#Libahunt drabblez
crimsonbluemoon · 5 years
Sorry my moodboard request is kinda late! Could i ask for a deleted scene with squirrel and ohm interacting? I hope thats specific enough ajskak
Is it possible? Crim got TWO drabbles out in one day? Is this real life? Yes, yes it is. ^.^ 
Uh so I kinda wrote this starting with Ohm and Squirrel, then tossed in Cartoonz, and made it bro-moments and romantic moments so I hope you dont mind.
Please, enjoy! 
“Do it again.” Ohm didn’t let his face show any sympathy when he set himself back onto the ground, wings easing back to rest while waiting for his opponent to rise from the training floor. Being younger did not aid the angel in front of him, Ohm waiting patiently for Squirrel to groan and push himself back to his feet. 
“Why do I have to do this again? I’m just a messenger angel!” The fire of the newest addition to their motley crew was evident even when he scowled, showing his dislike of the current predicament with a dramatic roll of his shoulder. Ohm had hardly put any energy into his attacks, meaning that his fellow angel was just trying to play up his protest. Silently, Ryan promised not to let the malleable youngster hang out with Smiity or Mini any longer unsupervised. 
“If you plan to continue hanging around strong beings like the Phoenix and Test Your Luck, then you need to be ready for creatures who don’t look at our kind in a positive light. They’ll challenge you, may even try to kill you outside of the bar to make a point. It would be safer for you to not continue staying around here as much as you have.” 
“But Nogla’s gonna be coming back from Louisiana tomorrow and he promised me one of those weird fried animals on a stick that humans love.” The excitement on Squirrel's face made Ohm’s frown deepen, taking a step closer while letting his voice lower.
“Has the Council spoken about your closeness to humans yet?” A flicker of fear was barely there, but Ohm honed in on it far faster than his ally could shrug it away. “Squirrel.” 
“Probably said something about it last time, but it wasn’t even the Council. Just one of their lapdogs.” Since the battle with Grigori, Squirrel had taken a new perspective on the rule of the angels, which Ohm hated to admit was contributed to by Cartoonz and the others. While he still did his job, and never slacked off in any of his duties, he had found a weird connection with their group that Sat- that other angels never had. Squirrel seemed to enjoy their company, and despite finding humans far inferior, never held that against them. It was a reckless way to think for an angel as young and easily swayed as Squirrel, and Ohm knew the angels would not tolerate the youthful rebellion for long. 
“You need to be careful,” Ohm cautioned, trying not to overstep his role in the younger angel’s life. 
“Funny, I don't remember adopting another weak scrapper.” But Luke, who dropped an arm around Squirrel’s shoulders and dragged him in for a playful ruffle of his hair, didn’t seem to care about rules and lines not being crossed. “What kind of danger are we pulling this guy out of this time?” 
“Aw, not my hair,” Squirrel groused quietly, though didn’t pull back from the arm holding him. Ohm watched the scene unfold quietly, unsure if it was anxiety or something softer making his feathers flutter when Caroonz grinned down at Squirrel.
“Out with it, cupid. Who’s bullying you on the playground now? Those earth elves tripping you in the bar again? The shifters impersonating you? John telling people you wear girl underwear to bed?” The flush on Squirrel’s face proved that he remembered each of the memories vividly, with the last one having… strange results in the bar. Panda nearly set two people on fire by the end of it, though somehow neither had been John. Each time, however, it was either Luke or Ryan that had come to Squirrel’s rescue, though Ohm refused to look into why that was. 
“Just the other angels ribbing me about… uh-” The guilt in Squirrel’s eyes turned to Ohm for a moment before his back stiffened, which both Cartoonz and Ohm picked up on. 
“About what, kid?” But the tease was gone in Luke’s voice, and Squirrel seemed to know he wasn’t getting out of the bear trap he walked into.
“They’re just saying I’m going to be the next Ohmwrecker.” To his credit, Squirrel tried not to say the name like a slur, or something to be ashamed of. But Ohm knew the truth about how the angels saw him; he was a disgrace to their kind, falling for a demon and letting himself become tainted. It didn’t matter that he’d helped save the world and kept all of them alive. Once the danger of Grigori was gone, their judgment and distaste in him returned. There was no salvation for his title, and he knew that. 
