't look at your work until you had too, and went to the kitchen to grab something from the fridge. When you found there was nothing there, you picked up your cell phone again, and ordered take out.
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