#Loboto family au
idioticsky · 11 months
Hehehe! Another night without sleep but another story to write! (even tho it's not night-) here you go @doodle17
It had been weeks since Oleander came with his question, but Loboto couldn't get his mind off it, no matter how hard he tried. It stuck in his brain like an infection, spreading to all parts of his mind. What would Raz think if he knew? He can't know.
"Out of all the places for psychic brain farming, why did it have to be the summer camp?.." Cal thought to himself while looking over the plains Coach drew up.
"Hey papa!" Razputin said while running over to give his father a hug. "What ya up to?"
"O-Oh!" Cal scrambled to hide the plain from his son's sight, he also tried his best not to think about it either so he couldn't read his mind. "Just some work plains! I was trying to find another treatment for Gloria, but you know how hard it can be. Anyways, enough about that, what have I told you about sneaking away from camp at night?" Cal glared at his son, trying to change the subject.
"To not do it unless it's an emergency I know I know, but this time I really do have a problem!"
"Which is?"
"I can't sleep." Raz said with a smile, which his father couldn't help but return.
"What are we going to do with your Razputin?" Cal asked his son.
"Love your son." He replied.
Cal let out a small laugh before taking Raz to bed, then handing him over to the lung fish to take him back to his cabin.
Later that night, Loboto went to talk with Oleander. He knew he had to turn down working for him, for not only his son's but all the campers safety.
"Loboto, so nice to see you. How do the plains look?" Oleander said while pouring a small shot of whiskey.
"The plains look fine, while I'm more worried about at the current moment is how you got alcohol in a summer camp." Cal said, turning down a shot.
"Eh, when you work here, you know how to sneak a few things in."
"Whatever, I came to tell you that I can't do this! All this is cruel to the children, and as a father myself I can't be!-" Loboto was quickly cut off.
"Listen Cal, I get that you don't want to do this. But think of all the good it can do at the same time, we can wipe out those who think psychics should be 'fixed' in one way or another. You won't have to worry about the danger that they could bring to, oh what was his name again? Gaz?"
"Raz.." Cal corrected, intrigued by what the coach had to say.
"Right right, but Raz could be safe from people like them, you wouldn't have to home school him out of worry that something might happen, you wouldn't have to worry about exposing him to the world because of people like them. We can get rid of them all, how does that sound?" Oleander said, taking a sip of his shot while looking up at Loboto.
Could this be real, could they really do it? If they did, then Raz could see everything he ever wanted. He could be free from staying at home or camp all day and night. He could be happy.
".. ok, fine, I'll do your plan Oleander, but keep my son's brain out of it."
"Fine by me Cal, you got yourself a deal." Oleander said with a smirk. "You should head back, it's late and we have work to start tomorrow."
The summer was almost over, only two more days of camp, everything was going along fine now. The tanks powered by brains, great. Cal making sure his son never found out, also great. Now, how to get the brains without harming the kids.
"Oh no-" Cal thought. "This will be harder than I thought-" Cal sighed while trying to figure out how to do things. Then it hit him, an idea that made his stomach tie itself into a knot. What if he got Raz involved? He hated this idea from the bottom of his heart, but with so little time, he might just have to. But just in that moment, Raz showed up.
"Hi papa! Ready for a fun day of tag and hide and seek before camp is over?" The child looked up at his dad with stars in his eyes.
You see, today was a day where some kids had to head home early, so there was going to be a full day of games for the kids and parents to enjoy. But in the downside, if Oleander and Loboto wanted a decent amount of brains, they had to stike today.
"Yeah, yeah of course. But Razputin, I want to talk with you about something before we start." Cal met his son's gaze, the guilt of what he was about to ask hitting him like a truck.
"Yeah papa?"
Cal took a deep breath. "Razputin, you know I would never do something with the intention to hurt you, or anyone I care about for that matter.."
"So you'll understand why I need to ask you this.."
"I'm starting to lose the point here.-"
"I need you to help lure the other children into traps to steal their brains to put into tanks that will help make the world safer for you by getting rid of all the anti-psychic people out there!" Cal explained with lighting speed, then taking a moment to catch his breath. "That was a lot to say." Cal looked back at Raz, who had a look of horror and disgust on his face.
"Papa, I love you and everything, but what the actual fuck?!" Raz snapped.
"Raz I!-"
"No! No no no no no! I can't do that! They're my friends! The only ones I've made out of thorny towers and most likely the only ones I'll have since I can't got out into the real world! I won't hurt them like this!" Raz yelled, angry tears starting to form in his eyes.
"But Razputin! Think about all the good it could do! If this works, then we can make it so you can go out into the real world! You can make more friends then you ever would here!" Cal snapped back, his patience wearing thin.
