#Leyla delphox
cyrus-loguard · 3 years
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Name: Leyla Iris Kohonoa
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Pokemon: Delphox
Type: Ghost / Psycic
Item: Magic Staff
Lv: 35
Appearance: Leyla  is a Delphox with silver and white fur. The fur from the ears are combed down and have a faint red as color. Her eyes have a light blue color. She wears a purple Kimono with big blue clothing wrapped around. she also wears golden bracelets. On her neck, she wears a green magatama necklace. The fur under her Kimono is Purple and her Paws are black. She always carries what seems to be like a wooden magic staff with a ruby floating in the middle.
Ability: Magician
Special ability: Leyla has very close connections to the spirit world and even can interact with souls that stray around. Thanks to her hard training she also can remove curses and other magical interventions. With her prayers she can cast protective spells and blessings, which can be materialized in an object that can be carried as a charm. She specifies in protection against bad luck and nightmares.
Personality: Kind, calm, gentle, motherly, hospitable
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Special: Leyla looks pretty weak and brittle, thats because she has the Ghost type instead of the Fire type and she can’t use Fire type attacks without her Magic staff. If she tries to use Fire type moves without it, they will transform into a similar ghost type move. She also has a very special Ghost type move called “foxfire”. Leyla hatched in a extremly weak state where she nerly died, but managed to survive thanks to a travelling medium. Although she changed. Thats where her fur and eye colors changed and got her ghost type instead of the fire type. Now she lives at a base of a icy mountain. where she offers her hospitality and services as a medium and innkeeper. She also trains others with their spiritual powers. Leyla herself is cursed by something that could not be removed but can be nullified while she carries her Staff.
Foxfire: Type - Ghost Power - 20 (special) This attack never misses it’s target and reduce 3 random stats by one rank.
Likes: Cooking, Dancing, Traditions, Cold weather, hot baths
Dislikes: preconceptions, curses, “machos”, unnecessary violence
Unlockable story fragments
They can be unlocked by story events and asks
🔒 Leylas conditon
🔒Her Childhood
🔒What exactly the training is
🔒Her curse
🔒Her connection to Fate
🔒Her Parents
🔒Her thoughts about Humans
🔒About the spirit world
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cyrus-loguard · 3 years
Ask call!
Ask them anything you want!
Something about their past? Or maybe something else? Sure!
Cyrus would love to answer your questions.
Marcus probably will get nervous and react with some blushes, but also answers sincere.
Fate is a but rude though, so expect some mocking while answering. ;>
Leyla is gladly answers questions about her and her life as a medium.
The 🔒 about their past are some hints.
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