#Logan I’m mostly neutral about they’re interesting enough up until the point she starts getting interested in Nemo…..
aroaessidhe · 9 months
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2023 reads / storygraph
Moonlight Love and Witchcraft
urban fantasy slice of life
romance between a vampire musician, their werewolf bartender girlfriend, and a young witch who shows up in town with her sister while on the run from their witch community
very little plot, she/they nonbinary MC, ace MC, bi MC
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Far Away but Not Apart
Summary: Roman loved Logan with all of their heart, even if they had only ever seen him through a computer screen. Content: Nb!Roman, don’t think there’s anything else really Pairing: Romantic logince Notes: This is the amos prize minific for @averykedavra who requested long-distance logince. I’m not certain I stuck properly to the prompt, but I do hope you like it, Avery!
    “-I’m just saying, there is no crueler mistress than the one that would place soulmates such as ourselves so far apart!”
    Logan sighed, rolling his eyes in a way that Roman was fully aware was amused, not annoyed. Though he had started the facetime sitting up and back in his fancy office chair, he was now leaning forwards, elbows on the desk, supporting his chin with one of his hands. “If fate were as cruel a mistress as you claim, Roman, then why would she allow us to meet each other at all?”
    “To torture us!” Roman replied dramatically, grinning when Logan chuckled. “It is only in knowing the other exists that we suffer! To be so close in heart but so far in distance-”
    “A pity, yes, but one we will survive.” Logan said, scoffing when Roman pouted at him. “You will only make yourself feel worse about our situation the longer you dwell upon in it.”
    “I have dwelled upon it every day since the one I met you, and suffered it every day since the one you allowed me to call you mine.”
    “We’ve only been dating for four months, Roman.”
    “And friends for two years!” Roman added on for him. “And never once during all of that time have I so much as held your hand! It is a crime, my beloved, a crime, a sin, a defiance against all that is good and pure!”
    “You’re overexaggerating.”
    Roman sighed and collapsed backwards on their bed, hand splayed over their forehead. “No, I’m suffering.”
    Logan laughed, and Roman lifted their head just enough that they could see him as he did so, their faux pout dropping so that they could smile at their muse. People who didn’t really know Logan said he was cold, unfeeling, logical to a fault. That was because people who didn’t really know Logan had never seen him smile brighter than the sun and laugh prettier than any angel could.
    Roman didn’t realize they had gotten lost in their thoughts of loving Logan until the object of their affections coughed and said, “You’re staring.”
    “How could I not?” Roman replied without missing a beat. “You are beauty incarnate, my sweetness, figure carved from smoothest marble and face painted with finest hues. I cannot help but to stare.”
    “You really are too much.” Logan told them, but his cheeks had flushed a dark red that let Roman know their words had had exactly the impact they had hoped for. “I was asking you what you were doing this weekend.”
    “Losing myself within worlds far more interesting than ours for but the fact that they do not have you, my angelic love.”
    “So… binging Netflix?”
    “My way of describing it was better.”
    Logan chuckled. “If you say so, dear.”
    Roman smiled at the petname. They had always loved how it made them sound as if they were an old married couple (which Roman fully intended for them to be one day). “And what are you going to be doing over your break from work-aligned existence?”
    “Not really a break, I’m afraid.” Logan said, prompting Roman’s smile to become a frown. “I’ve got a business meeting on Saturday, leaving Friday night.”
    Roman’s frown deepened. “Does that mean virtual movie night is off?”
    Logan nodded, now frowning himself. “I’m sorry to say, but yes. We’ll have to reschedule for another week.”
    “Well that sucks.” Roman said, trying to keep the majority of their disappointment out of their voice. They knew it wasn’t anything that Logan could change, so they didn’t want to make him feel bad about it. “You better get me a souvenir though. To make it up to me.”
    “If a ten dollar bobble-head will fill the hole in your life that is our Friday night virtual movie marathon, then I am glad to oblige.” Logan returned, briefly looking away from the camera to check a paper on his desk. “Your address is the same, yes?”
    “Don’t know how I could’ve changed it without you knowing.”
    “Just checking.” Logan said, marking something down before he turned back towards the camera. “Now, I hate to once more be the figurative bearer of bad news, but I must take my leave- I have a client call in a few minutes here.”
    “Skip it.”
    “I do have to keep my job, Ro.”
    “Your new job can be loving me, twenty-four seven, benefits are spending all your time with me.”
    “And how much does loving you pay?”
    “Did you not hear about the benefits? They’re better than money!”
