#Like it very much says on the tin that this is 0 plot just cute romance but it’s so repetitive?
aroaessidhe · 6 months
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2023 reads / storygraph
Moonlight Love and Witchcraft
urban fantasy slice of life
romance between a vampire musician, their werewolf bartender girlfriend, and a young witch who shows up in town with her sister while on the run from their witch community
very little plot, she/they nonbinary MC, ace MC, bi MC
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delcina · 4 years
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hello friends! i’m red (she/her pronouns) and i’m so freakin’ stoked to be here and to write with y’all!! it’s been a hot second since i’ve been in a group but this place was too cute to pass up on, so you are now stuck with me and my baby delaina. congrats! i’m up for literally anything under the sun as far as plots go, so please don’t hesitate to poke me or give this a like and i’ll appear in ur ims all magical-like. xx
『 taylor swift. twenty-nine. cis woman. she/her. 』 oh heavens, is that DELAINA JORDAN from FAIR LANE i see roaming around mapleview? minnie may’s always calling them -MERCURIAL & -PEDANTIC. i happen to think they’re not that bad! they’re a pretty cool EVENT PLANNER and every time i’ve seen them, they’ve always been +EFFERVESCENT & +TENACIOUS. i hope i see them around again! 『 red. 22. est. she/her. 』
name: delaina claire jordan
nickname(s): laina, lainey, del, delly ( reserved just for her mom )
birthday: august 28, 1991
age: twenty-nine
gender: cisfemale
pronouns: she/her
zodiac: virgo
sexuality: bisexual
occupation: event planner
hometown: rochester, ny
mentions of: infidelity
delaina had a pretty comfortable upbringing. realtor mom, dad who had a professor job at the local college, golden retriever sprinting around the lawn of their house with the white picket fence, dinners around the table every night, that sort of comfortable. she was a bubbly, happy-go-lucky child, and life hadn’t given her any reasons to resent the sun coming up every morning. and then when she was thirteen, her father had an Affair which turned into a whole Scandal that followed her to school, and delaina was not used to being the center of attention on terms other than her own. delaina’s mother was absolutely mortified at the whole situation and filed for a divorce faster than she could have said ‘bye.’ delaina ended up taking her mom’s side in things and her relationship with her father pretty much ceased to exist the day that the divorce was official and her and her mom moved to mapleview. 
small town life was a bit of an adjustment for delaina; she considered herself a big fish thrown into an obscenely small pond when it came to mapleview, but it didn’t take long for her to find a groove and make herself at home. she played softball all through high school (gr8 anger management option) and ended up getting a scholarship to play in college.
she majored in communications, thinking she’d try to work a corporate job or for a company doing x, y, and z, but after a year at a giant media company that left her completely disillusioned and miserable, she decided to walk right out and do the very thing that made her happy: planning 
a good college friend asked for some help planning her wedding and even though delaina had absolutely zero experience, she did it anyways and ended up loving it, so she kept the ball rolling with it and started her own tiny event planning company in town. she specializes in weddings, despite having bad history with them and not having much of a romantic view on life
delaina loves people, loves working with them and helping them and spending time with them, but trust is a very different story. she’s not the best when it comes to opening up and letting people in. her “inner circle” is small even though she’s never really met a stranger
she throws a damn good event though and she’ll make sure the customer is satisfied!!! as for pleasing people beyond the work environment...quite frankly delaina’s gonna do whatever she wants to do and whatever she thinks is gonna make her happy. if you’re along for the ride, sweet, but if you aren’t, she’s not going to look back and coax ya along
delaina throws her entire being into her work; she loves what she does and couldn’t imagine doing anything else, but she can get pretty bad about balancing and prioritizing work and an actual real life??? and then you throw in her over-commitment to the details and having things perfect and it comes as no surprise that she’s sometimes on the hairline of having a breakdown (and it will come out of seemingly nowhere)
delaina is not afraid to go after what she wants, and there are times when she finds herself in a morally ambiguous area where she’s not afraid to step on someone if she has to in order to get to her point b
is very aesthetically and organizationally driven?? like she’s the queen of bullet journaling and having everything tick all the boxes of a sought out vibe. her shit is in Order (or at least, it is on paper)
she’s the girl you call if you want someone to sit with you on your couch and get wine drunk while you accidentally burn the cookies in the oven because you are too consumed in bitching about whatever great injustice life has served up lately. she is not the girl you call if you want someone to tell you everything you want to hear — if she thinks hurting your feelings will help you in the long run (even if it’s out of the best of intentions) then get ur tissues ready
platonic soulmate ( 0 / 1 ) — the yin to her yang, the person who knows what delaina’s thinking before it’s even crossed her mind, who sees her at her highest highs and lowest lows and loves her even when she forgets to smuggle them a piece of wedding cake as promised
high school or college friends ( 0 / ? ) — delaina’s been in mapleview since she was thirteen, and i imagine she went to college fairly close to home, so we can do just about anything with this. 
casual sex friend ( 0 / 1 ) — exactly what it says on the tin. these two have sex on occasion, whether it’s just to scratch an itch or because they’re bored or because they’ve had a bad day they need to fuck out of their system. there are no feelings attached here. just two people, getting down and dirty while talking about their tax returns and remaining good ass friends once the clothes go back on. 
exes ( 0 / ? ) — the good, the bad, the ugly, the ones who can’t stand to see each other happy but don’t ever want to get back together, the one who got away, gimme ‘em all
neighbors ( 0 / ? ) — again, the sky is the limit here! neighbors who show up on each other’s doorstep at 3am to hang out whenever they can’t sleep, neighbors who are feuding and embarking on a prank war that’s gonna get the HOA called on their asses, neighbors who don’t even know they’re neighbors, idk anything!!
hookups ( 0 / 3 ) — past/present, maybe someone she met at a bar or sdhfksdj maybe they were in the bridal party of a wedding, either way they got smashed then smashed each other tyvm, whether it is recurring can be up to us!
i’m open to everYTHING okay, whether it’s soft or angsty or completely Out There, lemme love u down. i am a mess but i’m now ur mess so it’s ok <3
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