thepro-lifemovement · 1 month
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The fact that people still support abortion and/or Planned Parenthood is disgusting. No human being deserves to be destroyed in the womb. I don’t know how any sane person can listen to how abortions are performed and still, in good conscience, support it.
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jackmedwn · 2 months
LifeNews.com on X: "https://t.co/uTfcBHccRl" / X
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Ernie Gawilan is a fighter.
The 30-year-old champion swimmer made a name for himself after competing in the 2016 Paralympics and becoming the first Filipino gold medalist at the Asian Para Games in 2018. Now, he’s in Tokyo for the 2021 Paralympics, where he will compete and carry his country’s flag in the closing ceremony. But Ernie’s first win came in 1991, when he survived an attempted abortion that left him with no legs and an underdeveloped left arm....
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gusty-wind · 14 days
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What are we soviet fricking russia now
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reality-detective · 8 months
There will be more sick and twisted things exposed that have been going on. 🤔
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darkmaga-retard · 1 month
The horrific pro-death policies of Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, the official running mate of Vice President Kamala Harris, resulted in at least eight babies who survived the abortion process being left to die on the operating table, data from the Minnesota Government of Health shows.
Before Walz was installed as Minnesota's governor, there was a law on the books that required abortion clinics to report all instances of failed abortions that resulted in the live birth of a baby. Such reporting required abortion "doctors" to reveal what actions were taken to preserve the life of the baby after birth, as well as whether or not the baby survived.
Walz has since abolished that reporting requirement. Under his leadership, abortion clinics in Minnesota no longer even have to keep track of born-alive babies who survive abortions. This means that countless babies will now be slaughtered after birth because the abortion procedure failed to murder them while they were still in the womb.
(Related: Did you know that Kamala Harris wants to abolish ICE, ban natural gas fracking and offshore oil drilling, defund the police, and provide taxpayer-funded healthcare to illegal aliens?)
The political party of death
We know from the data that is still being reported under the reporting law that at least eight babies who survived the abortion process were left to die without any care. Five such babies were reported this way between Jan. 1, 2021, and Dec. 31, 2021.
"No measures were taken to help the first baby, who reportedly had 'fetal anomalies' that resulted 'in death shortly after delivery,'" writes Mary Margaret Olohan for LifeNews.com. "Two of the babies were given 'comfort care measures' as they died. No measures were taken to 'preserve life' of the last two babies, who were previable."
While there were no reported cases of live-birth babies being left to die in 2020, another three such cases were reported between Jan. 1, 2019, and Dec. 31, 2019.
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deaconjohn1987 · 8 months
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oww666 · 5 months
one year old but all the more reason to defund remove disband the UN from American soil
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darkeagleruins · 5 months
This should be criminal!!🤬🤬🤬
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dertaglichedan · 1 year
Children are being indoctrinated into everything that subverts traditional values these days, and in Canada that includes bringing children along when a loved one is being euthanized — which goes by the euphemism MAID for medical assistance in dying.
Children are introduced into the medical killing fields by Canadian Virtual Hospice with its Medical Assistance in Dying Activity Book, described as being for children ages 6–12. In it, the child is taught how a person is killed during euthanasia:
The three medicines work like this: The first medicine makes the person feel very relaxed and fall asleep. They may yawn or snore or mumble.
The second medicine causes a “coma.” A coma looks like sleep but is much deeper than regular sleep. The person will not wake up or be bothered by noise or touch.
The third medicine makes the person’s lungs stop breathing then their heart stops beating. Because of the coma, the person does not notice this happening and it does not hurt. When their heart and lungs stop working, their body dies. It will not start working again. This often happens in just a few minutes, but sometimes (rarely) it can take hours.
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deblala · 1 month
We Have to Stop Kamala Harris and Tim Walz to Protect Babies From Abortions - LifeNews.com
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Satanic Pro-Abortion Sculpture in Houston is Beheaded
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gusty-wind · 5 months
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1 year each for a sit-in in the lobby
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justbeingnamaste · 4 months
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The Biden administration is under fire for selectively prosecuting pro-life advocates who protested abortion inside abortion centers while ignoring hundreds of pro-abortion attacks on churches, pro-life groups and pregnancy centers.
Heather Idoni is one of the dozen pro-life advocates who have been charged or convicted of violating the bogus FACE law that denies free speech rights to pro-life Americans. As LifeNews reported, the pro-life advocates have been found guilty of violating a federal law protecting abortion centers and now face the possibility of 11 years in prison.
That political persecution is bad enough, but recent reports indicated Idoni was placed in solitary confinement for 22 days for sharing food with fellow prisoners. After that, a second report indicated Idoni suffered a stroke as a result of the cruel and unusual punishment.
Now, a further update on her situation indicates Idoni has been denied the essential heart medication she needs. Here’s more about what happened when reporter Louis Knuffke interviewed Idoni.
Knuffke learned ” that she had had 3 stents placed above her heart two weeks ago and was told to take daily doses of heart medicine. However, prison officials have not given her a single dose, she told Knuffke, and DC Jail personnel have told her that their records say she has been given them every day.”
Idoni, who said she was suffering from fluttering of the heart, terminated the interview after saying she would request a trip to the hospital. Knuffke then called both Idoni’s lawyer and the emergency dispatch. Please follow LifeNews on Rumble for the latest pro-life videos. “I ended up calling 911 to get a dispatch sent to the jail to make sure they didn’t ignore her,” Knuffke told this reporter. “Her lawyer said that if the doctor declares her condition was due to negligence in medical care, the marshals at the jail would be civilly liable.” Idoni told Knuffke that she was frightened that she might die, as doctors told her not to miss a dose. Idoni, who is now a prisoner at DC Jail at 1901 D Street in Washington DC, suffered a stroke two weeks ago.
Sentencing hearings for nine pro-life advocates that Biden is attempting to put in prison for a decade are set to commence Tuesday.
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