    Logan just laughed fondly. “You are cute, I’ll give you that.’
    “So you’ll take up my offer and your new job?”
    “Sadly, to function in the real world, I need a cash-paying job.” Logan told them, smiling at Roman’s following pout. “But if it alleviates your pains, know that I already love you twenty-four seven.”
    At that, Roman allowed their pout to morph into a smile. “Well, look at who’s being cute now.”
    “I’m simply stating the facts.” Logan replied, glancing at his watch. “One of which is, unfortunately, that I really must go now. I’m worried I’ll be too busy tomorrow to chat- I’ll call you on Saturday, alright?”
    “Oh, my star, my sun, my only light through the darkness and troubles that are this world, however will I survive a whole day without any contact with you?”
    “You are strong, my knight, I’m sure you’ll find a way.” Logan told them in return, grinning when Roman blushed. “I love you.”
    “I love you too.” Roman responded, blowing Logan an imaginary kiss. Logan, as always, indulged them by ‘catching it’ before he turned his camera off, Roman’s screen going dark soon after. As soon as it darkened, Roman sighed, falling back against their bed and shutting their laptop as they did so.
    It was going to be a long day and a half.
    “Roman? Wh- Why are you calling?”
    “Because I miss you!” Roman whined, not bothering with pretending to not be clingy. “Yesterday was long and dull and completely devoid of true joy and true love! I simply could not bear to wait til you called me! Oh, how I have missed you, my world, my stars, my universe-”
    “It’s barely been a day, love.”
    “Love!” Roman said, ignoring the majority of his sentence and latching onto the important part of it. “I haven’t heard you call me that in over a day! Possibly two! Hell, darling, I’ve been in absolute hell without you.”
    Logan laughed at that, and Roman had never before so desperately wished they were on a facetime, just so they could see the absolute glory that would be Logan’s face while he was laughing. It didn’t matter how many times they had seen him laugh- it would never be enough. Before Roman could say something to that extent, however, their doorbell rang, grabbing their attention.
    “Damnit.” They said, annoyed. Did they have packages coming today? They didn’t think so. And they really, really didn’t want to get up.
    “What is it?”
    “The doorbell- it’s fine, probably just a package or some door-to-door salesperson. Just annoying, interrupting the melodic sound of your laughter-”
    “You should probably get that.”
    Roman groaned and threw their head back. “But I don’t want to!”
    “It could be someone important.” Logan told them. “Don’t worry, I’ll still be here when you get back.”
    Roman groaned louder, but they still swung themself off their couch. “Fiiiine. But when it turns out to be nothing, I’m going to… I’m going to…”
    “Yes?” Logan asked, in a much too smug way that suggested he knew perfectly well Roman had no way to end their threat.
    “...I’ll think of something.” Roman said vaguely, ignoring Logan’s following chuckle of disbelief and amusement. Shaking their head, Roman moved the phone from their ear to the side of their neck, muffling the speaker as they opened the door. “Okay, listen, I’ve got some important stuff going on so-”
    Roman cut themself off as soon as they saw who was standing on their porch. Because it wasn’t a salesperson or a dropped-off package- it was a man with a suitcase by his feet, a phone in his hand, and a face Roman would sooner die than forget.
    “Surprise?” Logan said, and that was all he was able to get out before Roman had flung themself at him and wrapped them up in what Roman was sure was the biggest, tightest, most important hug they had ever given.
    “You’re here!” Roman said after a minute of just basking in the magnificence of the moment. They still refused to let go of him, having dropped their phone so that they could hold on solely to Logan, keeping him as close to their chest as possible. “You’re really here!”
    “Well I’m certainly not a hallucination or someone pretending to be your boyfriend.” Logan said, having managed to get his phone into his pocket before returning Roman’s hug. “So I should hope I’m really here, yes.”
    “Yes- but- you’re here! I can see you! I can hug you! I AM hugging you!” Roman exclaimed, knowing they were getting repetitive at that point but not caring at all. They were currently hugging their boyfriend for the first time ever, after all- how could they care about anything else?
    “That you are.” Logan agreed, voice still a professional neutral before he tightened his grasp on Roman and added, “So I am as well.”
    Roman giggled, a mostly involuntary sound that was brought about the sheer joy of the moment. They pulled back from Logan, just a bit, just enough that they could see his face- his beautiful, lovely, gorgeous face, a face that was a million times prettier in real life. “Can I kiss you?”
