#Lil gets away with it for a few months before their own notoriety catches up with them and Charlie finds out
dragonshoard · 5 years
Dimension Hop 4/?
Lil is more prone to handling things with violence than most of their family (minus their father, of course), and that doesn’t change much over the years, even growing angrier and more resentful as the years pass. 
If they had been in their own world, they would have grown up surrounded by other helbornes, people closer to their age, and they desperately want friends and people that they can talk to. 
Charlie tries when she isn’t busy. That is... kind of a theme in this AU. Charlie is going to be busy a lot and trusts Lil a bit too much. 
I  mentioned before that Lil ends up hanging out with some bad influences. Basically, they fall into a crowd that’s hellbent on climbing up the hierarchical ladder through a few friends that are a bit too power hungry for their own good. 
They have no clue that Lil is a helborne (or demonborne) or that they’re 15. A few members of the group have some suspicions that they aren’t who they claim to be, but Lil is a strong fighter so they push aside their concerns (while keeping a close eye on them).
It’s actually kind of funny. Lil, when fighting, appears strong, confident, and truly terrifying. In normal situations, on the other hand, Lil is a bundle of anxiety half of the time and is bad at relating to the younger demons that are a part of the group (as their only influences either died before the 50s or has taken on those aesthetics). 
I imagine it’s a bit like a two-children-in-a-trench-coat situation. Lil tries to act like an adult but it’s obvious to anyone with two eyes that they are mentally younger than they look. That, and their willingness (trying too hard) to fit in drives them to do some stupid things in the name of keeping their “friends”. 
(Doesn’t stop assholes from trying though - results in a lot of pain for the idiots because Lil doesn’t put up with that)
Lil channels their father into their fighting style most of the time (poise, attitude) but, ultimately, when getting down to it, is very much Charlie (who is the one who taught them how to fight). 
Ironically, that’s what tips off Lucifer that something is wrong; not any of their Father’s features, but all of the ways they are just so much like Charlie down to the way they cower in the face of disappointing the people they care about. 
He can’t exactly shake off watching Lil pull off moves that he had taught Charlie and only Charlie. 
Btw, Ada knows and thinks it’s really cool
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