"No! I won't do this for you! Even if what you're saying is true, this is just cruel!" Raz yelled back, the tears that had formed in his eyes just a moment ago starting to fall to the ground as he stared at his dad.
"RAZPUTIN LOBOTO! AS YOUR FATHER I COMMAND YOU TO WORK FOR ME!" Cal yelled, not wanting to let these words slip out, but they had.
His son looked at him with a face full of shock, no glaring, no nothing. He just.. looked at his dad, he never knew he could get that mad. Guess that was mixed in with the mad scientist gig he was in for awhile. Once Cal realized what he had done, the guilty feeling he had just a moment ago resurfaced.
"Raz.. I-I'm so-"
"Save it.. I get that your work is more important than me being happy right now" Raz said, looking down at the ground before running off into the words.
"Razputin!.." Cal called out, which Raz ignored.
"Raz! Razputin where are you?!" Cal called out, trying to find his son anywhere.
It had been hours since Raz ran off, the sun was setting and kids were heading home except for a few. All the games have been packed up and put away, and things were starting to close down at the camp.
Cal walked through the forest, pushing a few branches out of his way before coming to a clearing with a river. Odd. Where has he seen this before. No time to question that though, because where was Raz, sitting right next to that river of course.
"Raz!" Cal ran over and bent down next to his son, starting to examine him to see if he was hurt. "Are you alright?! No cuts no blood?!"
Raz stayed silent, but he nodded as a response.
"Listen Raz, I'm sorry.. I'm so so sorry for what I said, for what I tried to do.. I just wanted the world to be safe for you, for you to be welcomed into society instead of being cast out from it like I was.."
Raz looked up at his father, willing to listen to him talk, but won't say anything in return.
Cal took a good look around before he began to speak. ".. You know, I never told you how I found you, but I think you're old enough to know now..
"I was walking out here one night, trying to find a new test subject for something, I can't remember what anymore. When I heard you crying. I followed the sound for a long as I could, but in the end, I wound up here. And I saw you in the water that's right in front your eyes, Razputin."
"Really?.." Raz said quietly, almost to the point where you couldn't hear him at all. But Cal did, and he nodded.
"From that point on, you were Razputin Loboto, my one and only child. The one person I love more than anything else.."
"Well if you cared that mush why try to put my friends in death machines?.." Raz groaned.
"I never wanted to Razputin, I wanted to refuse but Oleander got into my head and-"
"Wait, Coach Oleander was behind all of this?" Raz looked at his dad, confused and a little angry. His dad nodded to answer his question.
Raz grabbed his father's had and started to try and drag him. "We need to tell Sasha and Milla!"
Cal didn't want to get the Psychonauts involved but that what's going to happen now, so he followed his son all the way to the two agents, where they explained everything.
Oleander was caught and was going to be released from his job at the Psychonauts but Cal knew he could change, so hee tried to reason with the agents. And to his delight, it worked. Oleander was going to be suspended from his position for a while, but he wasn't going to lose it for good. Although he did need to do some therapy or something to change his ways.
Once that was all said and done, Raz hugged his dad.
"Sorry for running off Papa.." he said, not bothering to look up at his dad, who smiled while hugging back.
"I'm sorry for going along with Oleander's plan for so long.."
"Yeah you really screwed up there." Raz said with a little laugh.
"I really did." Cal laughed a bit with his son.
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doodle17 · 1 year
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Some Lobotomy Family doodles I made while working on the comic
Baby Raz my beloved
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psitaniumpsichosis · 3 months
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"Not even a little bit tired..."
I tried to digitalize this but my stylus was being weird and gave me a weird sensory overload, so y'all are just getting the sketch for now.
Aquatonauts AU stuff -- I have yet to actually post anything about this au. (Spoilers for PSYN 2 toward the bottom)
Featuring Dr. Caligosto Loboto, Coach Morceau Oleander, Bobby Loboto-Zilch, Mr. Bun, and Linda.
They're not officially together, and will never openly admit they're basically married, but it's painfully obvious, especially when Bobby calls Oleander 'Dad'.
I'll digitalize this eventually, when I can mentally handle this stylus sticking to the screen lol--
As usual, feel free to send asks about this au. There's a metric ton of lore already, but I'll write a few basics--
- Caligosto had decent parents and grew up as Otto's student. He's been best friends with Oleander since they were 18, they're both 52 now
- The Deluge was 30 years ago in this timeline
- Augustus' parents were saved by Cal, and he grew up as Compton and Caligosto's student. He is now one of the heads of the Psychonauts, under Truman but above Hollis. The whole Aquato family lives in the Motherlobe, and always has-- they're very in tune with their psychic heritage.
- Bobby is a nerd and a mad scientist, grew up best friends with Raz and Lili.
