#Lewis Tan drabble
scenetocause · 3 months
Prompt: Lando in lingerie because you put that idea into the world in climb up to your lips and I would very much love to read it ❤️
girloscar-verse drabble under the cut; fairly far into the future but before they get married (and getting very meta! because that's what tumblr is for lol)
Oscar says it's only fair she gets to pick stuff out for him, since he bought her some. And anyway, she arguably knows more about it than he does, which Lando reckons is actually by a very fine margin, if it's true at all but won't argue with her about it.
It's nice, the idea she's going to dress him up. He liked buying her gala dress, it's kind of the same thing.
She leaves the bag in the middle of their bed and it takes him a nervous ten minutes to actually open it, like he thinks some posh knickers might bite him. He's giggling by the time he tips the contents out onto the duvet, not because it's funny but because it kind of is? Here's a millionaire Formula 1 driver getting all anxious about what silky, lacy things his girlfriend wants to dress him in.
It's not that it's a surprise that Oscar's picked things he like because she does know him pretty horrifyingly well. But it's still nice that she has, makes him have to curl up on top of the duvet for a minute, lingerie scrumpled in his hands, to feel how good it is being loved by her.
It's a nice, soft, cream colour that he's got a few tracksuits in. The sort of comfy stuff he wears to snooze next to her on flights, nose buried in Oscar's shoulder. It's a good, clean colour that goes well with his skin and contrasts sharply to his tendency for dark grey boxers, something special but still somewhere in his comfort zone.
Getting his own clothes off feels a bit mad, having to stuff them in the laundry basket because he doesn't feel like a discarded hoodie and socks is the right vibe for when Oscar comes in and sees him trying to be sexy or whatever.
There's not just pants and whatever. He's not one hundred percent surprised by this because it's sort of an inside joke that he's always trying to trick Oscar into keeping her socks on in bed. Sorry if he wants to be reminded of her riding him every time she crosses one leg over the knee of the other in debrief or whatever.
He likes long socks anyway, for golf and that sort of thing so the fact these come up over his knees isn't that alien. They're a nice, soft material, like a very fluffy cotton or almost like the cashmere cardigans he steals off Oscar to bundle up on the couch in. Not really like stockings, grooved and topped with elastic almost like Oscar's beloved trainer socks but definitely a lot fancier, sitting low on his thighs.
The next thing he unravels is a soft top, not exactly a bra so it won't flag up the fact he's not got actual tits but gently cut so it cups his pecs, plunging between them. Lewis or Yuki would probably wear it to the paddock, maybe Lando'll give it a go for Monaco this year.
It's short, not covering his waist and abs and he's suddenly very aware there's nothing over his dick. Has to scrabble to pull on the knickers, which he'd sort of assumed would be boy shorts or something but instead it's a thong-thong, in the same, soft fabric as the top.
He squeaks involuntarily when it goes up his arse because what the fuck. Oscar wears this sort of thing quite often, these days, when they're not at work and she must be really committed to sending him insane because that's a wholly weird sensation, fabric brushing up against places normally only touched by Oscar.
Checking himself out in the mirror, though, he does look cute. There's some vaguely shocking tan lines around where his shorts were during their week on Pulau Joyo but they fit well enough with the pale lingerie. It's not too frilly, doesn't look like he's wearing something he shouldn't be - he could halfway imagine it being for a photoshoot or something, if Sophie would ever be likely to sign off on him having his arse out.
It takes him a minute to work up the courage to stick his head around the door, call out for her.
Oscar appears very quickly, like she'd been hovering nearby and a bit nervous herself about whether he'd like it. "Can I see?"
He has to laugh because, like, obviously. Lando didn't put this on so she can not fuck him in it but also Oscar looks so genuinely worried and excited. Like she thinks he's going to say no or call her taste in underwear shit or something and even though he is feeling quite shy about it, it makes him step around the door to comfort her.
Oscar almost immediately has him up against it, pressing Lando back on the solid wood and lifting his knee to run her hand up the left sock, feel where it stops and leaves his thigh feeling more naked than when he's totally undressed.
"Oh my god." She kisses him, gentle, lets Lando climb on her a bit with his arms over her shoulders. "You're so cute. So pretty. Fuck."
It's easy to tuck his face into Oscar's neck and breathe her skin in, the reassuring eucalyptus still clinging to her from last night. He'd thought she'd want to perv on him a bit or whatever, the way he does with her when she's wearing nice stuff but Oscar seems more intent on feeling him up, pressing her fingers to the tender place behind his balls where the thong's soft against his skin and tracing the seam of his arse, over where it's just hiding his hole.
"Oscar." He bites at her collarbone, where she's usually chewing him, just to tell her he loves her.
"Do you like it?" She pulls back enough to look him in the eye, tucking one of his curls back with her index finger as she does it, nail trailing gently down his face afterwards.
There hadn't been really time for him to figure that out, yet. But yes. "Yeah. You chose - you know, I can tell it's for me. And it's nice, the fabric."
"Comfy." She moves her hand further down his neck, rubbing over his chest to where the top's resting on his pecs. "I thought you wouldn't like - you know, anything with straps and wires."
Definitely not. That sounds like a deeply unpleasant sensory experience, fairly horrible even the times he was trying to take anything complicated off his ex.
Oscar kisses him again, sliding her hand up the leg he's got propped on her hip until she's cupping his dick, makes them both make a curious noise that he's still soft.
"It's not - I do think it's sexy? And you're - I love this. I don't know." Normally his problem is the opposite, that he's at half-chub pretty much any time he's in the same room as Oscar.
"It doesn't have to be a sex thing, though." She coaxes his other leg up, until she can get her hands underneath and pick him up, carry them over to the couch. "You can just look pretty, if you want?"
Maybe. It's hard to explain what's going on in his head and Oscar is normally the translator for that but she's not psychic, here.
"I think I just." He curls round, onto her, lets her do the koala thing. It feels safer, less wrongfooted by their mutual nervousness earlier, like this. "Can we watch some more of that show?"
Oscar makes a surprised noise, probably because it's her series and Lando just naps on her or fucks about on his phone during it. But that sounds nice, now. Just being them, in a slightly new configuration.
"True Detective? Sure." She gives him a squeeze before she gets up to find the remote, pottters around the apartment for a minute to get him his phone and both of them bottles of water.
When they're under the biggest, softest sofa blanket - nearly the same pale cream as Lando's underwear, a huge mistake for somewhere they eat half the time - he asks her to explain the plot to him again because nothing makes Oscar happier and he loves listening to her.
Half-asleep against her shoulder, he realises the story she's telling him stopped being about detectives awhile ago and is about a really hot boy whose girlfriend can't believe he's real.
He pokes Oscar in the chin. "Oi, I am actually listening. They should do a season from her perspective."
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bakarilennox · 2 years
Tracey’s Birthday Fic-a-Thon!
Hi everybody! I never did this before so excuse how lackluster this post looks.
For those who don’t know, I’m turning 15+16 on July 17th. I was wondering… if you have time of course, would write a some feel-good (or feel-angst) one shots, head cannons, or drabbles about some of my favorite men (& women) candy that I write or blog about.
Names include, but not limited to:
Lewis Tan:
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Yahya Abdul-Mateen II:
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Precious Lee:
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Trevante Rhodes:
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Monster Woo:
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Chris Evans:
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Winston Duke:
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Henry Cavill:
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(I had to give faces to names, sorry)
[Keep Reading]
I will list a few prompts and you can start there or freestyle, whatever floats your boat. I prefer romantic smut fics, but they don’t have to be. Just tag them as #ABirthdayFicforTre.