But Squirrel was different.
“You need to listen to them.” He knew how intimidating his voice could become when he spoke with his shoulders set and eyes focused, even behind the red cloth. Ignoring the scowl that Cartoonz sent toward him, he poured his attention into Squirrel and continued. “This isn’t up for debate; if the angels are speaking of you that way, there’s only a matter of time before they begin to question your loyalty. You are putting yourself in a position to become compromised by the humans and if your soul becomes blackened or even shaded with their sins-”
“I don’t want to be like them.” The bold claim caught Ohm off guard, Squirrel showing his own form of fortitude when glancing to Luke and giving half a grin. “You two are the bad guys up there, but to me? You’re… kind of my heroes. So if they say I’m like you, I don’t really mind. It’s better than being warped into what the Council tries to make us all be.”
“They’ll kill you if they hear you say that.” Like a band-aid not ready to be ripped off, Ohm’s stomach clenched in pain when Satt’s memory seeped into his head, remembering the consequences of his independent actions. Siding with Grigori was heinous, but the Council’s ability to judge right and wrong when it came to angels always felt harsher than necessary. 
“That’s probably true. But at least I’ll be going out happy with myself.” It was sombering to hear Squirrel’s ease at accepting his likely fate, seeming to know his place in the angel’s pecking order far more than angels twice his age. Still, his smile was bright, hiding the hint of tears and fear edging his eyes. “What a human thing to say, right? ”  
“Fuck, why are you angels so dramatic?” Luke’s voice was quick to break the moment, his clawed hand dropping on Squirrel’s head again in order to catch both of their attention. His eye only glanced to Ohm for a moment before turning back to Squirrel, serious yet soft in its stare. “If you think I’m going to let the Council of aging up there kill you because you’re turning out to be a little too Ohm-ish for their liking, you can stop that stupid ass thought right now. I happen to like Ohm, if you haven’t noticed, so having more angels like him isn’t a bad thing.”
“Cartoonz,” Ohm spoke softly, but didn’t have much else to say in protest. 
“So you keep being you, and let me handle those holier-than-thou chickens up there. If they wanna kill you, I’ll make sure they know they’ve gotta take me out first. You got that?” 
“Got it,” Squirrel answered instantly, wings perking up at the wide grin Cartoonz gave before patting his head. It was a softer moment that, a year ago, Ohm would have never been able to predict. Cartoonz was not the demon hellbent on destroying the angel society as he’d been presented for years to Ryan, but the kind Luke he’d fallen for despite his demonic blood. And in moments like these, it was obvious how easily he had fallen from grace to be with Cartoonz.
“Ohm?” Blinking once, he looked up to catch Luke’s arched eyebrow. “You okay?” 
“I’m okay.” He answered, surprised with how easily the words came out.
Because for the first time in a decade, he actually meant them. 
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crimsonbluemoon · 5 years
I’m back from my trip which means I can send in my Drabble request!! could I please request Delirious’s first transformation? Thank you so much crim, I hope your inspiration returns soon
Hey, look, this blog isn’t dead. And it’s a Libahunt request I owed for winning the moodboard thing. So, uh, enjoy?
Warning: It’s a little graphic guys, so be warned. But I mean, its his first transformation scene, so....
Sleep, recently, had become a rarity in Jonathan’s life. The itch that crawled under his skin was always buzzing in the back of his mind, keeping blue eyes fixated on the ceiling of his bedroom. In the distance, he could hear cars moving through the town, though common sense reminded him that the nearest intersection was miles away. Whatever his brain was concocting in his head wasn’t real, no matter how intricate the noises sounded thrumming in his ears. 
College had been, for lack of better words, a letdown. His parents had been over the moon when he’d been accepted into a local community college, though disappointed that they didn’t have dormitories for him to move into. Their lack of separation from him was a thorn they’d been trying to pull out since he was thirteen in the back of his first cop car. It’d only been trespassing, and he’d tried to explain he’d only gone into the abandoned factory to escape two bigger kids trying to beat him up. His parents and cops both refused to listen, and Jonathan’s high school life was filled with juvenile punishments and condescending shakes of heads from each adult that he stumbled across. It didn’t help when one of his ‘misdemeanors’ came because he was kissing the son of the officer arresting him. The truth of the matter was, he didn’t fit in the small, close minded-town his parents had deemed their home.  
