#Lijing Gate
anamericaninhuaibei · 9 months
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A pretty hardcore Hanfu store.
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hauntedpearl · 10 months
evil supernatural headcanon where dean just manufactures situations on his own so they have something to hunt after the whole. gates of hell thing is over so they don't go their separate ways. like what meg is doing with the daeva but worsebetter.
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doctorjohcoy · 6 months
i am interested in a dnd game but dang dude...like...the companions. i look at them and theyre like . the most perfect boring people ever. also the characters ppl make, their dnd ocs and self inserts...theyre so generically pretty. tall strong skinny people. they all look the same to me. even ppl playing shorter squatter races like dwarves and halflings it looks...so boring. the characters look dull. like protagonists from movies tend to look. pretty handsome flat
and i guess thats most games and movies but man
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whitecatlegend · 1 year
Chapter 95 (With me, to prison)
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With the long history of China, comes a long history of secret police organizations. The Police Bureau mentioned here was an organization more or less created by Lai Junchen during Wu Zetian’s rule. The place, located near the Lijing Gate, was a prison for major criminals.
The Police Bureau, from what I understood, meant a prison rather than some kind of secret police, but in effect Lai Junchen utilized a wide framework of several hundred informants to discover dissidents and/or frame unfavorable people.
There aren’t a lot of mentions of the Police Bureau, and none outside of the context of Lai Junchen’s activity as an official, so I think it might have ceased to exist with Lai Junchen’s execution, but don’t quote me on that.
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divorcetual · 1 year
while in japan my dad keps showing my art to ppl he met (we were there bcs of a generative art thing so he taljed abt my art etc etc) n it was so fun bcs lije a solid 80% jf tge time when he would swipe to the torii gate one they'd b like that one fucks hard
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I love how Checo’s a main character in the therapy podcast gate. He deserves more of that in real life too…
One day just lije in tpgau, helmut marko will realize hiw valuable checo is.
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warrioreowynofrohan · 3 years
Thoughts on Mistborn Era 2 (Wax & Wayne):
My main take on these was “ah, looks like Brandon’s taking some time off from his magnum opus to write pulp Western/detective/crime novels”, and I was very amused to look up Brandon’s comments and see a ton of interviews with him saying, “so, this is absolutely me having some fun writing pulp Western/crime novels”. It’s nice to have a writer who’s not too proud to - accurately - describe his own stuff as pulp yet still do a good job of it. They remind me a little of the Dresden Files in terms of the mystery aspects, the urban fantasy tone, the wit, the lack of diplomatic/political subtlety of the protagonists and, of course, the rampant property destruction. But Brandon’s a much more thoughtful author than Jim Butcher, and treats his female characters better.
On the topic of gratuitous property destruction: Wax, for goodness’ sakes, stop shooting the ground! That’s infrastructure, Wax! Fixing the streets takes work, Wax! You’re not a dusty dirt road in the middle of nowhere any more, Wax! Just drop a coin like they dud in the old days! Or a shell casing or bullet if you desperately need to be hardcore. But rampantly firing off weapons in urban areas just to get a base for your Allomancy is a terrible idea.
This was a wonderful follow-up to Mistborn because it was a lot lighter and the stakes were a lot lower, which is nice for a change. I was reading the intro to Elantris where it was talking about people in Brandon’s early writing group telling him he needed to raise the stakes, and personally, I like low stakes. Well of Ascension/Hero of Ages were a grind, much as I liked the ending, and I would be up for more stories like Dawnshard, with low stakes and the heroes resolving the plot by non-violent means.
Marasi and Steris are both very well-done characters - I was definitely shipping Wax/Marasi in the first book and had no expectations of the Wax/Steris engagement lasting, so I was quite surprised, but the switch was well done and I liked it. Marasi and Wax’s feelings were a crush/hero worship and a rebound, respectively. And it’s nice to see a relationship grow gradually like Wax and Steris’ did. What Brandon did with Steris, starting out with a portrayal readers are unlikely to lije and letting her grow on them, is risky (especially with female characters) because readers may hold to first impressions, but I thought it worked very well.
Wayne’s backstory and reaction to it hit hard and was one of the best elements in the series. Another entry in the diverse array of Sanderson redemption arcs. It’s interesting because Wayne both is and isn’t haunted by it - he takes it seriously, it affects him deeply, but he doesn’t habitually brood, and it doesn’t prevent him from being a generally lighthearted, funny, silly person most of the time.
Wayne is absolutely right about the value of certain goids being an arbitrary thing invented by rich people. I’ve had caviar, once (as a garnish on a nice pasta dish at a fancy restaurant). It tastes like nothing. Entirely nodescript. The sole purpose of caviar is to communicate “this dish is fancy (and so, by connection, is the person eating it)”.