“I’m only baking a cake, what can go wrong?” *Everything goes wrong*
A birthday evening that turns into an wedding proposal
Birthday Baecation/Friendcation
“Surprise! Aye, where your clothes at?”
Karaoke night “Please stop singing for the love of God.”
“I made you a mixtape/playlist.”
Romantic walk on the beach
“Come get your cat!”
“Excuse me miss, I believe you stole my heart. May you please return it.”
Birthday massage
“I’ll help you with wash day babe.”
“I don’t want to go out, let’s stay in and cuddle.”
“I bought this and thought of you.”
“I was browsing online and I found this story you wrote about me.”
“I’m glad that I’m here with you.”
Indoor Nerf gun fight
The love interest’s dog leads them to my dog
“I’m only cooking dinner, what can go wrong?” *Everything goes wrong*
“Hey I’m lost, can you help me find where [whatever place you choose] is?”
Birthday shopping spree
“C’mon, let me do your makeup. It’ll look good I promise.”
Found log dog, returns it to the love interest/future friend
Love interest/ friend hears me singing in the shower and joins in
“I can take all the groceries in one trip, don’t worry.”
Loses phone at the park, love interest/future friend finds it & returns it to you.
“I love everything about you.”
“I know that you didn’t want anything for your birthday, but I got this for you!”
“Wanna watch a scary movie?”
“Your mom said I’m invited to the cookout so that’s why I’m here.”
With best friend at a sports game and the kiss cam comes and we kiss. We secretly crushed on each other.
Birthday pool party and Love interest/friend shows up unannounced.
Whatever you want. (except i*cest, race play, use of slurs, etc.) Just be respectful basically.
This is open to everyone, but I’m tagging the people that I often see write fics so if you wanna join, I’d love it! And I am all about no pressure, so submit when you can and shoot me a message/tag whenever. 😊
Tags: @royallyprincesslilly @tgigoldie @yaachtynoboat711 @randomwordprompts @muse-of-mbaku @cecereads209 @sheabuttahwrites @kittehkwrites @crushed-pink-petals-writes @ingeniousmindoftune @stargirlfics @celestianstars @pm-my-hubbies @liquorlaughslove @laketaj24 @fumbling-fanfics @natashacoco & whoever sees this.
Thanks in advance for making this the best birthday ever! 🥳😁
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engineers-curry · 2 years
I'm back from my Covid hiatus, have a small drabble in return!! I hope you are all doing well!! 🥰💖
Lewis/George - Private School AU
“He’s doing that on purpose, isn’t he?” Lewis grumbles, a deep scowl on his face. Valtteri comments it only with a short grunt, not even bothering to look up from his textbook. “Look at him, he’s definitely doing it to annoy me.”
“Lewis,” The blonde sighs, amusement swinging in his voice. “He’s just sitting there.”
Yes. George is just sitting there, on the terrace of their school’s library, eyes closed, facing the warm August sun high up in the sky. A perfect picture of false innocence.
The first two buttons of George’s white dress shirt have been opened, giving a nice view on the slightly tanned skin of his neck and collarbones below. The shirt is tucked into the dark red skirt of their school uniform, accentuating his thin waist nicely while his long legs, smooth and just as perfectly tanned are lazily stretched out. Expensive black leather boots finishing the outfit, pristine white socks just peeking out above the rim. Everything about it drives Lewis insane.
George’s head rolls to the side and the younger student opens one eye, obviously having felt that he’s been watched. He winks at Lewis, a lazy smirk spreading over his lips. He knows that George knows what he’s doing.
“I hate him.”
“Sure you do.” Valtteri says dryly, turning the page in front of him. “In fact, you hate him so much, you want to shag him.”
“I hate you too.”
Lewis turns back to his own book, a text in Latin staring back at him in a mocking manner, the harsh sounding words dancing in front of his eyes. The weather is far too nice to spend it with studying already, so close after their summer holidays. But Lewis is in his final year, mock exams are already knocking at the door and the teachers didn’t hold back in handing out homework. Which lead to him and Valtteri fighting their way through one of the many battle descriptions from Caesar, just so few days after the sweet life of doing nothing and endless relaxation.
He doesn’t get far though, thin arms slinging around his neck and George’s sweet, flowery parfum scent tingles in his nose. “It’s the first week after the summer holidays, why are you buried in a book?”
“I have exams,” Lewis grins, leaning against George, soaking in the warmth of the other. Across from him, Valtteri makes a gagging noise. George simply throws a marker at the Finn.
“I have too,” George says smartly. “But I’m ignoring them until next week.”
“You’re a year below us, yours aren’t that important.” Valtteri chimes in, having recovered from the marker attack.
“You always say that.” Lewis can hear the pout in George’s voice and gently pulls on the other’s arms, guiding him to the stool next to him. George complies but leans his head on Lewis’ shoulder immediately again. “I missed you the past weeks. You should have come to South France with me.”
“Sorry, you know that my brother wanted to go to Los Angeles for ages. Next holidays surely.” Lewis smiles when George hums in agreement, drawing small patterns on Lewis’ white shirt. If Lewis is really honest, he also doesn’t want to have a repeat of that episode where him and George nearly had sex in an overpriced wardrobe in Monaco to soon. That was a wild weekend.
“I know, I want to hear all the details later.” George grins as he trails his fingers up further Lewis’ arm, gently rubbing over the soft skin at his neck. “Charles is out tonight, at Sebastian’s room. We have peace until midnight at least.”
“Can you make your sex arrangements somewhere else?” Valtteri groans, the marker flying back in their direction and hits Lewis’ shoulder, missing George’s face by millimetres. “Isn’t Commentarii de bello Gallico enough torture for me?”
“He’s right, let’s talk later,” Lewis laughs, as he presses a short kiss to George’s forehead, the other slowly prying away from Lewis. “I need to finish this first and then we can spend the evening, alright?”
“Fine,” George grumbles. “Just remember that there’s Wi-Fi and that you can find all texts translated on the internet. In case you might want to come over five minutes early.”
“I’ll think about it.” Lewis winks at his boyfriend, enjoying the bright blush that is spreading on George’s cheeks.
“See you later then,” George gives him a small wave, a warm smile to Valtteri before he goes back to gather his stuff and then make his way towards their dorm rooms.
And if Lewis stares at his legs, who can really judge him?
George stares shamelessly and he’s not too shy to admit that. He has a perfect view over the sports field from his physics class window seat and whatever Mr. Allison is telling him right now, it’s not going to stay in his brain as information.
Lewis is wearing a tight dark shirt, shorts with their school’s emblem as he lazily leans on his hockey stick, deep in conversation with Sebastian and Jenson. His braids are in a ponytail, not a single one looks out of place, Lewis looks as polished as ever. Their game has been going on for good twenty minutes already and Lewis doesn’t look sweaty the slightest or out of breath. Not that George hasn’t tested the athletic abilities of his boyfriend often enough but it always surprises him.
“He’s like a Greek god come to live.” Charles whispers next to him, earning a kick to the shin from George.
“Stare at your own boyfriend.”
“Possessive,” Charles remarks, amusement swinging in his voice.
“How did he like the skirt?”
