#Limousine Company Brooklyn
Brooklyn Prom Limo
Make your prom night unforgettable with our Brooklyn prom limo services. Legendary Limousines offers luxurious and reliable transportation for prom-goers in Brooklyn. Arrive in style and comfort in our top-of-the-line limousines, driven by professional chauffeurs who prioritize your safety and satisfaction. From group bookings to individual arrangements, our Brooklyn prom limo services cater to your specific needs. Visit our website to book your prom limo and ensure a memorable night of celebration and elegance.
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smol-and-grumpy · 2 years
Redlight - Chapter Three
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Hooker!Reader
Summary: Dean Winchester is a rich, recently divorced entrepreneur who visits Los Angeles for business. While he was out with acquaintances one night and was waiting on a limousine to get back to his hotel, he witnessed a woman in need, and rushed in to help, only to learn that the woman was a prostitute. Dean should have left after he made sure she was okay, but there was something about her that wouldn’t let him walk away.
Chapter Warnings: There’s zero warning but it’s good, I promise
WC: 2735
Beta’d by the amazing @winchest09​
Read ahead on Patreon
Series Masterlist ~ General Masterlist
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Dean finds himself sitting across from Scarlet as he gets a full view of how she practically inhales her burger and fries. He’s still partial about her dunking them into her milkshake, though, but he tries not to show her how much it disgusts him.
He continues to sip on his glass of whiskey while she talks with her mouth full of food. It’s actually quite comforting to know that even though she has this whole other persona when she’s Scarlet, she doesn’t mind showing him the real her when she gracelessly eats her meal. He’s always been so weak for women with a big appetite; it’s probably a weird kink he’s unable to shake. Dean is still curious, and would really like to know who she really is, though.
“So,” she talks around a bite before swallowing it while simultaneously reaching out for the milkshake to wash the food down with. It’s decidedly not sexy at all how some of the sauce is smeared around the corner of her mouth, and yet, he’s fucking half-hard just watching her devour it and moaning around every bite. She sets the drink down before continuing, “care to tell me what you’re doing here in L.A.?”
Dean places the tumbler back, it makes a clicking noise as it comes in contact with the glass surface of the coffee table. He was the one to suggest they sit down at the dining table, but she declined. He lifts an eyebrow when he asks, “How do you know I’m not from L.A.?”
Scarlet grins, her cheeks are bulging with the burger she’s still chewing, and her lips are stretched wide. He has a hard time steering his thoughts away from the gutter. “I’m not an idiot.”
“Yeah,” he chuckles, “I’m from New York, my company’s there.”
“Let me guess,” she pauses to think. With her next breath, she says, “Your company is in Lower Manhattan, and you live… um… Upper East Side?”
Dean grimaces, “Close. The company you got right, but you got the Upper East Side wrong. Never saw the appeal of living there.”
“Do you wanna tell me where you live?”
“It depends, will you come after me and roofie me at home?”
Her laughter bubbles out of her then, and a piece of her burger drops out of her mouth and straight onto her lap, but he doesn’t find it gross or anything. It’s quite nice to hear it. It sends a warmth from his heart down to his toes. He can’t help but smile.
When she finally catches her breath, she tips her head to the side a little while staring at him, obviously waiting for him to reveal where he lives. He shouldn’t, but Dean finds that he doesn’t mind sharing.
“No, it’s Brooklyn Heights.”
“I haven’t pegged you down for someone who chooses to live in Brooklyn.”
Dean grins, “Well, Scarlet, it’s too early into our professional relationship to let you peg me, isn’t it?”
She bursts out laughing again, and when she inhales, she snorts. It’s cute, really. He finds himself wishing he could make her laugh all the damn time.
But then she begins to cough, and Dean moves quickly, crossing the space between them to stroke and pat her back. Maybe, if he wants to keep making her laugh, he probably shouldn’t do it when she’s eating.
“Here,” he picks up her milkshake and presses it into her hand, “drink.”
He’s still rubbing at her back when she calms down, and honestly, he would love to keep on touching her, but he tears himself away and retreats to his seat across from her.
Scarlet takes another sip before she talks, her voice is a little hoarse, “I guess you’re here on business?”
“Yep,” he empties his tumbler, hiding the flush on his face that happened when he was so close to her.
She studies him, “How long are you staying?”
“A couple of days, until the deal is done.”
“Are you here often?” She asks, as she polishes off the last bite.
He watches her lick the sauce from her fingers and Dean tries his best not to groan, because that would be creepy. He clears his throat before speaking again, “About twice a year.”
Holding her milkshake, she wraps her lips around the straw and sucks.
Dean unscrews the bottle of liquor and holds it up, all while quirking an eyebrow, silently asking her if she wants some too, but she shakes her head. Shrugging, he fills his glass.
“You ever took a hooker up to your penthouse, Mr. Winchester?”
He sputters upon hearing the question. It kind of took him by surprise. It also doesn’t help that her voice is a little husky, causing the hair on his neck to stand up and his dick to twitch. Dean starts to cough a little to which she just grins wider.
“I have this rule,” he says once his throat has cleared up, “I never pay for sex.”
“You paid me.”
“We’re not having sex, are we?”
