#Loke needs a glow up because some of the art I did for him last year in the (stupid) magister armour is not as nice as how I draw him now
kiki-shortsnout · 3 years
I’m sending you a million prompts! #24 teasing for Frostironstrange! 💚❤️💙 Thanks!
No problem! I've having fun writing all these small pieces! Thank you so much for the prompt!
Tony threw his pen down onto the table, making it clatter as loudly as he could to show his annoyance. Fury ignored it, fixing him with an unimpressed stare before turning back to his holographic presentation. He hated meetings, did anything he could to avoid them. SHIELD briefings, Avenger meetings, hours of listening to Stark Industry shareholders, he dodged them all.
Anything. He’d rather be doing anything else.
Alright, that wasn’t strictly true, Tony had no problems with the Avenger briefings, or their informal troubleshooting meetings where they discussed how they were going to deal with future villains. Tony’s favorite meetings, the ones he never missed, were about the new recruits they were teaching. Something had been unearthed in Tony ever since he’d been mentoring Peter, a nurturing advisor side that he’d never been aware of.
That was what Fury had lured him here with, the promise that they’d highlighted some interesting individuals to bring into the fold. As soon as Tony had pushed his way through the glassy black doors of the conference room, spotting Stephen sitting on one of the pristine leather office chairs, Tony had tried to back out of the room, stopping only when Stephen hissed out his name.
Making his displeasure known with every plodding footstep, Tony had thrown himself into a chair opposite the wizard, slumping over on the huge oval table between them. The only silver lining in this boring bureaucratic meeting was the fact Loki had teleported in part of the way through, apologizing on behalf of Valkyrie and the citizens of New Asgard for his tardiness, pulling out the chair beside Stephen and sitting.
Apart from Stephen’s initial command that Tony stay here, neither of his lovers had acknowledged his presence, both avidly listening to Fury’s monotonous speech about budgets and government legislation. It was all important stuff, Tony wasn’t denying that, but it was Clint’s turn to attend one of these to represent the Avengers.
Tony wondered where he was hiding, and why he hadn’t thought of it first.
Tapping his finger on the table, Tony glanced up at the presentation, biting down the sarcastic comment he had about SHIELD technology and how FRIDAY was far superior, quickly scanning over the relevant information to make sure he understood what was being said.
His gaze flickered over to his lovers again, Loki now stretched back so he could murmur in Stephen’s ear, probably asking for clarification on what was being spoken about. Fury faltered in his speech as he caught Loki whispering, but he said nothing, probably worried he would bring tension to the diplomatic peace they had with the Asgardians.
Tony’s relationship with the other two wasn’t known by many others. Pepper and Rhodey knew, as did Wong, although Tony wasn’t sure he approved after watching him hide himself every time he and Loki spent time at the Sanctum. The only other people who knew were Thor and Valkyrie, who had both been happy for them all, Thor shedding a tear in acknowledgement of his baby brother growing up.
Tony snorted a laugh at that, catching the attention of everyone around the table.
‘Something you wanted to add, Stark?’
‘Nope not me, continue,’ Tony waved obnoxiously, grinning as Fury’s eye twitched.
He chanced a glance towards the other two, but they’d turned their attention back to the presentation, Loki’s teeth biting into his lower lip in concentration, doing nothing to indicate he was in an intimate relationship with the Sorcerer sat beside him. Tony wasn’t ashamed of his partners, and he knew they weren’t of him, but he was firmly of the mind that sometimes the fewer people knew about his life the better.
The media had a way of warping all his intentions, and he didn’t want anything to jeopardize the positive regard humans had towards the Asgardians, nor did he want the Masters of the Mystic Arts to be revealed, and Stephen’s ties to them.
It was unfortunate, Tony wanted to show his partners off to the world, to show how happy he was with them, but the people who mattered knew, and that was enough for him.
Tony felt a slight itch at the back of his neck, and he reached up to scratch it, checking for any loose threads on his shirt collar or stray hairs. Loki’s hair was always getting caught up in his stuff, strands of it caught in his rug, his bed, his shower.
Resting his elbow on the table, he let his eyes go unfocused as he listened to Fury drone on, his mind returning to the project he’d been working on before he’d been summoned. After he’d finished calculating equations in his head, his thoughts turned to the other two sat across from him, wondering if could schedule some sort of date for them.
He hadn’t seen them both in days, bordering on just over a week now.
A tickle ran up the inside of his calf, and he reached down to scratch it, frowning when it continued to tease up his leg towards his knee, feeling suspiciously like a hand. Glancing down beneath the table, Tony couldn’t see anything but his jean-clad legs crossed at the ankle. Suspicious, he glanced over towards Loki, but he was asking Fury a question, his eloquent voice and accent spreading across the room, and Tony could see the effect it was having on the female SHIELD members.
