twilightknight17 · 2 years
N e k u
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When I first played the original TWEWY, I very much vibed with Neku's "to hell with other people" mindset. X'D
I wish we'd gotten more of him in NEO. Especially the aftermath of meeting Joshua again. He's a legend, for heaven's sake.
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crimsonbluemoon · 5 years
For the drabble thing: 1,1,19 krii7y?
AU: RoommatesTrope: Friends to loversPrompt: “suck on that.”
Pairing: Kriity
“So I switch my dragon into attack mode, throw this troll looking loser into defense stance, and I end my turn. Suck on that.” John rolled his eyes at his roommate’s jab, trying not to show how little he cared about the move. He honestly didn’t even know the game Smiity was playing in their living room, or why Nogla looked so upset with whatever he had just done. 
“That ain’t fair! Since when do you have two of dem’ trolls in your deck?! This is bullshit!” 
“Since John bought me a new set last week and I got another one.” He was so proud of his weird card collection. John thought that it was the dorkiest thing ever. Nogla turned his irate anger toward John, who ignored it easily while flipping the grilled cheese in the kitchen of their apartment. 
“Why aint ye buying me cards, eh? I thought we were friends!” 
“Who the fuck said we were friends? I’d sell you for a cornchip.” The dry response made Nogla squawk and Smiity fall onto the couch in laughter, which made John smirk. It was always a win if he got Smiity to giggle hard enough to tip over. Giving himself a mental checkpoint, John tossed the final sandwich onto a plate, lifting his eyebrow at the two. “Now if you two dorks are done getting hard-ons for monster fucking, dinner’s done.” 
“Fuck yeah!” Smiity’s feet were quick to dash across the floor, his hip bumping into John when crashing against the counter to get to the food. John had to catch the other’s waist to keep him steady, but Smiity didn’t look concerned over the intimate touch. “I should get you pregnant so you’ll never leave me.” 
“Can’t do that, he ain’t got the right parts.” Nogla’s loss of the joke when snagging his own sandwich to stuff in his face made Smitty glance to John and roll his eyes. John shook his head at the lack of IQ between the two men, not pushing Smiity out of his space. He used his weaker hand to take his own grilled cheese, leaving his arm around his friend’s waist. 
“We could always adopt,” John suggested, and Smiity tilted his head as if the concept was appealing. 
“Okay, but we’re having a girl; I’ll pick out kick ass outfits, and you’d end up doing her hair better than any of the other moms.” 
“Ye two talk like you’re gonna be roommates forever; the semester ends in three months, then what will ye do? Can’t stay in the dorms when ye ain’t going to school. Eventually ye two will have to separate like the red sea or something.” The casual way they spoke about the future never really bothered John until someone else brought up the truth; they had never really talked about what happened next. He glanced away to the window of the kitchen and took another casual bite of his sandwich, hoping the full mouth would give him an excuse to ignore Nogla’s true statement. But he knew his hand clenched over Smiity’s hip, proving how he disliked the idea under his aloof presentation. 
“Hey, fuckface.” Smiity’s nickname for him was endearing in a way only they could manage, and John pushed out a long sigh before turning his attention back to his roommate. Smiity’s eyes took on a moment of serious undertone that was rare for his friend. “Don’t listen to Mr.Potato head-”
“We’re going to get our super cool adopted daughter, and put her in our fancy future apartment, and you’re gonna keep making me awesome food while I kick Nogla’s ass every way possible.” 
“Yeah? You think our future husbands are gonna like that?” John asked cynically, knowing he was simply stabbing at his own heart’s darkest fears. Because he didn’t want to think about Smiity moving on with another guy, sharing grilled cheeses and making fun of Nogla over card games that made no sense. 
“If they got a problem with it, we just elope with each other. Nobody’s more important to me than you. Except maybe our future daughter.” Smiity said the words easily before tearing another large bite into his sandwich. To say John was surprised would be like saying Nogla had an slight interest in dogs; a huge understatement. It was like they’d been a part of Smiity’s plan for years. Caught off guard at the thought, John didn’t reply, simply staring at Smiity. The pale face next to him started to get pink. Smiity’s chewing pace increased suddenly before he shoved the rest of the grilled cheese into his mouth and stumbled away from John. “Hurry the fuck up, Nogla. You eat slower than my grandmother, and she’s dead.” 
“How am I supposed to eat when ye say gross stuff like that? And I ain’t talking about the grandma comment!” Yet Nogla didn’t leave the second half of his sandwich behind while he grumbled into the living room. John caught a glimpse of Smiity’s flushed cheeks as he stared down at the cards in front of him, avoiding eye contact. But John could tell Smiity hadn’t meant to let that information slip, which made him grin. 
Maybe the future wasn’t so bad, after all.
