#Like that time in the xxxHolic OVA when Yuuko starts to RUN
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THIS IS GORGEOUS! I LOVE the big shots of Mokona’s wings like this. They’re so impressive when you see them in scale, and the sheer magic behind them really stands out. 
But also have we ever SEEN Yuuko under stress before? Naturally she can hold it together, but the tiny lines under her eyes! The single bead of sweat! She is putting in EFFORT here in a way I don’t think we’ve ever been witness to anywhere else. It is a bit terrifying that even YUUKO ICHIHARA struggles with enduring Evil Wolverine’s defences. 
But she does it!
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greyliliy · 8 years
YOU LIKE CLAMP ??? Ilu bye
Ha ha. I do like a great deal of CLAMP titles. XD I haven’t seen/read all of it, but I have read quite a chunk (I was at a book fair once, and they had a TON of overstock TokyoPop titles & I cleaned house on like 6 Clamp series that day. xD). *pulls up their body of work list*
Man of Many Faces - Read the manga. It was very cute if I remember right.
Tokyo Babylon - I had to go pick up my manga to refresh myself what this was even about. XD I remember liking it enough the first time I read it to pick up the OVA for it, but I’m blanking on plot. Might have to reread this.
Clamp School Detectives & Duklyon: Clamp School Defenders - I have both these titles and they were fun times. It was great seeing the protagonists from Man of Man Faces all grown up and running around. Shenanigans. There were shenanigans and it was great. (I’m listing them together because it was the same school & universe.)
X/1999 - I think I saw that first movie of this, but not much else. I couldn’t seem to force myself to get interested, though I keep hearing it’s good. XD
Cardcapter Sakura - I watched the edited dub of this on TV, but that was it. Never read the comic or looked up the uncut version. I liked it enough to get that toy replica of her book & set of cards, but overall the thing I most appreciated about it was Sakura changed outfits every episode & there was no stock animations for her attacks. Plot wise I hated Syaoran, so that killed a lot of interest in the series for me. A friend of mine LOVED the series though, so I saw a lot of it via proxy. (When I say I hate Syaoran, I mean I hate him. It’s irrational and I have no reason but every time he’s on screen I want to throw the television across the room.)
WISH - Favorite CLAMP title. Hands down. I love it. These four volumes make me so happy and Kohaku is precious (and the original definition of “Too good, too pure for this world.”), and her romance with Shuichirou is so wonderful. They get a lot in four volumes and ug, I love it. I was so happy to see these two cameo over in Kobato, because I’m continually upset this didn’t get a proper OVA after we were spoiled with a fake series opening. XD
Angelic Layer - I have the anime for this on DVD & really loved it. I sort of loved how the little dolls are completely non-sentient, but the series still gives this sort of hint that they are, based on how their owners like them (like when a kid believes their toys are alive). It was a neat dynamic. I never got my hands on the manga for it, but I do remember looking up differences in story. It was a good show.
Suki: A Like Story -  I have the manga for this & I remember liking it a lot. It’s a lot more slice-of-life, toned down story for CLAMP. It threw me a little because it’s so down to earth. A very sweet love story, though. Another I need to re-read.
Legal Drug - I have the first couple of manga volumes of this, and I barely remember anything about it outside of the fact it ended on a cliffhanger. I know they picked it up later with a sort-of sequel, but I didn’t remember/care enough about it enough to look it up. XD
Chobits - I ADORED the anime of this. Loved it. Back in the days when DVD volumes had 3 episodes & cost $40 a piece, I GLADLY paid it every time one came out. I loved it so much. I have really good memories of watching it in college with a friend in my dorm room. Everything about Chobits I adored. So it’s only natural I went out and hunted down the Manga & Loved that just as much. Both versions are great and I love both and Chii & Hideki are so precious. *slams hand on table* I loved Chobits.
xxxHolic - I like the anime & the first part of the manga for this (up until Himawari’s reveal, or at least around there). The movie’s also very good. Actually, I liked xxxHolic a lot, considering it’s the only CLAMP title I’ve written fanfiction for, and boy did I love the main trio of Watanuki, Doumeki, and Himawari (My ships: Doumeki x Watanuki, Watanuki x Himawari & Himawari x Watanuki. xd).  And then I read ahead and figured out how it crossed over with Tsubasa and if you paid attention to my Cardcaptor Sakura rant toward the end, you probably know why I dropped this series and pretend it stops earlier than it does. That and I started losing interest in the plot the more Watanuki got involved with Yuuko & the shop. I have mixed feelings, but not too many, because I stopped reading. XD
Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle - My brother liked this one. So I saw some of it over his shoulder when he was reading & I think I watched the movie that came bundled with the xxxHolic movie, but otherwise I didn’t watch this one (*points at Syaoran with an angry face*).
Kobato - I only caught the anime of this one. I remember binging it in two settings & liking it quite a bit. It’s not my favorite CLAMP title, but it’s a good one. There’s also a WISH cameo though, which is WIN.
And that’s it. My entire CLAMP experience. I’m aware of other titles (like Magic Knight Rayearth) but never watched/caught them. xD
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