“Went absolutely crazy.” George responds and picks up his pen, to at least create the illusion of taking notes. He’s sure that none of it will make sense but Lewis is a perfect boyfriend in many ways and surely has his notes from last year lying around somewhere, for George to copy.
Not that he’s stupid or needs it, George has always been on top of his classes. But Lewis’ intelligence is absolutely sexy and he loves listening to his boyfriend, enjoying the shine in his eyes and excitement whenever he explains him something.
“Told you so,” Charles leans back, playing around with his pen between his fingers. “You should try sundresses next.”
“You think he would enjoy that?”
“Have you seen your legs?! Of course he would.” Charles nods enthusiastically. “The shorter the better. I’ll let you try a few of mine later, to see if it would be something for you.”
The Monégasque winks at him before turning back to the whiteboard and their teacher, who’s already eyeing them with raised eyebrows. George knows that Mr. Allison is usually a very relaxed man but one better does not test his patience. The man is happily handing out extra tasks whenever he can and George prefers to have his afternoons free as often as he can.
Sadly, his attention span isn’t the longest when he can hear the exciting shouts from the field outside and George’s eyes wander back to his boyfriend. The game is continuing, Lewis easily taking the ball from Mark, pushing it elegantly and skilfully towards the goal, passing with Valtteri back and forth.
“Mr. Russell, if you do not plan on sharing your analysation of the trajectory of our school team’s hockey ball with this class, I advise you to pay attention now.”
“Uh sure, Sir, sorry.”
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fumbling-fanfics · 3 years
People Person - Lewis Tan x Reader...
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So this is a little drabble that is based off of something myself, @dc41896​ and @my-rosegold-soul​ were saying about Mr Tan.
Pairings: Lewis Tan x Reader
Note reader is POC in this and all my fic’s.
Warnings: None, just a cute little drabble with Lewis 
Lewis knows everyone.
He knows everyone in LA. Everyone is Bangkok. Everyone in Thailand. Everyone in Shang-hi. Everyone in New York. London. Paris. You’re pretty sure he knows everyone, in every city of the world.
While it’s sweet that he takes the time to stop and talking to everyone and anyone, it sometimes gets in the way of simple tasks. Like going out to eat.
Rather than staying cooped up in the hotel room you and Lewis manage to get out of the tangled bed sheets, shower and get dressed. You suggest exploring the city streets at night for something to eat rather than room service. You’d been too busy making up lost time with Lewis that you hadn’t eaten since you boarded the plane almost 12 hours before and you were starting to get hangry.
“I know just the perfect spot” Lewis smiles, as he hugs you in the lift. His grin relieves your face of the hangry frown. You’re excited now, because apart from knowing everyone, everywhere. Lewis also knows every restaurant, everywhere.
As you wonder the streets to your destination Lewis walks with you tucked under his arm pointing out to places and spots along the way, telling you a story or a fact. You snap some pictures too. The sights, Lewis, you & Lewis. You need to show your friends some pictures, rather than just the hickey’s on your skin.
After waiting a while to snap a picture with less people and more of what Lewis has pointed out to you, you turn to find Lewis further down the street. He’s embracing another person. And when they separate, they look equally shocked and excited to see each other. Your picture done, you catch up to them both.
“Dude! How long has it been, like forever!” Lewis exclaims taking off his sunglasses as if he cannot believe the person standing in front of him is real.
The guy chuckles as he shakes his head. They launch into a game of tag with stories and old memories, you gain more knowledge about Lewis. Sharing the laughter.
Lewis is cute when he is excited, more animated, eyes wide, hands waving around as he talks. He also gets forgetful.
“Oh crap, sorry, this is my girlfriend y/n. Y/n this is Adam” Adam softly shakes your hand as you exchange “Hello’s”.
Adam and Lewis both disappear into conversation, and your stomach growls. It’s so loud you’re surprised neither guys hear it, even over the night time noise.
Not wanting to be rude and abruptly interrupt you slowly move closer to Lewis, who while telling Adam a recent casting story, slips his arm around your waist as you slip your arm around his.
“You gotta see this” Adam pulls out his phone, unlocks his screen and proceeds to play a video. With his arm still around your waist Lewis leans in closer to Adam, leaving space for you too. You don’t really pay attention. Instead to lightly tug on Lewis’ jacket, like an impatient child wanting their parent to stop talking to whoever they have just bumped into. You lean in, closer to Lewis. “I’m hungry” you whisper into his ear.
Adam’s phone suddenly rings, the video being replaced with a colorful screen with a vibrating icon of a phone receiver, he excuses himself to take the call.
“I don’t want to be that annoying girlfriend but when can we go eat. I’m literally about to faint” Lewis chuckles deeply, his fingers slipping under you jacket and top to rub against your skin.
“You can even invite Adam, he seems to have some interesting stories I’d like to hear” you grin.
“You’d love that wouldn’t you” Lewis grabs a quick kiss from you turning his attention back to Adam as he says ‘Goodbye’ to whoever called him.
“Adam were about to grab something to eat, you wanna join? Y/n is dying to hear some more stories” Lewis offers.
Adam turns to you with grin. “Do you know about the time Lewis ended up naked in front of a group of over 75’s for one of those still life drawing class having to explain that tattoo of his” Adam laughs.
“What! No” Adam’s face lights up as you laugh.
“Maybe not that one” Lewis blushes, tickling you slightly under your top.
“Maybe another time anyway, I gotta get to this meeting with my agent, but let’s swap numbers and I’ll call you tomorrow” Both guys exchange phone numbers and then you all say bye.
In an effort to dodge questions about the still life class Lewis whisks you through the streets to the restaurant, promising to finish his tour on the way back to the hotel.
Of course Lewis knows the guy seating people in the restaurant. You’re not even surprised when the chef comes out to see Lewis. The chef says he’ll go off menu for you both, and you’re not disappointed.
You’re stuffed, almost too full. You almost don’t noticed half the restaurant staff leaving when you and Lewis do. Night is dawn, the sky slowly getting lighter. By the time you both get back to the hotel all you can do is strip off your clothes and fall into bed. Lewis hangs the do not disturb sign on the door, and you sleep until just gone 10am, but don’t actually leave the bed until past noon.
Tag list: @ellixthea @lovelymari4 ​ @honeychicana @beaminglife @amelatonin @themyscxiras​ ​ @crushed-pink-petals @my-rosegold-soul​ ​ @dc41896​ ​ @lady-olive-oil @jojolu @endless00paradise @est1887 @cajunpeach @melinda-january @profoundlynerdywolf​ ​ @deathonyourtongue @designerwriterchic @itsbqueenthings​ ​ @alicesfracturedmirror @autumnsoidier​ ​ @melinda-january ​ @laketaj24​ ​ @nanoo972​ ​ @mauvecherie​ ​ @chaneajoyyy​ ​ @mbaku-babygirl​ ​
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saturnville · 3 years
can’t do this
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*not my gif*
just a short lil something. it’s random and not that great but, hey, comes with not writing often. hope y’all find something about it to enjoy.
pairing: lu xin lee x black!oc
4. “You can’t keep doing this...”
“You cannot keep doing this.” The emphasis of her words demonstrated she was serious. The sharpness of her tone let him know she was really serious. “This, what you’re doing, it isn’t worth losing your life.”
He winced. With every word that poured from those beautiful lips of hers, the hydrogen peroxide filled cotton round pressed deeper into his open cut.