I’m deeply protective of Sazed and get very affonted when characters criticize him. I think he’s done an excellent job. It’s hard to wrap my head around the sheer scale of Bleeder’s overreaction to the possibility of her boyfriend moving back to the city. Though on one level it makes sense in that the kandra are of Preservation: she is going to see maintwnance of an existing situation as inherently better and more desirable, even if a change could still turn out well and be something Wax enjoyed. And I don’t feel like Sazed telling him about Bleeder being Lessie would have helped anything - it just would have made the decision to kill her harder, not less necessary, because she was incredibly malicious, destructive, and dangerous and there was no other way of containing her.
The resolution of Shadows of Self is exactly the sort of thing I wanted to see, politically: the mass protests and risk of riot over poor wages, unemployment, and mustreatment of workers is resolved by a committment to address those problems, because the workers’ anger is legitimate and their cause is just.
I’m heartily frustrated by Wax, because it is his responsibility - it is literally his job, he has employees and a Senate seat! - to address the major political and economic problems of Elendel, and he neglects them. I don’t care if you’d rather be out shooting things! You have resposibilities! The workers in your factories are the source of the money and prestige that lets you engage in your gentleman-crimefighter hobby, and you owe it to them to see that the city operates in their interests. You can do far more good in that way than by shootin’ bad guys. Do. Your. Damn. Job. Steris seems to be nudging him in that direction, at least.
In general I’m impatient with a lot of the law-enforcement attitudes. Miles is a villain for whom I have absolutely no sympathy. Oh, so you’ve turned evil because, despite your 15 years of work in law enforcement, crime still exists? Yeah, maybe that’s because your belief that crime will stop existing if you shoot and/or hang enough people was never realistic. Likewise with Wax’s skepticism regarding Marasi’s ideas on how crime can be reduced through better urban planning and social policies - no, Wax, it won’t entirely eliminate crime, there will always be people who are just plain malicious, greedy, venal, or violent, but if you can reduce it by, say, 50-70% by better social policy, that would still be a good thing, right?
The period newspapers are great fun. I want a TenSoon plushie! Come on, Brandon, you’re musding out on a fantastic marketing opportunity! The one thing that bugged me was the ‘Pewternauts’ in The Bands of Mourning. In the first place, it’s a nonsensical name - real-world dreadnaughts, of which these are obviously supposed to be the equivalent, were called that because it literally meant ‘these having nothing they should fear’. The apex predator of military warships at the time, if you will. You can’t just create a random fantasy portmanteau amd pretend that it works - it’s like calling a scandal in a fantasy novel something-gate even though the Watergate scandal doesn’t exist in that world! Secondly, dreadnaughts were part of a massive military arms race in a world where European wars had been commonplace for centuries. The Elendel basin had never had a war in 300 years - these aren’t something that someone would invent just off the bat. Having similar technology to turn-of-the-century earth doesn’t mean it will be applied in the same ways, not with a completely different political context.
In general, New Seran’s complaints seemed overblown. Yes, the transit system treating Elendel as a hub and lacking effective connections between the outlying regions in aggravating. (It’s a provlem that plagues urban public transit systems even now - most routes are either local or feed into the city centre, with relatively few goung from one suburb to another, even as trans-suburban commuting vecomes more common.) But it’s not remotely the kind of thing you fight a war over! I feel like Brandon’s trying to recall the American Revolution, a bit, but the distances are so small (Elendel and New Seran are about as far apart as Ottawa and Toronto) as to make that ludicrous. What they really need is some kind of equivalent to a regional district authority, where representatives of multiple local governments can get together to work on issues of regional planning.
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wieisdemol2022 · 4 years
Opdracht 3 Richtingsgevoel
Zo de laatste opdracht van de laatste aflevering van WIDM. Even een huishoudelijke mededeling. Vanwege werk en prive omstandigheden ben ik weer eens achter op mijn postschema gekomen en kan ik niet de recap van 1 t/m 9 en de hints aflevering 9 schrijven. Dan komt dit gewoon niet op tijd af. Ik ga dan dus maar voor de recap van aflevering 1 t/m 9 want daar halen we de meeste info uit denk ik. Maar nu eerst de laatste opdracht van aflevering 9, Richtingsgevoel. 
De opdracht speelt zich af bij de Lijing Gate, een oude stadsmuur van Luoyang. Rob is de eerste die bij Rik aankomt, hij legt uit “Goeiemorgen. Je bent aan het begin van de laatste opdracht. De stand van de pot bedraagt nu €11200,- dat had bijna €49000 kunnen zijn. Dit is jou laatste kans om de pot te spekken. Dan moet je wel een gok durven te wagen. Inzet? €500, €1000 of €1500 uit de pot. Dat wordt verdeeld over minimaal 1 en maximaal 3 kamers. Daarna loop je een route langs 6 kamers. Tot drie keer toen moet je kiezen tussen 2 kamers. Ligt er in de kamer van je keuze geld, dan wordt dat bedrag verdubbeld. Ligt er niks, is de kans groot dat je geld bent misgelopen. Laat je niet van de wijs brengen, want degene die het geld over de kamers heeft gespreid, probeert je ook de verkeerde kant op te sturen, de mol. En je weet, de mol wilt dat de pot zo laag mogelijk blijft. Wat wordt je inzet? *Rob kiest voor €1000*. €1000 uit de pot, ik wens je veel geluk en wijsheid”.