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ultimateempath · 10 months
part 1
9. Loboto does not assist Oleander with the brain tank plan (Crispin takes his place at thorny towers and Sheegor takes his place in the Zanotto kidnapping), he is instead the one member of camp staff besides cruller to stay behind & watch the kids. He's also disgusted with Oleanders actions and briefly considered drowning him.
10. Loboto is very distrusting and cautious towards Razputins family at first due to how raz talked about them and the curse at camp. He warms up to them once he's certain they're not abusive in any way.
11. His childhood lobotomy failed because the intense fear he felt unlocked new psychic abilities and he nearly put the hospital underwater in his panic. This caught the psychonauts' attention, Otto was sent to retrieve him, and Loboto was raised in the motherlobe from that day on. (This was post-maligula & when construction of the motherlobe had just been completed.)
12. has a degree in marine biology and info dumps about fish whenever an opportunity presents itself.
13. Loves horror & romcom movies, but also enjoys sci-fi thanks to Sasha
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anonymouspuzzler · 2 years
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here's that other AU I've put way more into - the "Uncle Cally AU", where Cal was instead taken in by one Aquato Family Circus! This one is admittedly the brainchild of @friendlyfrankenstein, I just happened to take the ball and run... and run... and run.......
don't think this doodle dump is the start and end, though! There's a lot more coming up in the queue soon...
(alt text/image IDs under the cut!)
[Image 1 ID: A character design sheet for "Caligosto Aquato", an alternate version of Loboto who joined the Loboto Family Circus. He is wearing goggles similar to Raz's and has a full head of hair, with shaggy bangs and a light green kerchief patterned with yellow flowers. He has on a high-collared shawl cape with several safety pins and patches, over a navy-blue and white-striped Aquato family unitard and brown, puffy short-shorts with a deep red cummerbund. There are two patches on the torso of his unitard. His right arm has an elbow-length brown sleeve on his forearm with several patches and safety pins, while the left hand just has a red band around his wrist. He is wearing navy blue fingerless gloves on both hands, as well as knee-high, laced navy blue boots. There is a small knee guard on his left knee, while his left thing has a scrap of fabric tied around it, the same color and pattern as his kerchief. A detail shot shows him pushing up his goggles, revealing his green-and-red heterochromia and dark circles around his eyes. Off to the side is a design for his "Doctor Loboto" guise, wearing a simple surgical mask that covers his face, his canon-compliant shower cap, an oversized powder-blue button up, a apron over that with complex buckles in the back similar to canon, greenish surgical gloves, and the same blue boots as his "circus" design.]
[Image 2 ID: A rough sketch design for Cally's caravan. It is shaped like a carriage, with a swooped roof with a decorated lantern hanging off of it. There is a big window in the back, posters taped to the sides, and a hatch on the roof on the other side through which Cally is peeking out. There is an accordion-shaped, slightly curving tower emerging from the curved part of the roof, with a pipe weaving through and emitting a small cloud of smoke where it ends. The top of the "tower" has another, smaller window, in which Raz can be seen reading a comic and peeking outside. There is another, smaller lantern dangling from the tower, as well as what looks like a radio antennae at the very top.]
[Image 3 ID: A traditional ink doodle-page with various sketches of Loboto and other Psychonauts characters. At the center is a drawing of Uncle Cally and Augustus standing side by side. Cally is wearing large earrings and a shawl with a hood, a puffy-sleeved blouse, fabric tied around his waist like a skirt, and his usual striped tights and heeled boots. Augustus has a shawl wrapped around his neck and shoulders like a scarf, is wearing a baggy shirt with large, dangling sleeves, has a sash tied around his waist like a belt, and has his usual shorts, striped tights and boots.]
[Image 4-5 IDs: Various rough gestural sketches of Cally doing stretches, contortions and circus tricks. The first image is done digitally, while the second is traditional pen on a lavender post-it note. In one of the digital poses, a sketchy Raz can be seen balancing on top of one of Cally's feet.]
[Image 6 ID: A single-panel comic of a younger Cally and Augustus stretching. Cally is leaning against a wall with one hand, grabbing the ankle of his bent leg with the other, grinning and saying, "So is 'mooning over letters from Donatella' going in the act or something". Augustus, next to him in a deep lunge, holding a paper in one hand, blushing and glaring, retorts "Don't get on my case just because *you* don't like girls." Cally replies in turn, "You're just jealous the new strongman asked me out first".]