He examined her attentively. She was tired, he could tell. Her eyes hung low and fluttered often to stay open. She swayed as well, trying to keep her body from shutting down. He frowned. She always stayed up to attempt to greet him when he came home. Recently, the door crept open during the wee hours of the morning and there she’d be waiting.
“I’m sorry.” He waved her off. She’d always been the type to be quick to apologize, even if it wasn’t her fault or if the incident held no weight.
“There’s nothing else for you to do? You have to jack cars and damn near get yourself killed?”
“Baby—“ he tried to reach out to her but she pulled her hand away from his reach. “I do this to make sure you’re taken care of. I want you to get your career started without working about anything else. I’m doing it for us.”
She’d heard it before and she knew his intentions were as pure as an innocent lamb, yet, the thought of him losing his life trying to provide for hers sent her into a frenzy.
Yes, thanks to him she’d almost completed dentistry school with limited distraction because he held down the household. And yes, she’d had a roof over her head and clothes on her back, but how would that compare to feeling his warmth against her body each and every night? It couldn’t.
“I,” she huffed. “You’re all I have. And I rather not get any phone calls that you’re dead or in immediate danger. I’d also like to stop making first aid kits to clean up your mess.” She gestured to the large gash across his cheek that she was cleaning.
He lifted his brown eyes to meet hers, which were glistening as she yawned. He smiled.
“What?” she gently pressed a bandaid against his cheek.
“You know I love you right?”
She hummed. “If you really love me, you’ll stay out of trouble.” She patted his chest gently and tossed away the materials they used.
“But you not gonna say you love me back?” he stood to his feet and took a step towards her. He bent down and captured her lips with his, pulling a quiet squeal from her.
“I do love you!” she exclaimed, pushing his chest. “I’ll love you a little more if you come to bed now.”
She gave him a look—the look.
He bit his lip. “Yes ma’am.”
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chaneajoyyy · 3 years
Hey baby, could you please point me towards your fave Lewis Tan fics ❤️🙏🏿
*Making a full list in addition to my faves if that's okay
- cosmic series*, sin in the city series (with @mauvecherie-writes )
, i got you*, lazy mornings, all eyes on you*- @royallyprincesslilly
- beauty to the madness series, pull the trigger, get dirty*, sin in the city series (with @royallyprincesslilly ), dinner for two, hunter and prey, unwind*, your soul to take, family reunion*, teach me how, late night conversations, kissing on my tattoos, tipsy, unrequited? series*, deep throat, stimulated, how lewis makes love to you, first time with lewis, lewis drabble, hold my gaze*- @mauvecherie-writes
- bobby the security guard series*, lewis tan getting his love bits from the reaer covered up on set*, editing room*, people person*, amalfi coast fic, fuck her like her ex is living in the apartment downstairs, hoodie fic, three's a crowd- @fumbling-fanfics (search: lewis tan fanfic)
- babymoon series*, valentine's special*, homecoming*, slurs and stumbles*; like father, like daughter*; night drive*, champagne showers*, liquid courage, cotton candy carousel*- @dc41896
-texting tease*, getting caught having sex in the ocean* -@crushed-pink-petals-writes
- having lewis wrapped around your finger but not having the courage to do something about it includes*- @plussizeappreciationfics
- victoria's secret supermodel*, when a picture is worth a thousand words- @bask-in-the-melanin
- can't do this (lu xin lee)*, play pretend (lu xin lee)*- @saturnville
- spark*- @night-of-the-living-shred
* = fave fave (still reading through some of them but all the others Iove). HIT ME UP WITH YOUR LEWIS FICS TOO!!!
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crab-in-a-pocket · 3 years
#2 w/ farmer/elliott perhaps?
thank you!! damn that was fast, haha. so, since i'm writing this as a little drabble/super super short fic, let me introduce to you my farmer, nick. three essential things you must know about her: she's tall, she's got light feet, and she has a source that tells her almost everything she needs to know about the town. by tall i mean 5'11 which isnt too far off from elliott's height acc to this guide:
so many of you guys are asking for elliott content and another person asked for the same prompt but flustered elliott so i'll respond to that with a link to this :) this is adorable and so cute so here ya go:
2- “No no no, sorry! I just-… I honestly didn’t think you even knew my name.”
Elliott stretches in his seat, his joints popping with disuse. It's nearly the afternoon and he needs a change of view-- his inspiration's dragging at the sight of the worn plank walls and the atmosphere in his rather cramped cabin. In fairness, it's cozy when he returns home from the crowded saloon, but right now, what he really needs is a healthy dose of sea air.
Elliott rises and leaves his desk as it is, taking his coat off the back of his chair. He pushes it back with a scrape and turns to the door, pulling it open. A creak echoes through his tiny shack, but it's drowned by the sudden sound of waves crashing on the shore and the calling seagulls.
He locks the door behind him and admires the view. He had been so enamored by the view that he didn't hesitate to lease the cabin from its previous owner when he first came-- then, regret set in when he realized that the owner really meant shack. The view always made up for it, though. It's a world of difference compared to Zuzu City and that just made it so much better.
"Oh, what's that?" Elliott says to himself, noticing something strange. He quickens his strides and inspects the oddity-- the broken plank bridge is no longer broken. His lips quirk up into a smile of delight and bemusement. He had always wanted to properly explore the other side of the river's mouth but who had fixed it...?
He tests the bridge with a foot. He can swim and the river isn't too large, but he's not aure how deep it is. To Elliott's astonishment, the bridge doesn't wobble under his weight. It's structurally sound-- did Robin fix it?
Elliot hurries across the bridge and catches sight of the tideland. He heads towards it and grins when he sees the little creatures and the crabs scuttling around, careful to avoid disturbing them. He looks at each and every tidepool and only then does he notice the footprints in the sand, shallow and barely noticeable.
Elliott turns to look at the old docks and he's surprised to see the silhoutte of a person fishing-- and evidently struggling. Elliott considers going to see who that mysterious person is (clearly not Willy, the stranger's not nearly as scruffy) but he takes another look at the rotting wood and changes his mind.
He'll meet whoever it is if they come back to land soon. In truth, he's hoping that it's the newcomer-- the new granger living on the very nearly abandoned Salem Farm. Leah's offered him a fair amount of gossip that she overheard in the Saloon and presented it to him with a surprising eagerness.
"I didn't quite catch her name, I would've asked Marnie but she wasn't there. First, she's tall. I'm not quite sure how tall but Mayor Lewis said she's taller than him, which isn't really much, honestly, but she's supposed to be pretty tall. He vaguely gestured around here," she had said, making a cut movement somewhere around Elliott's chin. "She's also very nice but hard-to-read, which Mayor Lewis complained about. I don't think it's so much of a problem, personally."
Leah had carried on with more waffle but it sufficed to say that Elliott wasn't very intrigued with those pieces of information. It was only when he caught sight of her inside the Saloon just as she was about to leave and just as he returned from the loo.
He didn't quite catch the sound of her voice, unfortunately, but he did catch a glimpse of short, dark hair, deeply tanned skin, and one elegant, long-fingered hand waving goodbye. And that was it.
Elliott's got a thing for intriguing not-quite-meetings and airs of mystery, to put it lightly, and he found himself writing about this short-haired, nameless, faceless person.
"Hey, Elliott. How goes it?"
