#Chance Meeting
winchesterwild78 · 1 month
Master Lists
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Jensen Ackles Master List
Chance Meeting
Behind the Scenes
Whiskey Kisses and Broken Promises
The Ranch
The Director
Less Lonely
Austin Nights
A Haven of Comfort
The Tutor
The Weight of Guilt
A Father's Love
A Birthday Worth Celebrating
A Surprise for a Special Day
Dean Winchester Master List
All Patched Up
Unexpected Hunter
First Aid
Please Don't Go
The Hunter
By Your Side
Hunters and Secrets
Taking Care of Each Other
Safely in Your Arms
A Secret Revealed
A Little Bit Stronger
A Twist of Fate
Beau Arlen Master List
Always Protected
I'll Always Take Care of You
A New Sheriff in Town
Soldier Boy Master List
I Can't Lose You
Take Care Of Me
The Mistake
Russell Shaw Master List (coming soon)
Short Stories and One Shots
Unspoken Rules
A Night of Shadows and Strength
A Home and a Heart
Forever Tags:
@nescaveckwriter @kr804573 
@k-slla @jackles010378 
@jawritter @xx-spooky-little-vampire-xx 
@roseblue373 @cheynovak 
@jassackles  @chriszgirl92
@suckitands33 @arcannaa 
@n-o-p-e-never @ladysparkles78 
@smoothdogsgirl @hobby27 
@manicjk @stoneyggirl2 
@deans-spinster-witch @snowayumi 
@shadowqueen1318 @shanimallina87
@muhahaha303 @fitxgrld
@nancymcl @baby19sthings
@cheekygirl2309 @oceean
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The best love story is when you fall in love with the most unexpected person at the most unexpected time.
Video Source: Pinterest
Accidentally In Love - Counting Crows
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admrlthundrbolt · 3 months
Just What I Needed (Gorgon Kars x Chubby Reader)
He had spent many years in solitude. Only his stray companions to keep him company. Until he stumbles upon a traveling blind woman. How could this new development change a life that was already thought to be fated alone.
Hi guys, I'm back at it again. I'm finally posting my last installment of the Supernatural Pillar Men series. I can't believe we're at the end! This went in a direction that I didn't plan. But I hope you enjoy it either way.
Chest heaving, you made your way down the path. Even as the warmth of the sun faded from your back and day turned to night. You wouldnt go back home. Or what you had called your home. You wouldn't be treated like a burden any longer. It wasn't as if you ask to be born this way. It was one thing to be brought into this world without sight. But when time and time again you have dealt with the blatant disrespect of people you had shared a village with. You were done.
The final straw had been the locals trying to force your hand in marriage. You weren't romantically interested in anyone. Let alone a stranger that expected you to only be good for bearing children. It was a blow to your trust in the village.
So here you were, a pack on your back and your walking cane. On your way to the next town. You just hoped you could get through the hills safely. It wasn't that you believed all of the legends. But that didn't mean that you were the type to ignore the warnings of your ancestors.
Kars smiled sweetly down at the squirming squirrel in his hands. “Calm yourself little one. This will only hurt for a moment.” He cooed to the small creature as he rubbed the salve on it's wounds. He had found it in a trap at a nearby stream. The thing was barely old enough to be on it's own. That didn't stop the hunters from setting traps near obvious nesting areas. He scowled as he places the rodent on the floor near a bowl of berries.
Making his through the grotto, he checked up on the other animals. A dog with a missing back leg. A recently hatched clutch of platypus, with no mother to be heard of. An albino snake that never seemed to have all its scales. He always had a rotating door of injured or sick animals. There were even a few that stuck around.
Running a hand along the back of the three legged dog, his smile returned. The brown fur was never out of place. It had a proud nature to it that contrasted it's disability. Almost as if it wouldn’t let a simple thing like one less leg keep it down. He gave another affectionate pat to it's head. “Another gorgeous day, isn’t it Lisa Lisa.” A soft affirming yip came from his furry companion.
