#Like what F/Os they correlate to and what not
kakusu-shipping · 5 months
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Sometimes I play a Pokemon Game and don't want to make a new S/I for it but do want to interact with it's story and characters.
So here are some Wandering Protagonists I aged up and moved across Regions for funsies.
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nerdwhoauthorinserts · 5 months
Herb-based random Selfship Ask game!
Works basically the same as any other Selfship ask game! Just send in the word correlating with a question and specify what fictional other/Self-insert/Self-ship you're asking it about! (Anywhere I say 'You', you can put yourself or your self-insert, lol.)
If you want to do this for yourself, just reblog! (Remember, practice reblog karma.)
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Basil - If you and your F/O had an all-expenses paid trip to anywhere in the world/your F/Os source world, where would you go on a date/honeymoon?
Bay Leaf - What do you and your F/O do when you need to wind down after a long and stressful day?
Chamomile - What is something your F/O loves about you?
Cinnamon - *Flash doodle prompt!* Draw your selfship doing something involving fire! (Roasting marshmallows, dinner by candle light, sitting by the fireplace, etc.)
Chia Seeds - Is there anything you've learned/improved upon since being with your F/O? (Maybe you had anger issues and learned to deal with them after starting to selfship, for example?)
Chili flakes - Who out of you and your F/O(s) is more likely to be arrested defending the others' honor?
Cumin - Has your F/O ever put themselves in danger for you? How about vice versa?
Dandelion - Does your F/O believe in 'wishes coming true'? Maybe not wishing on a star, but do they believe in making wishes?
Dill - Has there ever been a moment where your F/O embarrassed you? How about vice versa?
Eucalyptus - *Flash doodle prompt!* Doodle or sketch your F/O in a casual outfit or in pajamas you think they'd wear!
Fennel - How's your F/Os venting skills? If you start venting to them, do they listen? Do they actively participate in the conversation?
Flax seeds - Do you and your F/O want kids? Why/Why not?
Ginger - On a scale of 'Rodger Rabbit and Jessica' and 'Batman and Catwoman' how much of a power couple (Or power throuple/etc) is your Selfship?
Jasmine - How did you and your F/O meet?
Lavender - How was your relationship with your F/O at first? Was it love at first sight? Did you hate each other at first?
Nutmeg - What do you do to comfort your F/O when they need it? What about vice versa?
Oregano - What is your F/O's love language? How often do they show their love this way?
Paprika - Who of you and your F/O(s) is the 'hypeman' of the other(s)?
Parsley - *Flash doodle prompt!* Draw you and your F/O as if you were the F/O, and they the selfshipper!
Peppermint - Can you two pick up each other's signals right away, or are you two just enigmas to each other most of the time? Maybe you even have a few secret code words that mean something for your partner?
Poppy seeds - *Flash doodle prompt!* Draw yourself and your F/O(s) asleep together! Aww... are you guys all tangled up together? Just in each others arms?
Rose - How passionate is your F/O? Are they the type to make big grand gestures of love, or do they show their love in smaller ways?
Rosemary - How well do you two know each other? Are you two confident that you would win a couples game show?
Sesame seeds - *Flash doodle prompt!* Draw you and your F/O taking care of a pet together! (Or, draw them with a hypothetical kid, perhaps?)
Spearmint - Do you two get up in the mornings at around the same time? Do you do your morning routines together? Why/Why not?
Sunflower seeds - What is your favorite moment involving your F/O(s) from their source?
Thyme - What fairy tale would suit you/your S/I's story with your F/O the best?
Turmeric - *Flash doodle prompt!* Draw a 'Draw the squad' or otherwise draw a meme of some sort with you/your S/I and your F/O(s)!
Vanilla - *Flash doodle prompt!* Draw you and your F/O doing something that looks suggestive, but is actually entirely innocent!
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My brain wants to know your thoughts on Gotham Jervis (haha Mad Hatter brainrot) with a normally very quiet and near mute reader that is unreasonably vocal in bed. Oh you thought they would be quiet? No! Praise and filthy words all around!
"A time to speak up" Gotham Mad Hatter x reader
The brainrot for our f/os is so real.
Tw: smut, NSFW, hypnotism mention, public sex
Oh, his dearest darling... he doesn't mind you being quiet. It's obvious you're one of the few people who actually listens to him! The ramblings, the intricate plots- who else understands him as you do in such few words?
He notices the sudden... verbosity... when you begin to have intimate moments. He strokes the right place, tells you how he could have you eating out of his hand with just a few tricks- and the words come pouring out.
It's actually rather thrilling for him once he realizes the direct correlation. "Oh sweet songbird... what tunes can I elicit with a touch of my hand?" In some ways it's just as interesting as hypnosis because it's so... private. Just for him right now when he makes you feel this way.
It becomes a gauge for him on how "well" he's doing. How vocal you get and how filthy your language becomes. He'll lightly scold how naughty you get and bask in praise you give him. Strokes his ego.
if he's feeling particularly cruel, he'll tell you that you can't finish unless you're quiet. Gloved fingers in your mouth. Likely someplace public. "Now, now, we can't let everyone know what I'm doing to you. Then I might have to share this pretty sight. One could consider that a terrible slight."
Yes, he could just hypnotize you into being quiet, but that takes some of the fun out of it... Unless you wanted that. Interesting thoughts to explore!
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huntinglove · 7 months
the Anons hating on you sound like miserable spineless little pricks who can't afford actual punching bags. I know I'd miss seeing you a lot on my dash so they can kindly get kicked to a curb for the rest of their days :D
This is the month of love so let's spread some! I love the way you love so many fascinating and interesting F/Os! Even if I vaguely know--or sometimes don't know at all!--their source, it's always so fun to see how you insert yourself and how that correlates with your self ship! Plus the art you share is so warm and full of that love too!!
Beyond that, you're also so charming yourself that it's really no wonder you radiate love <3 because you attract it loads too! No matter what kind of hate gets thrown your way just know you have tons of people in your corner. Haters can step to the left if they find your vibes are too blinding ;3
Cheers and happy rest of FABuary to you Ghosty! (get it, cause you and your F/Os are FAB-U-LOUS? teehee)
Thank you so much, this is so sweet!! I
'm so happy to hear all of this, I really hope you guys know that I'm right in your corner as well, if you ever need anything; from a listening ear to silly distractions and positivity, my inbox and DMs are always open!!
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marshmallowloves · 7 months
DAY 2 (PLATONIC F/Os) - Fujin (Mortal Kombat)
I have Raiden as a romantic F/O, but within the Mortal Kombat niche of the self-shipping community, I see a lot more people fawning over Fujin between the two of them. And I can totally understand - Fujin is seen as the more "human" one of the brothers. Despite his power and godhood, he's more personable, casual but polite, and has more of a sensitive and sentimental side without faltering in his duties as a protector of Earthrealm. Were he not tied to his role, I can see how he'd probably be the perfect romantic partner.
But I couldn't see myself being romantically involved with Fujin. Not just because I selfship with Raiden, but I do actually think of Fujin in a different way, and for a very specific reason. I've never talked about this before - heck, I've never really talked about anything in this same vein, even - so it will probably sound weird.
Since I was younger, probably around 10-ish, I think I've had some kind of connection with wind. Not like I think I'm an elemental or something (as cool as that might be), but there's definitely something different when it comes to me and the wind, and there always has been.