“Yet.” She smirks.
“Yet,” he agrees, because goddammit, if he doesn’t want to just bend her over this stupid white couch and make a mess out of it, he’d be lying.
Dean picks up his tumbler and drains the content, squinting when the liquid burns as it goes down his throat. Setting it back down, he gets up, hoping his bulge is not too prominent. “Right, I’m going to take a shower, if that’s okay with you?”
“Be my guest.”
He chuckles, “Right, just don’t rob me, please.”
“Hhhm, we’ll see about that,” she teases, and actually, it’s kind of easy with her. He does know not to trust, but somehow, she manages to make him do just that.
 Dean gets out of the fastest shower he ever took in his life, and towels himself dry before he slips on the pair of fresh boxer briefs he got before disappearing into the bathroom. As he stood under the spray, he contemplated jerking himself off just to take off the edge, but he figured that he should get out there again because after all, she was his guest, and he knew not to leave them unattended for too long. Maybe him taking a shower was also a test to see if she’d still be here or if she’d already run off with a purse full of his credit cards and money. If she did, he wouldn’t even blame her and will probably not cancel his cards until tomorrow evening, because really, that’d be on him. But deep down, he really hoped that she had stayed.
He dresses in a fluffy bathrobe the hotel provided before he makes his way out. The moment he opens up the door to the living room, Dean’s greeted by loud music coming out of the sound system next to the TV, and her singing — very badly, he might add — to Blondie’s Maria. Scarlet’s barefooted as she swings her head from side to side, her skin-tight dress has ridden up her thighs, just a hair shy from slipping up her juicy ass. His dick twitches in interest, and Dean’s glad that he’s wearing the robe.
Hey, at least she’s still here, right?
Dean leans against the doorjamb, lays his head on the wood, and folds his arms over his chest as he watches the girl who’s still dancing animatedly with her back turned to him. His lips curve up of their own volition.
Scarlet’s blaring the chorus to the song at the top of her lungs when she jumps and turns around and— immediately, she freezes. Her eyes go wide before she ducks her head, her hands are frantically toying with her dress, pulling it further down her thighs.
“Don’t stop on my account.” He grins a grin that people might call cocky.
When she looks up at him, her cheeks are flushed, “No, I’m done.”
Dean quickly crosses the living room and minimizes the space between them. Bending down, he lowers the volume of the music, but he leaves it loud enough for it to become white noise to their talking. Once he stands up to his full height again, she’s wringing her hands out of embarrassment.
Dean smiles softly, hoping to take the edge off of her. He rather enjoyed her dancing so carefree, it’s different from what he has to deal with on a daily basis. It feels like a fresh splatter of paint on his dull day. “Do you want to take a shower?”
She shakes her head, “No.”
“You have had sauce running down your cleavage while you ate the burger,” he says matter of fact. Call him a creep but he couldn’t help but watch as the sauce dripped down to her chest while she took a bite, and Dean could only watch it disappear between her tits. For a moment, he shamelessly entertained the thought of licking it off her.
“And?” Scarlet asks, offended.
“Uh,” Dean brings his hand up to scratch the back of his neck, “I just thought—”
“—I don’t want to.”
“Why not?” He asks, a little dumbly. The thing is, he does know that he should leave things be but if something doesn’t really make sense to him, he can’t help but prod.
“Because!” She shouts, her chest is heaving a little as she balls her hands into fists.
“That’s not an answer.”
They are left staring at each other for a long time, and because he has a thick skull, it still doesn’t get through to him that he should leave it be.
After some more frowning, chest heavings, and nostrils flaring on her side, Scarlet finally relents. She grits her teeth when she speaks, “Because I don’t have make-up here, okay?”
Dean pulls his face back and blinks in confusion.
“Yeah!” She then exclaims, “Without make-up, I can’t walk out of here. People will see the real me and I don’t want them to, not when I’m dressed like this!”
“Um,” Dean exhales and then his brain is working. He’s always good at finding solutions. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have gotten this far or this successful in life. “What if I tell the concierge to go out and buy you make-up? That way you can take a shower and once you leave this building in the morning, you will still be Scarlet.”
She studies him, eyes a little wider, “How do you—”
“—I’m awesome,” is what he answers with a bright grin. “So, what do you say, hhm?”
“Do you always get your way?” Scarlet grumbles out the question.
“Yeah, I do.”
Rolling her eyes, she walks over to grab a loose paper and pen from his desk and starts to write things down. He just hopes it’s not an important document.
When she’s done, she holds it out for him. Dean stares at it. It’s a list of all the make-up products she needs. More than half of the words are foreign to him. Nevertheless, he grabs at the phone he left on his desk and takes a picture before sending it to the chief concierge, adding that he should bring it as soon as possible and leave it hanging outside of his penthouse.
“Done,” he says and puts the phone and the list back down. “I hope you know that this comes with a sacrifice.”
Her brows climb up her forehead, “What sacrifice?”
“I want to get to know you.”
“You are getting to know me, maybe even more than you thought you would.”
“No, I don’t!” He raises his voice a little but immediately regrets it. Dean takes another deep breath before continuing, calmer this time, “I’ve met Scarlet, but the woman who devoured the burger and danced to some 80’s pop song isn’t Scarlet, am I right?”
