#Lillith Duncan-Seed
chobit92 · 5 years
Small World: Joseph/OC Part 42
(I know it's called Joseph/OC when really it should be called John/OC however I wanted to leave John's arrival as kind of a surprise I guess then I had no choice but to keep the title the same throughout as there was no point in changing it)
Warnings: None.
The story is reaching it's end and to those of you who have been reading since the start I thank you and hope you enjoy!
(9 YEARS LATER: Lillith is sitting on the sofa bed wrapped in a blanket watching some crap show on TV. Gabriel has her and John’s old room and she sleeps out here in the lounge on the sofa bed. The coffee table is littered with rubbish along with a half empty bottle of whiskey and a glass. She pours herself some more whiskey and takes a sip before looking down at the laptop. She has never really stopped searching for John. Never stopped hoping that he would one day return or get in touch. But of course he never has. Franky was so sure that she would be over him by now. But she isn’t. She still loves him. Franky has been trying for years to get Lillith back in the dating game but she has never bothered. There has been no one but John. She downs the whiskey and pours another. She has been focusing solely on her son. After years of trying of search for John through old friends and acquaintances before going through property records. She even went to Rome and looked at records there. She hasn’t looked for him in years. That is until their son started asking about his father. He was seven when he first asked about his dad. He had come home from school and asked why all the other kids had a dad to pick them up except him. He then asked why he had two moms instead of a mom and a dad like everyone else. Lillith explained that his dad couldn’t be here so he had her and Franky. She told him not to worry about it and explained that he had two moms who loved him very much. He seemed satisfied as he didn’t mention it again. Until last year. He had just turned eight and he started asking about his dad again. He asked where he was. Lillith didn’t know what to say. She doesn’t know where John is. She thought about just telling Gabriel that his father had died. That he was a great man, nice, kind, caring but that he had died and gone to heaven. He could have believed then that his dad was a great man and believed that he was dead rather than know he wasn’t here because he chose not to be. But in the end she decided against it. She had asked Franky for advice and Franky had told her that she should tell him the truth but wait until he was a bit older. So that he could understand properly. But Gabriel wouldn’t stop asking about his dad. So at the start of the year, 5 months ago, she had told him. She told him the truth from start to finish. How she met John, how she loved him and how he met up with his brothers after years of being apart. How he had left her to move away with them. She told him everything. She then gave him a box. The box was filled with photos and tickets to the theatre along with other keepsakes of her time with John. It also contained the note he left. She was going to give it to him once he was older. But she decided that she might as well do it now. Gabriel had looked at the pictures of John, seeing his father for the first time, and remarked about how much he looked like him. It made Lillith cry. He had then asked her if she still loved his dad. She said yes. She sighs and downs the whiskey before pouring another. She takes a sip and hears footsteps behind her. Then Gabriel appears in his pyjamas.). Lillith: What are you doing out of bed? Gabriel: I can’t sleep. Lillith: Well at least go and try. Gabriel: I can’t. (He then gets onto the sofa bed with her and snuggles up close.). Lillith: What’s the matter? Did you have a bad dream? Gabriel: No. I had a good dream. Lillith: Oh. Good. We like good dreams. Gabriel: I dreamed that daddy came back and you got married. (Lillith sighs.). Lillith: He isn’t coming back honey. (She wishes she had never told him anything. She wishes that she had just told him that his dad was dead.). Gabriel: Have you found him yet? Lillith: No. I haven’t found him. Gabriel: I want to meet him. But in a way I don’t want to. Lillith: Well it’s up to you. Gabriel: Do you want to find him mom? Lillith: Yes. Yes I do. Gabriel: Okay. We can go find him then. Lillith: I’m trying honey. I’m trying.
(Lillith has been sat on the laptop all day. She has been going through social media and Google for months. She’s been searching everywhere for John Seed and John Duncan. A Facebook post suddenly catches her eye. She opens it up and stares. Someone is complaining about how much of a dick John Seed is. She looks at the persons Facebook. They are in Hope County, Montana. Their name is Nick Rye. Without even thinking she sends Nick Rye a message. She doesn’t dare get her hopes up.).
(Franky walks in the door with Gabriel in tow after picking him up from school. Lillith is in the kitchen sitting at the counter with the laptop and a glass of wine. Franky eyes the wine and raises her eyebrows.). Franky: Little early isn’t it? Lillith: Gabriel why don’t you go and get changed? Gabriel: You just want me out of the room so that you can talk about grown up stuff. (Lillith sighs and smiles slightly. Franky gives him a playful shove.). Franky: Go on cheeky monkey. Go get changed. We’ll get takeout for dinner eh? Gabriel: Yes! (Gabriel goes down the hall. Lillith shows Franky the laptop screen and she stares at it.). Franky: Nick Rye? He ain’t bad looking girl. You finally taken my advice and got back into the dating game eh? Lillith: No. He knows John. I’ve found him Franky. I’ve found him.
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chobit92 · 5 years
Small World: Joseph/OC Part 36
The Seed brothers and Lillith are all separated for questioning.
Jacob and Joseph decide that it's time to move on...
Warnings: Mentions of Domestic Violence, Murder and Suicide.
 (Lillith sits in the interrogation room. She is cold and fed up of waiting. Nobody has told her anything. She doesn’t know where John is or what’s happened to him. She wipes her eyes which are red and puffy from crying. She just wants to know what’s going on. She sighs. The door opens and Detective Hayes sits opposite her. She glares at him.). Lillith: What’s going on? Where’s John? Hayes: He’s being questioned. Lillith: Like me? Why am I being treated like a criminal? Hayes: I’m just doing my job. There was a murder tonight. Lillith: And this is my problem because? Hayes: The deceased was found inside a property that John Duncan owns. (Lillith frowns.). Lillith: The only property he owns is our apartment. Hayes: No. He owns an industrial property. Used to be a slaughterhouse. A young man was found dead on the premises tonight. Murdered. Lillith: Well it has nothing to do with John. Just because he owns the damn building- Hayes: We have been hearing many stories about John and his brothers. Mostly about his preaching. Lillith: It’s not illegal to preach. Or to run a church. Hayes: No. However the young man that was killed was recently kicked out of their little church. Lillith: So? Hayes: As part of our investigation we have to ask questions. We have to follow all leads. Lillith: My husband is not a lead. Hayes: Can you account for his whereabouts this evening? Lillith: Yes I can. We had dinner at Aria. We got there around 8.30. We then went to the Sky Lounge before going to Opium. We didn’t get in until around 3am. We hadn’t been in very long before you guys showed up. Hayes: And John was with you the whole night? Lillith: Yes he was. Hayes: He didn’t leave at any point during the evening? Lillith: No. Hayes: Did he use the bathroom? Lillith: Yes of course he did. Hayes: Was he gone for very long? Lillith: No. I think I would have noticed if he’d snuck off to commit a murder. If he’s out of my sight for even five minutes I go looking for him coz you can’t leave him alone for two minutes before he has another woman on his arm! (Hayes stares at her for a moment before nodding. He then gets up.). Lillith: Can I go now? Hayes: Not just yet. We need to check out your alibi. Lillith: My alibi? I thought John was the suspect. Or are we all suspects and you just ain’t telling us? Hayes: I’ll try not to be too long. (Lillith sighs.). Lillith: I don’t believe this. This isn’t happening. This is not happening. (Tears fill her eyes again.). * (Hayes enters the room that overlooks the interrogation room that John is in. Lawson walks in a minute later slamming the door.). Lawson: Sly bastard’s got an answer for everything! Hayes: He’s a lawyer. Lawson: Property lawyer. Hayes: He handles all kind of cases. (Hayes opens a file.). Hayes: He does a lot of work on the side. Lawson: Does he now? Hayes: Yeah. Custody battles mostly. He even handled a neighbour dispute. Then there was the case involving Kyle Newton. Lawson: Ah yeah. How did you get on with the wife? Hayes: She gave him an alibi. Lawson: Of course she did. Hayes: Well it might check out. She said they were out all evening. Restaurant and clubs. All we gotta do is check the CCTV. Lawson: Hm. What about the brother, Jacob? Hayes: He won’t say a word. He just sat there staring at me the whole time. It was kinda unsettling. Lawson: Hm. What about the other brother Joseph? Hayes: Haven’t had a chance to interview him yet. Lawson: Interview. (Lawson chuckles.). Hayes: What? Lawson: Interview. (He leaves the room and Haynes follows him. They enter the room where Joseph is being held. They both sit down.). Lawson: Can you tell us where you were this evening? Joseph: I was at my brothers apartment. I went to bed around 10.30. Lawson: Can anyone confirm that? Joseph: My brother Jacob. He’s been at home all evening. I still don’t know what this is all about. Lawson: You a preacher? Joseph: I run a church yes. Lawson: A man was found dead inside the disused slaughterhouse you call your church. He’s been murdered. Word is you gave him the boot. Joseph: We have turned away quite a few people. I do not know anything about a murder. Lawson: Well you kicked him out of your church and now he’s dead. What happened? He came back and this time he wouldn’t go away so you figured you’d kill him? (Joseph sighs and shakes his head.). Joseph: The world is going to end soon and everyone will die. Why would we then have any interest in such despicable revenge? (The two detectives blink at Joseph.). Lawson: So you didn’t kill him? Joseph: No. I did not. Hayes: You haven’t even asked who he is. Joseph: I do not need to know who he is. I have not killed anyone. If you want me to know who he is then I am sure that you will tell me. Lawson: Right. (The detectives get up to leave.). Joseph: Me and my family are guilty of many sins. But none of us killed that man. (The detectives leave the room. Joseph sighs. An officer walks up the hallway to them and hands them a file.). Officer: The prints came back from the murder weapon. Got a match. They’re already in the system. (Lawson and Hayes both look at the file.). Lawson: Well I’ll be damned. * (Lillith has her arms folded on the table and is resting her head on them. She is tired and cold and could really do with a coffee. She has no idea how long she’s been in here or what the time is. The sun could be up for all she knows. The door opens and she looks up as Hayes comes back in. Lawson is with him and they both sit down opposite her placing several files on the table in front of them.). Lillith: Have you released John yet? Lawson: Not yet. Lillith: But he has an alibi. Hayes: We’re checking that out. (Lillith sighs.). Lawson: Do you know this man? (He slides a photo of a young man with dark hair across the table. Lillith looks at the picture. It’s a crime scene photo. The man is lying face down in a pool of blood. His head is turned to the side but his face is bloody. Lillith doesn’t recognise him.). Lillith: No. I don’t know him. Lawson: You’ve never seen him? Lillith: No. When can I see my husband? When can I see John? Lawson: Your husband. Yes. Except he isn’t your husband is he? Lillith: What? Lawson: Well we can’t find any record of you being married. Because you aren’t. Your name isn’t really Lillith Duncan. Lillith: Yes it is. Lawson: No it isn’t. Your name is Lillith Webster. You have a criminal record. Lillith: I lived on the streets. I would steal stuff so I could eat. That’s it. Lawson: You also got charged with assault. Lillith: I worked at a strip club. A guy came up to me when I went out back for a smoke. He tried it on so I hit him. Lawson: With a pair of brass knuckles. (Lillith sighs.). Lillith: A girls gotta be able to defend herself when there’s so many creeps out there. Lawson: Hm. Your fingerprints were found on the murder weapon. Lillith: What? Hayes: So maybe you didn’t like the fact that this guy wouldn’t leave the church huh? Lillith: I’m not that involved with their little church. I’ve only recently started going there. I’ve been three times. (Lawson slides another photo across the table. The photo is of a large gold ornate cross. John bought it for Joseph as a gift.). Lillith: This is the murder weapon? Hayes: Sure is. Lillith: Well that explains it. My prints are on this because I’m the one that wrapped it up. John bought it as a gift for Joseph. I wrapped it up. (The detectives regard her for a moment.). Lawson: Okay. So you didn’t use it to bash this poor guys head in? Lillith: No I did not! This is ridiculous! Lawson: You’re no stranger to violence though are you? Lillith: What? Lawson: You were taken into care when you were 10 years old. Your mother stabbed your father several times before swallowing a load of sleeping pills. (Lillith stiffens.). Lillith: That’s none of your business. Lawson: What was your mother so mad about? Lillith: How dare you. If you knew what went on in that house...The cheek of you people. Hayes: What do you mean? Lillith: My mother phoned the police dozens of times. You did fuck all. Hayes: He was abusive? Your father? Lillith: Yes he was. My mother and I were always in the hospital because of him. She took out a restraining order, she moved house but it didn’t matter because he would always come back around again. You lot did fuck all and now you are sat here treating me like a criminal and commenting on something that had nothing to do with you and something that you would never understand! (Hayes swallows hard.). Lillith: Or maybe you do Detective Hayes. After all...You like giving law breakers a free pass don’t you? (Lawson frowns.). Lillith: Only when they pay you of course. Lawson: Now that is a serious accusation. Lillith: So is accusing me of murder. (Lillith glares at them.). Lillith: I want a lawyer. (Hayes gets up and leaves the room. Lawson follows him.). * (John walks into the lobby of the precinct. Joseph and Jacob get up and walk over to him.). John: Where’s Lillith? Joseph: They’re still holding her. They think she did it. John: What? That’s absurd. Joseph: They said that they have evidence. John: Rubbish. (Hayes walks over.). Hayes: Mr Duncan. Can I have a word with you? (John follows Hayes into an office.). John: This had better be to tell me your going to release my wife. Hayes: Her fingerprints are on the murder weapon. John: Well there must be an innocent explanation as to why they are there. Hayes: She says it was a gift from you to our brother. A gold cross. John: Yes it was. I told her to wrap it up because I am rubbish at wrapping. (Hayes nods.). Hayes: She’s asked for a lawyer. John: In that case I will be representing her. Hayes: Yeah I thought you might. Look John...She knows about me. John: Yes I know. (John smirks.). Hayes: She just accused me in front of my partner. John: Oh dear. You’d best get her released then and bury this murder nonsense. My family had nothing to do with this. Hayes: For what it’s worth I believe you. Your alibi’s check out. Yours and Lillith’s. John: We were out all evening like I told your partner. Hayes: I believe Lillith about her prints being on the cross because she handled it beforehand. None of her prints are in blood so... John: That’s that then. So when are you releasing her? Hayes: It shouldn’t be long. The evidence is circumstantial and with your solid alibis we really can’t hold her. John: Good. Hayes: Lawson isn’t letting this go though. He swears you all had some part in this and these rumours that are going around aren’t helping matters. John: What rumours? Hayes: About your brother and his church. People have been saying that it’s some sort of cult. John: Nonsense. My brother is just telling those with faith what he believes. No different than any other preacher in town. Hayes: Well that may be so. But you know how people can be when they get a bee in their bonnet. Especially a detective like Lawson. (John folds his arms.). Hayes: I’ll go and see if they’re ready to release her yet. John: If you continue to come after my family for this I will end you. Hayes: Is that a threat? John: No. It’s a promise. You forget that unlike Lillith I actually have evidence of your...Transgressions. (Hayes pales slightly then nods before leaving the office. John returns to his brothers.). Jacob: What’s happening? John: They’re releasing her. Joseph: That’s good. John: This is ridiculous. I’m going to sue the asses off of them for this. Joseph: Just calm down John. It’s done now. Let’s just get home. (John sighs. They wait for nearly half an hour. The sun is already up outside. Then finally Lillith appears being escorted by Hayes.). Lillith: John. (She rushes to John and wraps her arms around him.). John: Are you okay? Lillith: No. John: Come on we’re going home. Hayes: You’ll have to find somewhere else to preach for a while. The old slaughterhouse is still a crime scene. No one goes inside. (John glares at Hayes as they all walk out the door as Lawson appears.). Lawson: Don’t leave town. * (Joseph, Jacob and John are in the kitchen drinking coffee. It’s just gone 10am.). Jacob: I’m telling yah we can’t stay here. Not now. Joseph: I see no reason to run and hide Jacob. Jacob: We can’t stay Joe. Not now we got the cops sniffing around our business. John: I’ll get Hayes for this. I’ll make sure his colleagues know exactly who they are working with. Joseph: It’s that kind of attitude that will cause people to distrust us John. You would only be proving them right. Jacob: Well I think we should go. I think we should get a map and pick somewhere. Somewhere that isn’t a damn city. Joseph: Perhaps you are right. (John sighs.). John: I’d have to quit my job. Jacob: You can get another job. You’re a lawyer. People need those everywhere. John: True. Joseph: I was hoping to stay a while longer. But you are right Jacob. Alright we will get a map and have a look at where we could go. (Lillith appears looking tired. John smiles at her.). John: Are you okay? Lillith: Not really. John: I’m sorry about all this. Lillith: It’s not your fault. John: You still haven’t told me what they asked you. Lillith: They thought I’d killed that man. They mentioned my parents and...Other stuff. John: Oh Lily. (John wraps his arms around her.). Lillith: They made a fucking joke out of it all. Like it was a fucking game. John: Sssh. It’s okay. Why don’t you get some more sleep. You look exhausted. Lillith: I need a coffee. (Jacob boils the kettle. Lillith sits down at the counter.). Joseph: We were just discussing where to- John: Where to go for dinner tonight. (Lillith frowns. John glances at Joseph who frowns.). Lillith: Dinner tonight? John: Yes. I thought that we could all go this time. A family dinner. Lillith: That sounds nice. Joseph: Yes it does. (Joseph frowns at John again who shakes his head slowly.). Lillith: Is everything okay? Are you still worried about the cops? Coz they ain’t got nothing. John: No. We’re not worried. Joseph: We were just thinking about moving on from here. Lillith: Your moving out? Joseph: All of us. I was thinking about finding somewhere else to go. Away from cities. Lillith: Oh. (John glares at Joseph.). Jacob: We just thought that with the cops all up in our business it’s a good time to get out of here. Its only gonna get worse. People don’t understand. Lillith: Well I’m not sure it will be any better anywhere else but if that’s what you want to do. (Lillith looks upset.). John: We could get a house. Like you’ve always wanted. We’ll have more room. Lillith: Yeah. I guess. Joseph: You don’t want to move. Lillith: Joe. I would love to move. I hate this city. A fresh start is just what we need. (Joseph smiles. John sighs. Jacob has made Lillith a coffee. She takes it from him.). Lillith: Thanks. I’m gonna go back to bed for a bit. My head is pounding. John: Of course dear. You get some rest. (John kisses the top of her head and Lillith goes back down the hall. John then turns to Joseph.). John: Why did you do that? Joseph: Do what? John: Tell her. Joseph: Because she deserves to know that we are leaving Georgia. John: This is her home. Her friend Franky is here. She won’t last five minutes if she leaves. Joseph: Then her friend is welcome to come with us. She will be fine John. I don’t understand why you don’t want her to come with us. John: Because... (John clenches his jaw.). John: Because I have been thinking about leaving her for a while now. Joseph: What? John: I don’t want to be with her anymore Joseph. I don’t love her.