From all the way back then, even up until now, there's a certain indescribable emotion I feel sometimes when I'm outside. And when I get this feeling, the wind always seems to pick up at that exact moment. Usually (but not always) this feeling comes when I listen to certain kinds of music, and it always seems to be in conjunction with seeing certain scenery (whether real or imagined) - usually places with a number of trees, actually, now that I'm really thinking about it. It's really hard to describe, but I'll feel something like a chill across my skin, something swells a little in my chest and my face goes slightly numb. I've never been able to label it as anything but a "special" feeling. And it's kind of cyclical, too - I get the feeling, the wind gets stronger. I notice the correlation, it makes the feeling stronger, the wind responds in kind. It's never dangerously strong, though.
When I was younger and first noticed the wind get stronger with that feeling, it made me wonder if there was some kind of genuine magical connection - cause, y'know, I was a kid. As I grew up I pretty much accepted the idea that this feeling was just psychosomatic, and realistically, the wind growing stronger at those moments was purely coincidental.
But I'm a whimsical little marshmallow, and even if it's truly outside the realm of possibility for us as humans, there was always the tiny little thought in my head that wondered if there really was something supernatural or magical there. Like yeah, we have no proof of the existence of real, tangible gods or things like that, but...what if? What if it was like that "boring superpowers" idea, and maybe we don't have real people who can sling fire from their hands or whatever, but simple stuff like this can happen where a girl gets happy from music and then there's a breeze?
(I suppose if you wanna get real fantastical and read into it, it would also fit in with the fact that Aquarius (my sign) is an air sign, which was...always kind of weird-sounding to me. And even funnier is that I was so convinced throughout my adolescence that if I had any control over an element, it would be water, because of how much I actually love water.)
This is all leading up to say that the past few times I've experienced this, my mind drifts to Fujin. Specifically, wondering what he would think of a mortal living among normal, magic-less humans, expressing this very vague kind of connection with the very element he has dominion over.
I like to imagine a scenario where this timid mortal woman from Earthrealm visits his temple for this reason and thinks, who better to ask about this strange feeling I have for the wind than the wind god himself? And when she arrives and describes her experiences, he's delighted to tell her that her connection is very real, that all her suspicions from childhood were correct and that the wind does indeed respond to her emotion. The way he speaks seems as if he's treating it like some kind of secret knowledge that she should hold very dear. And that, should she ever wish to take better control of it, he would be happy to help her learn how. Fujin would be a gentle and intuitive teacher, I think, and even beyond teaching would delight in casual conversation or simply sitting in the gardens in peaceful silence.
Fujin feels like someone I could go to for moments of respite, where I could spend a little time with the wind while forgetting everything else in the world exists. He'd provide a kind of security that's similar but different than what I would feel with a romantic F/O like Raiden.
TL;DR (because I think I lost track of this post fhgdjs): I wouldn't necessarily label Fujin as an F/O but he's certainly platonic and spending time with him sounds really nice and comfortable c:
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pelman · 2 years
2, 4, 14, 30 >:)
2. Is it easier to draw someone facing left or right (or forward even)
its easy to draw a character facing any direction except Up. i can never get the curve of the jaw right
4. Fav character/subject that's a bitch to draw
all of them /j no uhh.. a few of my f/os are hard to draw. sheldon and takoyama come to mind, but another one is saltwater; his proportions are simple, but deceptively so, and so its hard to actually get him right
14. Any favorite motifs
mmm... it depends on what you consider a motif. i guess one thing is correlating intense emotion with either unnaturally bright colors or unnaturally dull colors.... but idk if thats really like... a motif. i dont know! its hard for me personally to make the distinction
30. What piece of yours do you think is underrated
ask me again here!
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No, Richard, it's 'Linux', not 'GNU/Linux'. The most important contributions that the FSF made to Linux were the creation of the GPL and the GCC compiler. Those are fine and inspired products. GCC is a monumental achievement and has earned you, RMS, and the Free Software Foundation countless kudos and much appreciation. Following are some reasons for you to mull over, including some already answered in your FAQ.
One guy, Linus Torvalds, used GCC to make his operating system (yes, Linux is an OS -- more on this later). He named it 'Linux' with a little help from his friends. Why doesn't he call it GNU/Linux? Because he wrote it, with more help from his friends, not you. You named your stuff, I named my stuff -- including the software I wrote using GCC -- and Linus named his stuff. The proper name is Linux because Linus Torvalds says so. Linus has spoken. Accept his authority. To do otherwise is to become a nag. You don't want to be known as a nag, do you? (An operating system) != (a distribution). Linux is an operating system. By my definition, an operating system is that software which provides and limits access to hardware resources on a computer. That definition applies whereever you see Linux in use. However, Linux is usually distributed with a collection of utilities and applications to make it easily configurable as a desktop system, a server, a development box, or a graphics workstation, or whatever the user needs. In such a configuration, we have a Linux (based) distribution. Therein lies your strongest argument for the unwieldy title 'GNU/Linux' (when said bundled software is largely from the FSF). Go bug the distribution makers on that one. Take your beef to Red Hat, Mandrake, and Slackware. At least there you have an argument. Linux alone is an operating system that can be used in various applications without any GNU software whatsoever. Embedded applications come to mind as an obvious example.
Next, even if we limit the GNU/Linux title to the GNU-based Linux distributions, we run into another obvious problem. XFree86 may well be more important to a particular Linux installation than the sum of all the GNU contributions. More properly, shouldn't the distribution be called XFree86/Linux? Or, at a minimum, XFree86/GNU/Linux? Of course, it would be rather arbitrary to draw the line there when many other fine contributions go unlisted. Yes, I know you've heard this one before. Get used to it. You'll keep hearing it until you can cleanly counter it. You seem to like the lines-of-code metric. There are many lines of GNU code in a typical Linux distribution. You seem to suggest that (more LOC) == (more important). However, I submit to you that raw LOC numbers do not directly correlate with importance. I would suggest that clock cycles spent on code is a better metric. For example, if my system spends 90% of its time executing XFree86 code, XFree86 is probably the single most important collection of code on my system. Even if I loaded ten times as many lines of useless bloatware on my system and I never excuted that bloatware, it certainly isn't more important code than XFree86. Obviously, this metric isn't perfect either, but LOC really, really sucks. Please refrain from using it ever again in supporting any argument.
Last, I'd like to point out that we Linux and GNU users shouldn't be fighting among ourselves over naming other people's software. But what the heck, I'm in a bad mood now. I think I'm feeling sufficiently obnoxious to make the point that GCC is so very famous and, yes, so very useful only because Linux was developed. In a show of proper respect and gratitude, shouldn't you and everyone refer to GCC as 'the Linux compiler'? Or at least, 'Linux GCC'? Seriously, where would your masterpiece be without Linux? Languishing with the HURD? If there is a moral buried in this rant, maybe it is this: Be grateful for your abilities and your incredible success and your considerable fame. Continue to use that success and fame for good, not evil. Also, be especially grateful for Linux' huge contribution to that success. You, RMS, the Free Software Foundation, and GNU software have reached their current high profiles largely on the back of Linux. You have changed the world. Now, go forth and don't be a nag.
Ah, here we go, an even longer pasta.
I'll get to this eventually, but it might be a while. I'll make the other post first, and add this stuff in a reblog of that one.