    “Mhmm- not on the lips. Weird texture.” Logan said, but he was still smiling, unbothered by Roman’s question.
    Happily, Roman pressed a kiss to Logan’s forehead, grinning when they saw Logan’s smile grow. “I can work with that.” They said before moving to pepper the rest of Logan’s face with kisses.
    “If I- if I knew you were going to be this persistent I- I would’ve stayed home.” Logan protested, having broken down himself and begun giggling in between Roman’s kisses, rendering his protests unbelievable.
    “My most beloved, you are a horrible liar.” Roman told him, pressing an extra special kiss to his nose before saying suddenly, “Hey, wait- don’t you have a business meeting you’re supposed to be at?! You can’t be here!”
    Logan laughed. “Roman, my prinx, this is the business meeting. I lied so I could surprise you.”
    Both Roman’s eyes and smile widened as they dived back into scattering kisses across Logan’s entire face, only stopping when Logan pulled far away enough they could no longer reach his face.
    “We are going to get absolutely nothing done if I allow you to kiss me all day.” Logan said, though at Roman’s pout he did lean forwards to kiss Roman’s forehead. “I did take Monday and Tuesday off, but I can’t be here forever, you know.”
    “You say that as if it would be a waste of our time if I used it for little more than showering you in all the affection you deserve.” Roman returned, attempting to resume their attack of Logan’s face.
    Logan pulled back once more, chuckling when Roman immediately began to sulk. “There will be plenty of time for that. But there is also time for other activities, such as one that might have been missed recently…?”
    Roman blinked at Logan, frowning for a moment in confusion before their face lit up in a grin. “Oh! Movie night! We can have a real life movie night!
    “Only if we don’t spend our entire weekend standing on your porch.” Logan pointed out. “So… may I come in?”
    “Of course!” Roman said, finally (albeit regrettably) letting go of Logan so that he could grab his suitcase and come inside. The moment he was within and Roman had closed their door, however, Roman had their arms wrapped around Logan’s waist, smiling as Logan laughed and put a hand backwards so that he could hold Roman’s shoulder.
    “You’re very touchy.” Logan commented, though he didn’t sound annoyed.
    Roman just held him closer. “Two and a half years, my heart and soul and life! So long have I waited for this moment- you wouldn’t hold it against me that I wish to cherish it, would you?”
    “It’s actually been two years, four months, and three days since our first interaction.” Logan corrected them before softening, leaning back and more into Roman’s hold. “But no, I won’t hold it against you.”
    “Good.” Roman said, pressing a kiss to the top of Logan’s head. “Because I have no plans of letting you go anytime soon.”
    Logan tilted his head back so that he could smile at Roman. “Well I should hope you don’t.” He responded, looking fondly at Roman. “Four days aren’t that much time. It would be a shame to waste even a second of them.”
    Roman grinned. “Aw, you do like being cuddled!”
    At the claim, Logan looked down, trying (and failing) to hide the blush Roman could still see blooming in his cheeks. “Maybe just a little bit.”
    Grin widening, Roman shifted as quickly as possible, eliciting a small yelp from Logan as they lifted him up and held him against their chest. “Don’t worry Lo,” Roman began, using their new position to kiss Logan’s forehead, “Four days may not be a lot of time in the grand scheme of things, but it is plenty of cuddle time.”
    Roman expected Logan to protest that, to say that time was the same whether it was in the ‘grand scheme of things’ or in ‘cuddle time’ or any other definiment of time, but he didn’t- instead, Logan just let out a small sigh and rested his head against Roman’s shoulder. “We’re watching Big Hero Six first.”
    “Of course!” Roman agreed enthusiastically, leaving Logan’s luggage behind on the floor as they walked over to their couch before adding (just because he could), “Anything for you, my love.”
    Because Logan was right- four days wasn’t that much time.
    But Roman had plans to make the most of every second.
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twilight-deviant · 8 years
I'm curious. What are the reasons Wyatt might not be good for Lucy?
You’re trying to get me in trouble, anon. lol. I’ve just been mumbling under my breath about it. I guess I shouldn’t be afraid to speak though, even if it is against the (for some reason) most popular ship. Um, I can’t tell from your tone if you ship it, or if you hate it, or if you’re neutral, so if I offend your ship, I apologize. I’m just calling it like I see it.
Can I make this a general post about Wyatt? Since the tag you’re referencing was mainly about my outlook on Wyatt. But I’ll tie Wyatt/Lucy back into it.
Under a cut because it’s really long and also so anyone not wanting to hear a more critical reflection of Wyatt’s character can abstain.