He’d hope that college would help him find where he belonged, but the only thing he’d gotten for his trouble the past year was a nasty bite on his forearm. 
“Stupid party.” Turning to his side, Jonathan glanced out at the darkness of his window, catching the hint of the full moon before it was enshrouded by dark clouds. A drop of water that splashed against the glass, another thing he shouldn’t have been able to see with such a dark night. The glow of the nightlight near his door gave enough light for Jonathan to lift the arm in question, scowling at the marred skin. Though he covered the wound with a large band-aid or bandage during the day, he always let it breathe at night, hoping it would heal faster than it was. He hadn’t been sure what had bitten him; the night of the college party in the woods was more of a blur than he wanted to admit. He hadn’t felt right while he stumbled home, bleeding and disoriented from the attack. When he woke up the next day, he’d assumed it had been the alcohol that caused his lack of memory. He couldn’t remember drinking more than one cup, but he was never sure what they really put in the communal punch. Maybe someone had slipped more than alcohol in it, if his brain was so fuzzy on the details of the brutal attack. 
Now, weeks later, the only thing that remained was the disturbed skin on his arm. Silently, his eyes trailed over the wound, unsure why the goosebumps rose down his neck when pressing to the skin. It felt like a bruise now, but he’d gotten far worse from his dad. He wiggled his fingers over the arm, convincing himself (again) that he still had perfect mobility in his hand. In fact, despite the nasty look, his arm felt better than ever. His whole body felt alive, Jonathan going for far more runs around the campus after classes than he ever had his first year. The crisp air of fall flowed in his lung with ease, and ever after going for miles, the normal fatigue that he expected never came. The captain of the track team even joked with him about joining in the spring, though Jonathan knew he was far too awkward in social settings to entertain the idea. 
“Hot,” he huffed out weakly, finally kicking the boxers off his body. His foot flicked the sweat-filled garment onto the floor to join his shirt and sleep pants, both which had been shed earlier in the night. October wasn’t the warmest of months, but tonight he felt like he was in the middle of summer. His skin was collecting sweat faster than he was used to, lips licking away the salt from his upper lip. Even with the fan on, the air blowing over his skin simply highlighted the sticky feeling of his sheets plastering themselves to the back of his calves and thighs. 
He tried to close his eyes again to fall into sleep, which he knew was pointless. Another shuddered breath from his chest was the only noise in the room, though in the distance, he could hear a familiar chime. The town’s tower clock, well over ten miles away, was signaling the midnight hour was approaching. As if in a trance, Jonathan felt lulled by the steady beats, counting each one in his head as they rolled by. The rain had started to pick up, Jonathan’s ears ringing from the intensity of the drops slamming into the house and the booming gongs of the clock. Fingertips of the arm bitten dug into the mattress when a burst of anxiety rushed through him, his heart rate rushing to a level he wasn’t sure it had ever hit before. 
The twelfth chime sounded off, and everything changed. 
The sudden change was painful, and he gasped out in panic when he rolled off the bed, one hand clutching his chest while the other shredded through the fabric covering his bed. 
“Oh, God. I need…” Tears rushed to his eyes when his lips parted in pain, the scream he wanted to release falling short. His lungs seized up without reason, and the gargled noises that managed to push through his throat were inhuman. Drool dribbled from his mouth as his teeth suddenly shifted, rivers of pain crashing through each limb of his body. He tried to push to his feet, but his legs barely held his weight, sending him crashing into the wall next to his window. His hand desperately slammed into the glass to open the window, but the sudden force of his arm busted right through it, punching the entire window from the frame. Blood burst out from his arm, but the pain was nothing compared to the currents of agony pounding through him. Eyes flashed down to his arm, horror filling his mind when seeing the skin twisting in an abnormal angle. The knees that quivered before instantly gave out, and Jonathan fell headfirst out of the broken windowpane. 
His body hit the wet grass of his backyard, writing in torturous shakes as each muscle contorted and ripped apart, leaving his brain brimming with agony. Claws where fingernails had been now tried to gain traction in the soggy soil, dragging the changing body out of the glass under the window. He made it a few feet before another wave of pain crashed into him, fur-covered legs trying to curl into his stomach to hide from the onslaught. Wet streaks rolled down Jonathan’s face, the rain and tears both starting to soak into the dark fur that took over any human features he’d once held. His body shrunk, organs feeling compressed and overwhelmed when he rolled to his side and puked. The emptying of his stomach did nothing to comfort him, a tongue too long to call his own retching back from the overpowering taste. 