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ectoplasmer · 2 years
Hii!! 💞 ♾ and 💌 for the music ask game!😁
hi shar!! i’m so sorry this took me legit forever to answer, I got really busy with other things and couldn’t sit down to actually put effort into this apart from very small moments- so here we are!! sorry if this is a little bit less rainy-ified than usual ^^;
💞: Reminds you of your relationship
The song to instantly pop into my head at reading this in Marik’s case was Lonely Eyes by The Front Bottoms, so… interpret that as you will!! another go-to yearning song U.U
D & D Is Gay (But So Am I So This Tracks) 2.0 by Newgrounds Death Rugby. No further commentary (again I swear it’s something about the whole “let’s be lonely together” trope. always gets me)
Sticking with the ghost theming here for Bakura… Baby You're a Haunted House by Gerard Way but specifically for the part at 1:53. I’m constantly rewinding this song just to imagine things to those few lines, so I think this song goes perfectly with the prompt provided.
This one was a bit tougher to figure out for Melvin since I’m not really sure there is anything that’d correctly correlate or relate to how our relationship is, buuuut…. I eventually settled on Lose It by Oh Wonder. It’s a song about escapism being achieved through getting caught up in another person and.. I think that says enough to explain itself <3
♾: You imagine your future together to
ohhh my gosh… okay so this one made me realize that I never really think about my future with them too often?? But like not in the bad sense, it just opened my eyes to the fact that I do have a possibility at a future with my f/os and it’s like?? I can continue doing this??? I can genuinely be with them for a long time if I so please??? They might even want a future with me???? so like I don’t know if I can get all four of them songs for this one because thinking of this for too long makes my face red and me all flustered and stupid…. but I think Linger by The Cranberries fits nicely here for all of them :) definitely gonna roll this idea around in my head though because???? >///<
💌: Says what you wish you could tell them
Anthems For A Seventeen Year-Old Girl by Broken Social Scene is a song that captures some of the feelings I have for Marik perfectly. The actual song’s meaning is completely different (narrator looking back at her younger self and missing how she was when she was a teenager) but I’m (of course) twisting the meaning. Something about looking back on someone bitter and acknowledging that they’ve changed… the main chorus… captures a lot of ideas for me.
Now I’m hitting Ryou with the ghost relation hammer because!! Possession (Quiet) by Starry Cat can probably fit in here. Possession subtext, mention of first-loves and laying on the floor of an apartment… fits normal rainy criteria for day dreaming ^u^ also just…. some of the lines just mean a lot to me and I feel like I can easily apply them to Ryou in this context :)
Distance by Christina Perri. yearning pining etc etc perfectly encompasses. many things. no further commentary- >////<
Not really sure I can elaborate very well for this one but… Like Real People Do by Hozier. mutual discovery and seeking…. good <3
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if anyone notices a change to which of my romantic F/Os fall into which category on my carrd from earlier, then.. it's just what felt right, okay
(Also, something I wanted to point out is that my romantic F/Os are organised only into main romantic F/Os and other romantic F/Os - it's not a primary/secondary/tertiary sort of thing! Whether I'm comfortable seeing other ships or romantic selfships with a romantic F/O is purely a case-by-case thing, and it doesn't correlate with my feelings for them. And to be honest, the only reason why I classify some of them as main romantic F/Os is because those are the F/Os I tend to default to when thinking about things, and my selfships with them are the most developed - it's not as much about the magnitude of my feelings as might be implied, although that is part of it.
For example, Serana isn't a romantic F/O I talk about or even really think about that much, but I don't like the fact that almost all the content that pops up from her tag is of people shipping her with their Dragonborn or other characters, which is most of why she's in the second section. Conversely, N is a romantic F/O who is actually pretty close to my heart, and I do have a fair bit of story around my selfship with him, but I'm completely fine with sharing him with others, and in fact I enjoy talking to other people who romantially selfship with him and seeing their selfships!
I hope that makes sense!)
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What songs do you associate with an F/O of your choice?
Heyyo, thanks for sending this in! :3 So in all honesty, the only f/o that I have a LOT of songs associated with is Junkrat (who I've already posted a playlist for hehe), so instead of listing a buncha songs for one f/o, I'm gonna list off a song for three different f/os! :D
Ok first off we got a song for Discord; Safe and Sound by Capital Cities! If you were a human being in 2014 I'm sure you've heard this song, and tbh half the reason I associate it with Discord so much is because it was popular at the time that I was super hooked on MLP, but that's not the only reason! The lyrics are all abt how even in the most intense of situations, the singer will always keep the listener "safe and sound", and I love that cuz I feel like Discord would always promise to do the same for me 🥺💖🥺💖 We could literally be in the epicenter of a storm or at the bottom of the sea, but with his chaos magic, he would never let anything even remotely bad happen to me 🥺🥺🥺
Aight for number two, here's one for Tom; Honky Cat by Elton John! And listen I DON'T associate it with Tom just because the word "cat" is in the title (although that is part of it). Mostly it's because I imagine that my self insert's owner would move to the country from a big city like New York, so at first Tom would be a bit nervous about having to impress a "big city kitty" like my s/i, and that's basically what the lyrics of this song are about! 💖💖 But of course, despite his worries, he wouldn't have to do anything too extravagant to win me over 🥺💖🥺
Okay and last but certainly not least, we have one for my favorite big man, Jim Hopper 🥺💖💖💖 While my ship name for him is based on the song Holding Out for a Hero, there's another song that I very heavily associate with him, and that's Brandy (You're a Fine Girl) by Looking Glass. Even just hearing the first few notes of this song makes me so absolutely soft and start to imagine the most sweet and tender things with Jim, and tbh I can't even really nail down exactly why?? It's not like the song's subject matter directly correlates with anything about our relationship, but it's just such a sweet song and it sounds exactly like the kind of music he would listen to, maybe on a record player as I sit on his lap on the couch and we just admire each other, ocassionally giving each other a gentle kiss but more often than not just... staring, with so much love in our eyes and our hearts cuz we didn't think that anyone would ever be able to make us feel so euphorically happy but somehow we found each other despite all odds.... S-sorry I just. This song does something to me, man 🥺💖🥺💖🥺💖🥺
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eternitas-archive · 4 years
Oh one more thing before I leave
It’s just my two cents but I really gotta speak it into the world.
This is gonna be LONG so here have a read more
You all are hypocritical cherry pickers that want fandoms and communities to cater to your interests and morals
And let me tell you honey, that is gonna ruin not only your own experience, but everyone elses.
Lemme adress some things
Why y’all so ready to cry wolf when someone ages up a character?
The discourse is probably as old as this fucking community. It happens every other month and I am sick of it. “If you age up characters you are a pedo uvu sorry I don’t make the rules.” yes you do. You literally made up your own fucking rules about this. “Well you are shipping with a minor!” they’re aged up. “But you still ship with a minor!!”
Okay by that logic, why are we allowing all these other shippers doing their thing? The people that ship with Sans from Undertale that is a skeleton? I mean he is still just a skeleton linking him strongly to the image of death so necrophilia much?
What about the people shipping with inanimate objects? The people shipping with transformers? Those are aliens and or vehicles? Yeah that is mechanophilia.
What about people who ship with f/os that have animalistic features? I mean they are mainly antropomorphic but they still are animals. Beastiality
“No wait that is all dif-”
How about the people shipping with villains and criminals? Clearly that means they endorse that shit irl.