He glanced around the room for his foraging bag. Only to pause as he caught his reflection in a pool of water. His snake like hair moving constantly. The patches of scales that littered his body. Long fingers ending in deadly claws. This was a curse he was born into, the birth of a Gorgon. His only relief was that the stone curse didn't affect animals. It was a burden that he had to bear, but the company of the creatures helped. Though that didn’t stop the shadow that loomed over his heart.
Huffing a bit you were elated to hear the flowing stream. You knew it wouldn't be much longer before you made it to town. With a sigh, you turned to the right and counted you steps. It wouldn't do to get lost this far into your journey.
Gathering some water into your palms, you drank heavily. Savoring the cool liquid traveling down your throat. You took a few more handfuls before refilling your water skin. Enjoying the sound of the babbling brook. You didn't realise that someone had happened upon you.
He was surprised to see anyone out this late. It wasn't an impossible thing to see someone out this late. But you had no fire or camp to speak of. Perhaps you were lost? Looking over your features in the pale moonlight, he was intrigued. You were a bounty of soft flesh. Unlike any human he had ever witnessed. Your fingers played with the slow moving current. He was enamored with the sweet smile that laid gently across your face. He shifted a bit to get a better veiw. Unknowingly stepping on a fallen branch, causing a sharp crack to sound out.
You flinched and shot your head towards the sound. He gasped as your eyes met and waited for the inevitable. Averting his gaze, he was confused when the sound of shifting stone didn't fill the air. After a few moments of silence he risked another glance. You were still looking his way and your face was pinched in concentration.
“Is someone there?” There was no quiver in your voice. If there was one thing your Aunt had made certain to teach you. It was that a person who was sure of themselves was harder to intimidate. So even as your heart pounded, you kept a calm appearance.
He had to gather himself to answer you. It had been many years since he had held an actual conversation. It seemed as if his voice had fled from him the moment you spoke. “Yes.” It sounded as breathless as he felt.
Your grip tightened on your walking cane. Straining you ears, you thought you could make out a single person's breathing. It caused your shoulders to realse a bit of tension. It would be easier to escape or defend yourself against one person. Standing you made sure to keep yourself facing the stranger's voice. “Well, I'd love to stay and chat. But I really need to be on my way.”
Anxiety suddenly burst through his chest. He needed you to wait. To talk with him, look at him. Be near him. With an unexpected flurry of speed, he was in front of you. “Wait.” You flinch as his fingers brushed your wrist. It was then that he noticed the walking cane in your hand. Confusion took over his expression, until your eyes met again. They were milky pools that reflected the stars so dreamily. He had only seen this in one other being. A rabbit that had lost the sight in it's left eye, due to an infection.
His proximity was startling. You could have swore that he sounded much further away moments ago. Still, you had to keep your wits about you and your head level. “Why?”
He scrambled for a plausible answer. “I was concerned when I noticed someone without a camp setup. Are you lost?” He was thankful for his quick thinking.
You gave a tight smile at the concern. “I'm not far from my destination, so I felt no need. I only stopped to fill my water skin.”
“Please allow me to offer you lodging for the night. It's not safe for a beautiful young lady such as yourself this late at night.” He tried to cover the desperation in his tone.
You were torn. This was a complete stranger, but it was late. He wasn't wrong about the dangers of traveling at night. “I agree on one condition. You will bring me back to the bridge tomorrow. If you do not swear this to me, then I refuse.”
He nodded. “Yes, I can promise this to you.” Anything to get you to spend even a moment longer with him.
He lead you through the cave by your warm hand. Enjoying every moment of guiding you around. He insisted that your cane was unnecessary, though you continued to use it. It was a dream to be this close to you. Taking in your scent and pulling you close to get through the thickets of brush.
You on the other hand were a bit unnerved by the strangers constant closeness. Then a thought occurred to you. “I've yet to introduce myself. My name is (Y/N), what might I call you?”
He tingled with anticipation, oh but to hear his name uttered from your sweet lips. “It is Kars, my lady.” You repeated the name and he had to hold back shivers.