[Image 7 ID: A sketchy five-panel comic of Cally and the Aquato kids. In the first panel, Cally is squatting to secure a pulley on the ground, looking over at a young Raz in his circus outfit, who is staring at him. In the second, Mirtala runs by as he picks up his tools, tripping on a rock, causing a frantic Cally to catch her with a telekinetic hand; while he does, Raz is tugging on his arm, trying to get his attention. In the next panel he is bent over to pick up Mirtala, providing an opening for Frazie to spring up onto his shoulders, while Raz hangs around his legs yelling. In the next panel, Frazie is hanging off his back, sticking her tongue out at Raz, who climbs up Cally's leg pointing and shouting at Frazie, all while Mirtala fidgets in Cally's hold and Dion, shouting and holding a crying baby Queepie at arm's length, appears to the side. Cally, looking overwhelmed, screams "AUGUSTUS". The final panel shows Cally handing Mirtala over to an exhausted-looking Donatella, shouting "STOP HAVING KIDS". Augustus, standing next to Donna holding a sleeping Queepie in his arms, grins cheekily and retorts "But they're just so much fun to make".]
[Image 8 ID: A single-panel comic of Donatella and Cally. Cally is grinning, holding a terrified child upside-down by the ankles, using telekinesis to hold his arms and head in place, money falling to the ground out of his pockets. Donatella is in front of the kid, pointing and shouting, "YOU TRY TO SNEAK IN FREE, LITTLE PUNK?? THINK IT'S FUNNY DESTROYING SMALL FAMILY CIRCUS?! THAT YOU WILL ESCAPE CONSEQUENCES??" Augustus, in the background, looks on in horror.]
[Image 9 ID: Cally in the far foreground, motion-blurred and looking utterly terrified, running from Donatella in the background, who has skidded into frame in a wide stance, eyes glowing red.]
[Image 10-12 IDs: A three-panel comic of Cally, Oleander, and the Aquatos. Cally and Oleander are sitting side-by-side on a log, working on a rope-and-pulley system. Mirtala and Frazie walk in from the right side of the screen, Mirtala looking delighted and shouting, "It's Uncle Oly!! Uncle Oly's visiting!!" Oleander looks mildly surprised, while Cally looks extremely flustered. In the next panel, he catches Mirtala by the head with one hand, saying, "Woah woah *woah*-- Tala. Who told you to call him that??" Frazie, walking past behind him with a smug grin, responds, "Mom said we might as well get used to saying it sooner rather than later." In the last panel, a blushing and furious Cally says "Did she now," as he whirls around to look at Donatella, who looks incredibly smug as she stands with Queepie dangling from her hands by his arms. Off to the side, Oleander looks down in flustered confusion as Mirtala holds her arms up and shouts "UNCLE OLY UNCLE OLY WATCH MY NEW TRICK".]
[Image 13 ID: A drawing of Raz, Augustus, and Cally in the postgame of Psychonauts 2, at the cliff by the falls. Augustus is standing, staring out at the falls, with a hand on the back of Raz at his left, staring slightly up at him, and Cally to his right, sitting with his legs crossed, one arm propping him up, and the other up around his brother's back.]
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t3ddysramblings · 1 year
Do you think Cal would think of Raz as a "good patient"?
at first? definitely not
in canon, after psychonauts ROR/PSY2, probably!! i dont think there would be any hard feelings among the two, i think cal might be thankful to raz. he becomes his silly wacky uncle.
in my au, definitely, once his compass is back he welcomes raz into his mind whenever he likes! in my hypothetical PSY3 theres a small brief between venus’s intro and the end of the game, so raz runs into loboto somewhere in the woods near whispering rock camp and lets him into his mind to see if he can help him reconnect with his family
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causticbicaudate · 2 years
really loved your psychonauts drawings, loboto is my underrated nightmare child and i wanna be his friend
also, what's fragment? is it a comic or a story, or is it just the doodles you have?
Loboto is a chaotic bastard man dentist but he deserves so much better and I have SO many feelings about him.
And then Raz is so smol but he’s got a heart bigger than his already gargantuan head and he just wants to help people and he’s so good. ;__; Fragment is just a concept/story idea that spawned from my crazy little brain spring-boarding directly off of the events leading up from the first PN game, though RoR, and through the conclusion of PN2. It’s not an AU because the canon lore is entirely left alone and I’m just using everything we already know from the series and building on that. The story centralizes around Raz and Loboto unwittingly exploring their parallels, airing out old wounds, and setting Loboto on the path for actual healing. And also so Loboto can finally make a real friend for once. Which also, by extension, means that Raz can also make a real friend for once.