Please, please... was the only thought he could process, but his begging was left unheard. Panic and dread bubbled between shots of anguish, body trembling with each crack and rearrangement of bone in his body. Even with the thunderous commotion of thoughts in his head, all too tangled to fully process, the silence of the back yard was what overwhelmed him. What he envisioned as screams and cries of agony, were nothing more than whimpers and whines from the muzzled snout he now possessed. While his parents slept peacefully in the floor above him, while his neighbors continued to dream without care, he writhed in the mud, desperate for a soothing hand of comfort or words of kindness to end his pain. But as the minutes of change continued on, no relief came in sight. 
The pain took hours to fully subside, legs twitching in muscle spasms for one more protest before finally settling under his new skin. The lungs that felt infected with glass eased into a labored breath that was bearable, though not pleasant. The spine that twisted and reshaped managed to stiffen when Jonathan pushed up onto padded feet, holding steady even when his life crashed down around him. The body managed to collect itself far easier than the soul trapped in its hollow grasp. When he opened his mouth, no human words escaped, just the howl of a lone wolf never meant to be created. 
And when Jonathan finally, finally, dragged himself into the woods miles from his home, confused and scared with the new form he had, nothing changed.
The human world simply continued to move without him.
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crimsonbluemoon · 5 years
I was listening to music (as one does), and Iron by Within Temptation really made me think of Libahunt Hunters in general! Not any specific clan, but like the overall theme of the Hunters.
Ohhhh a hunter song! I love it! Thank you ^.^
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crimsonbluemoon · 4 years
#59 H2OVANOSS please!!
Okay so this one is more sad than fluffy but its Libahunt-related so…I mean really are any of you surprised?
Pairing: H2O VanossNumber: 59Prompt: “People like me aren’t supposed to have someone like you, I think fate was being harsh on you.”
Evan never liked leaving Delirious alone in the sanctuary. It wasn’t that he thought his boyfriend would break something (Tyler and Mini had the corner of that particular worry) or hurt himself (Brock would argue that was Evan’s department). In truth, having the werewolf around had been nothing but a bonus. He was great for lifting heavier items, going with Evan to pick up things around town, and he really liked taking care of the animals. He didn’t enjoy the social aspect of it, and tended to stay in the back rooms during the busier hours. And he’d rather let the phone ring than risk not knowing how to handle the person on the other line. But even his wariness with human interaction wasn’t the main reason Evan tried to keep Brock or Mini (and in desperate situations, Tyler) at the sanctuary when he was sent out on call. 
“He’s going to be okay.” Brock’s words of comfort didn’t cure the ache of self-deprecation curling through his soul. Evan’s hand pressed over his chest while he stayed silent next to his friend, grateful to see the front of the clinic in the headlights of the truck. Mini and Tyler had been asked to investigate something earlier in the day, which meant Brock and Evan were the only two that could go across town to release the bobcat caught in a hunter’s illegal trap. They’d been on their way home when Evan’s soul lurched in pain, and his stomach clenched when realizing what was going on. 
The problem with leaving Delirious alone was that he only had his own negative mind to keep him company.
“Go to him; I’ve got this.” Brock’s words were all Evan needed to hear when he rushed out of the truck, fumbling his keys twice before getting into the closed sanctuary. He searched the office quickly, stopping when a the low light of the quarantine room caught his eye. Slowly, he entered, his heart aching at the scene. Delirious was curled against the cage he’d once been kept in as Evan’s patient, a cleaning bottle broken and spilling liquid across the floor. It was rare Evan had Delirious go into the room, remembering the pain and fear that had plagued him when fighting Tyler. It had been months ago, but just like Pyestra for Evan, some demons lived forever in flashbacks and dreams.
“Del? Are you okay?” Evan asked, cautiously taking a few steps into the room. 
“No.” The words were muffled by Jonathan’s sweatshirt, head buried into the fabric. 