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chobit92 · 5 years
Small World: Joseph/OC Part 34
Warnings: Domestic Violence, Sexual Scenes.
 (1 Month Later: Joseph and Jacob enter John’s apartment. Joseph stops dead as he sees Lillith curled up in the corner of the kitchen sobbing. Her face is a bloody mess. Joseph rushes over to her and bends down next to her. Jacob has followed him.). Joseph: What happened? Lillith: What do you think happened? John happened! All I did was ask him about your church. I just asked him what the plan was. He’s told me that you plan on going travelling to gather more followers and I just wanted to know what was going on! He got mad and told me to stay out of family business. Joseph: What? Where is he? Lillith: In the bedroom. (Joseph sighs and gets up. He turns to Jacob.). Joseph: Look after her. (Joseph then walks down the hall. Lillith continues to sob. Jacob sighs and sits down next to her. Lillith leans against him and he reluctantly puts his arm around her.). Lillith: Why does he have to be like this? Why does he keep doing this to me? What have I done to deserve this? Jacob: Nothing. He’s just an idiot. And he’s broken. First our father then those foster parents of his. They’ve messed him up. This isn’t him Lillith. It isn’t. He was such a sweet little kid. Lillith: I know. Why do I have to love him? I know he’s no good for me. All he does is hurt me and I continue to let him! Jacob: Yeah. Love makes people do crazy things. Love is blind. (He sighs again then gets up and pulls her to her feet.). Jacob: Come on. Let’s get you cleaned up.
(They go into the bathroom and she sits down on the closed loo seat. He opens the cupboard under the sink and takes out the first aid kit. He cleans up the blood on her face and puts a plaster on the small cut on her cheek.). Lillith: Thanks. (Jacob puts the first aid kit back in the cupboard. Lillith gets up.). Lillith: Did you want a drink? I could do with a drink. Jacob: Yeah fuck it. (They go back to the kitchen and Lillith pours them both a whiskey. A few minutes later Joseph and John emerge from the bedroom. Lillith sits down at the counter and sips her whiskey. John goes over to her.). Lillith: Let me guess. You’re sorry. (John stares at her then sighs.). John: Yes. Lillith: You say that every time. John: I know. Lillith: You need to get help. Not just for me but for yourself John. You need to let go of all this rage. It’s only going to consume you if you don’t. Joseph: She’s right brother. You won’t be able to join us in the new world. In the new Eden. There is no place for Wrath in the garden. John: Yes Joseph. (Joseph presses his forehead against John’s and places his hand on the back of his neck.). Joseph: You need to let us help you John. John: Yes Joseph. Joseph: Why don’t we go for a walk? John: Okay. (Joseph goes to the door.). Joseph: We shouldn’t be too long. Lillith: Okay. Jacob: Do you want me to come with you? Joseph: No that’s alright. You stay here with Lillith. (Joseph and John leave. Lillith sighs and downs the whiskey before pouring herself another.). Jacob: You okay? (She looks up at him and he can see how tired she looks.). Jacob: Stupid question. Lillith: Yeah. (He sits down next to her.). Jacob: My brothers an idiot. Lillith: Yeah well...He’s my idiot. Jacob: Hm. * (Joseph and John are sitting down on a park bench.). Joseph: You need to stop this John. John: I know. Joseph: That girl deserves better. She doesn’t deserve to be beaten up. You need to stop using violence to get your point across. You need to learn to control this temper of yours and just talk instead. John: Yes Joseph. Joseph: You keep saying yes Joseph but you then do nothing to change your behaviour. John: She just pisses me off! Joseph: That is no excuse for how you treat her John. You cannot go around beating everyone who makes you angry. There is already enough of that in the world and the reason we have so many problems. John: Well it won’t matter once we leave to gather more followers of your church. Joseph: What do you mean? John: I’ve decided Joseph. She isn’t coming with us. Joseph: Of course she is. John: No. She isn’t. I’ll leave her the apartment and money. She’ll be fine. She’ll be better off. Joseph: No she won’t. She will miss you greatly. John: She’ll get over it. She doesn’t like all this religious stuff anyway. She isn’t going to join us. Joseph: I have already told you that she will. John: No. She told me earlier that she doesn’t like the idea of travelling with a church. Joseph: She told you that? John: Yes. She wants us to get a house. Settle down and have children. Joseph: Is that what she said? John: No. She hasn’t said that but I know that’s what she wants. She can’t do that if she comes with us can she? Joseph: Well of course she can. So can you. John: She doesn’t want to come with us. Earlier when we were arguing she yelled at me. She said that if I left it would prove that I don’t love her. That if I went with you and Jacob...It would prove that I don’t care about her. Joseph: I can’t imagine Lillith saying something like that so I can only come to the conclusion she said those words in anger. John: You think so? Joseph: I know so. And so do you. (John sighs.). John: She still doesn’t want to come with us. Joseph: She will. She should come along tomorrow. John: I’ll ask her. Joseph: Maybe Lillith is right about the counsellor. John: What? Joseph: Maybe you should see one. John: What’s brought this on? Joseph: Well you don’t listen to Lillith and you don’t seem to want to let me help you so...Maybe you should give it a try. If you cannot talk to us...If we can’t reach you then maybe...Someone else can. (Joseph sighs.). John: Talking to a stranger about myself? No I don’t think so. Joseph: John...You need help and you won’t let us help you. You won’t listen to us! Just give it a try. John: I don’t want to talk to some stranger about myself. Joseph: Because you are ashamed? Because you’re worried about what they might think? John: No. Joseph: Then why? Stop making excuses and just book an appointment. (John sighs.). John: Fine. I’ll book an appointment. Joseph: Good. Now it’s getting rather late and we should be heading back. * (Joseph and John enter John’s apartment. It’s dark. John switches on the lights. Jacob is lying on the sofa. He lets out a grunt and looks up as they walk in.). Joseph: Oh I’m sorry. Did we wake you? Jacob: Nah. (Joseph removes his jacket and hangs it up.). John: Lillith gone to bed? Jacob: Yeah. Joseph: You should get to bed too John. Early start tomorrow. John: Yes boss. (Joseph puts his hand on John’s shoulder.). Joseph: Drop the attitude and the sarcasm. It makes you sound like a child. It doesn’t suit you. (John’s jaw tightens and he turns and walks down the hall slamming the bedroom door. Joseph sighs. John paces up and down the bedroom breathing hard. The bedside lamp suddenly comes on and Lillith sits up half asleep.). Lillith: John? (He continues to pace.). Lillith: John what’s happened? (She gets out of bed and walks over to him.). Lillith: John are you okay? (He grabs her and pins her against the wall. She lets out a sob.). Lillith: John please. No more. (He gazes down at her and brushes his fingers over the bruising on her face.). John: How could I do this to you? My Lillith. The only person on this planet that has ever loved me. Lillith: It wasn’t you. Your Wrath made you do this to me. That’s why you need to get rid of it. John: I am so angry. Lillith: I know. (He is shaking and she is crying.). Lillith: I’m angry too. I’m angry that they hurt you. I’m angry that they turned you into this. They took away your innocence. They took everything from you. But I won’t give up. I’m going to do everything I can to help you. You can’t let them win John. I’m sorry for all the things I said earlier. John: I’m sorry too. (She places her hands on his face. He wraps his arms around her. Then he is kissing her. She kisses him back sliding her hands into his hair. He takes off his jacket then pulls his t-shirt over his head before kissing her again. She runs her hands over his chest as his hands delve underneath her nightie. He then starts kissing her neck. She lets out a sigh and undoes his belt and jeans. He sits down on the bed and takes off his shoes and socks before standing back up and sliding his jeans and pants off. He grabs her nightie and yanks it over her head before tossing it to the floor and kissing her again. His hand slides into her knickers and he slides two fingers into her making her gasp. She digs her nails into his shoulders and lets out a small moan. He removes his fingers and lifts her up carrying her over to the bed. He lies her down and slides her knickers off before lifting her legs slightly and entering her. He moves hard and fast making her wince and she reaches up and grips his forearms. He closes his eyes and groans. A minute later he stiffens and groans again before moving away from her, his cock dripping. He lies down on his back next to her and she rolls over to face him.). Lillith: Are you okay? (He is silent for a moment.). John: I’m gonna go and see a counsellor. Lillith: You are? That’s great. John: I don’t want to but Joseph said I should. Lillith: It might help. John: Telling a stranger my business? (He doesn’t sound happy.). Lillith: You don’t have to tell them anything you don’t want to. Just talk to them. If you don’t know what to say then say that. I know it’s hard and I know it’s horrible. Sitting there with a stranger staring at you, feeling like they’re judging you. But it helps that they’re a stranger really. It helps to talk. Just try it John. Please. John: I will. Lillith: Don’t just go to one session then give up though okay? John: Okay. (She snuggles closer to him and he wraps his arms around her.). John: Joseph wants you to come to church tomorrow. Lillith: Okay. I’ll come. John: Good. Lillith: I love you. (He turns to look at her then kisses her.). John: We need to sleep. Gotta be up early. (He switches off the lamp and pulls the covers over them both. She snuggles against him.). John: Goodnight my dear. Lillith: Night John.
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chobit92 · 5 years
Small World: Joseph/OC Part 45
Warnings: Sexual references.
I haven't updated this story in a while as I have been busy with other things. Not even sure if anyone is reading this. I have tried to create to a master list for this but I am not very tech savvy and couldn't work it out.
(1 Month Later: Lillith is sitting at the kitchen counter with Franky. Gabriel is watching TV eating a sandwich.). Franky: You still staying at John’s again tonight? Lillith: Yeah. I promised Gabriel we would stay there more often. He likes spending time with his dad. Franky: And you? Lillith: What? Franky: Do you like spending time with him? Lillith: Leave it Franky. Franky: Look girl I’m just saying. I’ve seen the way he looks at you. He still wants you. I know you still want him. I just don’t want you hurt again. Lillith: I can’t get hurt again. He hurt me more than enough the first time. Ain’t no topping that. Franky: So...If you’re not worried about getting hurt again then why haven’t you jumped John’s bones yet? I know you want to. You can’t lie to me girl. Lillith: I’m worried about Gabriel getting hurt. Franky: Yeah. Kids his age don’t get why things just don’t work out. Lillith: Oh he gets more than he lets on. Franky: He is pretty sharp for his age isn’t he? Lillith: Yep. Anyway I thought you were dead set against me even going near John. Franky: I am. He’s a dickhead and he never deserved you. Joseph was telling me that he spent years helping John. Joseph says John isn’t perfect and he still struggles with his anger but that he manages it a lot better than he used to. Lillith: Yeah. He told me the same thing. Franky: You believe him? Lillith: No. Franky: Me neither. So...You gonna sleep with him tonight? Lillith: I don’t know. Franky: Lillith. You know he’s just gonna hurt you again. He’s a user. I don’t believe all this about him wanting to give things another go. Lillith: I’m not sure I do either. I’m...So confused. Seeing him again after all this time...A part of me hates him. I don’t think I’ll ever forgive him. But another part of me still wants him. I’ve missed him Franky. Franky: I know. But has he missed you? I bet he’s had a string of women since you. Lillith: Probably. Franky: I thought we were both in agreement that we would come here for Gabriel and that’s it. Lillith: I know. I am here for Gabriel but I can’t just ignore my feelings. I’m trying. I am. But... Franky: You need to stop hoping Lillith. It isn’t gonna happen. He isn’t gonna change. You’ll never be able to trust him. You’ve said it yourself. Lillith: I know. But what’s wrong with sleeping with him? (Franky raises her eyebrows.). Franky: So that’s what this is about too huh? You’re frustrated? Lillith: Shut up. Franky: You know he isn’t good for you. Lillith: I know. Franky: I’m just worried about you. You’ve been drinking too much again. Because of him. Letting yourself get close to him again isn’t gonna help you. I worry that you’ll end up an alcoholic. Lillith: I am not an alcoholic. Franky: I know. But you aren’t far off girl. You need to stop drinking so much all the time. You need to stop letting him get to you. Lillith: Well I can’t. (Lillith gets up.). Franky: Where are you going? Lillith: For a walk. (Lillith leaves. Franky sighs.). Gabriel: Where’s mom gone? Franky: She just went for a walk. She’ll be back soon. Gabriel: Oh. Is she sad again? Franky: Yeah. A little. Gabriel: Because of dad. Franky: Yeah. She’s just...Really confused. Gabriel: I know. You told me he’s confusing. Franky: Yes he is. Gabriel: Maybe dad just isn’t sure what he wants either. Franky: Maybe. Gabriel: Though the way they act around each other I don’t know why they don’t just get together already. (Franky laughs and sits down next to him.). Franky: It’s not as simple as that honey. Gabriel: I know. * (Franky goes to the door after the fourth knock.). Franky: Alright I’m coming! (She opens the door and glares at John who smiles at her.). Franky: What? John: I’ve come to pick up Lillith and Gabriel. We’re having dinner. Franky: She isn’t here. John: She isn’t? Franky: Nope. John: Where is she? Franky: I don’t know. She left a few hours ago. (Gabriel appears running to John.). Gabriel: Dad! John: Hey! (Gabriel hugs John.). Gabriel: Can we make another plane? John: If you like. Gabriel: Yes! John: Did she say what time she’d be back? Franky: No. She just said she was going for a walk. She’s probably gone to the bar in Falls End. (John’s eyes narrow.). Franky: Oh don’t give me that look John. It’s your fault she stormed off in the first place. John: My fault? I wasn’t even here. Gabriel: Franky says that mom is confused. Franky: You should go. John: I came here to pick them up to take them to dinner. Franky: Well it doesn’t look like Lillith wants to come does it? (Franky pulls Gabriel back inside and slams the door.). John: Hey! (John pounds on the door again. He sighs and gets into his car speeding off up the road.). * (Lillith sits at the bar as Mary May pours her another drink. Lillith pays her and takes a sip of whiskey.). Mary: So...You new in town? Haven’t seen you before. Lillith: Been here a few months. Moved here with my son. He wanted to meet his dad. He left nine years ago. He didn’t know I was pregnant. I gave up searching for him years ago. But my son wanted to find him so I started looking again. Tracked him down here. Sorry I don’t know why I’m telling you all of this. Mary: It’s okay. You should be at home with your son though. Not sat here drinking. Lillith: I know. His dads invited us to dinner again. He wants us to give things another go. Mary: But you aren’t sure? Lillith: No. I still love him but it hurt when he left. I don’t understand how he could leave and now all of a sudden decide that he wants me back. Mary: I hear yah. Lillith: I’ll end up back with him. I always do. Mary: Well I hope it works out for you guys this time. You never know it might. Lillith: Maybe. (Suddenly the bar goes quiet and Lillith feels a hand on her shoulder. She turns to see John.). Lillith: What do you want? (Mary is looking at John with disgust.). Mary: Get out. You ain’t welcome here. Lillith: Wow. Someone else you’ve pissed off John. Did you leave her too? (Mary looks at Lillith stunned.). Mary: This is... Lillith: The guy that walked out on me and our kid? Yeah. Mary: This crazy psycho has a son? John: Mind your own business. I see you are still serving alcohol when I told you not to. Lillith: It’s a bar John. Of course they sell alcohol. John: Why are you in here? I thought we were getting dinner together. Lillith: We are. I just had to get out of the house for a bit. (Some guy suddenly grabs John and punches him. Lillith gasps and stands up. Then she laughs.). Lillith: You probably deserved that. (Then she looks at the guy who hit him. She recognises him from his Facebook page.). Lillith: Nick Rye? Nick: Yeah. The hell you doing with this asshole? Lillith: I was engaged to him nine years ago. He left me but he didn’t know I was pregnant. My son wanted to know his father so I tracked him down. I spoke to you on Facebook. Nick: That was you? You were looking for this guy coz you... (Nick looks stunned. Everyone is staring at Lillith.). Lillith: What? Nick: He has a son! (The others in the bar seem as stunned as Nick. Lillith doesn’t know what to say or do. John is glaring at her.). John: Stop telling them our personal business. Let’s go. Lillith: Stop telling me what to do. Why are these people so angry with you John? What have you done now? Nick: He’s with that fucking cult. Mary: He’s sick! John: Lillith we need to go. Now. Lillith: Running away again. Oh good. Fine we’ll go. But you are gonna explain. (Lillith looks murderous. She smiles at Mary.). Lillith: Thanks for the drinks and the company. (Lillith walks out of the bar. John follows her. He walks over to his car and gets in. Lillith gets in the passenger seat. John speeds off heading out of Falls End.). Lillith: So why do all the locals hate you? John: They don’t agree with Joseph. They don’t believe. They are sinners. All of them sinners. Lillith: Oh not this crap again. John: It’s not crap. Lillith: So you’re telling me that the locals hate you that much because Joe is preaching and you think they are all sinners? Those people looked like they wanted to kill you. So what have you done? John: I told you they don’t agree with what we are trying to do. Lillith: What are you trying to do? John: Save them. Lillith: Save them? John: Yes. If they join us they will be saved from the coming collapse. The collapse will destroy the world but we will survive in our bunkers. Lillith: Right. That still doesn’t tell me why they hate you. John: I just told you why. Lillith: You haven’t. Not really. (She sighs.). John: They just don’t understand the power of yes and what it can do for them. Every member of Eden’s Gate goes through the atonement. It cleanses you of your sins. Lillith: Well I can see it’s worked wonders for you. Not. John: What do you mean? It does work. Lillith: Well you don’t seem to have changed to me. John: I have. Lillith: We’ll see. (The rest of the drive is silent. John pulls up in front of her bungalow and gets out. She sighs and follows him to the door. Lillith opens the door and goes inside. John follows her. Gabriel jumps up when they walk in.). Gabriel: Mom! Dad! Lillith: Hey. Gabriel: Where were you? Lillith: I just went out for a while. Where’s Franky? Gabriel: She’s having a bath. Lillith: A bath? She never has a bath. (Lillith goes to the bathroom door and knocks on it.). Lillith: Hey. We’re gonna get going now. Franky: Oh. Okay. Don’t do anything daft will you? (Lillith sighs.). Lillith: I’ll try not to. Franky: You’re an idiot Lily. Lillith: I know. I don’t know what to do. Franky: Well don’t do him. He’s no good for you. Lillith: I know. I thought you usually showered. Franky: I do. But I fancied a bath. I need to relax sometimes girl. Lillith: Okay. I’ll see you tomorrow. Franky: You will. Be careful. I don’t want to be picking up the pieces again. Lillith: I know. See you tomorrow. (Lillith picks up her bag.). Lillith: Gabriel you got everything? (Gabriel picks up his little Minecraft bag.). Gabriel: Ready! Lillith: Okay. John: Then let’s go. (They leave and get into his car. Lillith looks out of the window thinking about her and John. She wonders what his intentions are. She wonders if she should give in to her feelings and just see where it goes. She wonders if she’ll regret it if she does. She also doesn’t want to get Gabriel’s hopes up. She doesn’t want to confuse him. She sighs.). John: Cheer up. Lillith: I’m fine. Gabriel: You look sad again mom. Lillith: I’m fine. Gabriel: Liar. (There is silence for several minutes.). Gabriel: Can we make another plane dad? John: You bet. Gabriel: Yes! (The rest of the drive is quiet. They pull up in front of John’s ranch and get out. Gabriel goes running right up to the door. Lillith sighs.). John: At least pretend you’re happy to be here. For our son. Lillith: Like you give a damn about him. John: Can you stop with this? Lillith: With what? Telling the truth? John: It’s not the truth. You’re just still upset because I left. Don’t let that ruin things now. Gabriel doesn’t like it when we argue. Lillith: I’m not arguing. I’m too tired John. (She walks up the steps to the door. John follows her and they go inside.).