What about the people that ship with people MUUUCH older than them? some millenia or hundreds of years? or just 20? clearly endorse predatory behavior
While we’re at it what’s up with people shipping with divine beings? Angels? Demons? Sounds like blatant blasphemy to me
Do I want you to double down so you can prove yourself right? NO! I want you to understand that you guys are cherry picking and not understanding correlation between topics! Are there legit pedos on tumblr? yes. is it a strangers job to care for all the minors out there? no? If I go into a park it is not my job to hold an eye out for all kids that there are. I am not their parent, guardian or otherwise a person with any responsibility towards them. Same for people on the internet. I will do my shit and keep to myself. and if I happen to enjoy stuff for myself that is my right. Do I halt at a red light bc I want to be a good example for kids so they don’t learn bad behavior? Can I stop every person that crosses a red light and hold them a long ass lecture about how they endorse dangers in the streets? No.
“But there are minors on the internet!” Yes, I am aware, they will always be, always have been, your point?
“We need to make a safe space for the kids!” No we don’t? people need to follow the Terms of Service of a platform and honestly most people that reblog nsfw stuff even clearly state that minors should not interact.
“No like, YOU need to be on your best behavior bc there could be a minor anywhere!”
Since when did I become these minors parent? Since when did someone push these kids into my lap and say “your responsibility now”?
You need to understand that you can’t always just get upset at stuff EXISTING
nsfw fics are usually tagged and marked accordingly, most people that engage in a lot of nsfw stuff usually have “minors don’t interact” on their blog somewhere. Some even BLOCK people that follow them and are clear minors, that’s some DEDICATION.
But I have seen posts catering to FUCKING WRITERS saying “pls keep nsfw out of ur imagines and reader fics :)))) for the minors, otherwise I cant reblog it.” If you want to cater to your minor audience sure, but I can not stress enough how you can not tell others how to run their shit. Yes, you can suggest that to the imagine writers or writers in general but it is their right to say “no I run it like I want to” and proceed with their shit. And there is nothing you can do about it. Besides if minors really want some nsfw, trust me they WILL find it. Should we therefore police everyone and stuck them into horny jail? No.
“haha look at this lame ass adult getting upset they can’t be predatory anymore bc they are being called out on their pedophilia”
Idk how to tell you that it’s none of your fucking buisness what my personal history is and that you have no claim outside of “aging up is pedophilia” but sure go off, bc I am “upset I can not be predatory” anymore and not just outraged people are throwing around unreasonable claims.
Why would I even age up a character if pedophilia is about being into MINORS? Why would I age a character up if the WHOLE THING about pedophilia is that they are kids????
“Okay but then it’s predatory!” There is a point that depictions of an adult dating someione who is “barely legal” normalizes predatory behavior, but honestly, why is that MY responsibility? And who says I age them up to be barely legal? My social media/tumblr/ selfship experience is a very private thing. It’s a very personal thing, so why tf do I need to cater it to people who are NOT ME? When I do that it’s because I want to do it, not because I need to fill some moral obligations. (and yet I can say that YES caring about lgbt, other religious, non white selfshippers and boosting them is something generally people should do)
Like there is a thing about fiction. It doesn’t age like normal people. When I started to love one of my f/os we were the same age. The series eventually ended, it didn’t progress in real time, so I grew up while they stayed their age. And guess what! none of this backstory is any of your god damn buisness!! I don’t OWE it to you as much as writers and others don’t owe their trauma to you just so you can “give them permission” to deal with their trauma through selfshipping or writing. Who do you think you fucking are?
Fiction is not reality. And I am sick being stuck in medevial dark ages europe where people believed everything on a stage to be real life. Where actors were not allowed to exist and the people that did act and depicted a bad guy were generally shunned and hated by everyone bc they didn’t distinguish between fiction and reality.
Does fiction have an effect on reality? Yes. Jaws had repurcussions. Even the german novella “Die Leiden des jungen Werthers” had about a dozen suicides following the lead of the main character. 50 shades had an effect. 13 reasons why had an effect. But that doesn’t mean what you believe it means.
In the end I can not take the role of these minors parents to educate them and look after them. It shouldn’t be my job. And yes there are a lot of scummy adults on the internet. Like a LOT. But you need to understand that the internet will NEVER be a child safe place. And most adults take precautions already!
But fics aren’t for morality lessons. Fics aren’t for sex education. Fics aren’t there to be a fucking HOLY BOOK. Fics are just creative writing. And selfshippers are just there to have a bad time. And if they act out SURE call them out but otherwise just leave them tf alone?
“No no, what you write is what you actively endorse uvu”
Then say good bye to Horror and thriller. Say good by to books involving cheating. Say good bye to books in which anyone ever gets harmed. Say good bye to books ever even mentioning any problematic topic that isn’t 100% uwu pure
“Wait no that is different-”
How is it? Is it only problematic when you get off of it? Is that your argument? Are we going the christian route of condemning being sexually free and enjoying something that is legit a very important thing to a lot of people? (yes to asexuals their LACK of sexual attraction can also be a very important topic bc they have the right to express that without being condemed for not wanting to BONE or not being able to get horny by looking at bodies.)
Yes the over fetishization of certain topics is problematic, yes there is a lot of toxicity when it comes to porn and that shit, but kinks are just kinks.
“So you say pedophilia is just a kink!”
No. Pedophilia is aweful and no child should ever suffer through that sort of exploitation.
“But you say rape is just a kink!”
No. Real life rape is aweful and whoever rapes another human being deserves death full stop.
“You just said-”
YES! I know what I said! A lot of people hate real life stuff that they endorse in fiction. Some people are into pissing and shitting into each other! Some people are into hardcore bondage! And they all have their own histories, their own lifes and it’s their fucking thing? Do I want death on all rapists? Yes. Do I sometimes have questionable fantasies that might involve non con or dubious consent? Yes, so? Do I have my reasons for that? Yes, it’s none of your gd buisness?
It all always boils down to entitlement. Y’all need to understand that you can’t just run around demanding everyone to cater to your bullshit. You can not run around accusing people of pedophilia just because they would like to see themselves date a fictional character, but in their age.
If it makes you uncomfortable then don’t follow and interact with those people but you don’t need to pretend to have some moral high ground so you are the better person. You can just... have dislikes?
Even so, as I make this post I can not speak in broad terms because each case, each person is individual. Maybe some get off on shit and endorse it, how should I know? Maybe someone out there is fighting for not policing and censoring stuff because they actively want more pedo content, I don’t know, I am not the CIA or FBI?
It’s also none of my buisness. Is it aweful that these people exist? yeah. Are they prone to be on tumblr? probably? Are they that selfshipper that ages up their f/o so they can smooch? Unlikely.
People have their reasons. Their backstories, and none of that should have to be layed open just to get a strangers “okay” for shipping with the fictional character that makes them happy.
so uuuh before I leave
tldr: y’all full of shit and aging up is not pedophilia, you are just trying to give yourself some moral highground. you sound like a flatearther lol.
Gates closed, bitches
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Oooh I want to see Nero and Gladio interact! =D
@atmospheric-light and @mes-petits-choux thank you so much for taking the time to send me an ask! I hope that you have an amazing day and get all the love that you deserve!
