#Li fangwei
panicinthestudio · 1 year
The world’s most dangerous arms dealer, June 29, 2023
He’s a key figure in the clandestine wranglings of two superpowers: the United States and China. The FBI announced a five-million-dollar bounty for information leading to his arrest. Intelligence agencies and investigators have been trying for decades to stop him in his tracks: the arms dealer Karl Lee. The Chinese businessman has helped Iran develop its huge missiles arsenal. Missiles that kill in the Middle East, that are supplied to Russia for possible deployment in Ukraine and have the potential to carry nuclear warheads. The documentary is the first to tell the story of the hunt for the phantom-like Karl Lee, alias Li Fangwei, probably the world’s most dangerous weapons dealer. He’s been indicted in absentia in the US and American presidents have even personally asked Beijing to take action against him. But his network continues to be active; and he’s still high up on the FBI’s most-wanted list. And this, at a time when missiles and nuclear warheads are becoming a tangible threat to humanity. The documentary follows Karl Lee’s trail across four continents, from Washington and New York to Tel Aviv, from Europe to Teheran, Beijing and Karl Lee’s factory in northeastern China. The prize-winning investigative journalists Philipp Grüll, Frederik Obermaier and Bastian Obermayer provide unique insights into the world of spy agencies and diplomacy. At the same time, the film is a lesson in the powerlessness of the West and the rise of China - as well as an unflinching appraisal of the new world order. Deutsche Welle
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fangweihou · 4 months
"Artificial meat and sustainable food production"
As the demand for meat continues to rise and concerns about the environmental impact of traditional animal farming grow, alternative solutions such as artificial meat offer potential benefits.
Artificial meat, also known as lab-grown or cultured meat, is produced by culturing animal cells in a laboratory setting. It offers a more sustainable and ethical approach to meat production, as it requires fewer resources, generates fewer greenhouse gas emissions, and eliminates the need for animal slaughter.
One of the main advantages of artificial meat is its potential to reduce the environmental footprint of the meat industry. Traditional animal farming is associated with deforestation, water pollution, and the release of methane gas from livestock. By producing meat in a lab, we can minimize these negative impacts and achieve more sustainable food production.
Moreover, artificial meat has the potential to address ethical concerns related to animal welfare. The inhumane treatment of animals in industrial farming has been a subject of debate and criticism. Artificial meat provides an opportunity to produce meat without causing harm to animals, which can appeal to individuals who are concerned about animal rights.
While artificial meat holds promise, there are still challenges to overcome. One significant hurdle is the cost of production, which is currently high compared to traditional meat. However, as technology advances and economies of scale are achieved, it is expected that the cost will decrease, making artificial meat more accessible to consumers.
Another challenge lies in the acceptance and perception of artificial meat. Convincing consumers to embrace a product that is grown in a lab rather than derived from traditional animal sources may require education and a shift in mindset. However, if the taste, texture, and nutritional profile of artificial meat can match or exceed that of traditional meat, it has the potential for widespread acceptance.
In addition to artificial meat, sustainable food production encompasses various other practices. These include vertical farming, hydroponics, and aquaponics, which maximize crop yields while minimizing water usage and land footprint. Sustainable farming methods reduce reliance on harmful pesticides and fertilizers, promote biodiversity, and prioritize soil health.
Furthermore, reducing food waste and promoting a shift towards plant-based diets can contribute to sustainable food production. Food waste not only squanders resources but also contributes to greenhouse gas emissions. Encouraging a diet that is centered around plant-based foods can reduce the strain on land, water, and energy resources.
In conclusion, artificial meat and sustainable food production offer potential solutions to address the environmental and ethical challenges associated with traditional animal farming. By embracing these alternatives and promoting sustainable farming practices, we can work towards a more environmentally friendly and ethical food system that can meet the needs of a growing global population.
Fangwei Hou
Fong Wai Hau
Food Lovers 🍔🍕
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shouldtrumprunorg · 5 years
New Donald Trump sanctions concentrate on the shadowy Chinese weapons vendor in China-Iran ballistic missile promotions
The Donald Trump administration took double-barrelled aim at China and Iran on Wednesday, sanctioning a shadowy Chinese weapons merchant for illegally supplying the Islamic Republic with advanced ballistic missile components.Karl Lee, also known as Li Fangwei, among several other aliases, “has supplied Iran with the full range of materials required to construct ballistic missiles—everything from…
The post New Donald Trump sanctions concentrate on the shadowy Chinese weapons vendor in China-Iran ballistic missile promotions appeared first on Best Trump Memes Website Ever.