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chobit92 · 5 years
Small World: Joseph/OC Part 40
Warnings: Sexual Scenes
 (2 Months Later: Joseph and Jacob have a holdall each and are hugging John tightly.). Joseph: I still don’t understand why you can’t come with us now. John: I have already explained this. I need to tie up loose ends at the firm and I need to make sure the new guy has all of my case files and knows what he’s doing. I also need to sell this place. Jacob: Who cares about this place? Give it away. I don’t get why you don’t come with us now either. John: It’s not up for discussion. You have money, you can get settled with the others. I’ll be joining you as soon as I can. (Joseph eyes John suspiciously.). Joseph: If you are not ready to leave maybe we should stay and wait until you are so that we can all leave together. John: I wouldn’t hear of it. Don’t let me stop you. Go set up your church. Jacob: You seem to want to get rid of us. John: No. I just see no reason to delay you any further. Joseph: But we should leave here as a family. John: It doesn’t matter. We will soon be together again in our new home. Just let me end my life here first.
(Lillith appears.). Lillith: You’re still here. I thought I’d miss you. Jacob: Still here. Trying to get out of John why he wants us to bugger off so much. Lillith: What do you mean? Joseph: Well I don’t see why we can’t all leave together. Lillith: Why don’t you wait then? John: There is no need. Joseph: Why do you want us to leave so much John? John: I have already told you. Lillith: I don’t understand. What’s going on here? (John sighs.). John: I just wanted us to spend some time together just the two of us. This is the apartment we’ve shared for years and...I wanted to get everything sorted at the firm and spend some last days here with you just the two of us. Lillith: Oh. Joseph: I see. Why didn’t you just say that in the first place? John: Because it sounds pathetic. Joseph: No it doesn’t. (Joseph wraps his arms around John hugging him tightly.). Joseph: I will miss you. John: It won’t be long before we are all together again. Joseph: I look forward to that day. (Joseph then hugs Lillith.). Lillith: See you soon Joe. (Lillith then hugs Jacob and leans up to kiss his cheek). Lillith: Take care of yourself Jake. Jacob: You too. (Jacob then hugs John.). Jacob: You take care of yourself and Lillith. Then hurry up and get your ass over to that crappy county. (John laughs.). John: You haven’t even gotten there yet and already you’re griping about the place. (Jacob huffs a laugh.). Jacob: See you soon little brother. (They finish saying their goodbyes before they finally leave. Lillith makes them both a coffee.). Lillith: It feels strange now just being only the two of us again. John: Yes. But that does have its advantages. Lillith: Oh? (He is suddenly right behind her sliding his hands around her waist and kissing her neck. She giggles. He turns her to face him and kisses her before lifting her onto the side. She wraps her arms around him sliding a hand into his hair. He grips her leggings and tugs on them pulling them down along with her knickers. His hand delves between her legs and she sighs. She runs her hands underneath his shirt and digs her nails into his back. He groans and bites her lip. He then lifts her up and carries her to the sofa. He sits her down then kneels down in front of her. He grins wickedly before he puts his head in between her legs and she feels his tongue running over her clitoris. She gasps and grabs a fistful of his hair. He then places his whole mouth over her. She moans and arches her back. His hands slide underneath her top and cup her breasts. She moans. A few minutes later she sighs loudly. He lifts his head up and smiles at her licking his lips. He stands up and undoes his jeans. She pulls her leggings back up then moves forward as he takes out his already hard cock. She slides her mouth over him and his mouth drops open.). John: Ah yeah. (He closes his eyes and tilts his head back. He slides a hand into her hair. A minute later he lets out a load groan and grabs a fistful of her hair. She grips his cock with one hand and starts pumping hard and fast while continuing to suck and lick at him. He groans again. A minute later he comes and looks down at her as she swallows. He then watches as she licks the end of his penis. He tucks his penis back into his pants and picks her up kissing her.). Lillith: I love you. John: Ummm. (He kisses her again.). John: I love you. Lillith: Lots and lots with jelly tots? John: Yes. And vodka shots. (She giggles. He sits down with her on his lap and she rests her head on his shoulder with her arms wrapped around him. He strokes her hair.). Lillith: What are we doing for the rest of the day then? John: Hmmm. Well we could have sex. (She giggles.). John: We could have sex here on the sofa. Then in the kitchen. Then we could shower together and then spend the rest of the day in bed and order pizza. Lillith: That sounds nice. John: It does. (He kisses her nose and she giggles.). Lillith: I love you. John: You’ve already told me that. Lillith: I know. But I’m telling you again. John: Hmmm. (He starts kissing her neck as his hands slide underneath her sweater. He then grabs the fabric and yanks the sweater upwards. She lifts her arms so that he can pull the sweater over her head. He stares at her breasts spilling out of the black satin bra she is wearing. He places several kisses on her breasts before he unclips her bra and tosses it aside. He then starts sucking on her breasts. She giggles. His hand slides into her knickers and he pinches her bum hard. She gasps and starts unbuttoning his shirt placing kisses over his chest as she does. He slips the shirt off as she gets up and slides her leggings and knickers off. He gets up and slides his jeans and boxers off. He then lifts her up and sits down taking her with him. She giggles and straddles him kissing him. He slides his tongue into her mouth and pinches her nipple. She moves and slides herself onto his erection taking him inside her. He closes his eyes and lets out a small groan. She rides him hard and fast just how he likes. He suddenly bucks his hips and grabs her.). John: Wait stop. Lillith: What’s wrong? John: Nothing. You know how I like to finish. (She smiles and gets up. He gets up and she lies down on the sofa. He climbs on top of her and pushes her legs up so that her knees are right by her ears. He then enters her again and pounds into her hard and fast. She wishes he could be more loving. He sometimes is but only if she asks. It doesn’t take him long to finish and he collapses breathing hard. He lies there on top of her and she runs her fingers through his hair. He suddenly gets up and shoves his boxers back on before going to the kitchen. She gets up and shoves her sweater and knickers on. She looks over at him as he pours some wine.). Lillith: Wine already? John: Why not? Did you want anything to eat? Lillith: No I’m okay thanks. (She puts the TV on and curls up on the sofa grabbing the blanket. He comes over with the wine which he places on the coffee table. He then sits down and grabs the blanket draping it over them both before wrapping his arm around her. She leans against his shoulder and looks through the TV Guide to see what’s on.). John: What are we watching? Lillith: I don’t know. There’s never anything on. John: Never anything on? I pay for every single channel. Lillith: Yep and there’s nothing on any of them. John: Well we could put a film on if you like. Lillith: Which one? John: What do you feel like? Drama, action, romance, horror? Lillith: Ummm... John: Or maybe something...Naughty. Lillith: Naughty? I think we’ve already been naughty enough. (He chuckles.). John: I suppose we have. Lillith: Let’s watch something we both like. John: Hmmm. (He gets up and goes to the cabinet scanning the shelf.). John: Die Hard? I know you love that and I do find it rather amusing. Lillith: Why not? (He puts the disc in the player and sits back down next to her.). * (Lillith is sitting up in bed sipping wine. They watched Die Hard then John ordered pizza and they watched The Bone Collector. They then had sex in the kitchen and showered together. She smiles. Today has been amazing. She wishes everyday could be like this. She wonders why John is acting like this. Not that he hasn’t before but it’s been a while since he showered her with affection like this. It’s making her a little suspicious. She takes another sip of wine as John walks in holding a glass and a bottle of champagne.). Lillith: Champagne? John: Why yes. Lillith: What are we celebrating? John: Whatever you want. Lillith: No seriously what’s going on here? (He pops the cork and pours himself a glass of champagne before getting into bed next to her.). John: Whatever do you mean my dear? Lillith: Just the way you’re acting. You’re being so nice. Watching the films I like, ordering my favourite pizza, wine and now champagne. John: I just thought we would make the most of our time left in our apartment. Especially now that we are alone again. Lillith: Are you sure there’s nothing else going on? John: Like what dear? Lillith: Well I don’t know. But you haven’t bought champagne in ages. John: I fancied champagne so I bought champagne. Lillith: Okay. (She downs the rest of the wine in her glass and holds it out to him.). Lillith: Let’s have some then. (He chuckles and pours her some champagne. He then holds up his glass and she does the same. He taps his glass against hers.). John: To us. Lillith: To us.
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chobit92 · 5 years
Small World: Joseph/OC Part 30
Joseph finally finds Jacob. John continues to struggle with drink and drugs and Lillith finally has enough...
Warnings: Domestic Violence, Sex, Drugs, PTSD
 (Joseph is about to leave the New Dawn homeless shelter and clinic when an old man walks over to him. The man is filthy and reeks of body odour and urine. His hair is scraggy and his face sunken.). Man: I hear you’re looking for your brother? Joseph: Yes. Man: Jacob. Joseph: Yes. Man: There was a guy called Jacob here. About 3 months ago. He was in bad shape. Joseph: How bad? Man: Spent most of his time lying in bed. Didn’t want to talk to anyone or eat or anything. Gave up on life he did. Joseph: He did? Man: Yeah. Probably dead now I reckon. He got kicked out of here. Got into a fight with another guy, Gus. Ah I can’t blame Jacob really. Gus was a real dickhead. He was always annoying Jacob. Guess Jacob had enough and he thumped him. Actually he put him in intensive care. He was booted out of here. Last I heard the police were looking for him for the assault. Joseph: Did you ever hear his last name? Man: Yeah. He had it written on the beat up old army jacket he always wore. Seed. (Joseph sighs.). Man: You okay? Joseph: Y-Yes. Fine. Thank you. Man: He’s your brother isn’t he? Joseph: Yes. I have been searching for him for years. Man: Hm. You Joseph or John? Joseph: Joseph. He spoke about us? Man: Nah. He didn’t talk to no one. Only time I heard him say a word was when he was asleep. He got nightmares real bad. Ah yeah. (The man takes a swig out of a hip flask.). Man: He always called out your name in his sleep. Always calling out for Joseph and John. (Tears sting Joseph’s eyes. He reaches into his pocket and hands the man a few bills.). Joseph: Thank you. Man: Much obliged. (Joseph heads for the door.). Man: You know you might want to check St Augustine’s. Joseph: St Augustine’s? Man: Yeah. Lots of homeless war vets end up there. The broad that runs the place tries to help ‘em best she can. Erika. Bless her. Her father was a war vet. Why she started the shelter in the first place. It’s three blocks away over on main. You can’t miss it. Joseph: Thank you. (Joseph leaves the shelter heading off up the road.). * (Joseph walks into John’s apartment. It’s just gone 9pm. He had no luck at St Augustine’s. Jacob wasn’t there. But he is getting closer to finding him he is sure of it. He can’t have gone far. He sees two wine glasses on the coffee table along with an almost empty bottle. He then hears Lillith giggling down the hall. They must be in bed. He then hears soft thumping and Lillith moaning loudly. It would seem that she has forgiven him again. Joseph goes to the kitchen and makes himself a cup of herbal tea. He sits on the sofa thinking about where to look next for Jacob. He takes his list out of his pocket and crosses off the places he visited today. He then stares at the floor awkwardly as John and Lillith become even more vocal. The walls must be made of cardboard. Joseph turns the TV on and turns the volume up. He decides to put the news on. He has never liked watching the news. It fills him with horror every time. About a minute later he hears the door open down the hall and Lillith walks through the lounge to the kitchen. She is wearing a very small silk black nightie and nothing else.) Lillith: Hey Joe! Joseph: Evening. Lillith: How did the search for Jacob go? Joseph: I am getting closer. I met a man today that knew him briefly. Lillith: Really? That’s great. Hey John! John: What?! Lillith: Get out here! Your brothers home! (Lillith gets another bottle of wine from the fridge and picks up one of the glasses from the coffee table. She pours herself another glass and takes a sip. John appears wearing nothing but a pair of shorts. His usually perfectly groomed hair is sticking up all over the place and some of it has fallen into his eyes.). John: Are you stealing all of my wine? Lillith: Not all of it. You’ve drank most of it! (He chuckles before squeezing her hips and kissing her.). Lillith: Ummm. I think I’ll get you drunk more often. John: I thought you hated my drinking. Lillith: Only when you have too much. (She kisses him and squeezes his ass making him flinch.). John: Hey! (She turns to pick up her wine and he slaps her ass making her giggle. John picks up the bottle and brings it to the lounge pouring himself another glass. Lillith sits down and sips her wine.). Lillith: Joe was just telling me that he met a man that knew Jacob today. (John stops mid sip and looks at Joseph over his glass.). John: Oh? Joseph: Yes. He told me that Jacob was at the New Dawn shelter 3 months ago but that he got kicked out for fighting. He said that... (Joseph doesn’t know whether he can bring himself to tell them the rest of it.). Lillith: Joe are you okay? (Lillith puts her glass down and moves closer to Joseph putting her arm around him.). John: What is it? He isn’t dead is he? Joseph: No. No. He misses us John. John: What? How do you know that? Lillith: Of course he misses you. He’s probably been looking for the two of you for years too. Joseph: I don’t think that he has. The man told me that Jacob is...Broken. The army has... Lillith: Oh. Joseph: He said that he had given up on life. He hardly ate and when he did sleep he would have nightmares. The man said that he always called out for us in his sleep. (There is silence. Lillith takes another sip of wine.). Joseph: I’m going back out tomorrow. I will find him. Lillith: I’m sure you will. John: Did the man say why Jacob had been fighting? Lillith: That’s your only question? John: Well I’m just curious. Joseph: He said that one of the other men was always winding him up. John: Hm. Must run in the family. Lillith: What? Everyone loses it once in a while. John: Hm. Lillith: It’s okay John. We’re gonna find him. We should all go out and look. John: I have to go to work. Lillith: Coz that’s more important than finding your brother? Joseph: It’s alright. I can look. Lillith: Well I think we should all be looking. (There is silence.). Joseph: It’s alright. I would rather find him on my own. I think it will be overwhelming enough for us to be reunited after all these years. But to meet you and...I’m not saying...Of course he will want to meet you Lillith- Lillith: It’s okay. But if you want our help looking just say so. Joseph: Thank you. I’ll be fine. Lillith: We should probably get to bed. John: It’s not even ten. Lillith: Well you’ve got to be up for work haven’t you? John: Well yes but... (He sighs.). John: I will help you look for Jacob. Is that what you wanted Lily? Lillith: Well yes...But that isn’t what I meant. I just meant that if you stay up too late you will end up sleeping in then you will grumble that you are tired and late for work. (John sighs.). John: Yes. You’re right. As always. Lillith: A woman is always right. (Joseph smiles.). Joseph: Have you set a date yet? Lillith: A date? (Lillith frowns.). Joseph: For your wedding. (Lillith swallows hard and looks down before taking a large gulp of wine.). Lillith: No. (John says nothing. Joseph looks at him and raises his eyebrows.). John: What? Joseph: You should set a date. (John finishes his glass of wine and gets up picking up the bottle and putting it back in the fridge.). John: I need a shower. (He then disappears down the hall. Lillith sighs.). Lillith: I don’t know why he doesn’t just tell me that he doesn’t want to marry me. Joseph: I’m sorry. Lillith: For what? Joseph: He shouldn’t be treating you like this. Lillith: It’s okay. I always knew we would never get married. I think he only proposed because he had seen me looking at the ring and he felt bad for cheating on me when I had done so much for him. Joseph: You deserve better than this. Lillith: Do I? Joseph: Of course you do. (She smiles.). Lillith: He ordered pizza and we drank wine. Then we made love and now we are drinking more wine. He even sang to me after dinner. We watched my favourite movie too. Now I’m gonna go and shower with him then he will probably make hot chocolate with marshmallows and snuggle with me in bed. (She looks at him and smiles again.). Lillith: It doesn’t get better than this. (She gets up and takes her wine glass to the kitchen.). Lillith: Night Joe. Joseph: Goodnight Lillith. (She smiles at him before going down the hall to John’s bedroom closing the door behind her. The bathroom door is open and she can hear the shower running. She goes into the bathroom and walks over to the shower opening the door. He turns and looks at her. She slips the nightie off letting it drop to the floor. His eyes travel downwards and he smiles. She steps into the shower with him and wraps her arms around him kissing him.). Lillith: Today has been awesome. John: It has? Lillith: Yep. I love you. John: Ummm. (He kisses her back then turns her pressing her up against the glass side of the shower. He starts kissing her neck. She sighs as his hands travel downwards. He presses himself against her and she moans, her hands sliding down the glass as he continues to kiss and nip at her neck.). Lillith: John. John: Sssh. Don’t speak. (She moans again as his fingers slide into her. He bites her shoulder.). John: You are so beautiful. Lillith: Ummm. (She cries out as he suddenly presses into her. Her breasts press up against the glass and he slides his hand in between her legs making her cry out.). * (Lillith wakes up. She is a little cold so she snuggles underneath the duvet. She feels John behind her. He moves closer to her and puts his arm over her.). Lillith: Ummm. John: Morning