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twilightknight17 · 3 years
I should get into buying zines more cause my copy of the fun in the sun arcana arrived and ITS AMAZING! And it came with washi tape and a black frost pin. also- VELVET FAMILY BEACH TRIP ⛱
:D :D :D I'm so glad you like it!! I can't wait to see mine in person; it hasn't gotten here yet.
@personasummerzine, we're getting some love!
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twilightknight17 · 3 years
So uh, how bout that smt 5?? Shits pretty crazyyy
It looks cool so far! I've yet to play an SMT game. I borrowed IV from my brother ages ago and haven't gotten to it yet. But I wanna play the Nocturne remake, and V seems like it'll be good.
I've got so many things I want to play.
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crimsonbluemoon · 5 years
Sorry my moodboard request is kinda late! Could i ask for a deleted scene with squirrel and ohm interacting? I hope thats specific enough ajskak
Is it possible? Crim got TWO drabbles out in one day? Is this real life? Yes, yes it is. ^.^ 
Uh so I kinda wrote this starting with Ohm and Squirrel, then tossed in Cartoonz, and made it bro-moments and romantic moments so I hope you dont mind.
Please, enjoy! 
“Do it again.” Ohm didn’t let his face show any sympathy when he set himself back onto the ground, wings easing back to rest while waiting for his opponent to rise from the training floor. Being younger did not aid the angel in front of him, Ohm waiting patiently for Squirrel to groan and push himself back to his feet. 
“Why do I have to do this again? I’m just a messenger angel!” The fire of the newest addition to their motley crew was evident even when he scowled, showing his dislike of the current predicament with a dramatic roll of his shoulder. Ohm had hardly put any energy into his attacks, meaning that his fellow angel was just trying to play up his protest. Silently, Ryan promised not to let the malleable youngster hang out with Smiity or Mini any longer unsupervised. 
“If you plan to continue hanging around strong beings like the Phoenix and Test Your Luck, then you need to be ready for creatures who don’t look at our kind in a positive light. They’ll challenge you, may even try to kill you outside of the bar to make a point. It would be safer for you to not continue staying around here as much as you have.” 
“But Nogla’s gonna be coming back from Louisiana tomorrow and he promised me one of those weird fried animals on a stick that humans love.” The excitement on Squirrel's face made Ohm’s frown deepen, taking a step closer while letting his voice lower.
“Has the Council spoken about your closeness to humans yet?” A flicker of fear was barely there, but Ohm honed in on it far faster than his ally could shrug it away. “Squirrel.” 
“Probably said something about it last time, but it wasn’t even the Council. Just one of their lapdogs.” Since the battle with Grigori, Squirrel had taken a new perspective on the rule of the angels, which Ohm hated to admit was contributed to by Cartoonz and the others. While he still did his job, and never slacked off in any of his duties, he had found a weird connection with their group that Sat- that other angels never had. Squirrel seemed to enjoy their company, and despite finding humans far inferior, never held that against them. It was a reckless way to think for an angel as young and easily swayed as Squirrel, and Ohm knew the angels would not tolerate the youthful rebellion for long. 
“You need to be careful,” Ohm cautioned, trying not to overstep his role in the younger angel’s life. 
“Funny, I don't remember adopting another weak scrapper.” But Luke, who dropped an arm around Squirrel’s shoulders and dragged him in for a playful ruffle of his hair, didn’t seem to care about rules and lines not being crossed. “What kind of danger are we pulling this guy out of this time?” 
“Aw, not my hair,” Squirrel groused quietly, though didn’t pull back from the arm holding him. Ohm watched the scene unfold quietly, unsure if it was anxiety or something softer making his feathers flutter when Caroonz grinned down at Squirrel.
“Out with it, cupid. Who’s bullying you on the playground now? Those earth elves tripping you in the bar again? The shifters impersonating you? John telling people you wear girl underwear to bed?” The flush on Squirrel’s face proved that he remembered each of the memories vividly, with the last one having… strange results in the bar. Panda nearly set two people on fire by the end of it, though somehow neither had been John. Each time, however, it was either Luke or Ryan that had come to Squirrel’s rescue, though Ohm refused to look into why that was. 
“Just the other angels ribbing me about… uh-” The guilt in Squirrel’s eyes turned to Ohm for a moment before his back stiffened, which both Cartoonz and Ohm picked up on. 
“About what, kid?” But the tease was gone in Luke’s voice, and Squirrel seemed to know he wasn’t getting out of the bear trap he walked into.
“They’re just saying I’m going to be the next Ohmwrecker.” To his credit, Squirrel tried not to say the name like a slur, or something to be ashamed of. But Ohm knew the truth about how the angels saw him; he was a disgrace to their kind, falling for a demon and letting himself become tainted. It didn’t matter that he’d helped save the world and kept all of them alive. Once the danger of Grigori was gone, their judgment and distaste in him returned. There was no salvation for his title, and he knew that. 