 En ik kan hier het hele gesprek tussen kandidaat en mol uittypen, maar het heeft denk ik niet super veel zin. Laten we het even op een rijtje zetten:
·        Rob.     o   Rob kiest voor €1000 hij noemt zichzelf de “gokker van de groep” maar vind dat ze te hard gewerkt hebben om all-in te gaan. De €1000 ligt over drie kistjes verspreid (2x €250 en 1x €500). Dit vond ik al vreemd, want waarom die verdeling? 2x €500 lijkt me toch logischer?     o   1, 3 en 5 zijn de kistjes waar hij voor gaat. Hij haalt hier 2x €250 uit, dit wordt verdubbeld en zo verdiend Rop ook weer €1000, hij speelt dus quit.
·        Nathan     o   Nathan kiest voor €500, als teamspeler had je dat natuurlijk ook wel verwacht, anderzijds, als je de mol bent en je haalt €500 op is dat het minimale wat je kan doen.     o   Nathan heeft als strategie dat hij de mol volgt, die geeft aan dat het geld in kist 1 ligt. Nathan gaat daar dan ook voor en pakt €500, dit wordt verdubbeld naar €1000 en Nathan brengt hier dan ook €500 in voor de pot.
·        Mil     o   Mil heeft als motto schijnbaar “all or nothing, go big or go home”. Ze zet de volledige €1500 in, wat shady zou zijn tot je het vervolg ziet.     o   In kist 1 zit niks, in kist 3 zit €1000, en ik kist 6 €500, zo pakt ze dus haar volledig bedrag terug en verdiend ze ook nog eens €1500 voor de pot.
·        Buddy     o   Buddy heeft ook “no guts no glory” en zet €1500 in.      o   Hij heeft ook de tactiek naar de mol te luisteren, in kistje 2 vind hij €500, in 4 vind hij ook €500, in kistje 5 zat niks, Buddy vind dus €1000 dit wordt verdubbeld naar €2000 en dus verdiend Buddy €500.
Hints die gevonden zijn deze opdracht: ·        Wat ik een leuke hint vond, vooral en grotendeels omdat hij in mijn tunnel past, maar op een gegeven moment heeft Mil de mol aan de telefoon en zegt ze “mol geef mij eens een hint”. Vervolgens zegt de mol “Miljuschka”. Ofwel, dat is de hint. En voor wat mij is opgevallen is dat de enige keer dat de mol iemand bij zijn/haar naam noemde. Een klassieke hint. ·        Dan even de stem, want wie is die mol? zijn er molloten die zo gek zijn de stem terug te draaien? Ja  natuurlijk zijn die er, wij zijn gelukkig nog niet zo ver, maar checken het dan wel weer. https://www.rtlboulevard.nl/entertainment/tv/artikel/5049842/stemvervorming-widm-spel-teruggedraaid-dit-de-mol check het hier voor jezelf. Het lijkt wel de stem van Rob. Ik weet niet precies welke instellingen gebruikt zijn om de stem terug te draaien, want je kan dan de stem ook weer lager of hoger zetten e.d. dus het kan best arbitrair zijn. Maar in dit geval haal ik er zelf ook Rob uit. Wellicht wel het bewijs dus van Rob als mol van 2020?
Is jullie nog wat opgevallen? Laat het ons weten!
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urbanidesnicar · 4 years
Trst je naš!
Sotonjare su ubacile u 3. brzinu i napadaju svim raspoloživim sredstvima. Sve su aktivirali. Medije, poslušnike, marionete, kvazi-znanstvenike..... I što je najgore, uspjeli su. Europa je šaptom pala. Danas država kontrolira: školstvo, sportska natjecanja, koncerte, bolnice, slobodu kretanja.... Bukvalno SVE vezano za naše živote. Sad je ipak malo jasnije, zašto su biološka oružja tako važna? Strah, panika, neizvjesnost... napumpani medijskom propagandom, paralizirali su cijeli svijet. I to zbog virusa sa manje od 0.1% smrtnosti. Sloboda nam je oduzeta preko noći a da nismo ni primijetili. Kako su nas kvalitetno zajebali, to nije normalno...