Elliott jolts, nearly falling into the tide pool as he whirls around and almost comes face to face with a stranger. His face has probably done that one comical expression of surprise that Leah never fails to laugh at. Oh, hell, he didn't even hear her come close!
"Oh, sorry about that. I didn't mean to startle you," the stranger says, taking a step back and holding out her hand. "Nicola Salem, local newcomer. You can call me Nick. You must be Elliott, you live on that old shack there, don't you?"
Elliott hesistantly takes her hand. His face feels hot with embarassment. If there is something he believes in, it's probably that first impressions matter and he's never going to recover from this encounter.
"I-- yes, I live in the shack. I mean-- yes, I'm Elliott. Pleasure to meet you, Nicola," he says. Much to his displeasure, it comes out in a slight stammer. Ah, fuck.
"I never did catch your last name, but it doesn't matter, there aren't many other redhead writers named Elliott living in dilapidated shacks on the beach, are there? And I said you could call me Nick. No formalities here, don't worry."
Elliott smiles-- she's rather cheeky. Nick's much, much prettier than he expected. And... much taller. Her eyes are large and a curious shade of what's usually called hazel-- instead, he doesn't limit her eye color to a word and tries not to stare at the brilliant shades of blue, brown, and green. She's as tanned as she last was-- oh, she has dimples.
His face is probably as red as his hair, an unflattering shade of pink, but he steadies his voice to maintain some semblance of dignity. He opens his mouth to speak when he realizes that he's been staring at her a moment too long.
"Say, I've come off too strong, haven't I? I'm terribly sorry, Elliott, I really must've startled you. If you'd prefer, I'm not too busy later and... we can properly introduce ourselves at the Saloon, what do you say? Drinks on me if you're going. And you don't have to accept the invitation either, I don't mind."
Nick winces and takes another step back, a disconcerted look on her face.
Elliott takes a step forward. “No, no, no, sorry, it's fine! It's fine. I just-- I honestly didn’t think you even knew my name. So, it's fine. You startled me, yes, but I'm perfectly fine, now.”
"Oh. Oh, well, then, I'm glad," she replies uncertainly.
"I think I'll take you up on that invitation, if it's still open," Elliot offers, finally recovering from his brief moments of awkwardness. "I certainly don't mean to impose."
Nick stares at him for second, and then two. Then, she smiles widely. "Sure, sure, eight o'clock, then! I'll-- I'll see you around!" She turns away from him, a hand up in goodbye.
"Yes, same to... you," Elliott replies, trailing off as Nick vanishes from sight.
He shakes his head he turns to leave the tideland. Cloth sticks to his ankle-- grimacing, he peels off the wet cuffs of his trousers and heads back across the river to his shack. He was so distracted he didn't notice!
Elliott enters his cabin again. It no longer looks cramped. Pulling the chair towards him, he revels in its clatter and scrape. He gets to writing, glancing at the clock to note the time.
Four more hours.
Elliott turns back to his papers, smiling to himself.
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emjayewrites · 4 years
Hello everyone! If you do not know of me, my name is Emjaye (pronounced MJ). I've been writing since 2017 and I write for Henry Cavill and Chris Evans,but I'm slowly but surely getting into writing for Yahya Abdul Mateen II, John Boyega, Chris Pine, Lewis Tan (still getting to know Lewis, however, so may not be the best fic), and perhaps even Liam Hemsworth or Zac Efron (I literally had a dream about them for the last few nights and I'm shook af).
Anyways, as the title mentions, I'm doing commissions for the people listed above as well as Henry Cavill & Chris Evans characters:
Sherlock Holmes
Napoleon Solo
Clark Kent/Superman
Captain America
Ransom Drysdale
M𝘺 𝘱𝘳𝘪𝘤𝘦𝘴:
$5 usd for oneshot per 1,000 words
$2.50 usd for personalized headcanons
$3 usd for drabbles (300-500 words)
My rules:
I will write fluff, personalized headcanons, angst, kissing, and consensual smut. No non-consensual smut, minor x adult relationships (the romantic lead is under the age of 21) or very explicit BDSM and other sexual acts (such as getting peed or pooped on, gukkon, or anything I deem as triggering). Yet, with all this being said, I will write DD/LG. I only write for the people listed above. You can either have your commission as a Reader (with your eithnicity, if you want) or your name or a name you've made up. I will simply refuse to write anything problematic and gross. Half of the payment is due up front (e.g if you want a 1k word fic, I’ll take $2.50 first) just to ensure you will not scam me.
I’m only taking 3 commissions at a time. 
How to pay me:
Either Paypal or Ko-fi
I'll send the link to my Paypal personally if you want to do this option.
How to get a commission:
Please fill out this intake form:
Hope to hear from you guys soon,
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buckybarnesbingo · 5 years
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Week 7 roundup!  Click through to see the awesome content our creators came up with this week!  As far as we know, there are no Endgame spoilers, but we can’t promise that’s the case.
Title: Summer's Folly Collaborator: GreyishBlue Link: AO3 Square Filled: B4 -  AU: Urban Fantasy Ship: WinterHawk Rating: Gen Major Tags: First meetings, Modern with magic AU Summary: Bucky Barnes is commited to his recovery, but he intends to bitch about it every step of the way. His running mouth gets him in a bit of a bind. Word Count: 801
Title: Werewolf Bucky Collaborator: Trashcanakin Link: Tumblr Square Filled: B2 - fluff Ship: none Rating: Gen Major Tags: art Summary: Werewolf Bucky for all ya needs 🖤
Title: Distractions Collaborator: empyreanwritings Link: Tumblr Square Filled: Y5 -  polyamory/open relationship Ship: Stucky/Reader Rating: Gen Major Tags: none Summary: I wanna see what you can do with dancing in the kitchen making dinner one night. That’s a fun one because there’s always someone to dance with while there still being someone to cook the food. Word Count: 1400ish
Title: Mild Case of Hypothermia Collaborator: candycanedarcy Link: AO3 Square Filled: K2 -  huddling for warmth Ship: Bucky/Clint/Steve Rating: Teen Major Tags: huddling for warmth, protective Steve, mild angst Summary: Clint, Bucky and Steve are trapped in a little snow cave during a mission, and Clint's uniform doesn't have sleeves. What could this possibly lead to? Word Count: 1761
Title: And Your Heart Beats in My Blood Collaborator: Politzania Link: AO3 Square Filled: U2 - Tony Stark/Iron Man Ship: WinterIron Rating: Teen Major Tags: soulmate AU, young Tony, kinda angsty, canonical character death Summary: Tony Stark's soulmate died when they were both young; or so he thought. When a ghostly heartbeat continues to haunt him, Tony's AI proposes an unlikely hypothesis. Word Count: 2428
Title: Second Chances - Part 1: Soldier Collaborator: until-theend-oftheline Link: Tumblr Square Filled: K5 - scars Ship: Bucky/Reader Rating: Mature Major Tags: Injuries, Torture, HYDRA are assholes!   Summary: Dr. Y/N Pierce has dedicated her life to helping others, so when her father Alexander offers her a job working for Shield she sees it as the perfect opportunity. What she doesn’t realize is the evil he is hiding from not only the world but his own daughter. As she finds out she turns her back on him and HYDRA, but as the Winter Soldier starts to remember who he once was, he turns to the only person he remembers being kind to him in decades. Can two fugitives help each other find peace with who they are and where they came from? Word Count: 2300ish
Title: It takes time… Collaborator: welldonebeca Link: Tumblr Square Filled: B4 - arranged marriage Ship: Bucky/Reader Rating: Gen Major Tags: moodboard Summary: His mother always said that love wasn’t something that came easily. It had t be constructed step by step, stone by stone, day by day. It happened exactly like that with his parents, and with their parents before them, and their parents before them. So now, standing at the chuppah watching you making the seven circles around him, Bucky could only think that he wanted this to work, and he’d do his best.