She presses her lips together and glares at him, but she doesn’t give him an answer.
“Am I right?”
Still no answer.
“Fine,” he sighs, “I’m willing to pay more and make it $1k when you spend the night with me as who you really are. I don’t want Scarlet, I want you.”
Folding her arms over her chest, she cocks a hip. Standing like that, her boobs really pop out. It is almost distracting. Dean’s holding his breath as she tips her head a little, as she looks him up and down, as if she’s trying to read him. Meanwhile, he’s still standing there in his stupid fucking robe.
“Make it $1,500,” she finally says, and then she leaves him standing there while making her way to the bathroom.
Dean’s momentarily stunned, and a little impressed by her negotiating skills, to be honest. She knew he wouldn’t back down so she was wise to demand a higher price. He didn’t think it would work that well, he half expected her to pack up and leave. Honestly, $700 more is a relatively small price to pay for what he wants. He doesn’t tell her but he would have paid five figures sums if it was what she wanted in order for him to see the real her.
As soon as his brain catches up, he runs to be able to keep up with her, only to come to an abrupt halt right at the door to the bathroom. She’s standing before the wide mirror, looking at her own reflection while she has both her hands braced on the sink.
“There’s, uh, there’s make-up remover in the complimentary basket,” he says, leaning against the door jamb.
She looks at him through the mirror, “How do you know? You use it a lot, Mr. Winchester?” Her tone is teasing but he can also tell that she’s nervous.
“I—” he pulls his face back and blinks, “That’s not— uh.”
Scarlet chuckles, “Relax, Dean, it was a joke.”
“Oh?” He says out loud before letting out a sigh of relief. It’s not that he doesn’t joke around, it’s just that it doesn’t happen that much, and clearly, he’s not used to people joking around him anymore. Having her here feels like a fresh breath of air.
She turns around then, her hands are now behind her body, bracing them on the sink as he watches her eyeing the bathtub.
The silence stretches on.
“Uh, you okay?” He asks when she’s still eyeing that damn tub without saying a word.
His voice seems to bring her back to the present. Scarlet blinks a couple of times, and it might just be the light in this room, but they appear a little teary to him.
“Yeah— uh, yeah,” she stammers. “Sorry, just—” she gestures at the tub, “Haven’t been close to one of these in a while.”
“A tub?”
“Yeah, a tub,” she grumbles, “Look, it might be totally normal to you but not to me, okay? My—my apartment has a shitty shower, and the water pressure is awful!”
It’s actually really cute how she rambles without even pausing to take a breath. Dean suppresses his smirk, though, doesn’t want to make her feel like he’s making fun of her.
“Scarlet?” He asks while she finally takes some time to breathe. God, he hates using that name, especially when he knows for a fact that it isn’t hers, to begin with.
“Mmh?” She’s looking at him, her eyebrows pulled into a frown.
“Would you like to take a bath?”
Her eyes go a little wide.
He keeps on looking at her, silently willing her to answer him. A ‘yes’ would be preferable.
“What?” She asks, her voice laced with doubt.
“Do you— uh, do you want to take a bath instead of a shower?” Dean asks again, making it perfectly clear.
Scarlet seems to light up at that, and slowly her face starts to beam. “You mean— really?”
“Really,” he confirms, and he’s smiling too. His smile probably matches hers.
“Oh my god,” she clasps her hand together excitedly but then she catches herself before she can break out into a happy dance — which, let’s be honest, he’d love to see — she bites her lips and smiles through her teeth. “Yeah, I’d like that.”
“Why don’t you get on with taking off your makeup while I draw this bath for you, hhm?”
She nods at him, still trying to hide that beautiful smile before turning around and reaching for the basket with the hotel’s complementary products.
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Please share your thoughts with me, I’d love to hear your feedback.
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booknridelimo · 2 months
The Benefits Of Hiring A Limousine Service For Cruise Terminal Pickup
Ground transportation is an essential part of any cruise vacation. Whether you're traveling for business or pleasure, getting to and from the Brooklyn Cruise Terminal, the Port of New York and New Jersey, or any other cruise ship terminal in the area can be a stressful experience. With so many options available, choosing the right mode of pickup for cruise terminals can be challenging. One option that is growing in popularity is hiring the limo service CT to or from cruise terminals. Let’s explore the benefits of hiring a limo service for cruise terminal transportation.
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When you hire Book N Ride Limo for cruise terminal pickup, you're choosing comfort and convenience. They provide luxurious and spacious vehicles designed for a comfortable ride to and from the airport. With amenities such as leather seating, climate control, and entertainment systems, you can sit back and relax while your driver handles everything. Plus, you won't need to worry about traffic or parking. Your professional driver will pick you up from your home, hotel, or office and drop you off directly at your terminal.
In addition to comfort and convenience, hiring a limo service CT to or from cruise terminals can also provide safety and reliability. Book N Ride employs professional drivers trained to provide safe and efficient transportation. They have the necessary qualifications and licenses to operate the vehicle and are well-versed in the best routes to avoid traffic and ensure timely arrival at your destination.