Now my main self ship verse basically correlates with my real life and my f/os live in my neighborhood and we met through normal means. ( Nero is my childhood friend, I met Gladio at the library while I was studying) they still go through the events of their Source material, but that is usually a bit before I meet them or during a time where they have to step away for a bit. (Nero went through DMC4 while I was dealing with a lot of family stuff in real life and Gladdy has been handling his duties as the Royal Shield while I've been with Nero and the events of DMC5!)
With that explanation out of the way, I feel like these two would never see eye-to-eye! This is because Nero is sort of a "I Do What I Want" kind of punk ( in the best way of course! ) while Gladio holds himself to his duties and tries to keep an order of some sort! Plus when it comes to me they would rather not deal with the other so they are always digging into one another on how they're a better fit for me and then in turn trying to one-up the other! So when they are not outright bickering with one another, there is tension!
The best way to really describe it is like they have shared custody over me but as their girlfriend?? But when it comes down to it they know that I love them in their own unique way and they use that as a stepping stone into bonding with one another especially when I do have to deal with medical procedures and neither of them want to admit that they worry or are more worried than they let on before I go under. According to others they actually have comforted or at least attempted to comfort one another when I do deal with these medical issues and get them treated... but after that is said and done, the two of them go right back to: "Fuck off, I'm taking Becca to this!" And all their other back-and-forth bickering.
It doesn't really bother me because they are trying to be on their best behavior around me underneath all this squabbling I can see that the two of them do care for one another!
Thank you once again for giving me the chance to talk about my two favorite guys ever! I hope that you do have a wonderful day and are getting all the loves that you deserve!!!
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ora-infotech-blog · 5 years
What do you mean by mobile application?
A mobile application also called an application or simply an app that is just the computer program or the software that is intended to use on the mobile phone. It increases the productivity as most of the time when you are not able to access or carry your computer system there you can simply just remove your cell phone and get access to that software so called application in the mobile terminology. The introduction of mobile application took place in 2009, and has caused a rapid expansion in gaming, GPS, order tracking, and all other services that makes the life simple and productive. There are even those applications that make the work of a teacher easy. Now there is no more the paper and pen attendance, directly the attendance gets uploaded on the portal and gets freeze so there are no chances of faking of attendance and let the teacher free from the mess of after attendance.
Where can you get this application?
These applications are widely available for all the users no to worry if you are an android user or an IOS user or even a window user. You all can access to the application from their respective store; Google Play Store for Android user, Apple Store for IOS user and Microsoft Store for Windows user. These applications are available as paid and free application. Mostly an IOS user has to pay higher prices to get an app. The Google Store has a lot of app that are available for free. But these may have a lot of ads in them that might give you headache.
What budget does it fit to?
This will be the round question when you are planning for a digital startup! Though the app start up is too fruitful nowadays as most of the people nowadays have their head tucked in their mobile phones. But what type of interface you give to the user is the most important thing and the more prime to it is that it fits in your budget. So what should be your budget?
The median app development cost is around $171,450 (at a rate of $150/hour), which represents 1,143 development hours. The total app price could even increase to $727,500 in the case of complex functionality implementation 
Average minimum app development project is between $5,000 to $10,000. The typical cost to create an app is likely to be far higher
Enterprise mobile app development cost is an average of $140,000
Available app cost calculators state a price range from $267,000 to $360,000 for complex, multi-feature mobile apps
The above data was obtained from the Clutch survey 2017. (https://clutch.co/app-developers/resources/cost-build-mobile-app-survey)The key findings suggest that the cost to develop an app ranges from just $5,000 to $500,000 based on up-to-date industry surveys. The complex mobile app development cost starts at $240,000.
First decide do you want a native or a hybrid app. An application that suits the guidelines of a specific operating system is called native. Thus, you can only build a native app for each system separately. In contrast, a hybrid or cross-platform app works with multiple operating systems, which means that you can save money by building only one application for all required platforms. Look at the below figure of the percentage of investment in Native v/s Hybrid app.
Tumblr media
                                Investment in Native v/s Hybrid app
 The application does not overnight become a great success it takes a pretty long time. So plan your web development on the following factors:
1.      Vendor type and location
2.      Complexity and the number of app features
3.      Back-end infrastructure and connected APIs
4.      Complexity of UX/UI design https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2009/10/minimizing-complexity-in-user-interfaces/
5.      Inclusion of additional branded visual elements
6.      Development approach (native, mobile web, hybrid, etc https://searchsoftwarequality.techtarget.com/definition/native-application-native-app)
7.      Number of platforms to be developed (iOS, Android, web, etc)
A feature is a special activity or task according to which the software should operate and give the expected result. This can be a sign-up button on a screen or something more complex like video-streaming integration. The number of features and complexity of their implementation directly correlates with the cost to build an app. The formula for finding the cost is:
Total Development time * Hourly Rate = Cost of the Application
The cost is generally estimated by the following way:
1.      Concepts - present a sum of features to accomplish
2.      Stories - list all the features necessary to make a concept
3.      Story Points - show the app development pace and complexity
1.      XAMARIN
It is the preferred mobile app development tool for native applications. It reuses business logic layers and data access across platform and is widely used to build apps for iOS, Windows, and Android app development.
a.    It is a mono framework which allows communication with the API of mobile devices.
Xamarin Component Store includes UI controls,     cross-platform libraries, and third party libraries.
It tends to produce fewer bugs and thus provides faster     time to market.
Platform-specifics allow to consuming functionality     that's only available on certain platforms.
2.      Appcelerator
It allows developers to create apps with fewer lines of code. This app development tool supports iOS, Android, Windows, and browser-based HTML5 applications.
a.    It improves the speed of mobile app development.
b.    Higher cloud capacity limits.
c.    This tool allows building mobile apps for all supported operating system.
d.    Virtual private or on-premises deployment
e.    Built on open-standards and full access to the underlying mobile OS
f.     Support for multi-region global deployments
3.      Phone Gap 
It is an Open Source free to use mobile app development framework. It falls into the category of cross-platform app development (https://www.kony.com/resources/glossary/cross-platform-mobile-development/). It can be used for developing a single app which works on all mobile devices.
a.       It works effectively on JavaScript, HTML5,and CSS3
b.      It can integrate with various libraries to enhance app development
c.       It allows development of various mobile applications with lesser time and efforts
d.      It helps developers to extend the functionality of the application with the help of plug-in architecture
e.       Robust tool for building apps without any special skill set
4.      ICONIC
It is HTML5 mobile app development framework (https://www.idslogic.com/building-mobile-apps-with-html5/). It is widely used for developing hybrid mobile apps. It is a useful tool to build mobile apps using web technologies like CSS, HTML5, and SASS.
a.       Ionic Framework is a 100% free and open source project
b.      Build progressive web and native mobile apps for every major app store
c.       It offers great tools and services to create highly interactive apps
d.      It allows web developer to create apps for all major app stores with a single code base
e.       It comes with many CSS components and JavaScript components for developing mobile apps
f.       Ionic emulates native app UI guidelines and uses native SDKs
So just set your mind first, decide and then act on the planning of development of application.
0 notes
senzacaponecoda · 5 years
(Decided to reduce the names to E, O and S because this isn’t something that should be treated seriously or like there’s anything in particular respectable or responsible about it, but might be helpful to someone like me trying to find something out for personal reasons.) So since I finally got my hands on a copy of O and S’s reconstruction of PAA, I thought I’d go through and pick out what I thought were their best etymons against what I think are E’s best etymons. As I’ve said before both reconstructions seem to be basically mass comparison reconstructions.