Title: Just Relax, Trust Me, It’s Okay to Let Go… Collaborator: lokivsanubis Link: AO3 Square Filled: K1 - KINK: Praise Kink Ship: Stuckony Rating: Explicit Major Tags: dubcon, explicit sexual content, mind control, feminization Summary: “One word Tony… Come on let go… just relax and trust me… you know you’ll feel so much better once you relax.” He continued massaging up the other’s arm listening to the moans that escaped his slightly parted lips. “How do you feel Tony… One word…” “Good…” “Alright just a bit deeper… the better you feel the deeper you go and the deeper you go the better you feel…” He began massaging the length of Tony’s arm. Tony’s head began to lull as he fell deeper into a trance. Bucky smiled. “Ahhh, you fell so much faster this time… now Anthony let’s see if you followed my suggestions from our last session.” he released the inventor’s arm. “Strip and let’s see what you’re wearing under your suit.” Tony sleepily undid his shirt revealing the beginnings of white lace against lightly tanned skin. OR: The Bucky is a hypnotist and uses his ability to hypnotize his best friend into being in a relationship with him and later gets tony to join them fanfic nobody asked for but I wrote as a way to play with all the kinks i love lol. Please feel free to come along for the ride. Word Count: 2671
Title: Uncle Jamie’s Babysitting Misadventures Collaborator: Judy_The_Dreamer Link: AO3 Square Filled: B1 - Darcy Lewis Ship: Bucky & Darcy Rating: Gen Major Tags: Kid fic, fluff, babysitting, Darcy is Tony's daughter, Parent Tony Stark Summary: Short and fluffy drabbles chronicling James Barnes's babysitting adventures. Part of a larger alternate universe 'Ever bright beyond this Dark'. Word Count: 521
Title: I Would Have Kissed You Like That Collaborator: Voodoosgirl Link: AO3 Square Filled: B3 - Take the Shot Ship:  Stucky Rating: Mature Major Tags: Embedded images, Angst, Recovery, non-graphic smut Summary: Bucky and Steve fill in the gaps; memories, history, missing pieces for two men out of time. There are days that it's painful; this night, it's soft. Word Count: 971
Title: Saturday Morning Collaborator: avintagekiss24 Link: AO3 Square Filled: B5- Shopping Together Ship: Bucky/Reader Rating: Gen Major Tags: Domestic Fluff Summary: A look into a random Saturday morning with you and Bucky. Word Count: 532
Title: Soulmates Never Die Collaborator: trashcanakin Link: Tumblr Square Filled: B1 - SOULMARKS Ship: WinterIron Rating: Teen Major Tags: moodboard, soulmates Summary: WinterIron soulmate moodboard
Title: Just Relax, Trust Me, It’s Okay to Let Go… -  Chapter 3: Steve Tossed Tony's Salad Collaborator: lokivsanubis Link: AO3 Square Filled: B5 - Kink Square: Nipple Play Ship: Stuckony Rating: Explicit Major Tags: extremely dubious consent, hypnotism, explicit sexual content, feminization Summary: Tony starts us out strong and Bucky brings it home in the end. Lunch goes exactly as Bucky planned for the most part. Word Count: 9655
Title: Music haunts his bedroom Collaborator: sweeetmonstrosity Link: AO3 Square Filled: Y4 – PTSD Ship: WinterIron Rating: Teen Major Tags: PTSD, Mourning, Hurt/Comfort, angst with a happy ending Summary: In which Tony is gone, Bucky survives the snap and now he must learn how to live without his heart. Word Count: 4305
Title: Naked Cuddles (Aesthetic) Collaborator: welldonebeca Link: Tumblr Square Filled: U2 -  Bucky/Clint Ship: WinterHawk Rating: Teen Major Tags: moodboard, implied nudity
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kirbychan234 · 7 years
Maybe a cute, short Drabble of merarthur being rescued from rocks by Vivi and Lewis? He doesn't know or trust these humans yet, so he's highly defensive and scared at first.
I’m basing Mer!Arthur’s design off of @ectoimp‘s and @arthur-tristan-kingsmen‘s design of him. 
The vicious wind and rain howled around the car, making itshake. Vivi was almost afraid that they’d be blown off the road, and on amountainside road such as this, that would mean certain death.
“Wow…” Lewis couldn’t lie and say he wasn’t a little nervoushimself. “I knew Florida weather could be bad but I didn’t think it would belike this.” It wasn’t raining very hard, but the wind was making the drops landhard on the windshield. Lewis could see all the trees nearly coming loose fromthe ground.
“Just our luck that we came here during a hellish storm,huh?” Vivi grinned a little, and Lewis had to laugh.
“Yeah, sounds about right. I wish the client would havementioned that little tidbit.” But at least it all worked out with helping thespirit of their client’s uncle move on, and the pay was nice too. Lewis wouldforgive the little miscommunication this time.
They turned a corner and Vivi smiled as she leaned againstthe passenger side door. The ocean was wild with waves and even here it wasreally cool to watch them. She had seen the ocean only a few times in her lifeand it always astounded her. She had always talked to Lewis about going scubadiving at one point when they had the chance.
Not in this weather though. She was glad there weren’t anyboats out there either. Nobody would be crazy enough to go out there in thisweathe-
Vivi’s eyes widened and she quickly sat up in her seat.“Lewis stop the car!”
Lewis practically slammed on the breaks and it was a miraclethe two of them didn’t get whiplash. “Geez Vivi! You’re lucky nobody was behindus! What the heck are you-?” He was cut off when Vivi grabbed the front of hisshirt to pull him closer to her window.
“Tell me I’m seeing what I think I’m seeing.”
She was pointing at the beach. There, right where the rocksmet the water, was a shock of orange, tan, and gold.
And it wasn’t moving. “Is that…a person?”
“I think so.” They were lying face down on the rocks fromwhat little the two of them could see from this distance. “Lewis, we gotta getdown there! We gotta help them!”
Lewis didn’t need to be told twice. He took a quick lookbehind him before pressing on the gas pedal. The tire screeched and slid butthey took off towards the beach.
They made it there in record time. Even with the windthrashing against them once the doors opened, Vivi practically vaulted out ofthe car and made a dash towards the rocky side, Lewis right behind her.
They made it there in record time. But when Vivi saw whatthey were up against, she stopped dead in her tracks. “What’s wrong?” Lewisyelled over the wind and rain. “Why’d you stop? Are they oka-?” And then hefroze as well.
It looked like a young man had gotten wedged under therocks, probably washed up here with a large wave. He wasn’t moving, and thelower half of his body was completely covered by the rocks. There was a trickleof blood trailing down on the back of his head, and even when the rain washedit away, more took its place.
That was the only thing they could see was “normal”. Acrossthe man’s bare arms and back were beautifully colored orange and gold scales. Alarge fin was also on each arm, splayed out onto the rocks, and the man’s earstook on a similar appearance. Even if his lower half was obscured by the rock,the scales on the man’s back continued down to…something that didn’t look likelegs of any sort.