He was such a flirt.
Running his tongue over the back of his teeth, Tony turned his gaze to Stephen who was engrossed in the dialogue between Loki and Fury, his eyes gentle in that specific way of his Tony only ever saw when the wizard was looking at them both.
Not them then.
Writing the whole experience off as an overactive imagination mingling with his intense desire to see them both again, Tony crossed his legs at the knee and leant back in his chair, folding his arms over his chest. He startled as something forcibly wrenched his knees apart, sending him face-first towards the table.
The slap of his palms slamming into the table made several people jump, the woman beside him dropping her pen and notebook onto the floor.
‘Stark!’ Fury barked, banging his own hands down on the table. ‘Interrupt me again and I’ll have you placed on a recon mission in the middle of nowhere!’
‘A bit pointless if there’s nothing there…but noted. Sorry, lost my balance…’ he trailed off, clenching his jaw, refusing to back down, both to Fury and the two playing a prank on him.
Tony was well aware of what the game was, and he was already at a disadvantage, craving their touch because of the time spent away from them, and because he was now powerless to them both. He couldn’t defend himself, there was no physical person to restrain.
The touches caressed his skin with varying pressure, and he knew which was which, could easily pick out the firm, confident touch of Loki, and the trembling, reverent touch of Stephen. Neither of them touched anywhere intimate, but Tony felt himself swaying into the touch, shuddering when he could feel ghostly fingers tease up the side of his neck, clasping gently before they swept up to behind his ears, massaging and then grazing along the shell of them.
He managed to turn his moan into a cough, clenching his hand into a fist and bringing it up to his mouth as he hid his expressions. A weight settled in his lap, and he knew it was Stephen’s. He didn’t need to glance over and see the tiny smirk on his mouth, he knew that Loki, despite his slender form, was far heavier.
‘If anyone doesn’t have any questions?’ Fury brought the meeting to a close, and Tony glared at the two of them across the table, trying to shove all of his emotions into his eyes, hoping they could read his mind and not draw this out any longer.
‘There is something I wish to speak to Stark about concerning the output energy of our arc reactor, but I have no questions for you. I believe you have put your points across well, and I will relay these concerns to our king on your behalf.’ Loki’s voice flowed from him like he was unaware of what his touches had been doing to Tony, like he wasn’t affected by the game he’d been playing.
‘Doctor Strange, can I have a word with you outside for a minute?’ Fury directed at Stephen, his eye darting between the three of them, and Tony wondered if he’d figured it out, if he knew what had been happening during the briefing. Despite his usual ability to hide everything behind a poker face, Tony felt himself grow warm, and he knew he was blushing.
Loki waited until everyone had filed out, not even looking at Stephen as he left to talk with Fury. His eyes were focused on Tony, the vibrant green seeming to glow in the dim room, snatching the breath from his chest as they waited.
He only lingered for a heartbeat after the door had shut and then he teleported across the room into Tony’s lap, his hands mimicking the touch across his neck and ears from earlier and his tongue thrust deep into Tony’s mouth.
‘Are all Midgardian government meetings so tedious?’ Loki panted when he broke away, reaching down to flick his tongue across Tony’s ear, his hands clutching him close, like he too had suffered from the time spent apart.
‘I’ve sat in one of your Asgardian ones, that was far worse,’ Tony gasped, trying to stretch up to get Loki’s mouth back on his, aching for a kiss.
‘Have you missed me, Anthony?’ Loki purred down at him, leaning down so his chest rested on Tony’s, magic holding Tony to the chair as he kept his mouth out of reach.
‘I’ve missed you both.’
‘Always playing favorites,’ Loki scoffed, refusing to let Tony kiss him.
‘The cruel teasing has you written all over it, Lokes,’ Tony grinned.
‘Actually, it was my idea.’ Stephen’s rumbling voice interrupted, the sparks of his portal raining down onto the floor.
‘I hate you both,’ Tony growled.
‘That’s not what you said last week,’ Stephen told him. ‘In fact, why don’t we have a repeat performance, and you can scream how much you hate us.’
Tony gulped, the movement not unnoticed by Loki still perched on him who smirked and leant down to swipe his tongue over Tony’s larynx.
‘Don’t worry, beloved, we’ll replace all those teasing touches with our hands…or mouths,’ he whispered into Tony’s ear. ‘You deserve a reward after listening to all that drivel.’
Tony yelped as a portal opened beneath him, the chair banished away by emerald magic as he collapsed backwards onto Stephen’s bed.
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