#Like. what i've got for Monster au actually feels better/cooler than the og au so like
shmorp-mcdurgen · 1 month
is it ok if i ask how much of the plot of your aus are you planning to change? mainly asking about the alt au bc i view it more as its own thing and it has a special place in my heart but at the end of the day its yours and ill welcome any changes you make /gen
like. basically im just asking if you'll only be replacing the characters for the 'finished' aus
/nfta ofc
Some aus are being completely scrapped unfortunately, considering they're too tied to the events of canon Mandela that removing them would be a massive disservice, and unfortunately that does include the alt au, along with any and all crossover aus that were planned (Thing au, MandelaShock, GHE, etc.)
however, there are some aus that are in the works to becoming oc projects, outside of TMC, including: Insecta apostate, Lake Mandela (will get a name change though), HSH (of course), and the Monster au. (which. is. pretty developed already, I just need to find a way to like. introduce it.)
There probably will be more aus turned oc projects in the future, but those are the ones I can think of off the top of my head
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