“Wh…what the…?”
“A m-merman?!” Vivi’s eyes lit up like Christmas had comeearly. “Oh my gosh!! I’ve never seen a merman before! I can’t believe-!”
The roaring crash of a large wave brought Vivi back realityas Lewis had to pull her back so she didn’t get swept away. “Maybe…hold off onthe excitement until we help him, Vi?”
“…R-right. Sorry.”
A groan caught their attention and they quickly looked overto the trapped creature. The wave seemed to have woken him up, and he weaklytried to pull himself out from under the boulders. Lewis swallowed nervously. “H-here,let us help you.”
The merman’s ears flipped up immediately at his voice and hewinced as soon as he saw the both of them. “It’s okay!” Vivi continued asgently as she could. “We saw you were in trouble. We’re not going to hurt you…”As she attempted to take a step forward, that only seemed to make things worse.He pushed back against the boulder as much as he could, as fruitless as it wasto try to get away.
But they couldn’t just leave him here, even if he was afraidof them. “We’ll get you out of here, promise.” She waved for Lewis to followand he complied. The closer they got, the more frightened the trapped creature beganto get. He had completely scrunched his eyes shut by the time they were closeenough.
“C-Careful, Vivi…” Lewis said nervously. “It’s reallyslippery around here.”
“You too.” She nodded. “Ready to do this, Lewlew?”
“As ready as I’ll ever be.”
“Okay, then on three. One…two…three!”
This was it then. It would be just his luck to get caught ina storm and then trapped on the shores. To make matters worse, humans had seenhim. All merpeople knew the horror stories surrounding those bipedal creatures.The girl didn’t look so bad, but the male…
He was gigantic! The stories didn’t say anything about howhuge humans could be! And they were way too close now. They’d take him away andput him in some sort of zoo and-!
His eyes opened when he felt the boulder start to lift offof him. The humans looked like they were struggling but they finally managed totoss it over the edge and back into the water. “Whew. We did it, Lewis!”
He stared at them, completely mute. Had they just…saved him?He waggled his tail to access the damage, and tried to ignore their stares. Itached and there were a number of scratches to be healed, but it wasn’t nearlyas bad as it could have been.
“Quick!” His ears perked up again when he heard the girlspeak. “Get back in the water!”
“Can you move?” The giant asked him this time. “Do you needsome help getting back in?”
Shaking his head, he turned and dove head first into theraging waters. They could try to watch him, but he did not resurface.
That wasn’t how he was told humans acted at all…
“Do you think he’s okay?”
Lewis didn’t answer Vivi right away. It had been three dayssince that terrible storm and saving the merman. He had almost convincedhimself it was a dream, except for the fact that Vivi knew about it as well. “Whoknows?” He finally answered, looking over the now calm ocean on the docks. Hesat down next to Vivi, who had removed her shoes and was hanging her legs offthe side. “We can only hope so.”
Vivi sighed. “I still can’t get over how scared of us hewas. That was genuine fear there, Lewlew.”
“Merpeople probably aren’t fond of humans…” He could thinkof a few reasons why.
“I guess…” Vivi swung her legs a little. “I wish he wouldhave stuck around a little longer.”
“Well, to be fair, I’d probably want to get the heck out ofthere after something like that too.”
The two of them laughed before turning back to the gentlewaves. It was such a huge contrast to how vicious it was a few days ago.
After a few more minutes, Lewis sighed and stood up. “Comeon, Vi. We probably should get going.”
“Yeah…” She took Lewis’ outstretched hand and let him pullher up to stand.
They didn’t get very far, however, when an unfamiliar voicewafted through the sounds of the waves. “You came back.”
Both turned around, and Vivi lit up as soon as she saw thesource. “Hey! It’s you!”
The merman had returned, floating in the water at the end ofthe docks, and looking much better than he had before. Any cuts he had on hisupper body were completely gone, and they could only hope the same could besaid for his tail. “…”
This time he didn’t wince when they walked a little closerto him. “H-how are you feeling?” Lewis asked a tad nervously. “It looks likeyour scratches have healed for the most part.”
“Y-yeah…” The merman seemed just as nervous as them, whichwas a slight comfort. “I’m alright. A little sore but otherwise fine.”
An awkward silence fell between them. The merman shuffled alittle in the water before finally finding the courage to speak up again. “Why…whydid you help me?”
The two humans looked confused. “What do you mean “why”?”Vivi asked.
“You needed help,” Lewis continued for her. “And we were inthe right place at the right time. We couldn’t just leave you there.”
“But…” The merman wrung his hands together. “You’re humans,”he said as if that explained everything.
From the looks on their faces, it didn’t. “Humans don’t helpus,” he continued. “They capture us and sell us away. They pollute our oceansand kill the wildlife. They…they’re cruel and only care about themselves…”
Lewis and Vivi shared a look. Well no wonder he was soscared of them. “Who told you that?”
He winced. “Other merpeople from my school…”
“They make us sound like we’re monsters!”
Lewis put a hand on Vivi’s shoulder. “Well…to be fair, someof that is true to an extent.” He offered the merman a smile, hoping it wouldhelp. “But not all humans are like that. Some are cruel, but there are beingslike that in any species, right?”
There was no answer, and Lewis took that as a win. The mermanseemed torn, and Vivi walked a little closer to kneel in front of him. Herheart skipped a beat when he didn’t shy away and looked up at her. “What’s yourname?” She asked sweetly. “Mine’s Vivi, and that’s Lewis.”
“…” Vivi was almost afraid he wouldn’t answer her at first. “…Arthur.”
They weren’t expecting such a…normal name. But they werepleased anyway. “That’s a wonderful name.”
“Th-thanks.” The merman, Arthur, actually smiled. “I, uh,l-like yours too.” He wrung his hands together once more. “A-and, um…thank youfor saving me.”
“It was our pleasure,” Lewis replied. “And it was great tomeet you, Arthur.”
The sun was starting to set, and Lewis sighed. “But…wereally should be going.” Once more he helped Vivi up to her feet. “Take care ofyourself out there, okay?”
“W-wait-!” Arthur outstretched his hand. “Will I…will I seeyou again?”
At their confused faces, Arthur lowered his arm. “Y-you guysare the first humans I’ve ever…a-and…uh…”
Lewis and Vivi grinned at each other. “We’ll come backtomorrow, if you want,” Vivi offered, holding out her hand. “Same time, sameplace?”
Arthur seemed confused at first but eventually gave a tinysmile and clasped onto her hand gently. “S-sure. Sounds great.”
“Awesome! We’ll see you then!~”
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mauvecherie-writes · 4 years
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PAIRING: Lewis Tan x Black reader.
NOTE: I know I wasn’t supposed to be writing and I won’t after this but I had been daydreaming about this all fucking day whew. There’s no plot at all, I just thought of lewis doing this to me so it’s quite self indulgent.
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“Mmmm fuck baby!” You moaned against his lips as he moved his hips at a slow pace as he made sure that he hit your spot. “Right fucking there!” You gasped as you pulled on his hair.
Lewis leaned down and pecked your lips and pulled your bottom lip into his mouth before letting it go. “Right there baby?” He asked as he looked into your eyes. You were tearing up and trying to look into his eyes but he was making you feel so damn good, it was hard to.
“Mhm.” You nodded your head as your back softly arched off the bed. He trailed kisses down the side of your jawline before sucking on your neck and placing your leg on his shoulder making him go deeper inside of you.
