#Lilia Isip-Mendoza
purplesimmer455 · 4 months
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Meanwhile in Oasis Springs, Casey proposes to her girlfriend Malaya. “Malaya Isip-Mendoza, will you marry me?” She asks. Malaya gasps as she sees the pink plumbob shaped ring. “Yes!” She says, starting to cry as Casey slips the ring onto her finger. “I love you, Mal.” Casey says, and Malaya smiles. “I love you too, Case.” She says and they kiss before Casey scoops Malaya up as she giggles.
Casey had been mulling it over since Malaya got pregnant with their daughter Lilia 2 years prior, and she realized she wants to spend the rest of her life with Malaya. Her plan is they get engaged, plan the wedding, and get married hopefully in a year or two in a simple but sweet ceremony. Now. Malaya tells her moms and older sister Finley, who are all elated. Her daughter Lilia doesn’t get all the fuss and is grumpy and sleepy and allows her grandma to take her off to bed.
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purplesimmer455 · 5 months
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Back in the Isip-Mendoza/Feng-Cooper household, Malaya feeds Lilia some more baby food before setting her down on the playmat. While Casey keeps an eye on her, Malaya bakes a strawberry cake and adds candles to it. She picks Lilia up and helps her blow out the candles, aging her up into a toddler. 😊
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purplesimmer455 · 5 months
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The next day, Malaya and Casey take Lilia to the nearby desert bloom park. Casey's dads Adrian and Jason meet the family at the park, and Adrian snuggles and kisses his granddaughter before he and Jason check in on Casey and Malaya. Adrian tells Malaya silly stories of Casey as a toddler, making Casey scowl playfully as Malaya laughs, and Jason asks Malaya how she's doing.
Meanwhile, Lilia explores the tunnels of the toddler playground. She crawls through long narrow caves with spooky bats, climbs rocky slopes, slides down a winding mountain, and dives into the sea to get a treasure. Through some babbling and talking, she tells Casey all of this and Casey smiles. "You did all of that in one hour?" She asks teasingly and Lilia nods, grinning as she shows her mom the treasure she got, a rock from the bottom of the ball pit. Lilia asks for Casey to keep it safe, and she nods tucking it into her pocket. Casey smiles to herself as Lilia runs back to the slide and starts climbing the steps to slide again.
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purplesimmer455 · 5 months
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Meanwhile in Oasis Springs. Casey and Malaya spend time with their toddler Lilia. After a day of playing with her moms, grandmas, and auntie Finny, Lilia's ready for bed. Casey takes her to her room, where she and Malaya have replaced the crib for a toddler bed, and changes Lilia into her pajamas before tucking her into bed and taking out a story about a princess fighting a dragon. Lilia's eyes start to close as her mom reads about the princess using a magic wand to tickle the dragon and Casey smiles before putting the book away and kissing Lilia's forehead.
Malaya comes over to tuck Lilia in too, and then she and Casey meet up in the living room. "Can you believe how big Lili is? I swear when we brought her home from the hospital she was tiny as heck and now she's already 1 and a half." Casey says a sappy look on her face. "Yeah, my little nooboo." Malaya says, smiling too.
They chat for a bit, and Malaya mentions she might start training again for ballet. "I feel a bit awkward with my belly, though. Like the size went down but the skin's a bit loose and I have so many stretch marks and my c section scar." Malaya admits in a rush. Casey nods, her dark eyes soft as she looks at Malaya. "I understand, Mal. I just want you to know that I think you're beautiful no matter what, with the stretch marks and belly and all." Malaya grins as Casey pulls her close and dramatically takes her hand before kissing her. "You're such a dork." Malaya teases in between laughing. She smiles as Casey takes her in her arms and kisses her.
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purplesimmer455 · 5 months
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By 10pm, Lilia is slightly cranky from not being able to sleep properly, and Casey and Malaya start to get ready to leave after Casey pulls Malaya aside for a quick kiss and to check in on her. Lilia is happy to head home, and since she now has her bottom two teeth, she decides to bite her mama for fun. Poor Malaya but damn it's kind of funny to see that cute-evil look on Lilia's face.
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purplesimmer455 · 5 months
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Malaya tries to get Lilia to sleep in the back carrier but it doesn't work either. She decides to do sit ups with Lilia still on her back, and I know she can't actually get hurt by this, but I winced seeing it. 😬
On the good side, Lilia gets a bunch of milestones completed, takes a small nap, and learns to sit up so her mom can feed her her first baby food. "Here comes the airplane!" Casey says as she zooms the plastic spork with mushed papaya on it through the air. Lilia giggles and Casey feeds her the bite of food. Lilia ends up liking that and the avocado, but isn't sure about the plain mashed rice (or was it potatoes?). Still, the first high chair feeding went well and Casey took a billion photos to send to her dads and her other grandparents Lauren and Declan.