Lord knows that little boy is lonely enough from having to deal with never staying in one place for long and also having to dodge his family on the whole psychic business for most of his life thus far. He puts up with a lot of shit seemingly in hopes that he can forge good relationships with others even if he’s very frequently treated like dirt. And, considering how RoR went with rummaging around in Loboto’s head and making him relive his earliest and most traumatizing repressed memories, there’s a lot to extrapolate on and boy do I love picking things apart and analyzing them. The character evolution is my favorite part of it all, though. I’ve got a bunch of concept art sketches/renders that I’m still churning out little by little as I slowly explore some of the world building and ideas I have, I’ve drawn several related minicomics, and I also fully intend on making a feature-length, multi-chapter fic for it, too, so everyone can suffer and cheer with me if they choose. It’s just a fun little project where I can inflict massive amounts of torment damage on myself and my friends and whoever else is unfortunate enough to look at my eye crimes. C:
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nohmercy · 8 months
some concepts I had for tf2 psychonauts au in 2018 that I still remember:
i addressed it 100% as a game concept and not a fanon thing and tried to approach it as I thought a game dev would
the main character was scout, and the plot involved him learning that he had a psychic father who disappeared and he had to hunt him down to kick his ass for abandoning Ma, but finding a ton of interesting characters and uncovering a rapidly unraveling wacky plot about two rich brothers that were experimenting on people in the desert
the first character we meet is Medic, and he was the last person anyone knew that saw Spy. he's a red herring in multiple ways, because you think he's menacing and weird enough to be responsible for Spy's disappearance, and later on, he fits very well into the role of the guy making people into psychic atrocities. but he's innocent both times, he just does normal atrocities. usually involving baboon organs. you come back later to see inside his head and it's a spiralling, confusing obstacle course utilizing ur only 2 current abilities (super jump + blast). it ends when he realizes you're in there and throws you into a giant birdcage dangling over an abyss and tries to give you a medical exam. you fight his second opinion-esque internal self and help him with his fear of death and loneliness
the second is heavy, who tries to knock your block off for messing around in medics head. but you tell him about medics thing for him and he softens up. he lets you in his brain to help him remember what happened to spy. it's a Siberian themed level with a wild animal theme, but with nods to heavy's intellectual side and love for his family. the boss fight is his idealized version of his father, who, upon defeat, tells him that he doesn't always have to be strong for others. you also get enough hints about spy to move on to Engineer
engineers level is a cyber western themed level that utilizes telekinesis, and you learn to lasso things to swing and pull enemies towards you. the boss is a nod to psn1 with a mechanical bullfight, and littered throughout is references to his daunting patrilineal history. he's definitely from a long line of psychonauts
pyros next, with a pyroland themed inner mind singed at the edges. I haven't thought much in this one but it's definitely where you learn pyrokinesis right? maybe some nods to gender nonconformity and identity but you probably get tugged out before a grand discovery
at this point you've learned enough to know it's the Mann Brothers, and Grey Mann has made his appearance and convinced you of how to stop them. he teaches you the mind reading ability probably. id like to think he's the loboto ish figure instead of medic and hes played more sympathetically
demo is probably the prettiest but saddest level. with a theme based on cryptids and mythos and being a psionic warrior. it's also very silly I think but the man has serious mom issues. this whole game is parent problems 101. but! he knows where spy is!
sniper is a hard guy to find and even harder to figure out. you don't get to be in his mind for very long before he kicks you out, but it looked rather lonely and a bit paranoid. he seems pissed off that you only came to find spy, who he's sure betrayed everyone and took off somewhere. last he saw....
soldiers mind is a mess. enigmatic and paranoid, with cartoonish ideas of patriotism and the military. a bit like oleanders, but more wacky. he doesn't remember who he is, and only knows how to follow orders. and he was told to not talk about the Mann Brothers... I think this lvl is about reconnecting him w his past + identity, and ensuring him that he's not alone in his war
when you find spy, you discover he's been irreversibly experimented on and struggles to control his illusory abilities. he mourns having missed your life due to his fear of commitment, knowing it's too late and that he's too far gone to return to normal society. he teaches you invisibility, and you take on the Manns and their army of psychic thralls to avenge him and end up inside his mind
his mind is a nod to noir films, with a jazzy mysterious soundtrack and an intense art style shift. you hunt down a criminal to save a woman, only to discover it's spy himself. the theme is based around self, love, and the fear of your job ruining your life. he fights you as an invisible-man style villain, and upon defeat, he helps you detain the Mann Brothers and reveals that he is a psychonaut spy.
I have more ideas probably but it's way less fun to read then than see them
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honestmagpie · 1 year
I tried for like, an HOUR to find who it was who has the 'Caligosto Aquato' AU where Loboto is part of the Aquato family circus from the start, because I had a THOUGHT I wanted to send them, and I CANNOT FIND a post related to it. =A=
So if you follow me or see this somehow, HMU and hopefully I'll remember whatever tf it was.