“Okay, can you tell me what’s wrong so I can-”
“You can’t help me. Nobody can.” The defeated words proved to Evan that Delirious’s pain had no physical origin. It was just as he feared;mental punishment.  
“I want to try because I care about you. Even if your mind tells you something different, I do.” Quietly, Evan crouched in front of him, keeping his voice gentle and soothing. “So tell me what you’re thinking, Del.”    
“I-I don’t-I-Pe-people like me…aren’t supposed to have someone like you.” The somber words hurt to hear, Evan quiet in front of Jonathan’s curled form. He couldn’t see the beautiful blue eyes he’d fallen for, both closed and buried in the forearms that sat crossed over bent knees. “I think-think fate was being-was being harsh o-on you.” 
“I think you’re being harsh on yourself,” Evan whispered, letting his fingers sift through the short hair before resting on the back of Delirious’s exposed neck. He rubbed his thumb along the mark that Brian had left, reminding Evan that his boyfriend’s pain wasn’t only felt by him. “You’re an amazing partner, and I wouldn’t trade you for anyone.” 
“How can you say that? When I-I’ve-don’t you- my own parents didn’t want me!” Delirious’s nails dug into his arms, punishing himself for something Evan could never understand. “And that w-was before I was…I was th-this…” 
“This beautiful soul that I get the honor of sharing with you.” Slowly, not to startle his emotionally overwhelmed wolf, Evan reached forward with his free hand and grasped one of Delirious’s wrists, leading the shaking palm to press against his chest. He made sure the touch landed where he’d been told by Kryoz the soul marked by blue sat, and he waited for Jonathan’s head to rise up in surprise to give him a smile. “I don’t regret any of my choices, because I was meant to make them. But this one? The one that linked my soul to yours…it was the best decision I’ve ever made.”
“And you know I’m not lying, because you can feel it. Right? That I love you?” He watched the wobbly lips of Delirious waver between a smile and a sob, as if scared being happy would tear Evan away from him. With practiced softness, Evan lead Delirious forward into his embrace. The heavy weight Jonathan deposited onto him made him fall back onto his ass, but he didn’t care,rubbing a soothing hand down the quivering back. Quiet tears and whimpers proved the mental barrage he’d give himself had been bad this time around, and Evan wouldn’t be surprised to see Brian showing up soon in concern for his packmate. Brock was probably already fielding calls from the alpha now. Until then, Evan didn’t mind showering Delirious with kind words and touches, letting his soul bloom with adoration and affection.
Because that was one sign of love Jonathan’s mind couldn’t deny.
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crimsonbluemoon · 4 years
Can you do 61? With whoever you choose!
Ahh okay this one was totally for me; I did a Terrormoo from LH. Enjoy!   
Pairing: Terrormoo Number: 61 Prompt: “I would’ve waited an eternity if I knew you were what I’d get at the end of it.”
“Do you ever wonder?” Brian blinked over the pan on the stove at Brock’s question, turning to watch the contemplative face of his mate. 
“Wanna be more specific, love?”
“Do you ever think about why fate chose us?” Brock’s gaze stayed on his feet, which swung from where he was perched on the counter. Brian didn’t need to look to feel the anxiety and sorrow blooming in his soul from their bond. “For ya know, this life. This...the struggle we had. Most of your kind don’t have this many problems with their mates; they meet and match up as soon as the marks showed. So I just wonder why...”
“Why fate picked us to be soulmates?” Just hearing his lover question the world made his stomach flip. “Do you regret it?”
“No, never! I love you.” Just hearing the words were enough to relax Brian’s tense back. But it didn’t seem to alleviate Brock’s own insecurities. “But why did fate decide we had to go through all that...pain, just for a chance to be together. Like they didn’t really want us to...” 
Brock didn’t look like he wanted to finish the sentence, and Brian couldn’t stand the wince that captured Brock’s eye. In a second, he abandoned the rice he was cooking, moving to the counter Brock sat on. He didn’t ask for permission to nudge his hips between the other’s thighs, hands curling over the waist he’d loved for months. 
“Brocky, what’s going on?” 
“I’m just so worried.” The whisper was confessed against Brian’s cheek, the voice rattling with pain the werewolf couldn’t shake with words. He knew the scars that riddled both of their hearts from the callous twists of fate. Some nights, he stayed awake, arms tight around Brock’s body to remind himself he wasn’t alone.
