#Lichfahrer diary ( about the mun )
aluckiicoin · 5 months
🗣 + Arlan (and Peppy too i guess lol)
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Gameplay wise? He probably never stood a change to make it into the team given I got Jing Yuan, Bailu and Tingyun from the very start so... I've never been lacking Lightning element.
Also why would I go with Arlan when I could just attack the whole board with way more damage. He and Hook are the only destruction characters that never got a chance.
As far as his personality goes?
He's trying so hard, too hard, poor guy is going to run and work himself into the ground while desperately trying to avoid Asta going bankrupt. A lot of him is basically, living for that woman and while I admire that dedication and loyalty in a way, he just falls to the sidelines. Somehow I never tried to learn more either which is funny because he sounds like I could actually like him. Yet every time he shows up the quests turn out to be absolutely tedious to me which isn't doing him a favour.
As far as Peppy goes? That's an adorable dog but I'm not a fan of the gameplay that involves Peppy. Running around the space station searching for things isn't high up on my “favourite” list. I don't much like the space station as a map to begin with to be honest, so that isn't helping. Somehow I like Diting more.
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aluckiicoin · 5 months
❓ + who's your favorite DPS character and whats your favorite element in hsr?
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That's a question I am actually not sure about. Like, are we talking favorites or the perception of favorites aka “most used”. Does it only count gameplay wise? And are we really limited to DPS.
The TL:DR is probably, still, Blade. Because he undeniable a dps character, I like windshear as a status and I somehow seem to do better with destruction characters. His personality fits well too.
But if we cut out DPS it's Sampo. And if we look closer into dps it should be Jingliu because she deals more damage and she can still keep Blade around. Most damage comes with DHIL no doubt.
So, as far as damage dealing characters go, when I count in personality, the deal is between blade, jing yuan and dhil, and then jing yuan would win even though I rarely use him currently.
And if we only look at elements? I like the frozen effect. I like wind and lightning. But I do think I favor ice. And then wind.
And in general gameplay? I like big damage and multiple targets. And while all targets does sound nice, I actually prefer the 3 target thing destruction has going. So, I have no lighting destruction unit (hides arlan, sorry). But a wind one, that also happened to be a muse I picked up.
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aluckiicoin · 5 months
What other fandoms are you in, apart from this one?
Tl;Dr?: I fit's not participating it's: Star Rail, Genshin (are the ones I RP in), Dragon Age (I adore, no way I step into rp there), Digimon, SMT (+persona), Kingdom Hearts (but kh3 ruined it), Shadowrun, DnD, Servamp, Bungo Stray Dogs (but only the anime sources), Devil May Cry, League of Legends and more
if it is participating? Well, only HSR by now.
I'm never really active in any fandom, I'm the silent lurker unless I rp and since I exclusively rp'ed OCs until Aventurine I usually slipped under the radar there too. (And Ven is a very special exception I feel, I mean, look at Blade or my Multimuse, they're wastelands xD). But when we go for fandoms I enjoy? Then, oh boy, there's a lot.
Now, first of all, what will always get me talking is Dragon Age, I have the novels (or read them), I still want all the comics, I played all games. It went as far that I wanted to weep over Baldurs Gate 3 because that one finally gave me the “hd, new content” game I wanted from Bioware in the dragon age universe for years. We can even say centuries now.
The second one that comes to mind is Digimon, I claw for every Digimon game I can get, I adore the idea in most iterations. It's always fun.
And while we're at Digimon it's easy to say: Shin Megami Tensei. Yes, also, all I can get my hands on except of the next fucking persona 5 spin off because listen. Persona 5 was awesome, yes, but I suck at rhythm games and I don't have a ps5. But I especially adore the digital devil saga. I want a HD remake of that.
Also, I have to mention Persona separately now given per 5 it's officially not a SMT game anymore, funny, given they finally brought the demons back. And when we're at persona, I played P2, innocent sin and couldn't get my hands on either P1 or eternal punishment. I will never forgive p5 for using the butterfly theme on someone and it not being a connection to persona 2.
I used to love Kingdom Hearts but then it just became more and more of buy this console too, do that thing too and I really didn't like how KH3 looked despite giving my favorite char a keyblade. Such a waste.
I put Shadowrun in all my futuristic RP characters, I love delving into a world that is worse than our own. It just happens that we come always closer to it being real. I hate how we got scammed out of magic though. Any augmentations I put on my characters can usually be found and described on the shadowhelix.
Well, I couldn't find anyone to rp Shadowrun so I settled on DnD and I've been reading up. Still preferring Pathfinder pantheon/lore though.
League of Legends has been a part of my life for a really long time. With HSR and Genshin having actually valuable dailies I haven't played a game in months. But I adore the lore, the world, and I wish I could play in it. The first time I tried the fandom was really nice. But damn I fear I that won't be the case anymore and I don't wanna flood my HSR blogs with league rp'ers so I'm not following anyone from there anymore (not that the ppl I liked are still around to begin with).
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aluckiicoin · 3 months
2, 11, and 24!
Mun Questions!
Who is your favorite OC?
Of mine? Well, Hyena of course. And if we talk others? It will still be Cerv's ( @anxiouscervidae ) Stash.