I should probably preface everything which follows by saying I don’t hate Wyatt. True, of the four main characters, he is my least favorite and the least interesting, but that’s neither here nor there. I think he’s an all right character (nothing groundbreaking) and that he is decently three-dimensional. But the reasons I find him to be a departure from the standard, cookie cutter hero character are, apparently, quite different than what everyone else cites.
So… despite what the fandom almost unanimously believes, Wyatt is not a precious cinnamon roll. He is not a good person. I’m not saying he doesn’t want to be one. And he definitely thinks he is. But he is also kind of a jerk. Which is fine. I like my characters with some depth. I just get a little frustrated by people ignoring his faults or sweeping them under the rug. And I definitely don’t get why everyone thinks him having a relationship with Lucy would be the most healthy and well functioning thing. (Look, I ship Flynn/Lucy, but I’m also calling a rose a rose. It is what it is.)
I leave my own preconceived hangups at the door. Ever since I first watched the trailer, I was already rolling my eyes at the inevitability of the show trying to force them together, like every. single. other. show. on. television. It’s boring, if I’m being honest, predictable. But then I watched the Pilot and was intrigued when they called themselves brother and sister. Actually, I was downright giddy. I couldn’t stop going on about it. I thought hey… maybe they’re actually going for a different dynamic, something unique. Then they did it again in the second episode, a third time in Stranded, and I became really excited at the idea that they would develop a sibling relationship instead. How cute is it for Wyatt to be younger than her and yet end up acting like a big brother? Plus, it’s a lot easier to overlook Wyatt’s faults when the relationship between them isn’t romantic. So, digression aside, I’ll answer your question now.
I’ll start off small and build up, kay?
Wyatt is not over his wife. He’s not. He’s still obsessed with her. He regularly prints out pictures of her and stares at them, tapes them to his wall with the newspaper articles. He sits at a bar looking at her picture and drinking. And his obsession isn’t going away any time soon. He isn’t going to wake up one day in the near future and move on. It’s already been four years, and he is still feeling it. And he’s not done yet. Lucy’s journal claims that Wyatt is still obsessed with Jessica. We don’t yet know exactly when Lucy writes the journal, but Flynn does say that it’s, “A few years from now.” So a few years from now, Wyatt is still obsessed with Jessica and her death. We can’t honestly expect him to be all in with Lucy until he’s over Jessica. That’s not fair.
Inappropriate/Inconsiderate. He’s a guy. Fair enough, right? Excuse it if you want, but what he does in the Pilot is still a jerk move. Wyatt and Lucy are locked in a cell together. They’re standing, they’re pacing around, he’s staring at her breasts. It makes Lucy visibly uncomfortable. She scoffs and turns away from him. Oh, but it was all tactical, right? He had to stare at her chest before his eureka moment hit. Sure. Whatever. Okay, but then (and there’s no excuse for this) he watches as she takes off her shirt and bra! That’s downright sleazy. And the fandom romanticizes this instance? How would you feel if this guy you JUST MET was leering at you and, oh yeah, you’re locked in a room with him? There’s a certain expectation of consideration where you don’t make people feel uneasy. Let’s just say “gentleman” isn’t a word I’m throwing around with Wyatt Logan, aight?
Unstable. There was that part in the beginning of The Alamo where Wyatt is being reassigned. And I have to admit, I was surprised. He handled it with integrity, maturity, and respect towards his superiors. Fiction is so full of loose canons, I’d never seen that before. I was impressed. But boy, he got me good. Because just wait until the adults are away. He immediately descends into an erratic mindset. He begins experiencing flashbacks that are one step away from full-blown hallucinations. He is tortured by survivor’s guilt to the point that it affects his decision making skills. He already had enough of that going on because of his wife. In the Pilot, he’s so distracted by saving Kate the first time that he lets Flynn get away. And then a second time. And then a third time. I have to wonder how Wyatt has the psychiatric green light to be approved for combat, much less such a vital mission whose outcome literally affects the fate of the entire world. The episode posed the question if Wyatt is the right man for the job, and somehow the answer was… yes? Come on. This would never happen in real life. Wyatt’s instability is a liability. Let’s be honest with ourselves, he’s about as unstable as Flynn.
Oh, speaking of…
He’s as bad as Flynn. Not “as” bad, but committing a lot of the same transgressions. You know the body count between them is about the same, right? Granted, several of the people Wyatt has killed are Flynn’s men, self-defense shots with a low impact on the timeline. But others?