“They didn’t want us together. First, they make me a hunter and you a werewolf...and then, the attack hunters-” Brock’s voice rolled out with a watery breath, crushing Brian’s soul without effort. 
“Hey, don’t be scared. I love you so much, none of that matters now.” He smoothed his thumb over Brock’s cheek, angling his face to better kiss him. It was slow, the normal playfulness shadowed by the pure love that strengthened their bond every day. He loved the sweet taste of Brock, and even if he was judged for his defense hunter mate, he wouldn’t trade him for the world. A few slow kisses were shared, the silent confessions heard loud between each second of parted lips. He knew that he was lingering too long, and the rice he was cooking would be mush by the time he pulled away. But food was replaceable; Brock’s belief in their relationship was not. When he pulled back, he placed a kiss to Brock’s forehead, waiting for the other to release his breath and compose himself.
“Sorry, this is so dumb. It’s been months since Grigori, and we’ve been so happy.” Brock’s smile lit up the room, even when it was tinged with sadness. “But I understand enough about werewolves to know the pain you went through for all those years-”
“Sweetheart,” Brian cut off softly, brushing their noses together with a loving smile. “I would’ve waited an eternity if I knew you were what I’d get at the end of it. You were worth every second of misery, because I couldn’t be happier than being right here with you. You’re all I’ll ever need from this day forward. Everything we went through was worth it, and I’ll die for you. Got it?”
“You’re...too good at that,” Brock mumbled quietly, cheeks darkened beneath Brian’s palms. But when Brian leaned forward to kiss his mate again, his soul purred in happiness at the quick way Brock kissed back.
They ate take out an hour later, but that was okay; as long as it was with Brock, that was all that mattered.  
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crimsonbluemoon · 4 years
I Am Excited For The Sequel Of Libahunt To Be Out...,!Heh,Maybe,Miss Crim,You Should Check The 1.0000 Stories That I'm Doing In Tumblr & Wattpad!:3
I barely have any time for the 25+ drabblez and the multiple stories I’m writing, so I don’t even have time to breathe never mind read XD But I’m happy to hear you’re writing! Good job! 
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crimsonbluemoon · 4 years
I was wondering why you're not replying on discord lol jkjk anyway TAURUS!!! Since we're both one or my cusp Gemini if you already answered the other one lol Hope you get inspiration to write again soon!
Oh I’m not even on Discord atm XD sorry Kihorri! 
I’ll just answer both because it’s you and Taurus and Gemini is a mix of Del and Vanoss soooo
taurus: how long will you spend on a story or scene before you give up?
Pfft bold of you to assume I ever give up XD haha um I think this is hard because I genuinely don’t really start writing a story unless I feel that I’ll complete it? It may takes years, I may forget it for some time, but eventually I’ll write it. I think the only way I truly give up on a story is if I got into another fandom, but I have been known to go back and to finish up a piece if it weighs on my mine. To my knowledge, there is only one story in another fandom that I don’t ever plan to go back and finish. Everything else is still on my very VERY long ‘to do’ list. 
gemini: how often will your plot change throughout the course of writing?
I don’t mean to change the plot. It just happens! That being said, I don’t think there’s a story that I’ve written (other than drabblez) where the plot stayed 100% the say I planned for it to. I am just terrible at keeping things by the book. I write out outlines and I swear by them religiously, but if my characters decide they need to do something other than what I wanted them to, why should I stop them? They know themselves. Once I’m in their headspace, it may feel right to do something different than when I was in my Crim headspace. I do this aloooot with characters I don’t spiritually connect to as much, like Kryoz or Mini, and honestly sometimes it just comes out way better. Libahunt’s original storyline was maybe 10% of what Libahunt’s actual storyline turned out to be. And honestly? I’m so thankful I let myself change it. 
Signs done so far: Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces
Zodiac writer asks!
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crimsonbluemoon · 5 years
Libahunt Moodboard (25/26)
Ahhh welcome to the weekend! I hope you are all having a wonderful, wonderful day. I’m tired and have lots of drabblez to do this weekend, but I hope that you’ll be able to relax and enjoy it. 