Reaching the back chambers, he escorted you to a pile of blankets. Although his home was humble, he had many creatures and treasures filling it. Most things to the fault of hunters. He wouldn't let a single human that harmed his animal friends escape his gaze. If they happen to leave behind their belongings after facing his wrath. Well, it would be irresponsible of him to not utilize the resources.
Sitting down, you were surprised at the cold wet nose touching your hand. Gasping you jolted back a bit. But your surprise passed when an obvious dog whine and another touch of the nose followed. “Oh and who are you?” You smoothed a hand up the nose and onto a head. Which you began to scratch.
He was in awe at your tenderness. The three legged dog settled beside you comfortably. Wagging her tail as you stroked her fur. He was jealous at the attention you were giving the creature. But it did warm his heart to see her immediately take to you. “You should be honored. Lisa Lisa doesn't trust many people. After all she was abandoned at a young age due to her missing leg.”
Your brow furrowed at the information. Then a soft smile graced your beautiful face. “That's OK. I was thought less of for something I couldn't control too.” You scratched behind her ears and was pleased to feel her lean into your touch.
If he found himself anymore endeared to you, he was afraid he might burst. Instead he busied himself with introducing you to the other animals under his care.
Your plans to leave the next day were cut short by a sudden storm. Kars insisted that you stay in his care. Because Gods forbid he let you be harmed by the storm. He would never forgive himself for that.
So you stayed, but you refused to not be useful. With the plethora of healing animals, you could put your skills to use. You had worked at your Aunt's Apothecary as her second set of hands. As much as you loved the woman you couldn't help but hinder a bit of resentment towards her. It was her recent passing that had shifted the relationship you had with the other villagers. Everything had been fine and your skills at were always seen as competent. But it seemed as if the moment she was lowered into the ground, things changed. Gone were their greetings and well wishes. All they had left to give you was there pity and to make sure you were ‘taken care of’. You didn't understand what forcing you into a marriage had to do with any of that. So you decided a contact in the town over was better than the situation you currently found yourself in.
Now you were mending broken wings. Helping mix salves for rashes and cuts. It was familiar work and you were thankful for the distraction. Though it wasn't the only diversion you had been dealing with.
Kars had made it a habit to stay close to you at any opportunity. It was nice to have someone to hand you the ingredients to an ointment. Having to feel your way around a new space was never fun. But his touch seemed to linger and his presence hovered. You mainly chalked it up to his concern of having someone unknown around the animals he cared for. But as time passed you weren't so sure if it was only his protective nature for the creatures.
You would only be here for a while longer. So you tried not to let your mind linger on your subconscious anxieties.
The storms had finally ceased. You were happy to hear the gently breeze and birds chirping sweetly. Packing away your few possessions you hummed and smiled softly.
All the while he was seething while watching you unhappily. You couldn't leave. Abandon him like everyone else. Even Lisa Lisa was avoiding him in his sour mood. Deciding that staying by your side was the more favorable choice. It wasn't fair, the first time someone that he could spend genuine time with. Yet all you wanted was to leave. He had many dark moments where he believed another inconveniences could keep you with him. Then you would turn your soft smile his way. Making his stomach twist uncomfortably at the thought of you being hurt.
So he watched you gather your things. Hoping that you didn't notice the despair in his voice. He took his time leading you back to the bridge. Soaking in your warmth and enjoying when your plush body would brush against his own. Bringing you to the very spot you had met just days ago. He felt a pent up tension within himself. Trying to form words, but your gentle face kept him from begging you to stay.
Running a hand down his muscled arm you found his chilly hand. It always astonished you how cold he always seemed. “Thank you, for everything. I wasn't sure if I would find another kind soul after my Aunt's passing. It was a reprieve I didn't know I needed.” Squeezing his hand, you smiled sadly, releasing the limb. As much as you had been hesitant to go with him. You didn't regret the descion, he had pulled you from a dark place. You owed him a great debt.