Lillith: Morning. What time is it? (She hears him pick up his phone and put it back down.). John: Just gone 7. Lillith: Um. It’s too early. John: Well some of us need to get up for work. Lillith: Is that you trying to hint that I should find a job? John: No. You don’t need one. You have me. Lillith: But that’s not fair. You shouldn’t have to support me. John: Well...I do. (She rolls over to face him and he kisses her.). John: Now I need to get ready for work. Otherwise I won’t be able to support anyone. (She smiles then kisses him sliding her hands through his hair. He then gets out of bed.). Lillith: Come back. John: I need to get ready. Lillith: Hm. (He goes into the bathroom and minutes later she hears the shower running. She starts to drift back off to sleep when there is a knock on the bedroom door.). Lillith: Joe? Joseph: I’m heading out to look for Jacob. I have a few more shelters to search. Lillith: Okay. Do you need help? Joseph: No. I’ll be fine. Lillith: Okay. Good luck. Joseph: Thank you. I’m not sure what time I’ll be back. Lillith: Do you have your key? Joseph: Yes. Lillith: See you later. Joseph: See you later. (Lillith closes her eyes and thinks about what to do for the day while everyone’s out. Maybe she’ll go see Franky.). * (Joseph leaves the canteen of the Samaritans homeless shelter. He walks down the hall. Nobody really wanted to speak to him and the staff were not very helpful either. He is heading for the exit when he hears something that makes him stop. He turns to see a door that has been left ajar. At first he thinks that his mind has played a trick on him. But then he hears it again. A man’s voice. A man’s voice calling for Joseph and John.). * (Lillith walks into John’s apartment and throws her keys on the kitchen counter. She spent the afternoon with Franky. She pours herself a glass of wine and sits down on the sofa switching on the TV. Her phone vibrates and she takes it out of her pocket looking at the text message. It’s from John. He’ll be home late. His usual excuse about being stuck in meetings. She wonders if it’s true or not. She never knows what to believe with John anymore. She sighs and downs the glass of wine before pouring herself another.). * (Joseph looks down at the man lying curled up on the small cot. The man calling for Joseph and John. The man that Joseph is sure is his older brother Jacob. He’s found him. He’s finally found him. But Joseph wonders if he really has found him. The man lying before him is nothing like the man in the picture John found in Jacob’s service record. This man is far from the soldier in the photo. He sits down as the man opens his eyes and blinks up at him.). Joseph: Jacob? (The man stares at him. Tears sting Joseph’s eyes as he looks at his brother. There is nothing left of him. Joseph slowly reaches out and takes Jacobs hand. Jacob flinches away from him slightly.). Joseph: It’s Joseph. I’m sorry it took me so long to find you. (Jacobs arm suddenly comes up pulling him closer and they end up in each other’s arms as Jacob starts to sob.). * (Joseph walks into John’s apartment. He sees Lillith curled up on the sofa asleep. Jacob was reluctant to come with him. He is still at the shelter. Joseph told him that he would be back tomorrow with John and that they would leave together. Jacob seemed happy that they have found each other but he also seemed reluctant. Joseph sighs. He makes himself a cup of herbal tea and goes to the lounge. Lillith stirs and sits up.). Lillith: Hey. Joseph: Evening. Lillith: Is John back yet? Joseph: He isn’t here? Lillith: Clearly not. (She sighs and looks at her phone. She has another text. He is going to be late tonight as the meeting overran and he has case notes to go through. She sighs and shakes her head.). Joseph: He’s working late? Lillith: That’s what he tells me. Though I won’t be surprised if he smells like a bar when he gets back. Joseph: Hm. You should call him. Lillith: No point. He probably won’t answer and he hates it when I call. (There is silence as Lillith gets up and opens another bottle of wine before pouring herself a glass. She sits back down again taking a sip.). Joseph: I found Jacob today. (Lillith turns to look at him in surprise.). Lillith: That’s great! How is he? Joseph: Not good. Lillith: Oh. How come he didn’t come back with you? Joseph: I’m not sure. I don’t think he’s ready yet. Lillith: Not ready? You’re his brothers. Joseph: Yes but Jacob is...Not himself. Lillith: What do you mean? Joseph: He is broken. Severe PTSD would be my guess. Lillith: Oh Joe. Joseph: I have found one brother full of rage and the other completely hollow. His eyes are what will haunt me tonight. They were...Dead. (Lillith sighs.). Lillith: Well we need to get him back here with us. Then we can take him to the doctors. I’m sure John won’t mind paying whatever price to get him some help. Joseph: I can help him. Lillith: You’re not a doctor Joe. Sounds like Jacob needs some serious therapy. Joseph: Therapy. That’s what they call it. But it isn’t. The world just hides people like that. They ask questions not because they are trying to heal but because they are trying to work out how much of a danger they are to society. Lillith: That’s a pretty negative view. Jacob just needs support and to talk about things. That’s the mistake people make. Especially men. They don’t talk to anyone. Joseph: You are an expert? Lillith: Franky had a brother. He was in the army. He had PTSD and he didn’t tell anyone. He hid it from everyone. It was the worst thing he could have done. It only got worse. Me and Franky knew something was wrong. Franky looked up PTSD and we read all about it. We tried to get him to understand that he had a problem and that he needed some help but he wouldn’t listen. He said there was nothing wrong. Joseph: What happened to him? Lillith: He killed himself. Joseph: That will not happen to Jacob. Lillith: You don’t think that it will but how do you know? He might have already thought about doing it. That man you met said he wasn’t eating and that he had given up on life didn’t he? Joseph: Not now he has us. He has something to live for. Lillith: So did Franky’s brother. He had a three year old and a wife and he still killed himself. Joseph: I have faith. Faith that everything is going to work out. Lillith: Hm. Must be nice. To be so sure of everything. (She leans back and closes her eyes. They sit in silence for a while. Then the door opens and John stumbles in. Lillith looks up and sighs.). Lillith: I fucking knew it. (John is drunk and he smells of booze. His eyes are red and bloodshot and his nose is running.). Lillith: He’s been on the drugs again too. For goodness sake. (She gets up and takes John’s hand leading him towards the hall.). Lillith: Come on. John: No! (John yanks his arm away from her.). Lillith: Come on John you need a shower then you need to go to bed. (He has a cut on his forehead and she touches it.). Lillith: Have you been fighting again? John: Hm. (She sighs and takes his hand trying to lead him to the hall again but he yanks himself away from her and hits her sending her wine glass to the floor where it smashes. Joseph surges forward.). Joseph: John! (But Lillith surprises both of them. She punches John in the face.). Joseph: Lillith! (John is staring at her. He looks a little bewildered.). Lillith: Stop fucking hitting me! Now get in there and have a shower! You pathetic useless man! (Lillith regrets the words as soon as she has said them. John is staring at her sadly. He then turns and slowly pads down the hallway and they hear the bedroom door close. Tears roll down Lillith’s cheeks as she goes to the kitchen and fetches the dustpan. She sweeps up the glass and dries the puddle of wine with some kitchen towel before getting another glass and pouring herself another.). Joseph: That isn’t going to help. Lillith: Don’t you dare judge me. Joseph: I was not. You shouldn’t have hit him. Lillith: It’s about time someone bloody did. I am not putting up with it anymore Joe. I am not being someone’s punching bag! (Joseph sighs.). Joseph: My child. You need to calm down. This will not help anyone. Lillith: What do you know? You’ve only been here five minutes. I’ve known John for years. It’s about time I hit him back. Joseph: I understand. I do. But it’s not the way. (Lillith leans against the side sipping her wine. A few minutes later John emerges from his room. He walks slowly into the kitchen. His hair is wet and he is only wearing his silk pyjama bottoms. He goes over to Lillith and wraps his arms around her.). John: I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. (He starts to sob.). Lillith: No you’re not John. John: I am. I am. You can hit me again if you like. Lillith: I don’t want to hit you. But I don’t want you to hit me either. I am sick of putting up with it. John: I’m sorry. Joseph: You need to learn to control your anger John. Lillith: And you need to go to your counselling sessions. John: Okay. (John suddenly peppers Lillith with kisses.). John: Come to bed with me. Don’t leave me. Don’t leave me alone. Tell me you love me. Love me please. Just love me. Joseph: You are loved John. This is the drink and the drugs. You shouldn’t keep doing this to yourself. It only makes things worse. Lillith: I do love you John. Go to bed then. I’ll be there in a minute. John: Okay. (John turns and staggers back up the hallway. He falls into the wall twice before disappearing and they hear the bedroom door close. Lillith sighs.). Joseph: Now that I have found Jacob I can focus my energy on bringing them back to themselves. Lillith: John is himself. This is John. This is who he is. He’s never going to change Joe. Joseph: But he will. We just need to make him see. Lillith: Tried that haven’t we? He won’t go to the counselling. He won’t listen to me. You can only help someone if they want to help themselves. If they don’t...Then there’s nothing you can do. Joseph: Maybe when he sees Jacob tomorrow he will feel differently. Lillith: Do you really think it’s a good idea for him and Jacob to be under the same roof right now? Joseph: What do you mean? Lillith: Well from what you’ve told me Jacob has his own issues and- Joseph: What are you saying? (Joseph suddenly looks angry. Lillith has never seen him look angry before. It scares her slightly.). Lillith: I just meant...It’s hard enough dealing with John. Having Jacob here too...I want him here of course I do. John’s family are my family but...I’m scared Joe. Joseph: Of what? Lillith: John losing it. I fear that seeing Jacob after all this time and realising that he’s...Broken like you say might just push him over the edge. One stress too many and then he’ll be broken and I can’t- (She lets out a sob. Joseph wraps his arms around her.). Joseph: No. No. That will not happen my child. You must have faith. We are finally going to be reunited. This is a good thing and I m sure that John will be thrilled to have Jacob back. Together we can help Jacob and I can help John. I have faith. You must have faith too. Soon the world as we know it will no longer exist. Soon we will be gathering followers. Gathering those that understand what most of the world does not. Those people will be saved. We will be saved. We will march together into the new world. But you have to have faith Lillith. (Lillith stares at him. She sighs.). Lillith: Okay Joe. (She pats him on the shoulder then turns and goes down the hall. Joseph sighs. She doesn’t believe him.).
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chobit92 · 5 years
Small World: Joseph/OC Part 37
Been having some writers block with this one. I know how I want to end it it's just getting there. Hopefully I will manage to finish this soon so that I can start posting my Jacob fic...
Warnings: None.
 (Joseph, Jacob and John are in the kitchen. Joseph is making dinner. Lillith is at Franky’s.). Joseph: I’ve been looking at the map. John: Have you? Joseph: Yes. I think I have found the perfect place for us to go. I’m not sure how we’re all gonna get there. John: All? Joseph: Well us and all of the people that have been coming to church. The people who want to come with us. The Project at Eden’s Gate has begun John. (John doesn’t answer.). Joseph: Lillith too of course. (John sighs.). John: We have already discussed this. Joseph: Yes. But I don’t believe that you don’t love Lillith. I don’t believe that you want to leave her. John: What? You don’t know a thing. I know how I feel Joseph. I don’t love her. Joseph: Well regardless of your feelings I would like her to come with us. John: Why is she so important to you? Joseph: Because she’s important to you. And I like her. It would be wrong to leave her behind. John: She’ll be fine. (Joseph sighs.). Joseph: She would not be safe from what is to come. You want her to die? John: You honestly believe the world is gonna all blow up? Joseph: The Collapse will come John. If you cannot have faith in the creator then have faith in me, your brother. John: I do have faith in you. Joseph: Good. (Jacob is looking at John frowning.). John: What? Jacob: Nothing. Just wondering why you wouldn’t want Lillith to come with us all of a sudden. John: I told you. I don’t love her. Jacob: You’re an idiot. John: I am not. Jacob: You are. Don’t love her. You don’t know how lucky you are to have a beautiful young woman who worships you. Who stays with you even though you act like a prize asshole. (John’s mouth drops open.). John: Well thank you very much. You’re meant to be my brother! Jacob: I am. And as your brother I am telling you not to make the mistake of letting a girl like that go. John: It is up to me what I do. Jacob: You know what I reckon? I reckon you don’t like the fact that you have so many feelings for her. You don’t like the fact that you have fallen in love with someone. It scares the shit out of you so instead of accepting it you act like an asshole in an effort to push her away. Only she hasn’t gone away has she? Coz she loves you too idiot. John: You know nothing. (John goes down the hall into the bedroom. Joseph sighs.). Joseph: I don’t understand why he would be so against Lillith coming with us. Jacob: Like I said Joe. He’s scared. Joseph: Of what? Jacob: Getting his heart broken. Joseph: You think so? Jacob: Yeah. Think about it. He’s been used and neglected. Preyed upon. He’s been left to rot like all of us. Now that he’s found love he doesn’t believe it. He doesn’t want to believe it in case he’s wrong and he gets left again. Joseph: Hm. Perhaps. I don’t see why he wouldn’t believe he has found love. It is obvious for anybody to see that Lillith is completely devoted to him. Jacob: Yeah. Obvious to everyone except John. (Jacob makes himself a cup of coffee and sits down on the sofa. Joseph carries on bustling around the kitchen preparing dinner. About ten minutes later the door opens and Lillith walks in. She takes off her jacket and hangs it up.). Lillith: Hey guys. Joseph: Are you alright? Lillith: Yeah. Joseph: Did you have a nice time at your friends? Lillith: Yeah. It was nice. Where’s John? Has he gone out? Joseph He’s in the bedroom. (Lillith frowns and turns heading for the hallway. She smiles at Jacob.). Lillith: You okay Jake? Jacob: Yeah. I guess. Lillith: Good. (Lillith goes down the hall into the bedroom. John is lying on the bed staring at the ceiling.). Lillith: Hey you. Joseph’s cooking again I see. John: Hm. Lillith: Franky says hi. John: Hm. Lillith: Are you okay? John: Hm. (She stands there looking at him frowning.). Lillith: Right. Well I’m gonna have a bath. (She goes into the bathroom. John lies there staring at the ceiling. He sighs. He feels slightly bad about wanting to leave Lillith behind. But he doesn’t want her to come with them. He just wants to start over far away with his brothers. He doesn’t deserve Lillith anyway.).
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chobit92 · 5 years
Small World: Joseph/OC Part 41
Sorry it has taken me so long to update this. I have been rather busy and I am crap at this writing lark. Hope you enjoy the next chapter!
Warnings: Sex.
 (2 Weeks Later: Lillith wakes up. John isn’t in bed. She lies there for a while thinking. John has sold his cars except for the Lamborghini. They have also been packing up their stuff. Lillith looks at the boxes scattered around the bedroom. She asked John how they were going to move all of their stuff with just a Lamborghini. He said that they weren’t taking that much. Just essentials and that they would start again once they got there. He still hasn’t told her where ‘there’ is. She sighs. John walks in and puts a cup of coffee on the bedside cabinet.).
Lillith: Morning handsome. John: Good morning my dear. I made you coffee. I’m going to nip out and drop some of this stuff off at goodwill. Lillith: Okay. John: Not sure what to do with the DVD collection though. Sell it? Lillith: Sell it? No. I love our DVD collection. John: Okay. I would take everything with us if I could. But it’s just not possible. I did think about buying a large truck. One that would fit my car in along with all of our stuff. Lillith: Why don’t you then? John: I haven’t got a licence for a truck. Lillith: I’m sure we’ll work it out. How far away is this place we’re moving to anyway? John: Oh it’s a fair way. Nothing like the cities. Lillith: Yes you said that already but where? John: I want it to be a surprise. Lillith: A surprise? Why? Why can’t I know where we’re going? John: I told you it’s a surprise. (He slides into bed next to her and kisses her.). Lillith: I still don’t see how we’re going to get there in your Lamborghini. There’s no way we can fit anything in the damn thing. John: We only really have clothes and personal trinkets. Joseph and Jacob took most of my stuff with them in the bus. I wonder how they’re getting on. Lillith: Hm. They’re probably fine. Missing you though. John: Hm. I doubt it. Lillith: Don’t be silly of course they are. I bet you miss them too. John: Yes. Though it is strange to have my brothers back after all these years. I almost can’t believe it. (She smiles and kisses him.). Lillith: I’m so happy that you have your family back. A fresh start will be good for all of us. John: Hm. Lillith: I love you. John: I know you do. (He kisses her then her neck. She runs her fingers through his hair. He then moves down sucking on each of her breasts. She giggles.). Lillith: John stop abusing my girls. John: Your ‘girls’ love it. Lillith: I don’t know about that. (He grins. She wraps her arms around him and kisses him. He nudges her legs apart and settles himself between them grinding against her. She wraps her legs around him.). Lillith: Shouldn’t we be doing some more packing and getting organised? John: Ummm. Perhaps we should. But you my dear are very distracting. (She giggles. He kisses her again and she slides her hands down his back.). Lillith: I need to see Franky at some point. Before we go. I was hoping to get her to come with us. John: Hm. There won’t be room in the car. Lillith: She has her own car. She can meet us there. John: Hm. Okay. (He kisses her again before sliding downwards and disappearing under the sheets. She sighs and arches her back as his mouth covers her.).