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purplesimmer455 · 5 months
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Switching to the Isip-Mendoza/Feng-Cooper* household, Malaya and Casey take Lilia to the Financial district in San Myshuno to visit her great-grandparents Lily and Victor Feng. Malaya shows Lilia off to her great-grandma (and namesake) Lily, and she cooes over the baby. "She's so beautiful." Lily says, chucking Lilia under the chin and making her giggle.
While Malaya takes a nap, Casey works on teaching Lilia to sit up, and then gives Lilia a nap. Unfortunately, Lilia couldn't get to sleep, so I built a mini nursery in Casey's grandpa Victor's study, giving him some space for his desk but adding a crib, couch, and some baby stuff. Casey puts her down in the crib and soothes her to sleep, which worked for 5 game minutes before she woke up and I was like well. 🥴😅
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purplesimmer455 · 6 months
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Lilia wakes up at 5am and cries for her moms, so Malaya gets up and breastfeeds her while her own mama gets up as well to keep her company. Chesa waves away Malaya’s offer for her to head to bed. "I stayed up with your mom when we had Finley and then you." Chesa adds, smiling. Malaya gives Lilia a quick nap after that while she scrolls Simstube shorts on her phone, and then wakes her up to put her back in the crib. Lilia gives her such a sassy and grumpy look at being woken up that it makes Malaya laugh at how much Lili looks like her other mom Casey when she has to get up for 9 am classes.
While Malaya goes back to sleep, Casey wakes up and checks in on Lilia, who's awake again in her crib and smiles at seeing her mom. Casey gives Lilia a bubble bath, which she enjoys a lot, and then changes her into some fresh clothes. Lilia still has some bubbles on her head after the bath, but I'm sure it's just normal baby stuff. 👀😂 Also, here's a photo of Malaya looking cute and wearing the earrings Casey made for her a while back. They're raw quality too, but are pretty cute.
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purplesimmer455 · 6 months
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Later that day, Casey and Malaya's friends Cam and Piper come over. Malaya shows Lilia to her auntie Cam. "Aw, she's so cute Mal." Cam says, and Malaya smiles. "Right? I can't believe she's almost 8 months." Malaya says, tickling her daughter's tummy and making her giggle. Lilia lets out a fart (she has the gassy trait too), making Cam and Malaya laugh. "She gets that from Casey, not me." Malaya adds jokingly, and Cam grins. "I can believe it." She says, while Casey grumbles playfully at the two of them.
After that, Casey shows Lilia to Piper, and she coos over her. "Awww. Hey nooboo, its auntie Piper." She says, making silly faces at her niece*. While Cam chats with Casey, Piper talks with Malaya. "How are you doing, Mal?" She asks gently. "Tired as hell, but I'm trying to take it one day at a time and just enjoying spending time with Lilia. Plus, my moms have been helping Case and me so much and I'm grateful as hell for that." Malaya adds, and Piper smiles. "I understand, and I'm not a parent but for what it's worth, I think you and Casey are doing a good job." She says, and Malaya smiles. "Thanks Pipes." She says, her smile tired but warm.
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purplesimmer455 · 6 months
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In the main universe, Casey and Malaya spend time with their baby, Lilia. She's cute and is her mama Malaya's twin but she has her mom Casey's black eye color and grumpiness at having to wake up in the mornings.
She's doing pretty good on milestones, and because she's surrounded by her moms, grandmas, and auntie Finley, she's also got the 'loves to be carried' trait, and I was the same as a baby. (At my dad's family's house in Pakistan I was always held/carried by everyone too. 😄)
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purplesimmer455 · 6 months
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Back at home, Casey and Malaya spend time with the new baby. Malaya cuddles and breastfeeds Lilia while Casey adds a baby mobile to the crib. Plus, Malaya's mom snuggle and kiss their granddaughter as well. They tell Malaya and Casey to rest and take care of Lilia meanwhile. After a two hour nap, Malaya rocks Lilia in her arms to get her to sleep. She marvels at Lilia's tiny face and smiles as she sees a lot of her features as well as Casey's.
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purplesimmer455 · 6 months
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At the hospital, Malaya delivers her baby with the help of Dr. Bob Pancakes*. With modern sim-technology, sims could give birth quickly and painlessly, other than occasionally having their heart temporarily removed. 😳👀 But anyway, it works.
She and Casey have a baby girl, and they name her Lilia Lauren Isip-Mendoza. Lilia after Casey and Malaya's respective grandmas who are both named Lily, and Lauren after Casey's other grandmother Lauren. Casey gets some pre-parental panic and runs from the room while Malaya cuddles Lilia.
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