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erigold13261 · 1 year
though, now that i'm thinking about it, an au where it's mirtala and/or queepie who runs away to camp whispering rock could be fun...
if you later open your inbox to find me dumping my brainrot here, i'm sorry in advance
Lol, just said this actually! Mainly Mirtala and Chloe becoming friends could be really neat! I can see Queepie fighting Bobby.
I like the idea that the two run away together for fun and independence instead of like trying to become a great psychonaut like Raz. But then they realize they need to help stop the bad things from happening and work together to fight against Oleander and Loboto.
If only one or the other run away though, I think it would have to be a few years into the future, or all the Aquatos are just a bit older because even though all the Aquato kids are pretty independent because of their upbringing, I still see Mirtala and Queepie as needing their family a lot.
Queepie a bit less, but in order to get to the Whispering Rock camp I feel he would need to be a couple years older (maybe only like one or two considering how independent he already is).
Mirtala would definitely need a few more years and a pretty big push to run away I think. Probably a big fight where her powers come out explicitly and she is afraid so leaves to try and find a place to help her stop having these powers (or to control them at the very least) which brings her to Whispering Rock.
It would be cool if in any of these scenarios Raz ends up coming along halfway through and Mirtala and/or Queepie have to save her as even though she is a powerful psychic naturally, she had no idea what was going on in the camp and was captured and had her brain sneezed out.
All this to say that Mirtala has enough psychic abilities to even do so. So I would personally never have a Mirtala runaway AU because I see her as having almost no psychic ability at all. Though I could probably think of some Queepie runaway scenarios if given enough time.
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only semi related, but one of my favourite parts of psychobent (that dead psychonauts homestuck au me and a few other folks came up with, in case ya dont remember) was telios.
part of the lore of psychobent was that the maliik family (trolls have family dynamics in this au, dw about it) were the fuschiablood rulers of alternia, but theodr and his wife (we never agreed on a name for her) were killed in the deluge, and their son gristl was presumed dead.
after the deluge, power fell to the lobotos, a pair of high ranking violetbloods. the two of them had extreme anti-psychic/psiionic prejudice, and made being one a cullable offense.
their first son, caligo, was a psychic. not wanting to kill their own son, they had him lobotomized. pretty much the same as canon loboto.
telios was the loboto's second son, had much later in their lives. caligo had already been deemed unfit to rule, and the lobotos didnt want the throne to leave their bloodline.
telios was... also a psychic. but he was generally a late bloomer, and having heard stories of what happened to his brother, he quickly began hiding his powers.
when telios' parents died, he was only 5 sweeps old. the only thing he did upon being appointed king was quietly repeal anti-psychic laws.
telios' whole situation has led to him being a very quiet, anxious troll. hes curious about his brother and wants to meet him (telios probably thinks his parents stories about what happened to caligo were exadgerated), but doesnt know where to start in terms of finding him.
h-hixs typixng quixrk ixs that he has a fake stutter and duplixcates hixs is (like the i in psiionics), but censors the second one with an x.
his name is a shortened version of the greek word for "perfect", tying into an iterpertation i really liked of a scene from ror. unfortunately the post (and/or the blog that made it) got deleted >:(
it just occured to me this was kind of a weird triad about my oc, feel free to ignore
eh go on with oc talk, theyre fun !! i like the worldbuilding of the loboto fam taking over after the maliks and i like the idea of loboto having some younger sib who tried to not fall to the same ill fate as him
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doodle17 · 1 year
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"While I was searching the woods for possible specimens, I heard a distant sound of an infant crying. When I went to investigate the loud shrieking, my theory was proven correct! A small boy, who I assume must be at least 6 months old, was washed up by the river. I didn't see any traces of possible guardians or family, so I can only assume that they have perished in the river, and only this child had survived somehow. It seems my suspicions must have been correct when I found a blanket and a small toy not to far from the baby. I would have left the infant, but there was something that's keeping me from proceeding with my searching. I have decided to take the infant back to the lab with me to conduct research."
*claps hands together loudly* SO here's the au thingy I was talking 'boooouuuuuttt
BASICALLY it's about how Loboto found little baby Raz in the woods and decides to take him in! He eventually grows a soft spot for the little guy, and basically becomes his dad, and is raised with the help of Shegor and the many inmates of the Asylum!
I've never drawn Cal before, so this was quite an experiment with facial expressions and body language, also TONS of stylization. I hope I did at least an okay job.
Anyways this au might have a chokehold on me for a good while because holy shit was it fun to create
Special shoutout to my buddy @nhieeeeen who helped me with some ideas for this! They're a real one
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psitaniumpsichosis · 3 months
Thoughts on dragon biology for the au and how some characters differ from each other physically speaking?
Glad to elaborate!