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The Comforts and Convenience 
Stress Reducing
Comfort and convenience are crucial for limo service from CT to cruise terminals. Traveling can be stressful, but hiring a limo service makes the experience more relaxing, whether you're heading to the Port of New York and New Jersey or any other cruise terminal. With a limo, you won't have to worry about traffic, parking, or handling your luggage. Your professional driver will pick you up from your home or office, assist with your luggage, and drop you off directly at your terminal. Enjoy amenities like leather seating, climate control, and entertainment systems as you sit back and relax during your ride.
Time Saver
Another benefit of hiring a limo service CT to or from cruise terminals is that it can save you time. Limousine companies like Book N Ride Limo are familiar with the best routes to take and can help you avoid traffic and get to your cruise terminals quickly. This means that you can spend more time preparing for your cruise trip or simply enjoying your journey. With Book N Ride Limo, you won't have to worry about getting lost, missing your flight, or arriving late.
Hiring a limo service to or from cruise terminals is a cost-effective option. While some might think it's an expensive luxury, it can be more affordable when you consider the time and stress it saves. Considering the expenses for fuel, parking, and possible traffic fines, driving yourself to the airport can become quite expensive. By hiring a limo service, you can avoid these expenses and enjoy a comfortable, stress-free ride.
Group Transportation
Finally, a limo service CT to or from cruise terminals provides group transportation, which can be a cost-effective option for families or groups of friends traveling together. By traveling in a single vehicle, you can split the cost and save money compared to taking separate taxis or rideshares. Additionally, traveling together can reduce stress and ensure everyone arrives at the cruise terminals on time.
Enjoy the Luxury
People love limo services for many reasons, especially the luxury and comfort they provide. Riding in a limousine is a unique experience that many people associate with special occasions, events, airport transfers, and cruise terminal transfers. Who says you can’t travel in style? The limousines at Book N Ride Limo are often equipped with luxurious amenities such as leather seating, climate control, and entertainment systems. It can make the ride feel more enjoyable and relaxing for your cruise terminal pickup and drop-off on time. Additionally, people appreciate the convenience and safety that limo services offer.
Overall, limo services provide a luxurious and stress-free way to travel, making them a popular choice for those seeking to make their trip as enjoyable and memorable as possible. So if you are planning a cruise trip,  it is recommended booking Book N Ride Limo. They will surely make your trip enjoyable, stress-free & successful.
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airporttaxicabneedham · 3 months
Luxury and Convenience: NYC Airport Limo Services for Seamless Travel
NYC airport limo services and how they help make your luxurious travel.
For any transportation, within and around New York, with NYC Airport Limo you are assured of the most comfortable ride. No matter the terminal you arrive at, whether it is the JFK airport, LaGuardia, or Newark, booking a NYC Black Car Service guarantees a seamless transfer experience. Everyone would love to get off a long flight only to be met by a professional and smartly dressed driver waiting to drive you in an excellent car; maybe a black sleek limousine or a nice black town car. This level of service not only helps to drivers, save their time for evacuating passengers through crowded terminals but also contributes for guests to feel like they are in the calm and cheerful city.
Analyzing NYC Airport Limo Services When It Comes More to Reliability and Variety
nyc black car service are not only a company that offers car rental services for the well-off clientele but is also a company that is always ready to deliver when it is required. Since the various service types range from black sedans for businessmen and women to spacious, comfortable SUVs for family and friends, then these services meet different transportation requirements. Whether you are going for a business occasion in Manhattan or going for a casual event in Brooklyn, a NYC Airports Limo guarantees that a person gets to his or her destination as a respected mogul in style. Some of the benefits include; the ease to book and pay online, and having a competent chauffeur who will drive in the city roads thus making it a popular choice for the regular travelers as well as tourists.
Conclusion: So, why not select NYC Airport Limo to be your next transport provider whenever you need one?
In conclusion, for those who have no time and energy to discover the New York City and simply need a comfortable and trouble-free transfer from one place to another, nyc airports limo can be the best choice of transport. Situation whether you require an airport transfer or ground transportation refers to the NYC Black Car Service will warrant safe means of transport. NYC Airports Limo has set high standards in providing luxurious and professional limousine services to people in New York City and Beyond, try our services today.
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njlimonj · 6 months
Phone: (732) 930-5466
Address: Newark Liberty International Airport 3 Brewster Rd, Newark, NJ 07114
New Jersey Limousine Service by NJLIMO.CO is an Elite Limousine service based in the state of New Jersey. We provide Airport Transfers to Newark Airport, JFK Airport, LGA Airport, and PHL Airport to and from New York and New Jersey. We are an exclusive company for Wedding Limo Services, Prom Limo Services, Corporate Limo & Car Services that offers service to Cruise ports in NY and NJ such as Bayonne Cruise Port, Manhattan Cruise Port Terminal, and Brooklyn Wharf Cruise Terminal. Our prominent service is from Newark Airport to New York City, New York.
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monserrateoliverajrjr · 7 months
monserrate olivera jr
Bio for Monserrate Olivera, Jr.
