#Heather Idoni
justbeingnamaste · 4 months
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The Biden administration is under fire for selectively prosecuting pro-life advocates who protested abortion inside abortion centers while ignoring hundreds of pro-abortion attacks on churches, pro-life groups and pregnancy centers.
Heather Idoni is one of the dozen pro-life advocates who have been charged or convicted of violating the bogus FACE law that denies free speech rights to pro-life Americans. As LifeNews reported, the pro-life advocates have been found guilty of violating a federal law protecting abortion centers and now face the possibility of 11 years in prison.
That political persecution is bad enough, but recent reports indicated Idoni was placed in solitary confinement for 22 days for sharing food with fellow prisoners. After that, a second report indicated Idoni suffered a stroke as a result of the cruel and unusual punishment.
Now, a further update on her situation indicates Idoni has been denied the essential heart medication she needs. Here’s more about what happened when reporter Louis Knuffke interviewed Idoni.
Knuffke learned ” that she had had 3 stents placed above her heart two weeks ago and was told to take daily doses of heart medicine. However, prison officials have not given her a single dose, she told Knuffke, and DC Jail personnel have told her that their records say she has been given them every day.”
Idoni, who said she was suffering from fluttering of the heart, terminated the interview after saying she would request a trip to the hospital. Knuffke then called both Idoni’s lawyer and the emergency dispatch. Please follow LifeNews on Rumble for the latest pro-life videos. “I ended up calling 911 to get a dispatch sent to the jail to make sure they didn’t ignore her,” Knuffke told this reporter. “Her lawyer said that if the doctor declares her condition was due to negligence in medical care, the marshals at the jail would be civilly liable.” Idoni told Knuffke that she was frightened that she might die, as doctors told her not to miss a dose. Idoni, who is now a prisoner at DC Jail at 1901 D Street in Washington DC, suffered a stroke two weeks ago.
Sentencing hearings for nine pro-life advocates that Biden is attempting to put in prison for a decade are set to commence Tuesday.
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gettothestabbing · 1 year
The defendants were indicted for their participation in an October 2020 rescue action at the D.C.-based Washington Surgi-Clinic (WSC), the abortion facility run by Cesare Santangelo. Santangelo was featured in Live Action’s InHuman investigation stating that if a child was born alive at his facility during an abortion, “we would not help it.”
Two defendants – Lauren Handy and Herb Geraghty – cited Live Action’s InHuman video as informing their belief that abortion survivors might be being left to die at WSC, which in turn motivated their decision to participate in the rescue action at Santangelo’s facility.
However, calling the video “gossip from propagandists” (despite the fact that the video showed the abortionist in his own words) presiding Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly would not allow the video itself to be admitted into evidence. 
Bias on the part of the prosecution was evidenced by its own word choices. For example, government attorneys referred to a three-day abortion procedure as “care” and as a “treatment” that was “absolutely needed.” 
Government attorneys also made sarcastic, condescending remarks to and about the defendants, with one caustically remarking, “That’s convenient,” after a defendant said she could not remember a specific detail.
The judge herself was not above entering into heated exchanges. Sparks flew after defendant Herb Geraghty asserted under cross-examination that federal law prohibits certain types of abortion procedures nationwide:
(Gov. Attorney) Patel: You know that abortions are legal in the District of Columbia? Geraghty: I know that some abortions are, but partial birth abortion and abortion that a fetus survives outside the womb–  Patel: Sir–  Judge Kollar-Kotelly: Sir, as a practical matter, that’s not correct. There are no statutes in the District of Columbia that say anything about limitations on abortion.  Geraghty: There’s federal laws, Your Honor.  Judge Kollar-Kotelly: You are going to be the legal expert here? I suggest that you not get into that.
However, partial-birth abortion, or D&X, is indeed outlawed under the federal Partial Birth Abortion Ban Act of 2003, which was upheld by the Supreme Court in 2007.
During deliberations on Friday, the jury sent three questions to the judge.
First, they asked: What do “oppression” and “intimidation” mean as defined by law?
Second, pertaining to a particular client of the abortion facility who was on the final day of a three-day abortion procedure and was experiencing labor pains when she arrived at WSC on the day of the rescue: What were the exact medical symptoms of the woman who collapsed in the hallway?
And lastly: What is the nature of ‘treatment’ for each of the different 3 days of ‘procedures’ at the Washington Surgi-Center?
There was a discussion about whether to define “oppression” and “intimidation” narrowly, as in the FACE Act, or more broadly, as it frequently is under conspiracy charges. Ultimately, the judge settled on a broad definition. With regard to the second and third questions, the judge gave the jury no answers; the second on the grounds that private medical conditions are not relevant, and the third on the grounds that there was no evidence given about specific abortion procedures during the trial.
More can be read about the trial at the links below:
Witness testimony in federal trial of pro-life rescuers begins, with court’s bias on display
Prosecution calls more witnesses in day two of pro-life rescuers’ federal trial
Arresting officers take stand at FACE Act trial in DC as judge warns religious pro-lifers on-site
FACE Act trial judge calls video of abortionist that motivated defendants ‘gossip from propagandists’
Defense and prosecution rest in FACE Act trial, as judge appears ignorant of federal abortion law
Defense in FACE Act trial closing arguments: Criteria not met for guilty verdict
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Pro-life grandmother Heather Idoni has been sentenced to two years in prison for her role in a protest at a notorious abortion clinic in Washington, D.C.
