#Like drawing lines for the iris and (partial) airbrush shading
dragonskyheart · 10 months
KnockoutWolfhoundmon Species Info
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Basic Info
Name: KnockoutWolfhoundmon
Etymology: Knockout – The act of knocking someone out. Commonly abbreviated as KO. Wolfhound – A dog breed known for loyalty and devotion. It is also known for guarding land from wolves.
Level: Rookie
Type: Beast
Attribute: Vaccine
Field: Virus Busters
Attack Techniques
Power Fist
Shoots a blue flaming energy fist at its opponents
Hero's Kick
Kicks at the opponent
Hero Punch
Punches the opponent with great force
Tai Atari
Tackles the enemy
Power Battle Cry
Lets out an ear-piercing howl that stuns and damages the opponent
Soul Strike
Summons a spirit then either restores its and others energy which heals and restores fighting spirit or unleashes it on its enemies.
A helpful Beast Digimon that desires to help other Digimon, KnockoutWolfhoundmon wishes to be a great hero and will stop at nothing to achieve that goal. It is a very friendly Digimon species and has a tendency to get along with and charm whoever encounters it. As a Combat-Species Digimon, it is recognized to have great potential in its endurance and strength. When dangerous and villainous Digimon threaten it or its friends, it shoots a flaming energy fist at the enemy (Power Fist).
And here is the boy in Digimon form! I tried to make the drawing similar in style to the Digimon Reference Book art. I think I did good enough but I'll let you all decide to see if it captures the same feel. The fist was horrible to work with and i don't think I'll ever be happy with it. I based the pose on one of the stock poses of K.O. mostly this one.
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I did tweak it a little though but the basic are there! (Also I only realized as I was sketching it that I could've used the poses in the intro but that was here nor there.) I also cross-reference actual Reference Book description to make the description close to an actual Reference Book description. The purple highlighting on the move described is based off of how Wikimon highlights things. Hope you all enjoy!
(Also there is a bit of DigiCode in the nametag as a little easter egg of sorts!)
Started 11/14/2023
Other Versions!
Without Effects
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Transparent Without Effects
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