Monserrate “Junior” Olivera was born in Brooklyn, New York on October 18, 1985 and raised in Glendale, New York. At the age of five, his mother passed away from a severe asthma attack resulting in a heart attack in Ponce, Puerto Rico where he and his sister were living. It was then that Monserrate, nicknamed Junior, moved back to Brooklyn, New York to live with his grandmother who raised both he and his sister Veronica. Money was always limited so Junior did whatever he could to help out. Between hard work and a natural proclivity for sports, Junior excelled at high school basketball and reached varsity status during his sophomore year.
At the age of 16, Junior worked as a group counselor at the Greater Ridgewood Youth Council (GRYC). One year later at the age of 17, he became a supervisor at the Council.
Junior did not come from privilege and was taught the value of hard work. After graduating from SUNY Delhi with a grade point average of 3.89, he secured an internship at a marketing company in Sacramento, California as an advertising analyst.
Having gained that experience, he returned to his hometown of New York nine months later where he took a position at the prestigious international law firm of Proskauer Rose, LLP. He performed his duties there as a records and conflicts analyst during his four year tenure.
Never forgetting where he came from, Junior demonstrated his appreciation for his grandmother and all the sacrifices she made for him and his sister by giving back to the geriatric community. For three consecutive summers he volunteered his time at his grandmother’s senior citizen center, comforting the elderly and spending quality time with them every Sunday from 8 a.m. to 12 p. m.
In 2009, Junior became part owner of a limousine business called Luxor Limo. Due to complications within the partnership, Junior stepped aside to pursue other interests.
Having had a taste of business ownership and realizing that he had a knack for it, Junior decided to further his education so that he could provide himself a more solid platform from which to launch future business endeavors. In 2010 he applied to and was accepted by Columbia University, graduating and receiving his Bachelor’s degree in May of 2013. While attending school, he worked (and continues to work) in the post-closing department of a distinguished real estate law firm located in midtown Manhattan. He has made himself an integral part of that firm, learning yet another phase of business in the hopes of realizing his goal of one day owning and operating a successful business of his own.
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stsvip · 1 year
Getting Around NYC: Discovering the Best Transportation Services
New York City, the "Big Apple," is a bustling metropolis known for its iconic landmarks, vibrant culture, and diverse neighborhoods. With a population that surpasses eight million and millions of tourists visiting each year, navigating through NYC can be both exhilarating and overwhelming. The city's transportation options are vast, ranging from subways and buses to taxis and rideshare services. In this guide, we will explore the best transportation services available in NYC, helping you discover the most convenient, efficient, and enjoyable ways to get around the city.
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The NYC Subway System:
The New York City subway system is the backbone of public transportation in the city. It is the largest and one of the oldest subway systems in the world, offering extensive coverage throughout the five boroughs. With numerous subway lines and stations, it provides a cost-effective way to travel between neighborhoods and major attractions. The subway runs 24/7, making it a convenient option for late-night outings or early morning commutes.
NYC Buses:
In addition to the subway, the NYC Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) operates an extensive network of buses. Buses serve areas not covered by subway lines, offering greater accessibility to various neighborhoods. While buses can be slower than subways due to traffic, they provide an opportunity to enjoy the city's sights at a more leisurely pace.
Iconic Yellow Taxis:
Yellow taxis are an iconic symbol of NYC and offer a quintessential New York experience. Hailing a yellow cab is relatively easy in most parts of Manhattan, and they are a convenient option for short trips within the borough. However, taxis can be subject to traffic congestion, which might result in higher fares during rush hours.
Rideshare Services:
Rideshare services, such as Uber and Lyft, have gained immense popularity in NYC due to their convenience and accessibility. Using a rideshare app, you can quickly request a car to pick you up from your location and drop you off at your desired destination. Rideshares offer a more personalized and comfortable experience, making them a popular choice for both locals and visitors.
Bike Sharing:
For eco-conscious travelers and fitness enthusiasts, bike sharing programs in NYC offer a fun and sustainable way to explore the city. Citi Bike, the city's bike-share program, provides access to thousands of bikes stationed at various docking stations across Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, and the Bronx. Biking in NYC allows you to experience the city up close and at your own pace.
Car Rentals:
If you prefer the independence of driving yourself, car rental services are available in NYC. However, it's important to note that driving in the city can be challenging due to traffic congestion and limited parking options. Car rentals are more suitable for day trips outside the city or for travelers planning to explore areas beyond public transportation routes.
Luxury Transportation:
For those seeking a premium and lavish travel experience, luxury Transportation service in New York offer a range of options, including luxury sedans, limousines, and private chauffeurs. Luxury transportation provides comfort, privacy, and a touch of sophistication, making it an excellent choice for special occasions, corporate events, or exploring the city in style.
Helicopter Tours:
For a truly unique and exhilarating experience, consider taking a helicopter tour of NYC. Several companies offer helicopter tours that provide breathtaking views of the city's iconic landmarks, such as the Statue of Liberty, Central Park, and the Empire State Building. Helicopter tours offer a bird's-eye perspective of NYC's majestic skyline and are perfect for capturing stunning photographs.
Navigating the bustling streets of New York City can be an adventure in itself, and the city's transportation services cater to a diverse range of preferences and needs. From the extensive subway system and iconic yellow taxis to rideshare services, bike sharing, and luxury transportation options, there is a mode of transportation to suit every traveler's style and budget.