And as far as the OCs of Star Rail I found yet, it's @of-dust-and-scrap
What one character you’ve thought of RPing but haven’t yet?
The most recent one is Scar (WuWa) without a doubt.
Do you like crossovers? Do you have any that you like more? Less?
I'm pretty neutral on it, I do a bit less well in morphing canon characters into other universes than I do with my OCs. I haven't yet tried to put Ven anywhere else. Doesn't mean I won't one day but until then? I can't really give a good answer. As far as the Isekai trope goes? I've only got to do the idea once and that was pretty fun.
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aluckiicoin · 3 months
ooc. For munday! 28. If the site closes down for good at this minute, could/would you go to another platform to RP on?
Mun Questions!
If the site closes down for good at this minute, could/would you go to another platform to RP on?
Of course I would, I've done so before, there's technically another platform I RP on too. But tbh none I know of would be able to really replace tumblr because even though this hellhole keeps trying to make Rping on it harder and harder with what feels like every change – it's still somehow the best suited I know.
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aluckiicoin · 3 months
[ apricot ] what do you think your life will be like in ten years?
🐝  *  ―  𝑪𝑶𝑳𝑶𝑼𝑹𝑭𝑼𝑳 𝑰𝑵𝑻𝑬𝑹𝑽𝑰𝑬𝑾. ( send one or more of these to get to know the person behind the blog a little better. )
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[ apricot ] what do you think your life will be like in ten years?
If we keep going at this rate, aka with my bad luck and coworker currently, I'm certain I'll be in therapy for burnout then. But I'm also a very big pessimist.
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aluckiicoin · 3 months
Cherry, canary, navy :)
🐝  *  ―  𝑪𝑶𝑳𝑶𝑼𝑹𝑭𝑼𝑳 𝑰𝑵𝑻𝑬𝑹𝑽𝑰𝑬𝑾. ( send one or more of these to get to know the person behind the blog a little better. )
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[ cherry ]  what is one thing you love about yourself?
I'm loyal, ridiculously so, to the point it should be a flaw.
[ canary ]  do you have pets? if yes, how many and what?
I used to have rats but given I'm usually away for 4 to 5 days a week I can't really keep a pet any more, even fish would suffer from that I wager.
[ navy]  what do your muse(s) mean to you?
Now Aventurine started out as a way to finally get to play one of Hyena's different versions again. It still is to a point. It just so happens that whatever I pull forth from that storyline turns out to be accurate for Aventurine too most of the time. It's actually kinda creepy. And in true fashion of the character my interpretation of him is based on, he bullies away the others and lives first and foremost in my head.
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aluckiicoin · 4 months
💡and 🪀
Mun Communication Preferences based meme
Do you get ideas from reading meta/headcanons/bios, or do those only pop up as you write?
Sometimes I end up reading things on twitter that make me go “makes sense” but since I'm still primarily an OC writer getting ideas from reading meta/headcanons/bios etc is just a thing that's highly unusual. Those don't exist for 95% of the characters I use or used to RP. So they do pop up as I write. Though new reveals ingame cause more ideas to sprout. Like, if I hadn't placed Aventurine to come from a desert because Hyena comes from one, I'd likely come up with him never having learned to swim when I read the Intel on Sigonia-IV.
I'm actually rather scared of accidentally starting a beef bc someone might thing I'm “stealing” their ideas (even when they've been there before?!). That's a testament to how awful of a community I'm used to RP in.
How do OOC posts make you feel? Do they affect your IC writing or flow, to know other muns better?
OOC Posts are part of the experience in my opinion. Despite how it's been going currently I'm not on here to make new friends technically. I mean, if it happens, it happens but I can also just RP just fine with someone I never interacted with outside of RP. It's still nice to know what they have going on in a sense, like, for example:
An OOC post might let me know, hey, I'm not here currently, so I don't have to worry about that
or just someone being excited over new content which is nice too. As long as you're not mindlessly insulting other people or starting fights I don't care how many OOC posts you do.
Well, okay, that's not completely true if you spam my dash with 200 posts and all of them being OOC then I might leave. But I also do that if you don't cut your 200 post RPs. Maybe I just prefer my dash to be slow-ish.
I also don't much look at the dash while writing so it can't really kill my groove.
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aluckiicoin · 5 months
10 and 11 for the munday meme!
What is your favorite fictional character (in or out of the current fandom)?
In my current fandom? Well, it is, obviously – not Aventurine. It should have been Luka, that man was made with all the physical and personal markers I usually attach to.
But no. I started this game being very wary because I can't do Sci-Fi in most times and there was a very good chance I would be normal about all of this and then Sampo decided to have none of that. He single-handedly dragged me through Belobog because I was just having so much fun with his antics. I used to dislike his voice for how it sounded like he couldn't decide which personality he wanted to show and now I'm like, well, maybe that's the point. I'm know to like tricksters or morally grey characters. A lot of what makes me attached to him are assumptions. But somehow those are enough to keep him at first place despite who has been released until now. And as much as I adore Boothill's design I'm pretty sure he ain't changing that.
What are your favorite hobbies besides roleplaying/writing? Video games and reading. I'd say drawing but that is a one in a million chance and usually rests for years before I pick it back up.
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