(2 Weeks Later: Lillith is leaving to go and see Franky. They are ready to leave but John still hasn’t told her where they are going.). Lillith: Not even a hint? John: I told you. I want it to be a surprise. I want to surprise you. Lillith: Franky will probably want to know where we are going. John: Then you will have to tell her that it’s a surprise. Lillith: Okay. Fine. John: What if Franky doesn’t want to come with us? Lillith: There isn’t much I can do about it if she doesn’t. But there’s no harm in asking. John: Hm. Well we leave tomorrow. Lillith: I can’t wait. I can’t wait to begin a new life with you. John: Me neither. (He kisses her.). Lillith: I’ll be back soon. John: No you won’t. You’ll be with her all day chatting and drinking. (She giggles.). Lillith: See you later. (She kisses him.). John: See you later. (He hugs her tightly and kisses her then her head.). John: I love you. Lillith: I love you too. (She smiles at him and leaves.).
(Lillith and Franky enter the apartment giggling. Franky still isn’t sure about coming with them. Lillith has been trying to persuade her all day. Lillith opens the cupboard and pours them some champagne.). Lillith: John! Franky: I’m gonna fucking miss you girl. Lillith: Then come with us. Franky: I don’t know. What about my apartment? My job? Lillith: Get a new apartment and new job. Franky: You don’t even know where we’re going. Lillith: No but John said it’s a real nice place and it’s gonna be amazing. (She has poured three glasses of champagne.). Lillith: John! (She takes a sip of champagne and hands a glass to Franky.). Lillith: John! The hell’s he doing? (Lillith goes down the hall to the bedroom. Franky sips her champagne and leans against the counter. She then sees a note stuck to the fridge with Lillith’s name on it. She frowns and takes it off of the fridge before she opens it and starts to read. Her mouth drops open as she reads John’s words.). Franky: Son of a bitch! (Lillith returns frowning.). Lillith: He isn’t here. (She takes out her phone and goes to call him when Franky holds the note out to her.). Franky: You need to read this. Lillith: What is it? Franky: The note that John left you. Lillith: Note? John doesn’t leave notes. (Lillith takes the note and starts to read. She stands frozen her mouth open as she reads the words but doesn’t really take them in. She is aware of Franky putting her arm around her. Aware of the ticking of the clock on the wall. Aware of the small hum coming from the fridge. Then her legs give way and Franky tries to stop her from falling. He’s left her. John has left her. He’s gone without her. A sob escapes her throat before she screams. Franky tries to calm her while taking the note from her and reading John’s words again.).
My dearest Lillith, I am deeply sorry to have to do this to you but I must. I have left to join my brothers in our new home. The truth is I never intended to take you with me. I have left you the apartment and one of my bank cards. There is enough money in the account for you to live comfortably. You can find the pin number and account information in my bedside drawer along with the card. I do this not because I don’t love you but because I do. You are the only person I have ever loved. The only person I ever will love. But I am no good for you. I can’t be with you. I’m sorry. You will get over me and move on and you will meet someone who deserves you. Who treats you like a princess and you will be happy. Truly happy. I know it doesn’t feel like it right now but you will be happy again Lillith. You will realise that you never would have been happy with me. I needed to start again. I needed to leave my old life behind. You are a part of that life. So I leave you behind in the hope that I can start again. I hope too that you can one day start again. We must cleanse ourselves of our sins and move forwards. We must free ourselves from our pasts. I know you must be deeply upset and I am sorry for causing you yet more heartache but one day you will see that this was for the best. For both of us. I love you Lillith. I will always love you. But it was never going to work out. You always knew that. John Seed.
(Lillith is standing by the window in the bedroom when Franky walks in.). Franky: Hey. You okay? (Lillith doesn’t answer.). Franky: No of course not that was a stupid question. (Since John left Franky has practically moved in. Lillith went to his law firm several times asking everyone if they knew anything. They didn’t. Only that John had quit and cleaned out his office. She’s even been going to all of his old haunts asking around. But he is nowhere. She has no idea where he’s gone because he didn’t tell her. He didn’t want her to know. She’d tried calling him several times but all she got was a voice telling her that the phone’s switched off. Last time she called she was told that the number was no longer recognised. She sighs and turns around walking over to the moses basket and looking down at the small baby looking up at her. She smiles even as tears fill her eyes as she looks down at her son. She wishes she had told John that she was pregnant. That she hadn’t lied to him and Joe that day in the kitchen. But it wouldn’t have made a difference in the end. She doesn’t think that John would have stayed even if he knew she was pregnant. She is quite sure that he still would have left. Franky puts her arm around her.). Franky: Hey. You’re gonna be okay. I know it doesn’t seem like it right now. But you are. Lillith: He looks just like him. Franky: Yeah he does. (Lillith starts to sob.). Lillith: I miss him. Franky: I know. But he never deserved you. Never. You need to try and forget about him. He ain’t worth your tears. He ain’t. Lillith: He doesn’t even know he has a son. He’ll never know and our little boy will never know his dad. Franky: No different from me. My dad walked out when I was a kid. Never saw him again and I’m okay. Your son has something even more awesome than a dad. He’s got two badass moms. (Lillith smiles slightly.). Franky: It’ll be okay. You’ll be okay. (Lillith looks down at the tiny baby boy then leans down giving him a kiss.). Lillith: Goodnight Gabriel. Mommy loves you.
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chobit92 · 5 years
Small World: Joseph/OC Part 29
John is out of the hospital. But just as Lillith and Joseph think John has made some progress he shows them he hasn't changed a bit...
Warnings: Domestic violence.
(3 Months Later: Joseph walks into John’s apartment. He has been out looking for Jacob all day. He frowns when he sees the broken wine bottle and glasses on the kitchen floor. One of the kitchen cabinets with the glass front panel is smashed. There are also drops of blood on the counter and the floor.). Joseph: John? Lillith? (He goes down the hall to the bedroom and knocks on the door. He hears sobbing. He opens the door and steps into the bedroom. Lillith is lying on the bed curled up with her arms wrapped around herself. Joseph sits down on the bed.). Joseph: Lillith? (He frowns and brushes her hair away from her face to reveal a large bruise that covers her left eye and most of her cheek. He sighs.). Joseph: Oh my child. (He squeezes her arm and she winces. He pulls his hand away from her.). Joseph: What else has he done to you? (Still sobbing she pulls her top up revealing bruising around her ribs and abdomen.). Joseph: Oh. (Joseph looks devastated. She then slowly sits up and slides her cardigan off revealing bruises around her arms. Joseph stares at the bruises which have clearly been made by a man’s hands, gripping hard.). Lillith: I thought he was getting better. Joseph: So did I. I am so sorry Lillith. Lillith: It’s not your fault. Joseph: I should have been here. Lillith: You’ve been trying to find Jacob. Joseph: I know. But I should be doing more to help John too. Lillith: You have been. We both have. He won’t go to the counselling. Joseph: He won’t? I thought he’d been going. Lillith: I thought so too. But he hasn’t. They phoned this afternoon. He hasn’t been going. He hasn’t been to a single appointment. Joseph: Then where has he been going? Lillith: I don’t know. That’s how it all started. I just asked him why he hadn’t been going and why he lied about it. I asked him where he’d been going instead and I tried to tell him that the counselling will help him but he didn’t want to listen. He got mad. Real mad. (She starts to sob again.). Joseph: Do you know where he would have gone? Lillith: To a bar probably. (He sighs. He puts his arm around her and she leans against him sobbing quietly.). * (John downs his fifth whiskey then looks around the bar. He sees a guy with two mates at the other end of the bar. The guy is big. Bald head and beefy arms. John staggers over to him. He deserves this. He deserves all of it. He reaches the men and stares at them. They look at him frowning.). Man: You alright there pal? * (Lillith is sitting at the kitchen counter with a cup of coffee. Joseph has swept up the glass. He has also taken the rest of the glass out of the cupboard door. Lillith’s eyes are red and swollen from crying and she’s barely said a word. The door to the apartment opens and they both look up. Lillith lets out a cry and puts a hand over her mouth getting up. Joseph follows her over to John who is covered in blood. His face is a bloody mess, battered and bruised.). Joseph: John! What happened? (Lillith sighs and gently cups John’s face in her hands. Tears roll down her cheeks.). Lillith: Oh. Come on let’s get you cleaned up. John: Hmm. (John’s lips tremble and his eyes fill with tears. Lillith takes his hand and leads him to the bathroom. John sits down on the side of the bath while Lillith takes out the first aid kit. She takes out some antiseptic wipes and starts dabbing at the cuts on John’s face and arms. Joseph watches from the doorway concerned.). Joseph: Who did this to you brother? (John doesn’t answer.). Joseph: Are you badly injured? Should we go to the hospital? John: No. (Once Lillith is done with the cuts she dabs at his lip which is split sending blood trickling down his chin. She then deals with his bloody nose. She then cleans the rest of the blood off of him.). Lillith: Is this blood all yours? John: Yes. Joseph: How many of them were there? Did they rob you? John: No. (Lillith returns to the kitchen and pours herself a glass of wine. Joseph steps into the bathroom and closes the door. He sits down on the loo seat and stares at John.). Joseph: Are you going to tell me what happened? John: I went to a bar. Joseph: Yes. I can smell it on you. John: I got into a fight. (Joseph sighs.). Joseph: John... (He then lifts his head and levels John with a stare that could slice steel.). Joseph: I’ve seen the bruises on Lillith. I thought you had changed. I thought you were making progress. How could you do that to her again John? (John doesn’t answer.). Joseph: You have nothing to say? You are meant to be dealing with your anger John not letting it control you. Why haven’t you been going to your counselling appointments? John: I don’t want to speak to some stranger. Joseph: But it might help you. We are trying to help you. But we can only do so much John. The rest you have to do yourself. I really hope you find the will to change soon. Before it is too late. (Joseph gets up and leaves the room. He goes to the kitchen and sits down at the counter next to Lillith.). Joseph: Drinking that isn’t going to help you. Lillith: Yeah well...If you can’t beat them join them. Joseph: Where did that saying come from I wonder. Lillith: It probably came from someone who’d had enough of trying to change those around them so they decided to change themselves. Joseph: Perhaps. But I do not think that is the answer. We should never change who we are to fit in with those around us. Lillith: It’s really just an old saying Joe. (She looks down at the counter.). Joseph: I’m worried about him too. Lillith: I just want him to get help. I know you shouldn’t want to change people but I want him to change Joe. I don’t want him to be like this anymore. I can’t live like this anymore. Joseph: I know. You shouldn’t have to either. If you left I would not blame you. Lillith: I would leave. I should leave. But I won’t. I can’t. Joseph: You love him too much. Lillith: Yes. Silly me eh? Joseph: You are not silly. Lillith: I love him so much it hurts. (She lets out a sob. He puts his arm around her.). Lillith: Why does he always do this? Why does he go and get himself beaten up? Joseph: That’s the alcohol. It turns men into fools. Lillith: Yeah. But John does it on purpose. Joseph: What do you mean? Lillith: He gets mad and beats me. Then he gets drunk and picks a fight so that someone beats him. (Joseph stares at her then sighs.). Joseph: So he picked a fight to get himself beaten up? Lillith: Yeah. That’s what he does. To punish himself for hurting me. He’s a bloody idiot! Joseph: Yes he is. Lillith: If he didn’t hurt me in the first damn place he wouldn’t feel the need to bloody punish himself! Joseph: I know. He needs help. But he needs to help himself. Lillith: Yeah I know. But he won’t. Joseph: Then we will just have to keep trying. We will just have to make him see.
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chobit92 · 5 years
Small World: Joseph/OC Part 28
Joseph and Lillith do their best to support John. Joseph gets back to trying to find Jacob...
Warnings: Sexual Scenes.
(2 Weeks Later: Lillith and Joseph are sat at a table in a communal area of the psychiatric hospital. John sits there looking down into his coffee. Lillith is sat next to him holding his hand.). Lillith: How did you sleep? John: I didn’t. Joseph: Have you watched any television? (Joseph looks over at the TV which is behind a panel of Plexiglas.). John: Nothing on. Never is. Lillith: Well that’s why I packed you some books. (She had packed him books. She had also packed his favourite shirts, jeans, joggings bottoms and t-shirts. She even packed his favourite silk pyjamas.). Lillith: Have you eaten today? John: I am not a child. Can you stop treating me like a sick child? Lillith: I’m sorry. I just worry about you. I haven’t been sleeping either. I just keep thinking about you. I miss you. John: I miss you too. (John wonders how he really hasn’t gone mad in here. He can’t imagine spending another two weeks in here. He just wants to go home. Get back to work. He wonders what his staff have been thinking. Do any of his clients know? He shouldn’t be worrying about work though. Lynn will be taking care of everything.). Lillith: I spoke to one of the nurses. Stuck up bitch. John: I bet I know which one you spoke to. (Lillith looks down at the table. She wonders if John has flirted with any of the nurses. It wouldn’t surprise her if he’d fucked one of them already.). Lillith: Well she was quite stuck up and standoffish and couldn’t really tell me anything useful about the care you’re receiving here. John: Nobody cares. They just want to fill you with drugs and put you in therapy. I’ve been taking drugs for years and they only help for a while if at all. As for therapy, I don’t want to talk to some idiot in a tie who think that they know everything. (Lillith smiles.). John: What? Lillith: You shouldn’t mock idiots in ties John. (She whispers in his ear as she kisses and nibbles on his earlobe.). Lillith: That’s what made me fancy you in the first place. John: Are you implying that I’m an idiot? How is that meant to make me feel better? Lillith: You are an idiot. You are a sexy, funny, smart idiot. My idiot. (She kisses him.). Lillith: And I love you. John: I love you too. (He kisses her.). Lillith: No more trying to hurt yourself right? John: No more trying to hurt myself. Lillith: Good. (A nurse comes over.). Nurse Visiting hours are nearly over. Lillith: I wasn’t aware there was a time limit on visiting my husband. (The nurse blinks.). Nurse: I wasn’t aware John was married. Lillith: Well...Now you are aware. (Lillith stands up.). Lillith: I’m just going to use the loo. (Lillith walks off. The nurse has moved on to other tables where other people are sat with loved ones. Joseph notices there are a number of people who have no visitors. Joseph likes to think that maybe their family members just couldn’t make it today. But he wonders what could be more important than seeing family.). Joseph: When you’re better and we have found Jacob we should start organising your wedding. (John nearly spits out his coffee.). John: What? Joseph: Your wedding. John: I’m not getting married. Joseph: Lillith clearly thinks that you still are. She keeps referring to you as her husband. John: She’s always done that. She does that when she thinks a woman is getting too close to me. Joseph: She loves you John. It hurts her greatly whenever you give into temptation. You should stop being unfaithful. John: I know. (Lillith returns and Joseph stands up.). Joseph: You take care John. (Joseph embraces his brother.). Joseph: We’ll see you tomorrow. (Lillith hugs John then kisses him. He kisses her back and squeezes her ass.). John: I can’t wait to get out of here. Lillith: Then you need to focus on getting better. John: There is nothing wrong with me. Lillith: You tried to kill yourself John. That’s why you are here. Just rest and take a break from everything and focus on getting better and coming home. John: I will. Lillith: I’ll see you tomorrow. I love you. (She kisses him again.). John: I love you too. (Joseph and Lillith leave. They get into John’s Lamborghini and Lillith drives off heading back to the apartment. It’s nearly a two hour drive away.). Lillith: I hate leaving him back there in that place. Joseph: So do I. But he will be leaving with us soon enough. I have faith. Lillith: That makes one of us. * (Next Day: Joseph walks out of the homeless shelter and looks down at the piece of paper in his hand. He visited John briefly before setting off in search of Jacob once again. He has met a man who said he knew someone called Jacob briefly. He didn’t know his last name and he kept to himself. The man said he left the shelter six months ago. Joseph is now heading to other shelters as well as walking all around the streets of Georgia looking. He isn’t going to give up. He won’t. He can’t. *Lillith is sitting on the bed in John’s room. John has his own key card that opens the door to the hall where the rooms are. There are staff everywhere but none in the hall outside right now. Most of them are at the main doors and out in the canteen and communal area where families are visiting the patients and patients are watching TV. Nobody said anything when Lillith and John got up and went through the double doors to his room.). Lillith: It isn’t a bad little room. Not really. John: It’s horrible I hate it here. Lillith: Then let’s make it less horrible. (John gets up from the chair and sits on the bed next to her. She smiles at him. She sees a shadow on the wall and looks at the door to see a man peering through the window into the room. John follows her gaze and sighs. The man walks off.). John: There’s no privacy in here. (She kisses him.). Lillith: Like you care about getting caught. You once told me that the possibility of getting caught made it more fun. John: Ummm. I did say that. (He kisses her and slides his hand up underneath her top. She wraps her arms around him and lies down taking him with her.). Lillith: Do you remember when we did it in your car? John: Which time? (She giggles.). Lillith: Outside the club. John: Ah yes. You know we still haven’t done it in the Porsche. Lillith: Then that’s on the bucket list. And there was the time that we did it in the toilets at Aria. You’d taken me out to dinner there for Valentine’s Day. John: Ummm. How could I forget? Lillith: My favourite was when we did it in your office. John: Hm. Yes we did. Lillith: More than once. (He chuckles.). John: Um. Lillith: Now...We’re gonna do it in a psyche unit. (He chuckles.). John: Wherever next? (She giggles. He kisses her and within minutes their clothes are on the floor. He settles himself between her legs and kisses her neck before moving down to her collarbone then her breasts. She sighs. He moves lower skimming his lips across her stomach before lowering his head and running his tongue over her making her sigh and arch her back.). Lillith: Ah. Um. Yes. (He sucks and licks at her until she cries out and her legs shake. He leans over her as she lies there slightly breathless. She sits up and he moves. She pushes on his chest lying him down. She then climbs on top of him. She leans down and kisses him as he palms her breasts.). John: Fuck I’ve missed you Lily. Lillith: I’ve missed you too. (She lowers herself onto his erection and he groans closing his eyes his mouth dropping open. She leans down and kisses him as he runs his hands up and down her back. She then starts to move fast.). John: Ah! Ah fuck! Slow down. (She stops moving. He brushes her hair behind her ear. She starts to move again slower this time. She leans down and kisses him. He wraps his arms around her holding her close.). Lillith: I love you. John: I love you too. (They are both breathless.). John: Ah fuck. (He smacks her ass and she giggles.). Lillith: Oi! (He smacks her ass again and she cries out.). John: Sssh. We wouldn’t want to draw attention to ourselves would we? (She laughs and he chuckles. She starts to move faster and he groans. She kisses him again and rakes her hands through his hair. He grips her shoulder and her hip. It doesn’t take him long to come. She lies her head on his shoulder as they lie there breathless.). John: You didn’t come. Lillith: Not yet. (She lifts her head and kisses him. They lie there like that for a few minutes. They then hear footsteps out in the hall and Lillith grabs the covers pulling them up so that they are covered. John chuckles. The same man as before peers through the window in the door. He looks slightly surprised before moving on.). Lillith: I was waiting for him to come in and kick me out. John: Let him try. I’d just say that you are aiding my recovery. (She giggles, he chuckles. She kisses him. He moves to kneel on the bed before grabbing her hips and dragging her towards him. He then rolls her and she moves shoving her ass up in the air. He slides his hands over her hips before entering her from behind. She moans as he fucks her hard and fast. He then grabs a fistful of her hair and pulls her up. His hand grips her throat and he bites her shoulder hard. She cries out.). Lillith: John! (He chuckles.). John: Cry my name again. Scream it. Lillith: John! Oh John! (He groans and rests his head on her shoulder.). John: I love it when you say my name like that. Lillith: Oh John! John: Yes. (He bites her again making her cry out. His other hand slides in between her legs and he rubs her clitoris hard as he continues to fuck her. She is moaning so loudly he is surprised nobody has heard them. She cries out loudly as she comes and he follows her seconds later.). Lillith: Oh John! John: Ummm. (He kisses her shoulder and lets go of her. She lies down on her front panting hard. He lies down next to her propping himself up on his elbow looking down at her.). Lillith: Feel better? John: Much. (He grins.). Lillith: I love you. John: I know you do. Thank you. Lillith: For what? John: Loving me. For continuing to be here with me. Lillith: Stop being silly. (She reaches up and brushes some stray hair from his face. He smiles.). John: Always taking care of me. Lillith: Someone has to. (There is a knock at the door then it opens and the same man from before walks in. John grabs the blanket and hastily covers Lillith.). John: Excuse me! You can’t just barge in here like that! Man: I can as it happens. (He looks at Lillith.). Lillith: Get a good look did yah? Man: This behaviour isn’t acceptable. You need to leave. Visiting hours are nearly over. John: If I want to spend some private time with my wife then I will! God knows it’s the only thing I’ve got to look forward to in this damned place! The amount that I am paying this prison should at least grant me some alone time with my beautiful wife! (Lillith smiles. She loves it when he refers to her as his wife.). Man: You’ve got five minutes. Then you need to leave. (The man leaves. Lillith giggles. John starts laughing too.). Lillith: Maybe if we carry on like this you’ll get kicked out and be home sooner. John: I like the sound of that. (He kisses her.). Lillith: I liked the sound of you calling me your wife. Your beautiful wife. (She kisses him.). Lillith: I should get dressed before he comes back with a whip or something. (He chuckles.). Lillith: I love you and I’ll be back tomorrow. John: I will be counting the hours. Lillith: Me too. (She kisses him.).