For a comprehensive experience of NYC, a combination of transportation methods is recommended. Utilize the subway for efficient city-wide travel, hop in a yellow taxi for the quintessential New York experience, and explore neighborhoods on foot or via bike-sharing to immerse yourself in the city's vibrant culture. For special occasions or a touch of luxury, consider opting for premium transportation services.
As you embark on your journey through NYC, choose the transportation services that align with your preferences and allow you to make the most of your time in the "City That Never Sleeps." Whether you're a first-time visitor or a seasoned New Yorker, the variety of transportation options will undoubtedly enhance your experience of the city, making your stay in NYC even more memorable and enjoyable.
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nyclimocarservice · 1 year
Cheap Limo Service NYC for your Wedding
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Arrange for comfortable and luxury wedding transportation in NYC without ending your wedding budget. We provide the experienced and right chauffeurs, wedding vehicles, and the best customer service to maintain high excellence while saving money.
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If you fear that including a NYC limo or Black Car Service Brooklyn into your wedding is out of our budgetary confines, it’s not. The service has become more practical and affordable in recent years while quality companies have maintained the level of luxury that has made the service notable. Allow us to prove you wrong and provide a limousine for your wedding that is both affordable and high quality.
High End and Affordable Limo Prices
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Assuming that you can’t afford a high-end NYC Limo Rentalfor your wedding is a mistake. You’ll miss out on wedding worthy transportation. We have affordable rates while keeping high standards for every element of our service.
Wedding Worthy Chauffeured Service
Our chauffeurs are the best in the area. They know the area well, train comprehensively, and pass evaluations frequently. In addition, they prove themselves to have no issues with either drugs or criminality. You can rely on them to serve your wedding with an eye on the time, your experience, and safety as motivating factors. Whether you are marrying or require a NYC corporate car or Affordable Limo Rental NYC. We respect your plans and deliver professionally.
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Appropriate Vehicles
Regardless of the cost, you should expect luxury for your wedding. We supply fully worthy vehicles that are comprehensively insured, bonded, and licensed due to a stringent standard of checks, repairs, and cleaning. We only use newer vehicles, retiring others as they age. In addition, this entire fleet is worthy of any occasion, including your wedding, so when you book us, you can be sure that we’ll be ready for your service within a short period of time and in a manner worthy of the occasion.
Remarkable Customer Service
Finding a bargain shouldn’t be an indicator of poor customer service. While we offer reasonable prices, the customer service that we provide can be customized and is clear in the expectations and services provided. Because we strive to satisfy, we make our agents available for you at all times. Moreover, you can easily book via the Internet on any connected device, and we take no issue with limited notice. Expect fast billing and honoring of requests made. We endeavor to make your wedding fit your expectations. Call us Now at (917) 722-1119
Source: https://nyclimocarservice.blogspot.com/2023/06/cheap-limo-service-nyc-for-your-wedding.html
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Limo Service in Staten Island
Experience the epitome of luxury with our premier limo service in Staten Island. Whether it's your dream wedding or a special event, our professional chauffeurs and exquisite fleet of vehicles ensure an unforgettable journey. With our affordable rates and attention to detail, we offer the perfect blend of elegance and value. Book now and discover why we're the top choice for those seeking a cheap limo service near me. Legendary Limousines - Making your special moments extraordinary.
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nyc-car-service11 · 1 year
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nynjexpress · 1 year
NYC Limo Tours: The Best Way To Explore Hidden Gems Of New York City
New York City is one of the most interesting & energetic, vibrant & exciting cities in the world! While there are plenty of popular attractions and tourist destinations to check out, there are also many hidden gems that are off the beaten path. One of the best ways to experience it is by taking a limo tour.
Are you planning a trip to New York City? You might be wondering how to get the most out of your visit. Whether you're a first-time visitor or a seasoned New Yorker, a limo tour can give you a unique perspective on the city and show you some of its most iconic landmarks.
Take the tour of the next level 
One of the best ways to discover these hidden gems is by taking a private limo tour. In this blog post, we'll explore why a private limo tour is the best way to explore the hidden gems of New York City. One of the main advantages of taking a limo tour is that you get to see the city in style, comfort, and luxury. The personalized itinerary, knowledgeable guides, and luxurious vehicles ensure you have a limo tour of the next level.
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Easy navigation
Not to worry the limousine is a luxurious and comfortable way to travel, and it can make your tour feel like a special occasion. You can sit back and relax while your driver takes you to some of the city's most famous sights, and you can enjoy the view without having to navigate the crowded streets or worry about finding parking.
Discover hidden gems 
NYC limo tours let you enjoy a highly personalized travel experience. You can work with your tour company to create an itinerary that suits your interests and preferences. Whether you visit famous landmarks, explore trendy neighborhoods, or discover hidden gems that only locals know about.