But Squirrel was different.
“You need to listen to them.” He knew how intimidating his voice could become when he spoke with his shoulders set and eyes focused, even behind the red cloth. Ignoring the scowl that Cartoonz sent toward him, he poured his attention into Squirrel and continued. “This isn’t up for debate; if the angels are speaking of you that way, there’s only a matter of time before they begin to question your loyalty. You are putting yourself in a position to become compromised by the humans and if your soul becomes blackened or even shaded with their sins-”
“I don’t want to be like them.” The bold claim caught Ohm off guard, Squirrel showing his own form of fortitude when glancing to Luke and giving half a grin. “You two are the bad guys up there, but to me? You’re… kind of my heroes. So if they say I’m like you, I don’t really mind. It’s better than being warped into what the Council tries to make us all be.”
“They’ll kill you if they hear you say that.” Like a band-aid not ready to be ripped off, Ohm’s stomach clenched in pain when Satt’s memory seeped into his head, remembering the consequences of his independent actions. Siding with Grigori was heinous, but the Council’s ability to judge right and wrong when it came to angels always felt harsher than necessary. 
“That’s probably true. But at least I’ll be going out happy with myself.” It was sombering to hear Squirrel’s ease at accepting his likely fate, seeming to know his place in the angel’s pecking order far more than angels twice his age. Still, his smile was bright, hiding the hint of tears and fear edging his eyes. “What a human thing to say, right? ”  
“Fuck, why are you angels so dramatic?” Luke’s voice was quick to break the moment, his clawed hand dropping on Squirrel’s head again in order to catch both of their attention. His eye only glanced to Ohm for a moment before turning back to Squirrel, serious yet soft in its stare. “If you think I’m going to let the Council of aging up there kill you because you’re turning out to be a little too Ohm-ish for their liking, you can stop that stupid ass thought right now. I happen to like Ohm, if you haven’t noticed, so having more angels like him isn’t a bad thing.”
“Cartoonz,” Ohm spoke softly, but didn’t have much else to say in protest. 
“So you keep being you, and let me handle those holier-than-thou chickens up there. If they wanna kill you, I’ll make sure they know they’ve gotta take me out first. You got that?” 
“Got it,” Squirrel answered instantly, wings perking up at the wide grin Cartoonz gave before patting his head. It was a softer moment that, a year ago, Ohm would have never been able to predict. Cartoonz was not the demon hellbent on destroying the angel society as he’d been presented for years to Ryan, but the kind Luke he’d fallen for despite his demonic blood. And in moments like these, it was obvious how easily he had fallen from grace to be with Cartoonz.
“Ohm?” Blinking once, he looked up to catch Luke’s arched eyebrow. “You okay?” 
“I’m okay.” He answered, surprised with how easily the words came out.
Because for the first time in a decade, he actually meant them. 
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crimsonbluemoon · 5 years
I feel I should just do a libahunt director’s cut vc cause it’s way easier to explain these things through words instead of typing em XD
So I’m going to talk about one of my favorite scenes in the book, the bottle smashing scene with Tyler and Brian. This scene is so important to represent the health of their group. When Tyler and Brian are at each other’s throats, it’s the time in the story where the group is the most fractured. They aren’t a team, but small groups fighting amongst themselves with secrets and messed up histories. The trauma that everyone has gone through is so buried beneath judgement and defenses, that Brian and Tyler cannot get along. It’s just not possible.
This scene is the first time we really see the two of them understanding each other. Both have been through the ringer emotionally, both having someone they care for ripped apart or away from them. This is where Tyler is the most vulnerable in the story, and Brian has the chance to take him out. He could honestly just ruin Tyler, but he doesn’t. He realizes that they both have been fucked over by the world, and that despite Tyler’s tough exterior, he’s fighting the same panic and fear that Brian has with Brock this whole time. Tyler doesn’t know how to have friendships or how to love because he never had them. Brian had them but got them ripped away from him. 
Both suffer in ways maybe nobody else fully understands, because despite their awful pain, they’ve been looked at to lead groups and be strong. Scotty got to be vulnerable, Luke didn’t have people rely on him. Jonathan got support from Cartoonz when he was falling apart, and Ohm was feared by so many that he didn’t need to keep up a strong persona, it was already presented for him. Sure, others had trauma and pain, but these two especially had to suffer their pain in silence, because they were still responsible for leadership. When Tyler lost his parents before he turned 10, but still needed to prove his worth and become the strongest instinct hunter around. He didn’t get to mourn or process. Brian watched his father, and months later his mother, die because of his bond. Then he had to be an alpha for his whole pack. He couldn’t mourn like he should have been able to. He needed to be tough. And then when his pack is slaughtered, he has this revenge he must get, so he can’t grieve the loss of his mate or pack. 