He captured your hand again and brought it to his chest. “I should be the one thanking you. You are the first companion I've had for many years. I am grateful for the time we have been able to spend together. I wish that it was for a much longer time. Do not hesitate to return. I am only a call away, say my name and I will be there.” He meant every word and hoped you could feel the sincerity that he burned into them. He would destroy kingdoms, if only to be graced with your presence again.
Your smile widened and you felt a flush coat your cheeks. “I will keep that in mind. If you are sure, I would like to come back.” Your expression lights up suddenly. “I could even bring back a few tonics to help with the animals. If my contact in town takes me on as an apprentice. There is no guarantee, I may be back if there is no room for me. If you'll have me that is.”
He wanted to comfort you, but there was a part of him that hope it was the case. To have you willingly return to him would be miraculous. Instead he chose to reassure you. “You will always be welcome in my home. No matter the time, you are an invited guest.”
You were beaming. After a spirited hug, that Kars had a hard time retreating from. You parted ways.
You were not far from the bridge when he approached you. Well the more accurate term would be ambushed. A hand abruptly gripped your upper arm and squeezed fiercely. The jarring motion made your grind to a quick halt. Your shoulder burned as you faced the assaulter. They were panting heavily and kept your arm in their grasp. “What do you want?” You wanted it to come out more threatening. But it was hard when you weren't even sure who was grabbing you.
“What belongs to me.” You knew that vile voice. The farmer that you were unrightfully promised to. He tossed you to the ground.
You scrambled to find you walking cane. It was a terrifying thought of just how much he set you back. Your heart tightened at the idea of how you could get back on track. Taking a calming breath you realized that panicking would only make the situation worse. So as your fingers grazed the bent top of the cane you relaxed. Standing up, you righted yourself and faced the still panting man. “There in no part of me that belongs to you. I have better things to get to.” Then you turned to try and pick up the sound of the creek you should be near.
Your dismissive tone really rubbed him the wrong way. As you serenely took in your surroundings, he went mad. Who were you to refuse him and disappear without consequences. Well he would see to your punishment. Wrapping his fingers in your hair he yanks you back harshly. “You need to learn your place woman.”
Before another thought could pass through your mind, his name had already left your lips. At a volume you didn't know you were capable. You called for him and pried at the hands fisted in your hair.
It was at this moment that he was glad he had stayed at the bridge. Part of him lamenting your departure. The other half wishing you would come back to him. He hadn't expected you to wail out his name. But there wasn't a power in heaven or hell that could keep him from you.
Taking off in a dead sprint he found you quickly. Seeing the vile man handling in such a way made his blood boil. But he had to release you before he could take care of such a vexing issue. Thankfully he didn't have to wait as Lisa Lisa bounded towards the man.
Her teeth sunk into in calf with ease. “Gah, get off of me you mangy mutt.” He tossed you aside and lunged towards the dog. She darted back and Kars struck. Getting into the man's line of sight, he stopped all movement. In that moment there was not a more satisfying sound than the grating noise of stone grinding against stone. It was music to his ears.
You gasped as a familiar wet nose pressed against your cheek. Tossing your arms around the dog you slumped forward. Kars turned away from the newly formed statue. Without a word he grabbed your cane and scooped your plush body into his arms. Your body stiffened, but relaxed at his words. “You're safe with me dear. I'll make sure of that.” And as he carried you back with Lisa Lisa following diligently. He swore to himself that he would keep you safe. No matter the cost.
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infynin · 4 months
Our chance meeting <3
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I had drawn this at school with no reference for either character and also a chance meeting was playing in my earphones soo
I have another ff7 art work I wanna post but idk cause it’s rebirth spoilers :(
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peter-pan-demonium · 2 months
~ New Fanfic - HOTD - Rhaenicent ~
Chapter 2 is posted.
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At a Targaryen company party that Rhaenyra's father coaxes her into attending, she meets a beautiful woman named Alicent. Maybe the party was worth it after all?