source http://shouldtrumprun.org/new-donald-trump-sanctions-concentrate-on-the-shadowy-chinese-weapons-vendor-in-china-iran-ballistic-missile-promotions/05/23/2019/14/05/09/
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latikobe · 6 years
EEUU acusa a Rusia, China y Cuba de apoyar “exrégimen” de Maduro
Yleem Poblete, subsecretaria de Estado de EEUU para Control de Armamento. Foto https://ift.tt/2TXi2qL
MIAMI, Estados Unidos.- La subsecretaria de Estado de EEUU para Control de Armamento, Yleem Poblete, acusó este martes a Rusia, China y Cuba de apoyar al “exrégimen” de Nicolás Maduro en la represión de la democracia en Venezuela.
“El exrégimen de Maduro, con ayuda no disimulada de Rusia, China y Cuba, ha usado tácticas de represión contra elementos democráticos y ha intentado acorralar a la Asamblea Nacional, única institución democrática en ese país”, señaló Poblete.
La subsecretaria hizo estas declaraciones en un duro discurso donde también criticó a Irán, Siria y Corea del Norte, con motivo del acceso de Estados Unidos a la presidencia de la Conferencia de Desarme en Ginebra.
“La historia ha demostrado que un régimen que oprime a su pueblo y se salta a la torera el estado de derecho desprecia las leyes internacionales, por lo que esperamos que un representante del presidente legítimo Juan Guaidó pueda asumir la presidencia de turno venezolana de esta Conferencia de Desarme en mayo”, afirmó Poblete.
En su intervención, Poblete señaló que “las acciones agresivas y desacato de Rusia han sacudido la arquitectura de seguridad europea” a través de todo tipo de acciones, como la de “seguir apoyando y defendiendo las tácticas brutales del régimen sirio de Bachar al Asad contra su propio pueblo, incluyendo el uso de armas químicas”.
Pero “el de Damasco no es el único régimen aborrecible que apoya Rusia, también el de Maduro en Venezuela”, añadió la subsecretaria de EEUU, país que el mes pasado suspendió el Tratado de Eliminación de Misiles Nucleares de Mediano y Corto Alcance (INF) que Moscú y Washington mantuvieron en vigor durante 30 años.
Sobre Irán, Poblete señaló la preocupación de EEUU por el programa de desarrollo balístico de un país que “posee el mayor arsenal de misiles de la región y los desarrolla con cada vez mayor exactitud”, algo que en su opinión es “uno de los principales factores de desestabilización de Oriente Medio”.
“Desde Líbano hasta Siria o Yemen, la influencia nociva de Irán está afectando a la región”, aseguró la política norteamericana, quien subrayó que EEUU “se compromete a combatir agresivamente la proliferación balística iraní”.
De China, la subsecretaria de Estado afirmó que “sigue centrada en el dominio regional y en intentar ser cada vez más capaz de ejercer la coerción de los aliados de EEUU para convertirse en una potencia militar que pueda competir a nivel mundial”.
Añadió que el gigante asiático “tiene un comportamiento cada vez más preocupante en el espacio ultraterrestre”, en el que, como Rusia, por un lado aboga por la creación de convenciones internacionales de control de armamento antisatelital pero por el otro desarrolla armas de este tipo.
Poblete incluso citó a un empresario chino, Li Fangwei (también conocido como Karl Lee), sospechoso de ayudar al programa de armamento iraní mientras “China se ha negado a tomar medidas para que de una vez por todas deje de ejercer ese comercio”.
Con Corea del Norte, país con el que EEUU mantiene actualmente un diálogo de desarme al más alto nivel (con dos reuniones en 2018 y 2019 entre el presidente Donald Trump y el mandatario norcoreano Kim Jong-un), Poblete instó a Pyongyang a “abandonar todas sus armas de destrucción masiva”.
EEUU asume la presidencia de una Conferencia de Desarme que no ha conseguido la firma de acuerdos internacionales en esta materia en las dos últimas décadas, lo que ha minado su reputación y ha generado una “parálisis” que en palabras de la delegación norteamericana debe contrarrestarse con voluntad política.
“La influencia y las acciones de regímenes desesperados por aferrarse al poder menoscaban mecanismos como éste, por lo que pedimos a la Conferencia de Desarme que aúne la voluntad necesaria para detener a estos actores malignos y hacer que rindan cuentas”, dijo la subsecretaria.
EEUU acusa a Rusia, China y Cuba de apoyar “exrégimen” de Maduro
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