Dvije ponosne Katoličke države, još se drže. Mađarska i Poljska. Stoje na prvoj crti obrane Kršćanstva, kulture i Europske civilizacije. Slično je i u ostatku svijeta, sa izuzetkom Brazila i SAD. Pisanje, pričanje, peticije, apeli i prosvjedi, više ništa ne mogu promijeniti. Treba biti spreman za najgore. Ili Pukovnik, ili pokojnik. Trećega nema. Ali sve će biti puno jasnije, otprilike tjedan dana nakon 3.11. I ne. Više nas se ništa ne pita. Sve je u Božjim rukama.
Tariguz mediji kažu da je "filantrop i dobrotvor" Gates (u svojoj knjizi od prije 25 godina), predvidio coronu. Ma nije moguće? Lako mu je glumit vidovitog Milana, kad je osobno ovo planirao. Očito nas i dalje smatraju maloumnicima. Izmišljaju "rekordne" brojke", slikaju medicinske sestre u astronautskim odjelima, a "umirujuće riječi" poput: "Arena se puni" i "KB Dubrava puca po šavovima" - vrište sa naslovnica. Koga više zajebajete? 
Bez globalističkih medija, corona ne bi ni postojala. I bilo bi puno manje "žrtava". Mislim na STVARNE žrtve. Jer ucjenjene obitelji ne mogu preuzeti tijela svojih najdražih, dok ne potpišu da je uzrok smrti corona. Ovo je već čisto iživljavanje. Jer posljedice corone će brzo proći, ali posljedice "MJERA protiv corone" će trajati godinama. Lijek ne smije biti gori od bolesti, a upravo se to događa. I to namjerno!
Koliko je nevinih ljudi platilo glavom, zbog njihove jebene corone? Ni broj im se ne zna. Koliko hitnih slučajeva nije na vrijeme dobilo prvu pomoć? Gdje su svi oni teški i kronični bolesnici, koji nisu mogli biti primljeni u bolnicu zbog ove gripe. Koliko zloćudnih bolesti nije dijagnosticirano na vrijeme? A samoubojstva, depresija, droga, alkoholizam, obiteljsko nasilje..., su posebna priča. Netko će za ovo kad-tad odgovarati, jer ovo je zločin protiv čovječanstva!
Postoji i druga strana priče. Moja. Corona spašava živote! Uopće se ne zajebajem. Po SLUŽBENIM podacima, u istom periodu prošle godine imali smo 1967 više umrlih. Kako ovo objašnjavate drugovi? Jebe se njih, oni i dalje mjere "pozitivne" i na osnovu toga nam uvode totalitarizam. Što uopće znači ako je netko "pozitivan"? Hoće li umrijeti? 99.9% da neće. A stariji i teški kronični bolesnici su i prije umirali. Bez nazočnosti medija. A danas su glavne "zvijezde", BOLESNIH SVJETSKIH UMOVA! Ali tko zna zašto je ovo dobro? Pustimo virus na miru, i za 10 godina će nas biti oko 20 tisuća više. To je gradić veličine Metkovića. Eto nam demografskog rješenja.
Znanstvenik (pravi, original) Miroslav Radman mudro zbori: "Razuman čovjek se pita, gdje je taj "strašni" problem?" U glavama, dobri moj doktore. Đikića, Lauca, Alemke, Vilija i ostalih plaćenih "šarlatana". Na čelu sa Svjetskom Zdravstvenom Organizacijom. Je li sad jasno zašto je Trump povukao SAD iz te zlikovačke udruge? Jer je ista pod direktnim nadzorom KP Kine i globalističke elite.
U Londonu su održane velike demonstracije, pod nazivom: "Corona je prevara!". Ljudi se bune diljem svijeta ali mediji šute. Razlog je očit. Bez njihovih laži, ne bi bilo ni straha, ni panike. A ljudi bi od ovaca mogli postati lavovi. A u tom slučaju, pakleni plan "Novog Svjetskog Poretka" ostaje samo mrtvo slovo na papiru. Da bi ih se konačno satralo, fali još samo jedna sitnica. Trumpova pobjeda! To bi bio vjetar u leđa, svima onima koji se bore za slobodu. A taj pokret više nitko ne bi mogao zaustaviti. Jer Donald nije samo Američki Predsjednik, nego svjetski fenomen. Jedina nada svima nama, koji želimo biti SLOBODNI.  
Sotonistička kula od karata bi se počela rušiti, a gripa bi preko noći nestala. Garantiram. Na obratan scenarij ne smijem ni pomisliti. Kad mi danas netko kaže: "Jednog dana kad corona prođe...", to mi zvuči isto kao: "Jednom kad dobijem na lotu..." Bez konkretne akcije i masovnog otpora, to je čista iluzija. Ali prvo pričekajmo izbore. Unatoč svim ovim dezinformacijama oko corone, normalno da treba voditi računa o zdravlju. 
Stara izreka kaže:"Jabuka na dan, doktor iz kuće van." Pogotovo ako ga zlatnim delišesom, pogodiš po sred ćelopeka...