The wiki page on Afroasiatic claims they agree on basically nothing, and out of 1000ish and 2600ish I still got less than 100 shared roots, so that’s probably accurate. The page and what I pulled out didn’t exactly line up though, but also there were some roots especially on E’s end (due to a need to reconstruct verbs to nominalize for his PS theories) that I outright changed the meaning of because they actually made his individual arguments stronger; like, say, if you had 4 roots that mean knife in each sub-branch, why assume the etymon means cut?
I compared the roots in case there was something that was an obvious oversight, and while I don’t think their methods were all that good (although O and S’s are a lot better), I didn’t want to discount everything in case there was something like “well their vowel systems are different so I’m not counting roots where even V[os] = V[e]” or like “O/S posit (g,x) < *q while E has (g,x) < *ÿ” being overlooked and miraculously they agreed on like 300 more roots than the page gives them credit. There’s also issues like, well, “Is this particular author doing such a bad job but the critics aren’t seeing that, that he/she/they are dragging the other author/s down by undermining their ok etymons?” etc.
So, like, I’ve messed with the data in a way that’s irrepairable and shit. Mind that. This isn’t scholarly work and isn’t intended to be. And I messed with some of the data - even if I think it’s more representative of their works at a level, from any kind of responsible position I need to make it absolutely clear that it’s not really reflective of their work, but a reflection of my amateur, shitty thoughts on their concordances.
So, for the curious:
So when putting this list together I accidentally kept mixing which side I wrote whose roots together. E tends to have labiovelars where OS have o, E has long vowels, OS don’t, E has tones, OS don’t, E has the voiced velar fricative I transcribed as ÿ and ŋ, OS have q and q’ vs k’ and k. E has p’, the rest I guess you’ll have to guess.
I also marked a few words with * for what might be imitative or baby speak words. *? like on horn is “I’m on the fence of it being imitative”
Vowels are pretty much ignored, but otherwise definite correlates:
kol-f bark (n) dam blood k'os~k'as bone naf breath ben~bin build di3, da3, du3 call dumn~deman cloud k'at' cut* 2ab father* pir fly*? ba2 go sim hear lib heart k'ar horn*? inkwal~2ankol kidney 2er~2âr know lVk'~lak lick* tir liver sum,sim~süm,sim name wan open bu~baw place dak,duk~dik pound k'u2 rise tuf spin ra3-raa3 sun dab,dib-dub tail les,lis tongue ma2 water
Close matches, differing by not a lot of phonological space, but the correlations seem unsystematic or quasi-systematic (E *k = OS *x? or the other way). A lot of this might be due to obfuscation of the subgroups; it’s known beyond these reconstructions that Semitic b, p, f correspond to Egyptian b, p, f but there doesn’t seem to be a pattern to the correspondences beyond [+labial][-nasal]=[+labial][-nasal]... except some roots where b = m, mostly Egyptian to Semitic (iirc it’s believed that snb = slm).
! maaw~mawut die ! har~heraw day ! t(l)'ok' beat ! bak~bax burn ! k'al~k'ar burn ! (t)san brother ! kor~kw'al angry #related to kidney? ! pak~pax break apart* ! yar~3er burn #n.b. OS *e = E *ya pretty consistently ! ka2(up) cover ! t'ub~duf drip* ! g'arub~ÿar(b) dusk ! 2et~iit eat*? ! gur~guud enclose ! 2ir~2il eye #2il is also given for both by the wiki author ! 2aakw~2ax fire ! ŋiiwr~gir flames ! pur~fir flower 1 k'ur~kâr go around ! ĉa3ar~ła2r hair ! qafV3~gâf hold ! qam~kam hold ! fil~bul hole ! ĉa(2i)d~gwi/ad land ! ne2ul~ñaw moist ! bakr~bar morning ! âf~2ap mouth* ! ĉer~sar,sir root ! cab~sVp sew ! sur~tsur sing ! tsoon~soon smell ! bak'~p'ak' split* ! da2~daw walk
Really kind of stretched correspondences, usually requiring twice the amount of special pleading as above:
!! rip~2erib sew !! dabn~zab hair !! yawr~yabil bull !! büł~fil skin !! 3ir~raw sky
A root that’s probably wrong but I didn’t delete it:
!!! c'eyg~c'a3ek shout
Roots on the wiki article it says are part of “the fragile consensus” but either escaped my standards for good etymologies from E and OS or were lost when I changed E or OS’s proposed definitions to fit the data they presented for etymologization:
>> (2a)bVr bull >> (2a)dVm land >> 2igar~kw'ar enclosure >> 3ayn eye #I think for both this was only found in Sem and Egn, which is proto-Sem-Egn, not PAA >> bar son >> gamm mane, beard >> gVn cheek, chin >> gwar3~(gora3?) throat #These words weren’t in E’s but look like it and I guessed on what the OS reconstruction would look like >> gwina3~(gona3?) hand >> kVn cowife >> kwaly??? kidney #that this isn’t VnkwVl damns something >> k'awal, qwar say, call >> sin tooth >> siwan know >> zwr seed >> łVr root >> šun sleep, dream
These I sort of gathered based on a decent scholarly Egyptologist’s work
** (n)i,ku,nak(u) 1sc ** nVn 1pc ** kumV, kV 2sm ** kimV, ki 2sf ** suwa, sV 3sm ** si(y/t)a, si 3sf **-ú~-aw nom (earlier an ergative) **-á abs **Egyptian had an outright ergative participle so like yeah Some AA assumptions $$ m- participle, possible 3 or 4 denoting instruments, resultatives, passive and active meanings, and more. $$ s- causative (likely su-) $$ -í nisba = adjectivizer $$ -át/-út ending for abstract, mass, diminutive, augmentative, female nouns $$ top two combine frequently $$ maybe k became a masculine? maybe u/w too? $$ perhaps an -n- passive? -t- passive? reciprocal voice? (kick each other) $$ emphatic coronal series $$ prefixing conjugation {2 t t y t n t t y t} on imperfect-type stems $$ core verb stems seem to be perfect vs imperfect $$ a lot of sources report *-r has spreading out semantics at the end of a Semitic verb and I believe it. $$ suffixing possessive pronouns $$ probably all of pAA derives its verb system from those same possessive pronouns suffixed to participles, which probably helped the ergative to nominative alignment change. Again, Egn had an ergative participle at one point. It actually used a slightly different form of the possessed agreement system for that though, maybe reflective of a dead case system. $$ personally I think egn broke off early, sem and amz were geographically between it and ethiopia, the cushitic languages broke early but stayed in contact, chadic is cladistically cushitic that broke off in the middle of the ethiopianization of cushitic in the post-islamic era, since it seems to be in cultural memory. beja wasn’t as ethiopianized and is slightly closer to semitic, amz, and in many ways egn surprisingly, omotic was probably adopted into the family, ongota is too creolized to know anything, tones, vowel rebalancing, probably influences of Central/Eastern Sudanic. I have no idea why languages with ATR (i.e. pharyngealization) distinctions would make pharyngealized languages switch to ejectives, so if sem-amz is a thing you just have to postulate why they switched, since egyptian is no help. for all i know egyptian always had an aspiration distinction (which would explain some insane correlations) and then they fell together and split again for coptic.  Don’t think this can be projected to the proto-lang: $$ ablauting everywhere, in nouns and verbs. masdars and singular nouns probably reflect original vowel patterns. !! E and OS reconstruct consonant systems similar to PS and idk about that. Both give 5 vowel core systems but for different reasons and different results. E has length and the central short vowels fall together in all but Omo. Some shenanigans happen to get Cu uu, ii, aa, ə, and ä. Ch ends up with a i u ə, and the other three a i u. OS has e yield ya and o yield wa, ü for u~i results, and does overall less movement.
