#Liko is autism incarnate I'm TELLING u guys
Oh my god. Oh my fucking god. Liko in Episode 9 knows deep down that the Volteccers will leave her in Paldea, because that was her job, but she wants to stay with them because they are like family to her and she's changed so much since episode 1 and she WANTS to experience and grow more. But she buries that thought and doesn't confront the Volteccers about it because she thinks she'll just be inconveniencing them. Ever since the beginning of her journey she's had the lingering fear that she is nothing but a burden to the Volteccers, that all she is doing is putting them in harm's way, that they'd be glad to get rid of her because in her mind she's not "useful" to them. Liko thinks that she's a burden to everybody, that she doesn't DESERVE to be able to go on an adventure, putting everyone else's needs before her own. That's why she doesn't talk about her interests. She thinks she will inconvenience people with her "rambling". THAT'S WHY, partly, she struggles with connecting to people so much.
Oh my fucking god, please get this girl therapy, I'm going to bite my fucking arm off. 10/10 characterization, 10/10 relatability.
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p.s, this is something very commonly seen in neurodivergent kids, ESPECIALLY girls (and I am speaking from my own experience here too). Which adds to my headcanon that Liko is autistic!
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