So, dragons in all of my aus are extremely diverse-- fur, feathers, scales, fins, manes, tusks, etc-- nothing is really off the table when it comes to their genetics.
(more below the cut because this is getting really long)
(Rhombus of Ruin spoilers down toward the bottom)
(also cw: traumatic events and mild body horror mention at the bottom)
Dragons, as mentioned in my initial post about this au, can shapeshift -- primarily human and dragon forms, but some (like Ford) can change into a wide variety of creatures. But most forms will keep parts of the dragon form-- such as fins, horns, spikes, that stuff.
Genetics of course vary between families and individuals. For instance, the Aquato dragons are very aquatic with many fins and streamlined bodies. They have larger wings with membranes that extend down the hind legs to aid in swimming, their tails having large fans to propel and steer underwater and in the air.
Meanwhile dragons like, say, Milla-- those are more mammalian with fur that ranges from thick coats to thin coverings like Sasha. Milla herself has hooves that resemble a deer or goat, and she has whiskers that can help navigate in a tight spot.
The Zanottos are more avian in appearance, with snouts that end in beaks-- feathered wings, spikes down their backs, and actual manes of hair. Lili took a few more aspects from her mother-- having whiskers, fins down her tail, and hooves on her back legs. Truman and Bob are both very avian.
Then there are wyverns like Coach Oleander. No forelegs, and stronger back legs. They're typically smaller than average, and don't usually have the fins or fur that most other dragons have. Extra horns are very common with them as an extra defense due to their small size and weak attack strength.
When it comes to human forms, there are two variations-- indistinguishably human, and hybrid. Dragons can look as human as you or me to fit in, with no hint toward their heritage unless they willingly show you. Then there's the hybrid forms, where extra things like horns, back fins, claws, fangs, and eyes match that of their dragon form. Most also keep their wings and tails in this form.
They're fascinating really, something I like brainstorming about and planning.
Speaking of brains, let's take a stab at our favorite Dr. Loboto...
We all know how he got how he is -- a detrimental lobotomy at a very young age. But how does that translate into dragons?
Believe me when I say I've put a lot of thought into this. After a lot of debate, I've settled on a painful but very fitting appearance for our deranged dentist.
At first the lobotomy didn't seem to do anything but take his magic away, but as he aged up he started to change-- morphing into a very painful gruesome mid-way point between his dragon and human form. The pain was enough to drive him even more mad.
He can shift into his full dragon form or full human form, but only under extreme stress or extreme calm-- both of which are kind of difficult to achieve with how his brain works. Dragon means stress, human means calm and comfortable. Unfortunately, he's always halfway between those.
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sxrrandomfanfics · 2 years
How truth reveal would happen in diginauts au?
Oh there are so many Truth Reveals in Psychonauts in general! Twist villains, the lot of them.
PN1's reveal of Coach Oleander - As the days go on, Raz and Lili realize that the only counselor who didn't fight any of the forced megas was Coach Oleander. In fact he tried to discourage Sasha and Milla from fighting as well. Raz and Lili put together that he wanted the megas specifically, possibly to control them and are about to go tell the other when Lili's Floramon gets infected. Raz has to deal with the rest of the fights with Orcamon, which are against Loboto (a coder "Computer Doctor," rather than a dentist) and his Warumonzaemon. There's also Coach and his BlackMegaGargomon fight. And if included, Lili's Gryphomon Super Boss.
PN:RoR's reveal of Loboto's past - Going into individual computers not only changes the environment each person enters in the digital world, but also there's plenty of code around the desktop information. As the Datanauts are trying to purge the viruses, they start to pull up data on Loboto and his family, eventually coming across the medical records and how he befriended a WaruMonzaemon. He doesn't even partner with a rookie!!
PN2's reveal of Nick being the villain - Figured out right when Raz is explaining that Nick needed a specific flashdrive trade with one of Otto's. Raz was just trying to be a good intern and get everything done right away, not realizing that Nick and his partner were going to try to force digivolve the two Lalamon on the flashdrive, one already being infected with a virus that turned it into more of a thorny bur than a flower.
PN2's reveal of Maligula - The Maligula reveal is in 2 parts "who was Maligula before her turn?" and "where is Maligula now?" Both of which are answered through the Lalamon. The corrupted Lalamon leads the rest of the Digi-Pioneers to come back together to stop it again, including Helmut and Lucy. The second question is answered with the other Lalamon trying to see that Marona is alive, only to find that it's not Marona, it's her sister. Which is explained to Raz and that Lalamon as part of recounting the corruption of the twin Lalamon.
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anonymouspuzzler · 9 months
While I know it isn't fully your AU, how did poor Cali fair the events of Psychonauts 2 in your take on the Uncle Cally AU?
i saved this ask for Ages because I wanted to draw something big and bold for it! i didn't do that but i DID draw this that got the energy across and will say a lot of words in an order under the cut!!