You can also choose the NYC limo tours irrespective of the length of your tour. It means a quick trip around midtown or a full-day adventure that takes you to explore the prominent attractions in the city. When it comes to the sights you can see on a limo tour, the possibilities are almost endless. Some of the most popular landmarks to visit include the Empire State Building, the Statue of Liberty, Central Park, and the Brooklyn Bridge. You can also explore some of the city's famous neighborhoods, like Times Square, the West Village, or Soho, or visit some of the city's many museums, like the Museum of Modern Art or the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
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Know the history and culture of the city
 One of the best things about an NYC limo tour is that you can learn about the history and culture of the city as you go. Many limousine operators offer knowledgeable guides who can give you an insider's perspective on the landmarks you visit and the neighborhoods you explore. You can learn about the architecture of famous buildings, the stories behind famous landmarks, and the cultural significance of different neighborhoods.
Useful to celebrate special occasions
An NYC limo tour can be a great way to celebrate a special occasion or create a memorable experience. Whether you're celebrating a birthday, an anniversary, or a graduation, a limo tour can make your day feel extra special. You can also add extra features, like champagne or flowers, to make your tour even more memorable.
If you're looking for a unique and exciting way to explore New York City, an NYC limo tour is definitely worth considering. Do you want to make your travel experience in New York City worth talking about? Call NY NJ Express for an affordable NYC limo tour. Whether you're a first-time visitor or a resident, or an avid traveler an NYC limo tour can show you the city in a whole new way and create memories that will last a lifetime.
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Empire CLS- 700 million dollar company, how did they enter the limo business?
Empire CLS today is a limo company headquartered in New Jersey under the holding company GTS Holdings Inc. GTS Holdings was created in February 2005, when equity investment partners purchased CLS Transportation and merged Empire Transport services under  a single company Empire CLS.
The term CLS was attached to Empire, creating Empire CLS to safeguard the CLS brand name. The CLS brand name was reputable brand among Hollywood, 5-star properties and private chartered centers, brokers, FBO’s and affluent corporate executives. Charlie Horky started CLS back in 1981 with a single black stretch limousine in Beverly Hills Hollywood. Charles grew the modern-day Empire CLS from transporting Quincy Jones, Michael Jackson, and the entire Hollywood entourage. Even throughout the 1990’s CLS aka Empire CLS continued to grow themselves into newer cities.
                Charlie Horky opened a branch in San Francisco, CLS branch in Brooklyn New York, a CLS branch office in Vail Colorado. Mr. Horky was savy businessman, entrepreneur and a charming salesman who even opened up an office in Las Vegas Nevada. The CLS brand truly became an empire under Charlie Horky, so big that managing it all became a challenge to personal life and liberty. CLS used to subcontract trips out trip to Empire Transport services in New Jersey. Empire was founded by David Seelinger around the early 1980’s. Slowly, the idea came to surface about merging CLS with Empire, and yet Charlie would still operate his Las Vegas Branch independently.
                Mr. David Seelinger managed the Empire CLS brands well, so the board decided to keep him running the Empire CLS brand in New Jersey and Los Angeles. Empire CLS continued to grow with new technology, new travel agencies and a new booking platform known as Be Transported. Be Transported was a booking reservation management system created under David Seelinger exclusively for Empire CLS. Even with the Corona Virus lockdown, David Seelinger implemented plans to survive the industry.
                In 2023, Praesidian Capital has invested 10 million of senior secured debt into Empire CLS. Praesidian Capital. This investment allowed Empire CLS to add newer vehicles, upgraded buildings, and remarket itself into newer opportunities as group and bus travel networks.
                Charlie Horky closed Las Vegas CLS due to some financial hardships. However Charlie Horky has married, and lives a healthy stressless life. Charlie Horky operates a limo service known as SLADE.
                The legendary Empire CLS built by the legendary Charlie Horky and continued growth with David Seelinger.
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nyccarserice · 2 years
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nynjlimousinetour · 2 years
NY NY Limousine NY party bus rental NY Corporate Limo NY car service
If you are finding the best services for Limo Party Bus Rental NY look no further than NY NJ Limousine. As a local New Jersey limo company for hire, we pride ourselves on providing dependable service and affordable prices to clients in Essex County and the surrounding areas. We offer home pickup from large parties and airport rides from Newark International Airport, JFK International Airport, and LaGuardia Airport. Our fleet of 22 Lincoln stretch limousines, white Lincoln town cars and SUV limos will ride comfortably as your personal driver. We have also provided transportation for corporate meetings, special occasions like proms, sporting events and college tours. In addition to our luxury limousines we have extended our fleet by adding stretch SUV party buses and specialty vehicles. Our variety of party buses is available to rent in NYC which is a full service party bus rental company servicing Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens and the Bronx.
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NY NJ Limousine is well-known limo Rental Company, dedicated to offering affordable limo services such as Pink Limo, Cheap Party Bus, Kids Party Bus and Limo Party Bus Rental in NY and NJ. We are also known for our exceptional service and great prices! Let us cater your next event!
We offer a large selection of Party Buses, Limos and Wedding Vans in New Jersey: NJ Limousine is well-known limo Rental Company, dedicated to offering affordable limo services such as Pink Limo, Cheap Party Bus, Kids Party Bus, and Limo Party Bus Rental in NY and NJ.