These are numbers from my number project:
## tsin~tsar two ## kwrad three ## fVd'w four ## magw ten
It’s interesting that many of these shared roots are in fact Swadesh roots and that that mostly happened on accident. E reconsructed 1000 roots, OS 2600, and just using judgements like “a root needs to mean the same thing in two (standard I held E to) or three (standard I used for OS) subbranches” to sift through them brought me down to these. But like most of these roots are fundamentally two segments long. There were even ~false matches in some of them with the phonaesthetic shape of their English glosses - horn would go back to something like *karn in PIE, which looks like the root here. Maybe horns make a kar sound, but with 2iit~2et, idk, I don’t think of eating as making an “eat-eat” sound; I actually threw away a number of roots that had a “kwa-l-kwa-l” (whence Ar. 2akulu) sound which at least kind of sounds like swallowing.
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bharatiyamedia-blog · 5 years
Malware in Your Pirated Software program
http://tinyurl.com/y44r25fw Researchers at ESET and Malwarebytes have found crypto mining malware hidden in pirated music manufacturing software program. The pirated software program hundreds the malware in an emulated copy of Linux and might infect Home windows, Linux, and even MacOS. Downloading pirated software program is usually a nasty factor to do. Not solely does it deprive builders of earnings for his or her exhausting work, however you might also put your self in danger within the course of. Living proof, researchers at ESET and Malwarebytes, lately printed findings of malware they’ve dubbed Loud Miner and Chicken Miner respectively. From what we are able to inform, they’re trying on the identical malware, as practically all particulars line up. The businesses discovered crypto miners hidden in pirated copies of music manufacturing software program often called Ableton Dwell. Ableton Dwell is a high-end audio software program and is thought to be, out of necessity, processor intensive to make use of. That truth makes it an ideal targets for the malware builders, as they’ll surmise that anybody that wishes to the software program may have highly effective processors (helpful for crypto mining), and will write off the heavy processor use from mining because the audio software program doing its job.The builders of the malware took novel steps to each infect as many individuals as potential and conceal their true intentions. The software program creates an emulated copy of Linux, often called TinyCore, to run from, permitting to work throughout Home windows, Linux, and Mac. And earlier than it begins mining, it checks processor utilization. If it detects 85% or extra of the CPU in use, it waits to mine till extra sources can be found. The software program additionally closes if sure instruments, like Exercise Monitor, are working which will reveal it. Malwarebytes already up to date its software program to detect Birdminer, for anybody apprehensive about an infection. [TechRadar] In Different Information: Apple launches a voluntary recall of some MacBooks: 15-inch MacBook Execs from mid-2015 are overheating. Drastically sufficient, Apple felt the necessity to do a recall. You may examine Apple’s recall site to see if the recall contains your MacBook if it does you’ll get a brand new battery. Now if solely Apple would recall its keyboards and substitute it with one thing good. [9to5Mac] Canadia’s largest credit score union simply revealed a large breach: Desjardins, Canada’s largest credit score union, revealed an worker leaked the private info of two.7 million individuals and over 170,000 companies. The financial institution fired the worker and is providing monitoring companies to everybody impacted. They are saying you shouldn’t stash money in a mattress, however typically it sounds tempting. [ZDNet] Google is exiting the pill enterprise: The lead engineer for Google’s {hardware} division has confirmed the corporate now not plans to make tablets. The choice included canceling two tasks already within the works. If we’re trustworthy, there’s no nice Android on the market, and the OS is half the issue. So shedding Google tablets isn’t an enormous loss. Different producers will nonetheless fill within the hole anyway. [Ars Technica] Home windows 10 will inform if you happen to the Could 2019 Replace is blocked: With any important Home windows 10 replace, Microsoft likes to scan your PC for potential recognized issues with the replace. If it finds a match, it blocks the replace to stop points. That’s good, however till now you had been instructed “no replace obtainable” which is barely deceptive. You’ll have thought the May 2019 Update wasn’t launched. Now Home windows will inform you that it’s blocked and offer you a hyperlink to why. Great things. [TechRadar] Esports comes again to the X Video games: The X video games stopped internet hosting esports about three years in the past. Now they’re returning and the primary sport to be featured is rising battle royale star Apex Legends. The prize pot is over $150,000, and qualifiers are on June 29th so get your group collectively rapidly. My first decide is Wraith, however I’ll accept Bangalore. [Engadget] Google Maps is crammed with pretend companies: Google Maps is a straightforward place to examine for a neighborhood plumber, electrician, or automobile restore store. Sadly, many of those companies are pretend and result in rivals, or are individuals posing as different companies. It’s all the time a good suggestion to examine a couple of supply when it’s essential discover a restore service, particularly one you invite into your property. And if you happen to discover a pretend enterprise, you must report it to Google. [The Verge] A survey signifies the Tesla Autopilot identify might result in overconfidence within the tech: The Insurance coverage Institute for Freeway Security (IIHS) did a survey asking individuals how secure they felt utilizing self-driving options like taking palms off the wheel, speaking on the telephone or sleeping. The research gave contributors the names of a number of competing applied sciences (Autopilot, Supercruise, and so forth.) however no producer names or explanations of capabilities. Autopilot scored a lot greater in belief even in actions it’s clearly not designed, like napping, which is disconcerting. What’s in a reputation precisely? [IIHS] You’ll have seen the information that smartphone customers are rising a cranium horn behind their head. The analysis comes from a chiropractor and affiliate professor of biomechanics and has the studied abnormally giant bony constructions within the base of some individuals’s skulls. Whereas the research hypothesized that the trigger was dangerous posture from gazing smartphones and tablets, it did not do a number of issues to ascertain that principle. For example, the research targeted solely on individuals who had been already visiting chiropractors on account of extreme ache, seemingly growing the pattern set of individuals with unusual bone progress. It additionally didn’t management for individuals who did and didn’t use smartphones, which means it has nothing to check the info to in any respect. Correct analysis wants giant pattern units, with controls, and correlating information. Even with all of that in place, errors occur, and research can and do draw incorrect conclusions, which is why we additionally repeat analysis to breed outcomes. So if you happen to’re apprehensive (or hopeful) your curled up smartphone posture may trigger you to develop a horn, you possibly can cease. However possibly sit straight anyway, you’re gonna throw your again out. And if you happen to don’t cease crossing your eyes, they’re going to get caught that approach. [Gizmodo] !function(f,b,e,v,n,t,s) {if(f.fbq)return;n=f.fbq=function(){n.callMethod? n.callMethod.apply(n,arguments):n.queue.push(arguments)}; if(!f._fbq)f._fbq=n;n.push=n;n.loaded=!0;n.version='2.0'; n.queue=[];t=b.createElement(e);t.async=!0; t.src=v;s=b.getElementsByTagName(e)[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(t,s)}(window, document,'script', 'https://connect.facebook.net/en_US/fbevents.js'); fbq('init', '335401813750447'); fbq('track', 'PageView'); Source link
0 notes
mokatechgq-blog · 7 years
Meet PINLogger, the drive-by endeavor that takes cell phone PINs Sensors in telephones running both iOS and Android uncover a wide range of touchy info.