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whumpster-dumpster · 2 years
When the whumpee is somewhere with their friends/family and they meet the whumper and the whumper can't do anything to them but they talk to them in way that would hit the exact sore spots they know are there and the whumpee pretends everything is fine so that their family/friends wouldn't be worried and the whumper wouldn't know just how much power they still have over them and than when the whumper leaves they can't hold it anymore and break down and their family perhaps knew that they have bad memories of the whumper but they didn't know it was that bad and now they're like "oh. oh. What the fuck have they done to you"
Urrrgh, whumpers like that are infuriating when they get away with it! Hopefully the loved ones can provide some comfort
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savingthrcw · 4 months
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@okiedokiegoosey - chance meeting
She emptied her rifle on the yao guai, and was grateful she didn't have to make a show of her ghoul strength because the animal had finally died, not without the help of what had to be another happy traveler. "Holy moly, that was one tough cookie!" Rose rested her empty rifle against her shoulder and smiled at the woman, blinking when she took in the surprising outfit, "Were you also after it or was it a coincidence, miss?"
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blankdblank · 2 years
I Now Pronounce You Mud Monsters
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“Sham!! For two ages now all I have heard is that a bride I neither have need of, as I have an heir already, nor time or skill to woo without means of an arranged union and here I stand 15,000 years old without such bride in sight! Now you grant me a correct prophecy of my near future or is said bride to come falling out of the sky?!” The King with arms in a swing out dramatically in front of him, as if to say what now, stood staring at the seer near to being ousted from his lands for being a fraud.
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Years so you were told by your superstitious mother that you would find a King who will woo you while on a hike. So naturally you must be at your best at all times as you step foot outside your door.
Dressed to the nines after a particularly wet spring on a pathway littered with mud puddles you eyed a particularly deep puddle and smirked. Just once you would break the rule and show her that psychic was lying and you were tired of hoofing it in ridiculous clothes, shoes and primped to the best possible doing it. Years you had been ridiculed by anyone who saw this luring you to more and more secluded rougher paths to avoid such interactions that also left out to little or no friends. Again you heard the warning, and then you heard her gasp at a particularly loud stomping splash.
Mud everywhere stunningly somehow you now were in someone’s arms to lock your eyes on a particularly wide icy blue pair that stuck out brilliantly through the mud soaking both you and this statuesque stranger.
“So, what brings you here?” Came out in a broken try for confidence at a hello from you.
“I am King of these lands.”
“You don’t say. My mother warned me about you.” The statement only making his mud soaked brow twitch up in wonder as to what warning his supposed bride could have been given about him. After an awkward moment of staring at one another you asked, “Do you always walk around coated in mud?”
And plainly he answered concealing his shock at the notion, as he’d spent centuries dressed to his finest waiting for the moment of meeting his future bride, “You brought the mud with you.”
“Ah,” you answered awkwardly, “Sorry for that. You have some sticks in your hair too.”
“That is my crown.”
“Ah,” you said with a nod, “I bet it’s lovely, underneath, the mud.” After another moment of staring you say, “If you put me down I’ll get out of your hair and find my way home now.”
“You cannot leave we are to be wed.” He said and you let out a stunned squeak at the bold statement. “I shall escort you to the public baths and we shall dine and make pleasantries afterwards when I have clear look of you without your cloud of mud you use for transportation.” Unable to speak anymore he simply carried you inside and through the palace to take you where he promised to see just who he was meant to marry underneath all this mud. Only drawing the eye of every person he passed to inspect the odd spectacle their usually pristine King had found himself in with an unknown stranger who sat in his arms.
Outside a privacy nook within the public baths that granted a single user a space to get clean without worry of being spied upon if shy he let you down. “After we are bathed together we shall dine and make pleasantries before talks of a follow up brunch and mood for the musical entertainment to follow to your preference from our famed orchestra.”
“I don’t know you,” you blurted out simply out of nerves. “I could be anyone. You could be anyone. How am I supposed to know you without the mud?”
“Ah,” and his head turned to look at an Elleth who followed him here. “This is Marya, she will measure you for clothes and escort you to the meal. Also, you are the first new citizen here in 4000 years. I would know you anywhere.”