NY NJ Limousine is a group of professional drivers dedicated to offering affordable limo services. Our drivers are well-trained, courteous and professional, and we have a fleet of modern vehicles to meet your needs. We offer a variety of party bus rental options for all types of events, including Pink Party Bus, Cheap Party Bus and Kids Party Bus. Whether you are hosting a business meeting in New York or family outing in New Jersey, our reliable transportation service is always ready to help you make memories!
Limo Party Bus Rental NY is a leading party bus rental company with a fleet of luxury party buses, limos and mini buses in the New York City area. We provide our residents with an outstanding “Customer Service” at competitive prices.
You can visit our website https://www.nynjlimousine.com/ or contact us at 888-512-5660
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bestlimo · 2 years
Limo Rental Bronx
Limo Rental NYC
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Limo Rental NYC support IN NYC Ride Luxuriously gone the Most Affordable Limo support in NYC Buying a limousine involves spending thousands of bucks. The keep is high, and although it is an ideal car to do its stuff off, the total cost is approaching worrying for many. However, that shouldnt dent the purpose of a person whos hoping to ride in a limo one day. Furthermore, thanks to companies providing affordable limo support in NYC such as NYC Van & Limo, people can now fulfill that purpose without spending a fortune. People may look various limos traversing the streets of NYC, but what they dont know is many of them are manageable to rent. These companies are making dreams arrive legal for many. It is a cost-effective artifice to experience what riding in one of the most luxurious cars in the world feels like. rent a limo bronx limo rental brooklyn limo service in queens limousine services in long island https://caraccidentlawyerphiladelphiapa.blogspot.com/ https://caraccidentlawyerphiladelphiapa.blogspot.com/2022/11/car-accident-lawyer-philadelphia-pa.html https://philadelphiapalawyer.tumblr.com/ https://philadelphiapalawyer.tumblr.com/rss https://persianrugrepairwarnersprings722.blogspot.com/2022/11/persian-rug-repair-warner-springs_0712284206.html
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fatpiner · 2 years
Crank yankers record store
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#Crank yankers record store mod#
#Crank yankers record store professional#
#Crank yankers record store tv#
One oddity at the show - the guys did not sing their current single, "Hot 2 Nite." The group was also given a New York City Proclamation from Brooklyn city council member Yvette Clarke for their years of performing. Telephone Man," "Poison," "Sensitivity" and "My, My, My" as part of the Dr. For a solid hour, Ronnie, Ricky, Ralph, Mike and Johnny performed nothing but hits from their catalog, including "Popcorn Love," "Cool It Now," "Mr. That scenario came to pass Tuesday night in Brooklyn, New York, as New Edition finished their set at Wingate Park and tried to make an exit. There's nothing like seeing 10 35-year-old women chasing a limousine. Nick Cannon and Xzibit are among the stars who will hoop it up. Located at 5/851 Albany Highway East Vic Park & 769 Beaufort St Mount Lawley(inside Local & Aesthetic). Center Studios and a celebrity b-ball game on August 1 at the Forum. Vinyl records, cassettes, hifi and accessories. The two-day gala will feature New Edition and Carl Thomas performing on July 31 at the L.A. We do our best to fulfill orders as quickly as we can.Hall of Fame-point-guard-turned-business-renaissance-man Magic Johnson has lined up the celebrities to join him at his annual charity event, A Midsummer Night's Magic.
#Crank yankers record store mod#
For MOD requests, processing time could be up to 1 week on average. Our processing time is 1-2 days for in-stock items for domestic orders. The price of the items would only cover the operational / raw material / shipping costs and would be sold for personal use only. We would not make any profit out of such sale. Many DVD stores now offer MOD service, and so do we to keep a competitive edge. Should an item be unavailable, we would inform you if it was possible to provide an on-Demand DVD-R version of the requested item, but we offer no guarantees. Please read our notice and takedown policy by clicking here.
#Crank yankers record store professional#
Notice and Takedown policyĪs a professional and reputable online store, DVD Planet Store is fully committed to the twin issues of copyright and trademarks. Our representative will get in touch with the customer with the availability of the items when an order is placed. Since, we do not take payments online at this time, there is 0% risk in placing order for movies you like on our website.
#Crank yankers record store tv#
Our aim is to build a comprehensive listing of movies and TV shows available to date. The items that are not released yet, or not out on DVD / Blu-ray are indeed unavailable, and that is what we would tell our customers if the requests ever come in. Our catalog is built as a reference for our customers, while we do our best to sync our in-stock items on our website. Please note that a product being listed on our website does not necessarily mean it is in stock and readily available for order. Included: the rapper calls the head of his record label wanting to change his name to. Origin Countries: United States of America Find out where to watch Crank Yankers from Season 3 at TV Guide. Production Companies: Jackhole Industries The show screened in Australia on SBS Television and The Comedy Channel between 20.Ĭreated by: Daniel Kellison, Jimmy Kimmel, Adam Carolla The show premiered in 2002 on Comedy Central and returned to MTV2 on February 9, 2007, running again until March 30, 2007. Crank Yankers is an American television show produced by Adam Carolla, Jimmy Kimmel and Daniel Kellison that featured actual crank calls made by show regulars and celebrity guests, and re-enacted onscreen by puppets for a visual aid to show the viewer what is happening in the call.
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