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That’s sort of… what Flynn does. All the time. And why he does it. 
And the justification here, why we shouldn’t care, is because the guy was a Nazi? Look, he wasn’t a member of the top brass. He was just a soldier guarding some random spot in the woods. He’s not making a lot of decisions about the war. Was most likely drafted. He was just a guy doing as he was told, and he got shot in the back. And any descendants he might have had disappeared. They certainly weren’t Nazis. He was just some grunt. I seem to recall Wyatt’s outlook on the life of a soldier as, “I don’t get trained in why. Just who, what, where, and when.” It’s a bit… heartless. It shows a lack of empathy. That’s all I’m saying. (No, I’m not a Nazi sympathizer. But I do consider the individual within the cause.)
Wyatt actually killed at least six people in that episode. But there’s really no telling how many more were casualties of the rocket he and Rufus set off. Most likely (and at least) there were the four who were next to it when it exploded. Which would bring Wyatt’s contributive body count in that one episode up to ten. But given the massive fire the rocket ignites, there were probably more. (And we can’t even calculate how many of their descendants were wiped.) Honestly, if I did a legitimate tally, he has undoubtedly killed MORE people than Flynn.
He also killed Lieutenant Louis Coulon’s son, which can’t have not had an impact somewhere. And he was a good guy who wanted to feed them. Poor fella.
Wyatt has killed other people in the past. Like Rittenhouse’s men, but those were in self-defense so we have to let it go. Even though an unscheduled death going back 236 years definitely affected a lot in the timeline. That’s dozens of people who weren’t born, though it could easily be a hundred or more.
Wyatt has NO concerns with preserving the timeline, which is Lucy’s primary mission. And it’s very disrespectful how he OFTEN changes events on a whim, ignoring Lucy’s advice (and sometimes her pleas) to be more careful, leave less of a footprint. In response, Wyatt tells Lucy that history is her job and expects her to be his damage control as he runs about doing as he wishes in his mission and changes almost as many things incidentally as Flynn does intentionally. Lucy is so passionate about history and maintaining it and… Wyatt doesn’t really care a lot of the time.
Wyatt is manipulative. To be fair, this is mostly something seen with Flynn. He does it three times in the Watergate Tape episode. He toys with Flynn a bit, makes him think that he’s really willing to listen him. Flynn expresses that he wishes Wyatt would believe him, and Wyatt decides to run with it, use it. I’d let this go because, hey, Flynn was threatening to kill him and that’s just survival. I actually like the idea that Wyatt was consciously trying to trigger Lima syndrome. It’s devious, and I like it. But there’s one instance that sits unwell with me. There’s the really great scene (Goran is such an amazing actor) where Flynn finally fills in the blanks and says what happened regarding his family’s deaths. It’s extremely raw and emotional, obviously a sore spot, to put it lightly. And after Flynn has basically overshared his soul, Wyatt says, “Look. If any of this were true, you have a time machine. Why don’t you just go back and save your family?” It actually took me a few viewings to realize how, well, insidious the suggestion really is. Wyatt KNOWS you can’t go back to a time you already exist. And yet he’s hoping Flynn doesn’t? So he took the heartbreaking story that was shared with him and he then tried to twist and exploit Flynn’s desperation and love for his family until he could convince the man to go back to the night it happened and, in the process, destroy himself. Wyatt tried to weaponize Flynn’s mourning. It’s just very… unsettling. It’s very cold.
And then a lesser instance with Lucy, though his motivations are conjecture. But I gotta be honest that, once again, it just doesn’t sit well with me for some reason. The scene in The Capture of Benedict Arnold where they find out Rittenhouse is one man and the team is trying to decide how they’ll proceed. Lucy isn’t on board, and Wyatt sort of says everything he can to bring her around, up to and including the illogical proposal that it might even bring Amy back. He wants something, and Lucy’s standing in the way of a united front. Keep in mind, Wyatt’s already on board. Flynn bought his cooperation from the beginning. So every point he makes here is for the sole purpose of convincing Lucy. He mentions all the people who will suffer if they don’t do it, and yeah, it’s a great cause but it’s not his cause. It’s not his motive for why he’s doing it. He wants Jessica’s killer. The plight of hundreds is his tactic for convincing Lucy. And the way he finishes it by saying, “What you really believe in is helping people,” it sort of feels like emotional blackmail. He presents the argument in such a way that Lucy can’t ignore that her disagreement and inaction will cause the deaths of all those people. He’s pressuring her to agree with them. Like I said, his motives there are debatable, but I don’t like it.
