unhonestlymirror · 5 months
What I love about Lithuania is that they make anyone feel like a part of the community, you don't feel like an outcast here.
It is even in the Lithuanian language. Not sure, but it seems like all the other countries call Jews just Jews, even Ukraine, and only Lithuania calls them Litvaki. "Lithuanian Jews". Not just the Jews but Lithuanian, they are part of our society, and they have the same rights and the same recognition as all the other Lithuanians. Same with Lipka Tatars - not just some random Tatars who happened to be here, not just the minority but the part of the community.
In conclusion, I love Lithuania
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unhonestlymirror · 4 months
Vatņiki of the week
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1. Nothing else to expect from a guy called "kalashnikovlobotomy". 🤣 Ukraine never was russia's sister, and thankfully, never will. Drawing this while russia rapes and murders little girls and boys in Ukraine?? Tankies, tankies everywhere, Woody. Also, lmao, implying that crying is shameful for men because that's a "feminine" trait? Op, what country are you from?
2. "Scared of russia"? Op should make an experiment: go to Latvia and show this to Latvians. Try to guess how much time it will take to be absolutely beaten by Latvians and then deported to Belarus? Also, wrong flag, this is not the Latvijas Sarkanais, this is freaking Austria.
3. "rusliet"? In 2024?🤪🤪🤪 About 1800s: Catherine the Second was an extremely antisemitic lady... and also, a German. :D Who not only started the politics of total russification of Lithuania, Belarus and Ukraine but also deported Jews from villages to cities, forced them to take russian-like surnames, obliged them to live exclusively in cities exclusively on the territory of the former Grand Duchy of Lithuania... and was also responsible for pogroms organisations IN THE CITIES, like in Odesa in 1821, 1849, 1859, etc, etc. Lithuania wasn't an exception. The incidence of pogroms in former GDL has increased 100 times under russian empire. Catherine II imposed all sorts of bans and restrictions on trade on Jews. Such politics made the living for Jews on Jewish land practically impossible, thus making them move to russia when the "Sedentary band" was cancelled. In russia, however, life wasn't good either, so many Litvaki fled to Palestine or America or France, etc. Catherine ll wrote: "In Belorussia, everything is teeming with Jews." Catherine ll also claimed the very same Odesa in which she actively financed antisemitism to be built by Catherine ll the Great. Although Odesa was built under Vytautas rule.
This is how Lithuania and Belarus, Jewish countries with Hebrew and Yiddish as national languages, ended up being "russian/post-russian/soviet".
In dark green, there is the territory of the "Sedentary band" imposed by Catherine ll on Jews.
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Both for the artist and the op who commissioned: the first best time to stop being antisemitic rashists was when you made your first posts on Tumblr. The second best time is now.
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