#Logan and magneto are not friends but have this weird understanding between them
marvelstars · 1 month
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This quote by DeMayo is a great character analysis of Magneto´s and Logan´s character.
Here Logan was quoting what Magneto said to the X-men as a warning before they went to confront the sentinels on S1 X-men TAS 92 "The Brave are the first to die"
People often forget those two are characters who had lived and survived in many wars, have seen and done the best and the worst, so don´t believe for a moment Logan´s pragmatic mind didn´t understand why Magneto did the EMP or can´t see the pain Magneto is living in right now, he just is also in the possition/the need to stop Magnus now that he has almost lost his mind completely and the reason he does this is because he doesn´t want Charles or the X-men to do it, because he knows they can´t, they won´t, they want to keep dreaming this option isn´t neccesary ever but they always keep Logan close by just in case.
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This comment completes the analysis very well, Magneto got what Logan meant with those words.
"I am sorry but I have to stop you"
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Another great quote for character analysis
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