Temper. Wyatt is a great guy. So long as everything is going his way and everyone is doing what he says. Source? Just… any scene with him and Judith Campbell, honestly. He immediately flips a switch with her, and it’s somewhat frightening to know how quickly he can turn on a person. He has a temper lying in wait, and it can be unlocked with very minor provocation. It’s an overall bad episode for Wyatt with an unfortunate peek at the darker side he definitely has. He tries ordering Lucy and Rufus around the entire episode, snaps at them when they disobey or lose focus. Lucy even tells him he doesn’t give the orders, not that he gives it much mind. He tells her to take it up with Agent Christopher, which she obviously can’t do in the past. Wyatt knows and takes advantage of the fact that when they are isolated the past, he becomes the default power of authority. He doesn’t use it often, but it is a trump card. Lucy and Rufus cannot stop him physically. He’s a well trained soldier, and they’re nerds. Wyatt is aware.
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And, ya know, just adding, he goes on to use Judith as bait, something he knows could be dangerous given his nonanswer when she asks if he would do the same with a woman he loved. Lucy told him Judith is important, and he still used her, risked her.
His temper ties in with this next point.
Everything! In! This! Scene!
Good lord. Red flags popping up like daisies. Can we extract the facts from this scene? Maybe if we’re not watching two people act, the story will shine through and hit a little better, a little clearer.
Wyatt and Jessica go out to a bar.
Jessica runs into an old boyfriend of hers.
Wyatt becomes immensely jealous. Even though he and Jessica are married. (Now, I don’t know the girl. Yet. But unless he has proven and established reasons to worry about her being disloyal, this is very insulting.) Wyatt is an over the top jealous, possessive person. 
Let’s add distrustful.
Wyatt’s jealousy leads to him drinking too much.
I’d like to mention the obvious here in that after drinking “too much,” he then drives them home. So… drunk driving added to the list of offenses.
They leave the bar, and, once they are alone, the fight begins.
The shouting becomes so unbearable that Jessica would rather get out of the car than stay in it with him.
Instead of letting it go, at least until they get home, he actually, legitimately stops the car.
He lets her out on the side of a highway. It wasn’t a city block or a rural street. Only highways have mile markers. Have you seen a highway? It’s typically a long stretch of road that might not have anything on it for miles. That’s why they have mile markers. He let her out there.
Because of this, Jessica is (predictably?) killed.
This isn’t a tragic backstory. Flynn has a tragic backstory. He was just a man doing his job and they killed his family. What Wyatt has is the consequence of his actions. The one redeeming aspect of the whole ordeal is that he does at least blame himself for it. I mean, he should. So at least he does.
I dread the day when (not if) they inevitably show us the flashback of that night and end up retconning so much of how the scene is represented. Because Wyatt is a fan favorite now, so they’re going to make every decision he made that night look like a natural course of events that could happen to anyone. You know they’ll do it.
Jealous. Related note to the above point, people think it’s cute every time Wyatt “gets jealous” when other men pay Lucy attention or flirt with her. Noooooooo. Once again, red flag. We’ve heard what happens when he gets jealous. WHY is this cute?
Did I ramble? Definitely. Is anyone going to read all of that? Definitely not. Sorry I couldn’t keep it brief, Anon. I’m a very contemplative individual who thinks too much about fiction. It’s dangerous to ask me a question. lol. No matter how simple it may sound when asked.
I think what we’re supposed to do with Wyatt’s character (which so few do– no one?) is acknowledge that he is a protagonist who is not 100% good. He is the mirror image of Flynn, an antagonist who is not 100% bad. They have so much in common, I truly believe we’re supposed to draw parallels between them. 
So for lots of reasons, I don’t think Wyatt is good for Lucy. Really, unless he changes himself drastically, I don’t think he’s good for anyone. His wife is literally dead because of his jealousy and his temper. And Wyatt just… can’t really handle it when people disagree with him, not when he’s too invested in his own idea. Lucy is too strong willed for something to actually last for very long between them. I hope it never starts. But I rarely get what I want in these matters so…
Once again, I don’t hate Wyatt. He’s still an okay guy. I didn’t list his positive attributes because it wasn’t relative to the question. And there are enough posts about that. But yeah, one day, the glass just sort of shattered and I noticed all of his bad traits that had been building up under our noses the entire time. They add up. He’s just a flawed, unstable hothead. But at least he’s three-dimensional.
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