Ubrzo nam "hrvati na baterije" uvode još goru cenzuru. Zar može gore? Uvijek može gore, jer još nismo dotakli dno. Incident na Markovom trgu im je došao kao naručen, tako da imaju izgovor za nove Staljinističke metode. Ovo je samo još jedna faza globalističke agende, a sporni zakon je već odavno napisan. Zaboravite na kritiziranje dragog vođe, štrace zvane Obuljen i ostalih članova CK SKJ. 
Jer nepodobni komentari ispod tekstova postaju prošlost. U protivnom, očekujte da vam murija pozvoni na vrata. A sporni portali će biti novčano kažnjeni. To u principu znači, ključ u bravu i prestanak rada. Jer samo Soroševo smeće ima love, a svi ostali jedva preživljavaju. Ne radi se ovdje o nikakvom "govoru mržnje", nego se vladajuća stoka BOJI onoga što imamo reći. Danas bi i sam ćopavi maršal, bio ponosan na svoje nasljednike. Jebovamtitosvimamater.
 Prvi rezultati su već vidljivi. Najslobodniji Hrvatski portal "DRAGOVOLJAC" (moje subjektivno mišljenje, koje se lako može provjeriti), više nema opciju komentiranja. Pametno i pravovremeno, ali žalosno u 3 P.M. Ništa. Idemo dalje. Trudio sam se u zadnje vrijeme što manje psovati i valjati pizdarije. Iz obzira prema starijim i kulturnim ljudima. Zajebi to kume. Ne isplati se. Ponovo se vraćam na tvorničke postavke. A vi cenzurirajte mater svoju.
Patrijarh Franjo se izgleda ne misli smiriti, dok ne uništi Katoličku Crkvu do temelja. “Homoseksualci su djeca Božja i imaju pravo na obitelj. Nikoga se ne bi smjelo izbacivati i nitko se zbog toga ne bi smio osjećati jadno”, kaže lažni prorok, koji već odavno nikoga ne predstavlja. Evo upravo se ja osjećam jadno i razočarano. Što ću sad? Preć na Islam? Sotonjare otvaraju šampanjac, a Katolicima je ovo još jedan čavao u lijes. Moramo li ubuduće skidati cipele prije ulaska u Crkvu? Pitam za "jarana".
I opet se javljaju razni "glasnogovornici", i tumače kako nismo shvatili što je pisac htio reći? Dobro, glupi smo i nismo razumjeli. Ali kako to da nam za prijašnje Pape nije trebao tumač? Općepoznata je činjenica, da pederski lobi vlada Vatikanom. Većina je to shvatila, a neki još maštaju zatvorenih očiju. Uzalud. Kad ih otvorite, i dalje će sve biti isto. Ovo govorim iz iskustva. Jer i ja kad zatvorim oči, obično ništa ne vidim.
Napravili su i svečano primanje za reditelja (pedera) koji je snimio film o "tolerantnom" Franceku. I to smo izgleda krivo shvatili? A kao šlag na tortu dolazi vijest, da je Vatikan potpisao novi ugovor sa KP Kine. Koja vrši neviđeni genocid nad tamošnjom Katoličkom manjinom. Iz te "oaze demokracije" se javio dobri Kardinal Zen, i rekao da je ovo definitivan poraz. Jer će za par godina Katolici u Kini, biti samo mislena imenica. Ni on izgleda ne shvaća baš najbolje?
Vatikanski Nadbiskup Vigano, također ima problema sa sluhom. Pa kaže: "Papine izjave o homo parovima, SUPROTNE su nauku Katoličke Crkve!" Ne znam zašto, ali sve me ovo jako podsjeća na Bidenovu kampanju? Jesam li razočaran? Ne. Kad te netko iznevjeri toliko puta, jednostavno postaneš ravnodušan. Tužno ali istinito...
Zorangutan kaže da nema love za kokain? Jebaji ga, što ne šmrćeš brašno kume? Kad te "oštro" spuca u glavu, tri dana ćeš vikat: "Trst je naš!". Tite mi i Jovanke. Kakva smo to država, kad nam El Presidente pati? Podhitno čovjeku dati povišicu! Da ne mora više skupljat boce. A Dragecu Pilselu unaprijed uplatiti božićnicu, ne bi li konačno kupio bidon benzina i fajercag. Iz džepova ovršenih, normalno. Ima se - može se.
Kad su drugovi pjevali: "Amerika i Engleska bit će zemlja proleterska...", smijali smo se. A danas? Malo im fali. Više me stvarno ništa ne čudi, jer je svijet odavno otišao u k*rac. Kad mi se rodilo prvo dijete, odmah sam znao da je sin. Jer sam vidio da ima malog pišu. Danas? Moraš čekati da ti dijete naraste, pa da odluči hoće li biti: žensko, muško, usisivač, mikrovalna ili 505 sa crtom? Misovo. Što je slijedeće? Samo ptice znaju. I to one što umiru pjevajući...