You gasped. “Daddy!”
He chuckled as he shifted his hips and increased his pace. “You feel me deep in you baby?”
“So fucking deep, oh my god.” You tried to move away but he stopped you by wrapping his hand around your neck.
“Where you going hmmm?” His voice was so deep and raspy and sent chills down your spine. The dominant tone was making you wetter than you already were. “I thought you wanted me there?”
“I did.” You whimpered as you dug your nails into his back. “I feel you in my stomach.” Your eyes slightly rolled to the back of your head as you held onto him tighter. “Uuuhhhh.”
Lewis slowed his thrusts and rolled his hips, pushing harder into you, pushing through your wetness and bringing your other leg to his shoulder, trapping you underneath his weight. You tried to push him away but to no avail.
“Take this dick baby. I’m not going anywhere.” He groaned softly against your lips as he captured them into another passionate kiss, swallowing your moans ...
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@gwenspacy @beautifullmelodyxx @royallyprincesslilly @my-rosegold-soul @night-of-the-living-shred @michael-is-bae @emjayewrites @felicity-x0 @tashawar @cavillaryz @fumbling-fanfics @blackmissfrizzle @write-fromthe-start @dc41896
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mauvecherie-writes · 4 years
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PAIRING: Lewis Tan x Black Reader.
SUMMARY: After a long day it was just nice to relax and put to use the big bathtub in your home.
WARNING: 18+ fluff.
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“Hmm, this feels nice doesn’t it.” YN hummed as she settled her back into his chest. Lewis leaned down and placed chaste kisses on her shoulder as she sipped on her glass on wine. She didn’t know whether it was the rich taste of the Cabernet Sauvignon or the feeling of his lips trailing up the side of her neck to settle behind her ear that had YN moaning softly in satisfaction.
“It does. Nothing beats being in this moment with you.” He replied as his right arm came around his front and used it to pull her closer to his body.
“You have a way with words Mr Tan.” YN smiled as she shifted her head to look at him with her head resting on his shoulder. Lewis was smiling so much that his dimples were showing.
“It’s how I got you.” He replied and then leaned down to place a kiss onto her lips. She moaned into his mouth as she placed her free hand onto his cheek and deepened the kiss, sucking on his bottom lip before pulling away.
Just a simple kiss had him hardening underneath the hot water and pressing into the flesh of her thigh. YN giggled as she faced away from him once more.
“One kiss and you’re already hard?”
“Everything you do makes me hard.” Lewis mumbled as he leaned down onto their shoulder and both hands wrapped around her.
“That’s because you’re always horny.” She retorted with a snort.
“Have you seen you? How can I not be? It’s why I put that ring on your finger.” At the mention of the word, YN looked down at the 4 carat pear shaped diamond engagement ring. A symbol of the bonding to be, a symbol of the relationship that had been thus far and the promise to forever.
“I thought it was because I was better at organizing your life better than you?” YN quirked her eyebrow even though he could not see her expression.
“That too.” He chuckled before he reached for his glass of wine. There was a moment of silence before YN asked.
“Where should we go on our honeymoon? I want somewhere we’ve both never been.”
“Very picturesque but boring, even for me.”
“Maybe, I’d have to look more into that.”
“Baby, we have more than a year until the actual wedding. Don’t think too much about it right now.”
“I want everything to be perfect Lew. From the pins I want in my hair to the lights in the reception.”
“And everything will be you perfectionist.” Lewis tickled her sides which caused her to squeal and then laugh. The movements of her body causing the suds to move. “But right now, you need to relax. You’re already stressed with your work, let’s not add the wedding onto that.”
YN turned in his arms, straddling in his lap before letting her hands play with his hair. “You’re right. Once I start thinking about something, I can’t stop it. But you’re right, I need to relax. It’s just hard not to think about our future when it’s so close.”
Lewis saw the glint in her eye. Talking about the wedding got her excited, talking about marrying him made her excited and he was proud of that. He had never thought that he’d ever be in this position. If you had told him two years ago that he was going to meet the love of his life and he’d soon be planning the rest of their lives, he would have laughed.
But that was now a reality.
“You think Bear would want any siblings?” YN mumbled, stopping his thoughts.
“She may not look like it, but she’d love another dog around.”
“What if i meant actual babies?”
“Oh.” Lewis raised his eyebrows curiously. “I’m definitely up for that. I don’t care what Bear thinks. We can start right now if you’d like.” His hands began to travel between YN’s thighs. But she smacked his hand away.
“Stop it.” She grinned. “I want a few years of you to myself.” She leaned forward pecking his lips.
“Well whenever you’re reading, I’m ready to put a baby in you.” He mumbled as their lips joined once more. “Or two. Or three.” Words whispered between kisses. YN giggled as she tightened her arms around his neck.
Nothing could compare to this.
Being in the arms of her fiancé, surrounded by the warm water, candles dimly lighting the room, a half bottle of drunken wine and music that had been playing in the background but long forgotten.
This was everything.
“I love you.” She whispered as she pressed her forehead into his.
“I love you more.” He replied as his hand came to the back of her neck and pulled her back into another passionately heated kiss.
Truly, nothing could compare to this.
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mauvecherie-writes · 4 years
What do you think the first time with lewis would entail? How is it going down?😈
Why are you trying to start me 😩😩😩
Lewis is quite the gentleman and so he’s very attentive to your needs. What are you comfortable with? What don’t you like? What gets you going? He’d be on the look out for it all.
He wants you to set the pace because he wants you to comfortable around him and trust him. You’ll be shy to ask him to do things but he’d reassure you that there’s no need to be afraid, your every wish is his command.
Once he’s inside of you, he’s still looking for those ques, still making sure that you’ve adjusted well (because we all know zaddy got that thick wood 😋😈) and you’re comfortable, he’s trying not to lose it. He’s still trying to be gentle but you can tell your tightness is causing him to struggle. That urge to just ravish you is an internal battle inside of him and you can see that by the clenching of his jaw and his tight fists on the pillows above you.
So you whisper “Take me. Fuck me please.” He asks you are you sure and you nod your head. That’s all he needs to put you on your stomach in that collapsed doggystyle position aka the “put a baby in ya” position and buries that daddy dick inside you.
You’re screaming now. He’s fucking you so hard. He’s gripping, he’s biting, he’s spanking, he’s choking and you love it all. Your bodies are covered in sweat, your whole body is buzzing but there’s no end in sight. You plead for him to take it easy on you but he just chuckles and says hearing you beg is now his favourite thing.
You’re thrashing around because you want to ease the intensity of the pleasure you’re receiving but Lewis is fucking relentless. He turns you on your side and he’s behind you still fucking you with that brutal pace but now, he’s got easy access to your clit.
You’re pulling on his hair, you’re now speaking gibberish as you’re so stimulated and you can’t think straight. Lewis lets you cum, drenching his dick and as you convulse, he pulls out and attaches his lips onto your pussy to lick you clean and steal another orgasm. You try to push him away but you’re too weak for that so you just give up and give him what he wants.
As you try to calm down your trembling body, you lazily gaze onto him and realise he’s still hard and doesn’t look as affected as you.
You whisper “Fuck” to yourself because it dawns onto you that he’s no where near done and Lewis just chuckles as he pulls you towards him and hovers above you once again ....
Now I’m reallllyyyy horny. Thanks for that Lee 😭🤣
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