Smartphones know a horrendous parcel about us. They know in case we're in an auto that is speeding, and they know when we're strolling, running, or riding in a transport. They know what number of calls we make and get every day and the exact beginning and completion time of every one. Furthermore, obviously, they know the individual recognizable proof numbers we use to open the gadgets or to sign into locales that are secured by two-figure verification. Presently, analysts have conceived an assault that makes it feasible for subtle sites to surreptitiously gather a lot of that information, regularly with amazing precision.
The exhibited keylogging assaults are most valuable at speculating digits in four-digit PINs, with a 74-percent exactness the first run through it's entered and a 94-percent shot of achievement on the third attempt. A similar method could be utilized to surmise other info, including the bolt designs numerous Android clients depend on to bolt their telephones, in spite of the fact that the exactness rates would presumably be distinctive. The assaults require just that a client open a pernicious site page and enter the characters before shutting it. The assault doesn't require the establishment of any malevolent applications.
Vindictive website pages—or relying upon the program, true blue locales serving pernicious promotions or noxious substance through HTML-based iframe labels—can mount the assault by utilizing standard JavaScript code that gets to movement and introduction sensors incorporated with for all intents and purposes all iOS and Android gadgets. To show how the assault would function, analysts from Newcastle University in the UK composed assault code named PINLogger.js. With no notice or outward indication of what was going on, the JavaScript could precisely derive characters being gone into the gadgets.
"That implies at whatever point you are writing private information on a site page and this site page for instance has some advert pennants along the edge or the base, the advert supplier as a major aspect of the page can 'tune in' and discover what you write in that page," Siamak F Shahandashti, one of the Newcastle University scientists who exhibited the assault, told Ars. "Or, on the other hand with a few programs as we found, on the off chance that you open a page An and afterward another page B without shutting page A (which the vast majority do) page An out of sight can tune in on what you write in page B."
No simple settle
The particular conditions under which different sorts of assaults worked shifted from program to program, and, to a lesser degree, likewise relied on upon which working framework every program kept running on. The program given by the Chinese-US Web administrations organization Baidu, regardless of whether running on iOS or Android, had the best access to sensors. Accordingly, the program gave touchy sensor information when a malignant website page was stacked straightforwardly into an open or foundation program tab, was stacked as an iframe into an open or foundation tab, or notwithstanding when the vindictive page was stacked specifically or as an iframe when the gadget screen was bolted. All the more broadly utilized programs, by complexity, limited access to sensor information, however regardless they exhibited an open door for mishandle.
Chrome for iOS, for example, served sensor information to pernicious locales that were stacked specifically, as an iframe or as a promotion into a dynamic tab. The Google program, be that as it may, blocked access to all locales stacked into foundation tabs or when the iPhone was bolted. Chrome for Android worked comparatively except for not giving sensor information to promotion servers. Firefox on Android additionally approached sensors when the JavaScript was facilitated straightforwardly or through an iframe on a dynamic tab however not foundation tabs. Safari, in the interim, had an indistinguishable access from Firefox, however the Apple-made program additionally got to the code when the iPhone screen was bolted. A full outline of the conditions for different programs is in the table below.The specialists detailed the outcomes to the creators of Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Opera. Mozilla issued a halfway settle in form 46, in which Firefox limited JavaScript access to movement and introduction sensors to top-level archives and same-cause iframes. In Apple Security Updates for iOS 9.3 discharged in March 2016, Safari took a comparative countermeasure by suspending the accessibility of movement and introduction information when a page is covered up. While a successful methods for ruining the PINLogger assault, the updates additionally keep the programs from supporting helpful components, for example, those given by wellness and exercise sites. Chrome, in the interim, keeps on making sensor information accessible to website pages that are stacked into a dynamic tab. Chrome engineers freely recognized the issue here. (It wasn't promptly certain how Opera engineers reacted.)
"There is no direct settle to the issue without likewise softening possibly helpful Web applications up the future," another Newcastle University analyst, Feng Hao, told Ars. "Nobody can think of a distinct arrangement yet."
It knows when you are resting
By getting to accelerometer and whirligig sensors, the Web-facilitated JavaScript measures unobtrusive changes in a telephone's edge, revolution, development speed, and comparative qualities. The information, thus, can uncover delicate data about the telephone and its client, including the exact begin and end of each telephone call, if the individual utilizing it is stationary, strolling, running, on a transport, in an auto, or on a prepare. The scientists tested utilizing the Maxthon program running on a Nexus 5 telephone running Android rendition 5.1.1. Distinctive gadgets running different programs likely would carry on comparably. The title of the paper is Stealing PINs by means of versatile sensors: real hazard versus client perception.Of all the data the sensors uncover, the keystrokes being entered are probably the most delicate. The analysts utilized manufactured neural system preparing to attach certain sensor estimations to particular characters contained in 50 four-digit PINS. PINLogger could gather subjects' PINs with 74 percent exactness on the main endeavor and with almost 100 percent precision in five endeavors. By correlation, an arbitrary figure from an arrangement of 50 PINs would have just a 2-percent possibility of being right on the principal endeavor and just 6 percent precision in three endeavors.
"One may contend that the assault ought to be assessed against the entire 4-digit PIN space," the scientists composed. "Be that as it may, we trust that the assault could even now be handy when choosing from a restricted arrangement of PINs since clients don't choose their PINs arbitrarily. It has been accounted for that around 27 percent of all conceivable 4-digit PINs have a place with an arrangement of 20 PINs, including clear ones like '1111', '1234', or '2000'."
The scientists went ahead to play out a different round of preparing that assessed all conceivable four-digit PINs. The preparation included two modes. The principal, known as various clients mode, was prepared utilizing a few subjects. The other mode, known as same-client mode, depended on the preparation of the individual being focused in the assault. The scientists composed:
The outcomes in our various clients mode show that we can induce the digits with a win likelihood of 70.75, 83.27, and 94.03 percent in the main, second, and third endeavors, separately. This implies for a 4-digit PIN and in light of the acquired sensor information, the aggressor can figure the PIN from an arrangement of 34 = 81 conceivable PINs with a likelihood of achievement of 0.92064 = 71.82 percent. An arbitrary assault, be that as it may, can just foresee the 4-digit PIN with the likelihood of 0.81 percent in 81 endeavors. By examination, PINlogger.js makes a significantly higher progress rate than an irregular assailant.
In same-client mode, the achievement likelihood of speculating the PIN in 81 endeavors is 85.46 percent.
"Vital open issue"
At this moment, there's no perfect approach to forestall assaults. That is on the grounds that, as noted prior, programs that can't get to sensor information at all are probably going to keep numerous valuable destinations from working appropriately. For individuals utilizing Chrome, a great practice is to close tabs as frequently as would be prudent. The analysts cautioned that unless program and OS producers make sense of a superior, long haul arrangement, the risk is probably going to develop.
"Access to portable sensor information through JavaScript is restricted to just a couple of sensors right now," they composed. "This will most likely extend later on, particularly with the quick advancement of sensor-empowered gadgets in the Internet of things. Henceforth, outlining a general instrument for secure and usable sensor information administration remains a significant open issue for future research."
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