Zadnja debata između Trumpa i Bidena, potvrdila je ono što već znamo. Komunjara (demokrat) laže čim zine. Ne da ga je Donald satro, nego ga je uništio. Samo su dva su načina kako Američki kmeri mogu pobijediti. 1. Da daju pravo glasa 1.4 milijardi Kineza. 2. Izbornom prevarom. Stereotip da su Amerikanci glup narod, ne pije vode. Jer da jesu, ne bi bili najjača svjetska velesila. Informiranost je već druga priča. Sami su sebi dovoljni, i jebe ih se gdje je neka Hrvatska na karti. Ali jednu stvar izuzetno dobro pamte. TKO SU IM PRIJATELJI. Naši vladajući shupci to sigurno nisu. Zato Trumpova pobjeda ujedno znači i siguran pad ove Judaško-četničke koalicije. A ni masonskoj tvorevini zvanoj EU, se ne piše dobro.
Igranka s "migrantima" iliti džihadistima, se nastavlja. Na "sveopšte" zadovoljstvo publike. Pa tako "povazdan ugledni" Guardian piše, kako su naši policajci zlostavljali profesore, doktore i nuklearne fizičare. Ćuj to? Koja je svrha ovih dezinformacija? Pustiti horde da ulaze u RH, bez ikakve provjere i ograničenja. A konačan cilj je odavno poznat. Uništenje Kršćanske Europe.
Za kraj bi trebao reči nešto duhovito, a nije mi do smijeha. Najradije bi zaplakao. Ali ni to ne mogu...
Zadnji put sam plakao kao dijete, dok je majka rezala kapulu.
A baš mi je mali Kapula bio drag čuko...
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shirleymerly · 4 years
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anamericaninhuaibei · 9 months
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Lijing Gate.
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minute20 · 6 years
China’s Political Elite Still Hold Luxury Property in Hong Kong
China’s monetary and political elite are persevering with to carry belongings abroad within the wake of the Panama Papers revelations, with kin of President Xi Jinping nonetheless proudly owning tens of millions of ‘ value of property in Hong Kong, current reviews have indicated.
Hong Kong’s Apple Day by day newspaper on Wednesday ran an expose of a luxurious property owned by Zhang Yannan, the identical title because the president’s niece. The property’s existence had been reported by Bloomberg and The New York Instances in 2014, as a part of a narrative detailing widespread disinvestments by Xi’s household since he turned president in 2013.
The Apple Day by day mentioned kin of former president Hu Jintao, former Beijing mayor Jia Qinglin, and serving Politburo member Li Zhanshu all stay invested in luxurious lodging within the metropolis.
It cited the possession by Zhang Yannan of 4 linked non-public homes in Hong Kong’s luxurious Repulse Bay. RFA was capable of affirm that the proprietor of the property is listed with the Hong Kong Land Registry as Zhang Yannan, utilizing the identical characters as Xi’s niece.
“It’s understood that members of  Xi Jinping’s household come to Hong Kong to remain on this Repulse Bay villa,” the paper reported. “The reporter noticed from Lijing Highway that the home and enormous backyard are encircled by a gate and wall, making it not possible to see in from exterior.
On the aspect of the 1,700 sq. meter home fronting the ocean, the home windows are tinted, “for higher privateness,” the paper mentioned.
The market worth has greater than doubled to 300 million yuan, since Zhang purchased it, it mentioned.
RFA additionally traced the title of Zhang Yannan to Hong Kong’s Corporations Registry, the place she is listed because the proprietor of an organization known as Jinyi, which in flip owns an condo on the 38th flooring of Conference Plaza in Wanchai, not removed from the situation of the 1997 handover of Hong Kong.
Calls to the condo intercom rang unanswered on Wednesday. A janitor on the condo constructing mentioned they hadn’t seen anybody are available or out for a while. No hyperlink to wrongdoing
Hong Kong present affairs commentator Poon Siu-to mentioned there isn’t any motive to think about that there was any wrongdoing linked to the Xi household’s property portfolio.
“Underneath new tax legal guidelines, the federal government goes after taxes on earnings not simply in mainland China however abroad as nicely, and they’re pursuing folks round the entire world,” Poon mentioned. “I simply surprise if the tax authorities can be pursuing the Xi household for taxes in the identical method now that their property has been revealed by the media.”
“That could possibly be an enormous blow to Xi Jinping’s anti-corruption marketing campaign [if they didn’t],” he mentioned.
Li Yuan, a former high-ranking official within the Chinese language Crimson Cross, mentioned he has seen at first hand the “unimaginable wealth” that a few of the highest-ranking Chinese language leaders take pleasure in.