So lets kick it off with a moodboard. And this one is very near and dear to me, so I hope you enjoy it <3
As always, please check out the previous moodboards <3
Delirious   Smiity   Mini   Terroriser   OhmWrecker   Marcel   Evan   Kryoz   Test Your Luck   Panda   Nogla   Wildcat   H2O Vanoss  Three Amigos    TerrorMoo   Kriity   Minicat   Lui   Scotty BID407   Cartoonz   Ohmtoonz   Moo   Species (Part 1) (Part 2)
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“The most important thing is to try and inspire people so that they can be great in whatever they want to do.” -Kobe Bryant
Thank you everyone who has made any type of fanart or fanwork for this story which has been a part of my life for close to a year now. Honestly, I’m just...stunned by the pictures and shoutouts and everything that people have down to show their appreciation. Kind asks, gentle encouragement, consistent comments and sharing of my words...they’ve shown me the beauty of a fandom and how people can just be wonderful humans. You’re all wonderful. I’m grateful to everything that you send me, tag me in, share with me. Please know that, and give the love and care that these artists need to get for their beautiful work. 
There’s obviously more than this, but these were the ones I got sent to me personally or sent to my email! ^.^
@callmegreens - Kriity (Cannot find the actual picture but all of their art is wonderful <3)
@akl1 - Mini in Phoenix Form
@night-fox10 - Group photo
@copinori -Tyler in Instinct Drive form
@kihorri - Ohmtoonz (Not posted on Tumblr that I know of)
@moon5-5 - Chibi Mini (Not posted on Tumblr I don’t think?)
@avid-draws-stuff - The Libahunt Show AU
@ennsanity - Toonz in the bar
@lovingai - Del in wolf form
@roguevaramiy - Hunters group
@willowed-gardens - Panda
@crimson-rose15 - Brian in wolf form
Also, this picture wouldn’t load properly in the moodboard, but @1sunnydaze0 sent me a picture, too! so here it is!
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crimsonbluemoon · 5 years
A Crimson Ramble
So hangover June has been turned into Hangover Summer because my inspiration for BBS writing has sadly died with the heat (as it did last year, if people remember the kinda deadness of my account until October).
BUT! I do have the intention of doing the Libahunt drabblez that I owe those five winners of the moodboard contest! (Which, if that was you, you can start sending in your requests for the drabbles now.) I also intend to write Libahunt After Dark soon. 
And I’m currently in the middle of making a Libahunt Trivia quiz to try and kick start my creativity. So be on the lookout for...all of that. 
Drabblez will continue to come out randomly, too, it’s just...to be honest, a lot of the recent negativity in the fandom and some of the negative backlash/harassment the boys have been getting from fans is just really putting a damper on my love of the fandom. Like, I don’t want to be a part of a culture that attacks or harasses the people who make the fandom a thing. I don’t want to join into that. The BBS YouTubers don’t need fans bugging them, demanding they play with people, and then getting upset or asking again when they don’t. The guys don’t have to explain anything to anyone. And I thought people had stopped doing that, but the past couple weeks have been rough for this fandom and it just makes creators kinda lose their desire to be a part of it. Or at least for me, it does. 
I hope things change in the future. Cause I’m not really sure what that means for me with this fandom if it doesn’t. 
<3, Crimson
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crimsonbluemoon · 5 years
You should call it Sunday Drabblez or DrabbleZunday. I have no idea.
Omg haha thats so silly! But its cute. Sadly this Sunday I totally avoided my drabblez like the plague. 
BUT I got the actual, official first book of the Libahunt 2.0 series done. Like, with the names and chapter changes and all that stuff. I didn’t think I was gonna be able to do that so early.
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crimsonbluemoon · 6 years
Drabble Requests!
Okay, so for the next like, 8 hours, I’m going to be doing the drabble requests you guys sent me this week. So if you don’t wanna get flooded by me, just ignore the tag ‘Crimson Drabblez’ as that’ll be on each one. 
Also, if you didn’t get to ask for a drabble, you can find the link RIGHT HERE! 
I’ll be taking them until about 5pm tonight, so if you want one done, make sure to send it in! You should know my ships by now, but in case you dont: 
H2O Vanoss, Ohmtoonz, Terrormoo, Minicat, Krii7y, BID407
Note: These are all gonna be pretty fluffy or smutty cause Libahunt is just dragging me down in angst XD 
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