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chobit92 · 5 years
Small World: Joseph/OC Part 33
Joseph is busy gathering followers which causes him and Jacob to butt heads. John is thinking about the future...
 (4 Months Later: Joseph and Jacob walk into John’s apartment. Joseph sighs as he takes off his jacket and hangs it up. Lillith is lying on the sofa watching TV. She sits up as they walk in.). Lillith: You alright? Joseph: Yes. The small space John rented for us is perfect. Lillith: So...Have people actually been turning up? Joseph: Yes. I have been getting the word out and people have been coming. Soon more will come. (Jacob sits down on the sofa. Lillith smiles at him.). Lillith: You okay Jake? Jacob: Hm. (Joseph makes himself a herbal tea.). Joseph: Would anybody else like a drink? Jacob: Coffee. Lillith: I’ll have a coffee too please. (Joseph makes the drinks and brings them over putting them on the coffee table.). Lillith: Thanks. Joseph: You should come with us tomorrow Lillith. Lillith: I don’t know. Praying has never really been my thing. Joseph: At least give it a chance. Lillith: I’ll think about it. (Joseph sighs.). Joseph: John has been coming along. He’ll want you to be with us. In the new world. Lillith: I’m not so sure about that Joe. Joseph: What? Lillith: I think he’s getting ready to leave me. Joseph: What on earth makes you think that? Lillith: He’s been...Sorting through his stuff. He’s been moving his money around and...He’s acting really strange. Joseph: I’m sure there’s an explanation. Lillith: Like what? He’s getting ready to leave me. I know he is. I have always known this day would come. I’m surprised I lasted this long. John doesn’t do relationships. He doesn’t do long term. Joseph: John loves you. Lillith: He’s never loved me. Joseph: He does. When you were in the hospital after the attack he was devastated. He was so worried about you. He was going out of his mind. (Lillith sips her coffee.). Lillith: Whatever you say. Joseph: John loves you Lillith. I know he hasn’t treated you very well but...He does love you. (Lillith gets up.). Lillith: I’m gonna go and lie down. (She goes down the hall into the bedroom.). Joseph: I wish I could get her to see. Jacob: See what Joe? That there’s a God that cares about us all so much that the world’s gone to shit? Joseph: Jacob please. Jacob: What? You don’t seriously actually believe in all this God crap? Joseph: I have already explained to you. I have heard a voice and it has told me that the world will end and we must prepare. Jacob: And you think it’s God? Joseph: I do not see who else it would be. I have faith. Jacob: This is all because of dad. Joseph: What is? Jacob: All this religious bullshit! The bullshit that he tried to brainwash us all with when we were kids. Joseph: I am not brainwashed. Jacob: If you say so. (Jacob gets up.). Jacob: You don’t want to be turning into him. All this God rubbish. You don’t need all that Joe. Joseph: It has nothing to do with our father. Jacob: Old Mad Seed and his fucking ramblings. He was nothing but a lunatic. A lunatic! (Lillith appears looking concerned.). Lillith: Is everything okay? Jacob: Fine. (Jacob goes into the bathroom. Joseph sighs and sips his tea.). Lillith: Are you okay Joe? Joseph: Yes. I’m just trying to make him see. Lillith: See what? (Though she already knows.). Joseph: The world is going to end and we must prepare. We must save those that we can. (Lillith sighs.). Joseph: But you don’t believe. Lillith: I’m just not sure it’s God talking to you. I think maybe you could have schizophrenia or something. Now I’m not a doctor but you never know. The world ending...Well it ain’t gonna last forever. People think that it will. They will never think that the world won’t be here one day. They sure as heck won’t believe that humans could become extinct. Coz only human beings could believe that the world wouldn’t be able to exist without them being around to validate it with their presence. I believe you about the end of the world Joe. Is it going to happen anytime soon? I don’t know. Nobody can know that. Not even you. Joseph: But it is ending. Sooner rather than later and I must save those that I can. (Jacob has emerged from the bathroom.). Lillith: Have you ever wondered if the voice in your head isn’t you? Joseph: What do you mean? Lillith: Well you don’t seem to want to believe that you could have a mental health issue that causes you to hear voices so...Maybe the voice in your head is actually you. We all talk to ourselves in our heads don’t we? We think things all the time. So maybe this voice is your voice. Joseph: But that makes no sense. I have faith. I have heard this voice ever since I was a young boy. I know it comes from God. Jacob: But you don’t know that Joe. I agree with Lillith. Yes the world is in the toilet and I fully believe it is going to end. But all this about hearing voices? Joe you need to be careful. What if all the people you’ve been talking to in the street decide to start calling the police talking about the crazy man and his voices? I won’t be separated from you again Joe. Joseph: But you won’t be. (Jacob sighs. Lillith can see how tired he is. She takes his arm.). Lillith: Come on Jake. I think some time out is needed here. (Jacob lets Lillith lead him down the hall and into the bedroom. She closes the door and sits down on the bed. He stands for a moment before sitting down next to her.). Lillith: Are all you Seeds stubborn? Jacob: Guess so. Lillith: When I first met Joe he told me about the voice in his head. I was...A little concerned for him. I still am. I mean I’m not judging but it isn’t exactly normal to be hearing voices is it? Jacob: He’s my brother. He ain’t mad. Lillith: I never said he was. (There is silence for several minutes. Jacob sighs.). Jacob: I don’t know what to do. Lillith: Me neither. Jacob: He’s my brother. I would do anything for him. I believe him about the world being shit coz it is. Modern technology hasn’t improved us. It’s made us stupid. (She frowns.). Jacob: But all this about God and voices? Ah I dunno. (He sighs again and stares at the floor. She takes hold of his hand and squeezes it.). Lillith: I’m sure it’ll be okay. Jacob: You know he’s already got over thirty people coming to this church of his? Lillith: He has? Wow. Jacob: Yeah. You should come. Lillith: I should? Jacob: Yeah. Joe wants you there. John does too. Lillith: John hasn’t said anything to me about it. Jacob: Coz he’s an idiot. He won’t admit to his feelings. He also won’t tell you how he’s feeling. Think he’s scared. Lillith: Scared of what? Jacob: How he feels about you. I think that it scares him. I kinda get it. Lillith: Maybe. I just wish he’d give himself a break and not lose his temper so much. Jacob: Maybe a lot of it is John trying to push you away and make you leave him. So that he doesn’t have to leave you. Lillith: What? That makes no sense. (He shrugs.). Jacob: It kinda does. Lillith: You men are very strange creatures. (Jacob huffs a laugh.). Jacob: Could say the same about you women. (She laughs. The bedroom door opens and John walks in.). John: What’s this? Lillith: Hey you’re back. John: Yes. I am. Having fun? Lillith: Not really. I feel like shit so I was gonna have an early night. John: Hm. I see. (Jacob sighs.). Jacob: Don’t be an idiot John. (Jacob gets up.). John: Excuse me? Jacob: We were just talking. You need to stop being paranoid. John: I was not- Jacob: It’s written all over your face John. First of all you’re my brother. No way I’m gonna bed your fiancée. Second of all there’s no way I could bed your fiancée even if I wanted to. Thirdly she loves you way too much to even consider cheating on you. You are the one that’s cheated on her but that don’t mean she’ll cheat on you. You need to stop being paranoid. (Jacob leaves the room. John stands there looking aghast.). John: What is the matter with everyone tonight? Lillith: I have no idea. (Lillith takes her clothes off and slips her nightie on before getting into bed.). John: You going to bed already? Lillith: Yeah. John: Hm. No ‘Hey handsome how was your day?’ Lillith: Hey handsome how was your day? John: Fine. Thanks for asking. (He sighs and leaves the room. He goes to the lounge.). John: What’s up with Lillith? Joseph: I don’t think she’s feeling very well. John: Hm. She’s always in a mood lately. (John pours himself some whiskey and sits down. Joseph goes to say something about the whiskey but decides not to. Instead he decides to talk to him about Lillith.). Joseph: She thinks you are going to leave her. (John is silent for a moment. He takes a sip of whiskey.). John: I’ve thought about it. (Joseph looks stunned. Jacob frowns.). Joseph: What? John: I’ve been thinking...About leaving her. Joseph: Why? John: She’s always known this wouldn’t last. She’s not an idiot. She’s known. Joseph: Have you been drinking? John: This is my first drink in the last two weeks. I have had a really long day. Joseph: Why have you suddenly decided to leave Lillith? I know you love her John. John: I don’t love her. Joseph: When are you going to stop lying to yourself? John: I’m not. She will soon leave anyway. She isn’t going to want to come with us. Joseph: Of course she will. John: No she won’t. It’s no secret that she doesn’t believe. She will not follow you. Joseph: But she will follow you. John: She doesn’t believe. Joseph: No. But she loves you. She would do anything for you. John: I know. But she shouldn’t. Jacob: John...You would be an idiot to leave Lillith. John: That’s it gang up on the little brother. Jacob: We will. Because you would be making a mistake. Idiot. Now what are you doing sat out here? Go and see your fiancée. John: Yes sir. Mr Bossy. (John finishes the whiskey and gets up putting the glass on the kitchen counter. He then goes down the hall and into the bedroom. Lillith is lying in bed asleep. He goes into the bathroom and takes a shower before returning to the bedroom. He towel dries his hair before slipping on a pair of clean boxers. He then slides into bed next to Lillith and props himself up on his elbow looking down at her. He starts stroking her hair as he thinks about Joseph and his grand plan. He thinks about leaving Lillith behind. She’d be better off. He isn’t good enough for her anyway. She deserves so much better.).
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chobit92 · 5 years
Small World: Joseph/OC Part 31
Jacob finally comes home...