So for this scene to really work, one of them had to let go of the pain and the hatred of the other and just see the emotion under the rough shell. Brian did that, and in doing do, was able to show empathy for a hunter. Tyler may not have been 100% accepting of it, but it opened the path to their friendship and later on being able to work together during a fight. Without this conversation, I’m not sure either of them would have been able to fight against Grigori the way they had at the end. Maybe they would have died in the fight. This is why this scene is so important. 
....Uh yeah....I hope this wasn’t too much? >.
If you wanna hear more scenes people, just let me know which ones! ^.^
Fanfic Director’s Cut
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crimsonbluemoon · 5 years
AND IM BACK! ⭐"-Smiity (which wasn't his legal name, but was the only thing he could remember about himself)-"⭐
Okay so my memory is atrocious so Imma need my therapeutic support Bels for this one...
OKAY SO SHE TOLD ME! This is in Chapter 5 with the first interaction with Smiity and Kryoz. So I really loved writing this because I think that it shows a lot of their chemistry and personality without it being overexposing. Here the main point was to hammer out just what Smiity was and how helpless he’d become in his state, while also showing a spark of personality that others who weren’t him may have lacked after being yanked out of their bodies. 
I don’t think I ever explain it in the actual story, but some background for what happened and why Smiity picked this name to call himself; In their world, Smiity is the name of a character in a video game that he played a lot as a child. This game was super important to him, helped him figure out his weird life and kinda taught him to love himself. So when he was only a soul, this name stuck out to him so he kept it. In my original story, the character’s name is Samus because of Metroid. 
Ah this was fun! ^.^ Thank you
Fanfic Director’s Cut
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crimsonbluemoon · 5 years
Well Del did call Smitty shitty once and Smitty said it was his middle name XD
Ah Del, his ability to speak the english language always makes me smile ^.^
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crimsonbluemoon · 6 years
Ive literally been watching all of the Terrormoo/H2O vanoss videos today and just died...
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crimsonbluemoon · 6 years
have you seen evan's new golf it video?? it was so cute! delirious kept making these EEGH noises when he hit his ball and evan remixed that into his outro at the end and it honestly made me appreciate their friendship (and h2ovanoss) a little more
That shit?
Don’t be telling me Vanoss does that shit with the other boys. He’s got a fucking mancrush on Del. Like whatever, say your shit about no romance or w/e thats chill, but he’s got a brocrush on Del. 
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crimsonbluemoon · 5 years
Awww Im so happy you liked it!!!
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crimsonbluemoon · 5 years
Oh my GOSH i have so many angel questions now! How old are they when they come out of incubation? Is Squirrel "new" and what kind of angel is he?? I love these angel boys so much
Haha hello there! 
The angels come out younger, but not like to the point of needing to be really taken care of. If I was gonna compare it to human years, I think it was like 10ish? 
Squirrel is new in the sense of hes been training for the younger years, and then these are some of his newer missions. So like, Ohms been in the game for 2 decades, while Squirrel’s maybe been in it for like 6 or 7. He’s a younging! ^.^
Squirrel is a messenger angel, so really he’s just meant to report back and forth the missions between hunters and the celestial council. He’s never been in a fight. Think of him like a Hermes from Greek mythology. 
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crimsonbluemoon · 5 years
i copied all the chapters onto a doc last night AND ITS 520 PAGES IM SHOOK, YOU'RE AMAZING WE REALLY DON'T APPRECIATE YOU ENOUGH
Hooooly crap thats a lot. I was actually wondering that, so I’m happy to get that answer! ^.^ So in totaly the books about 560 pages with Chapter 35/epilogue. Wow. 
Guess its a good thing when I publish it that it’s gonna be two books XD
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crimsonbluemoon · 5 years
"your soul is fine" evan tryna be romantic and shit in the middle of the final boss
Evan just wants to love his dude! And listen, he needs it right about now... *cough cough*
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crimsonbluemoon · 5 years
i just reread one of the early chapters with tyler telling craig that instinct is the rarest clan and i have a question, what is the population of each clan? are they all basically equal in numbers with the exception of instinct?
Hey there! Sorry I have taken FOREVER to answer this, I’ve been busy messing up my stuff all week XD
Uh I think I have an actual breakdown somewhere in my notes, but I think its like...
30% Attack, 24% Defense, 22% Healing, 16% Stealth, 8% Instinct? and Phoenix isn’t really in this equation because they’re like.... .00000001% XD
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crimsonbluemoon · 5 years
Is libahunt smitty the Prediction Master
Haha no sadly not because if that was the case he would have seen his situation coming. 
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