Idoni – wearing a bright orange prison jumpsuit – was brought before radical, far-left U.S. District Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly on Wednesday May 22, 2024. Judge Kotelly sentenced Idoni to 24 months in federal prison, with credit for the nine months she’s already served, The Epoch Times reports.
Idoni spoke to the court before her sentence was announced....
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beardedmrbean · 2 years
The Department of Justice indicted 11 pro-life activists who protested outside a Tennessee abortion clinic Wednesday, saying they violated the FACE Act.
The activists, according to the indictment, organized an event blockading an abortion clinic near Nashville earlier this year. The DOJ alleges the group physically prevented both employees of the clinic and at least one would-be patient from entering the building in early March. The federal FACE Act prohibits demonstrators from blocking access to abortion clinics.
The DOJ charged seven of the protesters with "conspiracy against rights secured by the FACE Act," including Chester Gallagher, 73; Paul Vaughn, 55; Heather Idoni, 58; Calvin Zastrow, 57; Caroline Davis, 24; Coleman Boyd, 51; Dennis Green, 56.
The indictment also charged four others with committing FACE Act violations: Eva Edl, 87; Eva Zastro, 24; James Zastro, 25; and Paul Place, 24.
Those charged with conspiracy face up to 11 years in prison and a fine of up to $250,000. Those charged with FACE Act violations face up to one year in prison and a fine of up to $10,000.
The DOJ alleges the protesters planned a "blockade" at the Carafem Health Center Clinic and "blocked the clinic’s entry doors and prevented a patient and an employee from entering."
The DOJ also states that Boyd livestreamed the incident on social media and that footage showed members of the group "attempting to engage a patient and her companion as Boyd told his livestream audience that the patient was a ‘mom coming to kill her baby.’"
The charges come weeks after the FBI raided the home of a Catholic pro-life activist in Pennsylvania, alleging that he had assaulted a man outside an abortion clinic earlier this year.
Mark Houck, 48, woke to find more than a dozen FBI agents outside his family's home with their guns drawn on Sept. 23.
While President Biden's DOJ has aggressively prosecuted pro-life activists, it has made no arrests in the at least 17 incidents of vandalism and arson against pro-life clinics committed by the radical abortion group "Jane's Revenge."
Houck also faces 11 years of prison, including up to three years of supervised release and up to $350,000 in fines.
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christianpureofficial · 4 months
Locked up: Meet the elderly and infirm women now in prison for pro-life activism
Source Joan Andrews Bell, Jean Marshall, Heather Idoni, and Paulette Harlow are four pro-life women serving time after being convicted on federal charges for for blockading the inside of an abortion clinic in 2020. / Credit: Chris Bell/Laura Gise/Heather Idoni/Paulette Harlow Since she has been in prison, Jean Marshall, 74, a Catholic and pro-life nurse from Massachusetts, told CNA that she’s…
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kgreen200 · 4 months
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yespat49 · 4 months
Etats-Unis : les militants pro-vie persécutés par la justice
Heather Idoni a souffert de nombreux problèmes médicaux au cours de son incarcération, dont un récent accident vasculaire cérébral, mais la juge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly lui a refusé la possibilité de purger sa peine à domicile. Heather Idoni, militante pro-vie et mère de 15 enfants, a été condamnée par la juge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly à 24 mois de prison pour avoir bloqué l’accès à un centre…
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deaconjohn1987 · 4 months
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nedsecondline · 2 years
Eleven Defendants Indicted for Obstructing a Reproductive Health Services Facility in Tennessee | OPA | Department of Justice
Eleven Defendants Indicted for Obstructing a Reproductive Health Services Facility in Tennessee | OPA | Department of Justice
Chester Gallagher, Heather Idoni, Calvin Zastrow, Coleman Boyd, Caroline Davis, Paul Vaughn, Dennis Green, Eva Edl, Eva Zastrow, James Zastrow and Paul Place were indicted for federal offenses in connection with an alleged reproductive health care clinic blockade in Mount Juliet, Tennessee, on March 5, 2021. Gallagher, Idoni, Calvin Zastrow, Boyd, Davis, Vaughn and Dennis Green were charged with…
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Michigan Police Express Sympathy for Anti-Abortion Clinic Blockade - Ms. Magazine
Police arrived on the scene—yet instead of working to protect clinic patients from the illegal harassment, cops allowed the anti-choice protestors to continue to sit in front of the clinic doors. The officers involved proceeded to engage the blockade in a philosophical discussion about government systems and religion, at certain points siding with the blockade. 
The Facebook live recordings even include a veteran police officer of 23 years sympathizing openly with the blockade—advising them to consult with him before their next protest so that he could help them avoid arrest.
Finally, after talking to the anti-choice extremists, and allowing them to continue their blockade for an additional hour, police arrested 12 involved in the blockade, which included: Caroline Davis, Chet Gallagher, Joel Curry, Paul G Curry, Heather Idoni, Andrew Belanger, Eva Edl, Justin Phillips, Teresa Aughenbaugh and Cal Zastrow.
Despite being in violation of the F.A.C.E. Act, those arrested were lightly sentenced on trespassing charges, and released from jail within hours. 
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