Warnings: Rape (Mentioned)
(Next Day: Joseph and John are sat at the kitchen counter with coffee. It’s barely 5am.). John: I’m sorry about last night. Joseph: Let’s forget about that. Everything is going to be different now. We are picking Jacob up from the shelter today. We are finally going to all be together again. John: I can’t believe it. (Joseph has explained to John that Jacob is going to need both of them. He has told John how broken he is. John has said that he can stay here with them of course. Lillith appears. She looks tired as she enters the kitchen and makes herself a coffee.). Lillith: You guys are up early. John: Hm. I know. Lillith: Are you working today? John: No. I’m going to take the day off. Me and Joseph are going to pick Jacob up from the shelter. Lillith: Okay. Is he staying here? John: Well of course he is. Where else would he stay? Lillith: Okay. You don’t need to bite my head off. I was only asking. John: Sorry. Lillith: You feeling a little rough? John: Yes. I am. Are you happy? Lillith: No. I want you to stop drinking so much. And using those awful drugs. John: I will. Lillith: You’ve been saying that for years John. John: I know. Only this time I mean it. Lillith: Okay. (She sits down at the counter with them.). John: You don’t mind Jacob coming to live with us? Lillith: Of course not. I can’t wait to meet him. John: Did you want breakfast? I was thinking about doing some bacon and eggs. Lillith: That would be nice. You know I don’t like eggs though. John: I know. I’m going to do sausages too. (He smiles at her before getting up and making a start on breakfast.). John: You know I have been thinking. Lillith: Don’t hurt your head. John: Funny. (Lillith smiles at him.). John: I was thinking that I could rent an apartment for Jacob. So that he has his own place. I could rent one for you as well Joseph. Lillith: Awww. That’s nice of you John. It’s okay if they live here with us you know? John: I know. It’s just going to be a little cramped. I could always buy a bigger apartment. Or a house. Joseph: You don’t have to move John. Nor do you have to rent me and Jacob an apartment. We will be fine here. John: Are you sure? Joseph: Yes John. (Lillith is staring at the table. She now can’t shake the thought of John buying a house. With a garden and extra bedrooms...For their children.). Joseph: Lillith are you alright? Lillith: Excuse me. (She gets up and runs down the hall. John frowns.). John: Can you watch the breakfast? Joseph: Of course. (John goes down the hall and into the bedroom. He walks over to the closed bathroom door and knocks on it several times.). John: Lillith what’s wrong? (She opens the door wiping her eyes. She smiles at him.). Lillith: Nothing. John: I know you. There’s something wrong. Lillith: There isn’t. Just...You talking about houses. Reminded me how much I’d like a house with a garden and... John: And? (She sighs and walks past him.). Lillith: Let’s get some breakfast. (John follows her back to the kitchen.). John: And what? Lillith: It doesn’t matter. Because it’s not happening. I’m just being stupid. Okay? John: Okay. (She wraps her arms around him and kisses him. He then goes back to the cooker.). Joseph: Is everything alright? Lillith: Fine. Joseph: It doesn’t help to keep things to yourself. (Lillith laughs.). Joseph: It doesn’t. Lillith: Right. John: Are you on or something? Lillith: What? (Lillith bursts out laughing.). John: Well I just wondered if you were hormonal. You are acting rather oddly. Lillith: I am not acting oddly. I was just... John: Thinking about me buying a house? Lillith: Yes. I just... (John suddenly turns away from the cooker and gawps at her as if she’s grown an extra head.). Lillith: What? John: Are you...Nesting? Lillith: What? (Lillith laughs.). John: Are you pregnant? Lillith: No. (She stares at him.). John: Are you sure? Lillith: Yes I’m sure. Now you’re the one that’s acting ‘oddly’. John: Well you haven’t mentioned getting a house in a long time. Lillith: You’re the one that mentioned it. John: Hm. (Lillith sighs and finishes her coffee. She then sees Joseph gazing at her.). Lillith: What’s that look for? Joseph: I have no look. Lillith: Yes you do. You get this look Joe. It’s quite similar to the look John gets. Joseph: I guess I was just thinking. Lillith: Hm. Another one that’s thinking. I don’t know how you guys think at this hour. (John places a plate of buttered bread on the counter. He then brings over some plates before serving breakfast while Lillith makes more coffee. They then sit down and eat.). Lillith: Did you want me to come with you? (Joseph goes to say something but John beats him to it.). John: No. You stay here. Clean the apartment. Dig out the spare bedcovers. Make up a bed for Jacob on the other sofa. Lillith: Clean the apartment? Hm. A woman’s work is never done. I was going to go shopping with Franky. We need a few things. John: No we don’t. And anything we do need I can get while we’re out. Just make sure that the chores are done. Lillith: I always make sure the chores are done. I do everything. John: You do everything? I’m the one that goes out to work. Lillith: I told you that I could look for a job. John: No need. Lillith: So you complain because I don’t go out to work but you don’t want me to have a job? John: What I want is for you to stay here and clean the apartment. Joseph: The apartment’s fine John. Jacob isn’t going to care about any of that. John: Well I care. (Joseph sighs.). John: What? Lillith: It’s alright Joe. That’s all I am. I am the girl that cleans, cooks and wipes John’s ass. That’s the only reason he allows me to live with him. (John suddenly looks enraged.). John: What?! Joseph: John. John: You do not ‘wipe my ass’. I am perfectly capable of- Joseph: Stop this! Please! (There is silence.). Joseph: Jacob is coming home today. I will not have this petty arguing. It isn’t necessary and Jacob doesn’t need it. (John glares at Lillith.). Lillith: Don’t look at me like that. I was only saying it how it is. John: Well don’t. (She sighs and gets up going to the bedroom.). Joseph: Why do you have to do that? John: Do what? She’s always trying to pick a fight. I think she likes the drama. Joseph: No John you do. She wasn’t trying to pick a fight. I think she just feels unappreciated. John: What? Oh it’s just her hormones. Joseph: No. You do treat her a little like a live in maid rather than your fiancée. John: No I do not! Joseph: Go and apologise to her. Talk to each other. It does no good keeping things to yourselves and not telling each other how you feel. Whenever Lillith tries to tell you how she feels you lose your temper. Now she is starting to lose hers. It’s only going to get worse. Go talk to her. John: I’m eating my breakfast. (Joseph sighs and shakes his head. John sighs, slams down his fork, and gets up going to the bedroom. Lillith is lying in bed with the sheets pulled over her head. He slides in next to her and gets under the sheets with her.). Lillith: What? John: Joseph thinks that we should talk. Lillith: I can’t talk to you John. Every time I try you just get mad. John: What is the problem? Lillith: I just...I love you. John: I know you do. Lillith: But that’s exactly it you don’t. John: I do. You tell me several times a day Lily. Lillith: But you don’t love me. So you don’t know what it feels like. John: I do love you. Of course I love you. How could I not? Lillith: But you don’t act like you love me. Sometimes it feels as if you hate me and you’re fed up of me being me here. John: I’m sorry. Lillith: Can you just...Not hit me anymore? John: Okay. (She kisses him.). Lillith: Just...Try and calm down. When you feel yourself getting angry maybe you should just take a deep breath and go out onto the balcony for a few minutes or something. (He mumbles under his breath.). John: Just take a deep breath. Lillith: I’m serious. You need to find something that helps you deal with your anger. Helps you keep it under control. John: I did find something. Lillith: Not the drugs or the booze. You think they help but they don’t. I know you don’t like the idea of going to counselling but I only suggested it because I found that it helped me. I know it’s horrible sitting there talking to some ‘idiot in a tie who thinks he knows everything’ but it helps to talk. After the rape I had so much in my head. I couldn’t deal with it and I didn’t know how to. But talking to someone about what I thought. What I felt. It helped. And they explained things to me in a way that helped me to see how I could let it go and start moving on. John: I don’t see how. What they say some magic words and suddenly you were cured? Lillith: Of course not. Nobody is ever cured. We carry our issues with us all our lives. We carry the stress and the burdens of everything that we have been through just like we carry scars. But they helped me to see that the rape wasn’t my fault. It was the man’s fault. Not mine. If you really don’t want to try it then I can’t make you. But I think that you should at least give it a go. John: Okay. Lillith: Okay? John: Okay. (He kisses her head then gets up.). John: But we need to get up because Jacob is coming home today. Lillith: You’re worried aren’t you? John: No. Lillith: Yes you are. It’s okay. To be worried. I can’t imagine how you must be feeling to get your brother back after all these years and then find your other brother too. It’s a lot. (He sighs.). John: I just...I don’t remember much about Jacob. Lillith: You were only a toddler at the time. John: I just...I don’t want him to think that I just forgot about him. Lillith: He isn’t going to think that. This has to be hard for him too. From what Joseph has said about him he has a lot of issues of his own that he’s struggling with. Now he’s reuniting with his two younger brothers. I bet it’s a lot for him too. But I have hope. Hope that everything’s going to be fine. That it’s going to be better now. You guys all have each other and you have me too. (She wraps her arms around him. He hugs her back.). John: God I really don’t deserve you. Lillith: Nope. (She laughs. They return to the kitchen and finish breakfast. John then makes more coffee. They sit at the counter in silence for a while.). Lillith: So you want me to clean the apartment? Joseph: You don’t have to. John: It’s okay. Lillith: What do we need from the shops? John: I said I would get the shopping. Lillith: I don’t mind doing it. John: Okay fine. I’ll write a list. Feel free to add whatever you would like. You too Joseph. Joseph: I don’t need anything. (Lillith finishes her coffee and gets up. She fills the sink with water and starts washing up. John takes a notepad and pen out of the drawer and starts opening cupboards writing things down as he goes. He then opens the fridge and jots down a few more things.). John: Shopping list done. I’ll leave you my card. Lillith: Okay. (Joseph picks up the tea towel and starts to dry up. Lillith smiles at him. He smiles back.). * (Lillith is sitting at the counter with a cup of coffee. She has done the shopping and cleaned the apartment. She has also bought new blankets and pillows for Joseph and Jacob. She has left the blanket and pillow folded on the sofa. The sofa bed has been moved so that it is now lying down against the wall next to the balcony doors with the pillows and blanket laid out on it. Ready for Jacob. There are several candles lit on the coffee table. Lavender scented. She wonders why they have been gone so long and whether or not something’s happened. She sits there sipping the coffee thinking about them all living here together. It’s going to be cramped. The apartment isn’t small but it only has one bedroom. She is sure that Jacob and Joseph would want their own room. Joseph said he doesn’t mind but she wonders whether he just says that to be polite. She finishes her coffee and gets up putting her mug in the sink. She hears the door to the apartment open and turns around. John is the first to walk in followed by Joseph who is leading a man by the arm. Jacob. Lillith stares at him. He looks thin and gaunt. He is also quite dirty. Joseph closes the door. Lillith walks over to them.). Lillith: Hey. John: Hey. This is Jacob. Jacob this is Lillith. My fiancée. (Lillith smiles at Jacob and holds her hand out.). Lillith: It’s nice to meet you Jacob. Jacob: Um. (Jacob takes her hand briefly before walking into the lounge area putting his bag on the floor. His bag looks old and filthy and it’s falling apart in places. It doesn’t look like there’s much in it.). Lillith: I’ll put the kettle on. (John sits down on the sofa. Jacob does the same. Joseph smiles at him.). Joseph: Welcome home brother.
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chobit92 · 5 years
Small World: Joseph/OC Part 27
I do not have as much time as I would like for writing which is why it is taking me so long to get this fic finished. I already know how I am going to end it. I will hopefully be posting my other fic soon which is titled Home which I warn you is over 600 bloody pages...Anyone who is reading this and has been reading from the start I thank you. Enjoy!
Warnings: Self Harm. Death of a child. Suicide.
 (Joseph sits hunched over in a chair looking at the floor. He is holding John’s cell phone tightly with both hands. He looks up at John who is lying in a hospital bed heavily sedated. His right arm is bandaged up. The cut was deep. If Joseph hadn’t found him when he did he would have bled out in the tub. Joseph will never forget the sight of his little brother lying lifeless in the tub surrounded by all that blood. John wasn’t messing around. This wasn’t just someone self harming. John was serious about ending his life. The nurses here know it too. Joseph looks down at the padded straps securing Johns wrists to the bed frame. Tears sting his eyes again and he lets out a sob as he takes his brothers hand. He prays quietly. He has been praying ever since he found John lying there like that. He is glad that Lillith wasn’t home. He is glad that she didn’t have to see John like that. He wishes he could un-see it. He finds himself begging the Voice for help. Begging for guidance. He prays that John will be okay. He prays that he isn’t locked away and pumped full of drugs. Drugs are the last thing that John needs. Joseph has worked in a psychiatric hospital. He has seen how the patients are treated. How they are shut away and hidden from society. The Voice does not answer him. Not that he expected it to. He hasn’t heard from the Voice in years. The door opens and Joseph looks up to see Lillith rush in. She lets out a small cry and goes straight to Johns side.). Lillith: Oh John. What have you done? (She leans down and rests her head on his inhaling the scent of his shampoo. She takes hold of Johns hand then looks down at the cuffs on Johns wrists.). Lillith: Why is he chained to the bed? He didn’t try and attack anyone did he? Joseph: No. He was very agitated however. They had to sedate him. He was a danger to himself as much as to others. Lillith: Do you know why he did it? Did he say anything to you before...? Joseph: No. I had been trying to get him to eat but he wouldn’t. He spent most of the day in bed. He wasn’t talking at all. I went to make him lunch and when I came back... (Lillith lets out a sob.). Lillith: I’m so sorry John. This is my fault. Joseph: No it isn’t. Lillith: I left him. He needed me. He needed looking after and I fucking walked out on him! (Lillith is suddenly sobbing.). Joseph: You can’t blame yourself for this. Lillith: I’m his fiancée. We’re meant to be getting married. Joseph: You still can. We are going to help him. Together. Lillith: For better or worse. In sickness and in health. I’ve already broken our vows and I haven’t even said them yet! (Joseph stands up and goes over to her wrapping his arms around her.). Joseph: You haven’t broken any vows. You are here by his side. Like you have always been. He has hurt you so much. You have been through so much. But you are still here. Your love for him is so strong that even after he killed your child here you are in his time of need. (Joseph places his hands on her cheeks and gazes down at her with adoration.). Joseph: You are a beautiful person Lillith. God has guided the two of you together. Just like he guided me to John and will guide me to our brother Jacob. I am so happy that John has someone like you in his life. He doesn’t believe that he deserves you but that’s not true. He just cannot see what a gift he has been given. But he will see. You and I are going to make him see. (He places a kiss on her forehead then wipes her tears away with his thumbs.). Joseph: Would you like a cup of coffee? Lillith: I...Yes. Please. Joseph: I’ll be back in a moment. (Joseph leaves the room. Lillith sits down and sighs. She doesn’t really need all of this God stuff right now. She’s never been one for religion. She isn’t sure she believes in God. Yet as she looks at John lying there pale and cuffed to the bed she finds herself praying anyway. * (Joseph sits sipping coffee. He looks over at Lillith. She is sat there stroking John’s hair, tears silently rolling down her cheeks. She has been as still as a statue for the past seven hours. John woke up several times but he was groggy and confused. Lillith told him that she was sorry and that she loved him. Joseph had to fight back tears as Lillith showed him exactly how devoted she is to his little brother.). Lillith: You can give up on me. You can give up on us. But don’t you dare give up on yourself. You’re not allowed to give up on yourself. I won’t let you. Do you hear me John? I won’t let you. (Joseph lost the battle and ended up going into the bathroom where he broke down completely. The door opens and Franky walks in. She goes over to Lillith who gets up when she sees her and the two girls hug. Lillith starts to sob.). Franky: Oh my girl. It’s okay. He’s gonna be okay. I came straight from work. (This is obvious as Franky is only wearing a tiny mini skirt so short that it might as well just be a belt and a black corset which doesn’t cover much. Franky rubs Lillith’s back then looks at Joseph.). Franky: I’m sorry. For how I was on the phone. I didn’t realise he was this bad and...I was angry at him for upsetting Lillith again. Joseph: It’s forgotten. Franky: Did anyone want coffee? Lillith: Yeah that’d be great. Joseph: Please. (Franky leaves the room. Lillith sits back down and takes hold of John’s hand. She then goes back to stroking his hair.). Lillith: I love you. Lots and lots with Jelly tots. John: And vodka shots. (Lillith looks up as John opens his eyes.). Lillith: Hey. (She lets out a sob. Joseph takes John’s other hand.). John: My head is killing me. Lillith: That’s probably the sedatives. John: I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. Lillith: Sssh. (She leans over him and presses a kiss to his lips.). Lillith: Why didn’t you call me? John: You left. Why would I have called you? Lillith: Because you were obviously in a state. If you had called me and told me you felt like this...That you were going to... (She swallows a sob.). Lillith: I would have come back. John: You always come back. Lillith: Of course I do. I love you. John: I don’t deserve you. Lillith: Yes you do. Don’t talk like that. (Franky comes back in balancing three coffees.). Franky: Hey. You scared the shit out of us mate. John: Sorry. (Lillith squeezes his hand.). Lillith: It’s going to be okay John. John: No it isn’t. It’s all crap. All of it. Lillith: Even me? John: No. Not you. Never you. You have been the only good thing to ever happen to me. But I’m no good for you. Lillith: Well tough tits coz I love you. (She kisses the back of his hand.). Joseph: As do I brother. As do I. * (John sits on the bed staring at the wall. He looks down at his wrist where his name is written on a white band. He sighs. Sectioned. He has been sectioned of all things! He is once again glad of the wealth his parents left him. Money can buy a lot of things. It has bought him a very private facility. Very expensive. But the place is still very much like a prison. The door to his room is locked and he can’t switch off the light. Every so often someone presses their face against the window in the door to peer in at him. The room itself isn’t bad however. He even has his own en suite bathroom. They have confiscated several of his belongings, which Lillith went back to the apartment to fetch for him, including his phone charger. The battery died an hour ago. He can’t even contact anyone. He finds himself wishing that Lillith was here with him right now. He lies down and curls up on the bed. He closes his eyes and imagines Lillith lying next to him, stroking his hair and peppering soft kisses over his back and shoulder. His anger recedes giving way to tears. He cries far longer than he ever has his entire life. He hates the world and everyone in it. He hates his life and he hates himself. Sure he can kid himself that the charming lawyer big shot John Duncan is so important. But he knows deep down that if he were to remain locked away in here for the rest of his life nobody would notice or care. Nobody would give a shit. He grabs the pillow and hugs it to his chest burying his face in it to muffle his sobs. Why couldn’t he have just died?).
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chobit92 · 5 years
Small World: Joseph/OC Part 24
The search for Jacob continues and Joseph gets a shock.
Warning: Sexual Scenes.
 (3 Days Later: John is sitting on the sofa with his laptop perched on his lap. He is sipping coffee and frowning at the screen. His cell phone rings and he picks it up holding it to his ear. It’s an old acquaintance of his. He smiles as the city official on the end of the phone relays the information that he asked for.). John: Thank you. (John grins like a Cheshire cat before letting out a small chuckle.). John: Of course. Your dirty little secret is safe with me. (He ends the call and returns his attention to his laptop. He types away furiously. He then rubs his eyes and downs the rest of his coffee. He’s been up since 4am. Joseph left early to continue his search for Jacob. John spent most of the morning on the phone calling old friends and several police officers that he knows. Until he thought of an old acquaintance who he was sure would know something. John knew his dirty little secret. His weakness for prostitutes and drugs and he used it to get information. John can usually get anyone to tell him anything. He hears footsteps behind him and turns to see Lillith sit down next to him. She looks tired despite having slept in. It’s now nearly lunchtime. John decides not to say anything. He doesn’t want to ruin all the progress she’s made recently. She is wearing a baggy black top and a pair of shorts. She smiles at him. He smiles back. She runs a hand through his hair.).
