#Loner Outcode
capricioussun · 2 years
I’m procrastinating so I’m going to make a post about Ash.
Ash is an outcode(?) Asriel I first conceptualized…twoish years ago?? His “AU” wasn’t actually just an AU, it existed within the multiverse with partial awareness of it, of the “original” universe, etc, and would sometimes interact with travelers or others who exist partially outside of the standard universes.
I won’t get too into it, but Ash wound up trapped outside of his home universe before a war broke out. His code became altered by the places he was trapped before ultimately finding a way back, but by that point it was too late and very little was left of the home he loved. He did what he could, but after a time, he left, traveling out into the multiverse. Initially, he sought revenge against some of those responsible for the many hardships in his life, but eventually, he began to move past what happened, both before and after the war, and now spends much of his time helping others protect and stabilize the “timelines”.
Some fun facts. He has a soft spot for kids and Papyruses (he eventually becomes close with Void), though he also tends to try not to forge any strong emotional bonds. He prefers to be more of a loner, but he’s not cold to others, either. He fights with his dual blades, but practices archery as a hobby, and eventually takes up knitting, too. He reads (mostly fiction) and journals often, spending personal time exploring and camping in the denser, more nature-y parts of his favored verses. He loves scones, especially Void’s earl grey lavender scones, but isn’t much for baking or cooking himself, outside of what he needs to do to feed himself. Beside Void, he gets along well with Star (Swap Comic Papyrus), and a yet un-nicknamed older “monster” demi-god…guy (who basically becomes everyone’s adopted grandpa). Frivolous technology confuses him, but he actually isn’t too bad with science stuff! Also loves to star gaze…
Ash is probably around 7’ tall, he has light grey fur that’s a little course but softer underneath, he keeps his horns trimmed for reasons he doesn’t talk about and has a large burn-like scar over the left side of his face. He’s mostly blind in that eye, but can see vague impressions of soul presences through it. He’s generally kind and respectful, but he is fierce in what he believes and not someone you’d want to make an enemy of. He’s a good boy and I love him.
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Here’s the outfit for Loner! Coloring will be posted soon!
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