The sentimentality was not lost but simply nudged aside as you asked, “Are you going to eat me?” Causing Marya to hold back a smirk at the flinch of his eyes wider.
“Pardon me?”
“Only Vampires live that long and they drink blood.”
“No one here is going to eat you, life is very sacred to our people we are Elves.”
“Oh, there’s a lot of trees does that mean you’re the kind that bakes cookies?” Perhaps the dumbest thing that could have come out of your head just did and it was your turn to stare up at him wide eyed for a peculiar moment for him at the intensity of the look of panic on your muddy muddy face. “Don’t answer that. We have packages back home of cookies and they draw Elves on them, don’t answer that, that was a dumb thing to say.”
“We do, in fact. Live in trees and are quite fond of baking cookies. There shall be some at our meal.”
“Do we trade names now or later?”
“Names, yes, I am Thranduil Orophereon King of the Greater Greenwood and the Silvan Elves who dwell within its borders.”
“I’m Bunny,” you said and paused making his brow twitch, “Full name Jaqiearae Pearisiayiae, but no one can ever say that so I go by Bunny.”
“Might I ask your parents’ names?”
“Ninque and Elmo,” you said parting his lips a moment. “Never got to meet my dad, but mom said he was an amazing painter, so I tried at that. Mainly paint pictures of horses, only I’ve never actually seen a horse in person so they usually end up not very realistic. But I can make ladybugs that look like they come right off the easel.”
“It is a terrible weight to bear to lose ones father. I understand the pain.”
“Oh no, he’s alive, we just never met. Mom wouldn’t let him know about me, something about a psychic and he would only bring bad tidings to her career and whatnot, so just her and her no puddle jumping rule.”
“We should bathe before continuing this discussion.”
“Right, tub,” you said turning for the stall Marya joined you inside of and heard as you gestured to your back, “Could you, there are ties on my back.”
“With pleasure.” She said finding through a layer of muddy hair ties and lacings that were loosened to help remove the ribbed off the shoulder top before you had to get your shoes and pants off revealing clear glimmering patches of near clean skin enabling her to bring out a measuring tape to measure various parts of your body and then recede from the stall to go fetch you a new set of clothes with said measurements. So stripped bare you simply climbed into the round bee hive shaped tub to dunk down and get started removing the mud and anything else that had gotten stuck on you to keep the startling truth that wherever you were your old life seemed just entirely gone now.
Later again found caked in mud
Thranduil, “Ah, I see you have been traveling again. You have returned in time for lunch.”
“I fell off a bridge. No one travels by clouds of mud.”
But of course cue their first fight getting to know one another and he had guards posted at each puddle to ensure she cannot leave before he finds a way to remedy the misunderstanding.
@jesevans @lilith15000 @theincaprincess @devilishminx328
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alindakb · 10 months
Title: 25 Years of Christmas - 1999 Author: AlindaKB Word Count: 1090 (for now) Rating: Teen and up Prompt: Wooden Sleigh with Red Runners An old dark wooden sleigh is stationed in a snowy field. It has bright red painted ornate metal runners that curl up toward the front panels. Snow covers the seat of the sleigh and its backrest. The sky is overcast with clouds and fog, and fresh snow blankets a large group of spruce trees that stand around and behind the sleigh. The snow on the ground around the sleigh appears worn with light foot traffic. Warning: No warnings apply Disclaimer: All Harry Potter characters herein are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No copyright infringement is intended. Author's Notes: This story is ongoing but mostly already finished (thank you NaNo) - tags on AO3 will update accordingly.
Draco, who hates Christmas, spots Harry among some spruce trees when he's out to find the perfect Christmas Tree with his friends Pansy and Blaise. Over the years they find themselves drifting together and building a life together. And somewhere along the way, Draco finds out that he loves Christmas.
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winchesterwild78 · 6 months
Chance Meeting Masterlist
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Individual chapters carry warnings.