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[Image ID: A black-and-white digital ink drawing of Caligosto from Frankie and Puzz's "Uncle Cally" AU. He is wearing large round glasses like his childhood self, has shoulder-length shaggy hair with a kerchief tied in it, an Aquato Circus unitard with baggy shorts over it, knee-high laced boots, a high-collared shawl, fingerless gloves, and an elbow-to-wrist sleeve on his right arm only. He is drawn in a sketchy, inky style, staring directly at the viewer ominously, standing with his arms held at his sides, hands splayed out menacingly. There are numerous telekinetic hands around him. End ID.]
so my interpretation of Uncle Cally changed a lot post-Psychonauts 2, understandably, and as always whenever I talk Uncle Cally I have to give enormous credit to Friend of Frankie for 1) coming up with and selling me on the idea in the first place, and 2) always being so game to bounce ideas off each other in ways that allowed me to cook on pretty much everything I'm about to say. but more or less, I took what was already in this version of Cal (taking on work that was morally ambiguous at best and using his psychic powers in an effort to protect his family from the many unseen-yet-implied Enemies Of The Aquatos) and reinterpreted that with what Psychonauts 2 then elaborated on with regards to the Aquatos' history and particularly Nona, and where I landed was this:
Cal, post-Psychonauts 2, realizes he was being put down a path to become a successor to Maligula.
Not intentionally, mind. It couldn't be - Nona didn't remember that part of her life, not consciously. but Cal always did get flashes of a different Nona when it was just the two of them - a Nona that insisted he had to use his powers to keep Augustus safe, that he had a responsibility to protect the family no matter the cost. a more haunted Nona. and Cal took it all to heart, doing things he knew were wrong for the sake of protecting his family. even by the point of Psychonauts 1 and RoR, when the things he was doing started backfiring and getting his own family involved and endangered, I think he thought it was a terrible fluke, that he still believed he was doing the wrong things for the right reasons.
and then, you know. he finds out about Maligula. how Lucrecia became Maligula in the name of using her powers to protect her country and her family; how what little fragments were left of her had been feeding Cal that same logic and leading him down the same path. I think it made him horrified and angry, at Nona and even moreso at himself, and left him grappling with how he could deal with that hurt and betrayal without just... continuing to worsen the harm that had already been done to everyone involved. much like Augustus, he has to kinda retreat and spend a lot of time mulling things over, and in some ways I think he does take it even harder. (it definitely makes him finally turn his back on any further work as "Dr. Loboto", and I think maybe between that + Raz's involvement + his little kinda sorta crush on Oleander he starts considering work with the Psychonauts in the aftermath of Everything.)
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reikiajakoiranruohoja · 7 months
Ten lines
Tagged by @ladystormcrow
We all have to live with our choices (Multi-Crossover. Steven Universe, Dark Crystal and Psychonauts. Rated E)
(Azure gets transported into another reality and fun times are had with a certain dentist.)
"They were chasing her, jaws snapping and lifeless eyes focused on her."
All above board (Dark Crystal+Psychonauts. Rated Gen)
(A strange new skeksis joins the Castle, skekSil does not approve.)
"It was a rarity to meet another skeksis he was unfamiliar with."
Neuro Surgeries on abscessed teeth (Psychonauts. Rated T)
(An AU where Loboto gets used as a test subject. Bad things happen.)
"So you are certain you have it all written down?"
Wonders of the Wilderness (Dark Crystal.)
(Brea decides to play biologist with the skeksis, cue trouble. Rated T)
It was a quiet day in the Castle of the Crystal, unusually so for Brea.
What was Sundered will be further fractured (Dark Crystal. Rated T) (SkekSo and skekCel's family come for a visit.)
"No blood was as sacred as the blood of the nobles, no light was as bright as their light and their purity."
Age of Destruction (Dark Crystal. Rated T)
(An AU asking the question; What if the skeksis had drained podlings instead of gelfling.)
"Drink today, for tomorrow we will die."
To exist is to defy (Dark Crystal. Rated Gen) (skekEkt ponders on his place in the Uni-Verse.)
"He never did belong there, among the spires and the skies."
The Peace Alliance (Dark Crystal. Rated T) (What if the Court realised skekSo was ill?)
"There was very little to do as the world grew more and more mad around him."
For the Flock (Dark Crystal. Rated T) (Young skeksis hunt together.)
"The herd had settled itself in a clearing."
Little one- Life goes on (Steven Universe. Rated T) (Vignettes of life in the Little One setting.)
"Getting Azure to settle down was, even for a diamond ( and a Spinel) quite a task. "
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