“A couple of hundred million yuan in Hong Kong is nothing,” Li mentioned. “I feel that is simply the beginning, and that many extra properties will begin to come to gentle now.”
However he mentioned the ruling Chinese language Communist Occasion can also transfer swiftly to cowl the tracks of its highest-ranking leaders and their households, indicating that the re-emergence of reviews concerning the Repulse Bay home might have been deliberate.
“There’s a system for doing this below the central management. When you get to a sure degree within the hierarchy, all your private knowledge will get erased or sealed … so the actual fact that we all know this might point out that somebody within the corridors of energy is as much as one thing,” Li mentioned.
Unwilling to report
A second individual with ties to China’s monetary elite mentioned many individuals linked to political leaders worry being unable to go away the nation, or being prevented from getting their wealth out, within the occasion of a coup d’etat.
However he mentioned journalists are more and more unwilling to report on the abroad wealth of China’s leaders.
“The South China Morning Publish ran a narrative about Li Zhanshu’s daughter Li Qianxin, after which the reporter’s house was turned over,” RFA’s supply mentioned, talking on situation of anonymity.
“Li Qianxin [also] purchased a home in Repulse Bay … that is the place all of them reside.”
“A few of them have gone to Singapore, as a result of they’re fearful there will not be sufficient time to go away ‘as soon as the bullets begin flying’,” he mentioned. “That is the way in which they’re all considering.”
The Apple Day by day mentioned growing incursions from Chinese language regulation enforcement into Hong Kong’s supposedly separate jurisdiction are making the nation’s elite nervous.
In February 2017, Chinese language billionaire Xiao Jianhua, who has hyperlinks to the Xi household, was kidnapped from his luxurious condo within the 4 Seasons Resort in Hong Kong by Chinese language public safety brokers and brought to mainland China. Cash-laundering middle
In the meantime, Beijing-based political activist Zha Jianguo mentioned Hong Kong has lengthy been a money-laundering middle for ill-gotten positive factors from China.
“A variety of corrupt officers launder their cash in Hong Kong, which is the proper place to cover your cash, for certain,” Zha mentioned.
“There’s a extremely developed monetary system there, and a variety of non-public corporations, in contrast to in mainland China,” he mentioned. “There are additionally a variety of enterprise connections between Hong Kong and the mainland, in order that they discover a connection in Hong Kong to launder their cash for them or purchase property with it.”
China-linked offshore corporations reported within the 2016 Panama Papers far exceeded the variety of entities from different international locations and areas of the world.
Some 25,000 offshore corporations with homeowners—both corporations or people—from China have been listed in a mass on-line leak of information from Panama regulation agency Mossack Fonseca, in accordance with preliminary evaluation of the information.
Of these, round 13,000 have been traceable to Hong Kong, which has lengthy been suspected as a significant staging publish for offshore Chinese language funds re-entering the nation as “international direct funding.”
The leak despatched shock waves around the globe because the tax avoidance habits of the world’s wealthiest folks have been uncovered.
However the ruling Chinese language Communist Occasion responded by shifting its censorship equipment into overdrive because the leaks, banning information shops from unbiased protection of the story and ordering the deletion of associated content material from web sites and social media platforms, whereas its officers have dismissed queries concerning the leaks as “groundless accusations.”
Reported by Wen Yuqing, Wong Siu-san and Lee Wang-yam for RFA’s Cantonese Service, and by Qiao Lengthy for the Mandarin Service. Translated and edited by Luisetta Mudie.
The post China’s Political Elite Still Hold Luxury Property in Hong Kong appeared first on Breakig News.
source https://www.20minute.info/chinas-political-elite-still-hold-luxury-property-in-hong-kong/
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This is at blackburn high school, i think these buildings are to school looking to make it a prison. But i lije tge gate in the first image
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anamericaninhuaibei · 9 months
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anamericaninhuaibei · 9 months
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Views from Lijing Gate.
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vivibosslink · 3 years
How to effectively advertise on google!
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It’s important for brands to know how to effectively advertise on google; one of the world’s largest search engine! When you have a quick question where do you go for immediate answers ? Google! To many, that's what google is about but there is a lot that plays in the background to make this all possible, luckily I will be highlighting what is most important to you as a business so you can get a deeper understanding on how to make google  for you!
Google AdWords Vs google Adsense program
Google search engine has many programs but Let me introduce you to two of its biggest marketing programs; - Google AdWords  - Good Adsense  Let’s call google AdWords (team: we pay for clicks) and Let’s call google Adsense (team: we get paid for clicks). Here is a short story analogy to illustrate how this works; “ Mr Clithon in Houston, USA (who by the way represents the everyday google user) searched for “where to buy farm products” on google. He will get answers from different websites on google. I will group the websites that shows up into three categories; First; Google AdWords sponsored websites (they use Adwords to pay google for clicks to thier website) Secondly; Google business profile Thirdly; organic search websites ( they use Adsense to get by google for Ads clicks on thier website). If you are a bit confused at this point, don’t worry, I will explain this further so you can fully comprehend the basics as you gain the right knowledge to effectively advertise on google like a pro. I’m talking about more sales for your company! so keep reading.