18+ Minors DNI
A/N: This is my first fan fiction. All thoughts are my own. I adore Jensen and his family. Absolutely no disrespect. This is fiction. Please do not take or copy my work as your own. Any feedback and suggestions are welcome
Not sure why I didn’t create a Masterlist before now. Here you go 🥰
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10.1
Part 10.2
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Forever tags: @nescaveckdaily @kr804573
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modmatuk · 8 months
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Continuing my series of random Björk happenings.. this cd just appeared to me at a charity shop and I immediately gave her the warmest greeting and took the cd to the cashier.
Sitting here listening to the album reminded me of my first and most beloved of my random Björk happenings when I bumped into her at London Zoo, one quiet midweek visit out of season many years ago. The zoo was practically empty, especially at this, the furthest point from the gates. We were at one of the many cafes, sitting outdoors on a bench under a big leafy autumnal tree when I turned to my right and she was sitting there doing the same with a coffee in a paper cup and her child in her pushchair beside her. I recognised her but I didn't say anything I didn't approach and I saw in her eyes that she recognised that I had recognised her - a fleeting glimpse - A miniature connection. I raised my coffee up to her.. a silent cheers.. a mute and distant thanks for her music. She reciprocated simply a small and welcome gesture . Then I turned back to my party and we all carried on with our day. Like her gentle public persona, it was like stumbling across a deer randomly in the deep forest, we both stopped, recognised each other, showed respect and then moved on.
Maybe, I'll tell you all about the other times our paths crossed after that another time. But this gentle silent meeting with all its tiny unspoken moments will always be my favourite.
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"Never obsess about chasing love. Chase goals. Chase dreams. Chase the behaviors that are going to make you better. You don’t chase love; you allow that to find you by accident, and when it finds you on accident, you’ll know that it was supposed to find you purposely."
~ Sylvester McNutt
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Video Source: Pinterest
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whispersofsilence · 13 years
A Parting Memory
I like how you smiled and walked away Like a hero of an action movie, Like someone who's cool. Yes, I like you being cool like that.
Awkward at first, didn't know how to approach you. Went on and did anyway, armed only with this shy smile.
It's so unexpected, this feeling in my heart. Like I had just won the lottery, Like some "Eureka" moment.
Oh how good indeed, oh how light. If we were to part from this day forward, I wouldn't mind, for your last deed brought unending ripples in my heart.
How fortunate I was to see, This side of you, so bright, so full of life. I wish you would see it too. Then perhaps, we can be friends not just in spirit, but also in life.
If only we can wander together, what a life that would be. But perhaps we understood each other too much, It's impossible like that. Life wouldn't allow it. we are too alike, yet too different.
I missed you, and I felt you also felt the same. Surely this meeting of not more than five minutes, Will be etched in my memory forever. I will never forget you, oh dearest wandering friend.
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If She Lived in Space, Man, I’d Build a Plane
Author: @staceymcgillicuddy
Rating/Warning: Explicit
Chapter Count: 2/2
It takes ten years, three bands, two albums and one insistent manager for Eddie Munson to start flying first class.
Ain't it funny who you run into on the other side of the curtain?
Tags: Alternate universe- no vecna, future fic, chance meeting, second chances, Rockstar!Eddie, Stewardess!Chrissy, fluff, teasing, flirting, smut, Eddie POV, two-shot, status: Completed
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agent-troi · 2 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The X-Files Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Dana Scully, Diana Fowley Additional Tags: Pre-Season/Series 01, First Meetings, Relationship Discussions, Foreshadowing Summary:
A chance meeting at Quantico in 1991.
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myyellowhuman · 2 years
Second draft is virtually complete although the edit has gone to the beta readers already because I thought I was done.
I suddenly discovered two podcasts that I didn't know existed and it meant I've now worked out how to expand on 5 of my characters, 1 major, 4 minor, add some texture to them, and build on one chapter that felt like a slow starter. I now know what wasn't working and how to fix it.
I guess that's the goal posts repositioned - third and final draft by May, then tweaks to spelling and grammar July to October, ready to self publish in November. 💛
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