Lillith: How long have you been sat here? John: Since about six this morning. (She sighs.). Lillith: I didn’t think you’d come back to bed. I waited but... John: I’m sorry. Joseph got up early and woke me. He asked if I would help him look for Jacob. I told him he could take my car and continue his search while I sat here on the phone asking lots of questions to lots of different people. Lillith: Do you need more coffee? John: That would be nice. I’ll have some crack in it too. Lillith: That’s not even funny. All you’re getting is coffee. John: Understood. Lillith: Good. Don’t make me get ugly with you Mr Duncan. John: Now I wouldn’t want that would I? (He grins at her and she finds herself smiling back. She never can resist Johns childlike grin. She gets up and picks up his mug going to the kitchen. She makes two coffees and brings them back to the lounge sitting back down next to him. She places the mugs on the table then leans against him.). Lillith: So are you any closer to finding Jacob? John: I’m not sure. I’ve found out a few things about him. Lillith: You have? Well that’s great. John: I’m not sure. It says here that he was remanded at a young offenders institute. That was around the time we left our foster parents and we were split up. Lillith: Because Jacob set light to their house. John: Yes. I don’t remember much of what happened back then. Lillith: You were only a baby. Maybe it’s just as well you don’t remember. John: Maybe. Jacob enlisted in the army. Lillith: He’s in the army? John: He was. He was discharged several years ago. He stayed at a military hospital for a time. But the hospital shut down. After that...Jacob just...Disappeared. Lillith: Disappeared? John: He has no driving licence, no current address, no job that I can find. His pension sits untouched. Lillith: He never claimed his pension? John: No. But then most people don’t cash their pension until they retire. So maybe he has a job somewhere. He could have a job. Or...He could be dead. Lillith: Don’t say that. John: What other reason could there be as to why he’s disappeared? There’s no record of him anywhere after the military hospital. Lillith: Is there a death certificate? John: I haven’t found one. But then it might not be online. I’ll have to go knock on some doors and see if I can access records. I’ll have to go to Rome though. It’s our hometown and Joseph is sure he’d have gone back there. Lillith: Maybe he’s there right now. Looking for you. John: Maybe. Lillith: Didn’t you say that Joseph has been looking at homeless shelters? John: He’s been to a few yes. Lillith: Well maybe that’s where he is. If there’s no current address for him and no death certificate then maybe he’s staying at a homeless shelter. I mean if he has no money or job then maybe he’s been taken in by a shelter. John: Maybe. Lillith: Don’t lose hope. You’ll find him. I know you will. You just haven’t looked in the right place. (John smiles at her.). John: I don’t deserve you. Lillith: No you don’t. (He chuckles.). John: You’re supposed to say of course you do John. (She laughs then leans over and kisses him. He turns off his laptop and puts it on the coffee table. He then pulls her closer to him and kisses her. She slides herself onto his lap straddling him. He slides his hands over her ass before sliding them underneath her top.). Lillith: I love you. (He groans and deepens the kiss sliding his tongue into her mouth. He lifts her top up and she pulls away from him lifting her arms up so that he can pull her top over her head. He throws it on the floor then unclips her bra while kissing her neck. She lets out a sigh. He slides her bra off and tosses it on the floor. She leans down and kisses his neck while she undoes his shirt sliding her hands over his bare chest. He lets out a breath. She slides his shirt off his shoulders and he shrugs out of it. She throws it behind her then leans down and starts placing kisses all over his chest as she undoes his jeans. She then starts sucking and nipping his chest which makes him groan. She then gets up and tugs on his jeans. He lifts himself up making it easier for her to pull his jeans off. She then yanks his boxers off. He leans forward and grabs her tugging her shorts and knickers down. She steps out of them and straddles him again kissing him. He runs his hands through her hair then reaches down sliding his fingers in between her legs. She gasps then lets out a moan. She clings to him as he moves his fingers expertly circling all the right places. It isn’t long before she’s sighing his name.). John: You’re so beautiful. (She loves it when he compliments her. She grabs his wrist and pulls his hand away from her. She then lowers herself onto his erection and kisses him again.). Lillith: Beautiful huh? John: Yes. Lillith: I love you. John: Ummm. (God how she wants to hear him say it. To hear him say it without her asking him to say it. She starts to move and he groans gripping her hips.). John: Fuck. (It isn’t long before they are both breathless and panting. She runs her hands through his hair then pulls it hard. John groans and tilts his head back. She leans down and bites his neck making him cry out in pleasure. He arches his back and lifts his hips rutting himself up into her. She cries out and grabs a fistful of his hair as she kisses him. He slides his tongue into her mouth as his hands slide over her back then over her ass. He slaps her ass hard making her shriek. He chuckles and slaps her ass again. She leans down and bites his nipple hard. He groans.). John: Yes. (He wraps his arms around her pulling her closer and biting her shoulder as she continues to move. She buries her head in his hair and grabs a fistful of it again. John is panting hard. She cries out loudly and clings to him digging her nails into his back and tugging on his hair. He groans and kisses and licks at her neck.). Lillith: I love you. John: Um. Yes. (John looks up and sees Joseph walking into the apartment. Joseph stares at them in shock before turning away.). Joseph: I’m sorry. I didn’t- Lillith: Oh my God. (John laughs.). John: Busted. (Lillith knows that she is blushing. She has never been so mortified in all of her life. She gets up and grabs the black silk throw wrapping it around herself. John picks her up and turns heading to his bedroom. He turns his head back to look at Joseph.). John: Back in a minute. (John disappears down the hall and Joseph hears the bedroom door close. He sighs and goes to the kitchen. He opens the fridge and takes out a bottle of water. He then takes a list out of his pocket and a pen. He crosses off the names of several homeless shelters. He looks at the ones that remain and wonders if he will find Jacob in one of them. He wonders if he would even recognise him now. A few minutes later John enters the kitchen. He is now wearing a pair of black jeans and no shirt. He opens the fridge and takes out a bottle of wine. He pours two glasses.). John: Wine? Joseph: No thank you. John: I found out that Jacob was in the army. Joseph: He was? John: Yes. He was discharged due to medical issues and hospitalized. However he was discharged from the hospital a couple of years ago. That is where the trail ends. He just...Disappeared. (John sighs.). Joseph: I searched more homeless shelters today. John: Hm. He might be homeless. I couldn’t find anything about him owning a property. He doesn’t even have a drivers licence and his pension is untouched. Joseph: We will find him. John: Will we? Joseph: Have faith John. (John takes a sip of wine.). Joseph: When are you back at work? John: Tomorrow. I’m meeting with a new client. Neighbour dispute that has turned nasty. Joseph: Hm. I wonder why people can’t just live together in peace. John: Because that’s not how the world works. Joseph: No. It is not. (John picks up the other wine glass.). John: I’m going to take this to Lillith. I think she’s still embarrassed. (John chuckles.). Joseph: Have you set a date for your wedding? (John stops dead and turns back to Joseph.). John: No. Joseph: Why not? John: I haven’t really had time to think about it. Joseph: John- John: What? Joseph: You should set a date. John: Well maybe I don’t want to. It’s none of your business. Joseph: You’re my brother. Of course it is. I want you to be happy. I like Lillith. She’s a lovely girl. John: Yes she is. And I am happy. Joseph: No. You’re not. (John turns and disappears back down the hall. Joseph sighs.).
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chobit92 · 5 years
Small World: Joseph/OC Part 26
I'm sorry that it has taken me so long to update this. I haven't been too well recently. (I don't know if anyone is reading this or is still interested in this, feel free to let me know what you think of it.). I know some of you are waiting for my fic about Jacob and my OC Mara and I will start posting it soon. I wanted to finish this one first.
Joseph continues trying his best to help John. John's problems are far worse than he could have imagined however. Franky tries to make Lillith see that John is no good for her...
Warnings: Self harm. Death of a child. Suicide.
(Joseph goes into Johns bedroom placing a cup of coffee on the bedside cabinet. Joseph had cleaned up his baby brother and had even cooked him breakfast which he didn’t eat.). Joseph: Would you like me to make you some lunch? (John doesn’t answer. Joseph sighs.). Joseph: She’ll be back John. She loves you. (John is lying on his front staring out of the window. Joseph sits on the edge of the bed.). Joseph: John you need help. (John just continues staring out of the window. Joseph sits there silently for several minutes.). Joseph: John come on. At least eat something. (John still does not reply. Joseph sighs and gets up. He goes to the kitchen deciding to make John something to eat whether he wants it or not. ---John stands at the bathroom sink staring angrily at his reflection in the mirror. He looks down at the scan photo before picking it up and staring at it. Tears fill his eyes as she stares at the tiny form in the black and white image. Their baby. His baby. A sob escapes his throat and he screws the photo up before hunching over the sink the tears streaming down his face now.). John: I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. (He’s a murderer. He killed his own child. He didn’t know that she was pregnant. He wouldn’t have hit her if he had known. Or would he? He knows he lets his temper take control of him and he always regrets his actions when he sees the bruises all over Lillith the following day. Lillith, the woman who has loved him for years. The only person in his life who has truly loved him. Now she’s left. Again. She’s left and it’s his fault. He knows that she’ll come back. This isn’t the first time she has left after all. She always comes back. He doesn’t deserve her. He doesn’t deserve anything. He hates his life. He hates his parents and he hates his job. He hates the world. But he also hates himself. He looks down at his wrist. Several thin scars can just about be seen. They have faded slightly with time making them almost unnoticeable. John usually wears his watch on his left wrist which hides the scars fully. He hasn’t self harmed since he met Lillith. Unless of course you count the alcohol and drugs he fills his body with. Like last night. Last night was especially bad. He hasn’t gotten himself in that much of a mess for ages. He bends down and opens the cabinet under the sink taking out a small leather case. He opens the case and takes out a straight razor. He then climbs into the bathtub still wearing his pyjama bottoms. His brother took care of him last night and this morning. Joseph changed him and gave him a bath. Like he was a fucking child! He sobs harder his body shaking. He is never going to be happy. It’s never going to stop. He doesn’t even deserve a life. He can almost hear his mothers’ voice screaming at him like she did that day in the kitchen as she hit him again and again. ‘Rotten! Rotten! Rotten! You are the devil! Disgusting boy! Get in that bath now!’ She had scrubbed John so hard that his skin blistered and peeled off in many places. He was sore for days. Instead of soap she would use bleach and instead of a sponge she would scrub him with a scouring cloth. She would then hold him under the water for so long he thought that he would drown. Some days he wished he had. He picks the razor back up and stares down at it. He runs the blade vertically up his forearm. Blood oozes from the deep cut running into the tub. His last thoughts before he passes out are of Lillith, their baby and his brothers.). John: I’m sorry. * (Franky puts her mug on the kitchen counter and picks up Lillith’s phone which is sat on the counter charging. The phone has rung three times in the last twenty minutes. Franky looks at the caller ID and scoffs. John. Franky answers it.). Franky: Let me guess you’re sorry?! Well she ain’t interested now piss off back to one of your other tarts! (There is a pause as Franky listens. Her mouth opens slightly and she looks a little shocked but she recovers quickly.). Franky: Well good! Tell him to finish the job next time and get the hell out of her life! (Franky hangs up and puts the phone back on the counter just as Lillith emerges from the bathroom in her dressing gown with her hair wrapped in a towel.). Lillith: Who are you shouting at? Franky: Nobody. (Franky glances at the phone then picks up her mug. Lillith walks over and picks up her phone going into her call history.). Lillith: John called? What did you say to him? Franky: I told him to piss off. Lillith: Franky. Franky: What? You don’t need him girl. You deserve better. Way bloody better! Lillith: I don’t want better. I want John. Franky: You want to have a life with a man who has a drug problem, is an alcoholic, and who beats the hell out of you when you do something he doesn’t like? Oh and let’s not forget the fact that he constantly sleeps with other women. He isn’t just a cheater Lillith. He’s a complete player! Lillith: I know all of this already! I’ve been with him long enough! Franky: Then why the hell do you stay with him?! Lillith: Because I love him! He isn’t a bad person. He’s just...Troubled. Franky: He has more issues than a news stand. Lillith: He’s had...A hard life. Franky: That doesn’t give him a free pass to treat people like shit! I can’t believe that you’re still making excuses for him. Lillith: You used to make excuses for Kim all the time. (Franky falls silent and she looks at the floor before sitting on the counter and lighting a cigarette. She sighs.). Franky: I loved Kimmy. Lillith: I love John. Franky: I know. It’s just...Kim didn’t beat me up or control me. Lillith: No she just fucked your sworn enemy and planted drugs in your cell when you were inside coz she didn’t like the fact that you were spending time with other people. Franky: Yeah. She turned out to be a back stabbing bitch. Lillith: John doesn’t control me. Franky: You sure about that? Lillith: Yes. The other stuff you said about him is true but he doesn’t control me. Franky: Okay. (There is a pause.). Franky: I still can’t believe you took his precious Lamborghini. (Lillith lets out a small laugh.). Lillith: I bet he’s right pissed off. I’m surprised he hasn’t shown up at your door yet. (Franky looks at the floor again. Lillith notices that she looks upset and...guilty.). Lillith: Are you okay? It wasn’t me was it? Talking about Kim? Franky: No. (There is a pause.). Franky: Lillith...It wasn’t John on the phone. It was his brother. (Lillith frowns.). Lillith: Joseph? Franky: Yeah. (Franky takes a deep breath. Lillith stares at her.). Lillith: What is it? What’s wrong? Franky: Lillith... Lillith: What? Franky: It’s John. He’s tried to kill himself.
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chobit92 · 5 years
Small World: Joseph/OC Part 25
Joseph finally sees first hand the extent of Johns problems and Lillith reaches breaking point...
Warning: Drug use. Strong Language.
 (2 Weeks Later: Lillith emerges from the en suite bathroom and leans against the doorframe looking at John lying sprawled across the bed on his front. The glass of water sitting on the bedside cabinet. The washing up bowl sitting on the floor next to the bed. It’s gone 3am. John went out after he finished work. He stayed out late doing God knows what with God knows who. Taking and drinking whatever was on offer. He finally stumbled home just over an hour ago and went straight to the bedroom. He then spent twenty minutes with his head over the loo throwing up whatever the fuck he had been taking and drinking all night. She sighs as tears sting her eyes. She then tiptoes to the kitchen and pours herself a glass of raspberry vodka. She downs it then picks up the bottle and swigs some more. She goes back to the bedroom, passing Joseph who is fast asleep on the sofa bed. She goes over to the large window and looks out at the city. Even at 3am the city shows lights and a dozen cars on the road. She takes another swig of vodka. She thinks about going for a walk. It’s nice to get away sometimes. She always comes back though. She always comes back to John.
She takes another swig of vodka. She then goes back to the kitchen and puts the vodka bottle on the counter. Then the tears come, rolling down her cheeks, and she lets out a sob. She downs some more vodka then bends down and removes the kickboard from the cupboard. She pulls out a carrier bag and takes out a package containing several packets of white powder. Johns stash. Lillith has never used drugs in her life. She has always sworn that she wouldn’t touch them. Tears continue to roll down her cheeks as she shoves the carrier bag back under the cupboard and replaces the kickboard before standing up. She stares down at the packet before opening it.). Joseph: That’s not a good idea Lillith. (She gasps and drops the packet. She turns and leans against the side and sees Joseph stood there staring at her. He is wearing a pair of Johns black tracksuit bottoms. Joseph is very skinny and Lillith can see his hipbones jutting out just above the trousers.). Joseph: Sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you. (He bends down and picks up the packet of powder.). Lillith: It’s okay. I just thought for a minute... (She sighs.). Lillith: Ever since the attack I haven’t been able to feel safe. I keep thinking...Whenever I hear the door... Joseph: I understand. Lillith: I sometimes struggle to sleep and I hate being home alone coz I’m afraid. Joseph: That will take a long time to go away. But it will. That’s not why you are drinking though is it? (She doesn’t answer.). Joseph: It’s also not the reason that you were going to take this. (He places the small packet of powder on the counter.). Joseph: This is about the state that John came home in tonight isn’t it? (Tears fill her eyes again.). Lillith: It never gets any easier. Joseph: You must really love him. Lillith: I’ve no idea why. (She smiles slightly.). Lillith: It wasn’t something I planned on doing. I kept telling him to piss off. I should have just stayed well away from him but no I had to start coming to his parties didn’t I? And even after seeing firsthand what kind of man he was I still managed to fall in love with him. (She sighs.). Lillith: Everyone goes on about love as if it’s some great amazing thing that makes those it happens to happy and lucky. But really...All love does is destroy you. (She downs some more vodka before turning and heading back to the bedroom. She closes the door behind her and goes over to the bed looking down at John. He is still wearing his jeans but his belt is undone. She sits on the edge of the bed and brushes his hair out of his face. His hair is getting long again. She runs her fingers over his back tracing his scars. Tears roll down her cheeks. She lies down next to him and places several kisses on his back. She can smell another woman’s perfume.). Lillith: I love you. (She lets out a sob.). Lillith: But you seriously piss me off! (She sighs and sits up running a hand through her hair.). Lillith: Why do you have to keep doing this? (She sobs for several minutes. She wipes her eyes and looks down at John. She notices a dark patch on the sheet and sighs. She gets up and feels his jeans. They are soaked.). Lillith: John. (Tears sting her eyes again. She tries to move him but fails. She then starts shaking him. He still doesn’t wake up. She sighs then notices something. She switches on the bedside lamp and stares as she sees lipstick marks on his chest and neck. She lets out a sob then goes to the wardrobe and takes out her holdall. She then shoves some clothes into it before going to the bathroom and grabbing some toiletries. She shoves them in the bag then she gets dressed before grabbing a bag and going to the kitchen. She grabs the bottle of vodka and puts it in the bag before doing it up. Joseph gets up from the sofa and frowns as he watches Lillith pick up her handbag before grabbing the keys for Johns Lamborghini.). Joseph: Where are you going? (She gasps and turns around. She still has tears streaming down her face.). Lillith: I’m gonna go to Franky’s. Joseph: Why? Lillith: Because I can’t do this. Not again. You can take care of him this time coz I’m sick of doing it! I’m sick of him coming home like this and stinking of other women. Tell him I love him. Joseph: Don’t leave. You shouldn’t be driving anyway you’ve been drinking. Lillith: I don’t care. I’m going Joe. Joseph: When will you be back? Lillith: I don’t know. I don’t know if I can come back. (She unlocks the door and leaves the apartment. Joseph sighs and goes down the hall to the bedroom. He looks down at his baby brother and tears sting his eyes as he realises the extent of the damage Johns childhood has inflicted on him.). Joseph: Oh John. * Franky: That absolute fucking bastard! (Franky paces up and down her kitchen before pouring herself another vodka. Lillith is sitting on the bar stool with a glass of vodka with tears still rolling down her cheeks. Franky pours some more vodka into her glass.). Franky: Don’t tell me you’re gonna go back to him again. Lillith: I don’t know. Franky: You will won’t you? You’re still gonna go back to him! Lillith: I love him. Franky: He doesn’t deserve you. He treats you like shit. He’s a bloody cokehead and he shags several different women a week! He is never gonna marry you! You are never going to be happy! He isn’t going to change Lillith. Lillith: I know. I know that. But I love him and...The pain that he causes me when he does this shit is nothing compared to the pain of being away from him. Franky: Jesus fucking Christ. (Lillith looks up at Franky as she sits on the counter before picking up her cigarettes and lighting one. She offers the packet to Lillith who takes one. Franky lights it for her.). Franky: He’s really done a number on you hasn’t he? Lillith: What do you mean? Franky: His charisma, his charm, his looks. The way he reels you in. Lillith: What? Franky: Oh I know his type. He’s a user. He is using you just like he uses the coke and just like he uses all those other tarts! Lillith: Franky- Franky: No! You need to hear this! Coz he is using you. I think he only has you living with him because he can’t stand being in that apartment all by himself. (Lillith sits smoking staring at the floor.). Franky: Look I’m sorry. But it’s true. You know it is. I’m your friend. I don’t want to see you keep having to go through this. You deserve better than this. You deserve a man who loves you and treats you with respect. A man that is faithful. Lillith: I know okay! I know I’m an idiot! (Lillith starts to sob. Franky sighs and gets off of the counter before wrapping her arms around Lillith.). Franky: You gotta stop letting him do this to you girl. (Lillith just continues to sob.).
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