This is how google AdWord sponsored appear on search results;
Okey look at the screenshot below to see the appearance of Adword sponsored website on google search results when Clithon will enters that search query “where to buy wrist watches in Houston;
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The above screen shot is a vivid example of a google AdWords sponsored website. That’s why you can see the word  “Ad” before the website’s name.  These websites have paid google to give preference to their site when a search query is entered and they website clicked on! They appear at the top of the search engine.
How to use AdWords program to effectively advertise on google
Google AdWords is therefore a program where digital marketers can pay google to give preference to their website when certain targeted keywords are searched on google.  For example a website that sells designer bags in Florida USA, can pay to rank high for the keywords “designer bags in Florida USA”.
Google buisness profile on search results
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The screenshot above is a vivid example of the second category of websites that can be found in the top first pages of google when a search query is entered. It is called a google business profile and is usually used to profile local businesses to help them become locatable on google map. E-commerce businesses can also be profiled. to learn how to create a google business profile for your website and get a free $100 Ads credit gift to run google AdWords campaign, click here.
Organic searche websites on google search results
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Notice that there is no “Ad” written before this website addresses? This are organic websites, they do not pay google to be shown top in the search engine, they are mostly blogs, they produce great content like valuable information for different industries (niches) on google and google make those information available for free for billions of people who are searching on google for an answer. Imagine somebody sitting on their computer typing and typing producing good enough and quality information (like this one, lol) and publishing them on google? You don’t pay bloggers for the information you get when you search on google, so who is paying the bloggers for all the work they put in? Ad networks. Google Adsense is a google owned ad network program.
What is google Adsense program?
Google Adsense is therefore a partner program where google pays bloggers/publishers to put an ad on their blog so that the blog audience can interact with the ads. 
How google Adsense works
Lets imagine you have a website with a good product offer and you want to effectively advertise on google. You have to think of how Google’s two marketing programs (Adwords and Adsense) can work for you! You realize that there are bloggers who are writing great infomative SEO optimized contents and have an audience that is primarily interested in your product offer. Google serves as the connector, connecting with website Advertisers (lije yourself) via AdWords and bloggers via Adsenses. The website marketers pays google via Adword to feature their website on google search results and blogs! Google pays to bloggers via its Adsense program to feature the advertiser’s Ads on blogs but beyond Adsense, google also shows the Advertiser’s website on google seach engine results and gives it so much preferrance that it usually appears before organic websites! Is that clear enough now? If you have a question just ask it in the comments and I will respond as quickly as possible.. How to set up AdWords campaign and effectively advertise on google How do you connect directly with these bloggers to promote your website?
How to set up AdWords campaign to effectively advertise on google
We will show you the recommended prices for google AdWords campaign and finally, give you expert tips on how to research and target the buying keywords for your AdWords campaign. Remember one of the goals of an AdWord campaign is to make your website rank high when someone searches for your targeted keywords that’s of course, associated with your website or business!
How to run google Adwords campaign on a budget?
Runing Google AdWords campaign is very flexible and let’s you set how much you want to spend on ads daily. You can click here on Google’s AdWords website to start your campaigns right away! Google shows some budget recommendations that will give you a standard result based on the keywords you are targeting for your campaign.
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In the picture above, I was targeting “fresh farm products in London” so I’m going to be reaching people searching for where to buy fresh farm products in London, based on my targeted keywords, google suggested three budget; $3 daily, $10 daily and $23 daily.
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Google recommendation are made based on keywords and locations and helps your business Ad campaign stay competitive with other businesses who are trying to reach the same audience as you are also targeting on Google! Nevertheless, you can always enter your own budget and ignore Google’s Ad budget recommendations.
How to conduct Keywords research to effectively advertise on Google!
Do you know that a British “biscuit” is referred to as “cookies” in America? So if you are drop shipping on Amazon and trying to reach an American audience while targeting the word “biscuit” instead of “cookies” you will be losing out on your audience reach! The synonyms of some words are more searchable on google than the other! How do you know which keywords to target? You do your research!  Two reputable resources where you should and I strongly recommend that you conduct your keywords research for your google AdWords campaigns are google trends and google keywords planner. Hey, I’m Jane Gates and I write posts like this because I understand that building an e-commerce business can be a very tough task but you can make your journey easier by getting 24/7 ecommerce support on our forum any day, Anytime! Just join our community now! Do you have any inquiry, observations, suggestions or thumbs up! Please leave a comment, leave the thumbs up and love emojis too, I respond to every comment fast because I love to interact and engage with my readers.. see you in the comments below! Read the full article
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